The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52

Betty Sickles Becomes Bride of Lamarr Hamman In a doable ring ceremony Sat­ urday evening in the United Pres­ byterian Church Miss Betty Sickles, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sickles o f Springfield, became the bride o f Lamarr Hammon, son of Mr. and- Mrs. Harry Hamman. Rev. R. A. Jamieson performed the ceremony before an alter of huckleberry screens, four seven, branch candleabras and jlqrge baskets o f white chrysanthemums and ponpons. Preceding the cer­ emony a half hour o f nuptial mu­ sic was played by Miss Lena Has­ tings and Miss Phyllis Bryant sang As You Desire Me, Because and The Lord’s Prayer. Miss Jo­ an Hamman sister o f the groom fflie. Cedarville, O. Herald Fridiy, November 25> 1949 was the bride’s only attendant and Kenneth Huffman acted as best man. Marcus Townsley and John Tcwnsley were ushers. The bride given ip, marriage by her father chose a gown o f ivory slfpper safcin styled with a sweet­ heart neckline, outlined with ny­ lon toule, long sleeves tapered at the hands and a tightly fitted bodice with triple bands o f sat- inset in to form a wedding ring waistline. A very full skirt ex­ tended into a cathedral lenght train. The bride’s double •tiered veil of imported illuson was at­ tached to a satin helmet which was dotted with large pearls. Her only jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the groom. The bride carried a crescent arrange­ ment o f white pompoms and shas- ta chrysanthemums centered with an orchid. Miss Hamman wore a dress of (1 DON'S MARKET Phone 6-2041 Where your DOLLAR goes FARTHER and Your Business Is Appreciated 2 — EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTERS — 2 ,, GOOD MEATS and POULTRY THANKSGIVING SPECIALS . Pork Roasts - f r e s h c a l l i e s 39 c lb. _ _ _ . CENTER ^ __ Beer Roasts c h u c k ................ 55c lb. Lard ........ 2 lbs. f o r ...................27c Boiling Beef ....... ................................ 39c lb. STEAK - Sirloin - Round ......75c lb. OPEN Wed. Till 8 PJI Thursday Till 11:30 A. E Chickens - Oysters - Fish Cranberries - Lettuce - Celery - Sweet Potatoes * Tomatoes - Bananas « Oranges - Apples NUTS - CANDY - ICE CREAM PAYING 47c FOR MED. LARGE EGGS YOUR ONE STOP MARKET Quick and Friendly Service CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your “winter things” be moth bait this summer? Not if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning. Dirt and grime work into fab­ ric — often invisibly . . . then moth worms have a feast. Before you store, let New Cedarville Cleaners “ proof” your clothes against the menace of moths and silver fish. THENEWCEDARVILLEGLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 blue taffeta made with a fitted bodice and o ff the shoulder shawl neckline forming cap sleeves with a full skirt. She carried a cres­ cent o f chartruse fugi chrysan­ themums and bronze pompoms in her hair she wore a wreath of bronze pompoms. For her daugh­ ter’s wedding, Mrs: Sickles wore wine crepe and carried pink de­ light roses and Mrs. Hamman chosS rose* biege crepe and car­ ried pink delight roses. Following the wedding 150 guests were served at a reception in the church dining room. Host­ esses were Mrs. Delbert Dolphin of Jamestown, Mrs. Denver At- iey o f Xenia, Mrs. Roger Ulsh of Springfield and Mrs. Dortha Sickles o f Springfield. For her going away dress, Mrs. Hamman chose a green suit with green ac­ cessories and wore the * orchid from her bridal bouquet. Upon their return from a wed­ ding trip they will reside in their newly furnished apartment on North Main street. Mrs. Ham­ man is a teacher in the Cedar­ ville schools and Mr. Hamman is associated with his father in the dairy business. Shower Given A t Ferguson Home Friday Miss Nancy Ferguson, Clifton Road, north of Xenia, was host­ ess Friday evening at a "shower” honoring Miss Ruth Eleanor Blair, New Burlington, who will become the bride o f Robert M. Miller, Xenia, Nov. 27, at the home of her parents. An outdoor scene with green and yellow appointments was em­ ployed in the decorations. Con­ test prizes were won by Mi’s. Er­ vin Blair, Mrs. George Andrts and Miss Mary Ellen Beason. Gifts for the bride-elect were ar­ ranged on a table under stream­ ers extending from a sprinkling can. An ice course was served by the * hostess to the following guests: Mrs. Edward L. Dewine, Jr., Mrs. George Andres, Mrs. Kenneth Dean, Mrs. Russell Oden, Mrs. Harrison Smith, Jr., Mrs. Ervin Blair, Mrs. Meryl Stor­ mont,, Mrs. William Ferguson and Misses-Marcella Faha, Dor­ othy Linkhart, Mary Louise Stor­ mont and Mary Ellen Beasom Miss Blair is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Blah* o f New Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B, Miller o f Xenia are the parents o f the bride-groom- elect. 12 CLUB MEET WITH MRS. WISECUP The Club met Friday night at the home o f Mrs. Earcle Wise- cup. Their game was played and Mrs. Marie Wisecup won first and Mrs. Eva Judy second. The guests were served, sandwiches, salad, relishes, pumpkin pie and whipped cream. The Christmas party will be held at the home of Mis$ Margaret Bailey, December fifteenth. TO HOLD COVERED DISH DINNER The American Legion and Leg­ ion Auxiliary will have a cover­ ed dish dinner Friday evening at 6:30 in the shelter house. Please bring table service and covered dish. Any one who is unable to attend contact Mrs. Greer Mc- Callistet. ANNOUNCE BIRTH » Mr. and Mrs. Millard French (Margaret Stormont) South Eo- lon are announcing the birth of a daughter, Sunday in Springfield City Hospital. a Three in Recital A t Springfield On Wednesday Marilyn and John Klye, child­ ren of Dr. and Mi*s. Donald Kyle •and Dale Reed son of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Reed were among the students of the Morelli Mu­ sic students in Springfield, pre­ sented at a recital Wednesday evening at the Springfield Y . W. C. A. Marilyn, played a clarinet •solo, “ Stout Hearted Men” by Sigmund Romberg. John played two saxophone solos, “ Believe Me I f All Those Endearing Young Charms” and “ Loves Old Sweet Song.” Dale played a saxophone solo, “ Gold and Silver Reel.” They are students of Arthur Mor- elli o f Springfield. McKIBBEN BIBLE CLASS MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobbins entertained the McKibben Bible class at their home Thursday ev­ ening. They were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillich. The group enjoyed a covered dish dinner. De­ votions were led by Lawrence Waddle and entertainment was in charge of Mr. Waddle, Mrs. Harold Cooley pnd Mrs. Mary Stevens. The class w ill. hold a Christmas banquet Dec. 20 at the United Presbyterian church. KYN CLUB NAMES NEW OFFICERS Election o f officers was held When the KYN club met ’Friday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Ralph Rife. Officers elected were president, Mrs. Harold Cooleyi vice president, Mrs. George Shee- ley; and secretary treasurer, Mrs. Donald Engle. Roll call was aii- s w e r e d with Thanksgiving Thoughts. The Ghristmas com­ mittee announced the Christmas party will be held Dec. 6 at the Clifton opera house. Refresh- were served by Mrs. Rife. KENSINGTON CLUB MEETS THURSDAY Holiday recipts were exchang­ ed by members of the Kensington club when they met at the home of Mrs. David Reynolds Thurs­ day afternoon- Mrs. Ralph Fergu­ son presided over the business and plans were made to give gifts to the Dayton Veterans hos­ pital -at Christmas. Mrs. Reynolds was assisted by Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup and Mrs. LaForge in serving a salad course to 25 mem­ bers and guests. ENTERTA'IN NAZARENE MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. Sherman Cotton' enter­ tained the Missionary society of the Nazarene church at her home Thursday evening. The program was on Japan, and was given by Mrs. Mary Neal, Mrs. R. Nance, Doris and Eleanor Vest. Rev. Hessler gave a talk on Japan. Folowing the meeting the group revealed the names of secret sis­ ters mid exchanged gitits. Mrs. Cotton served a salad course to 24 members. GROUP ATTENDS YOUTH MEETING A group of Cedarville youth of the Methodist church attended the midyear institute and rally for the district at Blanchester on Saturday. Rev. C. P. Miller of Jeffersonville was dean Of the meeting and Rev. Robert Kings of Xenia was associate dean. At­ tending from here were Cat Col­ lier, Ann Huffman, Stanley Ab­ els, Ruth Davis, Jackie Boroff, Rev. Collier and Mrs. Jane Mills. i CLASSIFIEDADS EXAMS “ SCANDALOUS” Commenting on the widespread traffic trouble USA is experi­ encing, President Truman said that it is apparent the examina­ tions given drivers in many places is "scanralous.” To quote the president: “ States and local governments have a duty to deny drivinp- licenses to the irrespon­ sible,’ the -Unfit and the chronic law breakers.” FOR SALE • F O R SALE-|-Broad breasted turkeys also frying chickens and year old hens. Will dress on order up to No­ vember 21. Place orders now. Mrs. Koope, JFelphone 6-3071. TURKEYS FOR SALE—Small family size turkeys, dressed or on foot, delivered. Call 6-2462. David Ramsey. * (4-t) HIGH-FLYING HIGHNESS . . . Among recent, emigres arriving in New York on the 8. S. General Ballou was White Russian princess Tamara Ugrinow, who is displaying the spirit of her 21 years by performing a jete, baUet terminology for “ hitting the ceiling." The princess, brought here by the Church World Service, hopes to dance at the Metropolitan. She was held prisoner for three months in Yugoslavia. FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire •McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. POTATOES H. C. Cresswell THANKSGIVING VACATION HOME FOR Miss Beverly Rae Carzoo, a sophomore at Capital University, will be excused from classes at noon Nov. 23 for Thanksgiving vacation. Classes will resume Nov. 28, Miss Carzoo, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Carzoo, is in the Bachelor of Music curriculum at the University. WESLEY CLASS TO MEET The Wesley class of the ‘Meth­ odist church will meet Tuesday evening, Nov. 29 at 7:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Rey­ nolds. TO PRESENT PAGEANT The College class of the Meth­ odist church will present a pag­ eant The Story o f His Birth, Dec. 18 at 8 p. m. in the church. TO PRESENT CANTATA The junior choir of the United Presbyterian church will present a cantata at the church Sunday, Dee. 18 at. 3 p. m. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Gale Stevens (Joan Lister) are announcing the birth of a son Friday, in Spring- field hospital. Mi\ and Mrs. Herman Randell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Earner, near Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Cors"atte had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Stace Thompson ' of Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Huston and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow, Stanley Reed, Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Paul and daugh­ ter o f Blanchester, visited Miss Ruth Lewis, near Xenia, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reed and son, Danny, Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Reed, Mrs. Goldie Young and Mrs. Lot­ tie ’ Reed, Clifton; Mrs. Stanley Reed, Dayton, and Mrs. Chester- Preston, Xenia, .were guests at a birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Minerva Whalen, Clifton, Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow. CARELESS CAL! f O Z V V THEATRE 1 Fri. and Sat. Nov. 25-26 Gary Cooper in “Fountainhead” gun, and Mon. Nov. 27-23 Olivia peHavi)and ? Mark Stevens » “The Snake Pjt” Wed* and Thurs. Nov. go Dec, 1 Don Ameche - Dorothy Lamour Before You Buy Your CHRISTMAS GIFTS SEE US! Save yourself up to 50% on uncalled for guaranteed merchandise DIAMONDS. WATCHES GUNS RADIOS ETC. B & B LOAN OFFICE 65 W- Main St. Springfield, O. The Ever Popular Double Bill “ CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA” and “ IL PAGLIACCI” - With all star casts Two operas packed with drama, Melody, Thrilling Singing Memorial Hall Springfield, Ohio SUNDAY, NOV. 27 t 8:36 p. m. Tickets: $.23, $1.85, $2.46, $3.08, including all taxes Seats now on sale at PEOPLES OUTFITTING CO. >-pringfield, Ohio or phone Springfield 2-7648 . “Slightly French » FOR SALE—Winchester Pump Gun, $45 or w ill trade for 20 guage. gun. Warm Morning Heatrola $45. Jim Erwin, Phone 6-4211. FOR SALE—Thor Gladiron. Al­ so one new Winchester model 12, pump gun. Call 6-4841. TURKEYS FOR SALE—Hens dressed 65c; Toms dressed 50c; Hens on foot 50c; Toms on foot 35c above prices delivered. Gene Miller, Telephone Clifton 5812 or 5798. AVON-Cosmetics and Perfection Products. Ghristmas Specials. Mrs. Ralph E. Cummings, Phone 6-2551. FOR SALE—Cord wood. Bill Peterson, phone 6-2083. (2p) “ Fight Rats with RODAN—ready to use—a prepared bait Rats will eat—enough to kill 800 for 98c— satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. BROWN’S DRUG. NOTICE Oliver S. Baker, Cedarville, R. R. 2 for Light Trucking, 6-1023. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for sales and service Cedarville and vicinity. If interested write Motorists Mutual Insurance Com­ pany, 471 East Broad Street, Co­ lumbus,. Ohio. (3w) FOR RENT—Safe and dry stor­ age room. Tel. 6-1124. (2w) WANTED WANT TO STOP SMOKING? Try NICO-STOP it’s new. It’s easy. It’s G u a r a n t e e d . Get it at BROWN’ S DRUGS. CedarviUe. (8w) • Legal Notice • NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Jessie G. Gowdy, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Wil­ liam H. Gowdy has been duly ap­ pointed as Executor _of the estate o f Jessie G. Gowdy, deceased, late of Beavercreek Township, Greene Dated this 22nd day of October, County, Ohio. 1949. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Frank J, Whitg, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Ralph M White has been duly ap­ pointed as Administrator- o f the estate of Frank J. White, deceased late o f Sugarcreek Town s li i p, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 18th day of October, 1949. .WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser . Chief Deputy Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that- The Church of God o f Cedarville; Ohio has filed its'petition in the Com­ mon Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, by its regular elected Trus­ tees, being Case No. 26154 in said Court, praying lo r authority to mortgage its real estate in the Village of Cedarville, Greene Coun­ ty, Ohio, being all of Lot No. Sev­ enty-Seven (77) in John Orr’s Third Addition to the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, -and to obtain a loan not to exceed- Five Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($5,- 500.00), to be secured by mortgage on said real estate described in the petition and that said petition will be for hearing on or after the 25th day of November, 1949. Herman E. Stevenson Hazel TimbenJake Virgil Stanforth Ora Tingley Edith Stanforth’ Board o f Trustees of The Church of God, Cedarville, Ohio. ( 10-28-5t-ll-25) _______________ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of James C. Koontz,-De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Ethel* S.: Koontz .has been, dulj appointed as Administratraix ol the estate of James C. Koontz, de- ceased, late o f Beavercreek Town­ ship, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 2nd day o f Novem-. ber, 1949. ' 3 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greem County, Ohio. By Luella Howsei Chief Deputy Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Virginia F. Hoover, whose ad­ dress is 227 Madison Street, Harris­ burg, Pennsylvania, will take no­ tice that on the 8th day o f Octo­ ber, 1949, Lester.H. Hoover filed his- certain petition against het for divorce .on the grounds of gross neglect of duty before the Common Pleas Court of Greena County, Ohio, said case being No. 26,123 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing ou or after the 19th day o f November, 1949. SCHARRER, SCKARRER & HANAGHAN Attorneys for Plaintiff Gas & Electric Bldg. Dayton, Ohio (lD-14-6t-ll-l8j LEGAL NOTICE Edward William Ginac, whose address is Japanese Air Material Division, APO 704, San Francisco, California, care of Post Master, will take notice that on the 8tli day of October; 1949, Louise P. Gi­ nac filed her certain petition a- gainst him for d i y „ o r c e on the grounds of gross neglect of duty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case be­ ing No. 26,124 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on or after the 19tn aay of November, 1949, OTTERBEIN CREAGER Attorney for Plaintiff Callahan Bldg. Dayton, Ohio (10-14-6t-ll-lS) LEGAL NOTICE ‘ Hqrry J. Clark, whose last known address was 17917 Reed Street, Melvindale, Michigan, will take notice that on the 27th day of Octo­ ber, 1949, Helen Margaret Clark filed her certain petition against him for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, said case being No. 26,166 on the docket of said Court and will come mi for hearing on or after the 10th day of December, 1949. WEINBERG & WINGERTER Attorneys for Plaintiff 407-12 Callahan Bldg. Dayton 2, Ohio (ll-4-6t-12-9) Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service ROSS COTTER r « ■ P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio S etter Suy M ese S etter hsayet Cranberry Sauce 2 cans 29c Dates Pitted 16 oz. pkg. 43c Walnuts .... . lb. bag „ 39c Figs Layer Pack 8 oz, pkg 29c Pears Bartlett No. ZV2 can 29c Prune Plums No. 2Y2 can 19c Pumpkin 3 No. 2% cans 25c Mince Meat 9 oz. p k g ..... l ie Crisco 3 lb. c a n ................ 79c 4X Sugar 1 lb. pkg. ......11c Milk Green Pasture T-can !0c Jello all Flavors 3 p k g s ... 21c Crust Quick 9 oz. p k g ,.... 18c Grape Jam 2 lb. j a r ........29c QUALITYMEATS . ■ ^ . . , . ( 8 ^ toms ) lb. 50c Arin«i»s. SmokedHiatts HENSrfb,65c %c Oysters- (Ph. can) - ........... -50c Chickens R om " ) lb. 49c . Sausage (ForDress’g ) lb. 39c C h ic ta s < Frio. ) ,1b, 59c. HARNER & HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET