The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
T h& Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, Dec. 30, 1949 OUT OP TOWN CHRISTMAS GUESTS Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey had as Christmas week end guests the formers parents Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Ramsey of Love land. Mrs. Ramseys sister Miss Marjorie Allen of West Carrol- tan. SPENDING CHRISTMAS IN FLORIDA P r o f . Edith Stangland, is spending the Christmas vacation with her father in Florida, SPENDS WEEKEND WITH RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son, of Columbus spent the weekend with relatives here. VISITING IN . PENNSYLVANIA vMr. and Mrs. Jay Check and daughter are visiting relatives in Pa. this week. VISITS IN SPRINGFIELD Mrs. C. H. Gordon spent the weekend in Springfield with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ogle. CHRISTMAS AT MT. STERLING Mr. and Mrs. Guy LaFpi'ge and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Ramsey and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and daughter spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Gray in Mt. Sterling. Wanda Jean LaForge is spending the week with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Pitstick in Ham ilton. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET The Womans Missionary soc iety of the llnited Presbyterian church will meet Wednesday afternoon a t the church. Mrs. Warren Barber will be in charge of the program. SPENDS WEEK END IN SMITH HOME George Whitt of Indianapolis, Ind. spent the week end with Mrs. Anna Smith and daughter, Bar bara. WILBURNS HAVE CHRISTMAS GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilburn had as Christmas guests, Mr- and Mrs. Millard Wilburn and child ren, Bob, Wayne and Kay of Clarksburk, Ohio. VISIT IN RIO GRANDE Mr. and Mrs. John Blazer and son, Timmy, spent several days with Mr. Blazers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blazer and Mrs. Blazers parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Altizer in Rio Grande. WEEK END GUESTS Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Ritenour had as a guest this past week a t the formers sister, Mrs. Del la Patterson of Dayton. CHRISTMAS GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lil$ch and family were among the guests a t a Christmas dinner a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jacks, near Cedarville, Sunday. VISIT FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Watkins and son of New Breman visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huston had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Corzath. La te r they visited relatives in Leb anon. A family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Huston’s Monday evening. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Huston and sons, Larry and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Huston and Mrs. Minnie Wetzel. Miss Faye Huston is spending a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. M- Huston near Bellbroqjc, THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS Twas the day after Christmas and all thru the house, Everything was a’clutter. Nel- les sweater and blouse Were strewn on the floor, Tom’s bat and his hall, His games and his skates lay from kitchen to hall While baby Anne’s rattler her blocks and her doll, Were in just the right place to cause some one to fall The table still stood stretched long as could be, - The once snow-white cloth was a sight to see, The dishes were filled with left-overs galore, And all must be eaten before we can cook more The porches and walks are covered with tracks That must be scrubbed soon despite tired aching backs. The house put in-order, why there's more work to do Than was done before Christ mas in a whole week or two. Mother glances around with a look of dismay, To see everything in such a sad disarray. There i 3 no one around to do what they can, To go on an errand, or rock baby Ann, The OLD MILL Will Be CLOSED from Dec. 23, 1 :30 A. M. to Jan. 3, 8 A. M. We Wish to extend to each and everyone Happy Mew Year CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your “winter things” be moth bait this summer? Not if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning. Dirt and grime work into fab ric — often invisibly . . . then moth worms have a feast. Before yon store, let New Cedarville Cleaners “proof” your clothes against the menace of moths and silver fish. ‘ ^ _ THE NEWCEDARVILLEGLEANERS Xenia Ave.,, Cedarville Phone 6-3411 Or answer the door, should the door hell ring. Why before -Christmas they did everything. So she rolled up her sleeves and seized the broom And soon there was order with in every room. And was she glad, as she sank into a chair that was near, That the day after Christmas just comes once a year. Leola Corn Along the Greene County Farm Front By E. A. DRAKE Annual Livestock Meet January 12 Since hogs sales make up half of the farm income of Greene County, livestock committeemen are giving swine marketing- prob lems top priority a t their annual meeting January 12. This deci sion was made last week when executive committee members of the county group met to plan the all-day meeting which will be held a t Geyer’s Banquet Hall in Xenia, from 10:00 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Consumer demands and mar ket trends will be discussed with representatives from Springfield. Dayton and Cincinnati markets. The “meat=type” hog and merit method of selling now in oper ation on all terminal markets will receive major attention. With lard a drag on this mar ket, farmers are being urged to produce hogs with moi*e lean meat and less fat. Live grade standards are now being estab lished that will enable producers to ’get more money for these meat-type hogs. ' Officers and executive mem-, hers of the county livestock com mittees are Raymond Wolf, chairman; Paul Stafford, vice- chairman; Paul Dobbins, secre tary ; Nelson Moore, Chas. Leach and Dan Wolf. A nominating committee of Nelson Moore, Rob ert Dobbins and Elmer Wolf was named to submit a list of nominees for officers at the an nual meet. Veterinary Clinic Service A letter from Dean Walter Krill of the Veterinary College a t Ohio State University states that in the future there will be a one dollar minimum charge for Disease Diagnostic service. This change in policy is due to curtailed budget and the large number of animals ‘taken to the veterinary clinic fo r diag nosis. The minimum charge will apply to all livestock, including poultry. Grain Moths In Old Corn Farmers who are building up large stores of corn on their farms should be on the lookout fo r a new bug. This bug is the Angoumois grain moth, a small insect that infests wheat stored in the sheaf and corn in the crib if it is stored throughout the summer following its har vest. I f the moth is found in the old corn, it may be controolled by shelling and storing the corn in a tight bin and fumigating it with carbon bisulfide. The In sect is practically dormant dur ing the winter months, but may increase rapidly next spring and summer. Ramsey’s Get Herd Name The exclusive use of Ayrlea as a herd name in registering pure bred Ayrshire cattle has been given to Paul and James Ramsey, Cedarville Township by the Ayr shire Breeders Association. There are now over 20,000 Ayrshire herds in the United. States, all of which are descend ed from century-old herds in Ayr, Scotland. Ayrshire enthusiasts claim that Robert Burnes, the Scotch poet, a t one time kept an Ayrshire cow. New Corn Hybrids Four new Ohio corn hybrids were certified this year and will be available for planting next spring. They are Ohio K-62, Ohio W-64, Ohio C-54 and Ohio L-41. The 1949 performance of these hybrids has been very good and they seem to be in general de mand by most of the farmers who planted small quantities of seed on an experimental basis last spring. Advocates Cud Inoculation Of Dairy Calves Transfer of cuds from mature cows to young dairy calves is recommended as a practical ans wer too many, calf feeding prob lems. This practice serves to inocu late the young calf with the bac teria which help digest feed eat en. Under natural conditions these bacteria are transferred to the calf through association with the cow. But under modern dairy ing practices of removing the calf soon afte r birth, the arti fic ia l inoculation is necessary. Another common cause o f calf feeding problems lies in feeding too much grain in proportion to hay. When,more grain than hay was eaten by calves the number of bacteria foupd in the calves* rumens (stomachs) was observed to he greatly reduced. Newcastle Disease* Newcastle disease continues to he a menace to the poultry in dustry of Ohio, says Mahlon Sweet, extension specialist in poultry. In recent years it has caused financial losses in poul try second only to pullorum di sease, and he advises all poultry growers, to inform themselves on the possibilities of .vaccination* Two kinds of vaccine are now available, although strict atten tion to sanitation and prevent ing means of transfer of the infection remain the most de sirable forms of protection for most growers. Where the disease has not caused serious losses, vaccination is not recommended except on advice of a veterinar ian. If Newcastle disease strikes a producing flock, a good pro cedure is to burn or bury all dead birds. Ross in 41-39 WinOver £ Charleston Ross racked up its eighth win of the cage season agaiqst only two losses Thursday night with a 41-39 victory over South Char leston a t Ross, to wind up the pre-Christmas schedule . for the county schools. Ross jumped to an early lead over the1*"Trojans from Clark ‘ county and was ahead 13-11 a t the end oof the first quarter. The Panthers still led by 20-17 at halftime. But then the invaders got hot and rolled up a 33-30 ad vantage with one quarter left o play. The lead changed back and forth throughout the last stanza until the final two minutes when the Panthers took over and stayed ahead. In the preliminary game, the South Charleston reserves scored an overtime, 43-42 win over the Ross reserves. South Charleston (3S) G. F. T. Hieronemus, f _________3 0 6 KimmarcJ, f —______ 5 2 12 Cosby, c —- -—-------- 7 5 f9 Baker, g ----- -----------~ 1 0 2 Massie, g _____ _____ 0 0 0 Totals ___________ 16 7 39 Ross (41) . G. F .T . Carper, f ---------- 1 1 3 Sebastian, f __________ 4 1 9 Steen, f ___ - --------- — 3 1 7 Marshall, c _________ 2 1 5 Massie, g __________ 5 0 10 Andrews, g _________ 2 0 4 Totals ______ ;____ 17 7 41 Score by quarters: S. Charleston_11 6 16 6—89 R o s s_________ 13 '7 10 11—41 Officials: Crispin and Hackett. POLICE CHIEF QUITS Everett Downing who has been a member of the Wilmington po-„ lice department for 29 years has * resigned. He began as driver of the horse-drawn fire engine. He has been chief for 12 years. : 1949 Fair $5,012Profit The Greene County Agricul tural society showed a profit ""of $5,012.19j for the 1949 Greene county fair, it was revealed in the farewell financial'report of B. U. Bell, Xenia,Retiring treasurer of the. organization, at the annual .meeting Saturday a t the court house. Mr. Bell’s duties were re-as- sigi* d 10 other members of the board and Harold J.’ )Fawcett, county treasurer, was named the new treasurer of the society,al though he i s ‘not a member of the board. It was felt that other members could not handle the additional duties. Officers re-elected were R. K! Haines, president; J. Weir Coo per, vice president; and Mrs. J. Robqrt Bryson, ^secretary. Mrs. Bryson is not a member of the hoard but has served as secre tary for many years. Mrs. Leroy Jacobs, Charles Leach, Sr., and James H. Hawk ins, all elected new directors dur ing the fair in August, succeeded three retiring members of the board and were seated for the first time at Saturday’s meeting. Those retiring were Mr. Bell, Mrs. L. H. Jones, Yellow Springs, and Ernest .Jenks, Caesarcreek township. Assignment of Mr. Bell’s other duties was made during tj>e meet ing. Harold Van Pelt and Gerald Bock were appointed to head the concession committee, Mr. Leach was named to the Grange hall committee, Mr. Cooper was put in charge of the gates, and Ralph Townsley will take over Mr. Bell’s speed and saddle horse depart- ' ment duties. Vernie Matthews, Former Dog Warden, Dies Vernie Matthews, 58, died at his home on East Washington street, Saturday at 1:50 a. m., following an illness of fifteen years. He suffered a heart at tack Tuesday. Former Greene . county dog warden, Mr. Matthews had re sided in Jamestown fifteen years, moving there fAm Jeffersonville. He was dog warden 26 months and had operated a wholesale milk route 35 years. The son of James Susan Kiser Matthews, he was horn near Jeffersonville, Jan. 9, 3891. Surviving are his widow, Mrs Marie Ellis MaWicws;, 2 daugh ters, Mrs. Donna Gray, near Jamestown, anti Mrs. Doiwthy. Williamson, Xenia; two sons, Vinton and Richard, both at home; a brother, Ray, near Bow- ersville; a sister, Mrs. Irene Shadley, near Jamestown, and two grandchildren. Services were conducted Tues day a t 2:30 p. m. at Powers funeral home, Jamestown. Burial was in Milledgeville cemetery. • FOR SALE • FOR SALE—Two-burner Glow Boy oil circulating’ heater with Blower sand thermostat. Phone 6-4632. FOR SALE—'Brown casuals new, size 8 , $3.. Phone 6-3851. JCARD OF THANKS I wish to.thank all my friends who so kindly remembered, me with cards and gifts in’my recent illness.- , Mrs. Raymond .Ritenour chine _j>r any other, machine, by j 78° 55' E. 18.60 poles to a stake, whatever name kpown within the corner to said Hamman, J. G. Rife Village of Cedarville, Ohio,’ shall make application to the Mayor for a license to own or ODerate the same, and with said- application shall tender to the Mayor for such license,, if the owner thereof, the sum -of-§35.00; if the operator, the and lands of the aforesaid Cedar ville College, thence with the line of lands of said college as follows: S. 11 ° 04' E. 15-53 poles to a stake; thence S. 79* 57' W. 5.45 poles to a stake; thence S. 46° 68 ' W. 16.- 52 poles to the place of beginning, containing two and thirteen hun- sum of §15.00; and thereupon t h e ^ ^nu t e Mayor shall issue a license to own -1 dredths ( 2 . 1 , 1 ) acres by survey of WANTED WANTED—Ride to Springfield to arrive a t 8 A. M., after first of year. SALLY LYNCH, Phone 6-1763. • Legal Notice • NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of I.aura Michael, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Wil liam C. Coy haq been duly ap pointed as ^Administratrix of the estate of Laura Michael, deceased, late of Sugarcreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 20th day of Decern- ■jber 1949 . WILLIAM B. MeCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. ■ - By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk (12-23-3t-l-6) LEGAL NOTICE Julius H. Tatkiewiz whose ad dress is Hospital 8 Infirmary, Oak Forest, Illinois, will take notice tha t'on the 3rd day of December, 1949, Waleryja Tatkiewiz filed her certain petition for divorce against him on the grounds of gross neg lect of duty and extreme cruelty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 26223 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on or afte r the 14th day of January, 1950. LORINE A. MILLER Attorney for Plaintiff 706 Hai-ries Bldg., Dayton, Ohio (12-9-6t-l-13) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT " Estate of Charles W- Babb, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Glada E. Woods and Karl Babb have been duly appointed as Administrators of the estate of Charles W. Babb, deceased, l a t e of Caesarcreek Township, Greene ^County, Ohio. Dated this 5th day of December, 1949. WILLIAM B. .MeCALLISTER ’ Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser Chief- Deputy Clerk (12-9-3t-12-23) er and also a separate license to the operator of any such machine to operate within the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, for the calendar year.” SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed this 5 dav of December, 1949. Wm. Ferguson Mayor ATTEST: P. J. McCorkell Clerk (12-9-2t-12-16) ______ ‘ LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 5th, day of December, 1949, there was presented Jo the Board of Commissioners of the County of Greene, State of Ohio, a Petition signed by all of the adult free holders and tenants residing on the following described territory: TRACT I Situate in the County of Greene in the State of Ohio and in the Township of Cedarvjl]e,.a)jd- bounded and described as"follows, viz: Being part of Military Survey entered in the -name of William Tompkins No. 3746 and North half of a six acre lot formerly owned by David Huffman. Beginning at a stake in the Cedarville and Clif ton Turnpike: road corner to Wil liam Barber; thence with his line S. 76° 16’ W. 32.60 poles to a stone corner to Benoni Creswell; thence with the line of said Cres well S. 13° 30’ E. 14.72 poles to a stake; thence N* 76° 16’ E. 32.60 poles to a stake in the said turn pike road (a stone bearing N. 76° 16’ W- distant 6 links); thence N. 13° 30* W. 14.72 poles to the be ginning-containing three(3) acres, more or less. TRACT I I Situate in the Town ship of Cedarville, County of G r e e n e , State of Ohio and hounded and described as follows: Being part of Military Survey en tered in the name of Wm. Tomp kins No. 3746. Beginning a t a stake in the Cedarville & Clifton turh-1 Sept. 5,1935. The foregoing tract* being in part the premises conveyed to the grantors hereof by deed of Hays McLean and wife bearing date of Mar. 3, 1934, and recorded in Vol. 152, page 553, of the deed records of Greene county, Ohio. TRACT IV ' Situated in the County of Greene In the State of Ohio, and In the Township of Ge- darville and hounded and describ ed af follows: Beginning on the Clifton road corner to Mrs, Wey mouth; thence with the Norther ly side of a right of way N. 77° 30' E. 44.76 poles to a stone post and stone corner to Phillips; thence with the line of said Phillips N. 2° W. 19 "poles to a post corner to said Phillips; thence S- 86 ° 30’ W. 48.57 poles to a stake in the Clifton road and in the line of Thompson Crawford; thence with the said road and line of said Crawford and line of Mrs. Wey* mouth S. 12° 5' E. 26.31 poles tc the beginning,’ containing six ,„ini fifty' six hundredths ty.oG) acres more- or less. "Said tract IV having been plat ted May 17, 1916, into fifty one (51) lots as appears in the Plat Record Vol. 2, Page 95, of Greene County P lat Records and known thereon as “Edgemont _ Subdivi sion” of 6.56 acres adjoining Ge- darville Corporation. Praying tha t said territory may be annexed to the village of Ce darville, Ohio, In the manner pro vided bv law and designated the undersigned as their agent in se curing said Annexation. The said Board of County Com missioners fixed the 4th day of February, 1950, a t 10:00 o’clock A. M. as the time for hearing said Petition in the office of the Com missioners in Xenia, Greene Coun ty, Ohio, as the place of hearing, J. A. Finney, Attorney and Agent of the Petitioners (12-9-6t-l-13) FOR SALE—Five-drawer chif fonier newly enameled white. Phone 6 - 1101 . TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS we extend our heartiest wishes for the young new year to grow old through * V the months with the best of everything for you! j Mary, Herbert, Nelson THE PICKERINGS s . ORDINANCE NO. 255 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 239 RELAT ING TO THE LICENSING OF ANY JUKE BOX, PIN BALL, OR SIMILAR MACHINE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE, STATE OF OHIO: SECTION 1 . That’Section 2 of Ordinance No. 239, enacted the 5 day of April, 1948 be and the same is hereby amended by re pealing Section 2 thereof and a- dopting in lieu thereof the follow ing: “SECTION 2. Any person or per sons h^ing the owner or the oper ator of any Juke Box, Pin Ball ma- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Charles Toepfer, De ceased. ., . . ... ,, T 1 Notice is hereby given that Ju- pike road corner to Martha- L. !]ja Toepfer has been duly appoint- Crawford; running thence with her line S. 76° 16’ W. 32.60 poles to a stone in the line of B. Creswell; thence with his line S. 13° 30’ E. 15.28 poles to a stone in the line of the heirs of John Orr; thence with the line of said John. Ora heirs N. 76° 16’ E. 32.60 poles to a stake in said . turnpike road; thence with the said turnpike road N. 13° 3D '1 W. 15.28 poles to the beginning containing 3.11 acres more or less, and beipg the same premises conveyed to Henry Bar ber by Lydia Weymouth by deed of date'of June 7th, 1902, and re corded in Vol. 94, page 58 Deed Records, Greene County, Ohio. TRACT III Situated in Cedar ville Township, Greene County, Ohio, bounded and described as follows: Being part of Military Survey No, 3746 and beginning for the part thereof hereby conveyed, at a post, corner to lands of Cedar ville College in the line of the a- foresaid —George W. Hamman; thence with the line of said Ham man as follows: N. 11° 00' W. 23.- 66 poles to an iron pin; thence N- R. F, KELLY, M. D. Announces the opening of his * office and general practice 8 W. Market St. Xenia, O. FARMS FOR SALE * AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans a t 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no apjwaisal fee. ‘ Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. ed as Administratrix of the estate of Charles Toepfer, deceased, late of Spring Valley, Greene Comity, Ohio. Dated this 25th day of Novem ber, 1949. WILLIAM B. MeCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court Greene County* Ohio. (12-2-3t-l2-16) By Luella Howsei Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Harvey F. Himes, De ceased. Notiie is hereby given that Carl D. Himes and Victor D. Himes have been duly appointed as Ex ecutors of the estate of Harvey F. Himes, dereased, late of Caesar creek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 29th day of Novem ber, 1949. WILLIAM B. MeCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court Greene County, Ohio. (12-2-3t-12-16) By Luella Howser ' Chief Deputy Clerk Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSS COTTER P . o . Box 748 Phone 3-6810 - Springfield, Ohio Better Mese 0etter*0#y$f Peas Spring Garden 2 cans ...... ....... 29c CornXr. Style No. 2 can 10c Tomatoes Solid Pack 2 No. 2 cajm ................ :...... 25c * Pork & Beans Campbell’s 2 c a n s ..................... 25c Crisco3 lb. c a n ............ 75c Coffee Merrit Brand 1 lb ......... ...................59c Blackeye Pea Beans 1 lb. 23c We extend to you: A Happy QUALITY Spare Ribs ......... . lb. 39c Fresh Shoulder Steaks lb. 39c Oysters (Pint cans) .. Ea. 59c Hot Finger Peppers jar .. 23c Dill Pickles qt. ja r ........... 19c Cheese Fisher’s American or "Pimento 2 lb. B o x .......65c~ Milk Carnation or Wilson’s 3 TaH can s.................... 35c Phil. Cream Cheese pkg. 20c Presto Whip c a n .... ,..... ’. 43c Sauer Kraut Spring Garden 2 No. 2% ca n s_______25c and Prosperous New Year MEATS Pork Roasts (Boston Butt „ Ends—) ....„............ lb. 35c, Neck B on e s 12c HARNER & HUSTON GEOARVILLE MARKET
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