The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

-**PrV . «. X V y T . . ■'?C55 ^ f , ; l * .;■ ** ; SKL, ... i f !**•' if 7k, ^ T - W ; > . •~r "“- . -•** CAi V. - : 1 ^ > ■'>>;• T h e C edarv ille , O. H era ld F r id ay , January 6, 1950 WEDDING HELD IN CLITON Miss Sarah Ann Swigart, and Earl Morris of Clifton were mar­ ried at 2:30 p. m. Friday in the manse of the Clifton Presbyter­ ian Church* The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Swigart of Clifton and Mr. Morris is the son of Thomas Edwin Morris of Clif­ ton and the late Mrs. Morris. The double ring ceremony was performed by Eev. Robert F . Paxton. For her wedding, the bride was dressed in a winter white jersey dress with black accessories. Her corsage was American Beauty rosebuds. A lace handkerchief, carried by Mrs. Mary L. Swigart, grandmother of the bride, on her wedding day 57 yeas ago, also was carried by the bride. Matron-of-bonor, Mrs. Richard Ault of Springfield, wore an #qua crepe dress with black accessor­ ies and a pink rose bud corsage. William Morris of Lima serv­ ed his brother as best man. For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. Swigart wore a blue crepe dress with black accessories and a yellow rose corsage. Following the ceremony, the bride changed to a Kelly green suit and black accessories for her wedding trip. Mrs. Morris is a graduate of Cedarville High School and the Springfield Business College. She is a member of Alpha Iota So­ rority and is employed at Air Service Command a t Wrfght- Pjitterson Air Force Rase as a stenographer to the chaplain, Mr, Morris is a graduate of Springfield High School and is employed by the New York Cen­ tral System in Springfield. He served in the last war as a ser­ geant in the Medical Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Morris will reside tem­ porarily with the parents of the bride. IN MISS. TO VISIT BROTHER Mr. and Mjrs. polling William- son and sort, Richard^ left Monday (for Michigan, Miss, for several days visit with the former’s 'brother, Mr. Emmett Williamson. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Middleton of Xenia are “announcing the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy to Mr. Kenneth Wells, son' of Mr.' and, Mrs. Russell. wells. Miss Mlddlpton is H graduate of Xenia Cenral High' School and ^ is employed at the Ohio Bell Telephone Co. Mr. Wells a grad­ uate of Cedarville High School is associated with his* father in the feed business. IN W. VA. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gomer Neal and Mr. Neals mother in .Huntington, W. Va. IN VA. LAST WEEK Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Walker spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Yoha in Pennshoro, Va. MRS. WILSON SPENDS VISIT IN IOWA DURING HOLIDAYS Mr. and Mrs. Haold Gay c- Mr. and Mrs. Harqld Gray re­ turned Monday after spending, the holidays with friends apd pel- atives ip Iowa* GUESTS OF COLLIERS Rev, and Mrs. W* B* Collier had as a weekend guest Jim Mahoy of Mechanicsburg. Sunday guests nt Colliers wove Mrs. Carrie Winholt and sop Lowell of Raton and Mr. apd Mrs. Frank Murphy of DSytop, WOMANS CLUB TO MEET JANUARY 12 The Womans Club will meet Thursday afternoon, Jan. 12 at 2 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Ran­ kin McMillan. Roll call answer will be a “keepsake" and its story. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hpmmap entertained a group of friends with a dipner bridge party at their home New Years Eve: DON’S M ARKET Phone 6-2041 BeefSteak Club ......... 65e lb. Sirloin ..... 69c lb. Round..... 75c lb. T-Bone..... 79c lb Tender Knit steaks .... 85c lb. (^lacliine Made Qnh@ Steaks) 1 IS. I l|: CHUCK ROAST (center cut) ...... 52c lb BOILING BEEF (brisket) ........ 35c lb. FRESH SAUSAGE.............................. 29clb. HAMBURGER..................................... 45clb. LARD..................................2 lbs. for 25c PORK STEAK..................................... 39clb. SUCED BACON Ec............................. 35cjb. BACON SQUARES .!............................ 15clb, JOWL BACON......................... 19clb. Your Dollar will go farther Here Quick&Friendly Service * (2 Experienced Meat Cutters) Mr. Hayes Bates — Don Hubbard RETURNS TO DETROIT Miss Martha Jane Creswell, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Creswell has returned to her school in Detroit after spending the holidays here. Ralph Murdock is home after a major operation in McClellan hospital before Christmas. . MOVE TO PROPERTY" - : . ‘RECENTLY PURCHASED Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Harmon and son moved Saturday to the prop­ erty on South Main street they recently purchased from E. E. Neal. HOLIDAYS WITH DAUGHTER* Mrs. Anna Wilson spent the Christmas holidays with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Kable in Ft. Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson of Dayton also.visited in the Kable borne and returned here with Mrs. Wilson. DINNER FOR CRONES Members of the board of coun­ ty commissioners and .their wives and friends entereained with a dinner party for Mr, and Mrs, Robert E. Crone a t the hpjpe of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bahns, Mr. and Mrs. jCrope wore married Christmas eve. Mrs. Crone was the former Miss Blanche Greg­ ory, for many years clerk of the courts in Clinton county. A covered dish dinner was served to 25 guests, including friends of the couple from Xen­ ia, Wilmington ar.d Washington C. H. Mr. and Mrs, Balms were assisted by Mr- and Mrs. Hugh Tuynbuil, Three place settings of silverware were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Crone as a gift from the group. IN CINCINNATI Mrs. Cora Trumbo and daugh­ ter, Miss Mildred spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Westerfeld in Cin­ cinnati. Wednesday the Tyunibos spent the day wjth Mr. and Mrs, Rpbert Rardep qnd family in Cincinnati, TO JOIN HUSBAND Mrs. D. M. Vermillion (Bea­ trice Pyles) and daughter left Friday for San Francisco to join Mr**P* M- Vermillion C. M. M, Mr, Vermillion expects to e stationed there for several months. Mrs. Vermillion was ac­ companied on the trip by Mrs. Long who has been visiting here at the Ewry home. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin returned Sunday after several days with their parents in Jack- son. &i ENTERTAIN WITH FAMILY DINNER Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Cult-ice entertained -with a family* .din­ ner Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cultice and family, Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth Titus and ■MRS. ELLIOTT IS HOSTESS Mrs, Rankin McMillan review­ ed articles from the Guide Post magazine when the *Missionary •society _ of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Paul Elliott. Mrs. McMillan Was daughter of Springfield,- Mr- and *0 ‘S 'gJCW Aj parsissu Mrs. Ralph Bryant and son of ' and Mrs. Harold Hanna. Miss Donaldson, Mr. and r-Mrs. Alktn Aita Murphy led the devotions. Cultice and Mr. and Mrs, Robert * Refreshments were served by CLEAN BEFQKE YOU STORE Will your ‘^winter things” be moth bait this summer? Hot if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning, Dirl; and grime work iptp fab­ ric -— often invisibly . . , then iqotk worms have a feast, Before you store* let New Cedarville Cleaners “proof” your clothes against the menace of moths and silver fish. THENEW CEDARVILLECLEANERS Xenia Ave.#Cedarville Phone 6-34U Cultice and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell McDonald .and. daughter,*- of Troy, and Miss Eleanore Weis- . miller of *Selma. ENTERTAINS GROUP* FROM CHURCH Miss Marilyn Kyle entertained the Young Peoples Group of the United Presbyterian Church with a Watch Party at her home . New Years Eve. Sixteen boys and girls enjoy­ ed the evening with games and contests. Refreshments were ser­ ved by Mrs. Kyle. At 12 o’clock the party closed with prayer nd a hymn, “Bless Be the Tide That Binds.” Guests were given fav­ ors of hats and noise makers to • celebrate the entrance of the New Year. ATTEND “OPEN HOUSE” * IN XENIA Mr. and Mrs. Max Bigham, of Xenia entertained at “open house” for supervisors of the Ctreene County Soil conserva­ tion district and their families a t their home Sunday afternoon. Refreshments -were served to Mr, and Mrs. Ben Beard, Bow- ersville; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chen*y and family, near Cedar* ville; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lane, Fairborn Pike; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Dobbins and family of Cedarville; Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Peterson, Yellow Springs; Mr, and Mrs. E. A, Drake, Mr. anil Mrs. Edwin Kirby and son, .Mb, and Mrs. J, A- Odegard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aten, Xenia, GO TO CONN. Lt. (j. g.) James H. Cronander and Mrs. Cronander (Joan Mar- kle) spent several .days with the latter’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C< Davis and other rela­ tives. Lt. Cronander is being, transferred from the naval base at Honolulu, Hawaii, to New London, Conn. Mr. and Mrs, Da­ vis accompanied them to New London, to spend Christmas Day with Capt. and Mrs, LaClede Markle and daughter, Marilyn. TRIP TO FLA. Myerl Stormont and Raymond Cherry left Tuesday for a two weeks trip to Florida- the hostess following the meet­ ing, : 1 4-H PARTY ° Mrs. Albert Mott, group lead­ er and Mrs. Lillian Sheeley, as­ sistant hostess, -were in charge of arrangements for a party for members* of the Cedarville Hap­ py Workers 4-H Club held at the Shelter House Friday even­ ing. Gifts were exchanged and re­ freshments were served. Group pictures were taken. HOLIDAYS SPENT WITH PARENTS Miss Gloria Abels returned home Sunday after spending the holidays with Jjer parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Abels in Spencer- yille. Rev. and Mrs. Abels cele­ brated their 25th wedding anni­ versary on Friday. VISITING MOTHER HERE Mrs. Vernon Tinsler and family of Morley, Mich., are spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Lucy Turner. They returned here with Mrs. Turner after she spent several days a t the Tinsler home. Mr. Tinsler will spend the week end here. ENTERTAIN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey en­ tertained a group of friends to dinner Thursday evening. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. C, W. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Elder, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Mr._ and Mrs. M. Bull,..Doris and Ruth Ramsey, Mrs. S. C. Wright and Mrs. Leona Gardner. ATTEND WSCS MEETING IN NEW JASPER Mrs. David Reynolds and Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup were guests when the W- S. C. S. of the New Jasper Methodist church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Myron Fudge, near Jamestown. OUT OF STATE- DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hixon NOTICETODOGOWNERS January 20, LASTDAY For payment without penalty for your convenience 1950 Dog Tags for sale at the following places: Beavercreek, New Germany .... Paul Karnath Grocery Beavercreek, Knollwood ................. Paul Poupoliquht Filling -Station Bellbrook ........................... William Tate, residence Bowersville .......,................ Claude Chitty? residence C edarv ille ......... Mrs. Mary P ickering , E lectric Store Fairfield ...1........ Fern Merrick, 79 Main St, residence Jamestown*........ John Collette; Long’s Realty Office Spring- Valley ........ Harold Van Pelt Hardware Store Yellow Springs ........ ....... . Deaton Hardware Store Osborn ................—, O, B. Armstrong Grain Elevator * __ L icenses fo r MALES .............. $ 1.00 FEMALES ................................ 3 .00 V' Spayed FEMALES ........... 1 .00 KENNEL ..................................... 10 ,00 U nder a ru ling by th e A ttorney G enera l o f Ohio, th e $1 .00 p ena lty must be co llec ted from th o se who fa il to obtain the ir licenses. The General Code prov ides if th e f e e is n o t paid on or b e fore January 20', th e County Aud itor sha ll a sse ss a p en a lty of- One D o lla r .. I t sp e c ifica lly fdr- b ids th e Aud itor reducing , aba ting or perm itting aiiy p en a lty requ ired by law to be c o lle c te d -b y him.L I f no t pa id th en Auditor, and hiij bondsmen. a |e liab le accord ing tg th e A tto rn ey G enera l’s ru ling, The County A ud itor ha s no a lterna tiv e b u t to en force th is ru ling . * JAMES J . CURLETT, County Aud itor had as- dinner guests on Wednes­ day evening Mrs. Everett Buck- ■ ner, Miss Anne and Charles and Jimmy Buckner all of Cham­ paign, Illinois and Mrs. Freida Espich of Trotwood, Ohio. VISITS MOTHER Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey Jr. and son of Newport visited with the formers mother, Mrs, Luel- la Bailey during the holidays. VISIT SON IN TENN. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dobbins visited last week with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Max Dob­ bins in Knoxville, Tenn. SISTER VISITS HERE Mr. and Mrs, Dglbert Swick had as ‘a guest last week the latters sister, Mrs. Georgia Hanningan of 'Clarksburg, Va. LUNCHEON MEETING Forty members were present when the W- S. C. S. of the Methodist Church held their Luncheon meeting Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Aden Barlow. Business was conducted by the president, Mrs- J- W. Johnston and devotions were led by Mrs. Roy Jacobs. Mrs. Flo Cummings, presented a playet “The Other Wise Man,” assisted by Mrs. Es­ ther Reynolds, Mrs. Lula Har- ner, Mrs. Helen Huffman and Mrs. Kathleen Creswell. A play­ let entitled “The proof of the Pudding” was given by Mrs. Margaret Le Forge and Mrs. Ghloe Wisecup, Hostesses for the afternoon were: Mrs. Aden Bar- low, Mrs. George Hartman, Mrs. Carl Plummer and Mrs. Marvin Agnor, ENTERTAINS WITH FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Myerl Stormont entertained with a family din­ ner Monday evening honoring the 94th birthday of Mr. andrew Creswell. WEEK END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Miron Williamson had as week end guests Dr. and Mrs. Fred Wollard and’ Mr. and Mrs, Fred Woliard, Jr. af Wash­ ington C. H. Guests at the Wil­ liamson home this past week Was Major and Mrs. G. P. Ger- baugh. Major Gerbaugh has been transferred from Wright Field to Montgomery, Alabama and they were enroute'*to their new home there. MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Missionary society of the U. P. Church met in the church Stormont gave the devotions and Mrs. Warren Barber, Mrs. Fred Townsley gave the program for the afternoon. Hostesses, Mrs, Fred Townsley, Mrs. Ed Hastings and Mrs.. Lucy Turner, W. S: C. S. HOLDS ANNUAL. CONGREGATION DINNER Eighty-five of the U. P. church and5 S, S. “attended the annual congregational dinner in the church Friday evening following the dinner the group was enter­ tained by a musical program. John Kyle gave a saxaphone solo, Sue Cotter and Jackie Lil- lich gave a trumphet duet, a read­ ing was presented by Jane Pur- dom. Marilyn Kyle, Dorothy Hub- hard and Joan Hamman sang “Winter Wonderland,” after the fashion of the Andrew Sisters. A social hour followed and whs enjoyed by the group. NEW”YEARS EVE PARTY A New Years Eve party was held a t the home of Jim Turn- ubll. Games and daneing furnish­ ed entertainment. Refreshments were served to the following: Jo­ an Hamman, Jane Davis, Jeanne Huston, Margaret* Swaney, Ai- leen Williamson, Beth Turnbull, Jerry Wilburn, Don Heidorn, Mel­ vin Tackett, Jim Luttrell, Rog­ er Collins, Bruce Corrigan and the host. ENTERTAIN GROUP Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott en­ tertained the Senior Group of yofinp people a t their home on Friday evening. • Buy with safety i . . . Your friendly, independent hardwaremanknows by long experiencethe kinds of grills, electric irons and other small appliances that are safestto use—that give the most satisfaction, the longest trouble- free service. He stories and recommends these brands! . . . When you are in need of small appliances, relyonyour home town hardwareman’s judgm ent—look fo r th e , - -e irh a S ym b o l o f S e rv ic e ., ^ v / ff idenllfitt lions wfiere yovwi&bo o0tm t‘brondi I you con trust—^brands Ihof , fliMfllw naJ ninlifl nit fpTiwf In.hflflff- I a cirur wiv t -eg brands in whhh qualify and vofiWgo* ^ fM8. S9$Q Watlpari Retail HerdwarcAgocUlto^ i\ Cedarville, Ohio ing P O W E R ^ & Z g aufomaft&tmmmissto. - mon^nPjLU^ U ^ ^ s L T«.S ks. Th»5fyi»Bn»Dolux*4*Doot! f J%RS7J...andM nestu.,.atDm esf Cost?, Chevrolet for ’50 brings you the best of everything at lowest c o s t . . , greater beauty . , . finer perform­ ance with economy * , . outstanding driving ease, comfort and safety! Here, in Chevrolet for ’50, are the finest values ths leader has ever offered to the motoring public. These thrilling new Chevrolets are available in 14 surpassingly beautiful Styleline and Fleetline body- types. They bring you a choice of two great engines and two great drives—the Automatic Power-Team* :jSF and .the Standard Power-Team—described in detail below. And they also bring you quality feature after quality feature of styling, riding comfort, safety and dependability-ordinarily associated with higher-prioed cars, but found only in Chevrolet at such low prices and with such low cost of operation and upkeep. Come in.'See these superb new Chevrolets for 1950 —the smartest, liveliest, most powerful cars in all Chev­ rolet history—and we believe you’ll agree they’re FIRST AND FINEST AT LOWEST COST! ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR TO OFFER A CHOICEJ>F STANDARD OR AUTOMATIC DRIVING i-,. - * * * - lj : THE AUTOMATIC POWER-TEAM* (Built by Ch»Yrolol —Proved by Chevrolet—-Exclusive lo-Chevralet) NEW POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION —for finest Automatic Driving with no clutch, no gear- shifting. It’s the simple, smooth and thrifty automatic transmission coupled to a NEW 105-H.P. VALVE-IN- HEAD ENGINE, w/th Power-Jet carburetor and. Hy­ draulic valve-lifters— the most powerful engine in the low-price field. You get sensational performance and— with a new Economiser High-Reduction rear axler-tra- ditiona! Chevrolet economy in over-all driving. ^Optional onDaLuxeModelsat ExtraCost THE STANDARD POWER-TEAM | .(Oututatidmg forSfaffcferJ Drivhtg-Easu *'■* ; , , Performance . ; ; and Economy) HIGHLY IMPROVED, MORE POWERFUL VALVE- IN-HEAD ENGINE, with Power-let carburetor and large exhaust valves ; brings you more responsive pick-up and greater all-around performance . . . plus outstanding economy. This fine standard Chevrolet engine—now made even finer—is teamed with die FAMOUS SILENT SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION and Hand-E-Gear­ shift for simple and easy gearshifting. Owners-say it’s the easiest car operation next to automatic driving itself# * i ..A m e r ic a 's J B e s t S e W e r 1‘. . ■ ; ■ . .. ,. ' ^C H EV R Q LET ^ CUMMINGS CHEVROLET SALES Cedarville, O h io fel> -j. _ -. .: p*’-1 * ■