The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
i t ; IThe C edarv ille , O . H era ld Friday, May 26, 1950 OES MEET IN MASONIC HALL Gedax-ville Chapter No. 418 Or der o f Eastern Star recently held their May stated meeting at the Masonic Hall, ■with the worthy matron, Mary Pickering, presid ing. Robert Morris night was ob served with a program by Kath ryn Masters, Ruth Collier, Ada Stormont, Margaret 'Nelson, Betty Ulsh; Treva Randall and Isabel Bull. This celebrates the 100th anniversary 'of the found ing of the Order o f Eastern Star by Robert Morris. The members will attend church Sunday June 4 at the Ce- darville Methodist church. KYN CLUB TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON The KYN club will meet at the home of Mrs. Robert Townsley Friday afternoon, May 20. PARTY HELD AFTER COMMENCEMENT A party was held at the home of Roger Collins after commence ment Tuesday evening. Cards and dancing furnished the entertain ment. Refreshments were served to the following: Nancy Harris, Don Chsnut, Jeanne Huston, Jim Turnbull, Martha Purdin, Jim Luttrell, Joan Hamman, Jerry Wiiburn, Ann Duvall, Dick Wil liamson, Janet Hull, Don Turner, Jack Irvine, Faye Huston and the host. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benham, Yellow Springs, are announcing the birth of a daughter, Martha Elizabeth, born at McClellan hos pital May 16. Mrs. Benham and daughter are now at home. The baby is the couple’s second child and first daughter. Mr. Benham is industrial arts teacher at Bryan High school. Mrs. Frank Benham, Tipp City, is the maternal grand mother and Dr. and Mrs. Leo An derson are the maternal, grand parents, FAREWELL PARTY FOR TWO SCOUTS HELD Girl Scout troop No. 16 closed their season with a farewell party and weiner roast for Treva Turner and Nancy Creswell at the Shelter house Wednesday after noon. The two girls were given leather coin purses as gifts. Sue Miller received a five year pin. First class pins were given to Jane Purdon, Marilyn Kyle, Dor- otha Hubbard, Nancy Dean, Sue Miller and Shirley Glass. The a- bove girls with Sally Kay Cres well and Nancy Creswell were also given efficiency badges. Sec ond class rank pins were given to Joy Evans, Lynn Cummings, Et- eanore MacGregor, Mary Jane Ewry, Lois Thayer, Jane Stewart and Treva Turner. The entire troop was given attendance stars. RETURN FROM FISHING TRIP Harold Reinhard, Harry Ham- man, Joe Stokes and T. S. Shan non o f Hillsboro are home after a weeks fishing trip in Ontario Canada. TAKING TRIP TO NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyer and son, Mrs. Frances Fox and daughter of Jamestown are leav ing today to spend several day3 in Westbury, New York with the Boyers son, Eddie, and Mrs. Boy er’s father, A. G. Gordon. NIFTY CEDAR GALS HOLD MEETING Eleven members of the Nifty Cedar Gals 4-H club met at the home o f their leader, Mrs. John Stover. Roll call was answered by naming a bird. Eegular'lbusi- ness meeting and discussion, of projects was in order. Next meet ing will be at the home of the president, Miss Faye Huston. ATTENDS SCOUT CAMP FOrv DIRECTORS ■ Prof. James Ramsey will at tend a scout camp fo r scout direc tors this week end at camp Birch. Mr. Ramsey is the scout director here and is making progress to ward organizing a scout troop. ATTENDING GENERAL ASSEMBLY Several members o f the Pres byterian church here have been attending the general assembly held in Taft auditorium in Cin cinnati this past week. Dr. and Mrs. Elliott attending the pre-as sembly meeting Tuesday and Wed nesday. Thursday the opening session was attended by Elliotts, Gilbert Dodd and Dr. and Mrs. Ira Vayhinger. Friday the all day FOR THE GRADUATE No matter where you go . . , you’ll never find "more-for-your-money- in-watches” than at Use Ideal Jewelry Store , . . Springfield* watch headquarters. Hundreds of Styles To Seleet From! BENRUb BULOVA G8UEN ELGIN Your name engraved on watch FREEH Special discount on Graduation Gifts, contract items excepted . L I ME S TONE ST. Springfield, Ohio TheWeatherMan, theAlmanac, YouandWeallAgree— i That it’* time to do two things about the clothing : fo r the whole family: 5 - * : Brighten Up Spring Duty*, by Cleaning and Pressing Clean and Store fo r Summer, to Prevent damage from Moths. i l l E1WGEBARVILLE GLEANERS Aye., CedarviHe Phone 6-3411 womens meeting was attended by, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. R. T. Wil liamson, Mrs. Nathan Elder and Mrs, Paul Ramsey. t Sunday the meeting was at tended by Dr. and Mrs. Elliott and Mi*. and Mrs. Dana Bryant. CEDAR CLIF DAR HOLD MEETING A musical progam was arrang ed for entertainment when Ce dar C liff Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution'met Sat urday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter B. Corry, near Clif ton. Appearing as guest musicians were Miss Joanne Sheley, who played three xylophone solos, “ Home” , “ Indian Love Call” and “ Swing Low Sweet Chariot.” Mrs. Wayne Evans sang “ Passing By” "Kerry Dance” and “Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes ” Reports o f the DAR Continen tal Congress in Washington, D. C.» in April were given by Miss Martha Cooley and Mrs. R. T. Wil liamson. Plans were made for the chap ter’s annual participation in Me morial Day serviced at Massie’s Creek cemetery on Tuesday, May 30, at 11 a. m. A committee to* obtain flowers for this service was named: Mrs. Anna Wilson, Mrs. Huston H. Cherry, Mrs. Frank Creswell, Miss Wilma Spen cer and Mrs. Harry Hamman. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Corry, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Ferguson and Mrs. Fred Dobbins. The next meeting will be held June 14 when members will at tend a Flag Day luncheon, at the home of Mrs. Howard Turnbull, New Carlisle. TO PRESENT STUDENTS IN RECITAL JUNE 1 Miss Nancy L. Bost, Director o f Music at Cedarville College, will present several o f her stu dents in a recital, June 1 at 7:30 p. m. in the United Presbyterian Church. The following student will participate: Janice Wilburn, Jane Ellen Dobbins, Ted Reiter, Diane Reiter, Paul Abels, Joy Evans, Carolyn Thordsen, Lynn Cummings, Claire Cummings, Connie Engle, Dolly Ritenour, Linda Gordon, Jane McMillan, Janet McMillan, Mary Lee Cum mings, Anne Huffman, Ronald Hamer, Peggy Burr, Loretta Ferrell, Grace Peck and Kay Leffel. MISS HARTMAN VISITS PARENTS HERE Miss Doris Hartman of Barton, Yt. who is visiting relatives here, spent the weekend in Chicago with Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Hutch inson and family. Miss Hartman accompanied by her niece Doris Ann Reynolds left Wednesday for Sherman, Conn, to visit Rev. and Mrs. Justin Hartman and family. Doris Ann will remain several weeks at the home o f her undo in Sherman. WESLEY CLASS TO MEET SUNDAY The Wesley class of the Meth odist church will meet Sunday evening at 6:30 in the Shelter house. Members are asked to bring sandwiches, covered dish and table service. TAKING VACATION Rev. and Mrs. Paul Healer and family of the Nazarene church are spending a two weeks vaca tion with relatives in Wilmore, Ky. Rev. McClure o f Enon occupi ed the pulpit in the absence of Rev. Hesler. MAY FESTIVAL TO BE HELD IN SCHOOL The Junior and Senior Happy Workers 4-H group will hold their anual May Festival at the new Xenia Township school Satur day evening May 27 from 8 to 11. Admission will be 25 cents and refreshments Will be available. The public is invited. HOT SHOTS MEET The Cedarville Hot Shots met at the home o f their leader, A l bert Mott last Thursday evening. Enrollment sheets were filled out and projects were discussed. Pledge money was sent to the county 4-H fund. This group will hold a skating party at Hodges Rink in Springfield, Wednesday. THE HAPPY HOMES BIBLE CLASS The Happy Homes Bible class of the U. P. Church met Thurs day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alya Segraves. A Soc ial hour followed the business meeting. Mr* and Mrs. Segraves were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lewis. A dessert course was served. YOUTH DISCUSSION GROUP CLOSE SEASON The Youth Discussion Group closed this seasons meetings with a party and weiner roast Friday evening at the home of Miss Nan cy Ferguson. Games and folk dances were enjoyed fo r the ev ening. Twenty were present Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson are the leaders o f the group. GO TO ANNAPOLIS Miss Josephine Randal and Mrs. Clarence Massie left Fri day for Annapolis, Md., to attend. June week o f the Naval Academy. Hubert Evans, son o f Mrs. Mas-'- sie is in the graduating class. r. GO TO ARIZONA -* FOR SUMMER Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Waddle left Sunday to spend several weeks in Bowie, Arizona. They were accompanied to Bowie by Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont. Mr. and Mrs. Stormont will go on to Globe, Ariz., to spend three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. James Bentley and family and will return by bus. TO ATTEND PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Creswell and family left Friday morning fo r Lagona Beach, Calif, enroute they will visit JMr. and Mrs, Ward Creswell in San Antonio, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Weimer in Alta Dena, Calif. They expect to be gone 2 months while Mr. Creswell attends photographic school in Lagona Beach. MISS RIFE TO BE JUNE BRIDE Dr. and Mrs. John Merle Rife, New Concord, O., former Greene countians, have issued invitations to the wedding o f their daughter, Miss Margaret Estella, and Roy S. Blackburn, Jr., student at Mus kingum College in New Concord. Invitations to the ceremony, which will take place in the Uni ted Presbyterian Church, New Concord, June 13 at 7:30 p. m., have been received by. relatives. WCTU HAVE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY The local WCTU met Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hastings. Miss Lula Hend- erspn -conducted devotions and sentence prayers were offered. The business meeting was con ducted by Mrs, Fred Engle, pres ident. Following the business a discussion on “Youth” was led by Miss Henderson. SENIOR* CLASS HOLD PARTY The senior class of Cedarville Higli school held a fare well get-to-gether party at the shel ter house Wednesday evening. Games were played and refresh ments served. Robert Guthrie is class advisor. HOME FROM N. Y. spending several days in West George Gordon is home after Bury, N. Y. with A. G. Gordon and Eddie Boyer, ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. William Rader are announcing the birth o f a son in Springfield City hospital. Mr. Rader is a college student. This is their second son. ACCEPTS POSITION Miss Naomi Connor has ac cepted a position at Wright Field and will start work there June 1. HERE FOR GRADUATION OF SON E. B. Turner who has been teaching school in E l Freda, Arizona, arrived here Tuesday fo r the graduation of his son, Don. Mr. Turner will be here 2 weeks and with his family will return to Arizona where they will make their home in Tuscon. Guests at the Turner home Tues day and Tuesday night were Mrs. B. J. Hume, Taylorsville, Ky., , Mrs* Calls. B, Turner, Fair Ha ven, O. and Mr. and Mrs. B, J. Hume of West Alexandra. Mrs. Carl Ritenour was one of a group of ladies of the Pythian Sisters Lodge in Jeffersonville to attend the Ruth Lyons 50-Club in Cincinnati Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pfeiffer and family, George Pfeiffer and Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey and daughter and Wanda Jean Le Forge enjoyed a picnic Sunday at Leesburg. They also visited Mrs. Pfeiffer’s aunt, Mrs. Wright in Leesburg. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickering bad as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hurley of New Bur lington and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. George- Neenader and family of Dayton were Sun day guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeForge. Wanda LeForge and Marsha Ramsey accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Neenader home fo r a few days. Mrs. William Patterson of Day- ton is visiting at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ritenour. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMahan of Cleveland* spent the week end with the latters parents, Rev. and Mrs. W . A. Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bates of Cincinnati spent the weekend With the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Bates. Sunday guests at the Bates home were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bates o f Springfield. e Mrs. P. M. Gillian had as Tues day guests Mrs. Virgil Baty and sons, Mrs. Albert Jolly and Mrs. H. E. Compton all of Dayton. Mrs. Robert Conley of Crystal City, Mo., is visiting at the home o f Mrs. James Chesnut. She came for the graduation of her nephew, Don Chesnut. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew M. Lowry and son, Tommy, of East Grand Forks, Minn, are spending several days with Mrs. Lowry’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Leo Ander son. Rev. Lowry has been attend ing the General Assembly in Cin cinnati. r i Miss Bertha Dean of Spring- field spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cultice. Mrs. A. E. Richards spent a few days this Week with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rich ards in Columbus. 10 Names Added To Petit Jury Names of ten additional per sons to supplement the petit jury venire for the Maj> term in com- ’lrion pleas court have been drawn from the jury wheel. Additional jurors are Mrs* J. L. Summer School Registration Begins Students now in school may begin registering for the first session of summer school May 29. Formal and final registration date is June 12, with first class es meeting June 13. Classes will be held six days each week for five weeks, f rom 7:30 a. m. till noon. The first session ends July 15, with the second ses sion running from July 17 to August 19. Six semester hours is the normal load for each ses sion, with eight semester hours the maximum for each term. Those wishing to register should register in the registrar’s office, pay fees in the business office, and buy or order books at the bookstore. Late regis tration fees are charged for reg istration after June 12. Eligibility Rules For Athletes Revised In bring the Cedar ville College eligibility standards for athletes into conformity with the Mid-Ohio League minimum, the faculty recently voted a change in local requirements. ‘ First semester freshmen do not come under'the new regu-. lations, as their eligibility for the first semester is based on their high school records. All other athletes must pass at least 12 hours of college work the previous semester and ob tain at least 12 quality points to be eligible for athletic com petition the following semester. ■ Any student who does not pass 12 hours, or who does not have 12 quality points, is ineligible for one semester at least, until he does pass 12 hours with 12 quality points. Three quality points are given for each hour of “ A” , two for each hour of “ B” , one for each hour of “ C” , and none for each hour of “ D” , “ F” , or incomplete. The mini mum standard is thus slightly less than a “ C” average. Track and Golf Men Enter League Meets Cedarville finished fourth in the second annual Mid-Ohio League Tournament held at Findlay last week. Ohio North ern won the league champion ship by a six-stroke margin over runner-up Findlay. Fred Long led the Jackets with an 82, followed by Tom Webster with 91, Dan Webster with 99, ,and Don Strasburg with 100 . Long of Cedarville and Ack erman of Ashland were awarded co-medalist trophies for their scores o f 82. Here are the team totals: 1. Ohio Northern — 344 2. F in d la y ___________350 3. A sh land__ ________ 370 4. Cedarville________ 372 5. Blufftop ______ £_ 398 6. D e fian ce________ 406 GreeneCounty 4-HBandto BeOrganized Greene county 4-H members in terested in playing in .a county wide 4-H club band will have an opportunity to become members at the organization meeting to be held Wednesday, May 31, 8, p. m. at the new Xenia township school, located one-half mile north of Xenia on the Old Spring- field pike. This new activity for local club members has been made pos sible through the 4-H develop ment fund drive being conducted ! in the county. 4-H club members will not only receive additional training in music and music ap preciation but will also represent Greene county 4-H clubs at var ious county activities. James Steele, music supervisor at Silvercreek high school, has been selected to direct the band. Mr. Steele has had previous ex perience with 4-H bands, having directed the Clinton county 4-H baqd for two years. Membership in the 4-H band will be determined by try-outs at the May 31 meeting. 4-H mem bers interested in becoming mem bers are urged to be present at this meeting. Other qualifications as set by the Greene county 4-H council are as follows: 1. The boy or girl must be a member of a local 4-H club and carry a project in that club. 2. The 4-H member must fur nish own instruments and music stands. 3. A band rehearsal will be held each week. A member, missing more than three rehearsals with out an excuse from the director will be dropped from participa tion. 4. Members will be expected to play at all concerts scheduled. Positions are open for drum major and majorettes. These will also he determined at the organ ization meeting on May 31. * AnnualRedCross MeetingSetfor Monday, June 5 The Greene' county chapter of the American Red Cross is an nouncing its annual meeting, £o. be held in the form of a dinnter meeting in the Xenia Masonic temple on Monday June 5, at 6:- 30 p. m. This affair is held year ly, and is open to the public, for the purpose of electing board members and acquainting people with the current projects o f the Red Cross. The national organization is now engaged in a three-month program to strengthen its dis aster services in every commun ity in the United States, and. in connection with this program the local chapter is using “ Disaster Preparedness” as the theme of the meeting, and have been for tunate in obtaining as guest speaker, the Very Rev. Benjamin Farrell of St. Anthony’s churcfc, Wheeling, W. Va. Rev. Farrell, vice-chairman of the Wheeling Red Cross disaster committee, has had a wealth of experience in this field, being widely known throughout the eastern area for this outstanding work in disaster programs, and served as chairman of the dis aster forum at the national Red Cross convention in Cleveland a few years ago. He received his M. A. degree at St. Mary’s sem inary in 'Baltimore, Md., and aft er four years of theology at the University di Propaganda in Rome, Italy, was ordained at Bas ilica of St. John Lateran, Rome, in 1930. It is hoped that a good number of interested persons will attend this dinner meeting, including all disaster committee members throughout the county, * every Red Cross volunteer, and all others who have, the welfare of the Red Cross and the community at heart. Ticket? are $1, and may be ob tained at the chapter house in Xenia, from any board member, or James Adair, who is chairman of ticket sales. Reservations must be made not later than June 1. In Cedarville, tickets may be purchased from Harry Hamman or Mrs. Raymond Williamson. List 19Births InCountyfor MonthofApril Richard Fuei’st, R. R. 2, James town; Steven Kenneth Gordin, R. R. 2, Cedarville; Linda Kay Smith, R. R. 3, Xenia; Diana Kay West, 410 Bellbrook Ave., Xenia; Rob ert Douglas Spitler, 377 Washing ton St., Xenia; Patrick Anthony Laughlin, R. R. 1, Waynesville; County Purchases Road Material Hoelcote Products company of Greenville will furnish the coun ty highway department with 50,- 000 gallons of medium cured as phalt for road treatment, coun ty .commission’s journal shows. County Engineer Frederick' R. Lemcke recommended the pur chase on Hoelcote-’s quotation' ox 13.12 cents per gallon. HighwayDept. AsksCaution in HolidayDriving Motorists planning an auto mobile trip for Memorial day were urged today by T. J. Kauer, director of the Ohio department of highways, to pay strict heed to the safety of themselves and other whiled driving. Safe driving practices, Kauer pointed out, must be put into ef fect by the motorists in order to keep down the high toll of j aecident!?‘ on streets and highways jammed with traffic over Decora tion day. These timely suggestions were offered by the state highway de partment’s division of traffic and safety to motorists who may he on the road over Memorial day: (1) See that your car is in perfect condition before start ing out. Make sure that the fol lowing are in safe operating or der: headlights, tail and stop lights, brakes, steering assembly, windshield wipers, rearview mir rors, tires and horns. Check ■Your Car and Gheck Accidents! (2) Get an early start so that most of the trip will be behind you before traffic gets'heavy. (3) Get an early start home so as to avoid heavy homeward bound traffic and also to avoid driving when you are tired. (4) Above all, don’t assume the sort of holiday spirit which leads you to forget care and caution. Director Kauer stated “ drive safely so that your family will not he erecting a memorial to you as a result of negligence in traffic on Memorial day.” * NewFeatures AddedatRiver Downs Track Horse racing fans who attend the 43-day summer meeting at River Downs, which opens May 27 and runs through July 15, will benefit from the many new fea tures that have been added to the mile track by the new owners. Henry Green, director of racing for the 1950 meet, announced this week -that work was started on paving the pntire park area at program to be started before the meeting this year, many_cbanges and a general “ face lifting” o f the entire plant are in progress,” re ported Green. “ The Stewards stand has been removed from in front o f the grandstand and placed on the roof in order to give patrons a better view regardless o f their position in the stands, and large portions of the grandstand and clubhouse have been painted. General landscaping work is be ing done on the infield, and fo r the convience of the horsemen, the owners and trainers kitchen has received a complete renova tion with general improvement work being added on the stable area.” Other new features at River Downs this year include the tel autograph system of payoff and the installation o f a new sound system. The new owners will put forth all efforts to bring better racing to the fans of southern Ohio and northern Kentucky,” concluded; Green. Telephone 6-3011 COZY GRILL WHERE FRIENDS MEET Always the Best in Food THURS & FRI. 7 & 9 BRING A PAL FRIDAY EDMOND GWENN In “ Challenge to Lassie” In Technicolor Plus Selected Shorts SAT. ONE DAY ONLY 2 P. M. Continuous JOHNNY WEISMULLER In “ Mark o f the Gorilla” Also Comedy - Cartoon - News SUN. & MON. 2 P. M. Continuous Sunday 7 & 9 Monday •JOHN WAYNE In “ Wake of the Red Witch” ' Cartoon - Short - News TUES. & WED. TUES. DOOlt PRIZE $15 .DICK POWELL and EVELYN KEYS. In „ “ MRS. MIKE” .. Short - Cartoon - News THURS. & FRI. “ Red Pony” . COMING JUNE 4 - 5 “ Cinderella” , Nancy Aleen Neiswinger,.302 N*'" Cincinnati oval and will be . Detroit St., Xenia; Donald Ste phen Compton, *119 Fayette St., Xenia; Thomas Albert Michael, R. R. 1, Waynesville. Steven Douglas Lott, 103 Lo cust St., Xenia; Marilyn Jo Blank enship, 1339 Kingsley Ave., Day- ton; Rhonda Jean Roush, Jeffer sonville; Forrest Ruby Estle,, 1228 South Main St., Washington C. H.; Sue Carol Hill, 104 Hayes Drive, Xenia; Ralph Edwin Sat terfield, R. R. 3, Washington C. H.; Rachel Jean Harner, R. R. 1, Jamestown; Jenny Lynn Hess, R. R. 4, Xenia; Elizabeth Ann Morgan, ]?.. R . '5, Xenia; Doris Ann Fox, R. R., South Charles ton. In March there were 319 per sons on jobless payroll pay in Greene county. completed' several days before opening. “ Although the completion of negotiations for the acquistion o f the track by Ohio State Jockey Club, Inc., was made too late to allow any extensive improvement vm JOHN G. PETERSON wishes to announce \ that he is now engaged in the General Practice o f Law Room 18 Allen Building Xenia, Ohio Phone 19-J Beaty, Cedarville township; Ed ith Cline, Bowersville; John War ner, Hebble Homes, Bath town ship; Jacob Harner, Beavercreek township; J. w . Hale, Sugar- creek township; Ora Groves, Heb- hle Homes, Bath township; Clar ence Stroup, Spring Valley town ship} William Brown, Xenia city, precinct two; Norman Leach, Sil vercreek township; and Marilyn Wilson, Xenia city, precinct sev en. SHOP AND SAVE AT THRIFT-E Pink Salmon Fancy Sweet Pickles Qt. Jar .... 39c Tall c a n ............... ........... 35c Mustard Merrit Brand Spry or Crjsco 3 lb. can .. 79c Pt. Jar ......... ............. 10c * Swan Soap lgs bar 2 for 25c Cane Sugar Jack Frost or Rinso Soap Powder lge 23V2c Franklin. 10 lb. bag .... 89c Super X Sugar Jack Frost Tomatoes (red ripe) tray 17c 1 lb. box ........................ ...10c Pork & Beans Eavey’s PaSCal Celery (jUmb°> ^ 2 No. 2Y2 can s .... ......... 25c Apples Old Fashion Winesaps Marshmallows Angelas Brd. ? ^ Sa .......r~........... r ....... %5e 2 lbs. f o r ............... ......... 29c Cabbage Solid & Crisp lb. 6xAc QUALITYMEATS Fresh Smok. Sausage lb; 59d 3P!ate Boiling B e e f ...... lb. 29c Pork Chops (center cuts Roll Sausage (Kingan’s) -....tL............ lb. 69c .................... Ib. 39c Don’t Forget to Guess on the Yard Long Hotdog Drawings will be at 9:00 Saturday Nite HARNER & HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET
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