The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville, O. Herald .Friday, Sept. 23, 1949 On the School Scene Continued from Page One school would start! Neverless, -we surely were ex­ cited the morning’ that bus No. 6, driven bv Bill .Osman, caused us ,to report a half-hour late to our "first period classes. We even went so fa r (honest confessions are good for the soul, they say) as to think that we might get to go on the second load the following morning. But Bill Fisher (with the co-operation o f our bus) fixed the difficulty which had been the brakjs, and we were transported to our homes that same evening, as usual. It .sms a co-incident that the de­ lay occured on the opening day o f the squirrel-season, thus cheat­ ing some o f our friends of this unusual experience. Better luck next time to our hunter friends. YAYHIXGER SPEAKS Dr. Ira Vayhinger, president of Cedarville College, was speaker at the meeting o f the Clifton Community club, held in the opera house. The Trail Blazers fur­ nished the music and cider and doughnuts were served. PLANS COMPLETED QTJICKEL-YATES Completed wedding plans are being announced by Miss Ruth Imogene Quickel and Wilbert Elmgr Yates, whose engagement was announced recently bv the bride-elect’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Quickel of South Charleston. Mr. Yates is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ozie E, Yates o f Cedar­ ville. The ceremony will he held at 11 a. mt. Sunday in South Char­ leston with 'Rev Edward Keeton officiating at the double-ring ceremony. Nuptial music will be present­ ed by Mrs. Virginia Bowman, pianist and vocalist. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride will be attended by her sister, Miss Wanda Ilene Quickel. Serving as best man will be Guy Climer, Jr. Following the ceremony a re­ ception will be held in the home o f the bride-elect’s parents. TO COLORADO Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oberst (Clara Irene Pitstick) are en- route to Golden, ’Colorado, to establish their home following their marriage which took place Sept. 10 in St. Paul’s Catholic church, Yellow Springs. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pitstick o f Cedarville. Mr. Oberst, sou o f Mr. and Mrs. J. Oberst of Denver, is a student at the Colorado school of mines. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobbins, have returned from a week's trip to Chicago where they attended the Railroad Fah\ Thev also were present at a broadcast o f Don McNeill’s Breakfast club. En- route to Chicagg they visited the Cadle Tabernacle in Indian­ apolis and were guests of frineds in Anderson, Ind. and Galesburg. HL Enroute home they attended APPLES For Sale Grimes Golden, Red Delicious, Stayman and other varieties A t farm on Townsley Road, or resi­ dence in Cedarville, We deliver in Village. Phone 6-1501. I. C . D A V I S f i o z v Fri, and Sat., Sept. 23-21 Rex Harrison - Linda Darnell Unfaithfully Yours” Also Color Cartoon Sun. and Mon., Sept. 25-26 Lloyd Nolan - Jeanette MacDonald “The Sun Comes Up” Also Fox News - Cartoon We. and Thurs., Sept. 28-29 William Holden - Lee J. Cobb ‘‘The Dark Past” % News - Cartoon - Snapshots Feed STOCK-GRO'S 7 2 % S O L I D S For SO L ID GA INS You’ll get firm flesh—the kind that buyers know means the best in flavor—from the natural solids in Simmons STOCK-GRO. IPs cul­ tureda3well as concentrated. Come in and get the facts about, SIMMONS * S T O C K - G R O SOLD BY, Uilery Elevator Cedarville, Ohio the annual swine day program at Purdue university, Lafayette, Indiana. ENTERTAIN BOARD Miss Junia Creswell, Spring- field, president o f the Evening Fortnightly Musical club in that city entertained the board o f di­ rectors o f that organization at the home o f her parents, Mr. «nd Mrs. Howard Creswell, Cedar­ ville, recently. . ATTEND FUNERAL Mrs. Norman Huston went to Chicago Monday to attend the funeral o f Mr. Huston’s aunt, Mrs. F. D. Carpenter, who died Saturday in Florida. She return­ ed Thursdp" PLAN TO FORM AUXILIARY Plans are being made to organ­ ize a Cedarville Legion Auxiliary. Ameeting for those interested will be held at the home o f Mrs. evening, Sept. 28, at 8 Pp M. Those eligible are .wives, sisters or mothers of Legion members. ON WESTERN TRIP Jene Ritenour and Nolan Butts are on a trip West to visit rel­ atives o f Mr. Butts. They will visit, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butts in California, Mr. and Mrs. Jene Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Jene Ad­ ams and Mr. and Mrs. Austin . Lister in Kellogg, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sharp in Kansas. ENTERTAIN PARENTS. Members o f the Progressive Farmers entertained their par­ ents with a wiener roast recently at the home o f their leader, John Stover. ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Walter LeMaster attended the funeral S^'^Mr Le- Master’s cousin, Warren Helton, in Paintsville, Ky„ last Friday. HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC Members o f the Sunday school of the Pentecostal Church of Christ of Jamestown held a wiener roast and picnic at the home o f Mr; and Mrs. Walter Le­ Master Saturday evening. This is an annual affair held at the Le­ Master home, SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cummings had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pitstick and Mr. and Mrs. LeRov Pitstick o f Dayton and Mx*. and Mrs. Charles Han- narbury of Ansonia. Mr. Hannar- bury is a brother o f Mrs. Arthur Cummings and was the first own­ er of the Cedar In la n d gave it the name. HOLD HAYRIDE * Members o f the Young Peoples society of the U . P. Church held a wiener roast and hayride at the home o f Ralph Spracklin Friday evening. Following the roast games were played. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Finney chaperoned the group for the evening. KENSINGTON CLUB ELECTS The Kensington club held their annual luncheon dnd business meeting, Thursday afternoon at the home o f Mrs, Delmar Jobe, Mrs. Ralph Ferguson was elected president, Mrs. Warren Barber, vice president, Mrs. HajrTy Wright, treasurer and Mrs. Wil- Jobe home was decorated with fall flowers and a delicious lunch­ eon was served. The club is divided into two groups. One o f the groups was in charge of the serving of the luncheon. The next meetin will be held at the home o f Mrs. Harry Ham- mon in October. TO HOLD COUNTY WCTU CONVENTION Officers for the comine year will be elected at the annual fall convention of the Greene County WCTU at the First United Pres- f byterian. Church, Xenia, Wendes-j day, Sept. 21, beginning at 10 A. [ M. Mrs. Fred Engle, Cedarville,.[ is retiring president. j The business meeting will be conducted in the morning. A t the f afternoon session, Rev. Ralph E . ! Ayers, pastor o f the Jamestown ‘ United Presbyterian Church, will be guest speaker. ENJOY WEINER ROAST Mr. and Mrs. Russel T. Luse, * of Clifton, entertained with a| wiener roast,, at their home, re­ cently. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Andrews and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Bud Crager and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen, of James­ town, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sites and Mr. and Mrs. Flo-d Liming and family, o f near Cedarville. MRS. REYNOLDS IS GUEST SPEAKER Mrs. David Reynolds o f Cedar­ ville, president o f the Wilming­ ton district o f the Women’s S o -, eiety o f Christian Service o f the j Methodist Church, was guests speaker at a meeting o f the WSCS j o f Union Methodist Church at the \ home o f Mrs. Alva Beam, Union j Road, Wednesday afternoon. Hers subject was the “ The Advance! Program.” j Twenty-four m e m h e r s and j three guests attended the meet­ ing. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Beam, assisted by Mrs. Harry Robinson anr Mrs. Mellie Armentrout. SORORITY MEETS FOR LUNCHEON IN DAYTON “ Vacation Reviews.” when members gave highlights o f their summer vacations, was the pro­ gram theme o f a luncheon meet- -Ing o f Alpha Phi Chapter o f Delta Kappa Gamma Sorority at the Van Cleve Hotel, Dayton, Saturday, afternoon. The chapter is composed o f public school teachers in Greene; Clinton and Warren Counties. ^ Hostesses fo r the meeting were Misses Mildred Baver and Kay Carelton, Osborn; Josephine Ran- dayy, Cedarville; Mae _McKay, members were present, including sixteen from Greene County. Those present from this coun­ ty were Misses Ora Hanna, Jose- nhine Randall and Carrie Rife, Cedarville; Mrs. Leila Faulkner and Misses Chloe McVey and Le- lia Paullin, Jamestown; Misses Millie Parker, Mildred Baver and Kay Carelton, Osborn; Mrs. Ol­ ive Hammond and Mrs, Mildred Foster, Yellow Springs; Misses Mae McKay and Myi*a Haydock,- New Burlington, and Mrs. Mari­ etta Thomas, Miss Ruth Lewis and Miss Florence Swan, Xenia. The next meeting will be held Oct, 22 at the Dayton Engineers’ Club. ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont and daughter, Norma, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stormont at­ tended the wedding o f Miss Mary Elizabeth Knisley to Harold Young of Decator Hi. The wed- ing was held Friday evening in the Osborn Evangelic Reformed church. Miss Knisley is a niece of II. K. Stormont. WESLEY CLASS TO MEET The Wesley Class o f the Metho­ dist church will meet Sunday evening. Sept. 25 at 6:30 at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. John Rra- mqr. WEEKEND IN HAMILTON Mr. and Mrs. Guy Le Ferge and daughter sDent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pitstick and family in Hamilton. VISIT HERE SATURDAY Mr, and Mrs. Max Bitler and son of Rosewood visited friends here Saturday. CELEBRAATE BIRTHDAY Thirty-six relative^ gathered .at +he home o f Mr. and Mrs. John Prryieiv -Sundav to celehrate the birthday of Mrs. Pramer and her mother, Mrs. Jacob Earner, o f Oldtown. A covered dish dinner was served at noon. HOME ON LEAVE Edward Swick, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Swick is home on 15 dav boot leave from his train­ ing base in San Diego, Calif, Up­ on his return there he will enter training school. PURCHASE FARM , Nathan Bosart has purchased] the farm from Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beaty, and will move there Dec. 1. Mr. Bosart now resides on the farm o f Edgar Little. RETURNS TO SOUTH CAROLINA Miss Frances Williamson has returned to her home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ir­ win in Quincy, 111. Miss William­ son left Tuesday to resume her studies at U . o f S. Carolina, Chapel Hill, S. C. ENTERTAIN NEW PASTOR Members o f the Nazarene church entertained’ ^thqjr new pastor and family, Rev. and Mrs. Paul Kesler .with a pound shower Monday evening at-the home o f Mrs. Sparks in Clifton. The group played, games and enjoyed a social horn*, after which they were served ice cream and cake b y »the hostess. Rev. and Mrs, Ilesier are living at the present at the home o f Miss Lula Hender­ son. RETURN TO GEORGIA HOME - Mx-. and Mrs. Beryl Grubaugh have returned «to Atlanta, Ga., after a visit with the letters par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar G. Jobe. Mr. Grubaugh will resume his studies at Georgia Tech, MOVE J&TQ ' MARSH HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Yancey Wilson and family have moved into the house recently purchased by Mr. Rogers from the Marsh estate. Mi*. Wilson is employed by Mar­ shall Brothers in Xenia. HOT SHOTS ENTERTAINED The Cedarville Hot Shot 4-H club held # play party and water melon feed Monday at the home of Larry Connor. The'.group spent the evening playing games and eating water melon. HOME CULTURE CLUB MEETS The new president, Mrs.- Elsie Brown, presided when the Home Culture club held their first fall meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Robert Townsley, James­ town pike. Other new officers are Mrs. Hazel Ramsey, vice presi­ dent, Mrs. Bessie West, secretary, Mrs. Margaret Payne, assistant secretary an.d Mrs. Kathaifne Masters, treasurer. Mrs. Cora Richards, assisted by Mrs. Reinhard, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Blazer presented a Dr. I. Q. program. An original poem written by Miss Mildred Trumbo entitled, “ The Radio,” was read by Miss Carrie Rife. Refreshments were served to- 50 members and guests by Mrs. Townsley. The club will hold guest day October 18. ATTEND CHURCH MEETING A committee composed of teachers and_ sunerintendents of the primary department of the First Presbyterian church attend­ ed a meeting on Christian Educa­ tion at the Westminister Presby­ terian Church in Dayton, Sunday. Attending were Mrs. Arthur Han­ na, Mrs. Herbert Fields, Mrs. David Ramsey and Mrs. Alfred Brightman. TO BE IN WEDDING PARTY Miss Joellen Stoakes will serve as junior bridesmaid and her sister, Gayle Ann will be flower girl at the wedding of Miss Alma Steele to William Gracy in the United Missionary church in Springfield Friday evening. They ■are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Stoakes, • NAMED A'LUMNI PRESIDENT Robert Sullen was elected pres­ ident of the. Spring Valley high school alumni reunion group. The reunion was held ■ .recently; - at Bryqn state park, * The group, -members of the 1939 class, -plan a reunion next year. •, . ; litfULD ‘ MAKE RESERVATIONS .• Ladies wishing to attend the • i lin n e t conference at* the ; Methodist church in Xenia, \ uc-Siu’.y. September* 27, please i uike luncheon reservations with Mrs. David Reynolds or Rev. Collier by Saturday, Sept. 23. Dr. Arthur Flemming and Dr. Gaston Foote will be speakers. RETURN FROM ..iAHiGAN VISIT Mrs. Lucy Turner and daugh­ ter, Bea, are home after spending a few days iu ’Morley, Mich., with Mi*, and Mrs. Vernon --Tinsler. Mrs. Turner and Bea and Mrs. Tinsler and children spent Friday and Saturday in Ludington and Traverse City, Mich. Mrs. Tinsler and children came to Cedarville witli Mrs. Turner for a visit."Mr. Tinsler will join them over the weekend. ANNOUNCE BIRTH ' OF DAUGHTER •Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rife are an- nowrinv the birth of a daughter, taturciry m Snringfield City hospital. •~ -* IS IMPROVING Mrs. Ross Wiseman is improv­ ing in McClellan hospital where she underwent major surgery last week. ONE USED 2-P picker,- In ter-, national Harvester; One used New I Idea one row corn picker. HALL J. HILL FARM SERVICE, Phone 4-3691, Jamestown, Ohio. (2w-9-15-J&C-9-22l CHAINSAW BARGAINS 30” Craftsman* used Chainsaw $160. 36- inch McCulloch Chainsaw, de­ monstrator, Mo.oks new, with oiler and extra chain $315. THE WILLIS...LUMBER CO. 525 Milli­ kan.J^TO^Washingtoh C. H. * v t2®.) FightLRals^ wiUrd-tODAN^-ready to* use—au prepared bpit Rats will eat—enough to kill 800 for 98c— satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. BROWN’S DRUG. ceased. Notice is hereby given that Wil­ lard H. Kyle has been duly ap­ pointed as Executor o f the estate o f Jennie M. Kyle, deceased, late of Cedarville Village, Greene Coun­ ty, Ohio. — Dated this 15 day o f September, 1949. .WILLL4.M .B- McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County. Ohio. (9-23<3t-10-7) By Hazel Chaffin Deputy Clerk said day. By order o f the Board o:EElections, of Greene County, Ohio. Wm. H. McGERVEY, Clerk Dated Sept. 17, 1949 (9-23-4t-10-14) FOR SALE—E s t a t e Heatrola (coal). Good condition. Call after 6 p. m. Phone, 6-3373. NOTICE Oliver S.. Baker, Cedarville, R. R. 2 for Light Trucking, 6-1023, WANTED WANTED—Part time w o r k . William Albright. P. O. Box 426, Cedarville. .. WANTED—General carpenter & concrete work. Arthur Judy, L. B. No. 20, Cedarville. Phone 6-2344. _________________ __________ , (3p'> WANTED—washings to do.'in my home. Telephone 6-1021",' Mrs. Pfeifer. . (2w) CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE . • FOR SALE—year old hens 30c lb.; fries*35c. MRS. KOPPE, Phone 6-3071. (3w) FOR SALE—Coal heating stove in good condition. L. S. Henderson, Phone 6-1251. FOR SALE—new and used oil heaters, HALL J. HILL FARM SERVICE, PHONE 4-3691, James­ town, Ohio. (2w-9-15-J&C-9-22) USED 2-12 plow, International Harvester. HALL J. HILL FARM SERVICE. PHONE 4-3691, James­ town, Ohio. (2W-9-15-J&C-9-22) WE HAVE special picker grease for your corn pickers. HALL J. HILL FARM SERVICE, Phone .4-3691, Jamestown, Ohio. (2W-9-15-J&C-9-22) FOR SALE-used wagon chassis, on rubber, priced to sell. HALL J. HILL FARM SERVICE, PHONE ,:4-36§L Jamestown, Ohio. (2\v-9-15-J&G-9-22) WANTED—to rent 35 to 50 acres of ground for corn, for 1950. Call Albert Abels, 6-2627. NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution o f the Board of Education o f the Cedar­ ville Township Greene County, Ohio, passed on the 21st day of June, 1949, there will be submitted to a vote o f the people o f said Ce­ darville Township at the NOVEM­ BER ELECTION to be held in the Twp. of Cedarville, Ohio, at the regular place -of voting therein, on Tuesday, the 8tli day of November, 1949, the question of levying a re­ newal of a tax in excess of the ten mill limitation for the benefit of Cedarville Township School District for the purpose o f pro­ viding additional funds fo r cur­ rent expenses at a rate not exceed­ ing 3 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to Thir­ ty cents fo r each one hundred dol­ lars of valuation, for 1949-1950- 1951-1952-1953. The Polls for said Election will be open at 6:30 o'clock A . M. and remain open until 6:30 o’clock P. M. (Eastern Standard Time) o f LEGAL NOTICE Louie R. CrumDler, whose last known place of residence was Tex­ arkana, Texas, will take notice that on August 22nd, 1949, Dorothy J. Crumpler filed her certain action in divorce against him on grounds of gross neglect of duty and ex­ treme cruelty, said cause being No. 26049 on the docket of the Com­ mon Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. Said cause will comb on for hear­ ing on or after the 8th day of October 1949. (8-2G-6t-9-30) Shoup and Hagler, Attorneys fo r Dorothy J Crumpler. WANT TO-STOP SMOKING? Try NICO-STOP it’s new. It’s easy. It’s G u a r a n t e e d . Get it at BROWN’ S DRUGS. Cedarville. ’ (8w) • Legal Notice • LEGAL NOTICE Xenia Market vs. Robert K. and. Bertha L., Shaw Robert K. Shaw and Bertha L. Shaw, whose respective place of residence is unknown and who has departed from the county o f their residence with intent to delay or defraud the creditors, or to avoid service o f, summons, or to keep themselves consealed with like in­ tent, will take notice that on Sep­ tember 21, 1949, the undersigned filed its petition in the Court of Common Pleas in *Greene. County, Ohio. The action is apponent and account for merchandise sold. The prayer of the petition is for judg­ ment for $180.03 with interest at the rate of 6 percent from the first day of July, 1949. The defendants named above are required to •answer on or before the 19th day of November, 1949. Xenia Market by. Robert B. Brewer, Attorney for Plaintiff. > (9-23-6t-10-28) - NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Jennie M. Kyle, De- LEGAL NOTICE John F Tripo, whose present place of residence is unknown, and whose last known’ place of address was 2831 Ewald Circle, Detroit 4, Michigan, is hereby notified that Susie R. Tripp has filed a petition in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, against him, the same be­ ing Cage No. 26075. The prayer of said petition is for a divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect of Duty, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after six full weeks from the date of the first publication hereof. Dan M. Aultman Xenia, Ohio Attorney for Plaintiff (9-9-6t-10-14) CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your “ winter things” be moth bait this summer? Not if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners fo r expert dry cleaning. Dirt and grime work into fab ­ ric — often invisibly . . . then moth worms have a feast. Before you store, let New Cedarville Cleaners “ proo f” your clothes against the menace o f moths and silver fish. THE NEWCEDARVILLE CLEANERS Xesila Ave« Cedarville Phone 6-3411 POTATOES H. C. Cresswell FOR BETTER HEALTH —have a Spsncer Support designed just for yout You'll enf&y now vitality end lovelier figure lints. Spencers atm mod• trottly priced—guar- tnteed to keep their shape. Mrs. Mildred C. McMillen Xenia Phone 1646MX ^PENCER 'K^ SUPPORTS FARMS. FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no apjkraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSSCOTTER P. o . Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio We are very Greatful For our 1st Years Business as you know It Pleases Us To Please You INDIAN-PALM READER AND ADVISER MADAM RAY The greatest questions o f life are quickly solved, failure turned to success, sorrow to joy, separated are brought together, foes made friends, truths are laid hare. Tells your secret troubles, the cause and remedy. Advice on all affairs of life, love, courtship, marriage, busi­ ness speculation, investments. Come and be convinced. 2512 VALLEY STREET DAYTON, OHIO Treet12oz. can.. Corned Beef12oz.can.. DogFoodDash2cans for.. Sugar PureCane5lb.Bag.. ChewingGumBoxof20.. ChocolateDrops1lb... CornMeal5lb.Bag .. Oxydol LargeBox Crackers Ovenkistlb, Box PeachesMerrit No. 2lA can SandwichBags Pkg .. AluminumFoilRoll . 35c‘ PumpkinMerrit2%can 39c Kraut,SpringGarden2No. 2^2 cans 25ct Bispick40oz,Box.. 45c, CoffeeMerritlb, Bag .............. 59c Pork’nBeansNo.2 lh can ............. 25c AppleButter Adams2Jars .. 29c-MustardMerritPt. Jar .............. 24c JelloAilFlavors3pkgs ......... 23c FlourGoldMedal 5lb.Bag . . 24c CherriesMerritNo. 2can .. 10c ToiletTissueCharminRoll.. 35c Market Baskets.. Each .. 10c . 43c 41c 17c . 3ic . 13c 23c 45c . 25c 8c 35c QUALITY MEATS Kingan’s Tenderized Hams (B-to-12lbs. ; WholeHamsl,. ■*=.* - ; Lb*59c Kingan’s SmokedSausageLinks lb. pkg.. 59c Kingan’s Jowel Bacon (Pidce) .. . Lb. 29c ’s ReliableSlicedBacon lb.pkg... 69c “’sWeiner?:. .. . . . Lb.53c sFranks.. . .. Lb.49c HARNER & HUSTON Cedarville Market 4W * , • * , . • . . \ ' - - • - 7. .1 ' ' Til III* II II IIMHMIH ■■II