The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52

Friday, August 19, 1949 Stormont-Collins Yows Solemnized The Clifton United Presbyter­ ian Church was the scene ox the wedding o f Miss Charlotte Ann Collins and Mr. Harold Stormont, o f near Cedarville, Friday at 7:30 p; m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Roger Collins. Wilberforce-Clifton Pk. Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Stormont, Federal Pk., are parents o f the bride­ groom Dr. John W . Biekett, pastor o f the church, read the double ring service which was preceded by a halfhour program o f nuptial music, presented by Miss Bever­ ly Carzoo, Cedarville; Mr*. Wil­ liam Ferguson, near Xenia, and Mrs. Elwood Shaw, near Xenia. Dr. Biekett was assisted by Dr. R. A. Jamieson, pastor of the .Ce­ darville U n i t e d Presbyterian Church, Miss Carzoo. sang “ 1 Love You Truly” and “ Because.” Mr. Fer­ guson presented “ I Love Thee” and “ The Lord's Prayer.” Mrs. Shaw played “ Evening Star,” “ A t Dawning,” “ Ah Sweet Mys- Mery of Life,” “ Indian Love Gall” and “ O Promise Me,” Miss Carolyn Collins, sister of the bride, was junior maid of honor and Misses Mary Louise Stormont, sister of the bride­ groom, and Marie Fisher, class­ mate o f the bride at Cedarville College were bridesmaids. They were dressed in gowns of taf­ feta, styled with net yokes, off- the-shoulder effects and hoop skirts. The skirts were_ caught with pink rosebuds, giving a scalloped effect, Long mitts ex­ tending into points over the hands were worn. Taffeta roset­ tes formed their headbands. Miss Collins appeared in pink, Miss Stormont in aqua and Miss Fish­ er in Yellow. Miss Collins wore a rhinestone necklace, a gift of the bride, and the bridesmaids wore rhinestone bracelets given to them by the bride. They car­ ried fan arrangements of blue delphinium and yellow rosebuds. Sue Rife, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rife, Clifton, was flower girl. She wore a peach taffeta gown styled with short puffed sleeves, a round neckline, and a full skirt with insets of net. She carried a basket of rose petals. Her headband was of taf­ feta rosettes. John Rife, her brother, was ring hearer. Given in marriage by her fa ­ ther, the bride appeared in a gown o f white satin styled with a fitted bodice coming to a point in the front. The skirt of the gown was on princess lines with insets of Chantilly lace tapering from the point o f the bodice through the long train. The waist was fashioned with loner sleeves coming to points over the hands, tiny buttons down the hack -and a sweetheart neckline with an Eliz­ abethan collar o f lace over satin. Her veil o f imported illusion tul­ le, edged with Chantilly lace, was held in place with a Mary Queen of Scots bonnet o f Chantilly lace, trimmed with orange blossoms. She carried a linen handerchief edged in Chantilly lace, a gift of her grandmother, Mrs. J. F. Ker- shner, Yellow Springs. Her only jewelry was a single strand o f pearls, a eift o f the bridegroom. Her bridal bouquet was white roses centered with a gardenia corsage. The bridegroom’s attendants were Mr. Pauu Struewing, Cedar­ ville, best man, and Messrs. Rog­ er E. Collins, brother o f the bride, and Millard French, South Solon, the bridegrooms brother-in-law as ushers. Attended by 150 guests a recep­ tion was held at the Collins home following the wedding. Hostesses were Mrs. J. CL McMillan, Osborn, and Mrs. William R. Collins, aunts of the bride, Mrs. Theodore Harsh Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Paul Strue­ wing, Cedarville. Mrs. Collins wore a street-length dress of gray printed sheer with white acces­ sories. She had a corsage of yel­ low roses. The bridegroom’s mother chose a brown printed sheer dress complemented with brown and white accessories and a corsage o f gardenias. For a wedding trip to the Smoky Mountains, the bride chose a n a v y crepe dress with navy and white accessories. She had a gar­ denia corsage. The couple will bo at home after Aug. 20 on the Fed­ eral pike. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stormont are graduates o f Cedarville High School. Mrs. Stormont attended Bowling Green State University and was graduated from Cedar­ ville College this year. Mr. Stor­ mont, who attended Cedarville College and Ohio State Univer­ sity, is engaged in farming near Cedarville. Guests at the wedding and re­ ception included Mrs. A. G. Col­ lins, Xenia, and Mrs. J. F. Kersh- ner, Yellow Springs, grandmoth­ ers o f the bride and Mrs. Ida Stormont, near Xenia, the bride­ groom's grandmother. O t h e r guests were from Wilmette, 111., EXECUTRIX’S SALE On SEPT. 3,1040 SATURDAY, 10 A. M. A t West Door o f Court House Xenia, Ohio The Executrix of the Estate of Emma R. Marsh, deceased, will sel lat public auction the HOUSE & LOT Located on N. W. corner of Main & Elm Streets in CEDARVILLE, OHIO iTwo story frame house of 7 rooms & bath in good condition, Garage & fine corner lot. Excellent location, near library, school & college on North Main Street. APPRAISED $7500.00 TERMS: 10% on day of sale, balance in two weeks on delivery o f deed. Open for inspection Thursday, Aug. 25th, 2 to 3 p. m., and Sept. 1st, 2 to 5 p, m. Miller & Finney, Attorneys, Carrie M. Rife, Executrix | Telephone 93, Xenia, Ohio. Emma R. March, deceased. Cedarville, O. Tele. 6-4754* Col. Joe Gordon, Auctioneer, Eelc, Cedarville G-3912. (8-19-3t-9-2) Brooklyn, N. Y., Tarkio, Mo., Cleveland, Fremont and Am­ herst, O., and Ligonier, Pa. Glass Reunion ' Held at Ross * , The annual Glass family re­ union was held at Ross schoel, Sunday, when friends and rela­ tives met once more and enjoyed the day together. A short business meeting was held and the ‘ officers fo r the next year will be president, Ada Hutslar, o f Springfield, and sec­ retary and treasurer, Bernice Bryant o f Springfield. A lovely basket dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour. *, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Adsit, Mrs. Irene Adsit, Mrs. Flora Johnson, o f Dayton, Mrs. George Glass, o f Cedarville, Orville White, Mrs. Alfred Jones, o f Bowersville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glass, of Sabina, Mrs. Leonard Leach and son, Arthur, of Winchester, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Leach and son, o f South Solon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mum- ma, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Furman and family, o f Meehanicsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ada Hutslar and daughter, Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatfield, Mrs. Dessie Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Glass, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glass, Mr. and Mrs. Steward Glass and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Glass, Mrs. Fred Bryant and daughter, Ber­ nice, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed, of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Jenks, o f Jefferson­ ville, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Steu- bing and family, of Cincinnati, Mrs. Lloyd Sheffield and daugh­ ters, of Hickory Corners, Mich., Mrs. Frank Glass and Mrs. Phil­ lip Hehble, o f Alpha, Mi*, and Mrs. Roy Glass, of Yellow Springs. Raleigh Davids, o f Washington C. II. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glass, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hatfield, o f Hartford, Con. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Glass and daughter, Becky, Mr.' and Mrs. Frederick Tomlinson and daugh­ ter, Ottie Marie, Ritenour, Mrs. Lillian Brakefield, Mr. and Mrs. J. Karl Robinson, Earl Glass and daughter, Mary Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bryan and daughter, Ruth Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ man Straley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glass and son, Donald. Mrs. W.'A. Bryan, Mrs. Charles Burr, Mrs. Wayne Persinger and ’ daughter, Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Little, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hughes, Mrs. Lelia Bradds, Frank Glass. Cedarville Folk Attend Reunion Thirteen Greene countains were among the guests at a family re­ union held at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glasgow in Sea­ man,O., Saturday. Mrs. W. C. Finney, Cedarville, who has been visiting at the Glasgow home this summer was co-hostess. A picnic dinner and supper were served to thirty guests. Greene Countians present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson, Miss Bett yNelson, Mr. “ Carl “ Bud” Nelson, Miss Mary Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McCorkell, Ce­ darville; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wiseman; William Finney, Ken­ neth Finney, Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ lin Finlaw, Jamestown. Other guests* were present from De­ troit, Miamisburg, Wilmington and Springfield. Entertains Ladies From Cedarville Mrs. H. T. Wolfe, entertained twelve ladies from Xenia and Ce­ darville last Thursday at a one o’clock luncheon in honor o f her mother, Mrs. George H. Smith, of Akron who is visiting at their home. The house was decorated with beautiful roses and different S e tte r S it? M ese S e tte r v< ffu ysf s Sugar Jack Frost or Franklin 25 lb. bag .... 2.19 Crisco.......3 lb. ca n ........ 77c Oleo Nu Maid......... 26c Vienna Sausage Armour’s ca n .................................. 19c Corned Beef can .............. 47c Cut Beans No. 2 ca n .......10c Peas Pinecone No. 2 can 10c Hominy Spring Garden No 2l/2 c a n ................ 10c Tomato Soup Campbell’s Tail can ..........................10c Kidney Beans No. 2 can .. 10c Com White or Yellow No. 2 can .................... .-. 10c P & G Soap 3 Bars ....21c* QUALITYMEATS - Franks..................... :. lb. 45c Hamburger (Sat. only) Sausage (Fresh Ground) ......... ......... -.... ....... lb. 49c Smoked - Picnics ........ lb. 55c MRNE6 &HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET flowers from -the yard of their new home and Cheshire road in Upper Arlington, Columbus. Those present were Mrs. Frank Creswell. Mrs. I. C.'Davis, Mrs. Nelson Creswell, Mrs. Bobby Townsley, Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mrs. C. H. Gordon, Mrs. Joe Gor­ don, Mrs. Anna Wilson, Miss Mary Flanagan, Mrs. Cora Trum- bo and daughter Mildred from Cedarville and Mrs. Melvin Mc­ Millan, of Xenia. HAVE BABY SON Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whittington (Betty Crumrine) are the par­ ents o f a son horn Tuesday morn­ ing at Haines hospital in James­ town. DETROIT VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finney of Detroit spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McCorkell. HERE FROM ARIZONA Miss Rose Ann Thornton of Phoenix, Arizona visited recent­ ly at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Nance. INDIANA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bratten and family o f Union City, Ind­ iana visited relatives here over the weekend. IN MINNESOTA Dr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson and Misses Ella, Mable and Bertha Knott of Springfield are spend­ ing two weeks with Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lowery and family in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. VISITING IN EAST Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Evans and family and Mrs. C. W. Wagner are visiting relatives in Rhode Island. Mr. C. W. Wagner has re­ turned from a few days visit near Lake Erie. HOME FROM CANADA Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thornsden and son and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Limming of Xenia have returned after a trip to Canada, Niagara Falls and Cleveland. On their way irome the group enjoyed a night hall game in Cleveland. ATTENDING INSTITUTE Rev. W. B. Collier, Mrs. Jane Mills, Ann Huffman, Patsy Col­ lier, Phyllis Spurgeon and Cor- ena Wiseman are attending Sen­ ior High Institute at Sabina this week. Rev. Collier and Mrs. Mills are teachers and Mrs. Mills is also a girls councilor. MOVE TO ARIZONA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dement and children moved this past week to Phoenix, Arizona. TO HOLD PICNIC - The Home Culture Club will hold their annual picnic, Wednes­ day, August 31, at the H. H. Brown cottage at Indian Lake. FAMILY REUNION Forty-five membdrs o f the Burrell family attended a reun- nion at the home of Miss Maude Burrell. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Boltz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boltz and sons of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. John Hirt of Indianapo­ lis attended. Other guests were present from Xenia, Dayton, Springfield and New Burlington. TOURING OZARKS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson, Pleasant Hill are on a trip to the Ozark mountains in Missouri, Caroline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson is at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ewry. BACK FROM CANADA Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tobin and family and Mrs. Ralph Ferguson are home after spending 10 days at Little Current, Canada. REINHADRS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shew, Nor­ walk, were the weekend guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reinhard. Saturday evening* Mr. and- Mrs. Rtiinhard entertain £ l Mr. . and Mrs. Paul Orr, who are visiting relatives here, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kling of London. HERE FROM CHICAGO Mrs. Clyde Hutchinson and children o f Chicago are visiting the formers mother, Mrs J. S. West. Mr. Hutchinson will join them in September. RETURNS HQ&E Miss Barbara Smith has re­ turned from Stfronghurst, 111., after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heisler. Mr. and Mrs. Heisler and Miss Lucille Rankin came here with Miss Smith and spent the weekend at her home. Saturday evening q group of friends gave a picnic supper. at *the Smith home honoring the guests. HAVE DAYTON GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold^TheiV of Dayton.,.,^ ATTEND REUNION Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Townsley and Mrs. Janet Waddle of Wil- minglWL attended the Niohols reunion Saturday at St. Clairs- ville, Ohio. ' S * VISITORS FROM EAST Mrs. R. F. Lightcap and daugh­ ters, Lucy and Jeanne of Phila­ delphia, Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Payne and other rel­ atives here for ten days. VISIT DAUGHTER IN ADA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans spent the week end in Ada vis­ iting their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heifner and family. * VISITING IN FINDLAY Mr-. George Creswell and (’ -lighter, Irma, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bradfute and Jf’ s fvpsyvveH’s sister, Mrs. John Lyle in Findlay, Mrs. Lyle covering from a broken h ip l-- ; GUEST AT WEDDING” A number of out of town guests were here for the Gollins-Stor- mont wedding Friday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam R. Collins and family of Willaniet, Illinois; Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Collins, Cleveland; Dr. and Mrs. Earl Collins and family of Tarkio, Missouri; Dr. Merle Rife and daughter of New Concord; Mr. and Mrs.. Donald Sacks, Fre­ mont, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Choate, Amherst, Ohio; Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Hart, Brooklyn N. Y. Dr. David Cecil Rife, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harsh, Pittsburg; Mi-, and Mrs. Frank Harsh. Sidney; Rev. Paul Dun­ can, Morning Star, Ohio; and Miss Virginia Goohy o f Colum­ bus. A number of the Collins rel­ atives remained here to visit. DELEGATES TO CONFERENCE Mrs. Fred Dobbins and .Irs. John Williamson were delegates from Greene countty to the Farm Bureau and Home Confer­ ence at Miami University, Oxfodd Thursday and Friday Twelve counties were represented. A youth group from each county was also represented. TO VISIT IN ARIZONA Mrs. Ada Jones of Xenia left this week to visit her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John Richards in Benson, Arizona. While there she will accompany the Richards family on a weeks trip to Flagstaff, Arizona. The Cedarville, O* Herald CLASSIFIEDADS FOR SALE—vear old hens 30c lb.; fries 35c. MRS. KOPPE, Phone 6-3071. (3w) WANTED—to rent 35 to 50 acres of ground for corn, for 1950. Call Albert Abels, 6-2627. FOR SALE—Davenport a n d chair $65.00. Marion H u g h e s , Phone 6-2691. WANT TO STOP SMOKING? Try NICO-STOP it’s new*. It’s easy. It’s G u a r a n t e e d . Get it at BROWN’S DRUGS. Cedarville. C8w) FOR SALE—Peaches at farm on Townsley road, or residence in Ce­ darville. We deliver. Bring contain­ ers. Phone 6-1501. J. C. Dacis. (2w) NOTICE ICE .CREAM SOCIAL—Home­ made pie and cake, back of Opera house, Saturday night, August 27. Sponsored by Cedarville Rebekah Lodge. (2-tp) Oliver S. Baker*, Cedarville, R. R. 2 for Light Trucking. PARTICULAR? Send us-your film. Blublack Hi-gloss Jumbo Deckle Edge Prints are different. Any 8 exposure roll developed and printed 30c. 12 exposure 45c. 16 exposure 60c. SKYLINE PHOTO P. O. Box 931, Dayton, Ohio. S e n d f o r mailers. (4w) Are you dissatisfied with your job or earnings, If so—and you can qualitfy, a profitable, lifetime business is available in *this com­ munity. A good product and ample op­ portunity fpr advancement in a national organization. Write, giving vital personal in­ formation. Car essential. Address Earl Huette, 418 Cooper Bldg. Day- ton, Ohio. * (2-t) FOR BETTER HEALTH — hav# m Spencer Support designed just for youl You'll enjoy new vitality and lovelier figure lines. / , / S r Spencers aie mod- y y erately priced— guar- enteed to keep their shape. i Mrs. Mildred C. McMillen * . Xenia Phone 1646MX :’PENCER % °S iicy SUPPORTS WANTED WANTED—Farm Hand, exper­ ienced with dairy and modern ma­ chinery. House, electric, meat, milk coal, chickenfeed and garden fur­ nished. Write with 2 references, 1 Box 180, Jamestown, Ohio (lw ) Good laundry work. Call 6-2761, Cedarville. (lw ) WANTED—Work o n . farm or any kind of .work. Call Cedarville 6-2761. • . (lw ) . WANTED—General carpenter & tfoncrete'.work.rArthur Judy, L. B. No: 20,. Cedaryine. . Phope. 6r2344. ■ ■*.. ' r.: V v„. v, /Q- m V ----------------— ■- npfl Farm Grain Tile Ditching* Trenching Service RUSS COTTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 * Springfield, Ohio 9 LEGAL NOTICE . Maude H. Miller, a minor 19 years of age, whose last known place of residence was R. F. D. 4, London, Kentucky, and Joe Ham­ mons, the lather and natural guar­ dian of the said Maude H. Miller, will take notice that-bn the~29tli day of July 1949, Raymond Miller filed his certain action in divorce against the said Maude H. Miller, on grounds of gross neglect of duty, said cause being ‘No'.' 26018 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. Said cause w ill''come oh for' hearing on or after six “full weeks from the date of the first publica­ tion hereof. (8-5-6t-9-9) Dan M. 'Aultman Attorney for Raymond Miller Dockmejian filed his certain peti­ tion against her for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect o f duty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case be­ ing No. 25,997 on the docket of said court and will come on for hearing j on- or after the 3rd day o f Septem-' her, 1949. * ALBERT SCHARRER Attorney for Plaintiff Gas & Electric Bldg. Dayton, Ohio (7~29-6t-9-2) LEGAL NOTICE Willie Mae Ariiies whose last known place of reseidence was Truman, Arkansas, will take notice that on July 21, 1949 M. D. Armes filed his certain action in divorce against her on grounds of gross neglect' of duty. Said cause being number 25991 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. Said cause will come on for hear­ ing on or after the 5th day of September, 1949. Shoup and Hagler Attorney fo r M. D. Armes 7-22-6t-8-26 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Bernard J. Hocke, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Leo Hocke has been duly appointed as Administrator of the estate o f Ber­ nard J, Hocke, deceased, late o f Village of Spring Valley, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 10th day o f August, 1949 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. (8-12-3t-8-26) By Luella Hawser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Geneva Hocke, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Leo Hocke has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate of Geneva Hocke, deceased, late of Spring Valley Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated thi s llth day o f August, 1949. Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. (S-19-3t-9-2) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE In pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, I ’ will offer for sale at'.pub­ lic auction, on the 3rd day of September, 1949, at 10:00 a. m., at the West door o f the Court House in the City of Xenia, Ohio, the following described real es­ tate, to wit: Situate in the Village o f Cedar­ ville, in the County of Greene and State of Ohio, and hounded and de­ scribed as follows: Being the South half of”Lot No. Sixty (60), abutting on Main Street on the East and Elm Street on the South. Also .the East half of th eSouth half of Lot No. Sixty- one (61) adjoining Lot No. Sixty (60) and abutting on Elm Street. Said premises being situate in John Orr’s second addition to Ce­ darville, as will be more fully shown by the recored plat of said Village, reference ,to which is hereby made. * Said real estate is located on the Northwest corner o f Main and Elm- Streets in the Village of Ce­ darville, Ohio. Said premises are appraised at $7,500.00 and must he sold for not less than two-thirds o f said ap­ praised value. TERMS OF SALE: 10% on day of sale, balance within two weeks in cash. Sold by order of the Probate Court o f Greene County, Ohio, in Case No. 5927 entitled “ Carrie' M. Rife, Extrx. of Emma R. Marsh, dee’d., vs. John Howard Roudehush, et al., ^defendants.” - Miller & Finney, Attorneys, Xenia, Ohio. Carrie M. Rife, gxtrx. of Emma R. Marsh, deceased, Cedarville, Ohio. Col. Joe Gord&n, Auctioneer Cedarville, Ohio. (8-5-5t-9-2) CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your “ winter things” be moth bait this summer? Not if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning. Dirt and grime work into ‘fab ­ ric — often invisibly . . . then moth worms have a feast. Before you store, let New Cedarville Cleaners “ proof” your clothes against the menace o f moths and silver fish. THENEWCEDARVILLEGLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 LEGAL NOTICE Willie Mae Armes, whose last known place of residence was Tru­ man, Argansas,. will take notice that on July 21st, 1949, M. D. Armes filed his certain action in divorce against her on grounds of gross neglect of duty, said cause being No. 25991 on the docket of, the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. Said cause will come on for hear­ ing on or after the 5th day of September 1949. (7-29-6t-9-2) Shoup and Hagler ________Attorneys for M. D. Armes LEGAL NOTICE Ethel R. Dockmejian, whose ad­ dress is 14 Spruce Street, Dedham, Mass., will take notice that on the 22nd day of July, 1949, Carl B, WHERE TO BUY B & B LOAN 63 W, Main St. Springfield, O. BARGAINS GALORE LOOK IN OUR WINDOWS 7 GREAT D A Y S— FOR A L L THE F AM I L Y Every day and night are jam-packed with plenty for all ages, all tastes. From the vast exhibition- of the best of agriculture, industry, the arts and sciences to the gay, carefree Midway, there’s a thrill a minute. Bring the family for the full Fair! Just a few of the Thousands of Things to Do, See and Learn UvMtoelc Shows— Dairy and Beef Cattle, Sheep, Horses • Poultry, Rabbits, Cavles • Parade of Livestock Champions ; » Greater Certified Seed Show • Farm Machinery • Ohio State Department Displays— Science, Education, Conservation, Highways, Crime Detection, Health • Farm Lane • Concerts • Charai Groups • Radio Shows * Television * Giant M idway • Harness Horse Racing • Grandstand Shows • Fireworks FRANK 1. UUSCHE Governor of Ohio A. W. MARION Director of Agriculture H. S. FOUST State Fair Manager DON'T MISS THIS GREAT OHIO EVENT! FARMS FOR SALE .AND ‘FARM LOANS ' ' We have many good farms for sale on easy terms’. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr; New Cars CUMMINGS CHEVROLET SALES £ We are now in our NEW LOCATION on XENIA AVENUE and are in position to give COMPLETE SERVICE With highly skilled mechanics and workmen* , • Wheel Allignment • Wheel Balancing • Battery Recharging • . Body Repair „■ Painting ' • Gas and Oil .k • „ Car Wash and Polishing . • . Wrecker Service •» A Motor Tuneup asJojW''1* ' ’•