The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52

' '~j- ■■' * ;i vT,*3&SiR- ' 1* SSSSvT''" * •'•- J W m > : f ™ The Cedarville, 0 . Herald ON THE SCHOOL SCENE ft. Continued from Page One ceive training in parlimentary procedure fo r their meetings. Those who attended the meet­ ing were; President—Roger Horn- „ . ey, Vice-President—Sam Butts,£ Secretajcy — ■*Dick; -'Williamson^ Treasurer—Reger 'Coffins,' SAu-i dent Advisor—J im Turnbull, R e - J porter—Jim LuttrelL First Six Weeks.’ Climaxed With so many school activities , to absorb ther minds, the end of the first grading perinod has more or less siipued up on CHS pupils. Instead o f having the de­ lectable World Series game serv­ ed as a partial bill-of-fare this week, thoughts are turning to the more somber subjects o f six weeks’ tests about to be served by our faculty chefs. Even though much study is in order at this time, there probably won’t be undue congestion in the study hall during the noon hour, judging from the past ! 1 by Christine Stegall ♦‘Will Wonders Never Cease?” “Did Mr. Boyer buy all these Cokes? one grade youngster queried in amazement the other day when all the students of our school were summoned out o f the building fo r a fire drill and found, a Coca Cola refrigeration truck in the school yard wth a coke for each pupil. One representative o f the com­ pany remarked that the students o f Cedarville school ranked very high in “ good behavior,” jas in­ dicated by the incident. (Note to teachers; Our shoulder pads have suddenly been transformed in­ to win^si) We would like to thank the Coca Cola Company fo r the nice “ pause that refreshes,” w’hjch was particularly welcome on Mon­ day afternoon when Indian sum­ mer was at its peak. . . . by Rosie Miller JAMESTOWN COUPLE FETED ON ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Gor­ don, Sr., who observed their fo r- tty-ninth wedding anniversary Monday, were honored at a fam­ ily dinner at their home on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were mar­ ried in Cedarville Oct. 10, 1900, Mrs. Gordon bein°' Miss Bertha Smallwood before marriage. They have resided in Jamestown since their marriage. The couple has three children: Mrs. Sharold- Hatfield and Mr. Andrew J. Gor­ don, Jr., o f Xenia and Mrs. Frank Hall o f Jeffersonville. Guests at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield and daughter, Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Gordon, Jr., Xenia; Mr. an Mrs. Frank Hall and family o f Jef­ fersonville and Mrs. Bess Willis o f Jamestown. MISS STORMONT HONORED BY SHOWER Mrs. Roy Waddle and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Dorothy Wheaton en­ tertained with a miscellaneous shower Friday evening honoring Miss Norma Stormont, at the Waddle home- A color scheme o f yellow and white was used. An umbrella decorated with yelow paper and streamers represent­ ing Tain drops was used. On each raindrop was a verse written and each verse disclosed the location o f gifts which Miss Stormont would find. Twenty six were presented a dessert course o f ice cream cen­ tered with a yellow bell and cake with yellow rose was served. Miss Stormont was also hon­ ored with a towel shower given by the conductress of the eight­ eenth district o f the O. E. S. at A luncheon was served at Meyers cafeteria In Fairfield. Miss Stor­ mont and Mr. Kaylor will he en- terttained Saturday evening at Friday, October 14, 1949 APPLES For Sale Grimes Golden, Red Delicious, Stayman and other varieties CIDER FOR SALE On Order Saturdays Bring Containers A t farm on Townsley Road, or resi­ lience in Cedarville. We deliver in Village. Phone 6-1501. I. C. DAVIS the home o f Miss Jean McCartney in Dayton. The wedding o f Miss Stormont and Mr. Kaylor will be an event o f Nov. 10. CLUB WOMEN ATTEND CONFERENCE Several ladies representing -clubs o f Cedarville attended the . . . sd -- _ . . In* the First Methodist - church in • Troy Wednesday. Members o f 60 clubs in the district were present. Mrs. Btirlin Johnston o f Dayton spoke on “ Women in Action.” J. GordonCraine and Dr. Gastin Foote were other speakers. O. E. S. HONORS MRS. MASTERS The Past Matrons circle o f O. E. S. met Monday evening in the Masonic Hall. The birthday of Mrs. Katharine .Masters was honored. A birthday cake and a bouquet o f roses were presented Mrs. Masters. Refreshments were „ served to thirteen members. GRAYS VISIT HERE AND IN FAIRFIELD Mr. and Mrs. John ^ a y . Mt. Sterling, spent Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey and Marsha. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Ramsey, and Mrs, Guy Le- Forge visited Mrs. Oscar Moon and family in Fairfield. HOME CULTURE CLUB MEETS OCT. 18 The Home Culture Club will meet Tuesday October 18 at 2 P. M, at the home o f Mrs. Wal­ ter Corry, Wilberforce Pike. This will be guest day. GUESTS FROM LOVELAND Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey had as weekend guests Mr. Ram­ sey's. parents from Loveland. PICKERINGS HAVE GUESTS Mr, and Mrs. A . R. Persinger, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Picker­ ing and son, Donald, and grand­ daughter, Andrea George, of Jamestown were Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Picker­ ing. BABY SON BORN Mr. and Airs. Harold Guthrie are announcing the birth o f a son Harold Douglas, Monday in Springfield City hospital. This is their second child and first * son. HERE FOR HOMECOMING Mr. and Mrs. Carl Watkns, New fireman, spent Saturday here attending College Homecom­ ing. They went from here to Lancaster to visit the parents of Mrs. Watkins, VISIT THE COTTONS Mr. and Mrs. Orin Strickland and family and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Cotton o f Dayton spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cotton. TEACHER VISITS PARENTS Miss Martha Ann McGuinn, a teacher in the Sandusky schools, spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L, McGuinn. HAVE WEEK END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan Igyi as week end guests Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty o f Hamilton. BARLOWS VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow apd son o f Columbus spent the week end with relatives here. WADDLES HAVE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Waddle had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wheaton and baby o f Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Derby of Wilminsrton and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waddle o f Wash­ ington C. H, GUESTS FROM LOUISVILLE Dr. and Mrs. W . W. Morton, Louisville visited this past week with Miss Ina Murdock and Ralph Murdock. VISITS SON HERE Mrs. Chalmer Elder o f Darling­ ton, Pa., visited the past week with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Eider. She also attended the College Homecoming. HERE FROM COLUMBUS Thomas Maloney and James Maloney and daughter o f Colum­ bus visited friends here Sunday, ATTEND BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Rena Puffield attended a covered dish dinner in Yellow Springs Sunday honoring the 78th birthday o f Mrs. Emma Dil­ lon. CULTICES HAVE A GUEST Mrs. Milton Antrim (Isa Dean) visited this week at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cultice. MOVE TO KYLE HOME Captain and Mrs. William E. KirnsjUa ,nd family o f Wright Field have rented the house o f the late Mrs. Jennie Kyle, and moved there last week. _ fO K ISH MAKES Inquire about the Otarion Hearing Aids Brown’s Drag Store H. S. BROWN Cedarville, Ohio VISIT FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mullen and son o f Reardean spent the week end with friends hefce, VISIT IN HAMILTON Mr, and Mrs. William Jones and daughter spent the weekend ■with Mr. and Mrs. Jqck Pitstick and family in Hamiltoh! , ^ HIXONS HAVE GUESTS * Mrs. Kate Wolf of Washington C. H. spent last.week with her brother-ih-Jawi Mx. POTATOES H . C. Cresswell Bull of Buffalo, N, Y,,and Miss Phyllis Ann Bull o f Fredonia, N. Y . and grandchildren came for the dinner and reception. Two other grandchildren and their families were unable to he pre­ sent. Mr, and Mrs. Bull have three great grandchildren. . . The celebration was closed’ when Mr. and Mrs: Bull's only son preached at services at' the Cedatville United Presbyterian Church Sunday morning. He is the pastor o f a United Preshy- sister and and Mrs. R. L. Hixon. '-Mr; John terian Church in Dubois, Pa. Collette o f Jamestown was a Tuesday guest at the Hixon home. BROWN’S DRUGS. Cedarville. (8w) • WANTED—Rides to W r i g h t Field, Area B, either shift, pre­ ferably 8 to 4:30. Call 6-11922, Legal Notice VISITS RELATIVES Mrs. Earl Heidorn visited last week with her father Harry Fred­ erick, and aunt Miss Anna Fred­ erick In Donnelsville. VISIT IN TROY Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont, Norma and William were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Davis in Troy. The Davis’s were former Cedarville residents, VISITS GRANDMOTHER “ Stevie", son o f Mi’, and Mrs, James Bailey, Jr., returned to his home Saturday after spend­ ing a week at the home o f his grandmother, Mrs. Luella Bailey. MRS. WEST HAS GUEST Mrs. J. S. West had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lig- gette and daughter, Margaret Belle, o f Ripley and Mrs. Snavely of Charlottesville, Va. HERE FROM ILLINOIS Mr. and Mrs. O. A . Elliot, Glen Ellyn, III. and Mr. and Mrs Her­ man McFarland, Dayton, called on several friends here Sunday. Mrs. Elliot will be remembered here as Pansy Ford. STUDENT VISITS PARENTS Miss Beverly Carzoo who is attending Capitol university spent the nast week ei»i with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carzoo. VISIT TOWNSLEYS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swaim and son o f Dixie spent the week end with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Townsley, RETURNS TO CLEVELAND Mrs. Jessie Camp has return­ ed to her home in Cleveland aft- ‘ er a few days visit with her bro­ ther and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reinhard. HERE FOR HOMECOMING Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chaney (Katherine Probqsco) o f Trov attended the College activities here Saturday. PLUMMERS HAVE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Plummer had as guests last week Mr. and Sirs. Clarence Ault of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ault o f Xenia. Sunday guests o f the Plummer home were Mr. and Mrs. Plum­ mer o f Washington C. H. GOES TO INDIANA Mrs. Etta Smith left last week to spend the winter with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Forrest In Kendal- ville* Ind. WEEK END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards and family spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Richards. HAVE INDIANA GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Vesper Marrow o f Princeton, Ind., spent three FOR SALE—Lot 95x250 with 2 days the past week with air. and <room cottage at 1308 Arnold Are., airs. Charles Stormont, air. Ves- j Dayton. Price $2500. Contact owner per is a brother o f Mrs„Stormont. Ernest Phillips at Duvall Hard­ ware, Cedarville, or call Cedarville ‘STATEMENT OF THE OWNER­ SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCU­ LATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, Of Cedarville Herald published; '■weekly at Cedarville, Ohio for.' October 1, 1949. State of .Ohio s s .' County o f Greene Before me. a Notary Public in and for the State and county afore­ said, personally appeared Thur­ man Miller, Jr„ who, having .been duly sworn according to law, de­ poses and says that he is the owner of the Cedarville H e r a l d and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, man­ agement etc., of the aforesaid pub­ lication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, Postal Laws ahd Reg­ ulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the-jiames and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Thurman Miller, Jr„ Cedarville, Ohio. Editor, Thurman Miller Jiv Cedarville, Ohio. Man­ aging Editor^ Thurman Miller, Jr., Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSS COTTER p P . O. Box 748 PhAne 3-6816 Springfield, Ohio m ATTEND SYNOD Rev. Jamieson and Delmar Jobe of the local U. P. church attended a synod in Dayton this week. CLUB MEETS. AT CUMMINGS HOME “ Central America” was the theme of the meeting of the Re­ search Club of Cedarville at the home of Mrs. Paul Cummings, Thursday afternoon. A naper on, Central America was read by Mrs. J. M. Auld. At the business meeting plans were made by members to attend a district pieeting o f the Ohio Federation o f Women’s Cluhs in Troy on Wednesday. The Cummings home was dec­ orated with fall flowers . A sala‘d course.was served by the hostess. CLUB MEETS CLIFTON GARDEN The Clifton Green Thumb Gar­ den, club met Tuesday afternoon .... - at the home o f Mrs. Walter MU- j Cedarville, Ohio. Business Manager ler. This meeting marked the he- 1Thurman Miller, Jr., Cede^yille, ginning of the second year f o r ! 2. That .he owner is: Thurman this club. Mrs. Russell Luse and Miller, Jr., Cedarville, Ohio. Mrs. Omar Sparrow presented | 8. That the known bondholders, arrangements o f chrysanthe-j jmortgagees, _ and other security mums for the program. Mrs.!holders owning or holding* 1 per Charles Peterson, Mrs. Gerald icent or more of total aniount of Hull and Mrs. M. E. Dement jbonds, mortgages, or other secun- were received .into the club as jt'es are: None. new members. Mrs. Elmer Sparks, 4. That the two paragraphs next Mrs. Maynard Neff and Mrs.!above, giving the-namgs of the Charles Peterson were appointed' owners, stockholders, and security to serve as the flower committee holder^. j f ariy, contain not only fo r the coming year. The follow-i the bst of stockholders and secur­ ing members responded to roll j holders as they appear upon call by relating “ Something I !the books o f the company but also, Have Learned During the Year:” in cases where the stockholder or Mrs. Ralph Bullen, Mrs. Robert!security holder appears upon the Bullen, Mrs. Lloyd Devoe, Mrs,' bo°hs of company as trustee Charles Ecknian, Mrs, Homer, m any ^-msiary relation, Haulterman, Mrs. Russell Luse, 1tbe name o f the person or eorpoi- Mrs. Walter MUler, Mrs. Robert ?tlor! foJ;‘ whoTn, suAh trustee is act- Paxton. Mrs. Elmer Sparks, M rs..1” * 13 ^ en; alf°. tha+fc ,the s^ d Omar Sparrow, Mrs. Charles 1 im-agraphscontam Peterson and Mrs. Maynard Neff. A dessert course was served b y j anf belief as to the circumstances the hostess and co-hostess, M r s J a a d e d it io n s undf sto<* " iholders and security holders who Ralph Bullen. - jdo not. appear unon the books of SELL REAL ESTATE jthe company as trustee, hold stock Harry and Edna Hubbell have and securities is a capacity other sold a tract of .226 acre in Sil-jthan that of a bona fide owner; vercreek township to Faye Row- [and this affiant has no reason to land, according to court house Division, APO 704, San Francisco, California, care of Post Master, will take notice that on the 8th day of October, 1949,' Louise P. Gi- nac filed, her certain petition a- gainst him for d i y.o r c e on the grounds of gross neglect of duty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case be­ ing No. 26*124 on the docket of said Court and will come on -for hearing on or after the 19th day of November, .1949. OTTERBEIN' “CREAGER Attorney for Plaintiff Callahan Bldg. , Dayton, Ohio ^ ,(10-14-6t-ll-18) NOTICE OF APPOINMENT Estate of Ida M. Streit, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Grace C. Borton lias been duly ap­ pointed as Administratrix of the estate of Ida M. Streit, deceased, late, of Caesarcreek Township, Greene Gounty, Ohio. Dated this 8th dav of October, 1949. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. (10-14-3t-10-28) By Luella Ilowser Chief Deputy Clerk sewer committee. And the Mayor and the Cterk o f the Village^ of Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Eliz- Cedarville are hereby authorized abeth M. Geisler, aka Elisa M. to execute said agreement on be-j Geisler, aka Eliza M. Geisler has half of the Village and to accept {been duly appointed as Executrix said deed, grant and bill of sale j of the estate of Charles E. Geisler, on behalf of the Village and the {deceased, late of Beavercreek Town- Clerk is authorized to record the \ ship, Greene County, Ohio, same with.the Recorder of Greene! Date*) this 22nd day of Septem- .County, Ohio,. ; , .. ,. , jber, 1949.. SECTION" 2. That there -b& and ! WILLL4M B. McCALLISTER hereby is authorized the expendi-1 Ju.dge of the Probate Court, Greene ture of the sum. of $7,000.00 i n ‘ County, Ohio, payment for the fordyoing, dis- j By Hazel Cliaffin tributed as follows: $50.00''for th e ; Deputy Clerk conveyance o f the land for said j ^ T T p p m VTMT?\!T sewage disposal plant; $900.00 f o r : NOAILfc APPOINTMEISl the easement for said outfall Sew- ' ~rr-L^ - ^ er;, $50.00 for the release o f all claims for damages, injunction or otherwise; and $6,000.00 for , the Estate of Kittie Gentner, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Franklin Clay Masters, has been conveyance of the -bridge, piers, duly appointed as Executor of the -nvocAiif nr,u estate of Kittie Gentner, deceased, present sewer line and other per­ sonal property as'set forth in said agreement. SECTION 3. That the same be paid as follows: $500.00 upon ex - iber, 1949, _ ecution of said agreement of which | Vf ILUAM B. McCALLISTER $50.00 is to he for the conveyance Judge of the Probate Court, Greene l a t e o f Beavercreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 28tli day of Septem- records, MRS. WICAL DIES Mrs. Violet Wical, 33, died at her home near Bloomington and was buried in the Sabina ceme­ tery following services held at the Littleton funeral'home. BOARD SEEKS VANDALS The Xenia township school hoard is offering $25 reward for apprehension o f vandal? who broke into Hilltop school and damaged desks and the piano. CLASSIFIEDADS 'believe that any other person, as­ sociation, or corporation has any interest direct or ’ indirect in the said stock, bonds, ’or other securi­ ties. than, as so stated ’by him:' . 5 .,That the average number of copies of each issue of this pub­ lication sold or d i s t r u h u t e d , through the mails of otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding, the date shown above is 800. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of Sept. 1949. SEAL Eloise McNamee, • Notary Public My commission exnires April 30, 1951. 1 • - « FOR SALE WEST VIRGINIA GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lynch, Clarksburg, W. Va., are visiting the latter’^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A . Kritzer, HERE FROM BUFFALO Dr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott had as guests this past week Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson and daughter, Stephanie, o f Buffalo, N. Y . BULLS ARE HONORED ON 60th ANNIVERSARY In celebration o f the sixtieth wedding anniversary o f Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Bull, near Cedarville an informal reception was given by Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bull in the social room o f the Cedarville Uni­ ted Presbyterian Church Satur­ day aftemooB. The reception was attended by 150 relatives and friends. Gugsts at the .affair Saturday afternoon included Mr. Frank Turnbull, Mrs. Julia Lackey, Mrs. Margaret Payne, and W . A , Spen­ cer all o f Cedarville and Mrs. Margaret Bickett, Xenia who were guests at the wedding sixty years ago. The couple was married at the home o f Mrs. Bull’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A . Spencer near Cedarville. Rev. J. O . War- nock pastor o f the Gedarville U. P. Church, officiated at the cer­ emony. A t the reception gifts, cards and flowers were received by the couple. A dinner was given by the nieces and nephews o f the couple' at the Cedarville Church Satur­ day at noon. Forty-six relatives and friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kreitzer, W. A. Spen­ cer, brother o f Mrs. Bull, and Miss Wilma Spencer, Cedarville, Mrs. Roll Shultz of Dayton, Mrs. Cal­ mer? Elder, Darlington, Pa., Dr. and Mrs. Merle Rife, New Con­ cord, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B u 11, Springfield; grandnieces and nephews included John Merle Rife, New Concotd, Kenneth Bull, Springfield Mr. aqd Mrs. Nathan Elder, Mr. and Mrs. David Ram-, sey and daughter, Marcia, James Ramsey Miss Doris Ramsey and Miss Vivian Ramsey o f “Cedar­ ville. Guests at the dinner were Dr. Jamieson,. B ;. and Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Clayton McMillaij, Miss An­ nabel Murdock o f Cedarville, Fred McMillan, Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Lee Crawford o f Xenia, ' Mrs. J. S. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merrill, Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bull’s son and 7ife, Rev. and Mrs. .Fred Bull o f Dubois, Pa* and Mr. and Mrs. Robert 6-1584 after 6 p. m. (St) FOR SALE—A-C corn picker, HALL J. HILL FARM SERVICE, PHONE 4-3691, Jamestown, Ohio. (2W-10-13-J&C-10-20) FOR SALE—used McCormick & Decring plows. HALL J. HILL FARM SERVICE, PHONE 4-3691, Jamestown, Ohio. (2W-10-13-J&C-10-20) FOR SALE—used A-C Disc. HALL J. HILL FARM SERVICE, PHONE 4-3691, Jamestown Ohio. (2W-10-13-J&C-10-20) LEGAL NOTICE Virginia F, Hoover, whose ad­ dress is 227 Madison Street, Harris­ burg, Pennsylvania, will take no­ tice that on the 8th day o f Octo­ ber, 1949, Lester H. Hoover filed his certain petition against her for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 26,123 on the docket of said Court |and will come-on for hearing on or after the 19th day of November, 1949. SCHARRER, SCHARRER & HANAGHAN Attorneys fo r Plaintiff ^as & Electric Bide. Dayton, Ohio___(10-.14-6t-ll-18) LEGAL NOTICE ~ . Edward William Ginac, whose address is Japanese Air Material FOR SALE—Registered Duroc Boars. Call Cedarville 6-4204. (3p) WANTED TO RENT—Garage for student’s car. John Snowden P. O. Box 446, Cedarville. 2p FOR SALE—Oil heating stove with 2 drums and 25 gal. oil.. Phone 6-4254. F O R S A L E—22 Winchester Pump Rifle, shorts only, $10.00. Call 6-2351. ' Ip. FOR SALE—year old hens 30e lb.; fries 35c. MRS. KOPPE, Phone 6-3071. (3w) FOR SALE—Coal heating stove in eood condition. L. S. Henderson, Phone 6-1251. “Fight Rats with RODAN—ready to use—a prepared bait Rats will eat—enough to kill 800 fo r 98c— satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. BROWN’S DRUG. FOR SALE—E s t a t e Heatrola' (coai). Good condition. .Call after 6 p. m. Phone 6-3373. FOR SALE—Dropped apples 2c per lb., Picked apples 4c per lb. at orchard, bring containers. R. M. Waddle, R. R. 1. (30) USED. Hoover sweeper in good condition, cheap. Phone 6-2551. (lw NOTICE Oliver S. Baker, Ceddrville, R. R. 2 for Light Trucking, 6-1023 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY fo r sales and service Cedarville and vicinity. If interested write Motorists Mutpal Insurance Com­ pany, 471 East Broad Street, Co- lumbus, Ohio,. (gw) (AVZ) >311-9 T&X ’uiooi 33 b - jois top pus sjbs —X&&H SOiJ WANTED i WANT TO STOP SMOKING? Try NICO-STOP it’s new. It’s easy. I t s Gu j& y& jifeejd . Get it at RESOLUTION NO. 2S4 A U T H O R I Z I N G THE PUR­ CHASE OF REAL ESTATE FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCT­ ING A SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT; THE SECURING OF AN EASEMENT FOR AN OUTFALL SEWER THEREFORE: AND A BILL OF SALE FOR BRIDGE, PIERS AND PRESENT SEWER AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID OUTFALL SEWER AND THE DISMISSAL AND T E R M I N A ­ TION OF CLAIMS BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND THE DIS­ SOLUTION OF INJUNCTION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE, STATE OF OHIO: THAT, WHEREAS, since 1929 the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, has disuosed of its sewage through a Sluiceway and in the settling beds owned by the then Hagar Straw Board & Paper Company and now H. A. Tyson of London, Ohio, and, WHEREAS, the use thereof was by license only and the said H. A. Tyson has heretofore terminated said license and that there is now pending litigation in damages and also injunction to enjoin the fur­ ther use of said manner of dis­ posal together with claims for re­ pairs of the sluiceway. AND, WHEREAS, the Village of Gedarville, Ohio, by its Council has determined its intention to ap­ propriate property sufficient to construct a sewage disposal plant and an easement for an outfall sewer and, WHEREAS the Sewer Commit­ tee of Council has negotiated with the said H, A, Tyson for the pur­ chase of sufficient real estate for the construction of the sewage dis­ posal plant and the construction and operation?, of an outfall sewer together with the purchase of an iron bridge over Massie’s Creek and piers over draws that are now used for the sluiceway, and the sett.ement „:of all claims between the said Village and the said H. A, Tyson for valuable considera­ tion and an agreement to carry the’ same into effect, which said Committee has recommended the acceptance of said settlement, deed, bill of sale, and errant of easment. SECTION 1. Therefore, he it re- solyed that the. recommendations of said Sewer Committee of Coun­ cil be and they are hereby accepted and the Village of Cedarville does hereby determine to accept from the said H. A. Tyson a deed for certain real estate more particul­ arly described in said recommenda­ tions of said committee; also a grant for easement for an outfall Spwer through said plant; also a bill of sale for the iron bridge a- cross Massie’s Creek and the ce­ ment piers opposite the Mill dam and to the site of the plant to­ gether with all-present sewer lines, constructed and used for a' sewer ling, together with "the conditions and provisions as set forth in the agreement so recommended by said of the land on which the sewer disposal plant is to he constructed and the balance to be applied as Council may later determine. The balance, of said purchase p r i c e shall be payable out of First Mort­ gage Bonds to be issued upon the olant to be ^constructed and sh.^l Robert K. and Bertha t . Shaw i . _______________Robert K. Shaw and Bertha L. (Shaw, whose respective _place _of County, Ohio. By Luella Howgev Deputy Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Xenia Market vs. said bonds as in said a~>’eemerit set j ‘ . , ___ . __ A „ forth and there is hereby ?-mro- ^ ld^ Cff ^ ^ printed said sums from a fund a- S ^ f d ^ .2 ? rising from the sale of said First VL. , ^ n/r______ __________ j *_____ ... *defraud the creditors, or to avoid " service of., summons, or to keep ful funds available * f the Village j fchemselves Consealed with like in­ tent, will take notice that on Sep­ tember 21, 1949, the undersigned of Cedarville, Ohio, and the Trea­ surer is hereby authorized to is­ sue' his voucher for the down pay- menr and upon the issuancoof t b e .Common p ieas in Greene County, First Mortgage _BondV aforesaid ohio> The action is apponent the balance Of said sum shall be accoUnt for merchandise sold. The set apart and be and hereby is ap -j 0f the petition is for judg- propnated for the above purpose }menfc for ? m l03 with intereJst ^ d n ^ t b e r purpose whatsoever. ;the rate of 6 pevrent from the SECTION 4 , That this resolu-*first d f Jul^ 1949i tion shall become effective at the j Tho defendants named above are eailies.. pergd allowed b " law. required to answer on or before ■^dopted this 3 day of October, j tjie jgj.^ day of November, 1949 . lJ4y. jVpiiin Mnvlrpf Wm. W Ferguson jby L b e r t B Brewer, Attorney for Mayor Plaintiff. £ T u t A . „ ! (9-23-6t-10-28) P. J. McCorkell — - --------------- Clerk. (10-14-2t-10-2S) ;NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX r —. ----- — — ----------- - — - *LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN (Notice of Election on Referendum j .MILL LIMITATION on Ordinances No. 250 and 2ol j NOTICE is'hereby given that in as Passed by Council m \ illage pursuance of a Resolution of the . . . Gedarville, Ohio {Board of Education o f the Cedar- Notice is hereby given that pur- ville Township Greene County, suance of two petitions being tiled 0 hio, passed on the 21st day of with the Board of Elections, Greene j une) 194^ tiiere will he submitted County, Ollier asking for a refer- to a vote of the people of said Ce- endum on Ordinances Nos. 250 and ;darville Township at the NOVEM- :251 as passed by the Council m BER ELECTION to be held in the jthe Village of Cedarville, Ohio, on Twp_ of Gedarville, Ohio, at the {July 5th, 1949, and that said ordi- regular place of voting therein, on nances will be submitted to the Tuesday, the 8th day of November, Ielectors of said Village for a vote 1949| the tluestion of levying a re- 'on Tuesday, November 8th, 1949, newal of a tax in excess o f the at the regular voting places m ten mill limitation for the benefit saM Village. o f Cedarville Township School Ordinances No. 250 provides^ for District for the purpose of pro- fixing number of regular meetings viding additional funds for cur- of Council and the compensation to rent expenses at a rate not exceed- be received by each, the hallo* to ,i„ e 3 mills for each one dollar of provide for a Yes or No vote, valuation, which amounts to Tliir- Ordinances No. 2 o l provides for ■ ty cents for each one hundred dol- fixing the salaries and bonds of ]arfl, 0f. valuation, for 1949-1950- certain officers n the Village o f ; 1951-1952-1953. Cedarville, Ohio. . . | The Polls for said Election will The Polls for said Election w ill;be open at 6:30 o’clock A. M. and be open at 6:30 o clock A. M. and .remain open until 6:30 o’clock P. remain open until 6:30 o’clock P. m . (Eastern Standard Time) of M., (Eastern Standai’d Time), o f ,srj t] ;]ay_ said day, ___ By order of the Board of Elections, filed its petition in the Court of FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 115 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. f o z v V THEATRE I Fri. and Sat., Oct. 14-15 John Wayne - Pedro Armendariz “Three Godfathers” * In Technicolor * Also Color Cartoon Sun. and Mon., Oct. 16-17 Ida Lupine - Cornel Wilde"; “ItpHd House” . " -News * Cartoon - Travel : Wed, and Thurs., Robert Mitchum Oct. 19-20 Jane Greer “Blood On The Moon” News and Comedy ^ By order of the Board o f Elec­ tions, of Greene County, Ohio. Wm. H. McGervey. Glerk Dated Sept. 17. 1949. (9-30-4t-10-21) of Greene Comity, Ohio. W111. H. McGERVEY, Clerk Dated Sept. 17, 1949 (9-23-4t-10-14) LEGAL NOTICE John F Tripp, whose present place of residence is unknown, and jwhose last known place of address 0 0 0 1 m i a - l „ T\~i a NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Mattie D. Smith, De­ ceased. . _____ ________ _ Notice is hereby given that Geo. kvas 2831 Ewald Circle, Detroit 4, I-I. Smith, has been duly appointed.Michigan, is hereby notified that as Administrator of the estate of 5Susie R. Tripp has filed a petition Mattie D. Smith, deceased, late of ;in the Common Pleas Court, Greene Spring Valley, Greene County, County, against him, the same be- Ohio. Dated this 30th day of Septem­ ber, 1949. WILLIAM B, McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. (lQ.-7-3t-10-21) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate. o f Charles E. Geisler, ing Case No. 26075. The prayer of said petition is for a divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect of Duty, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after six full weeks from the date of the first publication hereof. Dan M. Aultman Xenia, Ohio , Attorney for Plaintiff {9-9-6t-l0-14) Better Buy f6e$e Better W&ye? Peas Springgarden 2 cans 29c Milk Cara, or Wilson 3 Tall can s ..................................... 35c Coffee Merrit 3 lb. bag 1.21 lb......... .............. 41c Chocolate Drops lb. bag ., 25c Salad Dressing Moderne Qt. Jar ....................... 35c Tide Lge Box . ................. 24c Fruit Cocktail Hunts Tall •can :.................... A t .:.:..... . 19c Peach Preserves T6 oz. jar 19c Peaches Merrit No. 2 y2 can .............. ......................21c Orange Marmalade 16 oz. J a r ....................................... 25c Matches - Carton ............ 39c Spun Honey Spread lb Box -----.............................. 33c Cranberries lb. B a g .......; 23c English Walnuts lb, bag 43c QUALITYMEATS Pork Chops (Center Cuts)’ Bacon E n d s ........... *■ lb. 69c Pork Chops (End Cuts): Plate Boiling Beef ........... ............... lb. 59c lb. 39c lb. 39c HARMEB & HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET A . X to* , SV ,