The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
* C E D A R V I L L E ’ S OLDEST INSTITUTION The P u b l i s h e d i n t h e I n t e r e s t o f C e d a r v i l l e a n d S u r r o u n d i n g C o m m u n i t y P M Y E A R _____ ..... $1.50 PER CO PY . . . . ________5 g Y o lu m n L X X I I I Cedarville, Ohio, Friday, September 2, 1949 N u m b e r 3 9 -f \ v . A . M The Highway Department's Engincer-in-Tralnln* progxaa b m*Uac rood ?recress according to reports issued by Director T. J. Ksner. In the top photo Octave Annaon, Sixth Sivkloc Eagiaeer. works ovcr a problem m the drafting room at his Delaware headquarters with trainees aarf Ids eagiaeer ot location and Design. B. N. BIckeiis. (L to B)—Bkketts, Ammoa and trainees Stuart Blydeaharg ot Caw University and Clifford Birdsall Ohio State University gradnate. Bottom left—Chief Engineer. Testing Laboratory, Colum bus, R. B. litehiser (left) giving instructions to trainee Ralph Tyler, O, S. IJ. gradnate from Cleveland, Lower right—Os the Snnbury relocation project, trai ice Charles W. Wood, University of Maine graduate, does compaction testing. Sixty-Six young engineers are getting practical training in the highway depart ment under a program recently launched by Director T. J. Kauer. HOLD PICNIC AT BROWN COTTAGE The annual picnic of the Home Culture Club and their families was held Wednesday at the cot tage o f Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown at Indian Lake. A picnic dinner and supper was enjoyed by the group. Fishing and boat rides were epjoyed throughout the after noon. MRS. GORDON ATTENDS FAMILY DINNER Mrs. C. H. Gordon, was among the guests at a family dinner at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Reedy and daughter, Char lene, in Middletown Sunday. Mrs. Reedy Is a granddaughter o f Mrs. Gordon. Twenty-seven children, grand children and great-grandchildren o f the Gordon family were pres ent at the dinner. They were from Washington C. II., Colum bus, Springfield and Cedarville. MARRIAGE IS ANNOUNCED Announcement is being made o f the marriage o f Mrs. Jeanette Townsley and Billy Zlontz in Newport, Ky., Saturday August 20 . Mrs. Klontz is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Co lumbus Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Klontz are the parents o f the bridegroom. The couple are residing tempo rarily at the home o f the bride groom's parents. CLASS HOLDS PICNIC The Westmister class o f the First Presbyterian Church and their families held a picnic, Tues day evening at the Shelter house. HOME ON BOOT LEAVE Richard Stormont, son o f Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont is home en Boot leave from U . S. N„ T. C., San Diego, California. He will return to California for a. five day training course and will go to Memphis, Tenn. to Av iation Fundamental School. MISS 'COOLEY HAS GUESTS Miss Martha Cooley had as her guests^ this past week Mrs. Joe Languin and Miss Carolyn Wil liamson o f Detroit. GUEST OF m r s . M c I n t y r e Miss Jane Jones, Webster, Missouri is the guest this week o f Mrs. Homer McIntyre. MISS WILLIAMSON HERE FOR VACATION Miss Frances Williamson is at the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson fo r a three weeks visit. Miss Willaim- son w ilf return to the University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to complete her masters degree and receive her diploma in December: VISIT IN EICKETT HOME The Rev. Frank Boyd, D. D. with Mrs. Boyd and daughter o f Femberville made a hurried call on Dr. and Mrs. John W . Bickett o f the Clifton United Presbyter ian church last Monday after noon. GOES TO TARFIO John Skillings left Thursday o f jjdx week fo r T&rkio, Missouri, where he will enter his senior year in T&rkio College where D r. Earle Collins is president. SPEAKER .Mr. Kenneth Campbell, Pitts- preachng in the Second Spring- field United Presbyterian church this summer was one o f the speakers in the young peoples meeting, last Sunday evening in the Clifton church. WILL ATTEND WEDDING Quite a number frSra Clifton will attend the wedding o f Wil liam Ferguson and Miss Virginia Gooby o f Columbus Friday even ing in the Glen Echo United Pres byterian church. RESERACH IS POSTPONED TO FRIDAY SEPT 2 The Research Club will meet Friday afternoon, Sept. 2, in stead o f Thursday, Sept. 1. at the home o f Mrs. W. P. Chase. The meeting was postponed due to the death o f Mrs. J. E. Kyle. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brewer near Enon are announcing the engagement o f their daughter, Betty to Richard Lehman, Pos sum Road. The wedding will take place this fall. HIGH GRADUATE TO BE MARRIED SEPT 4 Mrs. James B. Mac Gillivary, Springfield is announcing the approaching marriage o f her daughter Mary Alma to Kenneth Benedict, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Orville Benedict, near Spring- field. Mr. Benedict is a. graduate o f Cedarville High school. The couple will be married Sept. 4, in First Church of God in Spring- field. RETURN FROM CANADA Charles Duvall and daughters, Ann and Mary Jo are home after spending a few days at Toronto, Canada and Niagara Falls. Carol Sue_ Duvall visited her cousin Judith Briggs in Hillsboro last week. MISS ADAMS TO BE BRIDES MAID Miss Kay Adams has been chosen as brides maid f o r Miss June Crisler o f Rushyvania who will he married to Kenneth Birt Sept. 4 in the Church o f Christ in that city. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR DALE REED Mrs. Lamar Reed entertained a group o f friends honoring the 12th birthday o f her son, Dale. An outdoor supper was served and games were played. The guests were David Lafffer- ty, Tommv. Ewry, Jerry Judy, Mac Williamson, Dick Diehl, Jack Martin, Richard Bennington, Pat ty Davis, Sally Creswell, Nancy Creswell, Mary Ann Powers, Car ol Sue Duvall *and Janice K. W il burn. GOES TO SPOKANE BY PLANE Mrs. Arthur Hanna left by plane Sunday to visit her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hanna n Spokane, Washington. Mrs. Hanna will stay ten days. VISITS SISTER HERE J . Alvin Orr visited with his sister, Mrs. Anna Wilson last week. Before returning to his home in South Carolina he will visit in Mercer, Pa. and Oceon. Grove. GO JO SMOKY MTS. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waddle are horns, after & trip to the Smoky mountains. They were accompan ied by Prof, and Mrs. E . M. Der by o f Wilmington, Ohio. POWERS REUNION HELD AT CLIFTON The annual reunion o f the fam ily o f Mrs. George Powers and the late George Powers was held Sunday at Camp Cooper, Clifton. F ifty members attended. "Quests were present from Columbus, X e nia, Dayton and London. Mr. and" Mrs. John Powers and family o f Greenville Tcnu-.'-nre'J~^Ktrtn^~‘ relatives here and attended he reason. Officers fo r the coming year elected were, George Pow ers, Springfield, Pres, and Mrs. Robert Coulter, Sec.-Treas. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS . The Missionary Society o f the First Presbyterian church met Thursday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Anna Wilson. Mrs. Har old Hanna led devotions and Miss Ora Hanna assisted bv Mrs. A. E. Huey gave the program. Her topic was on the religious con ference held in Eurone. Mrs. Wilson served refresh-. ment§, SPEND WEEK HERE AT WADDLE HOME Mr. and Mrs. Don Wheaton (Dorothy Waddle) and son Doug las have returned to their home in Dayton after spending a week at the Waddle home. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Messages concealed in minia ture colonial bouquets given to each guest at a lawn party Fri day evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. H. K . Stormont reveal ed the approaching marriage o f their daughter, Miss Norma Stormont, to Robert D. Kayler, Dayton. The thirtieth wedding anniver sary o f the brde-elect’s parents, Nov. 11, has been chosen as the weddng date. Mr. Kayler Is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kay ler o f Dayton. Miss Clara Galloway, Pasa dena, Calif., and Miss Jean Mc Cartney, Davton, assisted Mrs. Stormont in serving refresh ments to 75 guests from a table centered ^with colonial bouquets and hurricane lamps. Miss Stormont, a graduate o f Cedarville high school, attended Springfield Business college and is now employed as transporta tion agent at Wright-Patterson A ir Force base. Mr. Kayler, associated with Progressive Printers, Inc., Day- ton. is a World War II veteran. He was graduated from Roose velt high school, Dayton. MISS KOPPE ENTERS NURSES TRAINING Mbs Barbara Koppe, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Koppe left Monday for Cincinnati where she will enter nurses training at Bethesda hospital. CLASS OF 1949 HAVE PARTY Members o f the 1949 graduat ing class o f the local high school held a get-to-gether party Fri day evening in the Shelter house. Several o f the members are leav ing fo r school soon. Mrs. R. B. Koppe and daugh ters, Pat and “ Bob” served re freshments. « Members present were, Regina Stewart, Carol Swab, Peg Brad- fute. Rita Corrigan, -Jane Chap lin, Alice Marie Spracklin, Geif- eva Heathcook, Jerry Wilburn, Bill F ife, Doug Cultice and Bob Williamson. Nominations AreMade for LegionOffices Post officers for the coming year were nominated at the last "egular meeting o f the Wallace C. Anderson Post o f the Ameri can Legion. Nomihations were as .follows: Commander. Roy Hampton, Wilbur Wisecup; Vice Comman der, Harold Strobridge, Edward Irvine; Adjutant, Leslies Stor mont, Earl Chaplin; Finance Of ficer, Joseph Bratton, H. K. Stormont; Sergeant At Arms, H. II. Purdin, John C. Wright; Chap lin. Lawrence Waddle, Oliver Baker; Service Officer, Edwin Bull, P. J. McCorkeD. Election will be held Thursday* the 8th o f Sept, at the Shelter House. Ballots are being mailed to all members. Forms for filing “ G. I.” Insur ance refund are now available and aid will be given all veter ans, completng these forms, on the night o f the 8th. IS IMPROVING AT DAYTCI* HOSPITAL Frank Creswell is reported im proving at Miami Valley hos pital in Dayton where he has spent several weeks following a heart attack. VISIT RELATIVES IN LANCASTER Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beaty spent Sunday visiting relatives in Lan caster. REMAINS IN HOSPITAL Mrsu. Edgar Little remains in the McClellan hospital where, she underwent surgery last week. She is slowly improving. SPEND TWO WEEKS IN MICHIGAN Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle and Mrs. Millison will return Monday after a two weeks vacation at Torch Lake, Michigan. Miss Dorothe Hubbard accomp anied the Kyles. TAKE TRIP 9 TO VERMONT Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds and family left Sunday fo r a ten day trip to Vermont. They will visit Rev. Doris Hartman iii Barton, Vermont and on return ing they will visit Rev. and Mrs; Justin Hartman and family. In Sherman, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randal, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Randal and Mr. Snypp left Saturday fo r California. They expect to visit places of interest going and re turning. Mr. Snypp will remain in California fo r the winter. IN CINCINNATI THIS WEEK Miss Nancy Dean is spending the week with Miss Ranny Smith in Cincinnati. IRVINES ARE GUESTS OF FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Edward Irvine and son “Butch” spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders in Sandusky and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garl Watkins in New Breman. ATTEND CONVENTION- IN SYRACUSE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edinger spent last week in Syracuse, N. Y . attending the convention of the 18th Depot Supplv Veter ans organization. Mr. Edinger was in this outfit over seas. En- route to New York they visited Niagara Falls and Canada. LEAVE ON .TRIP TO MEXICO AND CALIF. Bobby and Jimmy Parker, sons o f Mrs. Theo Parker le ft Sun day fo r at rip to Mexico and Cal ifornia. RETURN FROM CAILF. TO MAKE HOME HERE Mr. and Mrs. John Bull have returned from Muroc, Calif, where they have lived fo r the past few months. They will make their home here and Mr. Bull has been assigned to Patterson Field. '.GUESTS OF McCALLISTERS Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallis- te r had a* Sunday guests Mr- and Mrs. William Wheatley of Dayton. Sunday afternoon the group attended the State Fair.. Mildred McCallister left Monday to spend the week in Cincinnati. REV. AND MRS. HUISH VISIT HERE Rev. and Mrs. Fred Huish and family o f Rushville, Indiana vis ited at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Little over the weekend. The Huish family were return ing from a vacation in Wisconsin. . ANNOUNCE BIRTH IN VIRGINIA Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster (Betty- Myers) are announcing the birth o f a dau-hter, Susan Kay, bom Sunday morning in Dunn hospital. SPEND WEEK IN ROCKFORD Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wisecup are home after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Walsh in Rockford, HI. WSCS TO MEET WED. SEPT 7 The w s . C .S . o f the Metho- dst Church will meet Wednesday Sept. 7, at the home o f Mrs. Frank Evans, Bring table ser vice. Luncheon will be served by committee. . Anyone desiring transportation be at the church, a t 12 noon. fudging Team Takes Third at State Fair The general livestock team rep resenting Greene County placed third in state with 1,064. points out of a possible 1,200 points at the state fair. Members of the team were Nolan and Sam Butts and Lawrence Finney, Cedar ville. The beef judging won eleventh place in state and the dairy judg ing team placed forty-fourth in state. All 88 counties participat ed in the contest. Mrs.J.E.Kyle CalledbyDeath TuesdayA,M. Mrs: Jennie Mclntire Klye, widow of J. Ervin Kyle, and a member of a prominent Ced arville family died Tuesday at 4:30 a. m. in Springfield City hospital where she- had been a patient since Sunday evening. She had been in failing health two ’ 'ears in in serious condi tion two months with a heart condition. Mrs. Kyle was in Florida from November o f 1948 until May of this year. One o f 10 children, she was the daughter of Silas and Sarah Marlatt Dyer and was born .n Winchester. Preceding her marriage to Mr. Kyle on March 11, 1910. She was a teacher at an Indian school in Gallup, N. M. Followin'* their marriage they lived on a farm on the Clifton road, near Cedar- villev until seven years ago when they moved to Cedarville. She was a member of the Ce darville United Presbyterian church the last 40 vears and was active in all church activities. A charter member of the Research club, Mrs. Kyle was a member of the Cedar Cliff chapter of the Daughters of the Ameican Revo lution. - Surwing are one son, Willard H. Kyle, superintendent o f public, school in Manchester; a grand daughter, Miss Eileen Kyle; two brothers, W. A. Mclntire, Win chester, and Dr. H. M. Mclntire, Waseca, Minn.; several nieces and nephews. Services were conducted in the United Presbyterian church on Thursday at 2 p. m. bv Rev. R. A. Jfamxeson, -''istov o f the church. * v £^ m K bt iTicr-lTT-nS-aHaies •Qreektcjnn-C.' etery. : - Cedarville Wins Horseshoe Match Cedarville’s horseshoe team. paced by Leonard Glass, came through with a 156-point victory over Martinsville Thursdav at the local pits, 1,463 to 1,307. Glass scored 400 points on 114 ringers and 30 doubles. Cedarville had 405 ringers and 97 doubles. The losers had 360 ringers and 82 doubles. RETURN FROM DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bates and . daughters are home after spend ing several weeks with relatives in Dayton. GO TO, WINCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn vis ited relatives in Winchester this past week. RAMSEYS TO MOVE TO HARRIMAN. HALL M ,. and Mrs. R a - Mullen and son are moving this week to teach and coach. Prof, and Mrs. Rearclean, where Mr. Mullen will teach and coach. Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey will move to Har- riman Hall where Mrs, Ramsev. will be in charge o f the girls rooming there. AT RUSSELS POINT Mr. and Mrs. Rankin McMillan and family spent last week n t Tecumseb Island, Russels Point. VISIT RHEUBERTS Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sprackle n f Lisbon spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rheubert. BUSES RETURN FROM TRIP Mr._and Mrs. Russel Luse are home after visiting friends in Michigan and Wisconsin. They visited Mr. and Mrs. William Fell near Lansing. Mr. Fell and Mr. Luse were in the service to gether. UNDERGOES OPERATION Mrs. William Baldwin under went an operation Tuesday morn ing in Springfield Gity hospital. WEEK END GUESTS IN TRUMBO HOME Mrs. Burton McElwain of West Ashville, North Carolina, and Mrs. Edwin Westerfeld of Cin cinnati were weekend guests of Mrs. Cora Trumbo and Mildred. Mrs. McElwain has heen visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Robert Bardon in -Cincinnati for several weeks. The Bardons have also been - entertaining a new daugh ter. They now have one son and one daughter. Mrs.. Bardon is the former Eleanor McElwain. VISIT WITH MOTHER Miss Shirley Powers is . home after several weeks visit with her .mother, Helen Powers; in Wash ington D. C. HERE TO VISIT IN SONS HOMES Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cummings arrived this week from Florida to visit their sons, Mr. Paul .Cummins and family and Mr. Walter Cummings and-family. ReferendumIs AskedonVillage SalrnyBoosts Fifty-four property - owners in Cedarville have signed a pe tition seeking a referendum on two different salary ordinances at the Nov. 8 election, the county board of elections has disclosed. A three-man committee—Karlh Bull, Dr. Leo Anderson and J. C. Townsley—circulated the peti tion which objects to Salary boosts authorized recently by Ce darville council. Opposition, it is said, stems from the uncertain state of vil lage finances. An $18,000 damage suit is pending against the vil lage be cause of use *of an open sluice across the' land of H. A. Tyson, plaintiff in the action, for disposal of sewage. The petitioners, who also cited their village tax rate as being second highest in the county, said the salary ordinance would nearly double present pay of the councilman and the village mayor, clerk ‘.and treasurer. One salary ordinance covers the council, the other provides, for the remain ing officials. Villagers who seek to defeat the measures by the referendum move charge Cedarville finances are so uncertain that the salary hike might ultimately work a hardship on taxpayers.. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. William Kyle, Clifton Pike, are announcing the birth of a son, John David at the McClellan hospital, Tuesday. The maternal grandmother is Mrs. Bertha Ferguson and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Kyle o f near Xenia. „ GUESTS OF MISS STORMONT Misses Clara Galloway and Jean McCartney of Dayton spent the week end with Miss Norma Stormont, Miss Galloway is re turning to her home in Califor nia on Sept. 9. HOME FROM HOME FROM ST. LOUIS Hershel Watkins is home after spending a few days in St. Louis. RETURN FROM TWO WEEKS TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeRnehey, 'llH?c~ 2'C'tum t. tWO—WCeks trip" through the southwest to California and returned through the south central states. They visited many places of interest including, Painted Desert, Grand Canyon, Hollywood, Les Vegas, and great Salt Lake.. Just outside of San Francisco a Palamano poney run into the side of the car and caused considerable dam age, but after a few repairs they continued on their trip* MOVE IN APARTMENT Misses Betty Sickles and Glor ia Abels have taken the apart ment above Bailevs grocery, re cently vacated bv Mrs. Thora Ridgway. HONOR BIRTHDAY OF MRS. HARTMAN Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hartman entertained Sunday honoring Mrs. Hartman’s birthday. Guests were Misses Bertha and Mer- Mitchell of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartman, New Bur lington. Mrs. Gladys Hartman, Mrs. Bessie Hartman and Mrs. Stella Hartman of Wilmington. HAVE SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert "Powers had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jefferies and family and Mr. Jefferies father, from Lebanon. HAPPY WORKEPS 4-H CLUB MEETS The Happy Workers 4-H Club met at the Shelter house last week and planned for the achieve ment day program to bo Held at. the high'school on Sept. 23 at 8 o’clock. The Hot Shot Club will also take part in this and it is open to the public. Mr. John Mount, of Columbus, assistant 4-H State director will be speaker. Following their meet ing a softball game was held be tween the Happy Woi-kers and Nifty Cedar Gals. They also played" a game with the Selma 4- K last week. The Happy Workers 4-H club attended the State Fair Thurs day. Thursday morning thev broadcasted on the Kitchen Ket tle program from station WRFD and Thursday afternoon they sang at Music Hadd. Joan Sheeley gave a demon stration'on “ Care and Safety of Guns” and Diana Brightman gave a demonstration on “ Ar ranging" Flowers.” This was in the 4-H building. VISITING SISTER Mrs. Bertha Wilt has been spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. William Hopping. She will return to her home in Columbia, S. C. in October ac companied by Mrs. Hopping.. CONFARRS RETURN FROM VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Confan- are home after a two weeks trip to Nova Scotia. Enroute they vis ited places of interest including the granite quarries in Vermont. ,They also visited, New Bruns- wich, Halifax and Grande' Pre, the scene of Longfellow’s poem, “ Evarigeline.” Returning through York, Pa: they visited at the home o f Mrs. Confarr’s brother* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bird sad family. , . Church Services CHURCH OF GOD Elwood C. Palmer, Minister Sunday school, 10 A. M. Mrs. David Strobridge, supt. Morning Worship 11 A . M. Children’s service at 6:30. Rev. and Mrs. Daryl G. Wil liamson, Canton, Ohio, will be with us for the next two weeks. Rev. Williamson' will speak a t both services . Sunday and each evening: next week at 7:45. You jrill enjoy hearing the Gos pel boun in sermon and song as presented by the Williamsons. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Paul H. Elliott, minister 10 A. M. Sabbath School, Supt., James W. Steel 11 A. M. Morning Worship, “Labor Day Sunday” , Sermon, “Noble ..Impulses Ran Third.” The Broadcasters class meet ing has been postponed one week. METHODIST CHURCH William B. Collier, minister Sunday School at 10 A. M. Walter Boyer, supt. Momng worship at 11. The ser mon subject by the pastor will be “ Practice What You Preach.” The District Youth Rally will be held in the Methodist Church in Georgetown beginning at 6:30 P. M. Sunday. Rev. Carlton Babhs of Cincinnati will be the speaker. The Youth should meet at the church at 4:30 to leave. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sabbath School 10 A . M, Supt. Arthur B. Evans. Preaching 11 A. M. Guest min ister, Rev. John Powers of Green ville, Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Powers are Home Missionairies in Tennessee, serving Zon and Cedar Creek United Presbyterian churches and we are glad to have Mr. Powers speak to us. Y.P.C.U. at 7 P. M. The suit ject is ‘ ‘The Secret o f Fun is Work Well Done.” Vacation days now are over and let us Rally to the work of the Ghurch. Faithfulness in the Bible School and Ghurch Services will bring: a reward, both for this life and that which s to come. There is to be a Synodical Conference in the nature of a Workshop, held in the Corinth Boulevard. U. P. Church of Day- ton, this week, beginning at 1:30 P. M, Wednesday, Sept. 7 con tinuing through Friday forenoon, Sept. 9. —Tins.' is -to~b<r >diTected ' by ex perts. in Visitation _Evangelism, and is palnned especiallv for-the elders and ministers o f the Synod, and all who are interested in soul winning. Mr. Emil Finney, ahd Mr. Meryl Stormont are the official delegates from our ses sion, but all are cordially invited. CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH _ _ Dr. John W. Bickett, D. D. Minister Sabbath School at 10 A. M. William Ferguson, Supt. Les son topic, “ Psalms of Justice.” Morning preaching service at 11 A. M. Sermon topic “ Some Simple Steps in Following Christ Will Be Given,” Dr. Bickett. The organist fo r the day will be Miss Joanne Sanderson. Some very familiar songs will be sung. The young peonle will meet at 7:30. . ZION BAPTIST CHURCH G. A. Adams, minister 10:15 Sunday school 11:00 j . m. Morning Worship Tuesday 7:30 Choir rehearsal Wednesday 7:0Q p. m. prayer service: MARRIAGE IS ANNOUNCED Friends here have received an nouncements of the marriage of Caroline Galloway, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Galloway of Pasedena, California ' to Mr. George William Woodruff. The marriage took place August 12 in Les Vegas, Nevada. ' ATTEND REUNION AT OHIO CAVERNS Members from here attending the Spracklen reunion at Ohio Caverns Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferryman and grand daughters, Mr: and Mrs. Carl Spracklen and Mrs: Nancy Snrackiin. VISITS IN DAYTON LAST WEEK * Mrs. Nancj Spracklin spent last week in Dayton visiting her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Spracklin and her daughter and.son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ir vin Craig. „ ContractLet For Road72 AtClifton The contract fo r the improve ment of SR-72 through the vil la g e o f Clifton has been let to Mannix Bros., Greenville, on their bid of $257,931.24. The state's, estimate was $294,800, or about $37,000 more than the bidder’s price. It calls for an" improvement o f a little more than four miles of road- eliminating two sharp and . dangerous curves, building a new concrete'bridge over the. Little Miami river, eliminating the nar row wooden structure, *and also a similiar concrete bridge-over the mill race to take the place o f the one-way wooden bridge.. Part o f the project extends into Clark county, as Clifton is' LaborDayEvent ToReGalaAffair AgainThisYear Monday’s the day. That’s the day o f the annual Labor day celebration sponsor ed by the Cedarville Progressive club at Community park. This year will be no exception to the gala celebrations that the dub has sponsored in the past. Headlining this years program will be Bradley Kincaid and his Orange-Blossom Boys. They will present two one-hour shows,. The afternoon performance is sched uled at 3 o’clock while the even ing show Is set for 8 o’clock. Of course there will be plenty o f other activity on the day’s pro gram including a baseball game, contests for boys and girls, a band concert by the Cedarville high school band under the direc tion o f Mrs. Mildred Foster, horseshoe pitching and the mid way. Sharing the spotlight with Bradley Kincaid, will be the re turn performance of the Hamil ton high school tumbling team. The tumblers made quite a hit with their show here last year and have heen hooked a- gain this year. In state competi tion last sprijig the Hamilton team won the state high school championship and scored a huge show at the state basketball fin als at Columbus last March. The’ complete program for the day will be as follows: Gates open at 10’ r~ m., base ball game 12:30 to 2:30, following the baseball game will he base ball contests consisting o f base running, baseball throwing, etc., with prizes for the winner; Brad ley Kincaid and his Orange Blos som Bo^'s 3 to 4; contests for hoys and girls at 4 with sack race, egg throwng, etc.; Hamil ton high school tumbling cham pions at 5. The evenng program will get under way at 7:30 with a band concert by; the Cedarville high school hand under the direction of Mrs. Mildred Foster; horse shoe pitching; Bradley Kincaid and his Orange Blossom Boys 8 to 9 and the auction and draw ing for gate prizes at 9:30. Charles Rheubert is serving as general chairman of the day for the club. Mrs.MaryAlltop DiesTuesdayat ! Milledgeville Mrs. Mary Alltop, 84, widow of Condon Alltop, Milledgeville, died at the home of her daughter', Mrs. Clarence Estep, in that community Tuesday, at 11:40 p. m. She lvad been in failing health nine months and in serious con dition a week. . Bom Nov. 2, 1865 in Lawrence county. She had lived near James town and Milledgeville most of her life and was a member o f the Jeffersonville Church of Christ in Christian Union. Survivors are two sons, Albert, Mt. Sterling and Dewey, Lake- view; five daughters, Mrs. Este, Mrs. Florence Creamer and Mrs, Otto Ratliff, Milledgeville, Mrs. Harley Detty, Cedarville, and Mi's. Ray Crites, South Solon. _ Services will he conducted Fri day at 2 p. m. at the Jefferson ville Church of Christ in Christ ian Union. Burial will be in Mil ledgeville Cemetery. ForEasement StateFilesSuit Because the defendants reject ed the state’s offer of $4,937.50 for two parcels _ o f property, State Highway Director T. J. Kaner has filed suit n common pleas court here against A. Staf ford and Ruth McCullough .o f Clifton to determine the appro priation for a highway easement over their lands. . * The state’s petition said the easement is necessary in the planned improvements to Route 72 in the Clifton area. The new- *er, wider roadway will eliminate “ dog leg” curves in that section and replace narrow bridges with wider ones. The director of state high ways said the offer consisted of $587.50 fo r the land to be used $4,050 for structures involved, and §300 for damage to the resi due, d 'M iX H RECEIVES DEGREE AT O. S. John Tobias was one o f the 10 Greene county students receiving degrees from Ohio State Univer sity Summer "School this week. He received the Master of Arts Degree. FAYETTE HORSE WINS Memorial Song, A . G. Gordon owner and driver won. the sec ond and third heats of a big-pay race at Marion, on the edge o f both counties. However, the main purpose o f the improvement is removal o f the dog-leg curves and the two pne-iane, wagon-type bridges. The date set fo r completion o f the contract is Nov. 30, 1950. ' 1^
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