The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
[The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, October 7, 1949 _-»*!** » y * •> * •• * 1 .. *x V c u. *• *, , f ^ » '•- ' *+"■> ' V BUCKEYE INCUBATOR COI \ Rea l Asset T o Th e Community Ellis - McClure, Inc* CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Buckeye Incubator Co. in Spring- ledge of manufacturing has won ity and always has at heart theSpringfield -for the efficient con- * ..............................* ” " (duct e business and meeting the The Hadley Company S t -5 7 W , Main Street Ph one 5-1516 EVERYTH ING FOR THE HOME Furnishing the home can be made an interesting past time when you visit these fine stores. An in viting, comfortable home is one of the essential features of mod ern life. It contributes in no little measure to our ability to accom plish our everyday tasks. What then can he of more importance to the community’s progress than this popular furniture and home out fitter’s establishment? For •'mu couples starting out in housekeeping and the older couples who wish to renew their furnish ings see The Hadley Co. Here you will find furniture of comfort, beauty and durability. First, it must give comfort io be of any value in the home; next, it must have good lines and fit in with the general scheme of the room; and last, but not least, it must be substantial and give maximum service. This establishment has se lected their furniture with these i three essentials in view, t The Hadley Co. invites their out- , of-town customers to visit their store and inspect their furniture. [They offer roajiy valuable ideas on !spring decorations. MORELLI MUSIC STORE EVERYTH ING MUSICAL Morelli Music Store features na tionally known band and orchestra instruments, accessories, radios, phonograph combinations, exclu sive agent3 fer Jessie French pianos, also Story & Clark pianos, :sheet music, j They invite you to make the store your headquarters when in , the city. Hy reason of its wide ;range of quality and prices it is ivery difficult for the uninitiated these days to select a piano or ;musical instrument and get full value fo r their money, unless they fare dealing with someone in whom | they have confidence. For this rea son there is a general satisfaction in doing business with Morelli Muse Store in Springfield at 108 S. Spring, which is considered mu sical headquarters by ’ the people in this area. Their policy of one price insures you..full value for vour money. They will be pleased to show you, whether you purchase them at this time or not. Hear them, compare them . . . then judge fo r yourself. Belmont Ave. Union Stock Yards THE STOCK RAISERS M ARKET Howard D. Schultz, Mgr. White - Green Chevrolet €p. 14 E. North “ The Best D ea l in T ow n ” Phone 3-8601 Belmont Ave. Union Stock Yards invites stock raisers to “ compare our prices with competition mar ket and when this is done you will find the reason why stock raisers from far and, near prefer shipping and trucking to the Belmont Ave., Union Stock Yards, in Spring- field at 1824 Columbus Avenue. This is a business in which two o f the most prominent features are reliability and service. It is because they have won an enviable reputation fo r fair dealings and |straightforward methods as well as service to their patrons, that Bel mont Avenue Union Stock Yards : has witnessed the yearly increase ; in the number of local stockmen shipping to them. The. farmers of this community have come to know that this is a firm upon which they tcan depend. | Think of -the business activities that is brought to the community from the surrounding territory on account of the services offered to the stockraisers bv this firm. Visit this well known firm and inspect these new 1949 models. You arc placed under no obligation whatsoever, and we feel sure that after your inspection that you, too, will agree that Chevrolet is truly superior and that it is a car that Iyou would be proud to own. The new Chevrolet has 30% more driver vision fo r new driving safety; luxurious new interiors to imatch the superb new styling; new ,center-point seating; new extra wide “ five-foot seats” ; more stor age space and the first and only push-button door handles in the low priced field “ exclusive-to- Chevrolct.” TrY this new luxury car, see and examine these new features for yourself. Aside from their new cars they have an excellent as sortment o f used cars. I f you are contemplating the purchase o f a care we can recommend this es tablishment as one that will fur nish you with a dependable used car at a price you can afford to •ay. The entire personnel of the service department joins in a cor dial invitation to call fo r service at'any time and assures you that they have every detail of equip ment and workmen to give your automobile Whatever attention : it may need. BORDEN COMPANY' “ I f It’s Borden 's It’s Got T o Be G ood ” This is one of the institutions which is dong its part in further ing the progress and expansion of this community. They well deserve more than passing comment in this review o f Sprngfield’s lead ing firms. Cream is known for it's velvety texture and wonderful flavor. So we ask for Lady Borden when buying ice cream. Remember read ers “ I f It's Borden’s It's Got To Be Good.” We urge our readers to use Bor den's Products whenever you have the opportunity - then you use the best. MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Missionary society o f. the Church o f God met Thursday afternfton at the home of Mrs. Herman Stevenson. Mrs. Eprl Heidhorn gave, devotions and the program. Her topic was “ Chris tians have another chance in Japan.” Mrs. Stevenson was as sisted by Mrs. Heidhorn in serv ing refreshments. CLUB TO MEET - The. Home .Culture club will meet on Tuesday, October 18, at 2 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Wal ter Corry. Wilberforce pike. This will be guest day. BIRTHDAY PARTY .Mrs. William Baldwin of near Cedaryille,. was entertained by a, birthday party Monday nijfht, - October 3. : An ice course was served to 55 guests frgm Xenia, Yellow Springs, Jamestown, and Cedar ville. Thqse present were the fo l lowing: .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. David Baldwin and sons Richnril and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baldwin, and sons, Paul and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. •Harry Wright, Mrs. Ray Littler, Howard Harhinson, Miss Erma Crcswell, Mr.~ and Mrs, Dick Thayer and daughter, Lois, Mrs. William Lewis and daughter, Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams and children, Evelyn!' Louisa. Ellis, and Wayne, Mr, and Mrs. >R. C. Wells. Miss Rosie Miller of Cedarville., Mr, and Mrs. Roscoe Eppel and daughters, Barbara and Carol, Mr. and Mrs.HarlevKarl and son, Jimmie, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Frank •Karl and daughters, Linda, Patty of Xenia. „ Mr. and Mrs. George Baldwin and sons, Tbmmie and Freddie, Miss Fleeta Huston of Yellow Springs, Kenny Finney o f James town, Mr. and Mrs, Richard wright and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Baldwin and children, Mary, Ellis-McClure, Inc. operates a modem service for, the motorists of this section. Their very accomodating policy has won wide popularity. A few of many accomodations are general auto parts, repair, and motor tune- up work. In this review we wish to con gratulate Ellis-McClure. Inc. for the complete service they are .en- dering t.o the community and wish them years o f contiued success^ in their location at 21 So.uth Spring St., Springfield. Phone 3-5555. Your Chrysler - Plymouth Deal er. Donald, Billy, rJudy aftd Philip. VISITING 7ARENTS Charles L. Whittington, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mife. Herbert' WlHVngtoir the last few days left Thursday for Washington D. C; where he will bO stationed this winter. Mr. Whitington, a geologist fo r the government's .geoloist survey, was stationed in northern Alaska this summer. ' -v ATTEND FALL MEETING Nine members of the First Presbyterian, C h u r eh attended the fajl meeting of the Spring- field district, held Tuesday in the First Presbyterian church in Xe nia. £ ANNOUNCE BIRTH; . * , Mr. and Mi's, Maurice Fife axe announcing the birth of a son Tuesday in . Sj^ingfield City hospital. DINNER GUESTS > Mr. and Mrs. John £!arbic and son of Xenia were dinner guests'' Tuesday evening o f Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chaplin. GUEST SPEAKER Miss Ida Frantz, Dayton, a missionary from China fcas the guest speaker, when the W. S.; C. S. met Wednesday evening a t the home of Mrs. Guy LeForge. Mrs. Catl Ritenotf? was itr charge .of devotions, Thirty fivp mein-. - Hers'were present.-Mrs.'TH. '"33.' Ulery, Trotwood was a guest -for.- tile afternoon. . ’ > A salad course was served’ by Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup and- Mrs. David Reynolds. The November meeting will he held at the Methodist church in charge of Rev, and Mrs. Collier, WOMANS CLUB A “ Story o f the Optra” was presented by Mrs - Charles. Stor mont, when the .Womans Club ipet Wednesday afternoon at tHe home o f Mrs. Clayton McMillan. A t the end o f the scenes, Phyllis . Bryant accompanied by Mrs. Rankin McMillan sang from . the opera, “ Mr^tha” . The roll call was answered, by “Mv Favorite Author” . A des sert course was served to the members and several guests. The November meeting will he at the home of Mrs. John Mc Millan. . BIRTHDAY PARTY “Butch” Irvine., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Irvine was honored on 'h is fifth birthday with a party at his home Tuesday after- jioori. Seventeen children enjoy ed the afternoon. A comedy pic ture was shown by Mrs. Nelson Creswell after which Mr. Cres well took-pictures of the group. A cake with five candles center ed the table and ice cream, candy and punch were served by Mrs. Irvine. Mjnature story hooks were Hvcn _to each guest “Butch” received many nice gifts, IS HOME Roger Maxton is home l!ei"spending several, days with friends in Wellington. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and-Mrs, George .Sheely entertained Friday evening with a supper in honor of Jo Annes seventeenth birthday. Later in th e .evening the group attended a movie in Springfield'. Those attending were: Faye Huston, Shirley Powers, Paula Turner, Janet Crumrine, Mary Jo Duvall, Janet Gordin, Patty Collier, Jo Anna Sheely, Roger Collins, Don Rheubert, Kent Wil- ‘ liamson,- Don Turner, Doug .Cur tice, Dcyi Baldwin, Franklin Fow ler and Don Heidorn. ENTERTAINS SENIORS Miss Christine Steigel of Clif ton entertained members of the senior class with a weiner roast and scavanger hunt at her home Friday evening. HERE FROM PORTLAND Mrs. Helen McMillan Raines of Portland, Ore., visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbr/.' Wisecup this week. Mrs. Raines is visiting relatives in Xenia and Will return to her home in Portland, Friday. VISITS ..IN COLUMBUS > Mrs.' J. W. Johnston spent a few days last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barbow, in Colum bus. • * VISIT IN ROSSFORD £ Jesse Townsley and Mrs. Clara Morton visited the latter’s daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweet in Rossford. Mr. Townsley .has returned home but Mrs. Morton has remained for a -longer visit. ARE IN FLORIDA Mrs. Edith Barber, Mrs.'Theo Parker and Mr, David Mason of Dayton left Monday to SDend several days in Bradenton,- Fla, VISIT IN CINCINNATI . , Mrs; G. H , Hartman and Mr|. David Reynolds ^lerit Monday .with relfttives,an, Cincinnati. , .ys v i s i t ft^fc'itfc&GO* / ’ § Rev- Elwoo’d Palmer. and son, Kent spent a few-&iys in Chicago the past week. BARKERS HAVE GUESTS ... 'Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Barker, Bowling Green, spent the week end wjth the latter’s parents., Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Williamson.' BIBLE CLASS MEETS The -McKibben Bible Class of fcbeU. „P, church met. recently at the home o f Mr. and Mrs! Lauris SStraley when 38 members. en- ■ joyed a covered dish dinner. Mrs. Raymond Spracklin led the de votions and games were in 'charge of Mrs. Spracklin' and Mrs. jifjb'ert llxllen. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hagler and. Mr. And Mrs, Arthur Cultice assisted Mr. and Mrs. Straley. CLUB HAS SUPPER The 12 Bingo Club was enter tained Friday evening -at the home o f Mrs. Arthur Judy. Mrs. Roy Chapman won the first prize and Mrs. Ray Littler won second prize fo r Bingo. Drawing names, fo r Chrsimas was discussed .The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Russell Wise cup. VISIT IN LANCASTER Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickering and son, Nelson, Mr. ^n'd Mrs. Raymond Pickering and Donald, of Jamestown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pickering and family in Lancaster. VAYHINGERS ENTERTAIN Dr. and Mrs. Ira Vayhinger entertained members of the col lege faculty with a dinner in the dining room of the library, Thur sday evening. ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Gale Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. William Lister attended the wedding-last Sat urday afternoon o f. Miss Eileen Gorman and Norman , Sharp at Mary Help church, Osborn, Ohio, K. Y . N. CLUB,MEETS Mrs. John” Pyles entertained Friday afternoon. Roll call was Events of their- firs t year at . school, following the business, games were in charge o f Mrs. Pearl Sexton and Mrs. Robert Bullen. Guests Were Mrs. D. M. Ver million of Springfield, Miss Lula Henderson and Mrs. Curry Mc- Elroy. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Pyles. r ADVISORY COUNCIL Advisory Council number six (met Tuesday evening a t the home • of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Evans, a covered dish supper was enjoy e d . Dayid Bradfute was in charge of the discussion. * Those present were Mr. and •Mrs. Fred Dobbins, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Meryl •Stormont, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dean, Mr. and* Mrs. El bert Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Hetzler, Dr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson, John Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley, Mr. and Mrs. David Bradfute, and the host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Fvans. MRS. HARRIS DIES Mrs. J. A. Harris died at her home in Racine, Ohio, last week. Lee Harris o f Greene ’ county is a son, and of the four grandchil dren Mrs. Arnold Thorndsen of Cedarville is->ohe. « ■* ' - i- I What are- the various ,weddlng Janniversaries? - ' 3 Wedding' anniversaries r o £ e •from the old German-custom Jot ’ presenting; a' wife*with a silver wreath when she had lived with her husband’ for 25 years hence the silver anniversary. The dif ferent one are: 1st, paper; 2nd, calico; 3rd, muslin; 4th, silk; 5th, Wood; 6th, iron; 7th, copper; 8th, bronze; 9th.,-pottery; 10th, tin; 15th, crystal; 20th, china; 25th, silver; 30th, pearli 35th, coral; 40th,. ruby; 45th, sapphire; 50th, gold; 55th, emerald; 60th, dia- mond, and the 75th is also dia mond. „ . ., ; ; ; „ Continued from Page One ine a wide choice of style, size, and engraving. The class finally narrowed their choice to a French-fold style of invitation o f very modernistic design. The Seniors had previously ordered their name cards from another company,.. . . ■ Pupil Wins Prize ,C. H. S. has one very proud seventh grader this year. He is David Toney who won $30 prize money fronutWo contests he en-. tered this-past summed David’s success was more -out standing because o f the fact that lie was in compptrition with hundreds of adults \k the ques tion-entry ' contest' .conducted by the “ Win Your Dinner” radio program WONE . . . Ninth Grader Submits' To Operation Everette Pollock, 15 year old freshman at Cedarville High School, is confined to -his home following an operation for appen dicitis on September 29 at the Children’s Hospital in Columbus. He hopes to he able to return to school soon. His classmates and friends hope fo r his speedy re covery, y Airrident Victims' Improved Patty Koppe, member of the CHS senior class, victim o f an automobile accident which occur red last Friday, is reported to be improving in the Springfield hospital. Becky Creswell also in the same accident, received a painful back injury hut was able to be hack in school this week. The-two girls were accompany ing Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott and family to a church meeting at Lancaster and their car was struck at an intersection near Mt, Sterling. Other members of the party escaped with minor in juries. . V , C. H. S. Mystery You can always snot seventh graders between classes as they are the only ones who 'lock their lockers. This year they have even become moTe mysterious because they are using padlocks. Several times these same indivi duals have appeared late to class on account o f these, hut they still refuse to part with them. We, too, like most people, have let our curiosity overcome us and would like to know wfnt deep se cret lies behind those locked doors. Could it be that they have an unusual regard for their text books or that they have under estimated the integrity o f the up per classmen? One seventh grader who was not quite so secretive about the matter hinted in an unguarded moment, something about “ ball bats, gloves, and balls” . After hearing this, we con clude that it is other prized pos sessions than school becks that are securely lodged behind those locked doors! . . . . . ATTENDS LUNCHEON Mis. Gilbert Ream, of Bowers- ville. Mrs. Jane Mills and Mrs. Bulah Brewer of Cedarville, and Mrs. Vernon Stafford attended a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Gene Riddle, o f Mt. Sterling for the Worthy Matrons of 1949, of the Eastern Star. The past ma trons of 1944 were the hostesses. ITS HERE! the B O I D S R S you don'i fillU ONCEA MONTH ., n o ie re n 3 TIMES A YEAR* "£5’-&»Cku. fill it only ONCE A YEARS 7VT o 5C htttery failures are due to ladc-of-wattr. With the amazing NIC-L-J-YTEBarreryyou knowyour -water level is UP -whereit should be for a solid year—no moreanuoyanre sod loss-of-ome "checking.” Note These Quality Features! ■k Genuine Hard RubberCase. ■k 51 -PIatrs. dc Twice the electrolyte volume of ordinary batteries, -fc Prelusive Blade Oxide. Guaranteed In Writing for 25 Tull Months Just Received Shipment o f G ood Used 6.00x16 Tires STOKES MOTOR CO. Cedarville Formerly Paul Edwards Phone 6-4021 Oc t obe r 1 0 - 1 5 on KIKE’ S SIXTH FLOOR as featured in -wy--' 3 October Issue and.ytdou’ t miss tbese tiro Mg features l Fashion Show of fall designs in clothes and home decorating, at 2 P. M., Tues., Oct 11 at the Miami Hotel Cooking School conducted by Helen Vernon, *[Tiiurs., Oct. 13, at 10:30 A. M. and 2 P, M. at the Miami Hotel Special Features every day October 10-15 JL’Cooking demonstrations and instruction, salad making. , . Housewares—Rite’sFourth Floor 2 A Frigidaire electric range prize, and appliance demonstrations. , . Appliances—Fourth Floor , .3 Instructions in flower arrangements, decorating figurines „ <>Art Gifts—Hike’s Fourth Floor 4 Different, attractive table settings featuring ^ latest decorating ideas-. . China—FourthFloo S5:5^hpw ahookedrugismadeatraur J^ deihdinstrations.. *Art Needlewbrk- ~Hike’s Fourth Floor1 jB Forum on'InteriorDecorating, conducted hy^ Hike’s Home Counselor—Hike’s Fifth Floor ] l ' v_—OZzK ; VisitHike’sHome PlanningCenter andsee new, lovely zoom settings—-Hike’s Sixth Floor]
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