The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
/ Friday, August 5, 1949 WILLIAMSON-BARKER VOWS SPOKEN Marriage Vows were spoken by Miss Janet Williamson and Mr. Kenneth Eldon Barker, in a double ring ceremony performed by Dr. Paul H. Elliott at the Ce- darville Presbyterian Church Sat urday at 8 p. m. The bride is_the daughter o f’ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Wil liamson, Turnbull Road, near Ce- darville. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Barker, 325 Sherman St., Galion, 0., are the parents o f the bride groom. A program of nuptial music was presented preceding the service by Mrs. M, C. Pennypacker (Nancy Williamson), sister o f the bride, and Mrs. Rankin McMillan, Ce- darville, organist. Mrs. Penny- packer sang ‘Through The Years' “ In My Garden” and “ Because.” A t the close o f the candlelight ceremony she sang “ The Lord's Prayer.” The ceremony was performed before an altar decorated with four seven-branch candelabra and baskets o f white gladioli. The pews were markej.1 with candles and ribbons. Miss Williamson had as her maid of honor, her sister, Miss Mildred Williamson. The brides maids were Miss Martha Barker*, of Galion, sister of the bride groom, and Miss Joan Jobe, Ce- darville. Connie W i l l i a m s o n, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Lau rence .Williamson, Arlington, Va., and a niece of the bride, was flower girl. Miss Williamson, maid of honor appeared in a gown o f pink mar- qusette over taffeta, styled with a bertha collar, fitted bodice and a full skirt. Miss Jobe and Miss Barker wore similarly-fashioned gowns, of orchid. The flower girl was dress in a white frock. They carried heart-shaped bouquets of flowers, outlined with lace and clustered with rnbrum lilies, ste- phanotis and ribbons and wore matching gauntlets. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a gown of white slipper satin fashioned with a calla lily collar* a scalloped peplum, fitted bodice and sleeves tapering to points over her hands. The skirt of her gown extended into a long scalloped train. Her bridal veil was held in place with a braided head band. A double strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom, was worn by the bride. Her bridal bouquet was fashioned of white roses and white orchids, Mr. Dan Kolarik, Elyria, 0., served as best man. Four frater nity brother of Mi*. Barker were ushers. They were Messrs. How ard Adams, Xenia: Merrill Games, Cincinnati; Carl Huston, Cleve land, and Ghai-les James, Wil mington. All are members of Del ta Tau Delta Fraternity, Gary White, Cleveland, the bride groom’s nephew, was ring bearer. The parents of the bride were hosts at a reception at their home following the ceremony. The Williamson home was decorated with gladioli and greenery. Mrs. Williamson received the guests in an aqua crepe floor-length gown complemented with white accessories. Mrs. Barker wore a dusty rose gown with white ac cessories. Both had sweetheart rose corsages. For a wedding trip to Canada, Mrs, Barker chose a pearl gray suit with Dacia brown accessor ies. She wore an-orchid corsage. The couple will reside at 428 S. Main Street, Bowling Green, 0 . Mrs. Barker is a graduate of Bowling Green State University and lias taken a teaching position as physical education instructor in North Baltimore, 0. Mr. Barker is a senior at Bowling Green Uni versity. Out-of-town guests were pres ent from Washington, D. G., Cherrynale, Kan., Atlanta, Ga., Bowling Green, Dayton, Galion, Springfield, Arlington, Va., War ren, Cleveland and Xenia. FORMER CEDARVILLE GIRL TO MARRY Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Borst of New Carlisle, formerly of Ce- darville, are announcing the ap proaching marriage o f their daughter, Miss Marghret Louise, to Mr. Thomas Theodore Tag gart of Springfield, Aug. 20, at 4:30 p. m. in the New Carlisle Presbyterian Church. Miss Borst, whose father for merly was athletic coach at Ce darville College, was graduated in June from Wittenberg College, Springfield, where she was a member o f Alpba Xi Delta Soror- ltSMr. Taggart, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mont Taggart, 1116 Ma son Street, Springfield, attended Ohio State University and is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity. Ho will enter the col lege o f law ,at Ohio State in the fall. Rev. E. Howard McClmtock, pastor o f Northminister Presby terian Church, Springfield, will officiate at the ceremony. For her maid of honor the bride will have Miss Barbara Wolfe of Zanesville, her college roomatc. The bridesmaids will be Misses Carolyn Morris, New Carlisle; Mar'- Emerson, New Philadelphia; Marian M i 11 e r, Wheeling, W. Va.., and Margaret Rankin, Leetonia, 0 . Miss Caro lyn Ann Borst, the bride’s sister, will be junior bridesmaid. Mr. John M. Taggart, Spring- field, will serve as. best man fo r his brother and the ushers will be Messrs. Richard Mozier, Rop- ert Brebbevman and Roger Hall, Springfield; Willard. Barrere, Co lumbus, and Max Borst, New Carlisle. a brother of the bride. A reception will be held in the church parlors following the ceremony. CELEBRATES 30th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fields entertained a group o f friends and relatives Sunday honoring the 30th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Fields parents Mr. and Mrs. George Martindale of Springfield. Guests were Mr. and Mr* Warren Hesket and children, Mr. and .Mrs. George M. Martindale of South Vienna. Mr. Leonard Hei- ronimus, Sidney, Mi*, and Mrs. Gerald White o f Sidney, Mrs. Esther Little and Mrs. Addie Glass of Cedarville. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. K. Stormont. Mrs. Paul Elliott and Miss Florence Williamson were in charge o f the program, “ Medical Missions., Mrs. Stormont was assisted by Miss Ora Hanna in serving refresh ments. KYN CLUB HOLDS PICNIC Members of the K. Y . N. Club and their families will hold a picnic, Friday evening, August 19, at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Devoe. INJURED WHILE SWIMMING Larry Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Connor .receved a se vere cut on, his knee while swim ming. Tne cut required nine clamps. ATTENDS LECTURES IN LOUISVILLE KY. Rev. Paul Elliott attended lectures at the Presbyterian Sem inary in Louisville, Ky. this past week. Guests at the Elliott home are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitken of Canton, 0 . Mr. Aitken is Mrs. Elliott’s son. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF TWINS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fife, Jr., are announcing the birth of twins, Phyllis Kav and Philip ICieth, Monday at Springfield City hospital. ENTERTAINS FRIENDS AT A PICNIC Sally Kay Creswell entertained twelve friends at a picnic supper in her yard Tuesday evening, honoring Milliccnt Jacobs o f Day- ton, who spent the month o f July with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Iliff, Guests were Carol Sue Duvall, Carolyn Collins, Patty Davis, Nancy Cres well. Janice Kay Wilburn, Max Williamson, Tommy Ewry, Allan Sexton, Dale P.ecd, David Lafferty and Mike Townsley o f Wellsville. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY WITH PARTY THURSDAY Mary Lee, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cummings, Cedar ville, who observed her Gth-birth- day Thursday, was honored at a party arranged by her mother at the Cummings home in the after noon. Games were played and an ice course was served. The birthday cake was bake in the shape o f a miniature lamb, Mary Lee’s guests were Joan and Janet Cummings, Janet and Margaret Ann McClellan, Betty Lou and Charlotte Charles, Julie Staigers, Sqe Reynolds, Claire Cummings, Kathleen Cahill and Alice Mae Evans. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY Miss Mary Jo Duvall was sur prised Friday evening when a par ty was arranged honoring her sixteenth birthday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Char les Duvall. Guests were Jane Djivis, Martha Swaby, Nancy Har ris, Patsy Collier, Corena Wise man, Faye Huston, Janet Hull, Mary Carol Creswell, Joan Ham-* man, Jo Anne Sheely, Jane Mac Gregor, Jeanne Huston and Mary Jo, Martha Ann and Carol Sue Duvall; Doug Cultice, Dick Wil liamson, Don Ghesnut, Jim Lut- tvell, Jim Turnbull, Jack Irvine, Kent Williamson, George Steph ens, Roger Collins, Bob William son, Don Baldwin, Jerry Wilburn, Don Ileidorn, Mrs. Mary Horton and sons, Bill and John, of Cin cinnati, and Mrs. Granstaff o f Wilmington. WOMAN’S SOCIETY HOLDS PICNIC The Woman’s Society o f the Methodist Church will hold a pic nic Wednesday, August 10 at noon at the home of Mrs. Fred Wilburn. Bring covered dish & table service. The Selma Ladies will be guests. ACCEPTS POSITION TO TEACH Mrs. Dorothy Evans has ac cepted a position to teach the ' first and second grades in Yel low Springs this coming year. SERIOUSLY ILL Mr. George Creswell is seri ously ill at his home after suffer ing a stroke the past week. ENTERTAINS MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. Herman Stevenson enter tained the Missionary society of the Church of God at her home, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. El- wood Palmer gave a reading on Farm Women o f Germany. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Stevenson. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The Missionary Society of the U. P. Church m e the church Thursday evening. Guest speaker was Mrs. Herman Eavey of Xe nia. Mrs. Eavey also showed pic tures o f Egypt. The pictures were made by her daughter Mrs. Dorothy Rankin, who is a mis sionary there. The Young ladies and junior societies were guests for the evening. Fifty-two mem bers were served refreshments by Mrs. Raymond Spracklin, Mrs. Fred Ewry and Mrs. Charles Coulter.1 McIvIBBEN BIBLE CLASS MEETS The McKibben Bible Class held a picnic supper at the shelter house Friday evening. Following the supper a short business meet ing was held. Mrs. Thorn Ridge way who is moving soon was pre sented a g ift by the class. Com mittee in charge was Mr. and B etter Buy Mese B etter ?/ Dark Sweet Cherries West Bay No.2 can .................. 25c Cherriesauce Fine Dessert No. 2 can ....................... 33c Oleomargine Merritt Brand 2 lbs. ............. 33c Apple Butter Adams 28 oz. J a r ........... ........................... 15c Oxydol Lge B o x .............. 24c Iced Tea Blend 8 oz. box 49c Dill Pickles Merritt Brand Qt. J a r ................................19e% Milk Green Pasture Tall c a n ............. ............. 11c Hersbey Choc. Syrup 16 oz. c a n ..................................... 15c Vinegar Bring Jug Bulk G a l............... - .................. 49c Corn Std. Brand No. 2 can 10c G^een Beans No. 2 can .... 10c QUALITYMEATS ‘ Fruited Picnics -Ready to Eat Swift’s Premium Braunsch- ............................. lb. 65c w eiger....... ...............pkg. 39c Cottage Hams (Boneless) Armours Weiners lb. pkg. 54c ........................ ... lb. 89c Ocean Perch - Fillets lb. 39c HARNER&HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET Mrs. Harold Cooley, Mr. and Mrs- Lewis Lillick, Mrs. Helen Dean and Mrs. Theo Parker. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Dale Stevenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stevenson cele brated his 9th birthday, with a party at his home Saturday af ternoon. Contest prizes were won by Gale Miller, Ernest Williams and Kent Palmer. Eleven guests were served cup cakes with cand les on them and ice cream sodas. HOSTESSES AT » DINNER PARTY Misses Mary and Florence Wil liamson were hosesses at a din ner party at their home Friday evening, preceeding the rehear sal of the wedding of Janet Wil liamson to Kenneth Barker. Twenty-five guest3 including the wedding party were entertained. OCCUPY HOME FOR MONTH Mrs. Rhodes, teacher at OSSO home will occupy the home,, of Mrs. J. W. Johnston for the month o f August. UNDERWENT MAJOR OPERATION Mr. Homer Pollock underwent a major operation in Spring- field city hospital this past week. SPENDING VACATION IN MAINE Mrs. Irene Ghesnut and sons Don and Dr. James Chesnut of Miami Valiev hospital are spend ing two weeks vacation in Maine. Dr. Chesnut in on vacation from his duties as house physician at Miami Valley hospital. ANNOUNCE BIRTH . OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stephens are announcing the birth of a daughter Thursday, in Spring- field City hospital. GOLDEN RULE CLASS MEETS The* Golden Rule Class met Friday evening in the Method ist Church. Mrs. Clyde McCallis- ter had charge of devotions. Host esses were Mrs. Pearl Huffman, Mrs. Wilbur Lemons and Mrs. Maywood Horney. Mrs. Cora Trumbo was honored on her birth day with a birthday cake and guests were served^ ice cream with cake. HOLDS PICNIC AT INDIAN MOUND The Youth Fellowship group of the Methodist Church held a picnic at Indian Mound Sunday evening. Following the picnic the group held out door devotions around a camp fire. Ann Huff man was leader. WESLEY CLASS HAS ' COVERED DISH DINNER ’ The Wesley Class of the Meth odist Church met with a covered dish dinner Sunday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. "Paul Boroff. Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Mary Pickering. After a business meeting a social hour was enjoyed. Mr. Kenneth Linson, Mr. Ir vine Linson and Mr. Cecil Hus ton of Husted are on a two weeks trip to Charlton Ontario, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley are home after several days-visit of places of interest in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Howell are spending several - days at Russell’s Point. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wisecup and Mrs. Ary o f Xenia are visiting two weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, Bowling Green spent the week end with the latters parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Townsley. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders are attending sum mer school at Bowling Green. Mr. and Mrs. Russell.Wisecup aud Mr. and -Mrs. -Earl Ott of Bellfontaine are on a two weeks fishing trip to northern Minne sota. Mrs. Nellie Hershey, Cincimiati visited this past week wjth her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson entertained a group of relatives and friends, with a dinner Mon day evening honoring Dr. and Mrs. Will McMillan of Chicago, who are visiting here. Miss Babe Woosley, Cherry Vale Kansas a ■cousin, of Mrs, - Williamson' is also a guest at .the Williamson home. Kent Burba, Grand Rapids Mich., arrived Saturday to visit his grandparents Mr. arid Mrs'. James Duffield. Mrs. Bertha Bryan has Return-; ed to her home in Jamestown after several weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones. Mrs. A. E. Richards visited a. few days with her son and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huffman and daughter Ann spent a few days this past week at Mountain Top Inn in West Va., and visited several points o f interest around Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Nagley and daughter of Arlington Va., are visiting at the home of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nagley. Bill Nagley has been at the home of his grand parents several weeks. Mi*, and .Mrs. William iHarbi- son and Mr. Garl Kennedy are returning this week after ;a two weeks trip to Yellow Stone Na tional nark. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobs and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edington in Bowers- ville. Miss Lois Jacobs is enjoy ing a vacatipn from her duties at the Xenia Gazette. This week Skt. Paul E. Bowen o f Ft. Sheri dan III., will spend a several day furlough at the Jacobs home. Sgt. Bowen is a brother of Mrs. Ja cobs. less than two-thirds .of. said ap praised value. ■ TERMS OFi SALE: 10% on day of sale, balance, within two weeks in cash. Sold by- order* b f the Probate Court of t Greene County, Ohio, in Case Ns.- 592T entitled ^Carrie MV Rife, Exti’XV oF- Emma. R . Marsh, dec’d., vs. John Howard Roudeljushj, et al.„ .defendants.” Miller & Finney, Attorneys, •Xenia, Oh io;- ! *• i i- ' , Carrie My Rife^ JDytrx. of Emma R. Marsh, deceased, Cedarville, -Ohio; , Col. Joe-Gordon, Auctioneer Cedarville, Ohio. . (8-5-5t-9«2) ' H r , * " i H.SW.V.V,C m «<A<WW w .«M PRETTY COMPETITOR . . . Miss Jacque Mercer, 19, Phoenix col lege sophomore, named “ Miss Phoenix of 1949,” will compete for title of “ Miss Arizona” and the *fight to represent the state In the “ Miss America” pageant of beauty at Atlantic City, N. J. Mr., and Mrs. J. 0 . Connor, had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mj,*s. Paul Fox ana Mrs. Leo Bennett of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Estle Connor, Mrs. Flora Deck, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brecht and Mr. and Mrs. William Conole and daughter of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith had as guests this past few days, Mr. Smith’s sister Mrs. S. A. Colton of Washington D. C., and his niece Mrs. Allen Kulp o f 1 andon. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier left Sunday to visit their daugh ter ancl son-in-law Mr. and Mrs William Vandervort in Chicago Wednesday they will go to San fa Clause, Ind., where Rev. Col lier will preach at the Methodist Camp meeting there. Elton Frame M-M 1st class arrived Tuesday at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. T. B Frame. Elton will leave Friday to report to Norfolk, Va; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carzoo spent last week near North Bay, Canada, with relatives. Their son Dean, who spent two months in. Canada, returned home with them. They stopped in Cleve land to visit their daughter, Ruth Ann, who is employed there for the summer. Howard Bevis, OSU’s head man, had the university’s bug-ists try out a new moth killer on his rugs. What it did to the bugs is not known, for they .couldn’t find the carpet for the holes in it after the treatment. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of D. W. Gorham, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Ethel G. Gorham has .been duly appoint ed as Executrix of the estate' of D. W. Gorham, deceased, late of Spring Valley Township, Greene County, Ohio, Dated, this 20th day of July, 1949. *; ' WILLIAM B. MeCALLTSTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County,- Ohio, (7-28-31-8-11) By Luella Hov/ser Chief Deputy Clerk deceased, late of Cedarville Vil lage, Greene ..County, Ohio. Dated this 12th. day of July, 1949. : WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser .;§T5 • Chief Deputy Clerk • - ^LEGA u -NOTICE “ ■' "Franklin E. Townsley, who re sides vat 3530; Fourth ;St., Balti more, Maryland, is hereby notified that, Jeanette H.. Tpwnsley has filed a petition against him in the Commofr* Pleas’ Court, Greene County, Ohio, the same being case No, 25940'. The prayer of said pe tition is for , a ' divorce on t h e grounds*of-Gross Neglect of Duty and Extreme Cruelty, and said cause, will come on for hearing be fore the court on or after six full| weeks from the date o f the first publication hereof. Dan M. Aultman Xenia, Ohio Attorney for Plaintiff! LEGAL NOTICE Willie Mae Armes, whose last known place of residence was Tru man, Argansas, will take notice that on July 21st, 1949, M. D, Armes filed his certain action in divorce against her on grounds of gross neglect of duty, said cause being No. 25991 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. Said cause will come on for hear ing' on or after the 5th day of September 1949. -* (7-29-6t-9-2) Shoup -and Hagler Attorneys .for M..D. Armes CLASSIFIEDADS • FOR SALE’—-Davenport a*nd chair §65.00. Marion Hu g h , e s , Phone 6-2691. FOR SALE Fries. Marshall & Cottier, Phone 6-4205 tf Lost—In Cedarville M o n d a y , gold breast pin, reward. Return to Herald office. WANT TO STOP SMOKING? Try NICO-STOP it’s new. It’s easy. It’s G u a r a n t e e d . Get it at BROWN’S DRUGS. Cedarville. (8w) FOR SALE—-Three hundred bushels A -l corn. Phone 6-1014, Mrs. Colin Barber. NOTICE Oliver S. Baker, Cedarville, R. R. 2 for Light Trucking. PARTICULAR ? Send us your film. Blublack Hi-glo?s Jumbo Decide Edge Prints are different. Any 8 exposure roll developed and printed 30c. 12 exposure 45c. 16 exposure 60c. SKYLINE PHOTO P. O. Box 931, Dayton, Ohio. S e n d f o r mailers. ,• (4w) • Legal Notice • LEGAL NOTICE Maude H. Miller, a minor 19 years o f age, ’ whose last known place of residence was R. F. D. 4, London, Kentucky, and Joe Ham mons, the father and natural guar dian of the said Maude II. Miller, will take notice that on the 29th day of _July 1949, Raymond Miller filed his certain action in divorce against the said Maude H. Miller, on grounds of gross -neglect . of duty, said cause being No. 26018 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio.. ' Said cause will come on for hearing on or after six full weeks from the date of the first publica- tibn hereof. (S-S-Ot-O-D) Dan M. Aultman •Attorney for Raymond Miller NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE In pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of* Greene County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at pub lic auction, on. the 3rd day of September, 1949, at 10:00 ^ m,, at the West door of the Court House in the City of Xenia, Ohio, the following described real es tate, to wit: Situate in the Village of Cedar ville, in the County of Greene and State of Ohio, and bounded and de scribed as follows:. • Being the South half o f Lot'No. Sixty (60), abutting on Main Street on-the East and Elm Street on the South'. ’Also the East half of th eSouth half of Lot No. Sixty- one (61) adjoining Lot. No. Sixty. (60) and abutting on Elm Street. Said premises being situate in John Orr’s. second addition to Ce darville, as will be more fully shown by the recored plat of said Village, reference to which is hereby made. Said rdal estate is located on the Northwest corner of Main and Elm Streets in the Village of Ce darville, Ohio., Said premises are appraised at §7,500.00 and must be sold for not LE&AL NOTICE Ethel R; ‘Dbckinejian, "whose ad dress is 14 Spruce Street, Dedham,' Mass., will-take notice’ that on the 22nd day of July/ 1949, Carl B. Dockinejiali filed- his certain peti tion against her for- divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case be ing No. 25,997- on the docket of said court and will come on for hearing on or after the 3rd day of Septem ber, 1949. ALBERT SCHARRER Attorney for Plaintiff Gas & Electric Bldg. Dayton, Ohio (7-29-6t-9-2) LEGAL NOTICE Carl Tolliver, who resides at j Neon, Kentucky, is hereby notifiedl that Florence M. Tolliver* .has.filed! a petition against him in the Com-1 rtin Pleas Court, Greene County,! Ohio, the same being Case No*| 25597. The prayer of said petition! is for a divorce on the grounds o f I Gross Neglect of Duty and Extreme! Cruelty, and said cause will cornel on for hearing before the court on! or after six full weeks from the! date of the first publication hereof.} Dan M. Aultman Attorney fo r Plaintiff CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your “ winter things” he liioth bait this summer? Not-if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning. Dirt and grime work into fab ric — often invisibly . . . then moth worms have a 'feast. Before you store, let New Cedarville Cleaners “ proof” your ^lothes against the menace o f moths and silver fish. LEGAL NOTICE Willie Mae Armes whose last known place of reseidence was Truman, Arkansas, will take notice that on July 21, 1949 M. D. Armes filed his certain action in divorce against hex* on grounds of gross neglect of'duty? Said cause being number 25991 on.itlie docket of the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, 0hio,Oi” £ . f <*' Said cause will come on for hear ing on . or after -the 5th day , of September, .1949. - Sh'cTup and Hagler Attorney for! _. . M. D.. Armes ' 7-22-6t-B-26 - "•’ * : " ' NOTICE OF. APPOINTMENT E state.of E.-. C. Oglesbeg,. De ceased. - s i ’ . i Notice is - hereby J given-- that ■Helen OglesbeejAnderson ha§; been- duly appoihtetu*iis Administratrix* De bonis non"With the'will arfnexfcd^ of the estate, gfi* E.jG . Oglijsbee, ------------------ :---- ■ ---------- -gt~------= FOR BETTER HEALTH —have • Spuncer Support .(fatigued just* for. you! You'll enjoy new vitality -and lovelier figure lines. '. Spencert are .mod erately priced—guar- enteed to keep 'their shape. Mrs. Mildred 1C. McMillen Xenia Phone. 1646MX SPENCEM S r SUPPORTS Farm Grain Tile Bitphing £ Trenching Service SUSS COTTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio ?> t o THENEWCEDARVILLECLEANERS Xenia Ave.s Cedarville Plione 6-3411 EVAN’S GROCERY Cedarville, Ohio ; :*.* } 4 " -- j SolubleTea s or;] Plates etc. FARMS FOR SALE > ' ' L AND FARM LOANS • * ■ •> •We have many good farms por sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest -for 15 years. No application fee and no apftraisal fee. •. . Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London,/O. Leon H. Kiing, Mgr. ' CustomSpraying ■ .. . ’ *■ *>• Orchards, Corn, f Barns^, Fence Row|, aild an^pfeefe in^ felted; with ;WeedsI *i * ,.-•*>* * ^ Book Your Cora ij. Spraying Early A Donald Hagler Phone 6-2621 or - -61781 Cedarville, Ohio*’ "*• Don's Market * *h* £ .. Telephone 6-2041 Open Till 8 P. M . Week Nights * FolgersCoffe 1lb. can . . . . . . . 11b. bag ..... can ..... .. HoldMedalFlour10lb. bag Red KidneyBeans2cansfor 25c Lard... 2lbs.for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Sliced.Bacon Ee ........... lb. .39c FresK Sausage. . . . . . . . . .lb. 29c flambiffger, ........... lb. 49c IceCreaim. . . . . . . . ... Pt 25c t t * Freshand FrozenVegetables . 4*. . #* Reasonable Prices - Quick & Friendly Service , . YOUR ONE STOP MARKET >*•« ~ .of- v*&-T•«•*'-*- I*. % -
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