The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52

Friday, June 17, 1949 The Cedarville, O* Herald The Cedarville Herald v A Republican Newspaper Published Every Friday by THURMAN MILLER. JR. Entered as second class matter October 31, 1837 at the Postof­ fice at Cedarville, Ohio, under A ct o f Congress of March 1879. Member—National Editorial As* ‘ sociation;" Ohio Newspaper Asso­ ciation; Miami Vallear Press -As­ sociation. COUPLE ON TRIP FOLLOWING WEDDING IN CEDARVILLE Mr. and Mrs. William D. Van- divort (Helen Collier), who were married in the Methodist church Saturday evening, are on a wedd­ ing trip to Watoga state park in West Virginia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Candivort left for West Virginia Monday evening after both had recieved bachelor o f arts degrees at conimencemnt exercises at Ohio Wesleyan Uni­ versity, Delaware, Monday morn­ ing. The bride is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. William B. Collier. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vandivort, Glen Ellyn, HI. Rev. Mr. Collier, pastor of the church, officiated at the double ring ceremony at his daughter’s wedding. He was assisted by Dr, Charles Coulter, pastor of the Fii’st Methodist church, Oak Park 111,, former superintendent of the Dayton district of the Meth­ odist church. Baskets of daisies decorated the altar and the altar railing was entwined with fern and daisies. Two seven-b r a n c h candelabra were placed on the "altar and sin­ gle candles in* tall standards marked each pew. Preceding the ceremony Miss Mildred Trumboy presented a pro­ gram of organ music and Miss Phyllis Bryant sang “ Because,” “ I Love You Truly,” “With This. Ring,” Through the Years” and “ The Losd’s Prayer.” Miss Patsy Collier, sister o f the bride, was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Margaret Coulter o f Oak Park, daughter of Dr. Coulter, and Miss Judy Bow­ er, A k r o n , Susan Reynolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Reyr kls, and Sharon Ruth Bot­ kins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Botkins, Dayton, were flower girls. The maid of honor' and two bridesmaids wore gowns of mar­ quisette trimmed in lace. The dresses were styled with fitted bodices and hoop skirts* Miss Col- lier wore pink marquisette, Miss Coulter was in yellow and Miss Bower wore aqua. They carried arrangements of daisies__ and Row PILLOWS RENOVATED Ticks carefuly Laundered. Feathers processed in a special machine to remove lint and feather dust and broken bits o f quill. Then steam-sterlized and flu ffed in a current o f hot air until they’ re downy soft and hospital clean. Also new ticks if desired. Remember Rugs cleaned by Wagners And for Dry Cleaning at it’s best, bring it to. OHAPLSN DRY CLEANERS CORBEAN’S BargainDay OnUsedClothing Lot of Children wear ....... .............. - 5c Ladies Skirts, Blouses............. . 25c Men’ s Pants ............................ ............25c Children & Ladies Dresses .......... . 25c up •» Men, Ladies & Children Shoes.......10c up Coats .............................................. 50c up white asters on white fans. The two flower girls appeared in frocks o f white organdy styled with sweetheart necklines and short puffed sleeves. They v r,*~e headbands o f net and daises and carried daisies and asters on min­ iature fans. A gown o f white marquisette was chosen by the bride, who was given in marriage by her father. The bodice was fashioned with a hi gh, neckline and long sleeves, trimmed in lace, and the skirt extended into a long train. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a tiara of orange blossoms and she carried a cas­ cade arrangement o f white as­ ters and daisies. Her jewelry was a strand o f pearls, a gift o f the bridegroom. Mr. Donaid Vandivort o f Glen Ellyn, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and the ush­ ers wer«. Charles Collier, brother of the bride, and George Kuest- ner, Cleveland. Following the service, 200 guests attended a reception in the church parlors. Mrs. Collier moth­ er of the bride, received the guests in a gray crepe dinner dress, complemented with black and white accessories. She wore long white silk gloves which* had been a part of her wedding en­ semble. Her flowers were red roses. Mrs. Vandivort, the bride­ groom’s mother, wore a dinner dress of aqua crepe with white accessories and an orchid cor­ sage. Assisting at the reception were Missqi Marilyn Jackson, Minerva Catherine Winkler, Lakewood; Sally Kay Creswell and Ann Huffman; Mrs. A. E. Richards, Mrs. Flo Cummings, Mrs. Ruth Reiter, Mrs. Mary Pickering, Mrs. David Reynolds and Mrs. John Mills. For her trip to West Virginia the bride wore an original pink suit with blue accessories and an orchid corsage. From West Virginia the couple will go to Chicago where Mr. Vao- divort -will atteend the Chicago Academy o f Fine. Arts. Rev. and Mrs. Collier were hosts to members o f the wedding party at a rehearsal dinner at their home Friday evening. W. S. C. S. CARAVAN TO BE HELD JUNE 21 A W. S. C. S. Caravan will he held in First Methodist Church in Xenia Tuesday, June 21. Ce- darville society is invited and all members are urged to attend. Any one who can not attend the Xenia meeting may attend the same caravan meeting at Sabina Wednesday, June 22. Anyone de­ siring transportation contact Mrs. David Reynolds. ON MOTOR TRIP THROUGH SMOKY MTS. Miss Pauline Nelson and Miss Phillis Season o f Xenia are on a motor trip through Smoky Mts. Pauline in on a two weeks vaca­ tion from her duties at the Xen­ ia Gazette. COLUMBUS GUEST Miss Katharine Pierce of Co­ lumbus visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McCorkell last week. RETURNS HOME FROM BLOOMINGTON, IND. Mrs. Gar? Gieser and sons have returned to their home in Bloomington, Ind., after six weeks visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson. Miss Betty Nelson accompanied her sister home for a visit. Don's Market Telephone 6-2041 Open Till 8 P. M. Week Nights Open All Da y Wednesdays Open 9 Till 12:30 Sundays (PICNIC SUPPLIES) Your Dollar Will Go Farther At Don’s . Lard [2 lbs. for .. Hunt’s SlicedBacon Catsup 39c ib. 14 oz. bottle 2 for 25c CanMilk Beauty Brand 2 lge. cans 23c 7:30Coffe IT’ S FRESH 39c lb. Super Suds 2 lge. boxes 44c Trend SOAP POWDER 2 lge. boxes 31c SWEETHERAT Soap 4 bars for 31c mssm WATER Melons 23 lb. av. 95c Fresh Smoked Sausage Callies 2 lbs. for 65c 45c lb. PorkChop 88c center cuts Liver — Spareribs — Pigs Feet Pig Tails — Hearts — Tongues Weiners — ' Franks — Lunch Meats Complete Line o f Heinz Baby Foods Country Dressed Chickens Quick and Friendly Service YOUR ONESTOP MARKET “THE HEART BOWEDDOWN BY WEIGHT OF WOE” HOME CULTURE CLUB DATE OF MEETING CHANGED Home Culture Club members will notice change of date from- Tuesday 21, to Wednesday P. M., June 22, at Eastern Star room ' with Mrs. Ruby Murphy as hos­ tess. REV. COLLIER RETURNED TO CHURCH HERE Rev. W. B. Collier was return­ ed to the Methodist Church for another year, folowing the an- nual confeernce o f the Method­ ist Church held at Lakeside last week. VOWS EXCHANGED IN KENTUCKY ' The marriage of their daugh­ ter, Miss Eleanor Louise, to Mr. Norman Lee Grindle, is being announced by Mr*, and Mrs. Onier Sparrow, Clifton. The ceremony took place in Greenup, Ky., on June 4. The bridegroom, son of Mr. George Grindle, Clifton, is em­ ployed by Crowell-Collier Pub­ lishing Co., Springfield. The bride is a graduate of Cedarville High School, 4-H CLUB MEMBERS ON TRIP TO DEABORN Ellis Motor Sales in Xenia sponsored a trip for 4-H Club members and leaders to Edison Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn Michigan last Friday. Attending the tour were mem­ bers of< ,the_ Nifty* Cedar Gals, leader, Mrs. J. B. Crumrine, Janet- Crumrine, Caroline Col­ lins and Martha Richards; Happy Workers Club were Connie Swa- by, Norma Horney, Jo Ann Shee- iev, Linda. Gordoji, Janet Gord­ on and Sue Miller; Cedarville Hot Shots, leader, Albert Mott, Walker Williamson, John and Jane McMillan, Sue Cotter, Al­ bert and Janies Ison, Jean Col­ lins, Allen , Sexton, Jackie Lil- lich, Janice Wilburn,, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Sexton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilburn. AT CAMP OHIO THIS WEEK Misses Rebecca Creswell and Jo Ann Sheeley are spending the week at Camp Ohio' in Utica. They are taking a state junior leadership course in 4-H work. Jo Anne is taking a course in are members of the Happy Work­ ers 4-H Group, TO SPEND SUMMER HERE Mzv and Mrs. Frank Bird* have as guests the latters mother, Mrs. R. W. Vaughan and sister, Miss Anna Vaughan o f Pomeroy. They expect to spend the summer here. • RETURN FROM OAK HILL Mrs. Ray Mullen and son, Danny are home after a week visit with relatives in Oak Hill. RETURN TO HOME Mr. .and Mrs. Park King have returned to their former home in Pennsylvania. Mr. King has been attending Cedarville College. RETURNS BY PLANE TO CALIFORNIA After spending the Weekend with her grandmother Mrs. J. E. Kyle, Eileen Kyle boarded a plane Thursday A. M. for Los Angfilps, to meet a college friend, Joan Sylvies to be the house guest of the Sylvies family in Honolulu, during the month of June. Miss Kyle recently returned to her home in Manchester, Ohio, after completing her Junior year in Stephens College for girls Colum­ bia, Mo. OVER NIGHT GUESTS OF REV. AND MRS. WAIDE Rev. and Mrs. William J^ichol and two daughtei’s, Evelyn 2 ^jd Gl ace, of Braddock, Pa,, were over-night guests o f Rev. and Mrs. Waide^ one night this past week. Rev. and Mrs. Nichol and children were on a return trip from College Springs, Iowa, where they had been on a short visit with Mrs. Niehol’s parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Wm, Pollock. Mr. - Polock is confined to his home with a very serious condi­ tion. o f the heart. ■ , CELEBRATES 81st .. BIRTHDAY Mrs. Ida C. Stormont celebrated with twenty-eight of her rela­ tives at a party in her honor on her eighty-first birthday, Fri­ day evening, the 10th of June Re­ freshments of ice cream, sher­ bet, and several kinds of cake and iced tea were served. Rev, Wm. Nichol and wife, and two children of Braddock, Pa., and Mrs. Janies Stormont and two daughters o f Ligonier, Pa., and Rev. and Mrs. Paul Duncan of Morning Sun, O. were present from a distance. ATTEND COMMENCEMENT AT OHIO WESELYAN Rev. and Mrs. W. B. - Collier and daughter, Pat and son,, Charles attended commencement exercises at Ohio W'eseiyan Uni­ versity, Delaware, Monday where there daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. William, Vandivort were both graduates. GDADUATES AT OSU Lawrence Eugene Kennon, son , of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennon I Of Springfield, former Cedarville residents, graduated last week fi'Oiji Ohio State University. He received n Fine Arts degree in Education. SPEND WEEKEND IN PA. Prof, and Mrs. Gilbert Dodds and- son spent last week .visiting relatives in Strausburg and Beth­ lehem, Pa. VISITING AT. NEAL HOME Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart and daughter are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have spent five years in a mission school in Texas and are going to summer school at Ohio State University this summer and will both teach in^Bible School in Cireleville, 0. FARM BUREAU COUNCIL Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna en­ tertained Farm Bureau Council No. 9 at their home Friday even­ ing, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Bungard- ner, Mrs. Hanna,. Mrs. Brahnfs and Mrs, Robert Brahams dis­ cussed “Women On the Farm.” An ice course was served to 21 members by Mrs. Hanna. TO HPEND SUMMER HERE jJiidy and Mike Nagiey of Menasha, Wisconsin are spending the summer with their father William Nagiey and family. SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Orin Strickland and family of Dayton spent" Sun­ day with the laters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cotton. VISIT NIAGARA FALLS Mrs. Albert Mott and Mrs. Janies Daugherty of Xenia spent the weekend at Niagara Falls. IN CINCINNATI , Mrs. Thora Ridgway and son are spending a few days in Cin­ cinnati, Mrs. Ridgewav has ac­ cepted a position in Fair View, Ohio High School. A FORMER RESIDENT IN CALIFORNIA Mr. Bill Furst, Athens a for­ mer resident of Cedarville i]s spending the summer in San Francisco, Bill was sent by the West Minister Fellowship group of the First Presbytei-ian Church and teaches in a school for im- igrants in that city. GUESTS OF WILBURN FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stoops BndT, H F L O A O M R A E M N S S S Claibourne-McDermott Co. Phone 2238 3854 N. South Wilmington DEAD STOCK Horses $4.00 Cows $4.00 According to Size and ' Condition CALL Xenia 454 Reverse Charges XENIA FERTILIZER E. G. Budisieb, Inc. IYHS6 ©yf Offi s A MOVIE-MAKINGFil \ M i ' Choose front America’ * finest Cameras and Pro* jectors: • CINE KODAK • BELL-HOWELL • REVERE • AMERO ' • BOLTEX • KEYSTONE _ We fieve. both 16 mm end 8 mm Cine Kodak Film in ’ full color. Kodschrome and black and white. "Even Your Camera Sayi CLICK" .Open Monday Till 9 F. M* , CAMERA SHOP, i 31 W. HIGH ST« ;& S jjr J E aM iJ J ,-— ~ i WATCHTOORSAVINGS GROW N Individual Accounts Insured Up To $5,000 Current Dividend Rate 2% Cedarvi lle Federal Savings &LoanAssn. Cedarville, Ohio * ‘ . children and Mrs. Stoops niece Ann were Sunday guesfs of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilburn. SPENDS SUNDAY- ON LAKE ERIE Mr. Charles and Woody Boase, Bruce Connor, Carl and Jerry Wilburn spent Sunday at Pt. Clinton on Lake Erie. ATTEND GRADUATION AT ATHENS OHIO Mr. and Mrs. R. T. William­ son and Miss Florence William­ son, attended the-graduation ex­ ercises at Ohio University Ath­ ens, Sunday. Mr. M. C. Penny- packer son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson was in the class. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Penpypacker. Sr„ of Toledo returned to Cedarville after commencement and visited at the Williamson home. Mr. Louis Bromfield was sneaker at the exercises, - GIRL SCOUTS ENTERTAINS MOTHERS Girl Scout troop No. 48 with their leaders Mrs, Fred Wilburn and Miss Alta Murphy entertain­ ed the girl’s mothers at the shel­ ter hoqse* last week. Badges and stars were given the girls and five year pins were awarded Jan­ ice Wilburn and Ruth Davis. Guests were served cookies and pop. - ® CLIFTON ITEMS The Womens Missionary So­ ciety of the Clifton United Pres- bytei/an met Wednesday of this week at the* church at a noon day luncheon. The Young Women’s Missionary Socieety and all the women of the church were guests. Mrs. Bertha Ferguson was the devotional leader. Dr, John W. Bickett will speak at Cedarville United Presbyterian church on Saturday afternaon at two o’ clock. This service is in preparation of their summer communion service. John Skillings and Eugene Bennington will represent the Young People's society of the Cl i f t o h United Presbyterian church at the Rally o f the Xenia Presbyterial at Glen Echo church Columbus next Sabbath after­ noon and evening. SeveraJ from the local society will attend. The daily vacation Bible school will close Friday evening with a program demonstrating its work. There are eighty-five en­ rolled in the school. Write-in Candidate Legally Elected .The Ohio supreme court has ruled that the write-in vote by which Miss Dorothy Kennedy, a former Wilmington College stu­ dent, was elected prosecuting at­ torney of Brown county was le­ gal. Lower courts had held that write-ins were illegal in general elections, though a general prac­ tice in primaries. Miss Kennedy received 2,016 votes' to 1,272 for Angus Wilson, whose name was printed on the ballott as an. independent. Miss Kennedy is a Democrat. An flection board official of many years experience recalled “I want to Vote for all the Re­ publicans on this ticket.” Though that once a ballot is marked only, the law states that .the “ intention of the voters” must he the guide of election judges, the ballot was thrown out, the officials recalls, Would Cut Wheat Acreage It seems almost certain, ob­ servers say that thei-e will be a 259b grain- reductibffi measure put into the agriculture depart­ ment's program. Acre planting allotments are considered a definite part o f the government’s wheat policy. A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE 9 s Buy' Where You Get More For Your Money That is the B & B LOAN 53 W. Main St. Springfield, O. V OPEN EVENINGS Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry Luggage - Trunks - Suits Coats - Guns - Rifles - Reels Rods - Typewriters - Radios and Musical Goods MONEY TO LOAN TOO! SAVE RYMAIL You May Open A Savings Account Here and Mail In Your Deposits A t Your Convenience. Savings Pay Dividends And Assure Future Independence.^ Put Your Idle Money To Work For You ! Savings Accounts Insured Up to $5,000 PEOPLES BUILDING &SAVINGSCO. 11Green St. Xenia, Ohio Phone 11 Buy Yourself a HOM E * Finance your home, buying through our easy pay­ ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. Buy a FARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive interest rates with easy repayments. If you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will b glad to consider your needs. Build a HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying bonds regularly, putting them away to. meet the necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home building in this area. BUY BONOS HERE Home Federal Savings & Loan Association OF XENIA, OHIO 4 - 6 N. Detroit St. All Accounts Insured up to $5,000