The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
~ ~ v 1PT « Friday, September 9, 1949 SUNDAY GUESTS Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duvall were Mr. and Mrs. John Duvall o f Hillsboro. Mon day guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duvall and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steritz and son o f Lynch burg, Mrs. Lou Jennings, Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wam- sley o f Dayton. ATTENDS HOME COMING OF CLAS£ . ' Mrs. Ona Hose spent the week end in Evergreen West Va. where she attended her school class homecoming. She also attended church there Sunday. Returning home she visited relatives in Galapolis. AT CONVENTION IN BOSTON Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hutchinson are spending the week in Boston where Mr. Hutchinson is attend ing a scientist Convention. The children Sally, Clyde and Robert are with their grandmother, Mrs. J« S. West. Miss Suzanna West, o f Toledo, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe West and family o f Woodstock ' spent last week with Mrs. West. VISITS IN COLLIER HOME Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier had as Sunday and Monday , guests Mrs. Hilda Logan and Mrs. Leonard Barton of Morgantown Ind. Charles Collier is at the home o f his parents after return ing from a two weeks training course at Naval Reserve at Le- , June N. C. ATTEND MEETING IN DAYTON Mrs. R. T. Williamson and Mrs. Paul Elliott, attended an all day planning meeting fo r Presidents and Treasurers of Societies o f the Dayton Presbytery. The meet ing was held* at West Minister Church in Dayton on Tuesday. DAUGHTERS GO TO DIFFERENT COLLEGE Miss Jean Bradfute, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. David Bradfute left Wednesday for Berkley Calif., where she will enter the Univer sity of Calif. Miss Bradfute grad uated from Ohio State Univer sity and has been employed in the Farm Bureau office in Xenia. “ Peg” youngest daughter of the Bradfutes will enter Miami University fo r the coming year. ENTERTAINS FOR MISS STORMONT Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barker (Janet Williamson) entertained eight couples with a miscellan eous shower at the home of the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson Friday evening. The party was honoring Miss Norma Stormont, bride-elect of Robert Kaylor. Gifts were hidden and an alarm clock placed near. The bride and groom to be were sent to find the gifts before the alarm stopped ringing. Pastel colors were used for dec orations. The group played bridge and prizes were presented to Miss Stormont. " " 41 10 A salad course was served and dainty nut cups were favors. The wedding o f Miss Stormont and Mr. Kaylor will he an event o f the early fall. ATTEND DISTRICT RALLY Several .members o f the Youth Fellowship groun o f the Metho dist Church attended the Wil mington District Fall Rally in Georgetown, Sunday evening. *Those attending were’ as* foI-> lows: Rev. Collier, -Mrf. John Mills, Misses Anne Huffman, Corena Wiseman, Patsy Collier, Phyllis Spurgeon, Alpha Burton, and Carol Huffman, and Stanley, Lowell and Paul Abels. Rev. J. Carlton Babb, pastor o f the Westwood Methodist o f the evening. A recreational Church. Cin«innati was speaker hour-was held in a nearby- park after which the. group was ser ved refreshments. IN CANADA Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stack- house o f Springfield are on a ten day fishing trip to Michigan. HONORED ON 7th BIRTHDAY Roger Bullen, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullen celebrated his 7th birthday with a, party last week. With Roger * celebrating was his cousin Richard Bullen who was one year old. Two birth day cakes with candles centered the table. Mrs. Donald Devoe as sisted Mrs. Bullen and had charge o f games fo r the children. The guests present were Judie, Dickie and David Bullen, Susan Peterson. Alfred Spencer, Doug- ?*'s Weimer, Roger Dobbins, Sue and John Rife, Hedy Ever- heart, Ronnie and Elaine Sparks, Nanc^ and Rita Van Tress, Nor ma Jean and Keith Bullen, Mrs. David Devoe. Mrs. Lloyd Devoe, Mrs. Ralph Bullen, Mrs. Richard Bullen, Mrs. J. H. Reeves and Mrs. Elmer Spahr. BAR TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The Cedar Cliff Chapter of the Daughters of The American Revolution will meet at the home of Mrs. Bessie Bahin, Tuesday evening. Sept 13, at 7:30. Mrs. Bahin lives at 411 N. Western Avenue, Springfield, O. This Will be a constitution day pro gram. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennon, Springfield are announcing the ine to Walter Sewak o f Pennsyl- marriage of their daughter, Baul- vania. The marriage took sJace in Springfield on Saturday, The couple will live in Springfield and Mr. Sewak will atend Cedar ville College. The Kennon family are former residents here. RETURNS FROM WESTERN TRIP Mrs. Arthur D. Hanna has re turned from the West Coast, where she was the guest o f her ‘•on and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hanna o f Spokane, Wash. Mr, Hanna was a former Cedarville resident, who served with the Air Force in the South Pacific and is now Field Repre sentative fo r the National Paint Corporation o f Washington, The Hannas have a son, 9 months old and a daughter four years old. Mrs. Hanna hoarded the new Boeing Strato-Cruiser at Gilger Field, Spokane, bound to New York on its’ maiden flight. The 75 passenger list was made up or reporters, North West Air line ^officials and passengers holdin>» reservations to Chicagb and New York. The giant strat osphere ‘ plane has- a cruising ‘ speed o f 350 niilris an hour-, and a six mile altitude range. '•The trin was completed in seven hours. Points Of interest visited by Mrs. Hanna, included the Artist’s Colony at Harrison. Idriho on picturesque Manitou Lake, the Japanese vegetable farms in Spokane River Valley, the Form al Flower Gardens of the City of Spokane and fishin™ on Lake Davis.. VAYHINGER-MILLER Marriage vows were exchanged by Miss Martha Jane Miller of Harrisburg, Pa., and Richard A l lan Vayhinger of Cedarville in Harrisburg Wednesday at 6 p. m. The ceremony was solemnized in the Market Square Presbyterian church. The bride is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Eyan J. Miller, Bellevue Park, Harrisburg. The bride groom, whose father is •presi dent o f Cedarville College, is the son o f Dr. and Mrs. Ira D. Vay- hinger of Cedarville. Rev. Raymond C. Walker, pas tor o f the* church, officiated at • the ceremony which was preced ed by a program of nuptial mu sic. Mrs. John R. Henry was or ganist and Howard Evan Phipps, cousin of the bride, was vocalist. The church was decorated with tall .standards o f lilies, white chrysanthemums ancT gladioli. The chancel was lighted with candelabra against a background o f pin oak trees in a pyramid ar rangement. The bride given in marriage by her father, chose a gown of blush pink satin. The deeD square neck line was outlined with a flat triple collar on a pointed basque bodice with long sleeves. The skirt fell from the bodice in soft unpressed pleats. Her full-length veil o f blush illusion tulle was caught to a frilled cap o f prin cess lace from the wedding gown o f her paternal grandmother and she wore her paternal grand mother’s necklace o f garnets. She carried a bouquet of white asters and white pompom chrys anthemums. Miss Ruth Miller, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a vine rose satin gown styl ed with a fitted bodice and small collar. The skirt had two shirred tiers at the hipline which cas caded into a full sweeping over skirt at the back. She wore satin gauntlets to match her gown and carried blush pink asters. The bridesmaids were Miss Priscilla Miller, another sister of the bride; Miss Dorothy Jane Jennings, Allentown, Pa., and Mrs. John Hamilton * Krieger. •cousins o f the bride; Mrs. Harry Allan McKee, Prespect Heights, 111.; Miss Audrey Edwards, Mor ristown, N. J., and Miss Priscilla Stroh o f Harrisburg. Their gowns were tiger lily pink satin GOOD PRINTII<G . . . »"*• Full Value for A Your Dollar! V OUR PRINT SHOP IS There’s a commonly used ex pression: “You get just what you pay for.** This applies to PRINTING just the same as most anything else you buy. Good PRINTING can’t be produced at a poor price. AT YOUR SERVICE. . . Poor Printing even at a low price is expensive, because it gives the prospective custo* mer the impression that your services or products are not up to standard. We give full value for every dollar you spendwith us for PRINTING ft —and our prices are always FAIR. We Solicit Your Next Printing Order The Cedarville Herald and they carried bouquets of small pink .and rose variegated dahlias. . Geoxye C. Rogers of Charles ton, S. C. seryed as best iuan. xne ushers were Lt. William M- Keed, Frederick,. Md., and Josiah Fred erick Reed, Jr., cousins of bride; Howard Olson and Rober-t Slater of Chicago; Harold*A* Mo-- Kee, Prospect Heights, Ill*» and( Frank G. Pickel, Bloomsburg, N J A reception at .Van’s Colonial restaurant in Harrisburg follow ed the ceremony. Mrs. Millet, toe bride's mother, wore o gown of French blue sheer crepe over in trimmed in matching corded Chantilly lace. She carried pink roses. Mrs. Vayhinger, mother of the bridegroom, wore a dress of 'dusty rose crepe and a corsage o f white orchids. When Mr. and Mrs. Vayhinger left Harrisbure Wednesday night on a wedding trip, the bride wore a green wool gabardine suit with brown accessories and a shoulder eorsage o f green-brown orchids. Mi*, and Mrs. Vayhinger will reside in Wooster, 0., where the former will he on the faculty of Wooster college the coming year. Mrs. Vayhinger is a graduate of Wells College and received a master o f arts degree in June from the school o f social science o f the University o f Chicago. She is a member o f the Junior League in Harrisburg. Mr. Vay- t hinger is a graduate of Carleton college, Northfield. Minn., and re ceived his degree from the Uni versity i f Chicago last week. RETURNS FROM VISIT IN EAST Mr- and Mrs P. J. McCorkell are home after visiting Capt. and Mrs. Lawrence^ Williamson and. family in Arlington, Va., and rel atives in Philadelphia, Pa. SPENDS MONDAY IN LEWISBURG Mr. and Mrs. R B. Koppe and daughter Pat and Bob and Mrs. Keith Rigio and daughter De borah spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Vj. C. Stanton in Lewis- burg, 0 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Weaver and children and Miss Jean fos ter of Williamsbui'g $pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Gillaugh and family. VISITING IN CLEVELAND. Rev. and Mrs. W A. Condon are visiting their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc Mahan in Cleveland. GUESTS HERE Mrs. Sylvia Cooley Gerhieser of Waldo is visiting Mrs. W L. Clemans. GUESTS FROM WASHINGTAN C. H. - Mrs. Fred Wollard of Washing-, ton C. H. is spending the week with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Miron Williamson, Tuesday Mrs. Wollard, Mrs. Wil liamson and sons and Miss Franr ces Williamson visited Mrs. John Cheitoweth at Newark, Dr. Fred-’ Wollard and son and Mr. Miron Williamson returned Friday af ter a fishing trip to Canada. SPENDS WEEKEND IN LAKEVIEW Mrs. Tinsley Corn, Leola Coni and Alta Murphy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Carr (Dora Murphy) of Lake- view. On Monday 25 relatives and friends gathered at the Carr home for a picnic. 50 - 50 DANCE ’ There will be a 50 - 50 dance every Saturday night in the Clif ton Opera House. Sponsored by Clifton Vol. Firefighters, Music will be by the Rythum RambelerS and the caller Otis Knox, CHURCH OF GOD MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Womans Missionary soc iety o f the Church of God met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ehvood Palmer. Mrs. Palmer was the leader and her topic was “David Livingston.” , Mrs. Bessiq Shaw assisted Mrs. Palmer with refreshments. ATTEND RAILWAY ’ EXPOSITION in CHICAGO Rev. and Mrs. Elwood Palmer and family are home after spend ing a few days in Chicago. They attended the Railroad Exposi tion while there and^saw the pageant of “ Our Country.” MILLER REUNION Seventy members were pre sent for the annual Miller re union held Sunday at the home df Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thordsen. Out of state guests were from* California, Iowa and West Vir ginia. Others were present from Mansfield, Blair, Toledo, Colum bus, London, Springfield and . Cardington. President of the group is Or ville Miller and the secretary- treasurer is Ray Miller. ATTEND FUNERAL In .r/\ition to the immediate members of the family those from a distance who*attended the fun eral o f Mrs. R. A. Jamieson were, Walter R. Woodward, Wil- kinsburg, Pa., From Columbus Dr. E. B. McClellan, Dr. W. 0. Ball, from Reynoldsburg, Rev. H. Glenn Stephens, from New California, Rev. and Mrs. John ~S. Vance, from Morning Sun, Ohio, a former pastorate of Dr. Jamieson, Dr. and Mr?. Haul Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Robert . Paxton, Mrs. Ora McCreary, Misses Ina and Lois Brown, from Pattersonville, Ne York, Mr. Harley Bohlke and son, Ralph, from Rushville*,' Indiana, Rev. A. F .. Huish and sonGeoi- frey. In addition there were a great many from near by, Xenia, Jamestown, and Clifton.' 6th BIRTHDAY PARTY Jo Ann Cummings, daughter mings celebrated her • sixth o f Mr. and Mrs. Walter £um- birthday with a p.arty a t her home Mondqy afternoon. A birth day cake with candles centered with a birthday cake decorated in pink and white. The Cedarville, O. Herald False faces *and hats were given each guest and games were play ed. The guests, present were ylaire and Mary Lee Cummings, Janet and Janette Harner, Julie htaigers, Alice May Evans, * ene Carlisle, Judy Pitstick > .of. Dayton and Janet and Jo Ann' : ■•vummings. , . ... _ •,. ^ * WSeS LUNCHEON MEETING HELD The W. S. C. S. o f the Metho- ’ jv . church met'Wednesday for their luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Evans. Forty members were present. Devot ions were given by Mrs. A. E. * “ lchards and Mrs. John Mills in , e ,, rm ° f a playlet “Woman at the Well.” Mrs. J. W. John- stan sang two numbers. The Program “ Our Faith” was led by Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup. Assist- mg Mrs. Evans with the lunch- )Yere her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Paul Evans, Mrs. John Mills and Mrs. Amos Frame. , MOVE INTO HOME HERE 1VL-. and Mrs. Lutellis McCarty Rio Grande have mov§d into the property, recently vacated by - fr'° • an^ lyhs. Janies Ramsey. , Mr. McCarty is a . student and Mrs. McCarty is employed at the college. KENSINGTON CLUB TO MEET , The Kensington Club will hold their annual business meet ing ,and luncheon, Thursday Sent. 15 at the home of Mrs. Del- mar Jobe, * ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles, Mrs. Don Hubbard, Roger Chai’- les, Bill Fife, Don Hubbard, Jr. attended the , funeral services Wednesday in Warsaw ,Ky. for . Mrs. Harry Longabough former ly of Cedarville. The Longaboughs operate the Brown Hotgl in Warsaw. ENTERS NURSES TRAINING IN SPRINGFIELD Miss Regina Stewart daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs John Stewart has 'entered nurses training at Springfield City hospital. ATTEND SESQDI CENTENNIAL Mr, and Mrs. Roy Waddle spent, last week end at the horde o f Mrs, Waddle’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright near Greenfield, 0 . and attended the Sesqui Centen nial of Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wright were in the pageant. ATTEND WEDDING OF COUSIN Mr. and Mrs, William Jones and daughter, Mary Lynn attend ed the wedding of. Mr. Jones cousin. Julia Ann McDorman to Richard Steinkamn Friday even ing in the Covenant Presbyter ian Church in Springfield. VACATIONING .IN MICHIGAN Mr. , and Mrs. Donald Hagler and sons and Mrs. Collins Wil liamson left Sunday for a two weeks Vacation at Torch Lake, Michigan. VISITING FAMILY HERE Mi*. Harry Bird of York, Pa. arrived here by plane from Chi cago to visit his sisters, Miss Mary Bird- and Mr. arid Mrs. J. L. Confarr and his brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bird. Mr. Bird had been attending a Pharmist convention in Chicago. He is Chief Pharmist at York hospital. He left by plane Sun day fo r his home in York. BARNES REUNION Twenty-four members at tended the annual Barnes reun ion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Cl” de McCallister. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Barnes and family o f Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Barnes and Mr. John McDon ald o f Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. O'mer Weaver and daughter of South Vienna, S. ,Sgt. and Mrs. John McCallister and son of Fairfield, Mrs. RuthrBarnes arid "daughter and son-ih-law, Mb. rind’ Mrs. John'Deerfdrd of Huntsville and Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallister andtfamily. REUNION OF FORMER RESIDENTS Rev. and Mrs. Marion Hostet ler and three children visited the Rev. and Mrs. Justin Hartman in Sherman, Conn., on August 29. The Hostetlers are in Hartford, Conn,, where Mr. Hostetler' is working on a Ph. D. degree. Both Mr, Hostetler and Mr. Hartman are former residents o f Cedar ville. RECENT BRIDE IS FETED ' Mrs. Harold Stormont (Char lotte Ann Collins) a recent bride, was complimented at a kitchen and pantry “ shower” at the home o f her cousin, Mrs. Harold Han na, Tuesday afternoon. When contests were played, prizes were won by Mrs. Law rence Harner,' Mrs. Raymond Cherry, Mrs. Donald Hagler and Mrs. Charles Stormont. Thirty guests attended the party from Cedarville, Xenia, Yellow Springs, Clifton and Os born. MISS THORDSEN IS HONOHED Misst Vera Thorsden, who has been pianist at the Xenia Evan gelical and United Brethern Church the last six years, was complimented at a surprise par ty given -by the choir of that church at tjie home of - Mr-'and,. Mrs. J. E: Molitor, Xenia; Friday * evening. x Miss Thordsen will leave Sept. 9 for Indinan Central College. MRS. CHASE IS HOSTESS • Mrs. W. P. Ghase was hostess to the Research Club at her home Friday' afternoon. Mrs. Karlh . Bull the new president took over the office formerly occupied by “ to?* Raymond Spracklen, Other officers for this year are Mrs. Leon Kling, secretary, and Mrs. • i Meryl Stormont, treasurer. The roll call was answered by naming’ a place of interest in Ohio. Two interesting papers were read by Mrs, Thurman Miller; “ Ohio At Work” and Mrs. J. E. Hastings, / ‘Ohio A t Play.” Mrs. ,J. S, W e s t‘ told of the work of her. daughter, Miss Ruth West; in China, where she is with the Y. W. C. A,.Mrs. Meryl Stormont lead the group in singing, “ Beau tiful Ohio.” ~ Mrs. Chase served delicious-re freshments to the club members. GUESTS FROM CALIF. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Davis have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge L. Keitli of Los Angeles, CaL- ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and their guests will spent the week *end in Roanoke, Virginia. FERGUSON- GOOBY In a ceremony performed bn Glen Echo United Presbyterian church in Columbus Friday even ing marriage vows were exchang- , ed by Miss Cloris Virginia Gooby of that city and William Stor- . mont Ferguson. ^ •The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Winifred 0 . Gooby, Mrs. William B. Ferguson, is the mo ther of the bridegroom. For the double ring service the church was lighted with four sev en - branch candelabra and single candles on the chancel rail. Other decorations were huckleberry branches and fern centered with a fan-shaped arrangement of w hitegladioli. When a program of nuptial mu sic whs presented preceding the ceremony, Miss Helen Hayden, organist, played, At Dawning, Evening Star and Liebestraum. . Because, I Love Thee. 0 Promise ,Me and The Lord’s Prayer were sung by Mrs. Lowell Kress. Dur ing the. ceremony the organist played, 0 Perfect Love. ► Attending the bride as matron of honor was Mrs. Matt Kandel III of Chicago. The bridesmaids were Misses Sally Ann Gooby, sister of the bride, and Nancy Ferguson, sister of the bride groom. Miss Judith Gooby, an other sister of the bride, was the junior bridesmaid. The. matron of honor appeared .in a gown of gold slipper satin styled with a fitted bodice and bustle, back. She wore matching mitts and a braided net hairband. The bridesmaids were dressed in similariy styled gowns of green slipper eMtin. Butterfly shaped bouquets r f gold chrysanthemums with ivy streamers on a yellow net background were carried by the bridal attendants. Given in marriage by her bro ther, Robert A. Gooby, the bride chose for her wedding a gown of white slipper satin fashioned with a high neck, long sleeves coining to points over the hands, - a hoon skirt with a train and a collar trimmed with seed pearls. " She carried a white Bible, a gift; of the bridegroom, covered with:. ann orchid. / Performing the duties of best man was Edward McCracken, of Columbus. Seating the guests were Wayne Corry, and Harold Stormont, cousin of the bride groom. , At a reception in the Church parlors following the ceremony Mrs. Gooby received the guests in a rose satin crepe dress. Mrs. Ferguson was attired in' a plum crepe gown. Beth had corsages of white glamelias with green and gold tints. The reception was at tended by 100 guests. The couple will be at home aft er Sept. 20 on a fram near Xenia. They are now on a wedding trip, to the jSmoky Mountains and the South. Mrs.. Ferguson is a graduate (if North high school, Cilumbus, where she was formerly employ ed in the office of the Lustorn Corp. The bridegroom is a grad uate o f Cedarville high school and aifended Ohio State Uuiver- sity, where he was affiliated with Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. BENEDICT MecGILLIVRAY Before an altar banked with palms, huckleberry foliage and the bride Sunday of Kenneth Ed ward Benedict. The bride is the daughter of Mi's. James MacGiliivray of Bon- nelsville and the late Mr. Mac- Gillivray. Mr. Benedict is the son of Mri and Mrs. Orval Bene dict of Springfield, Route 4. The Rev, C. E. Byers read the double-ring service at 2:30 P. M. in the First Church of God on Maiden .Lane, Springfield Mrs. Benedict is a graduate of Olive Branch high school and. Mi- ’ ami university. Mr. Benedict is a -raduate of Cedarville high school and atended Ohio State university. The couple will Teside on Jack- son road. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thordsen had as guests the past week Mrs. Thordsens sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Church of San Francisco, California, and Mr. Thordsens sister and hus- bend Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atten, Central City, Iowa. ^ • Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hartman had as weekend guests M ts . Hartmans sister Miss Brucella Owings of Cincinnati. Monday guests was her brother, Harry Owings of Ciricinnati. _ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bratton and son visited friends here La bor day. Prof. F. A. Jurkat is receiving medical treatment in Springfield City hospital. Miss Ruth Reiter has accept ed a teaching position in Silver- creek schools at Jamestown. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Frame spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Janies Watkins in Jeffersonville. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bartels and sons of Wyoming, 0., spent Labor day here. Mrs. Mary Harbison had as guests last week, her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Dean and sons of Rocky River, Ohio. Mrs. Ruth Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Geesner and David Mason of Orgonia spent the weekend in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards and family spent Sunday with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Richards. Mrs. J. W. Johnston is home after spending the summer in New York Nancy and' Rheta Van Tress, daughters of Miv and Mrs. Rob ert Van Tress visited last wek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullen while their parents were on vacation in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harsh have returned to their home in Pitts burgh. They were accompanied there by Mr. and Mrs. Myerl Stormont and daughter, Mary Louise. Mary Louise remained for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillich en tertained Mr. and „ Mrs. John Powers and family to dinner Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Powers left Thursday for their home in Greenville, Tenn. Miss Barbara Smith had as hor week end guest, Charles Heisler. Mr. Heisler is attending Western Reserve in Cleveland. Miss Jane Creswell, who is attending school in Detroit, spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cres well. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Davjs o f Wilmington spent the weekend^ with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beam* and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Vaughn. They are the parents^ of Mrs. Beam and Mrs. Vaughn. Mrs. Elsie Studevant Cantrill of Cleveland is visiting Azel and Echo Studevant and other rela tives. Mrs. Dorothy Smith has re turned to her home in Denver, Colorado. After a visit with her parents, Dr, and Mrs. R. V. Ken non. Mrs. Lvdia Brewer o f Xenia, „ Mrs. Ed Stormont, Misses Mary and Fannie Williamson were the Sunday dinner guests o f Mrs. Sally McMillan. Elmer Owens is visiting id Dayton with his daughter, Mrs. Isadore Notz and his brother, Clarence Owens. Misses Maty and Florence Wil liamson were Wednesday even ing guests of Miss Eva and Mr. Stewart Arthur in Springfield. Miss Martha Ann McGuinn has returned to Sandusky to resume her duties as teacher of first grade in Sandusky school. Pat McGuinn who has been visiting A, R. Masslar in Trenton N. J, has returned home. » FaustNamed Directorof Agriculture Howard S, Faust, 57-year-old “ dirt farmer” who lives in the corner of Madison county near Plain City, has been named by Governor Lausche as director of agriculture of Ohio, succeeding A . W. M a r i o n , who has been named head of the new depart- ment-of natural resources. As assistant agricultural di rector Faust is serving as man ager of the state fair. He will continue at that post until after the fair is over. A. W. (Chick) Marion, one time county agent in Mercer county, steps up to the new posi tion, as Faust succeeds him in director’s post. The agriculture job pays $8,- 600 a year. Faust, .who farms 700 acres in Madison County, is a veteran of World War 1. He was graduated from Ohio' state university in 1915. He took his degree in vet erinary medicine. BossieHas Fourth Setof TwinCalves. Though her name is “Half Pint,” and she is 14 years old, J. A. Roberts’ Holstein cow has had 17 calves, including four sets of twins. There’s a Rooseveltian hint in the calves’ names—Sisti and Buddy but it’s hard to get enough names to go ’round for 17 calves without going partly Democratic. “I ’m going to keep her noW; I had planned to sell her, but who wants to sell a cow that has twin calves almost every, time,” asked J. A. ‘ Roberts, herowner, answering his own question. i Roberts is a Highland county1 farmer. But only since I got my Genera] Electric All-Automatic Washer! ® * .ol4 You’ll be happy on washday, too (with a G-E All-Automatic Washer), because your part o f the washing is done in 20 seconds. That’s just how long it takes to load the washer, set die controls, and start it. You’ll be happier with a General Electric All-Automatic, too, because it really gets the clothes clean . . . sweet-smelling clean. A il the clothes are soaked, washed, and rinsed in fil tered , c ir c u la t in g w a te r , and th e G-E Activator* gets the dirt out o f heavy work- ciotfies^vphile 'it’s-g?nfle~widr'Tiie’^finest fabrics. Ask to see this amazing washer, in action. It’s being demonstrated today— every day— to show you how to make washday a happier day. p|||Q£ •TRADE-MARKREG. U.S. PAT. OFF. GENERAL f f ELECTRIC WASMMS- ' IMrirRJtf • IRONERS $349.95 Cedarville, Ohio j * v"“‘J' . I** Vf kW
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