The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
* * V :'3, The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday> May 19, 1950 COUPLE MARRIED IN CEDARVILLE HOME Marriage vows -were exchang ed by Miss Lois Jean Boots o f Fairborn and Lawrence Bailey, near Yellow Springs, in a cere mony performed Sunday at 7:30 p. m. at the home o f the bride's brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ear ner. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Boots of Fairborn. Parents o f the bride groom are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bailey, near Yellow Springs. "Baskets of white spring flow ers arranged in front o f the fire place in the living room provided the nuptial setting. Rev. Harry h Baker, pastor o f the Yellow Q Springs Methodist church, read Q the single ring service. Bouquets p o f sweet peas, lilacs and other jy flowers decorated the Hamer g home. ’Preceding the ceremony a program o f nuptial music was presented by Miss Dorothy Dum- woodie o f Fairborn, pianist, and Miss Edith Bane o f Fairborn sang “ Because” and “ I Love Truly.” Miss Marilyn Randall, near Springfield, was maid of honor and the. bride’s only attendant. She wore a gown of blue taf feta, trimmed in ruffles and styled with a sweetheart neck line and full skirt. She carried COZY THEATRE AND GRILL Telephone 6-3011 Thurs. — Fri. WILL ROGERS In ‘‘Steam Boat Round The Bend” Thursday Is Bring A Pal Night 2 P. M. SAT. ONLY Continuous LOIS HALL In ‘‘Daughter of the Jungle” 2 P. M. Sun* - Mon. Continuous Sunday BING CROSBY In “Top O The Morning” Tries------ W ed. Prices for this Road Show at Box Office 50c; 75c; $1.20 Advance Tickets On Sale At Cedarville ..Market _(Thrift-E) Store — Buy your student tic ket Today 50c Good for either day — DON'T MISS The Worlds. Greatest Picture LAWRENCE OLIVER In “ HAMLET” Door Prize $10 Wednesday Nite Tomorrow & Thursday Thursday Bring A Pal Nite “ Challenge of Lassie” In Technicolor Always Best Selected Short Subjects All Cedarville Students That Bring Their Diploma Tc Show Door Man Admitted: Free To any one Show Thursday 25th to June 2 yellow roses and her jewelry was a rhinestone necklace with matching earrings, g ift o f the bride. A gown o f white taffeta, trimmed in white lace, was worn by the bride. The dress was styled with a net yoke, fitted bodice with short puffed sleeves and a full skirt. Her fingertip- length veil was held in place ^ with a wreath of forget-me-nots. She wore a strand o f pearls and earrings, gifts o f the bride groom, and carried a bouquet o f white spring flowers, cen tered with two orchids. Hollis Bailey, near Yellow ■Springs, brother o f the bride groom served as best man. For her daughter’s wedding Mrs. Boots wore an aqua print dress with harmonizing acces sories and Mrs. Bailey the bride groom's mother, wore a navy blue crepe dress with white ac cessories. Both had corsages o f red roses. Thirty-six members o f the im mediate families and friends at tended the wedding and were guests at a reception. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Rob ert Greenwald and Mrs. Frank Berryhill, Xenia, and Mrs. Ken neth McCoy, Old Town. When Mr. and Mrs. Bailey left Sunday night on a wedding trip to Holland, Mich., the bride wore a navy blue gabardine suit with navy accessories and an orchid corsage. Upon their return they will reside on a farm near Yel low Springs. Mrs. Bailey was graduated front Fairborn high school. Mr. Bailey, a graduate of Yellow Springs Bryan high school, is engaged in farming. LEAVING FOR ARIZONA Mr, and Mrs. Larry Waddle who are leaving Sunday fo r Bow- •ie Arizona were feted with two parties this week. Tuesday eve ning 30 members o f the McKib- ben Bible class gave a party for the Waddles in the shelter house. Wednesday evening the Legion Auxiliary arranged a surprise party in their honoh Fifty guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Wad dle were presented gifts from the Morris Beam Co. and from guests at the party. Present be sides Legion and Auxiliary mem bers were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gerhart and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. 'Waddle will live at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Orr and Mr. and Mrs. Orr will spend the summer here. SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs* David Strobridge had as Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs- Donald Snarr and family o f Bloomington, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Garmon Bradford and grandson o f Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Harbison and family and Mr. and Mrs* Harold Strobridge and sons. RESEARCH CLUB HAS GUEST DAY “ Braeburn,’’ near Cedarville, the home o f Mrs. Robert Mac Gregor, was the scene Thursday afternoon o f the annual guest day meeting o f the Research club o f Cedarville, marking the close o f the club year. F ifty members and guests were present at the meeting, at which a religious program centered around the theme, “ Woman of Samaria.” Response to roll call, was the introduction o f each mem ber's guest. “ I Heard the Voice o f Jesus,” a solo, was presented by Mrs. Greer G. McCallister, followed by a description o f early wells in Palestine, by Mrs. Paul Cum mings, program leader. A playlet, “ The Well a Sychar,” was presented by Mrs. John Mills and Mrs. A . E. Richards. The MacGregor home was dec orated with spring flowers. An ice course was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs* John Davis and Mrs. Paul Cummings. REED-TURNER VOWS SPOKEN Don Reed and Catherine Tur ner o f this place were married Saturday evening, May 6, at 8:30 o'clock by Rev. Jamieson. Their attendant's were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Laurens. Mr. Reed is em ployed at Wright-Patterson field Agnor Greenhouse W e have a nice selection o f flowers, reasonably priced for Memorial Day, Also a large variety o f Vegetable Plants COLLEGE STREET PHONE 6-1562 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1950 CENSUS HAVE YOU BEEN COUNTED? The Census is nearing completeion. If you have not been counted here or anywhere else, please fill out thetform below and mail it immediately to the U. S. Census District Office at the address shown. My address on April l , 1950 was? House Number and S treet------------------- ------------------ (O r description o f location) City, town, village _ _— _ ------------------------------------- Apt, No* State Name o f each person whose usual Place of residence was in this Household on April 1, 1950 (Last name) (First name) (Initial) Relationship of this Sex Age Color person to the head; M at or of the household or Last Race such as head, wife, F Birth- son, roomer, etc. day CUT OUT THIS FORM AND MAIL TO: MAIL THIS REPORTNOWl DISTRICT SUPERVISOR, U. S. Bureau o f the Census PAUL J, GROEBER District Supervisor U. S. Dept, o f Commerce Bureau o f census 70 W. Columbia St., Springfield, Ohio and Mrs. Reed at Smith adver rising agency Xenia, Ohio. ! S DS WEEK* WITH O tters b r o t h e r MOTHER-DAUGHTER BANQUET West accompanied her son to Mil ford and went from Milford to ’Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bright- visit relatives in Ripley, and daughter spent the week • p a - r m r t t r w a t t .™th the tetter* brother and m S r n 5 in r Seventy-five guests were preB- . family Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sharp ■ „ NO‘ 6 _ ■XT _ ent fo r a Mother and Daughter in. Canton. Mrs. Brightman’s Farm Bureau Council No. 6 banquet in the Presbyterian mother Mrs. Minnie Sharp, « - met Thursday evening at the home church Thursday evening. Tbe turned with them for a visit. ^ r- and Mrs. Alfred Hustler S’s r s s ' i - ra»i» Mr. Robert Braham as chairman NEIGHBORS as the banquet was being served + Mrs. Alfred Brightman enter- the guests were entertained with -amed group o f friends and neigh- . . . . . . piano selections by Miss Nancy bora with a bingo party at her SDl1erosion: Thisgroup decided Bost and songs by the mens’ quar- home Wednesday evening. Prizes lnfavor of supply and demand tet of the college. . won by Mrs. Ralph Trues- against the Brannan plan. Miss Ora *Hanna served as. dale and Mrs. Roy Littler a des- toastmistress. Welcome was given serfc course was served by the by Mrs. W. A. Condon with re- - hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Brightman sponse by Mrs. Herbert Fields, and Diana are moving to their Spring flowers were used as dec- new home in West Lancaster, orations. Following the dinner Wednesday, films o f flowers and insects were jTjNlfYR g p O ttp m? shown by Miss Clara McCalmont HApp^ ^ O ^ E R S MEET of Xenia Public Schools. a he junior group or the Hsp- in Yellow Springs. Mr. Stanley Hjetzlqfr, discussion leader, - led the discussion o f “ The Farm Pro gram.” Mr. J. A. Odeguard of Xe nia showed films and explained Refreshments were served by Mrs. Hutsler. VISIT FRIENDS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shew visit ed friends here Sunday. VISIT RELATIVES IN CINCINNATI Mrs. George Hartman, Mrs David Reynolds and Miss Doris Hartman visited relatives in Cin cinnati Wednesday, SPENDS WEEKEND HERE WITH PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards and daughter o f Columbus spent the Weekend with the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rich ards. RETURN FROM VISIT TO TEXAS Mrs. John Williamson and daughter are home after a visit with relatives in . Huston and Corpus Christi, Texas. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Lemons had as Sunday guests Mrs. Edith Dines of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs Py Workers 4-H club met Wed nesday evening, at the home of their leader, Mrs. George Sheely. The meeting was called to order - by the president, Sue Miller. Fol lowing the business waffles, cookies and cakes were made. Two new members were added to the club, Carolyn Collins and Carol- Sue Duval. Games were played andt refreshments were served to 12 members. ATTEND DISTRICT CONFERENCE TUESDAY -Mrs. David Reynolds, Mrs. Wil bur Wisecup, Mrs. Tom Earner, Mrs. Carl Ritenour, Mrs. Aden •Barlow, R. V. Kennon and Rev. W. B. Collier attended the Wil mington district conference in ■the Grace Methodist church in Washington G. H. all day Tues day. Speakers of the day were Dr. F. Gerald Ensley, pastor of North Broadway Methodist church in Columbus and Rev. Wyburn Skidmore, missionary to Alaska. ENTERTAINS FRIENDS IN HOME ‘ Mrs. Donald Hagler, entertain- HAVE VISITORS FROM FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wlssel of Jacksonville, Fla. are visiting the laters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gotten. Sunday guests at the Cotton home were Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Cotton and Mr. Mrs. Orin Strickland and family of Dayton. Mark Sharpin and fimaly of ed a group o f friends at her home Spring Hill; Mrs. Lew Gabriel Mondav nvemnsr. The. «mran snent of Chrisriansburg and Mr. John Sharpin of Selma. ENTERTAIN FARM BUREAU COUNCIL . Mi’, and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull entertained Farm Bureau Coun cil No. 9 at their home Thursday evening. Mr. William Clevellejed the discussion on “ Building a sound farm program.” Twenty- two members were present. ENTERTAINED ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. William Clevelle entertained Sunday honoring the birthday o f the latters- father, Mr. Wilbur Neff. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Neff, and Mrs. Marvin N e ffc : Mi;. y e ni g. e group p the evening playing 500. Refresh ments were served by the hostess. The" birthday of Miss Alberta Owens was honored. The guests present were Mrs. Arthur Cultice, Mrs. Helen Dean, Miss Alberta Owens, Mrs. Theo Parker, Mrs. Don Hubbard, Mrs. Lee Gordon and Mrs. Edith Bar ber. HAVE SURPRISE FOR MRS. EVANS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edinger entertained a group of relatives with a surprise Mothers Day din- ' ner at their home Sunday honor ing Mrs. H. W. Evans. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cluxton and family of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans and family, Mr and Mrcs W I am?. and Mrs. Fred Dean and r. and rs. W. G. and daughter,. Nancy, Migs Alta daughter o f Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Neff -of Cedar ville. • " HONORS MOTHER WITH DINNER SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. William Lafferty entertained with a dinner Sunday honoring the latters mother, Mrs. Anna Grace Kyle. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arch Mykratz, Ash land; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eber- sole and son, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Rabey and family of Spring- field and Miss Eleanor Kyle. PROGRESSIVE FARMERS MEET AT ABELS HOME The Cedarville Progressive Farmers met Monday evening at the home of Stanley, Lowell and Paul Abels. John Stover is their leader. Mr. Fetta of Hillsboro showed a film of the Parina Re search Farm in St. Louis and a a short on Growing Heifer Feed ing. Seventeen members present, Murphy, Miss Bulah Purdon, Dale Dean and Mr. and Mrs. H.’ W. Evans. MRS. WEST ENTERTAINS SATURDAY EVENING Mr. and Mrs. ’Joe West and family of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery West and fam ily of Milford were Saturday guests o f Mrs. J. S. West. Mrs. VISITING PARENTS HERE BEFORE MOVING TO PA. Rev. and Mrs. Ted Harsh of Pittsburgh are visiting at the home of the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Stormont. Rev. and Mrs. Harsh are moving to New Castle, Pa., , where Rev. Harsh will be .pastor of the Re formed Presbyterian church. H e . will deliber his first sermon there. June 1. YOUTH FELLOSHIP* GROUP MEET SUNDAY EVENING Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson entertained the Youth Fellowship discussion group at their home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper of O- S. U. Col umbus spoke on Marriage and Family Life. This ends the meet ings for the summer. Mrs. Wil liamson served refreshments to the group. GIRL SCOUTS ENTERTAIN MOTHERS Girl Scout Troop No. 4 enter tained their mothers with a Mothers Day party at the scout room Tuesday after school. The scout room was decorated with pink and white. Ten mothers were present. Mrs. Milton and Mrs. Weakley are troop leaders. The girls served refreshments to their mothers. AUXILIARY TO MEET THURSDAY, MAY 25 The American Legion Auxil iary will hold a business meeting Thursday evening, May 25 at the home of Mrs. Paul Dobbins. This is an important meeting, all mem bers are urged to attend. Anyone wishing transportation call Mrs Greer McCallister. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chappell Denver, C.olo., and Mrs. Roy Jam ieson, Burlington, la., spent Thursday with -Rev. R. A. Jam ieson. Mr. and Mrs: Letellis McCarty had as a Saturday guest the formers mother, Mrs. Grace Mc Carty of Gallipolis. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ulsh and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corry and son spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Ulsh in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ryan and family of Newark spent Satur day here fo r the Cedar Day cele bration. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Watkins and son of New Breman and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mullen and son of Reardean were Cedar Day visi tors. Elmer Owens^ visited relatives in Dayton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evans had as weekend guests Mrs. Sid ney Fadely, Mr* and Mrs. Tom Helms, Mrs. Mendel Evans and Miss Pat McCarter of Rio Grande. , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barker of Bowling Green spent the week end with the latters mother, Sirs. R. T. Williamson. Mrs. Frederick HeJjZner and children of Ada spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans. Mrs. Vernon Tinsler and fam ily of Morely, Mich., are visit ing at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lucy Turner. Mrs. Etta Smith returned to her home Sunday after spending the winter with her daughter in Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Plummer spent the weekend with relatives in Mt. Orab. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley and son, Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamman and daughter, Joan and Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Hamman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffin in Coving- ' ton. Mrs. Herbert Wolf of Colum bus and Mrs. Rosa Smith of Ak ron called on friends here Sat urday. Mrs. Stewart Townsley and daughter, Mrs. Helen Campbell of Cincinnati spent Saturday with Mrs. Arthur Townsley and other relatives. Mi-, and Mrs. Roy Jacobs spent -Sunday with the formers par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Jacobs JOHN G. PETERSON wishes to announce that he -is now engaged in the General Practice of Law Room 18 A llen Building Xenia, Ohio Phone 19-J SHOP SAVE AT THRIFT-E Peaches Merrit halves or Sliced No. 2 1 - 2 can 2 i y 2c Coffee Merritv lb. bag 63c Tide Giant p k g ......... ......- 69c Large pkg. .................. 23%e Prune Plums Eavey’s o. 2 y2 can .......................................19c Pickles Sweet Full Q t ..... 39c Fruit Cocktail Eavey’s No; 2% can .....:.................... 32c Flour Cream Velvet 19 lb. B a g ............ ...... ......... 85c Onion Sets Kidney Beans Joan of Arc No. 2 cans 23c Mqps Qotton 8 oz. 39c Perma Starch The starch that lasts . bottle . . ...... 59c Reynold’s Foil roll 29c Coffee Folger’s vac pak ............. ... lb. 69c Shredded Wheat Sunshine ................. . pkg. 17c Tuna Halfhilf grated can 29c Seed Potatoes Pkg. Garden Seeds QUALITYMEATS Chickens (Young hen roasts) Chicken (Fries -'home grown) ____________ lb. 53c ............... . lb. 61c Cheese (Colby’ s ) 49c A Good Assortment of Lunch Meats * HARNER & HUSTON CEDARVILEMARKET near Jamestown. The Jacobs_ cel ebrated their 52 wedding anniver sary Sunday. FATHER DIES-SUNDAY Miss Viola Thurman of Engle wood, Cedarville College student and Cedar Day queen received- word Sunday morning of the death o f her father, Samuel Thur man who died in Miami Valley hospital where he had been a pa tient fo r several months. PURCHASES ICE ROUTE Elmer Burba has pui’cli&sed the ice route and ice house from Charles Rheubsrt. The ice house will be moved to the home o f Mr. Burba on Route 42 west o f Ce darville. HAS OPERATION David Scott remains in fair condition in Springfield City hos pital where he underwent a ma jor operation last week. Grand Jurors Called June 8 Prosecutor George R. Smith and Common fleas Judge Frank L. Johnson have reached agree ment on Thursday, June 8, as the date for the May term county grand jury session. The prosecutor, who obtained approval of that date from Judge Johnson, said tie has not prepared a list of cases for submission. However, the June 8 meeting will he the first of the new term fo r grand jurors. Hiss Disbarred—headline. And it was Hiss who drafted the UN charter and stood behind FDR’S chair at Yalta, prompting him on what to say! JUST IN! -y.. f 0 & sJkpl'*-?, ■* - " , sr. -ft || p r-- X m s --- r r .r'-W MODEL NA-11 HOMEFREEZER Y es , sir! This brand-new General E e c - tric Home Freezerwffl.storeup to389 pounds, o f assorted frozen foods Up to one year! You can buy seasonal food at sale prices. You can buy fresh and frozen foods in large quantities. You can freeze foods from your own garden. A few o f the features you’ll enjoy; * . . . separata storage compartment fo r , packaging materials t ,.locking iatch . . . counterbalanced lid - . . . interior light . . . . sliding wire baskets ’ . - __ Start new savings on your family food bill nowl COME IN AND SEETHISMARVELTODAYS $40 Down or $369 Cedarville, Ohio Authorized Dealer G E N E R A L E L ECTR i S HOME FREEZERS v '• /
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