The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
} The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, Dec. 30, 1949 MeKIBBEN CLASS HOLDS ANNUAL XMAS PARTY *The McKibben Bible Class held their annual Xmas banquet in the U. 'P . Church Thursday evening. Banquet was served by Mr. Beattie’s class. The social committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotter, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Miller, J r., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dobbins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corry and Mr. and Mrs. Emile Finney. The church din ing room was beautifully dec orated for the Xmas season. Fol lowing the dinr/tsr ifie guests enjoyed several mirimba selec tions by JoAnn Sheeley and Mr. Robert Cotter introduced the toast master, Mr- Norman Hus ton. Talks were given by class president, Raymond Spracklin and class teacher, Mrs. Fred Towns- ley. Toast master Huston intro duced the speaker of the eve ning Mr. Harold Brooks, of Middletown, teacher in McKin ley J r. High in Middletown. Mr. Brooks spoke on “Sears Roe buck Catalouge.” Following the speaker gifts were exchanged aficU,toj[s were sent to Greene County children-’s. , home. The class presented Mrs. Townsley with a gift. The committee in charge of the program entertain ed with special music. HOLD INSTALLATION SERVICE'FOR BROWNIES Mrs. Paul Cummings, assist ed by two college girls, Miss Edith Rutan and Miss Viola Thurman held installation ser vice for Brownie Scouts' in the Scout room last week. Brownies installed were Sandra Bates, Pat ty Bowen, Anna Marie Charles, Charlotte Ann Charles, Beverly Dowdson, Marjorie Ervin, Sue Parsons, Joyce Sipes, Jo Ellen Stokes, Karen Wilson and Claire Sharp. The installation service consisted of each girl individu ally repgating the Brownie Scout Promise. “I promise to do my best, to love God and my country, to help other people, were each presented a Brownie pin. At the same service several Announcing1. . . Teddy Baer Beautiful PineRoom Restaurant Will open Jan. 2,1950 Serving Tasty Foods "girls were presented with one year badges showing previous membership in Brownies. Those girls were, Virginia Cahill, Betty Lou Charles-, Joyce Klonfcs, Jane Lewis and Rita LowryC HOFFER-CHAPLIN Before a large mantel decked with Christmas decoration and white candles in the Presbyter ian church parsonage Saturday- evening Dec- 24, a t p- m. Miss Jane Chaplin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Chaplin became the bride of Mr. Clyde Hoffer of Springfield. Dr. Paul Elliott, pastor of t h e Presbyterian Church read the double ring cer emony. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. James Wise man of Springfield. The bride ‘ chose for her wedding a brown suit with brown accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Wise man wore a biege suit and red rose corsage. Following the ceremony 24 guests were received a t a re ception at the Chaplin home. The couple went Saturday- night to their new home 2810 Dale Avenue in Springfield. Mr. Hoffer is a salesman fo r the Springfield Laundry and Mrs. Hoffer will continue her work a t the Springfield Laundry. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 16 HOLDS ANNUAL PARTY Girl Scout Troop No, 16 held their 12th annual Christmas par ty at the Shelter house Wednes day evening. The Shelter Hquse was beautifully decorated in keeping with the Xmas season. Red Rose Patrol group were the hostesses, Dorothy Hubbard, Mar ilyn Kyle, Nancy Sue Dean, Sue Miller, Shirley Glass Sally Kay Creswell, Millicent Jacobs of Dayton. A group of hoys were guests at the party. Games and dancing were enjoyed through out the evening. Refreshments of sandwiches, Xmas cookies, & soft drinks were served from a table decorated for Xmas. Mrs. Harold Reinhard and Mrs. Rob ert MacGregor, leaders were present. HONORED ON 12TH BIRTHDAY Mike Townsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsley, Wellston, was honored on his 12 th birth day with a party, Wednesday evening at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Clara Morton. Following a movie a t the Cozy Theater the group went to the Morton home and played games and were serv ed cake and ice cream by Mrs. Townsley. Mike received many birthday gifts. Guests were: Pat Davis, Jane McMillan, Carolyn Collins, Carol Sue Duvall, Linda Gordon, Judy Nagley, John Mc Millan, Jackie Lillick, Tommy Ewry, Max Williamson, John Kyle, Mike Nagley, Mike and Joe Townsley. JOINT MEETING OF LEGION AND AUXILIARY Wallace C. Anderson Post, No. 544, of the American Legion, and its auxiliary met at the home of SHERIFFS SALE SATURDAY, DEG. 31 ,1 949 10 a. m. at Court House in Xenia SPENCER FARM 100.26 acres, located one mile East of Cedarville Apprainsed at §165 per acre - may sell for two-thirds A good farm with modern improvements See Miller and Finney, Attorneys Phone 95 Xenia, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Hugh - Turnbull, Thursday evening fo r a chili sup per and Christmas party. A sup per was served to thirty-five members seated a t small tables decorated with Yuletide appoint ments. Toys were collected and wrap ped and distributed along with, used clothing to several Cedar ville families. Following^ the supper a social hour was conducted by Mrs. Dew ey Davis, Mrs. Russell Wisecup, Mrs. Mary Sticka and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull, who were in charge of the meeting. The auxiliary will meet Jan. 9 a t the home of Mrs. Greer McCal lister. * * CLASS MEETING AT NEFF HOME Identity o f “sunshine friends” was revealed when’gifts were ex changed by members of the Key stone class of the Keystone class of the Friends Church a t a Christmas party given by Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Neff, Kyle Road, Tuesday evening. Following a covered dish sup per Lawrence Knisley conducted devotions. A g ift was presented to Mrs. Meribei James, teacher of the class and a baby gift to Mrs. Morgan McDowell, mother of a 2-weeks* old daughter, Ju dith Arlene. At the close of the business session Mr. and JVlrs. Morgan Mc Dowell were in charge o f a pro gram and distribution of gifts. HOME FOR VACATION Miss Vera Thordsen, a fresh- mandat Indianapolis, is a t the home of her parents, Mi*, and Mrs. J. H. Thordstn for her Christmas vacation. Miss Thord sen' who will return to school Jan. 3, is majoring in business administration, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gaiser and sons, John and Jimmy of Bloomington, Ind., are visiting Mrs. Gaisei-,s parents. Mr* and Mrs. Robert Nelson. They ar rived Friday and will spend the Christmas holidays a t th e ‘Nel son home, WILLIAMSON CHRISTMAS PARTY, SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson entertained the members of their immediate family with a Christ mas dinner at their home Sun day. Out of town guests were Capfc. and Mrs. Lawrence Wil liamson. and family of Arlington, Va., Mr. and Mrs. M, C. Penny- packer of Ambridge, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barker of Bowling Green, Miss Frances Williamson of Chapel Hill, N. C., Miss Joan List of Vancouver B,- C. who is a house guest of Miss Frances. All are spending the holidays a t their parents home. HOLIDAY GUESTS IN JOBE HOME Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Gerbaugh, Atlanta, Go- and Miss Jo Ann Jobe of Milan, are spending the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Delmar C. Jobe. Mr. and Mrs. Gerbaugh are also visiting the formers parents in Van Wert. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL DINNER FRIDAY EVENING The annual covered dish con gregational dinner.of the U. P. church will be held in the church Friday evening a t 7 p. m- All members of the church and Sun day school are invited and asked to bring table service. W. O. BEAM FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dev,oe en tertained thirty members of the W. 0 . Beam family with a Christ mas dinner a t their home Sunday. Saturday evening Mr* and Mrs. Devoe entertained members of their immediate family with an oyster supper. OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Mr. Clarence Owens and Mrs. Isadora Notz spent Monday with Mrs. Bertha Graham and Mr. Elmer Owens. Mr. Elmer Owens returned to Dayton with them fo r a visit, , Listings Invited * We Serve the Seller We Serve the Buyer*. 36 Properties Sold in this vicinity during 1949 *1950 is an opportunity year - We pledge our Patrons our very best work and cooperation to give our fullest capacity^of ’Service, ■ * # * * * ANTHONY SPENCER Real Estate Sales PHONE Clifton 5743 Insurance Springfield 28371 ATTENDS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Ewry and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tobin and family were among the guests when Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spracklin entertained the Ferguson family with th e ir ' annual. Christmas dinner, Sun day, , SPENDS HOLIDAY WITH PARENTS Miss Margaretta Frey, of Ce darville returned to Western' College, Oxford, Ohio, January 3rd to resume her studies after spending Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Philip Rachel Frey. The firs t social event upon her return will be a dance recital by Miss Alice Marting, Instructor in Physical Education, with mem bers of the dance' club. I t will he held a t Presser Halt.ori January 5th a t eight o’clock. WESLEY CLASS HOLD DECEMBER MEETING The Wesley class of the Meth odist church held their December meeting and Chyistmas party a t the home of Mi* and Mrs. Tom Harner, Tuesday evening. A cov ered dish dinner was served. Mrs. Marvin Agnor led devotions and carols were sung by the group. Following the business meeting, gifts were exchanged. The Harn er home was beautifully decora ted with keeping with the Christ mas season. FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Greer' MeCallis- te r^ entertained with Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Karih Bull, Frank Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCallister, S. Sgt. and Mrs. John McCallister and son of Fairfield, Qetfrge Whitt, Mrs. Anna Smith and Miss Barbara Smith. TOWNSLEYS ENTERTAIN WITH FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley and son had as week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffin and children of Covington. Sunday at the Townsley home were Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hamman and Joan and Mr. and Mrs. Lararr Hamman. VISITING SISTER IN TEXAS Mrs. Ora Rose, who makes her home with Sally McMillan is vis iting her sister,. Mrs. Morris in Tomhall Texas, ; CHRISTMAS GUESTS Christmas guests of Sally Mc Millan were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Stormont, Mrs. Mat Stormont and Misses Mary and Florence Williamson. VISITS PARENTS ENROUTE TO COLORADO John Reinhard and Mr. .and Mrs. Tom Foster and family of Columhus stopped a t the home of Mi*. Reinhards parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reinhard, Tues day. They are enroute to Denver, Colorado where the two men have accepted government* positions. JUNIOR GROUP HAVE*PARTY The Junior group of the West minister fellowship held a Christmas javty in the First Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening, HERE FROM CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. William Vender- vort of Chicago are spending the holidays with the latter’s par ents, Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Col lier and Patsy. RESEARCH CLUB JAN. 5 The Research Club will meet a t the home of Mrs. Karih Bull next Thursday, Jan. 5 a t 2 p. m. Assistant hostesses will be the program committee. ATTEND NEWS BOYS PARTY On Wednesday evening Tommy, Sonny Lister Lister attended the and Jimmy Ewry and Billy and Gazette News Boys Christmas dinner at xhe Lawrence Hotel and attended'the Xenia Theater for the show. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER >Mr. and Mrs- Keith Rigio are announcing the hirth of a daugh ter, Teresa Kay, Tuesday morn ing in Springfield hospital. This is their second daughter.^ CHRISTMAS DINNER AT CRESWELL HOME Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Creswell, Federal Pike, 'entertained with a four o’clock dinner a t their home Christmas day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fund- erburg and family, New Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Erbaugh and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.- Myer and daughter of Brook- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Albret Grube, Miss Junia Creswell; of Spring- field and .Rebecca .and Dorothy Creswell. GUESTS IN SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsley, Jamestown Pike, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin- Kramer of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsley and sons of Wellsville, who are visiting relative's here were also guests at the Kramer home. VISIT RELATIVES IN CINCINNATI . Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds, and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman - spent Monday with relatives in Cincinnati. FAMILY DINNER AT WRIGHT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright entertained with a, Christmas dinner at their hoome Monday. Guests were Mrs. S. C. Wright, John Wright, Mr. and-Mrs. Har old Guthrie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wright and Mrs. Lina McCallaugh. WSCS TO MEET JAN. 4 AT NOON The W. S. C. S. of the Metho dist church will meet Wednes day, Jan. 4, at noon at the home of Mrs. Aden Barlow. Luncheon will be served and members are asked to bring table service. ENJOY HOLIDAY AT JAMESTOWN Mr^ and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Huffman and family spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huffman in Jamestown. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Huffman and family of Milford Center were guests at the Agnor home. TO SPEND HOLIDAYS NEW YORK CITY Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Ferguson and Miss Jane Davis left Monday evening to spend the Christmas holidays in New York City. HOLIDAYS WITH PARENTS HERE Miss -Martha Ann McQuinn, teacher in the Sandusky schools and Pat McQuinn, student at U. of Indiana in Bloomington, are spending the holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mc Quinn. Pat is also spending a few days with Adauph Massler in Rarden, New Jersey before returning to school. ENTERTAIN WITH A HOLIDAY TEA Miss Martha Cooley received thirty-five guests at her home, with a Christmas tea, Wednesday afternoon. The house was deco rated with evergreens, barberry and red candles. Miss Cooley was assisted ,by Mrs. Edwin Bull and Mrs. Har old Cooley. CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER GUESTS, „ ' Mrs. Ruth Reiter had as Sat urday eve dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall of Dayton. HOLIDAY'DINNER NEAR XENIA ■, * Mrs. Tinsley Corn, Miss, Leo- la Corn, Miss Alta Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. .G. S. - Cotton, • Miss Marjorie Cotton of Washington D. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Carr of Lakeview spent Christ mas at the home ofJMr. and Mrs. Dewey Corn and family near Xe nia. Thirty-one relatives and guests were present and there was a gift exchange. CHRISTMAS GUESTS IN CLEMANS’ HOME Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heif- ner and family of Ada spent Christmas and the holidays with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans. Other Christmas guests at the Clemans’ jh,ome Were Mr. and Mrs. Kent Clemans and son and Mrs. Retta Clem ans. MRS. CHASE IS GUEST OF SON - Mrs. Fred Chase and M r and Mrs. Edgar Grigner of Spring- field,' spent Christmas with Mrs. Chases’ daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Dunevant and family, in Xenia. FAMILY DINNER JN BARBER HOME Monday guests .of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber were, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swain and family of New Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders of Sandusky, Mrs. Robert Townsley and Mrs. J. W. Tarbox. SPENDING HOLIDAYS IN ST. LOUIS Mrs. Irene Ghesnut and son, Don, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conley in St. Louis, Mo. Dr. James Ches- nut of Dayton spent the jveek end in St. Louis returning to Dayton Monday evening. SGT. RICHARDS VISITING RELATIVES HERE Sgt. Ralph Richards, who is stationed *in the Panama Canal Zone has been visiting his bro ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Richards ar.d his father. Sgt. Richards is visiting rela tives in West Virginia this week and will return here Sunday. Other guests at the 'Richards home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards and daughter of Col umbus. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT GIVE PAGEANT The primary department of the F irst Presbyterian church gave a pageant in the church on Thursday evening. Following the pageant the children were entertained Jby the teachers and .‘Santa -Claus gave each child a treat. Sandwiches and hot choc olate .were served to the children as well as many of the parents who were present. HAS GUESTS < FROM PITTSBURGH Mrs. Lois Little is having as Holiday guests her niece and nephew, Dottie Lee and Kenneth Benton Boord of Pittsburg, Pa. VISITING SON IN ILLINOIS Mrs. J, W. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son of Columbus are spending the hol idays with Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Main and' son in Olney, 111. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McCorkel are announcing the birth of a daughter, Michal Jane, Dec. 22, a t Miami Valley hospital, Day- ton. Mrs. McCorkell and daughter came home Saturday. ON VACATION Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Davis left Thursday to visit relatives in Virginia and from there will take a trip to Florida. IS IMPROVING Ralph, Murdock is improving in McClellan hospital after a re cent major operation. IN DUNBAR FOR HOLIDAYS Huber Myers, Miss Winifred Myers and Billy Myers of Day- ton spent the Christmas week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster and family in Dunbar, W. Va. ~ / May it be prosperous May it be ri ch. . . May i t hold fulfillment o f your every wish l \ Cedarville, Ohio MeKALE An’*, State Ft?# Marshal FROM YOUR FIREMEN Don’t let £anta cometoHourHouse onajfirt Engine. Be Careful toithSandies and'©penjfirts.. Cheekall treeMiringfordefects.* 1 pag £afc andXiee to Snjog . 0 : , * ■4ft. -ifi .*t;'V . %s: Courtesy of The Ohio Fire Safety Committee Division of State Fire Marshal *'%* •m «9i.
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