The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

Use Cedarville, 0 . Herald Friday, June. 2, 1950 Bride-to-Be Honored by Selma Friends In honor o f her approaching marriage to Wendell Cultice, Miss Eleanor Weismiller o f Selma, ■was feted at a shower th Selma school auditorium Thursday night. Hostesses at the party were Mrs. W. M. Custer, Mrs. Ray De- Witt, Mrs. Anna Wildman, Mrs. Elbert Schickedantz, Mrs. W. C. Grant and Mrs. Mildred Wildman,. all o f Selma. A pastel cholor scheme and spring flowers were employed in decorations o f the auditorium. A mock wedding was staged and a contest was played. An ice course was served to seventy-five guests from Selma, Cedarville, Springfield and ClifSon. Gifts were presented the guest o f hon­ or. The daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weismiller o f Selma, the bride-elect has taught a half-day each at McKinley and Spring Hill Schools, Xenia, and was graduat­ ed from Cedarville College Mon­ day night. She is a graduate o f Selma High School. Mr. Cultice, a teacher in Fair­ born Schools the last two years, was graduated from Cedarville High School and Cedarville Col­ lege. He is the 3on o f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cultice. GUEST AT AGNOR HOME Mrs. Grace Stitsworth, James­ town, was a Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and Mrs. Jennie Agnor. Sunday guests at the Agnor home were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lay and family of °Tipp City. TO HOLD LUNCHEON The annual luncheon and busi­ ness meeting'Of the Home Cul­ ture club will be held Tuesday June 6 at 12:30 at the, Presbyter­ ian church. Members "are asked to make reservations with Mrs. J. S. West or Mrs. Margaret Payne by Saturday evepigg* „ Jung; *3V Lunch will be..-served; by ^.onjeiv o f the WesVM'yx^tejSRlags,. .. . * ATTENDANTS NAMED FOR WEDDING Completed plans' fo r their mar­ riage on June 16 are announced by Miss Eleanor Weismiiler and Wendell Cultice.. The engagement and. approach­ ing marriage o f Miss Weismiller and Mr. Cultice, son* o f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clutice *of Cedar­ ville,-was recentley made known by the riride-elect’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Weismiiler o f Sel-. ma. The cerempny will be perform­ ed by Rev. W. B. Collier on June 16 at 7:00 p. m. in the Friends Church, Selmav . Nuptial music preceding the ceremony will be played by Rev. Douglas ■Parker. Miss Phyliss Bryant will sing the yocal selec­ tions. Miss Kathleen Evans o f Cedar­ ville will serve as maul-of-hohor Bridesmaids will* he Miss Gladys' Eutslar, South Charleston arid Mrs. Wendell Tuttle, Pitchin. Douglas Cultice, brother of the groom will serve as best man.. Rex Weismiller, bride-elects bro­ ther; Maurice Weismiller, Wind­ fall, Ind.; and “Kenneth Wilburn, Cedarville will be the ushers. PAST MATRONS TO MEET WITH MRS. MASTERS Mrs. C. E. Masters will be hostess to the Pa.-t Matrons of the QES at her home Monday evening, June 5. TheWeatherMan, the YonandWeallAgree— T h a i it ’ s tim e t o d o tw o th in g s a b o u t t h e c l o t h in g f o r th e w h o l e f a m i l y : Brighten Up Spring Dud,s, by Cleaning and Pressing mw & i\ Q \y C le a n a n d S t o r e f o e S um m e r , t o P r e v e n t d am a g e f r o m M o th * . THENEWCEDARVILLECLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cedarville .Phone 6-3411 June 2 5 Date- * Chosen for * Weddtng „ Atten^l^pts havj '. been named- Tor' the ~\Wdding’ Miss Marie fis h e r o f felaytpiyand'Carl Wise-' 'Man CeffatVillS*. which w ill1 take pl'acc. rrr Clayton 'Evarigel- , real ‘Urilteti Bretherif 'ehuVch- bri' .June 25.' • *' * / :»* ' * Rev. Robert. McBride will per­ form the Ceremony which will be* preceded by a program of nuptial music. Miss Phyllis Bryant o f Ce- ’ darville, a former classmate of the "bride-elect at Cedarville Col­ lege, will be vocalist. Attending her sister as matron o f honor will be Mrs. "Robert Roh- rer (Eileen Fisher), whose son, Richard, will be ring bearer. The. ■bride’s other attenant will' be. an­ other former college classmate, Mrs. Hafold Stormont (Charlotte Ann Collins), ’ near Cedarville, *Bonnie Jo Wiseman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wiseman of- Jamestown and.niece o f the bride­ groom-elect; "will he'flower girl. Performing ""the duties of best man* will be David WiSCman _of Cedarville, a brother of the bl'ide--’ groom. .Ushers will Be Messrs, Clgyton WiSeman^'Jamestown, an­ other brother; Kenneth' Dailey o f 'Jeffersonville, a'forimer claSsmate o f Mr, Wiseman at Cedarville col­ lege, arid Donald Fisher, Dayton, brother of the bride-elect, A reception will b.e held at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fisher in Clay­ ton immediately following, -the sendee. A graduate of)Rn’ndalph High school,- near Englewood, Miss Fisher was graduated with hon­ ors from Cedarville College Mon­ day night. A t .the college she as a member o f Chi Sigma Phi Soror­ ity. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman, Cedarville, are the parents o f the bride-groom-elect, who will he a senior at Cedarville College next term. He is affiliated with Kappa Sigma Kappa Fraternity- and is a graduate o f Cedarville high school. WITH MRS. McMILLAN The Missionary, Society o f the Presbyterian Church met Thurs­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Rankin MacMillan. Reports on the general assembly were given by several ladles who -at- ■ tended. A book'review, “ Brother Is a Stranger” was "given- by ‘Mrs;-;FrUnk Ci'eswelk* ? *• . i Refreshments were served to 25 members by Mrs, MacMillan , assisted by Mrs. Nelson CreswelL . PRE-NUPTIAL. PARTY Miss Eleanore Weismiller, the» . bride-elect of. .Wendell* ^jGiiltice,- ’ was..honored.w.ith ,a luncheon at . Antioch Te.a Room, . in Yellow • Springs Thursday, The. luncheon . was given by the .teachers of Mc­ Kinley, Spring. Hill and. Orient schools in Xenia .where.- Miss Weismiller is a teacher. A wa3 presented1 to the guest of hon­ or. . 15 % 0 FF On Your Coleman United Time "Summer Speck/* uscount V America’s Largest-Selling 'mo* furnace Here’s WhyWe Offer This Summer Special:- . Every Fall,,we go crazy trying tbjme’et^the flood o f _orders and in^thlldtiOrisV^ ’EViry flo o r furnace we install now. hflps-reKevri” - that rush later on—and we o ffe r' thia-dls- count to make it worth your'‘ while to order now.' HERE FROM DENVER . Mr. and Mrs, John Reinhsvd and son of Denver, Colorado, ar­ rived -here--Monday -to visit at the home o f the'former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reinhard. Mr, Reinhard expects to spend 10 days here and Mrs. ‘Reinhard and son will remain for a Conger -1 vis­ it , with; hgr., parents;; Mrs. C,t B. Young in ;Colujnbus. The Youngs Were Tuesday .guests , at"the -home o f' Mr. ' and * Mrs. .Reinhard. * «t Cummings Home Is Opened for ' Guests Sunday ■ • Jo Ann. Cummings six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Cummings, was among the six children- to receive their first conjmunion, Sunday, morning, ^ ; the St. Paul Catholic chupcli .in ■Yellow; Springs.,-Following the service Mr. and Mrs. Cummings held open house for a number of guests. -Out of; town guests .were •Mr- Mfs.: Hpward^ .Pjtstjek of Cincinnati,' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pitstick and family, Mr. and. Mrs. Harry; Brannon, and; fanyly, 'Mr. and Mrs.-Joseph. Pitstick .and Mr. and. M rs.,Robert . Crawford of Dayton,. Mr. and-. Mrs. Morris Kii'sch. of Tipp City and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bernard of Dayton. Several guests' froifl-.-hfere were also received. -. . . MRS. JUDY_ ENTERTAINS The 12 Bingo Club riiet Thurs­ day evening at the home of Mrs. Arthur Judy. A weirier roast was held by the group, after which they enjoyed bingo. Prizes were won by Miss Doris . Truesdale and Mrs. Russell Wisecup. The June meeting- will' be at the home of Mrs. Roy Chapman. GO TO MONMOUTH Mrs. Anna Smith, Mrs. Karhl Bull and Mrs. Greer McCallister will leave .Saturday for Mon­ mouth, ill., to attend the festivit­ ies of graduation week at Mon­ mouth College, where , Barbara Smith is a graduate. Miss Smith will return home with them. ATTEND SHOWER- ^ I l i l Sir. and Mrs’. Tom Harner were among the 50 guests entertained by Mi\ and Mrs. Everette SMen- stick of Yellow Springs, Sunday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Bailey. A covered dish dinner was 'Served and a pantry 'shower was' given 'f'or Mr. and m-s. Bailey,, ; •'MRS;-TOWNSLEY HAS K. Y. N. CLUB Mrs. -Robert Townsley-'-was hos- ' tess to the K. Y .'N . Club at her 'home Friday ■-afternoon.-,Roll call was mnswer-ed with-a “ Tribute, to. Mother?’ *’ * *** ■ ' • ’ • -"f «■ • Mrs. J. :O-.- Conper' and! Mrs. 'Carl Reese were in'charge.of en­ tertainment. A salad Cotfrse was served by Mrs'. Townsley. June meeting-'-will be at the -home of Mrs. Fred Wilburn.- . , i - "A » . ' MR, AND MRS. ENGLE '' . .ENTERTAIN .GUESTS .. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Engle en­ tertained a group of friends at their home Saturday evening. -Guests were* Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gray and family ,o f Bowersville; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Persinger *-and family; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wigal and family of Jamestown; Mr. and*Mrs. Mark Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McClellan and fam­ ily; Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straiey and family;. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert ;Mqwty arid family; Mr. 4nd i$rs. Lewis Lillich and family-and' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huston. MISSIONARY - J. SOCIETY” MEETS ^ '' ‘ ' THS^MMidmtry ‘ society’ 'of" the •1'°ehurcri-'rmf God' met1'Thursday C- C: Class Has Reunivn"After Fifty Years i„;Thp'Cedaryille College graduat- p s .clftss o f 'faoq held .a. reunion VJ. fedptyille,,, Monday., This was tile first reunion of the class since. 192p. A dinner was served at the Old, Mill. Following the dinner the group spent the afternoon at the Cliff house of’ Mr. an Mrs. A. C. Davis."Eight of the 13 mem­ bers of the class were present and one was absent because Sick­ ness. Members of the class were Mr. Robert Harper of Benton Harbor, '■Mich., Rev. W. W, liff, Rev. W. A,. Condon, Bessie Hopping Pauli, Dayton, Lula Goe Swaby, Clifton, Mrs, Anna Orr _ Wilson, Mrs. Cora Anderson, of Springfield, and ^tips -Bertha Knott, Clifton. •*«, Other members o f the class who have died are Nellie Ustick, Clode Paul, Clarence Young and Mary Knott. Other,.guests at the din­ ner were Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Con­ don, .Mrs. Iliff and Mr. Swaby. , where Miss' Barbara Smith is a ‘graduate. . - ‘ " a t - • • TIIE-MAX LYNNS - •HABE BABY SON ' 1 Mr. and Mrs.- Max Lynn, New Wilmington, Pa., are announc­ ing; the birth of a son Max Ern- -est.*Mrs. Lynn is the daughter of -Mr, and Mrs. Ray- Carzooi WESLEY CLASS iHAS PARTY • - 'cThe Wesley class of the Meth- fodist Church -met Sunday even­ ting -in the Shelter-house. The- group enjoyed'a covered-dish din- ‘friei*.-Following the business meet­ in g the television show, “ Youth en the March” was seen. Mr. and Mi's. Marvin Agnor will entertain the group in June and election of '5officers will be held. .WEINER ROAST MONDAY EVE ■Dick Williamson was host to .-A group of friends at a weiner •roast Monday evening. Those -'joining in the fun were Martha Purdin, Nancy Harris, Faye Hus­ ton, Ann Duvall, Martha Swaby, - Jeanne Huston, Jim Turnbull, Jim 'Luttrell, Paul Vest, Roger Col- -;lins, Jack Irvine, ‘ Don Chesnut : and the host. DINNER GUESTS '..HONOR BIRTHDAY . , and' Mrs. Norman Huston -ha'd^as dinneiv.guests May 21 in ■;honor of Mr. Huston’s birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Huston ',a-nd sons, Larry & Gary, Mrs. Min- -.pie Wetzel, and Mr. and Mrs. E. . jBL , Huston. They later attended •Jfche cl.ass; pf .1950,. baccalaureate ^service o f which Miss' -Jeanne ‘iHuston was a member: . . : GULDEN RULE -■HOLDS MEETING : .--The Golden- Rule class met in thdijMethodist. church Thursday evening. Devotions wei'e given by Mrs. Albert Abels. Each guest appeared ^in an .original home­ made hat. Entertainment was in charge of Mrs, Fred Irvine and Mrs. Pearl Huffman. Hostesses for the evening were Miss Leola Corn, Miss Elizabeth Barett and. Miss Donna Blosser. JUNIOR HAPPY WORKERS MEET The Junior Happy Workers 4-H club met Wednesday even­ ing at the home of -their leader, 'Mrs. George Sheeley. Plans for camp and other parties were ! made. Refreshment committee -w a s appointed for the annual Folk Festival to be held Satur­ day evening in Xenia. Games and refreshments followed the busi- , - ness meeting, ’ w- I S IMPROVING uiteinoon at the home of Mr&^-ss.* - ; . _ . - J” ,Elw9od. ^ai;irier.'Guest day^was . Miss Betty Irvine .is improving. + '•aJjispfv^L *the. l a if i^so f ..the.. « Good Samaritan hospital in Xenia church were guests. Mrs." Palmer was in charge*’ arid her _ topic was “Real Home Missions.” Refreshments . were served by=, Mrs. Palmer assisted by Mrs. Her­ man-Stevenson* • .. ■Sat' 1 .Coi*man Gas Flat-R«als»«p Models sit in 2. Coleman Dual-Wall Modal. Set under- floors, n o basenient needsd. Sizes for 2 to 5 wall, use no floor space. 25,000 to 70,000 Booms— ‘25,000 to 70,000 BTU.. BTU. H«n 's Aetoaratk FaraoceHeating-Priced For "Stove-Heating" Budgets No Wotfcl No fires to build or tend, no ashes to clean out. Light your^Coleman Floor Furnace this Fall and revel in the Irind o f automatic warmth^ yotK*want till Spring! No Dirt! No fuel-grime, no ashes or mess ! . Less cleaning, less la u n 'd i^w j^ ^ ^ t ff man Moor Furnace! - '*** Warm Floors! Coleman makes the Floor Furnace that keep^.floars’wamkr-up to 4 or 5 rooms. More, com fort—better . Needs No Basement, and no costly ducts.) Easyt lo-install—no “ tearing up your... feousel’j—rLet us show you—now! Save 15 fcG e t Better Heat! AskAbout Our LowDownPaymentAnd EasyTerms! C. G. BREWER - C e4aurvm «, O h i ^ f „ T , '■ Dayton where she was taken for treatment. ' MRS. WISECUP IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Russell Wisecup "under­ went a major operation Sunday night at Springfield City hospital. '*' s i ATTENDS COMMENCEMENT -v , v Mrs. Addie Glass and Mrs. MrS; Fred oleniaus entertained r .Flore- Deck were Monday guests the Womans Missionary., S(J9iety .i , 0f Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Connor and ' B- Church at.her.-iiome^ attended. College commencement. .Thursday afterpoon., Mrs. :.‘Ray- Miss Naomi Connor was a mem- , -njond Spracklm, -was in, charge of , bei; 0f the class devotions and prayer.cirQle.E.^ri" * ily and Home Life was the pro- ■-..gram topi?.led by Mrs. Harold Reinhard, Mrs. Lucy Turner and Mrs. Lauris Straiey. Mrs. Clem- , ans' was - asrii'stdd,'iii 's'erving lty” Mrs, Donald Kyle and Mrs. War?, ren: Barber. WITH HETZLERS COUNCIL MEETS . . - . Advisory Council, No. 2, of the Greene County Farm Bureau, met at the home of Mr. and.Mrs. Al­ fred Hetzler, recently. The host- ■ess served an ice course to the fol­ lowing: .Mr. and M‘"s. Fred’ Dob- bins»i Mr.'.4 and Mrsr Raymond rCherry-, Mr. and- Mrs. .Elbert An- *- drews, Miv and JVIrs.tMeryl.Stor- - mont, Mr^.andfMra.- A - Evans, »Mn.<and; Mrs,; Fred .-Townsley, M1/ . ‘ -riniMrs. Archie-Petersonand and Mrs. Arthur Deane r.u DRl JAMIESON ’ "VISITS IN M(EST ’ . Rev..R. A. Jamieson left Tues­ day .to visit his. daughter and son- in- law, Rey. and Mrs. Fred Huish in T?noVsTTin a. T m J TJ*. nlfnnr in Rushville, Ind. He-will attend , the 50th anniversary.-reunion of his college class at .Hanover Col­ lege. .He will also attend the com- imencement exercises at M o n -. mouth- College, Monmouth, 111** v is it e d in S o u t h Miss Annahell Murdock has re­ turned after a three-weeks visit -with -her sister, Mrs. Frank H. Reid in Tallulah, La. She also ■visited a niece in Cleveland, Miss., and a niece in Jackson, Miss:* ATTEND CLASS REUNION Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds ■attended a reunion, o f the\ 1925 Wilmington High School gradu­ ating class Friday evening at the f » o w <Hill Country Club near Wilmington. Mr. Reynolds was a member of the class. •MRS. REYNOLDS CONDUCTS -INSTALLATION Mrs. David .Reynolds and Mrs, .Wilbpr Wkeeup attended -:a meet* lnS and tea at.the. Mjllecjgeville; •-ill. - church'j.* Wednesday : w' *^'aH:?r?. 90 |n,<rLadies” .of the,’ . South ’ . Solon arid Spring Grove Womans society attended the tea and Mrs. Reynolds conducted the install­ ation of officers of the societies for the coming year. daughter, Jean Lou. Miller .was a member of the class. Jean Lou was one of the 14 out of the class of 105 to be chosen to the-Nation­ al Honor Society. WESTMINISTER CLASS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanna and Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey en­ tertained the Westminister**crass ‘iri the Presbyterian churdE’ -Mori- da’y evening. Mrs; •Rankin'1'Mac­ Millan conducted ‘ the'"" devotions'. A social-hour followed the busi­ ness meeting and •refreshments were served to 25 members. f RECEIVES SCOUT AWARD The name of Mildred McCallis­ ter was omitted in the names of the girl scouts who received a- wards last week. Mildred became a second class scout and received an attendance star. HERE FOR GRADUATION Relatives from out of town who attended the graduation o f Miss Jeanne Huston were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Huston of Knoll- wood, Mrs. Minnie Wetzel, Xenia, Mrs. O. A. Berryhill and Mrs. Jesse Huston of Bellbrook. TO -BE INSTALLED . ".Vy-*;-. JUNE 6 ' Miss Faye Huston, daughter ofjMr. arid Mrs. Norman .Huston, has been .elected; Wo r t hA s s o c j - ate Advisor of .the Xenia Assem­ bly No. 60, OrcieFof the Rainbow for Girls, and will be installe'd;,at an open installation JJune 6ririt 8:00 p. m. at the masorlic Teiripie, Xenia. CLIFTON NEWS The Union Bible School will begin next Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock and continue to 11:30. Miss Pauline Ferguson who has directed the school for several years will again be in charge. It is hoped there will be a large attendance. The teachers will meet Thursday evening this week to work out the details. This meeting will be held in th Unit­ ed Presbyterian church. Anyone desiring transporation to the school should contact the pastor of their church. The Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Presby­ terian denomination will be' the honored guest at a dinner given in the second United Presbyter­ ian church in Xenia on June 9 at 6:30. Dr. Bickett of Clifton will preside, Dr. R. A. Jamieson of Cedarville will be toastmaster, Rev. Russell Dugan of Xenia will lead the singing. Reservations must be made with Dr. Bickett Tuesday next week.’ Moderator Campbell gave the commence­ ment address at Knoxville ' Col lege, Knoxville, Tenn. this week and will give the commencement address at Monmouth, 111. ..'on next Tuesday. He will' give two addi'esses in Coluriihus.-,!before going to the opening.of the gen­ eral assembly which meets. in New Concord, Ohio at Muskingum . College. . . The Snodgrass family with Mr. and Mrs. William C.. Snodgrass as 'hosts met on the United Pres­ byterian church lawn on Memor­ ial day for a picnic dinner. Guests were present from Groveport, Columbus, Dayton and Spring- field. . ° IS GRADUATE NURSE Miss Catharine F. Knecht, near Jamestown, was graduated from Gooxl Samaritan school of nurs­ ing in Dayton at exercises last week. She is an alumna of Jef­ fersonville high school. VISIT PRESIDENT More than 40 delegates from the Ohio Farm Bureau represent­ ing the membership of the or­ ganization visited President Tru­ man, and Secretary Branrian" at Washington last week. BOYS! GIRLS! IT’S GEM fRAL ELECTRIC t REFRIGERATOR 60 pieces! Everything stands, moves, or does tricks! Ask Mother or Dad to get yours today « * ABSOLUTELY FREE! V - ' Imagine, Kidies! Al Yours! Gay Clowns! Strange Freaks! Trapeze Artists! Wild Ani- irials in Cages! Big Side Show! Ci-E Refrigerator that Climbs, a String! A Refrigerator that Actually Walks! All with a Big-top Tent! Dad! Mother! No Obligation AIS you do is come Into oar store and see the newest improvements in G*E ’Refrigerators . . . Rolta-drawers • » • Redi-csbe Ice Trays! For letting as show yoB-t-jyon'll. receive this, big <ir« cas for your youngsters—ABSOLUTE­ LY..FREE! , Yea ore Rot obligated in anyway!. J ibs the groat,,nsw G-E Refrigerators ■NOW..,and get this big-circus FREE! But; act fast! Our supply of circuses is limited! C edarv ille, Ohio Authorized Dealer GENERAL £ ELECTRIC R EFR IG ERA TOR S AND SAVE ‘ ATTEND COMMENCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Raypond Rlten- our attended the commencement of the Xenia Central High School Thursday evening. Their- grand- Cane Siigar Jack Frost 25 lb. bag ................$£19 •i ri,'i’ Navy Beans 3 lbs. for .... 29c Apple Butter 2 - 28 b z . 2 5 c Salmon Fancy Pink T-can 35c: Green Beans Pine Cone 2 cans ............. ......23c Fruit Cocktail No. 2Vi can 32c Niblets Corn Vac Pak 12 oz. . can ..........................— -v—- Coffee Folder’ s Yac can 69c \ Duz Soap Powder Ige .. 23V2C Clorox Qt. 17c Gal. jug 50c Planter’s Cocktail Peanuts v 8o z .can ................ 33c Marshmallows 10 oz. bag 17bV “Potatoes Long Whites 10 lbs.v: ........... ............... 45c Apples Old Fashion Winesap? 2 lbs. f o r ........................ 25b: ; . p f f l T L M p ; V;- iBajeon (IE roll) lb,' 33c. ";.lPorKSteaks - ; \Pork Dried Beef (1 4 Ib. pkg. 39e Beef Roasts and Steaks Hamburger-the Best in Town A Good Selection of * Lunch Meats MINER&HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET Jt- - *•* Jib* Ci .A-l-i'