The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
S o F riday ; Sept. 3$. 1949 The Cedarvilie, 0- Herald ATTEND VIDEO BINNE2- AND SHOW Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallis- ter -were guests at a buffet din- Dayton Friday evening* when the station WLW-D entertained stars and distributors o f the Dayton area. Following the dinner the group were guests o f the Tele vision star parade at Memorial hal. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. McCallister were dinner guests o f friends in Dayton. WESLEY CLASS HOLDS MEETING The Wesley class o f +he Meth odist church; met Sunday even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Framer. Thirty-five mem bers and their families enjoyed a covered dish dinner. Devotions were given by Mrs. Chios Wise- cup. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ran- NOTICE HOG SALE On Saturday Sept. 24 at 1 P. M. at Washington ' C. H. fair barn Earl Harper sells 40 head o f Big Type Poland China spring boars and gilts. On Tuesday night at 8 P. M. at farm o f Chester Purcell, Martlns- rille, O. 2 miles west of Morris-* ville there will be 50 head of Spotted Poland China boars and gilts sold. If you would like to have a catalogue or attend call Arthur Hanna, Cedarvilie. G. Dial 6 - 2201 . BetterUsed Cars LowestPrices 1940 Buick 4-Door Sedan Original black. Tires, engine, body good. $645 1946 Ford 2-Door Sedan New car trade-in. One owner. This black super deluxe is completely equipped ..and excellent throughout. 1945 Chevrolet 4-Door Aeero-Sedan A real beauty. Complete. An hon est value. 4,000 actual miles. New care trade-in. Next to a new one. Best bet yet. $1595 1941 Plymouth 2rDqor Sedan You will appreciate this service able and dependable Plymouth. Complete with radio and heater. $745 1946 Dodge 2-Door Sedan Right, bright and dependable. Very clean with radio and heater and fluid drive. $1325 1941 Buick Sedanette 2-Door An ever popular Buick Setter Buy. Completely equipped. Very low mileage. ■This car is excellent. $825 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door Town Sedan As cleana car as you will find. Ex cellent throughout. Well equipped, many miles of safe, serviceable transportation. $795 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe 2-Door Original black paint. Like new. Engine, brakes .body very good. A real value. $795 1947 Chevrolet 5-Pass. Coupe Smart and sharp. Gunmetal. A -l from any view point. A Buick Better Value. $1395 See and Select from a Well- balanced Stock o f Low Cost GMAC Terms Avail able if Financing is Desired Chenoweth MotorCo.Inc. Sear o f 21 W. Second and 301 S. Detroit Sts. Phone 1770 Xenia, O. dal gave some highlights on their trip to the .west coast. Following the business, a social hour was enjoyed. IMPROVING Carl Plummer is home and Is improving after an ooerstiqpVat McClellan hospital last week. CARZOOS RETURN - ‘ TO COLLEGES . ; Miss Ruth Ann Catzoo has re turned to Miami university fo r her junior year and Miss Bever ly has entered her sophomore year at Canitol. DINNER BIRTHDAY Miss Phyllis Bryant was hon ored on her birthday with a din ner at ihe home of Miss Joanne Sanderson in Clifton. Other guests were .Misses Joanne Bry ant, Mary Louise Stormont, the hostess and her mother, Mrs. Sanderson. RESEARCH CLUB l u MEET lh e Research club will meet at the home o f Mrs. Paul Cummings at 2 P. M. on Thursday, Oct. 6. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON - Announcement is being made by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ater (Martha Jane Turnbull), Spring- field o f the birth o f a son, Doug las Eugene, at Springfield City hospital lait Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull, are the maternal grandparents. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Miss Ellen Joanne Rader, whose engagement and approaching marriage to Max Eugene Evans are announced by her parents, Rode? -Rader 'oT Springfield, Routel. Mr. Evans in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans of Cedarvilie, Route 2. Miss Rader is a graduate jtf Ol ive Branch high school and is employed by the Crowell-Collier Publishing Company. Mr. Evans is a graduate o f Cedarvilie high school, served 13 months n the south Pacific during World War II. He is now engaged in farming. The wedding will be held Oct. 2 in Bethel Baptist church. MISS JACOBS* ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobs are •announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lois Paul ine Jacobs, to Lewis Thane Chitty of Bowersville. The couple will be married early in March. Miss Jacobs, whose parents re- ,side on the Cedarvilie college farm, was graduated from Jef fersonville high school, Bowers ville. She is employed in the business office of the Chew Publishing Company in Xenia. The bridegroom-elect, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chitty, Bow ersville, was graduated from Jef ferson high school. He is engaged in farming near Bowersville. BIRTHDAY SUPPER HONORS DAUGHTERS A birthday supper was iven by Mr, and Mrs. James Crumrine, on Sunday evening, Sept, 25, honoring the two daughters, Mar sha Ann and Bonnie Sue. The house was attractively d e c-} orated with fall flowers. The t|ible) from which the buffet supper * was served was centered with the t birthday cakes decorated with three candles for Marsha and one candle for Bonnie. Many lovely gifts were re ceived by the two little girls. Flash pictures were taking dur- 101 AIL MASKS Inquire about the Otarion Hearing; Aids Brown’ s Drug Store H. H. BROWN Cedarvilie, Ohio COLD WAVE o r Machinless permanent $5 complete Machine end permanent $4.00 complete Shampoo and Set. ............ ......................... $1.00 HOURS Monday and Friday 9 :00 to 6 :00 Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 9 :00 to 9:00 u , *■ With or without appointments Dial 6-2651 Dial 6-2651 hig the evening. The guests present were Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Harper Becky, Floyd Dale and Billy o f James town, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whit tington and Paul Alan of Sabina, Franklin Fowler o f Ndw Jasper, Mr. and MTS'. John Gultice o f versvillef *Mjss Janet Crum- .CSlrsrj^&He Agndr, Miss Di- d A BrighttrfSm, Mr. and Mrs. A . D.~ Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. J B. Crumrine all o f Cedarvilie and the host and hostess, Mr .and Mrs. Jirraes Crumrine. Dr. and Mrs. ELLIOTT TO BE "AT HOME” Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Elliott wil be “ At Home" to the mem bers of the congregation and their friends o f the community Fri day afternoon and evening of next week, Friday, October 7. All will be cordially welcome. ATTENDS FUNERAL Dr. Ralph A.. Jamieson was called to Monmouth, Illinois the u rst o f the week to attend the funeral o f a sister-in-law; the wife o f his brother, Dr. J. F. Jamieson. He returned Wednes day, and will have charge o f the regular services on Sabbath. WESTMINSTER CLAS SMEET1NG The Wesminster class of the First Presbyterian church met for a weiner roast at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott at 7:3G Tuesday evening, September 27. A business meeting was held after the weiner roast. There were fifty two members and guests present. RFD CLUB HOLDS DINNER The R. F. D. club met ^Sunday; at the home o f Mr. amt Mrs ,,3 Charles Watkins near -Waynes^? ville fo r a covered dish-, dinner. .• The election of officers4was as follows: Mrs. Arthur Pfeiffer, president; Mrs. V. Bumgardner, vice president; Mrs. David Ram sey, treasurer. Members attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pfeiffer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garringer, Mr. and Mrs. V. Bungardner. Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey and Martha, Mrs. Sherman Cotton and Mrs. Ed Baldwin. WTSCS WILL MEET OCT 5 The W . S. C S. o f Methodist church will meet Wednesday after noon, Oct. 5 at 1:30 at the home o f Mrs. Guy LeForge. Ida Frantz, missionary from China will speak. Brinp* articles for boxes to be packed fo r Japan. MEMBER OF WEDDING 'PARTY Miss Lois Jacobs was brides maid at the wedding o f Miss Margaret Ann Clark of Bowers ville to Frederick Meredith, Cin- cincinnati. The wedding was at the home o f the bride’s parents, Mr.and Mrs. Willard in Bowers ville. The recention was held in the Clark restaurant in Bowers ville. Mrs. Roy Jacobs attended the wedding and recentioq. ATTEND DISTRICT CONFERENCE Twenty members o f the Metho dist church attended the Wilming ton district conference in Xenia all day Tuesday. Dr. Arthur Flemming, President of Ohio Wesleyan University was . t h e , morning speaker.-and Dr. Gas ton Foote, »of Grace church- in. Dayton gave the afternoon ad dress. YOUTH GROUP MEETS ,•"* The Youth Group o f the First Presbyterian, church held a sup per meeting at the church Sun day evenino- to entertain college students. Business meeting and' the election of officers was held.- Officers elected were, James Scharffer, president; Jeanne Hu ston, vice ^resident; Donald Tur ner, secretary and Kent William son, treasurer. The plans were in charge of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Mott assisted b y Prof. Dodds. FIDELITY CLASS V HAVE MEETING The Fidelity class (college group) met in the Methodist church Wednesday evening. The meeting was in charge of the teacher, Mrs. Collier. Ruth De- voe is president. Gloria Abels, vice president; Naomi Connor, secretary; and Carl Wiseman, treasurer. Committees appointed were, ways and means, Kenneth Huffman, Eleanore Hertenstein and Eugene Ritenour; program, Frances Huffman, Leola Abels and Naomi Connor. The proup plans to meet the second Sunday evening in each month and extends an invitation to any Methodist college students who wish, to attend. Games were enjoyed by the group and refresh m en ts were served the group b y -Tiffs. Collier. ENTERTAIN FOR BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crumrine. Jr., entertained 25 relatives and friends with a buffet supuer on Sunday evening, honoring the third birthday o f their daugh ter, Marsha Ann. Preceding the sapper pictures were taken of Marsha Ann with her birthday cake and nresents. FOR THE BEST In Musical Instruments GO TO MORELLI MUSIC STORE In Springfield, Ohio Across From The Library Phone 2-9626 WEEKEND GUESTS Mrs Ethel Buck had as a week end guest her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Buck of Findleyville, Pa. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs., Charles Buck of College Corner and grandson. Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Ruck. and _children, o f Vandalia. SON BORN Mr. and ,jMrs. Emery Beiries (Marianna.'Frederick) are an nouncing the birth o f a five and three quarters pound son Paul .Marvin, born Sept., 16,-a.t Spring- field Gity hospital.. - VISIT IN MICHIGAN Mrs. George Glass and Mrs. J. Or-Conncr left Wednesday for Kalamazoo, Mich., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sheffield and family. Mrs. Connor will return in a few days and Mrs. Glass will remain to visit fo r a month. • FAMILY DINNER *Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck of Clifton entertained- with a fam ily dinner at their home Satur day evening. Guests were: Mrs. Lucv Turner and daughter, Bea, Mr, .and Mrs. Milton Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Turner and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arm strong and family of Osborn, and Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Tinsler and family of Morly,. Mich. Mrs. Tin sley and children returned to their home in Morley. Sunday after a visit here. MISSIONARY -■ MEETING The Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church met Thursday afternoon at the-home o f Mrs. George Creswell and daughter, Irma. Devotions were given by Mrs. S. C. Wright and program was given by Mrs. W. A. Condo" The title given by Mrs. Condon was “ A Few Mod ern Pauls Today” , concerning, mining, rural and Indian Work o f the Presbyterian church. Re freshments were served by the hostess. ATTEND CONFERENCE Rev. Paul Elliot, James Steel. Robert Guthrie and Mr, and Mrs. Let us treat your seed wheat with “ Ceresan.” There will be no guessing with our newly installed seentifically - c o n t r o l l e d -seed treater, ■ Ullery’s Elevator Cedarvilie, Ohio Phone 6-2021 Gets MOREHEAT outof everydropofoil! *■ •*. j .w» You get more heal from every drop of oil! Because Duo-Therm’s fuel-miser Burner Hoars a mushroom type flame right into the heat chamber.The flamehugsthe chamber w a lls ... transfers more heat quickly into your home. Only Duo-Therm has this! You lend Ihe fird by turning e dial! No work! No dirt! No hauling coal or wood You save up to 25% on fuel bills with Duo-Therm’s Power-Air! Proved in actual tests in a cold northern climate. Keeps heat on the move—saves asmuch a s l gal lon in every four. Only Duo- Therm has Power-Air I Come i n —see the new, Duo-Therm Heater’s. Every one’s aiinerpiece o f fur niture .*as well as a fuel-thrifty heater. or ashes through thchousel^jjlyisy Tjjjerms? J j . . ;-,-7^ -3 1 2 6 - 1 3 0 E . H I G H S T . , Springfield) Ohio Arthur Hanna attended a “ new life” conference of the Dayton Presbyter’, held at the Westmin ster church in Dayton, Sunday afternoon and evening. PERFECT- ATTENDANCE Rally day was held Sunday in the United Presbyterian church. Seventeen'people- hhd a perfect •attendance fo r one / year.- —Six childtbn o f Mr. and’ Mrs. John Stewart were in .the group. [Tom my Ewry and Donnie Stewart had a perfect attendance ’ and Cal and Mildred McCallister mist sed only one Sunday in three years. TO CELEBRATE 60th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bull will celebrate their sixtieth wedding anniversary with an “ ofcen house” in the social room of the Cedarvilie United Presbj) etrian Church on Saturday, October 8, from 2 to 5 p. m. Friends are in vited. “BETTER USED TRUCKS” -— Special ^— ’47 CHEV, 2 TON LOAD- MASTER Long whtelbase. Chassis & Cab. 2-speed axle. H. D. tires, 37 FORD i y 2 TON CAB & CHASSIS With good platform, grain side and stock racks, new tires. '48 GMAC HEAVY DUTY 11/2 Ton Cab & Chassis 2-speed axle, oversize tires like new. This is a repossess sion. Buy for balance due. '37 FORD PICK-UP CHENOWETH MOTORCO. Rear of 21 W. Second St. Phone 1770 FOR SALE—year old hens 30c r lb.; fries 35c. MRS. KOPPE, Phone! 6-3071. - (3w) ’ i FOR SALE—Coal heating stove : in eood condition. L. S. Henderson, ) Phone 6-1251.______________ j “ Fight; Rats with RODAN—ready ‘ to,. use-r-a prepared bait Rats will ■ eat—-enough to kill' 800 fo r 9Sc— ' satTsfaction guaranteed or money refunded. BROWN’S DRUG. | MORELLI MUST£ STORE Special NEW SPINETTE PIANO . FOR SALE—E s t a t e Heatrola (coal).-Good condition. Call after s 6 p. m. Phone 6-3373. t ' FOR SALE—1945 Int. Combine 1 62-6 ft. PTO; 1947 A. C. Corn1 picker - 2 row mounted; 1947 Drill Int. .16-7 - fertilizer and grass ; !seed complete; Corn nicker, Int.* 2 row pull type. HERBERT F. ‘ SMITH, PHONES 4-3721 or 4-i 8692, Jamestown, Ohio. « (3w-9-29-J&C-10-13) $495.00 SEE This Wonderful Piano at Morelli Music Store IT’S HEM-'A* """“ '"S' BOW 6 RS you don’t fill if ONCE A MONTH .**. 3 TIMES A YEAST o n l y O N C I A T E A R I ™ N am *1IwarACVinlSfit C miumj Most batreiy failures ate doe Irf lack-of-water. With the amazing NIC-L-LYTE Batteryyou jforoiryour •waterlevel is UP where it should he Tora solid and loss-oi-tmw "checking.’ !year—no more annoyance f- une ** ~ H ole These Quality Featuresl -}t GenuineHard Rubber Case. * 51-Plates. •KTwice die electrolyte volume c£ ** ordinary batteries. -fc Exclusive Black Oxide. Cedarvilie Guaranteed in Writing fo r 2 5 Full Months STOKESMOTORCO. Formerly Paul Edwards Phone 6-4021 . .........I- T- -- 1 ........... ....... ...........— IJ tJ„U|•- M m IN QUALITY HARDWARE 5?lK£St8| STOCK UP NOW AT OUR LOW/ LOW PRICE! "Brillo" SoapPads For scouring pots and pans and giving them a brilliant sheen. Cylinder leek Set What a value! Seldom such a lode S V A Y IT sec as this at so attractive a price! S V w W Beautiful . . . quality made . . . A n with pin tumbler lode that will ^ i ■ %)s j give lasting service! $ n . 9 5 T a la e "Calbar" Caulking Gun Uses Cartridges Precision made, polished, rugged, dependable. Uses 8 % " car tridges;. interchangeable nozzles w on't wobble, twisc or split. HARVEST SPECIAL VALUE' fv BLUESTONE ENAMEL ROASTER NOW For your Holiday din ner! Big . . . holds 12 lb. fowl ov l* lb. roast with ease! Self basting design in casy- to-clean porcelain enam eled steel, size 18 % " % 12" x 8". JUST FOR THIS EVENT 5 It. Size Siepkdder Another Harvest Value yosr can’t afford to mis3l This sturdy ladder has fuil-rodded, reinforced steps . . .-wood ribbed for safety. Smooth nat ural 'wood finish. NOW*3.49 $4,75 value Beautiful Chrome SINK FAUCET Heavy chrome finish tops off all - brass, excra durable con- - struction . . . raised Q C soap dish for your V i v v convenience. EXCELLENT VALUE ITEM 5 PC. WRENCH SET Compact set o f five most popular size wrenches . . . i f 16 " to % " . Made o f forged steel . . . a real buy! "Pexto” Household TINNER'S SNIPS NOW *1.59 $2.20value Takes 1 2% ” cut | in sheet metal at | one' 'Bite. Over.-all size’ is 'from'. poflshed' hesd-cq blue' enamded handles; ’ EARLY-BIRD SPECIAL A l l - A l o m i m u n S n o w S h o v e l A light-weight non-rusting 4 winter helper that every home should have. Aluminum tubu lar * handles and wide ribbed blades for extra strength. y- Cedarvilie, Ohio
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