The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
m sm The Cedarville, 0 . Herald Friday, Dec, 23, 1949 Eastern Star Installs Its New Officers Mrs. Mary Pickering -was in stalled as Worthy Matron and Mr. John Mills as Worthy Patron o f Cedarville Chapter No. 418, Order* o f Eastern Star at the An-. nualt installation in the Masonic Hall, Monday night. Mrs. Mary Hamer, Xenia, a past Matron o f Aldora Chapter, Xenia was installing officer and was assisted by the following installing, officers: Mrs. Dorothy Huston, Aldora chapter Marshall; Mrs. Clyde Nagley, Chaplain; Mrs. Geraldine Robinson, Con ductress; Mrs. Lula Harner, A l dora chapter, organist; Mrs. Kathryn Masters, Warder; Mrs. Amos Frame, Sentinel; Mrs. Beryl Dolphin, Jamestown and a member o f Fidelity Chapter, Soloist. Other officers installed were Mrs. Isabel Bull, Associate Ma tron; Mr. Edwin Bull, Associate Patron; Mrs. Jane Mills, Secre tary; Mrs. May Bird, Treasurer; Mrs. Miriam Wallace, Conduc tress; Mrs. Willa Beattie; Asso ciate Conductress; Mrs. Alberta, Frame, Chaplain; Mrs. Anna Barlow, Marshall; Mrs. Hester Cultice, Organist; Mrs. Bashie Vahzant, Adah; Mrs. BeuIaH Brewer, Ruth; Mrs. Janette Walk er, Esther; Mrs. J<^an Corry, Mar tha; Mrs. Gertrude Creswell, Electa; M. Herman Randall, Warder; Mr. Herbert Pickering, Sentinel. Mrs. Dorothy Huston also pre sented the “ Star Point Addenda” concluding by giving each o f the Star Points a White Bible, a gift o f the new-Worthy Matron. Mrs. Beryl Dolphin accompan ied by Mrs. Miriam Walace, beautifully sang, “ I Walked To day Where Jesus Walked” and “ In My Garden.” Mrs. Pickering was presented a gavel as a g ift from her hus band and son, Nelson. Mrs. Bulah Brewer and Mr. Charles Robinson are the junior past Matron and Patron, who presented a gift to the chapter of new lamps fo r the Star Points. The Chapter room and dining room were decorated with ever greens and other Christmas ap pointments. Teachers And Guests ' Have Party Miss Grace Luttreli was host ess at a Christmas party Wednes day evening for the school teach ers and their husbands and wives. The Luttreli home was decorated with Christmas appointments and a Christmas treevFollowing a de licious ham, dinner, games were played and gifts exchanged. The guests were ,Mr. and" Mrs. Clyde Walker, Miss Alberta Owens* Mrs. Combs, Miss Mildred Trum- bo, Mr, and Mrs. Lamar Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Dolphin, Mr. and Mrs, Lamarr Hamman, Mrs. Anna Wilson, Miss Ora Han na, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyery ^ Mrs. Mildred Foster, Mrs. Irene *Ches- nut, Miss Olive Mallow, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harner. Dr. R. A. Jamieson left Thurs day to spend Christmas with his daughter. Mrs. Harley Bohlke and familv at Pattersonville, New York. ClosedSim.,Dec. 25th OPEN MONDAY DEC. 26 We have MILK BUTTER and EGGS All orders must be in by 11 A. M. For Monday’s Delivery CEDARVILE BAKERY PHONE ------- NOW' 6-3481 Home Culture Club Has Xmas Party at Church The dining room o f the Meth odist Church was beautifully dec orated for the annual Xmas lunch eon o f the Home Culture Club. Long tables were decorated with Holly and White paper. Follow ing the luncheon a Xmas pro gram was held and gifts were ex changed around a large Christ mas . tree. Mrs. A . E. Richards was Reader .and.the group joined in the singing of carols* with Mrs;- Paul Elliott at the piano. Mrs. S, C. Wright gave a reading, “ No Room in the Inn” and a poem “ Mary.” # Mrs. Walter Corry sang two members, “ The Virgins Slumber Song” and Carols* from Lapland.” Hoosier Holiday” was given by A humorous Christmas story “ A Mrs. J. W. Johnston. Hostess for the afternoon were Mrs. A . E. Richards, Mrs S. C» Wright, Mrs. C. E. Masters, Mrs. Ralph Cum mings served for Mrs. J, S. West and Mrs. Paul Ramsey served for Mrs. R. T. Ritenour who is sick. Mothers of children of the junior- choir served the Luncheon to 27 members and one guest. .Stoners Arp Hosts to Farm Bureau Council Mr. and Mrs. John Stoner en tertained Farm Bureau Council No. 9 with a Xmas party at their home Thursday evening. The- meeting was conducted by the new president, Arthur Hanna and John Collins led the discus sion on “ Government Help fo r Rural Health.” Following the business was a social hour and gift exchange. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Kennon, Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harmon and son, Mr- and Mrs. Robert Braham and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Clevella and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cultice, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cul tice, Mr. and Mrs. V. Bumgard- ner and daughter, Mrs. Hugh Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna, Judy and Corena Wise man. Prof, and Mrs. Dodd Hosts to College Club Prof, and Mrs. Gilbert Dodd were hosts recently to the Ce darville College Wedding Band Club with Mr. and Mrs. William* Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Francis as assistant hosts. A “ spelling beef provided en tertainment and was won by For est Stevens with Mrs. Francis as runnerup. Refreshments w e r e served by the hosts. Those present were Cheryl Cunningham, Gilbert Dodd, Jr., Mr: and Mrs. Richard Humble and son, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Stevens ahd daughter, Mrs. William Albright and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, Mr. Clay Cottle. The next meet ing will be held Tuesday, Jan. 17, at 7:30 p. m. in the recreation hall on the campus. CHRISTMAS 1949 <^\ f Si? Wherever the Prince of Peace reigns m the daily lives of men and *> K- women, we catch a glimpse of the world that is to be. ", The briefsway of the unselfish Christmas spirit reveals our deep need | of a%piritual awakening. We are. reminded that only the Light S i ■ • |■£■ of die World can transform our personal lives and illumine the dark ' f;! corners of today's troubled economic and political worlds-- $ Only thatLight can replace greed, strife, hate and fear with enlightened ;;i: understanding, honest effort and brotherhood. Only that Light • •' Sfi can lead us all into a happier world where men and nations S<> fji fulfill die. prophetic song the angels sang above Judaean hills: | “Glory to Cod in the highest, and on earth peace, dJ - §. goodwill toward men *" 11 ’f1"1' illlnQUWM 1— 1 Will i ... ... V a ....... ............................................. a *.... The Dayton Poiverjmd Light^Company 194S MATRONS MEET SATURDAY The 1945 patrons o f the 18th district OES met fo r their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Roy Goss, o f Springfield Saturday, Dec. 17. Mrs. A, D. Ritenour. of Jamestoym chapter and Mrs. Frank Bird, of Cedar ville attended the lunch ?on. Husbands Ace Guests at Club Party Members, of , the; Kensingtbjv . Chib and•rthfdr:husband£is®re en-^ tertained/ Friday evenifig- -at the? home o f Mrl and Mrs. Melvin Mc Millan in Xenia. All members of the club were present and enjoy ed a covered dish dinner. The Mc Millan home Was beautifully dec orated in keeping with the Christ mas season. Following the dinner the evening was spent socially and the group enjoyad Television. MEETING POSTPONED The meeting of the Missionary Society o f the United Presbyter ian church has been postponed until a later date. HOME FROM COLLEGE John S. Skillings, a senior in Tarkio College, ip Missouri, is spending the holidays at his home in Clifton. HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY The Bickett Bible class o f the Clifton ' United ' Presbyterian, church held its .monthly Social meeting with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ferguson Tuesday evening. Iis was a Christmas party. Prof. El- wood Shaw o f Cedarville College is president of the class. Mr. Leigh Fergusop is program chair man. » SOCIETY MEETS The Women’s Missionary soc iety of.the Clifton United Presby-' terian church was held Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. D. G. Bradfute. Mrs. A . R. Collins was assistant hostess. Mrs. Bertha Ferguson led the devotionals The topic was “ Glory to the New born King.” ENTERTAINS- FRIENDS Don Rheubert entertained a group of friends, with a chile supper at his home Friday eve ning the Ross-Cedarville hall game. Those .present were JoAnne Sheeley, Faye Huston, Ailene Williamson, Bob Boroff and Kent Williamson. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Charles o f Dayton, formerly of Cedar ville, are announcing the birth o f a daughter, Wednesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs- Melvin Charles ax*e the paternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor o f Dayton are the maternal grandparents. HAPPY WORKERS GROUP EJECTS ‘The older group o f the Happy Workers 4-K club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Albert Mott, -and re-organized fo r the coming year. Officers elected were, President, Norma Horney; vice president, Pat Collier; sec retary, Martha Swaby; assistant secretary, Connie Swaby; treas urer, Emily Swanston; news re porter, Rebecca Creswell; health officer, Janet Gordon; jchaii«- man o f recreation, Dorothy Creswell assisted by Joan Sheeley and Diana Brightman. The group plans a Christmas party for next week, HOSTESS TO COUNCIL Council members o f Cedarville Mrs. Fred Wilburn assisted by Mrs. Paul Townsley met with a group o f ladies Thursday evening at the Wilburn home and made yarn dolls. Friday evening, Mrs. Wilburn met with a group of ladies at the home o f Mrs. Greer McCallister and demonstrated the etching of trays. Each o f the ladies present made their Own tray during the evening. These are projects of the Home Dem onstration Council o f Greene County. SURPRISE PARTY Jimmy Townsley, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Townsley, was surprised on his 7th birthday when his mother arranged a party for the first grade class taught by Mrs. Walker. When the children came in from the last recess, candles were lit^pn the cake and the children were given cookies, ice cream and candy canes. All the children shared with Jimmy in the big surprise. Make Christmas Last All The Year ’Round When you give Pictures you are assuring year- round pleasure to your friends- Bring us your roll film, and get 24-HOUR SERVICE • . Give a Portrait. W e do It all for you in our studio—- the picture and i{s de velopment. The kind of service you will delight to have. ‘ • CAMERAS SUPPLIES FOR DARK ROOM i Don’s Camera Shop Wilmington Tel. 2368 MRS. PALMER IS HOSTESS TO SOCIETY Mrs. Elwood Palmer was host ess to the Missionary Society of the Church of God at her home Thursday evening. Mrs. Palmer led devotions and each member .told how Christmas is celebrated „ in some other country. Following the meeting a social -bour and g ift exchange was held." Mrs. Charles Neff assisted Mrs. .Palmer with refreshments. BIRTHDAY PARTY ' ' Charlotte Ewry, daughter of .Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Ewry was "honored*;Tvith *a ,party ..Saturday , '.afternoon iceM^ating -her ;7th'. 'Birthday. Ice cream centered with a Santa Claus was served the children with the birthday cake. Candy favors were given each child. Guests were ,Connie Engle, Jean Finney, Patty Bowen, Joyce >Sipe, Carep Wilson, Charlotte Charles, Kathleen Cahill, Phy llis Fields, Philip Harner, Kent Palmer, Lester Ferguson, Rog er Dobbins, Judy Baldwin and Charlotte and Mary Jane Ewry. RANDALS HAVE . ' SUNDAY. GUESTS . Mr, and Mrs. Earl Randall en- ' dinner Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilford McDonald and family of Bowersville, Mr. and 'Mrs. Russell Bowman and fam i l y of Dayton, Mrs. Richard Hackett and family of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randall, and Miss Josephine Randal. HUSBANDS ARE CLUB’S GUESTS The 12 Club held their Christ mas party and turkey dinner dn Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Luella Bailey and Miss Mar garet Bailey. Husbands o f . the members were entertained. Mrs. Marie Wiseeup won first prize and Mrs. Bailev won second. A gift exchange was held. The Jan uary meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Marie Wiseeup. SANTA CLAUS VISITS KIDDIES The primary department of the U. I*. Church, under the direc tion of Mrs. Meryl Stormont and teachers, enjoyed a Christmas party at the church Monday even ing. Santa Ciaus was present and each child was given, a treat. Many attractive decorations help ed make the party a huge suc cess fo r the 65 children present. A. B. Evans showed several short Christmas stories and carols were sung. ATTENDS FAMILY DINNER SUNDAY Mrs. Clyde McCallister at tended the family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barnes in Xenia, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Following the dinner a reception was'held at the Barnes home in the after noon. Several people _from this vicinity visited there in the aft ernoon. Mr. Barnes is a brother *- of Mrs. MeCtllister. •MRS. SPARKS WELCOMES M. S. The Missionary Society o f the Nazarene church met Tuesday ev ening at the home of Mrs. Elmer .4Sparks for a covered dish din- ;i ner. Devotions read were “ The birth of Christ” and carols were • sung. Rev. Paul Hosier talked on ;the study book of “ Japan.” Fol- . lowing the meeting a social hour • and g ift exchange was enjoyed. MISS DUVALL HAS GUESTS Miss Ann Duvall was hostess to a group o f classmates at a dinner party at her home Tue- rday evening before the Christmas Those attending were: •Jane MacGregor, Jeanne Huston", Janet Hull, Margaret Swaby Christine Stegall and Miss Duvall. BRAHAMS HOSTS AT CLASS PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braham, ■Mr. and Mrs. John Blazer and Mr. i and Mrs. Marshall Bachelor were •host and hostesses to the West minster class for their Ghrist- ,;mas party in the Presbyterian Church Tuesday evening. The : church was decorated with a •large Christmas tree and Santa ./■wag present to entertain the children. Gifts were exchanged •and games enjoyed through the evening. \GIRL SCOUTS ; HAVE PARTY. ■; Girl Scout troon No. 4 held a Christmas party in„the scout room :•Thursday afternoon. The patrol \ of older girls planned the party / for the younger girls. Gifts were exchanged and refreshments served. Troop leaders are Mrs. Melton, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Weakley. HAVE PARTY The College girls of Harriman Hall, Mrs. Stangland and Mrs. Ramsey enjoyed a Christmas party at the Hall Tuesday after noon. Gifts were exchanged re freshments were served. The Hall parlor was decorated with Christ- maa decorations and a large Christmas tree. AUXILIARY GIVES COOKIES . Members o f the Legion Aux iliary donated several dozen cookies and gifts for the Christ-' mas. party given for the veterans at Dayton hospital. The party is sponsored by the Red Cross. FRATERNITY HAS BANQUET ■The Chi Mu Delta fraternity held its pledge banquet Wednes day evening at the Shelter house. The.fraternity colors of blue and white were used as decorations. Al Loos a graduate o f last year, attended the party. WESLEY CLASS PLANS’ PARTY _The Wesley class o f theMetho- dist church will hold a Christmas .party, Tuesday, Dec. 27 at 7 p. m- at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harner. Members are asked to bring table "service and cov ered dish, Thera will "be g ift ex change. . FORUM FOLK HAVE PARTY Several members of the: Greene County Farm Forum anti their wives attended the annual Christ mas party at the Bee and Thistle Restaurant in Osborn Tuesday evening. Dr. Frank D. Slutz of Dayton was the guest speaker. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Snyder are announcing the birth o f a son, Monday in Springfield City hos pital. HAVE FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs! Klontz, near Cedarville,*were hqsts to 52.mem bers of their "family at a' Christ mas dinner at their home Sunday. Guests included the couple’s twelve children, their families and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickering and son, Nelson attended" a family Christmas dinner Sundajr at the home of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Garber in XeXnia. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Morton o f Louisville, Ky., have been vis iting at the home o f Miss Ina and Mr. Ralph Murdock. Mr. Mui*- dock is recovering from an oper ation in McGlellan Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Aitken of Canton visited this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Paul El liott. They were enroute to the home o f Mrs. Aitkens parents in Monessere, Pa. to spend Christ mas. . / Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Owens of Milford and Mrs. Isadore Notz spent Sunday with Elmer Owens and Mrs. Bertha Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preston o f, Clifton left Monday fo r Tex as to spend Christmas with Mrs. Preston’s family.' > Miss Barbara Smith, a student at Monmouth College, Monmouth, 111 ., is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Anne .Smith, Scout Troop Sends Presents Girl Scout troop No. 48 met at the shelter house Tuesday after noon and wrapped 18 packages fo r shut-ins. The packages con tained,.fruit, candy and cookies. The girls enjoyed a Christmas g ift exchange. Refreshments of potato chips,^cookies, candy and. A ll scout troops made gifts pop were enjoyed. fo r their mothers. These gifts The leaders are Mrs. Fred W il- were wrapped ready fo r Christ* -bum and Miss Alta Murphy. mas, ” * Mayyeurafocfdngf* targe tneugh squeeze In tv r cp&j*«4iotfo« for yourpofrm g* ftrevifout theyterl Just Received First Shipment 5V 28 Gauge Channel Drain Patented Metal Roofing Cedarville* Ohio Henry Bagley Osborn, Ohio Insurance, 32 years * Long Distance Switchboards will be tiv&fO„iy, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day ★ The flood o f'h o lid a y calls again w ill jam telephone switchboards throughout the nation on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Despite our best efforts, some calls will be delayed and some may not be completed at alL W e -wilt handle as many calls as possible as promptly as we can. But, if you Want to be sure o f your calls, it would be wise to place them before die rush or on Monday, when your friends Will be at home observing the holiday. The same low rates that are in effect on Christmas also apply on Monday, December 26 . TIE OHIO BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY * * ! 'jM '- •;." ■ % ;■ - .v-fja
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