The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, May 12, 1950 CHARLES - POWERS Nuptial vows were exchanged; by Miss Marilyn Jean Powers of Dayton and Roger Eldon Char­ les ox Cedarville Saturday after­ noon in the Sugarcreek United Presbyterian church, Beavertown. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Powers o f Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles o f Cedarville are the par­ ents of Mr. Charles. The double ring service was read by Floyd Rockwell o f the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints in Day- ton, assisted by Rev. Day Ken- n.ciy, pastor of the Beavertown church. The bride's maid of honor and only attendant Was Miss Marilyn Strange o f Dayton, who wore a pink organdy ballerina-length gown and a wreath of flowers. He" accessories were pink. GREAT NEWS NEW 2SS“ CLEANS LUCE NEW CLE/NS MGHPIN YOUR OWN HOME D e v e l o p e d by i h e ma k e r s o f B I GELOW Rugs end Carpets IDEAL F.Q* WALL TO WALL CARPET ING SHRINKAGE ! FADING ODORi Yes, we are author* feed users o f the Kjrpu* ‘Sara.- prod- u.J end rrur'tod., ; J h/ the i -u* f . j ’ aw* ; ! .. . Cu <Co. Contpluto I .;na- ; tion and £ nates i Available Without Obligation—Colt«, Downing Carpet Service Old Springfield Pike XENIA Phone 975-R A ballerina-length gown o f white lace styled with a fitted bo­ dice and off-th-shouldor neck­ line was worn by the bride. Her bridal ensemble was completed with white accessories aild a single strand o f pearls, a g ift o f the bridegroom- The birde was given in marriage by her fathers _ Norman M. ‘Charles -<5f ‘ Clift6% brother of the bridegiy>ojn", tyas best ihan 2nd iish&S-’\yeie ad- other brother, Wendell Charles of Dayton, and Henry Beattie of Cedarville. - The bride’s mother chose a navy crepe dress and a corsage -of pink rosebuds and navy accessories. Mrs. Charles wore a navy dress complemented with a corsage of pink rosebuds and navy acces­ sories. The church parlor was the scene of a reception following the ceremony, at which Miss Strange was assistant hostess; Mr. and Mrs. Charles will be at home in Dayton after Wednes- e y foliowing their return from a wedding trip to Washington B. O. and New York City. Lrs, Cha las is a graduate of Stivers high school, Dayton, apcl is employed as a stenographer in the office o f the Frigidaire Corp. in that city. The bridegroom is a graduate of Cedarville high school and is employed by the Stokes Motor Sales in Cedarville. Out-of-town guests present at the wedding were from Detroit, Toledo, Spring Valley, Bowers- ville and Cedarville. NOE ENGAGEMENT V..-1 JUN-A CRESWELI. The engagement and approach­ ing marriage of Miss Junia Cres­ well to Wilbur Brigner was made known at a party and»shower giv- ■»u by her mother, Mrs. H. C. Cres- 1, and daughters at the Cres- *11 home Wednesday evening. he niece and nephew of Miss 'reswell, Norma Jean and Mer­ lin Funderburg appeared wear- ribbons bearing the announce­ ment Junia and Wilbur, June 17. A color scheme of yellow and white was used. A sprinkling can with streamers was suspended from the ceiling and each st f im- er was tied to a gift. A salad course was served to the follow­ ing guests: Mrs. Frank McWilliams, Miss Helen Mummery, Mrs. Albert Grube, Miss Marion Van Tress, Mrs. Donald McDaniels, Mrs. George Olson, Miss Esther Shoe­ maker, Mrs. Albert Zanders, Mrs.; Tel. 6-3011 M. H. POND, Mgr. C o i y Theater CEDARVILLE, OHIO A MIAMI VALLEY ENTERPRISE E. H. POND, Gen. Mgr. 3 Big .Days Don't Miss This One 3 Big Days | Thursday - Friday - Saturday - ' ^ ,1 ■' There wilt be No Bring a Pal Nite This Week on this Special- Production Popcorn Sc Bag Sunday and Monday May 14th — 15th starring WILLIAM ELLIOTT A REPUBLIC PXOOUCTION Short "California or Bust” Cartoon “ THREE MINNIES” Metro News Big Banana Split 25c Tuesday and Wednesday May 16th —— Wednesday Nite Is BANK NIGHT Short 17th HOUSE ftwMir.JOSEPHt MANXIEWCZ. hrSCICSIECO | S l 6 H A T U P 1 “Cold Romance” Cartoon “FROM JIB TO TOP SAIL” Also News * _________ Have you tried our delicous Fried Chicken Dinners 75c Thursday and Friday May 18th — 19th / We take great pride in bringing back to the screen one o f the Greatest Entertainers and Statesman. A man loved by more people than any actor known. PLUS SELECTED SHORTS F o T f G R I L L Special This Week HAMBURG LUNCH F. Fries - Lettuce - Tomato Drink & Ice Cream 4Sc Coming May 23 —— 24 2 Days Only mWME BUSIER HAMLET H TICKETS AT THE DOOR Adults $1.20 Inc. Tax Students 75c Children 50c ADVANCE TICKETS ON S a le 'A t ' •' THRIFT-E STORE CEDARVILLE MARKET Earner and Huston Save and Buy Yours To-Day Student Ticket 50c Inc. Tax Charles Brigner, Mrs. Clark o f Springfield, Mrs. Wilmer Fun­ derburg and children o f New Carlisle, Mrs. Harold Eubaugb and daughter of Fairborn, Mrs. W. R.. Myer of Brookville, Mrs. John Bickett o f Clifton, Mrs. La Mar Long o f Jamestown, Mrs. William Kyle o f Xenia, Miss Ora,. Hanna and* Mrs. Harold Hanna-, and Miss’. Dorothy, and ■Rebecca • Creswell. . . . . Miss Creswell is.the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs; H. C. Creswell, Federal pike and' Mr. Brigner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Char­ les Brigner, Springfield pike, near Clifton. The wedding will take place in the Cedarville rresoy- terian church, June ,17. GALLOWAY - BRADFUTE WEDDING DATE SET Miss Clara B. Galloway of Pa­ sadena, Calif., formerly of Cedar­ ville, whose betrothal to John O. Bradfute, was announced in Feb­ rua ry , has chosen June 24 as her wedding day.’ The ceremony will take place in the chapel o f the First Baptist church ip Pasa­ dena. Miss Galloway is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W. Gallo-- way, 605 -North Oakland'avenue"/ Pasadena, formerly of Cedarville. She is a senior at Scripps. college, -Claremont, Calif. ‘ ' - Mr. Bradfute is thg son .of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bradfute. He is enrolled -at. Ohio State univer­ sity, Columbus, where he will re­ ceive his masterfs’ degree in chem­ ical engineering .in June. D. A. R. TO MEET Cedar Cliff chapter o f DAR will meet Saturday at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. W. B. Corry. Mrs. R. H. Ferguson and Mrs. Feed Dobbins will be the assist­ ant hosesses. Reports from the continental congress and music will be the program for the meet­ ing. NIFTY CEDARS Officers for the coming year were elected 'a t a recent meeting of the Nifty Cedar Gals 4-H club at the home of Mrs. John Stover, leader. Faye Huston was named presi­ dent, and serving with her will be Shirley Glass, vice president; D o r o t h y Hupbard, secretary; Nancy Sue Dean, treasurer; Co- rena Wiseman, reporter; Judy Swaby, recreation leader, and Joan Strewing, health and safe-- ty leader. Refreshments were served by the hostess at th» close of the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Sto­ ver May 15, MRS. FRED ENGLE SPEAKS AT, WCTU Mrs. Fled Engle of Cedarville- a past president o f Greene coun­ ty WCTU, spoke 04 ’’The Spirit­ ual Highway” at ^.meeting o f. Xenia WCTU at the,home of-Mrs- Karl Babb,, near * Paintersville, Wednesday afternoon. -• Mrs. Alvin Link conducted de­ votions and reports of the Greene County WCTU convention at the L* angelical United B r e t h r e n Church, Xenia, in April were giv­ en by Mrs. Roy Jones and Mrs. Otis Pramer. Mrs. Meryl Stormont of Cedar­ ville accompanied Mrs. Engle and was a guest at the meeting. Re­ freshments were served by the hostess. '■ MRS. DEAN TELLS OF HAWAII TRIP A vacation trip to Hawaii was described by Mrs, Arthur Dean, Jamestown pike, in a talk before members of the Cedrine Club Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Bull, Clifton pike. The trip was taken by Mrs. Dean and her husband in Janu­ ary. She also showed pictures of places o f interst they visited. The program committee consist­ ed of Mrs. Carl M, Ervin and i Mrs. Roy V. Hull. Roll call re­ sponses- were, riddles. A salad course was served to eighteen members and four guests by Mrs. Bull, assisted by Mrs. "Albert Bickett and Mrs. Lawrence Ear­ ner. MRS. AND MRS. BOYER ENTERTAIN FACULTY Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyer en­ tertained the., members o f the school faculty and members of the school board with a dinner party at their home Tuesday, eve­ ning. The evening was spent so­ cially. Mrs. Boyer was assisted in serving by Mrs. Joe Gordon, Mrs. James Dunn and Mrs. Elmer Luttrell. MRS. WRIGHT ENTERTAINS THE DORCAS CLASS Mrs. Ida Wright, assisted by Mrs. Julia Lackey, entertained the Dorcas Bible class o f theU. P. church at her home Tuesday afternoon. Following the busi­ ness meeting memorial services were held for Mrs. Floyd, Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Finney. The afternoon was spent sew­ ing on comfort tops to be sent*to veterans hospitals. Guests were served a salad course by Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Lackey. MR. AND MRS. ILLIF VISIT RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs.' Wallace Illif who have been spending‘tho winter in X ey West, Fla., arrived here this •Week to ’Visit’ relatives.*' Mfs/'WilL •jiUr^ham .o f La Fayette, Ind. is ‘ ‘also visiting relatives’’herb'. Mr. llliE and Mrs. Graham came be­ cause o f the serious illness o f their brother, Harry Illif, who is in Grant hospital in Columbur# AUXILIARY -PLANS SPECIAL MEETING The American Legion -Auxili­ ary held thd regular business meeting, Monday evening at the home o f Mrs. Robert Marshal, Twenty members were present*. Instead o f the Joint meeting usually held the last -Thursday, there will be & special business meeting of the auxiliary at the home o f Mrs. Paul Dobbins. De­ tails announced later. BAND MOTHERS ENTERTAIN HUSBANDS * **The hrnd Mothers ..Club- entei- ■tained their husbands and, mem­ bers of the junior and senior- bands with a party at the school house Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott were in charge,, o f entertainment and Mrs. George. Shceley was chairman of refresh­ ment committee. Refreshments were served to 70 guests. HAPPY WORKERS FINISH PROJECTS The Happy Workers Senior 4-H group met Monday evening at the home o f Mrs. Albert Mott. All members wese .present and finish­ ed their last wintes project, bale- ring custard pies- S u m m e r projects Were chosen and plans discussed for folk dance festival to he' held in Xenia the- last o f May. More details on this late. Next meet­ ing is May 25.* 1 GIRL SCOUT TROOP ; . ’ ' WORKS FOR BADGES Girl Scout Troop No. 16 working for their annual badges to be given the end of the, year. The older patrol are making Rhinestone jewelry. The younger group will be promoted tp, second class rank. Mrs. Reinhard and Mrs. MaiGregor are troop lead­ ers of this group. HERE FROM W. VIRGINIA _ * Mrs. Ernest Foster and chil­ dren o f Dunbar, W. Va., are spending the week with'her uncle and auntrHerber and Miss Y/ini- "fred Myers. Mr. Foster will join them here Saturday and the fam­ ily will remain another week. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Albert Mott was surprised^ on his birthday Saturday evening, wl^n a groop of friends called at his home for a boffet dinner. Guests were present from Day- ton, Xenia, .Yellow Springs and Cedarville. MRS. ELLIOTT ENTERTAINS Mrs. Paul Elliott entertained the members o f the program m- mittee, gen, chairman; sec-trea­ surer and the accompanist of the May Musical, and their husbands following the musical Friday evening at her home. CAPT. OSMAN HERE Mr. and Mrs. William Osman- had as guest this week the for­ mer’s father, Capt. Leroy Osman. Capt, Osman has just returned from two-year* dotv i-' J«vnan and will be stationed at Ft. Lewis Vvashington. WITH MR- AND' MRS. GREER MeCALLISTER .. Mit'-iand MrSi -Greer McCall!, ter entertained* 40 member’s, of the Legion and Auyiliary and friends at their home Friday eye­ ing following the May Musical. Mrs. Jo Schapter and Mrs. Alice Bean o f Lima were.guests. . ■; . HONORED' ON BIRTHDAY Doris Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds, entertain­ ed Janice Kay Wilburn and Dolly Ritenour to dinner at her home Friday evening honoring her 12th ^birthday. Robert Conley o f Crystal City, Mo., visited his father, Will Con­ ley, the past week. Mr. Gonley has been very ill fo r several days. Mrs. Ross Wiseman and Mrs. Joseph Tealy oV Xenia attended a state board meeting of Ameri­ can Gold Star Mothers Inc. at the Soutliren Hotel in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Kable and son, Bob, of Ft. Wayne, visited Mrs. Anna O. Wilson over the weekend. Sunday they visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson in Day- ton. . Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown had us week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ned Brown and son „of Day- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Charles ^Bajdwia and son of Columbus. | Dr. and .Mrs. Paul Elliott had -=as Friday' and Friday'" evening •guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keister .of Dayton. "‘-Mi- and .-Mrs. Norman -Huston •*and daughter" Kaye and Mr. Rog- ' ai*', Collins spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs.-.Wallie Snider in Cin- cmnafi; Mr. and Mrs. George Sheeley and daughter, Jo Ann, had as a Sunday guest James Daugerty bf Zeottsfield, 111. . >, Russell 'Wells expects to re- • ,^u?n *° His home this week from ‘Miami Valley hospital where he l?as been receiving treatment for ; 5^va-aT-:^eeks. Miss’ Doris Hartmah of Bar­ ton, Vermont, is spending several days with her parents, Miv and Mrs. George Hartman, and other ' Relatives. ' - V •: * v-.i ^ . -*’ , • ■ * • V •/...Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martin and , son sp£nt sVeral *days this week $ it’n relatives in Jackson. f*:Mr. -and' Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup \ had,as a 'Sunday guest their uncle, W. P. Shipley, of Colum­ bus.- . - ’;-Mrs. .Clara, Morton is spending the week with ,her daughter and soii-in-law,-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweet, and daughter in Rossford. -••4;Mrs. C. M. Ridgeway remains ' in- McvClellan hospital where -she was taken lasf week for treat­ ment. Attending the Kentucky Derby, Saturday from here were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. La Mar Hamman. Mr. and Mrs. G* C. Brewer have Tented their newly-built house to Capt. Anderson and and family of Wright Field. Capt. Anderson came to the Field re­ cently from San Diego. RedCross Goes OvertheTop By Neat Sum In true Greene county fashion -the Red Cross goal of $19,600 was reached and nicely passed when returns came in for filial count­ ing, at headquarters. The grand total o f subscrip­ tions to the campaign*was $21,- 015.04, according to report by Dr. W. A. Hammond, county chair­ man. Final reports were withheld until collections were in from Wright-Patterson air force. Volunteers working through the local chapter obtained $12,389.24 during the drive which opened March 1. This amount was boost­ ed by $8,626.50 when a check Was received this week from Charles D. Estle, Red Cross field director at Wilght-Pattrson AF Base, representing this county’s share in the collection there. A crew of state highway de­ partment workmen did patching on berms and on curves on SR-72 between Jamestown and .Cedar­ ville this week. THE GRADUATE No matter where you go . . . you’ll never find “more-for-your-money- in-watches” than at The Ideal •Jewelry Store . . . Springfieldr watch headquarters. Hundreds of Styles To Seleo! From! m m . GRUEN ELGIN Ymr name eegraved G§i wafeh FHiEn •si: L IMESTONE ST. Springfield , Ohio AND SAVE AT THRIFT-E Treet Armours 12 oz. can 39c Honey Spun 1 lb. b o x .....33c r Orange Juice Merrit 46 oz. Joy Dish Washing Miracle can ............................. 6 oz. bottle...................... ......26c Corn Merrit 3 Npy 2 can, 25c, , ^ . . „ Sugar Jack Frost or Franklin ' , 32c 5 lb,"bag^... -....-.......... 45c Spry or <^isco S lb; can .' ,77c Pascal Celery (Jumbo) 19c Tomatoes Delmar 2No. 2 cans Apples Old Fashion Winesaps ............... -.....23c 2 lbs. lor j*. ................ 25c * ■ . , ,Salmon (Pink) T-can 35c Cabbage Crisp & solid ' Marshmallows Campfire 1 lb. 2 lbs. for ......... .... 13c b°x ....... ...... r-ri.......... 29c Tomatoes Salad Time Tube Pickles Sweet Fuil ^t* -.... 39c ........ ,...........19c •■■/ QUALITY MEATS •^Choice' of^Steaks .(Hound .«"’*. ^nHambi^ger (The Best in J-Bone V j - lb. 79c 5- Tc^p); all meat . .t -- lb. 55c Pork Chops (center cuts ° £ean Sed Perch lb- 33c ...... .—lb. 69c Chuck Boasts lb. 59c This Beef is home Grown&Home Killed Choice Grade A . HARNER&HUSTON CEDARVILEMARKET LicenseFee Allocations Are Received Greene county has'received its first allocation of funds from the state, based "on automobile li- ' cense sales. The auditor’s office reported the total of $79,331.04. The road fund, as the Jaw pro­ vides, gets the. lion’s share of the fund. Municipalities received shares as follows: Jamestown, $883; Cedarville, $597; BoWersville/ $218.50; Clif- toir, $70.25; Spring Valley, $318; Bellbrook, $248.25. The larger towns’ shares were: Xenia, $6,932; Fairborn, $4,053- .24; Yellow Springs, $1,267.75. Total fees collected at the out­ set in Greene county amounted to $110,182. The state keeps 23 per cent, or $25,341.86, and 5 par cent, or 5,509.10, in what is called an equalization column. All other cities, towns and villages must share from the 25 per cent column. Village Church Is 100 Years Old Spring Valley. Methodist church observed its centennial Sunday, May 7. Dr. George B. Pafkin,- district superintendent, preached the ser­ mon at the morning worship hour. A basket dinner was enjoyed at noon aiid a. historical and musical program featured the afternoon service. Former pastors were invited, and many who once attended the church came- for the occasion. - Committees To Meet on Friday 1 Both the newly-elected Repub­ lican and Democratic central committees in Greene county will hold their organization meetings Friday night in ths courthouse, but in. different parts of the coun­ ty building. The GOP committee has been called by Lowell Fess, ‘ Yellow Springs, state representative and the »party’s central committee chairman, to meet in the common pleas courtroom. * A t the same time, the Demo­ cratic committe -. will be meeting in the courthouse assembly room, according to George H. Smith,. Xenia lawyer, committee chair­ man. Dayton Man Is Killed at Alpha Greene county’s 18th fatality on the highways, resulted from Aw accident in which Alex Charles Burkhart, Dayton, lost his life on UH-35, near Alpha Saturday noon. .. Death was caused by a colli­ sion between the car Burkhart was driving and a truck. Judge Johnson To Clear Docket Common Pleas Judge Frank L. Johnson is calling up many court esses that have been pending fo r for a long time in an effort to clear the docket at the start o f the May term of court. The petit jury lias been called to report May 11. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Step in and see these new mechanical maryels that turn hard work into piayl Available in 3 sizes., fo r every need. Popular prices. Factory guarantee. As advertised in the Saturday Evening Post and other national magazines . Stop In for FREE 24-Page Law nCare Booklet 18 in. * $87.50 2 f m . $ 9 9 .5 g SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE! ff$AR£AL MOMFREEZER •i«. 0 h . . ► Stores up to 70 !bs of t frozen food • Maintains zero temperature • Keeps food safely for months on end • Ideal for tee cream, pastries, other delicacies tfSA8l$ REFRIGERATOR. • Plenty of food-storage space for big families and people who entertain a lot. . • Moist cold keeps uncovered food in tip-top condition. • Never needs defrosting. Model Nil-IOG HOME FREEZER COMBINATION COME IN! On ly - See for yourself the tremen- B & F ''dous voiue in this big 10-cu-ft < boaa mr ** b m od «i. o r $ 3 9 9 . 7 5 w e e k **• -X-*k Authorized Deafer G E N E R A L ^ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS •o-A SS8S