The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

"■■zcn*:*.. I,! jhe Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, January 27, i D « 3 b - . IlRTHDAY PARTY Dave Tayloi* was honored on fis birthday Sunday, when a roup of relatives gathered at Sis home for a covered dish din­ ner, guests were Mr. and Mrs. toberfc Taylor and sons, Mr. and rs. Ted Burba and family, Mrs. Jonald Taylor* and daughter of Jayton, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Charles and daughter of Dayton, (Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chaplin, [Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennehey, iMr. and Mrs. Gene Dennehey and daughter, Miss Betty Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. William Klontz, v KENSINGTON CLUB Mrs. Roy "Waddle entertained the Kensington dub a t her home Thursday afternoon. Members answered roll call naming a fa ­ mous woman and her work. Mrs. Mildred Lafferty and Mrs. Hes­ ter Hamniair were named to the committee of the May Musical. Donations were given to the March of Dimes. The members were served a salad course by Mrs. Waddle. ATTENDS CONVENTION Mrs. Ross Wiseman attended the annual state convention of Gold Star Mothers at«the South­ ern Hotel in Columbus, Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Wiseman is Greene County's representative on the state executive committee. COVERED DISH SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randal will entertain the Wesley Class in the Methodist Church, Sunday evening" a t 6:30. Please bring a covered dish and table service. THE FLOYDS MOVE Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Floyd have moved into an apartment in. the Siegler building *on N Main Street. Mr.* Floyd is em­ ployed a t Wright-Patterson field SCOUT SCOUT MEET Mrs. Harold Reirihard and Mrs. Robert MacGregor attendd a ■ meeting; for Greene -rounty scout council a t the- scout room in Xe«' nla Wednesday evening. Miss Patricia Fickell of Cleveland, Na­ tional field staff representative of girl scouts of America was speaker. TO HOLD BAKE SALE The Auxiliary of the American legion are announcing they will hold a bake sale in the Clerk’s office Saturday morning Apr. 8 Listings Invited We Serve the Seller We Serve the Buyer 36 Properties Sold m this vicinity during: 1949 1950 is a n o p p o rtu n ity y e a r - W e p le d g e o u r P a tro n * o u r v e ry b e s t w o rk a n d co o p e ra tion to give o u r fu lle s t c a p a c ity ,o f Serv ice . ANTHONY SPENCER Real Estate Sales C lifton 5743 PHONE Insurance Springfield 28371 SUNDAY GUESTS Miv and ",MrS". "Arthur Evans, Yellow Springs Road had as Sun­ day guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Houser and daughter, Mary E1- - len of Bloomingburg, Mr. and! Mrs. Warner Houser and son of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs., Clar-: ence Bennett,-Jr. and daughter, .Sue Ellen, and Miss- Clara. Ben­ nett of Pitchin-." " -; -•■ • .-••• SURPRISE -PARTY ^ party honoring' Jim Turnbull -was held Tuesday evening a t his home. Games were- played, and refreshments served, to the following: MargaretEwan- ey, Ann Duvall, Jonet Hull, Nancy Harris, Joan Hamman, Jeanne Huston, Jim Turnbull, Melvjn Tackett, Dick Williamson, Don Turner, D_on Heidorn, Roger Collins, Don Chesnut, Paul Vest, Jack Irvine and the ho3t, * • os_ zt.the tTh_pPa TO GO TO CLEVELAND* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duvall will attend a Cleve-^ land next weekend. . \ IN PITTSBURG ' ATTENDING CONVENTION . ■ Mr. and Mrs. Charley ,.Du.vall. . will leave Sunday to. attend the National Hardware Convention in Pittsburg.- While there ;they, will buy merchandise -for -their store. • . - - " VISIT RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. J. .Hi Thordsen*' *and daughter, Carolyn,^ Federal pike, returned Tuesday from Tip- ton, Iowa, where they" visited relatives and friends several days. While in Tipton t h e y attended the wedding of Mr. Thordsen’s niece, Miss Wanda Thordsen to Mr. George Neilsen. - ‘ “ Mrs, Jennie Shroades is Springfield city hospital suffer- _ ing from a broken hip received II in- a fall. - ______ STORE-WIDE ANNUAL EveryTypeof Bedroom- -LivingRoom- -DiningRoomandOccasional Furniture at Lower Prices FREE! FUN FOREVERYBODY! FREE! CHOOSE YOUR OWN G IFT ABSOLUTELY FREE IJUR ING BANGHAM ’S SEM I-ANNUAL S A L E NOW ON . W e w ill give e a c h a d u lt v is iting o u r s to r e a tic k e t w i th w h ich th e y m ay t a g a n y one p iece o f m e rc h an d is e a t $25 o r less. E ach S a tu rd a y n ig h t, fo r th e n e x t m on th , a t 8 o’c lock w e w ill give one v isito r th e p ie ce o f m e rch an d ise th e y ta g g e d ABSOLUTELY FREE . In c a se th e v is ito r w ishes to ta g a n item exceed ing $25 a n d h is n am e is c a lled , w e wUl e x ten d ft c re d it o f $25. In th e ev en t th e a rtic le ta g g e d is sold p r io r to S a tu rd a y d raw in g w e Yfill *Uow th e v is ito r to m a k e a n o th e r se lec tion . Come in a n d rece ive yq p r tick e t: YOU NEED NOT MAKE A PURCHASfe to re ce ive y o u r FREE tic k e t. Re- m em b e r th e dates* Every p e rso n regjst^yipgf ywfflves a F re e G ift! I s CLEARANCEENTIRESTOCKOF 2-PC.LIVINGROOMSUITES Fr ieze a^d Tapestry Spites, ranging from values form erly $119.95, se lling a t $99.50, up to a beautiful Green Matelasse worth $249.50, on sale at $179.95. SPECIAL Red Tapestry, w as $99.95, now only $77,77. You must see the Suites, MATTRESSES andBOXSPRINGS Before th is sa le the price w a s $49 .50 , but the maker is changing patterns, and w e bought the entire lot, to save you $10 on th is perfect mattress. A MATTRESS BARGAIN— The famous Mon­ arch Innerspring regularly priced a t $39,95, on sale at only $29.§0, «=» • All New Stock-Modern and Period BEDROOMSUITES 5-pc. Maple Suite, regu larly priced $279.95, Bed, chest, vanity, bench and n igh t stand * now $ 199.95 Gther Suites, sa le priced as low as $69.95, for values prginally a t $79.95, all the way up to $249,95, sa le priced a t only $ 169.95 BREAKFAST SUITES Bargain prices on Suites to close out a t $29.95 5-pc Chrome Suite, was $79.95, sale p r ic ed .a t $59.95 50 Breakfast Suites to Choose From a t Lowest Prices in 12 Years, Everything is priced for quick se lling . . . Bed Room Suites, Kitchen Furniture, Living Room Suites, Beds, Mattresses—to make room fo r the New Furniture we bought a t th e market. Sales *tag s on every article g ive th e old price, and th e new , to indicate the g rea t savings. And REMEMBER— You N eed No t Make, a Purchase to Receive a Tag! WE WANT TO WELCOME everybody to th is Store-Wide Sa le o f .High- Glass Furniture o f a il kinds—Lamps, Tables, Desks, Chairs o f a ll sorts, W aste Baskets, Lane Cedar Chests and everyth ing you would expect to find in a R e­ liab le Furniture Store th a t has been doing busi­ ness in th e same ropm fo r a h a lf century. W e invite you to be among those who w ill enjoy the Happy Saturday N igh t events w ith «s, am s On th e R ight on Your W ay In 113 N. South St. Wilmington ENTERTAIN WITH CANASTA PARTY Miss Mildred Williamsoji enter­ tained a group of friends with a Canasta party a t her home on Saturday evening. Guests were •Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler McClellan, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. PaulLong,Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fowler, Dick , Sharp o f .Xenia. and Miss Mary Beverly of Bellefontaine. MRS. WISECUP ENTERTAINS "CLUB 'Mrs. Marie Wisecup entertain­ ed her club a t her home Friday evening. New officers were e- elected are Mrs. Luella Bailey, president; Mrs. Jean Wisecup, secretary, Miss Margaret Bailey, treasurer. Prizes were won by Mrs. Esta Truesdale and Mrs. ,Betty Chapman. Refreshments were served by. Mi's. Wisecup. In February the club will en­ tertain ■s-their husbands a t the - home of Mrs,. Esta Truesdale. ORGANIZES CLUB - John Williams is organizing a college-age group of boys and girls for Sunday evening discus­ sions. They are meeting at the ' home of Mr. Williams and all college age persons are invited to attend. James Ramsey is tem­ porary president and Sunday ev­ ening discussion was “Evaluation .o f College. Life.” The discussion . leader *chooses their own topic. Following the discussion was a social hour and refreshments. KYLES ENTERTAIN BIBLE CLASS Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle en­ tertained McKibben Bible class class of the U. P. Church a t their home Friday evening. De­ votions were led by Mr. Robert Cotter. Entertainment was plan­ ned by Mrs. Harold Dobbins and Mrs. Evan Parsons. Following the business, the group held a “white elephant sale” and gave -the money to the March of Dimes. The Kyles were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulter and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Waddle. ROBERT GETZ ADDRESSES CLASS The Westminster class of the First Presbyterian Church met Tuesday evening at the home of Mi*, and Mrs. James Ramsey. Herbert Powers led devotions. Robert Getz, returned missionary "from Bums, was guest speaker. Refreshments wore served fol­ lowing the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey were" assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fields. HAPPY WORKERS CLUB MEETS The Junior Happy Workers 4-H club met Friday evening at the home of their leader, Mrs. r George Sheeley. Fern. Cook the president presided over the busi- '“tiess meeting. The evening was spent baking cakes and biscuits. Attending were Diana Reiter, Fern1Cook, Sandra Agnor, Sue _Cotter. Roberta Heck, Anna Hub­ bard, Shirley Maxton and Lois Thayer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Streuing (Helen Williamson) of Columbus aro announcing the " birth of a daughter Wednesday, January 18. SUNDAY GUESTS Sunday Guests at the home of Mi*, and Mrs. George Hartman Were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, Hart­ man of New Bulington. 1 To the people of Cedarville Com­ munity. ' As most of you know by this time I am leaving the Drug busi­ ness in Cedarville, where it has been a pleasure to serve you for the past twenty-four*"years. Your health needs, your wants and desires necessitated long store hours) but we were happy to be able to meet these demands. Without your patronage and friendship our stay here could not have been‘either so long or so pleasant, and we are "very grateful. With your help and loyal sup­ port we were able to live here, rear and educate the children and enjoy the many blessings which Cedarville hat* to offer. And to the clerks each one giving their time and •strength", always with the thought, to serve efficiently. We do not hesitate to recom­ mend our successors Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Janies who come to Ce­ darville in a spirit of friendship. They are anxious to meet you, to serve you and make new friends. My father-in-law, Mr., N. W. Prowant will be retained as Registered Pharmacist, his ex­ perience* from years of profes­ sional service will be a t your ' disposal. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown W e now h a v e a sk illed p lum b e r, ro o fe r an d electTician. No jo b too la rg e o r too sm a ll— F r e e estim a te by appo in t­ m en t. - * i W e c an fu rn ish a n d in s ta ll a n y ty p e o f roo fing inc lud ing s tan d in g seam a n d composition . 5V p a te n te d seam ch an n e l d r a in ro o fin g 9 .10 p e r square Mr. and Mrs. James Steele and famly and Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey and soil were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey. Miss Mary Beverly of Belle­ fontaine was a weekend guest of Miss Mildred Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harner and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mullens and son in Reardean. „ The Young people will have charge of the services at the First Presbyterian church Sun­ day morning. Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. -Earl Huffman of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ram­ sey of Loveland. Dr Paul Elliott attended a Presbytery meeting in Hamilton all day Monday. Mr. and Mrsr J. O. Connor and sons spent Sunday in’ Columbus with Mr. and- Mrs. Ralph Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bennett. Miss Barbara'Koppe who is in nurses training at Bethesda hos pital in Cincinnati spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Koppe. Sunday guests at the Koppe home were Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Frank and son of Dayton. Mr. and. Mss. Fred .Townsley "spent the weekend wth Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders of "Sandusky. Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis in Wil­ mington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clematis spent a few days 'last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heifner and family in Ada. Dr. Ralph A." Jamieson visited his daughter, Mrs. A. F. Huish and family in Rusliville, Indiana, also a brother, Dr. S. R. Jamieson and his wife in Oxford. C eda rv ille , Oh io DON'S MARKET P h o n e 6-2041 W E HAVE PA INTED AND RE-ARRANGED OUR STORE AND INV ITE YOU TO PAY US A V ISIT MEATS . Smoked Callies ......................35e lb. Sliced Bacon.................. ... .......... ..... 29c lb. Pranks or Weiners........ ........... ...... 39c lb. Fresh Sausage..................... ..........28c lb. Hamburger__________ .______..... 45c lb. GROCERIES Sugar ..... .... 5 lb. B a g ............. . 48c Gold Medal Flour 5 lb. B a g .... ...... 48c Oleo. NuMaid 1 lb ...... ...... .....!........ 23c Salt F is h ...... ........................ 25c lb. Potatoes...... . 15 lb s ....................45c C offee.......7:30.........1 lb....... „...... 59c Lard ....... 1 lb................................ .. 12c Your ONESTOPMarket r. ...offers rT - ' - the convenience and comfort of a telephone in your KITCHEN Really^ complete te leph on e serv ice for the efficient home-maker includes an extension in the kitchen. ^ It saves coun tless steps. Y o u can order supplies and groceries by tele­ phone right from the heart of your work area. You can pick up calls and enjoy your telephone visits, yet keep a watchful eye on the cooking detail. And the wonderful convenience of a kitchen extension is yours for less than *3^ a day, C a ll our Business Office and order your extension n o w . ' T H E O H I O B E L L - T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y a#*; ISks J.