The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville, O, Herald Friday,' November '4, 1949 Enjoy Weekend In Cincinnati Mrs. Cora Trurnbo and Miss Mildred Trurnbo spent the last ■week end as guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Westerfeld o f Cin­ cinnati Friday Mrs. Westerfeld and Miss Trurnbo attended the meet­ ing o f the Southwestern Teach- WATCH YOUB SAVINGS GROW Individual Accounts Insured Up To $5,000 Current Dividend Rate 2% CedarvileFederal Savings &LoanAssn. Cedarville, Ohio ers’ association. That night they attended a Sunday school conven­ tion at Emery auditorium in or­ der to hear Homer Rodeheaver, the singer who Was with Billy Sunday fo r about twenty years,. Mr. Rodeheaver led the groua singing and also gave a number o f special selections. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wes­ terfeld and Mrs. _ Trurnbo and Mildred were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Robert Bardon an family (Eleanor _McElvrain) of Elm Park Drive in" Cincinnati. IN CYCLE RACE In a motorcycle endurance race in Columbus Sunday, Carl Bag- ford o f Cedarville won ninth place. The contest was over an 80-mile course. YOUNG PEOPLES PARTY Miss Jane Purdom entertained the Young Peoples Society o f the United Presbyterian Church at her home Saturday evening. The group gathered in the base­ ment^pnd played games and were served hot dogs, bfiked beans, pie, .donuts and eider. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooley were leaders fo r the evening. A committee in charge was Mary Louise Stormont, Richard Spraek- lin and Joan Hammon. Grover Singleton _is recovering from an eye operation performed in Mt. Carmel hospital last week. . * % VA ■> ^ -w nny Ilaiv . fum b led s f a r f s / GET GUARANTEED « 0 Just tX T ?J C h a n g e COST'. O v e r w ith SoVio gess' ,oYto© SoW«> NV»nl©T -gt ©d© tooWT o*A -S* od© C T A D T I M G soy* Off©Groham | ■ K B v i Clvvvtondftiowo,* H E R E ' S T H E P L A C E StokesMotorCo. Formerly Paul Edwards Cedarville Phone 6-4021 )PIV ags- Your (SOHIOi | Dealer \J TO VISIT THE t, O .H . HUTCHINGS STATION 10:00 a,m, to 5:00 p.m. - w --.-a— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 and SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 HOW 70 GIT THERE C DAYTON CAUOUTON imm um 7t *0AD O.Hnvrames STATION Don’t miss this opportunity o f a lifetime. It’s your opportunity to inspect an ultra-modern steam-electric generating station. The new 0 . H . Hutchings Station has the most up-to-date equipment in the science o f electric generation. It is a station with every modern facility fo r the most efficient and economical <- operation and for contributing to the health ?• f t and welfare o f station employees. *5. . Here yon will see how energy from coal i f transforihed into mechanical energy S : m the turbines, and then transformed into -l electric energy in the generators. Pass die word along to your family, yonr friends and neighbors. Ton will be glad for years that you visited this new station, THE P A Y T O N P O W E R A N D L I G H T C O M P A N Y Miscellaneous Shower for Bride Mrs. Robert Kaylor (N o r m a Stormont) was guest of honor at . a miscellaneous, shower Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Millard French in South S o lo n . Colors o f yellow and green were used with bouquets of fall flowers. Norma followed rain­ bow colored streamers which led to the large basket of gifts- Prizes were won by Mrs. Elwood Shaw and Mrs. Nathan Eldeij Mrs. Myerl Stormont assisted Mrs. French in serving a salad course. . - ^ Guests were present from Os­ born, Xenia, Springfield and South Charleston. ENTERTAIN K. Y . N, . Mrs. Carl Reese entertained the K. Y . N. club-Friday after­ noon. Roll call was answered with “ a new flower or shrub I would like to plant.” Mrs. Rankin Mc­ Millan was in charge o f the pro­ gram. . _ Plans fo r a Christmas party were made. A nominating com­ mittee fo r election o f officers was appointed, Mrs. Lloyd Devoe,- chairman, Mrs. J. M. Bull and Mrs. Paul Townsley. The next meeting- will be Nov. 18 at the home o f Mrs. Ralph Rife. ENTERTAINS SOCIETY ' Mrs. Ida Stormont entertained tiie Missionary society o f the United Presbyterian Church at her home Thursday afternoon. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. E. E. Finney and the program was in charge of Mrs. Harold Reinhard and Mrs. Lucy Turner. A Thank Offering program, was presented. Mrs. Stormont was assisted- by Mrs. Ida Wright in serving refreshments to 33 mem­ bers. ENTERTAINS MIZPAHS Mrs. W. A. Condon entertain­ ed the Mizpah Bible class o f the First r()asbyterian CSiurch at her home Thursday afternoon. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. A. E. Huey. Mrs. F A. Jur­ kat, assisted by Mrs. Paul Elliott, Mrs. Clayton McMillan and Mrs. Lina McCallaugh pre^ei#«(i a program o f Thanksgiving poems and stories. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Condon. DORCAS .CLASS MEETS The Dorcas Bible class of the United Presbyterian church met Tuesday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Ida Stormont. Mrs. J. M. Bull conducted Memorial ser­ vices fo r the eight members of the class who passed away this past year. The group spent the afternoon hemming table cloths fo r the church. Mrs. Stormont was assisted by her daughter, Mable in serving refreshments. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ghaplin are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage o f their daughter, Jane, to Mr, Clyde Hof- fer, son o f Mr. BL Xu-.Ho£for-.o£ Springfield. The marriage will take'place the latter part of December, and the young couple will reside in Springfield. ' . „ MISSIONARY MEETS The Missionary society of the First Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John McMillan. Mrs. James Ramsey conducted devo­ tions and Mrs. Dana Bryant pre­ sented a program on “ Lepers.” Mrs. McMillan was assisted by Mrs. Melvin McMillan in serving refreshments. HALOWEEN PARTY - Mr. and Mrs. P . J. McCorkell entertained o group o f friends with a Halloween party Saturday evening. GOLDEN RULE CLASS The Golden Rule elass met in the Methodist church Thursday evening. Roll call was answered with a “ short ghost story.” Mrs. A . E. Richards and Mrs. G. W . Johnston presented a Dr. I, Q. program. The hostesses were Mrs. J. 0 , Connor, Mrs..George Sheeley and; Mrs.. Dave Taylor. The class woii §15 as second prize on their float, Hickory Holler Choir, entered in the Carnival at Jamestown on Friday evening. WESLEY CLASS MEETS The Wesley class, of the Meth­ odist church met at the parson­ age Sunday evening. The group enjoyed a covered dish dinner, Mrs. Carl Ritenour led the devo­ tions, followed by a business meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup will entertain the class in November at the shelter house. JUNIORS MEET The Junior Missionary group of the United Presbyterian church held a party in the church Satur­ day evening. The group went begging and gathered at the church for ames and refresh­ ments. The ^roups’ leader is Mrs. Fred Evvry. - ’ ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Margaret Ann McMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, entertained 21 o f her little friends with a halloween party Monday evening. Games were played and refreshments were 7 served. Each guest came masked and were given- Spooky Pops and pumpkins filled with candy f o f favors. CLUB MEETS THURSDAY The .Womans club will meet, Thursday, Nov. 10 at 2 p. m. at. the home o f Mrs. John McMillan. A Thanksgiving program will be presented by Mrs. -Clayton ’ Mc­ Millan. ; FORMER TEACHER HERE Miss Edith Morris and brother* ICrawfol-d Morr:|y, o f IShttron spent Sunday with Ralph and Ina Murdock. Miss Morris was an instructor in Cedarville - College from 1905 to 1909. ATTEND CONFERENCE Eleven members .of the W. S. C. S. o f the Methodist church at­ tended the fa ll conference o f the Wilmington district o f the Trin* ity Methodist church in. Xenia, Tuesday, TO ADDRESS WOMEN x ' Mrs. David Reynolds is sched­ uled to address a meeting o f the W. Ss-G. S. at Jamestown, N.ov'.- 8 . VISIT IN CLEVELAND Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Davis spent the weekend in Cleveland. They attended the football game and visited friends. COULTERS GUESTS HERE Capt. and Mrs. J. E. Coulter were guests over the weekend of Mr, and-Mrs.'A. D. Payne. Capt. iColufer has been -transferred from Hawaii to Fort Eustis, Va. MISS EVANS SINGS _Miss Kathleen Evans, Cedar­ ville* was soloist at a Sunday ev­ ening special services at Union entertained Sunday honoring th e . birthday of the latter|s brother, Harold Dorn, o f Sedalia. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dorn and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kemper and son, and Mr and Mrs. Fred Qjnar and daughter of Dayton. DR. JURKAT IMPROVING Dr. F. A. Jurkat is improving in the Springfield hospital and expects to return to his" home this week: McKIBBEN BIBLE CLASS Members of the MeKibben Bible class held their meeting Monday evening in the United, Presbyterian Church. Mr. and" Mrs. Arnet Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dean and Mrs. Theo Park- ,er were the hostesses. Devotions were led by Lewis Lillich. The program was in Mr. and Mrs, John Pramer had as guests .Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pramer, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Harner and son o f Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crain o f- Old Town. .Mr. arid Mrs. John Reinhard andrsott o f. Columbus spent Sun- "3»y With; the former’? parents, ..■Mr: and Mrs. H. A. Reinhard. * Mr. and Mrs. John Kaufman and family of Vandalia spept Sunday woth Mr. and Mrs, Wil­ lard Tobin. . Mrs. C. H. Gordon and Mrs. Joe Gano spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jerden in Newport. - *' . . . . * , -Mrs. Alfred Townsley. Senaca- ville, visited friends here Friday. Methodist church, south of Xe- & charge of Mr. Lillich, JVTrs. A. B. nia. Pupils in the music classes of Mrs. Ralph Truesdale present­ ed the recital. Miss Evans teaches m Spring Hill school. TAKEN TO DAYTON George Frame has been taken from Mt. Carmel hospital in Columbus to Veterans hospital in Dayton. He is improving very* slowly. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon Evans and Mrs. Don Hubbard. ARE ATTENDANTS' : Mr and Mrs. Marvin Jones of Cedarville were the attendants at the wedding of Miss Albertine Rittenhouse and Eugene Creamer, both of Sabina, at Newport,. ICy., on Sunday, Oct. 23. - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ham­ er and family were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Har­ ner. CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE W ill your “winter things” be moth bait this summer ? Not if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning. Dirt a;nd‘ grime work into fab­ r i c— often invisibly . . . Jhenjmoth ji^qrms <have a feast. Before you store, let New Cedarville Cleaners “proof” your clothes against the menape of moths and silver fish. >\* THE NEWCEDARVILLE CLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cetiarvilie Phone 6-3411 NEW f MODEL U # f f ) Greater Handling capacity Easily handled By one man Weighs only 119 lbs. {16 ft. length with 2 HP engine) fclfcvator This mw, improved, heavy-duty model ol ths v light-weight HARVEST-HANDLER elevator speeds'- farm handling jobs, saves labor the year ’round. Fills bins, cribs, self-feetfers, performs many odd joSr. Quickly loads, unloads trucks anywhere.- Handy in field or barnyard. Outstanding NEW features^ ineiude: Patent Pending 2. New 20 It. length {shown) can be ob­ tained with easily assembled 4 ft. mid­ section (dptionol) added to the stand­ ard 16 ft." length. „ Wide choice of power. I 1/, HP. 4 cycle or 2 HP, 2 cycle gasoline engine, 'A HP heavy-duty or totally enelosod elec­ tric motor. Also available without power. New easily removable engine mount1 permits power unit to be transported, or stored separately. r4. Greater-capacity with wider 6'/* Inch trough with deep flared sides. ,S> New Hopper design provides increased 1 hopper capacity and permits flight* to pick up load easier. famous Model “ B’s" outstanding features arc also Included; in -Model "C". Special aircraft-alloy construction combines light- weight with durability.. Removable hopper sides, cover under hopper permit self- loading.- Hopper sides may also be re­ moved for loading In "light places." Boil at head end Is handy for positioning by rope, sturdy hook at hopper end for hang­ ing on truck sideboard, Se<ryout dealer today or write for further details, ' free folder on request. i i i i i i i / $219.50 other models $162 to $256 Cedarville, Ohio Have You Tried The NEW i r u U w w u n BREAD u . . made with ) new ■improved M i j Stays f r e s V l o n g ™ Tastes Better C o n t m ^ j 3 - s o H e n e L - V..™ ■’-'HIS , V%\**f« M S S ! v f' j -»*•v- ».> t X . -&Sr m * No softener used! Hoisum Bread is richer because it contains only*pure ingredients* 6% milk, 8% ’ sugar 6-%' shortening laws*; t- Holsunx Brgad now 'conlalns twice as mucH millc, twice as much shortening, as othes brands, an^ ou^t'the^right amount of sugar for ' better flavor* No softener, usedl Plain .or toasted, it's better taking, s ta ^ fresh longer. Buy it, try it today* m tett io «NAME-A-TTOE,J* 11:00A. M. axtd 7:00 P. W jHcnda^ through Frlday-—1340 on yonr radio