The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

fU 1 Use Cedarville* 0 . Herald Friday, Dec. 9, 1949 OFFICERS ELECTED AT CLASS MEETING Election o f officers was held when the Golden Rule circle class o f the Methodist church met on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. George Hartman. Officers elected were: president, Mrs. Roy Jacobs; vice president, Mrs. Aden Barlow; secretary, Mrs. Charles Spurgeon and treasurer, P. M. Sipe. Devotions were led by Mrs. Sipe and games and contests in xharge of Mrs. Walter Huffman. Assisting Mrs. Hartman in serv­ ing a salad course were Miss Elizabeth Barrett and Mrs. Maude Frame. BAND MOTHERS TO HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY The Banff Mothers club will hold their Christmas party at There Is No Gift Like A Picture Bring us your roll films. You can have the developed pictures in 24-hours. PORTRAITS TAKEN Arrange -fo r _a -portrait -pic­ tures and be assured of a per­ fect likeness and quick service. CAMERAS SUPPLIES FOR DARK ROOM i Don’s Camera Shop Wilmington Tel. 236S the school house Monday even­ ing, Dec. 12 at 7 p« m. A covered dish supper -Will be served with rolls, coffee, and dessert fu rn -. ished by the committee. ATTEND SERVICES .. . ■IN DAYTON SUNDAY. . Mr. arid5Mrs. C.\G- Brewer and Mr. and. Mrs. If* J j . ‘Pickering and Nelson attended church services at the Central Evangelical and Reformed *Church, ;Dayton, Ohio - Sunday morning. "Rev-* George Sonnebdrn is ‘ the minister. The service was in honor o f the. 139th class o f Ancient -Accepted S cot­ tish Rite. »■ MRS. HARNER IS HOSTESS TO WSCS Mrs. Tom Harner entertained the W. S. C. S. o f the Methodist church at her home Wednesday afternoon. A luncheon was served at noon by Mrs. Harner assisted by Mrs. Herman Randall, Mrs. Jack Huffman, Mrs. Pearl Huf­ fman, Mrs. Cora Trumbo and Mrs. Lloyd Devoe. Devotions were in charge o f Mrs. John Mills. Mrs. Creswell was in charge o f the program assisted by 10 members o f the society. Members brought gifts to be sent to the S. Side Settlement in Columbus. Forty members and guests were present. INSPECTION TUESDAY Guests were present from Xe­ nia, Yellow Springs, Urbana, Springfield and East Liberty for the inspection of the Rebekah Lodge No. 825 Tuesday evening. Ruth Drake o f Springfield was inspecting officer "and the local lodge received and excellent rat­ ing. Following inspection a salad course was served to 54 guests Claiboume-McDermctt Co. Phone 2238 38*/i N« South Wilmington fine photography in the modern manner by Anton and Antoinette specialists in the portraiture of children and pets, now offer you the best in this branch of photography. For the ideal solution to your Christmas gift problem Phone Yellow Springs 7 -3774 Phone 6-3481 Phone 6-3481 IT’SHERE DAILYDELIVERYSERVICE Cedai'ville bakery will start daily delivery service effective Dec. 19, 1949. lAt no extra cost to you. To start all orders must be phoned in. Orders accepted until closing time for the next day delivery. As an added service we will^carry Three (3) addi­ tional kinds o f bread besides gur own. We also will carry other items after the 1st o f the year. JustComparethese Prises « Bread - Cedarville Bakery............ 1 lb. 10c ” ” ” 20 oz. 12c Do-Nuts — Large G lazed ......... . 36c Doz. * ” — Cake .......;........................... 30c Doz. Cinnamon R o lls ............................... 30c Doz. Individual R o lls ............................... 40c Doz. Cookies, Sugar, Oatmeal Fruit B a rs ..........*. .....................25c Doz. Choc Chips, Macaroons, Log C ab in s ......... .................... 35c Doz. Buns.......................................................25c Doz. Parker H ou se ................................. 25c Doz. 9 in. Pies ................-....... ......;...............50c ea. 7 in. Layer Cake - White, Yellow*,; Devils Food and others............ 55c ea. .V f* V * j r .» f J? < * *.* m PHONE — n p W , 6-3481 CEDARVILLE BAKERY SEASON’S IGREETINGS KYN CHRISTMAS PARTY AT CLIFTON OPERA HOUSE Members o f the K. Y. N. club and their families held their an­ nual Christmas party Tuesday evening in the -Clifton f0pera . ■House," 'The children exchanged gifts and the group' sang carols. Sixty-five were present and en­ joyed a covered dish supper, DAR TO MEET DEC. 13 The Cedar Cliff Chapter of D. A. R.* will meet Tuesday ev­ ening, Dec. 13, at 7:30 at the home o f Mrs. Paul Townsley. Miss Martha Cooley will speak on “ Ap­ proved Schools” and members are asked to bring their contri­ butions for the schools. Mrs. W. B. Lafferty and .Mrs, R. T« Wil­ liamson are assistant hostesses. AUXILIARY MEETS WITH MRS. McCORKELL Twenty three memebrs o f the Auxiliary of the American Le­ gion "met Monday at the home o f Mrs. P. J. McCorkell. A business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Greer McCallis- ter. The Chapter membership of 37. has been sent in and the group will receive their Charter by January 1. * * ‘ Committees were appointed and plans for a Christmas party will be announced later* The meet­ ing closed after a discussion of many business issues. RFD CLUB MEET LAST SATURDAY The R.. F. D. club met Satur­ day evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pfieffer. Gifts were exchanged and the even­ ing was spent socially. A covered dish supper was enjoyed by the group. BARLOW GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow had as Saturday night and Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. John Paul and daughter of Blanchester and Miss Ruth Lewis o f Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son of Columbus were Sunday evening guests. ATTEND PURINA MEETING A group o f Cedarville men at­ tended the Purina Feed show and week. Those attending were, Russell Wells, Lewis Lillich, Paul Townsley, Emile Finney, Harold Cony, Harold Cooley, Greg Turner and Paul Dobbins. FORMER LOCAL MAN ENTERS HOSPITAL Kenneth Ferryman, East Lib­ erty, entered Mary Ruttan hos­ pital in Bellefountaine Sunday night for treatment of virus pneu­ monia. He is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ferryman. RESEARCH CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY The United P v c s b y t e r in n church was the scene Thursday evening o f the annual Christmas banquet o f the Research Club, at which husbands o f members were guests. The tables ware decorated with evergreen, pine cones and candles. A turkey dinner was served to thirty-eight members and guests by the McKibben Bible Class. Talks of early Christmas ban­ quets of the organization were given bv Mrs. C. R. Wagner and Mrs. J. E. Hastings charter mem­ bers, and Lloyd Confarr and C. R. Wagner. Toastmistress for the evening’s program was Mrs. Kavlh Bull, club president. The dinner was followed by group singing of Christmas carols, contests and a gift exchange. FURAY-CLEVELLE. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Vuray (Clara Clevelle,) who we~e mar­ ried in Xenia Nov. 27 are at home at 105 S. Galloway in that city. The wedding took place at the home o f Rev. and Mrs. , R. N. Chapman. Rev. Chapman* offic­ iating at the double ring cere­ mony. Mr. and Mrs. William Cle­ velle, Cedarville, brother and sis- tei^in-law of the bride, were at­ tendants. For her marriage the bride wore a navy suit Avith navy ac­ cessories and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Clevelle appeared in a gray dress complemented with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Glevelle, parents of the bride; Mi*, and Mrs. Johji Hupman, Dayton; Miss Maxine Davis and John Coates, Xenia. A 'reception Avas held at the Clevelle* hoimSs on ^airfield pike folloAving t h f ’ ceremony. Mr: Furay a former resident of Cedarville and is employed by the Standard Oil Co. in Dayton. 91 RETURN TO FLORIDA Mi*, and Mrs. Arthur Cummings left Tuesday morning fo r their home in Tampa, Fla., after sev­ eral months visit here. They were accompanied on the trip by their son, Paul and John Davis. CLIFTON GARDEN CLUB TO MEET The Clifton Green Thumb Gar­ den club will meet Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 2 p. m. at the home o f Mrs. Maynard Neff on Kyle road near Clifton. Mrs. Charles Eckman Avill be co-hostesses. There will he a 25 cent g ift exchange. Mrs. Walter Miller and Mrs. Homer Halterman will present a program on 'making. Christmas dorr decorations. ENTERS HOSPITAL Mrs. Charles Gray has entered the City hospital in Springfield fo r surgery. Her room number is 406. HOME CULTURE TO HAVE LUNCHEON The Home Culture club will have their annual Christmas luncheon in the parlors o f the Methodist church, Dec. 20 at 12:30 p. m. CHRISTMAS CONTATA DEC. 18 ’ The Junior Choir o f the U. P. church will present a Christmas afternoon, Dec. 18 at 3:30. The Choir is under the direction of Mrs, Greer McCalKstetx. TO PRESENT PAGEANT The College Class of the Meth­ odist church, will present a pag­ eant, “ Storv o f His Life’1 Sun­ day evening, ,-Dec. 18 at 8 o’clock. The childrens .department will also present’ ‘ their program at this same time. . •c KENSINGTON CLUB PARTY TO BE DEC, 16 - ■’ The Kensington- club will Hold its Annual Christmas party Friday evening, Dec. 16 at 6:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ vin McMillan in Xenia, hus­ bands o f . the members will, be guests at the party. Note the change in date. TALK ON AIR Misses Diana Brightman, Jo- Anne Sheeley and Janet Gordon talked on Safety in the Home over station WHTO, Dayton Sat­ urday afternoon. They are mem­ bers o f the Happy Workers 4-H safety demonstration. at the Greene County fair last year and also at the State fair. Mrs. Mary Mott is leader o f the group. CHRISTMAS PARTY OF RURAL YOUTH * The Greene County Rural Youth ’group held their annual Christmas party at the Armory irt Xenia Saturday evening. The committee A v a s composed of Jo- Anne Sheeley, Dianna 'Bright­ man, Janet Crumrine, Carl and Corena Wiseman, Nancy Harris', Martha SAvaby and Roger Homey. WOMANS MISSIONARY OF THE U. P. CHURCH The Womans Missionary Soc­ iety met in the U. P. Church..‘on Thursday afternoon. DtvotionS Avere led by Mrs. J. E. Hastings. “ Indian. Music” program topic Jobe. Several records of Indian music were played , and papers Ralph Townsley and Mrs. Meryl served to 38 members by the Mrs. Amet Gordon and Mrs. Fred Townsley!'" ■an*#, * * *■*■ HOSTESS- TO PAST MATRONS OF OES Mrs. A. B. CresAvell Avas host­ ess to the past Matrons of the Eastern Stai* at her home on Monday evening. Toys and gifts were taken by the members to be given to Greene County childrens Mrs. Creswell served a dessert course to ten members. ATTEND MEETING ON CANCER CONTROL Dr. IJrederighi, Professor a,t at Antioch college and chairman of Greene County, Cancer Con­ trol has appointed Mrs. _ Fred Dobbins, chairman of this dis­ trict. Thursday Mrs. Dobbins, Mrs. A. E. Richards, Mrs. Frank CresAvell, Mrs. Delmar Jobe and meeting in Wilmington at the court house, to receive informa- the control of Cancer. These la­ dies will bring the information to groups in this district. R.' T. Williamson and Homer Smith went by plane last week' to Chicago to attend the Inter­ national Livestock exposition. Rev. and Mrs. James Stormont and family of Ligonier, Pa. vis­ ited the formers mother, Mrs. Ida Stormont, and other relatives recetnly. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffin and family of Covington spent Sun­ day w.ith the latters parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ToAvnsley. * Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mur- The Old Mill will be closed beginning Dec. 22nd One P. M . to Jan. 3rd 8 A . M. We Wish to extend to each and everyone A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for “ BEK” Christmas Exquisite diamonds at Economical prices!! See our glam­ orous array of ihe.finesi!! Take advantage of our super values!! A small deposit will help'your selection in our Iay«a«way! ' Other diamonds.$12,50 to $1,000.00, Ladies* or Men’ s 17-Jewel (GUARANTEED Watches $ 14.95 L I M E S T O N E S T . -.25 YEARS. IN 7H& SAME LOCATION ^ SPRINGFIELD, OHIO phy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berlin and Ml*s. Anna Hazard of Wilmington. Fred EAvry will-return Satur­ day t from (Sant^ _.Barbara, Calif. •Whfeife* he -has -snObt' £vvd weeks. H«r- Visited ’his '^nt-/',Mrs. Jennie Long in-Lemore;* Calif, and,'Mrs, „ Long is returning with Mr. <Ewi'y for a visit. • . ;v Mrs. J. g. West-had as week end guests her sister and hus­ band, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bred- Avell of Bethel, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barker of Bowling _Green spent the Aveelc end with, the latters par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Wil­ liamson. Relatives here have received word that Rev. John Powers of Tennessee is improving after suf­ ferin'- a heart attack. John was ordained to the ministry Nov. 20. Rev. Paul Hesler and family, Pastor of the Nazarene Churchy have moved into the apartment of Mrs. Tinsley Corn. , Miss Ella Weakley was called to Philadelphia Wednesday be­ cause of the serious illness o f’ her. friend Mrss Underwood. .Miss Underwood and Miss Weakley were school’ teachers in Pengrove, N. J. for many years. Mrs. Flo1’ Cummings, Mrs. Wil­ ma Reinhard, Mrs. Wilbur Weak­ ley and Mrs. Amazi Melton at­ tended a handcraft meeting for Scout leaders Friday in the Xe­ nia Scout rooms, Mri-aqd Mrs. Herman Randall and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. U le r y o f ■ Trotwodd-'attefrjded^Gpen .Bouse of Swift & Col' in Cleveland Sun- .day..,?M ,, . . .Mrs; .Paul; Dobbins *and daugh­ ter a 'few ’”days ’-this- *week with her;aunt,-Mrs. :Di-W. Ewing, in Cincinnati. • • - Mrs. Paul Townsley has spent several days in Columbus the past week where her mother, Mrs. Shoemaker underwent surgery on Tuesday at Doctors hospital, jMr, and Mrs. Walter Cummings and family spent Thanksgiving with’ Mr.- and Mrs. Harrv Bran- nan in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams =spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Glyn. Williams in Worthington. Before You Buy Your CHRISTMAS GIFTS SEE US! r Save yourself up to 50% on uncalled for guaranteed merchandise . ’DIAMONDS WATCHES GUNS RADIOS ETC. B & E LOAN OFFICE 65 W. Main St. Springfield, O. UTILITY, BEAUTY PERSONALIZED GIFTS from Brpwns — the store that has but one thing m mind and that is the very best service to its customers — invites you to share in this service as the Christmas season near, when gift-buying is at M A K E THE GIFTS PERSONAL as Browns can do for you with the modern printing device that puts names or any lettering you desire on Gifts o f leather, metal, plastic, etc. A Visit to Our Store will Please Us -------- and You WILMINGTON, OHIO A - ---- ’ " m C Here’s "r-irset prac­ tice” for ac’uits jr we l l as cliiHren. Tim :run is abso­ lutely barmlrss be- - g u rF l came it sboots a 7^/^* pi.og-pong ball. m i *198 ,Wiiij! Every little ' "hobsewitc.” in America would like to have chiV for Christmas so she can be "Mother’s lirtlc helper.” It vacuums and deans just like Mother’s . . . the only difference it the size. aati.i 3-car Novelty TRUCK ASSORTMr.NT S S < set • A desk type blackboard the children will love to write on! It has 3 varnished, I natural wood easel with S charts above, the slate. Chalk and erasers are induced. The blackboard is 14 % " x IJig The perfect set to keep the children busy fur hoers at 0 time. w Mechanical Txain Set Wind the long-running spring motor in this four-piece train and watch it whizz around' the circle The train includes an engine, tender, refriger­ ator car, «nd caboose. . _ * 2.95 The liveliest, friendliest, fun- giving locomotive ever to play with a delighted child! < * 1.98 Super Deluxe Scoote* A beauty to delight any child! The scooter has 'a wood foot­ board with folding seat, a fender, brake, tubular handle with rubber grips, and a park­ ing 'stand. Stand' high and is J 9" long. 2 .50 to 9.95 oniigster-. can budd simple : tower.!, i ytsrr.ids — whatever their imagh'atio-s fancy with . this mrcrlc'c’Woa, grooved block ■ - 4 ■ A heart’s, delight for any .tot! The^;f lovely to look at beiger^dj&is ^ec off , by baked lluminum,. ciiarnel ’ Sandies and springs. Sparkling white T” wheels complete this sturdy piiy.timcr’-ipartner ff. . . . 21” high at i - j t the handle. P i i iP l i l iP f c i t e M S l Cedarville, Ohio 'tgmm IRS bi