The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

The Cedarville, O, Herald Friday, Feb. 3, 1950 AUXILIARY INSTALLS OFFICERS THURSDAY ' . Mrs. Greer G. McCallister was installed as president of the aux­ iliary to Wallace C. Anderson Post, Cedarville American Legion, Thursday evening at the Cedar- ville Shelter House. Other newly-installed officers are Mrs. Virgil Sticka, first vice president; Mrs. A . C. Davis, sec­ ond vice president; Mrs. Law­ rence Waddle, secretary. Mrs. Edwin Bull, treasurer; Mrs. H. K. Stormont, chaplain; Mrs. Charles Edinger, sergeant-at-arms, and Miss Nancy Finney, ^historian. The Legion post presented a gavel to the auxiliary^ accepted by Mrs. McCallister. The install­ ing officer was Mrs. F. M. Ander­ son, Urbana, president o f the third district. Members o f the Legion were guests at a social hour following the installation from Faipborn, Xenia, Yellow Springs and Jamestown. ATTEND DISTRICT ASSOCIATION Mrs. Beulah -Brewer, Mrs. Jane Mills, Mrs. Nelle Creswell, Mrs. Clyde Nagley, Mrs. Alberta Frame, Mrs. Willa Beattie, Mrs. Joan Corry, Mrs. Miriam Walloce and Mrs. Mary Pickering, Worthy Matron o f Cecbj(rv$He Chapter No. 418 0 . E. S. attended the twenty seventh annual session o f the Eighteenth Ohio District As­ sociation, Order of the .Easerji Star, Monday January 30 at the Masonic Temple, Urbana, Ohio, with Elizabeth M. Hood Chapter No. 505, Upbana, hostess chapter. OUT OF TOWN GUESTS * Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Conner had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Iguchi and sons, Joseph and Dennis of Mpchanics- bupg; Mi*. Charles Peek, Miss Yivian Raipsey, Mr- and Mrs. Georgy Deck and daughter, Gerrylovi, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williamson and children, Douglas Dicky and Mary Jane and Mrs. Flora Deck, all o f Springfield; Misses Eleanor Hertenstein and Gloria Abels and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Conner, Naomi, Bruce and Larry Conner. Mrs. Iguchi, Mrs. Conner and Mrs. Williamson, (who are sisters), Misses Vivian Ramsey and- Gerrylou Deck were honored fo r their birthdays, which all occur in a period of two weeks. A delicious dinner was served and. the afternoon was spent enjoy­ ing games and music. NEW OFFICERS TAKE OVER The K. Y . N. club met Friday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Paul Rife. The new president, Mrs. Harold Cooley, presided over the meeting. Other new officers are secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Don­ ald Engle. Roll call was; answered with a ■‘A Childs' Bright Saying.” Secret Pals were revealed and new names were drawn. Mrs. Dan Marshall andNMrs. Wilbur Cooley were in charge o f the program. A dessert course wee served by Mrs. Rife. LEGION AUXILIARY ATTENDS INITIATION Mrs. Greer McCallister, Mrs. A. C. Davis, Mrs. Larry Brooks, Mrs. Perry MiCorkell, Mrs. Law­ rence Waddle, Mrs. Paul Dobbins, Mrs. Virgil Stecka and Mr?, Ray Hampton members o f the Legion auxiliary attended the initiation of 13 new members Into the Jamestown Legion auxiliary, at Legion hall in Jamestown, Tues­ day evening. DISCUSS MISSIONS * Mrs. Herman. Stevpnsop enter­ tained the missionary society o f the Chupch p f (Jpd pt her home Thursday afternoon. Devotional were led by Mrs. Palmer- Topic of the afternoon was, Our Mis­ sions for 1950.’* Mrs. Stevenson was assisted by Mrs. Virgil Stan- forth in serving refreshments. U. P. MISSIONARY ' SOCIETY MEETS The Missionary Society met in the U . P. church Thursday after­ noon. Mrs. Harold Dobbins led de­ votions and a program on Japan was given by Miss Mabel Store wont, Mrs. ^Harold Cooley and Mrs. Wilbur Cooley. The hostesses fo r the afternoon were Mrs. Ada Mitchell, Mrs. Joe Ferryman and Mrs. Clark Wag­ ner. CELEBRATES 12th BIRTHDAY Linda Gordon, daughter o f Mr, and Mrs. George Gordon cele­ brated her 12th birthday Tuesday, by entertaining a group of friends to dinner and a slumber party. Guests were, Diana Reiter, Doris Reynolds, Sue Cotter, Dolly Rit- enour, Lois Thayer, Jane McMil­ lan, Larita Wells and Sandra Ag- nor. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Jackie Lilllck, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillick was surprised on his 12 th birthday, when his mother arranged a dinner fo r him Tuesday evening. Guests were John Kyle, Ronald Reese, Paul Staigers, David Parsons, Bill Lister and honored guest Jackie. BLAZERS MOVE TO NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. John Blazer and son moved this week to-their new home on the Columbus pike. Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn have moved into the house vacated by the Blazers. LOCATES LEBANON WELL Mr. and Mrs, Fred H. Chase o f Cedarville were called to locate a well at Lebanon, Ohio last week. Mr- Chase hase been very suc­ cessful In this work. Mr. “ Bob” Williamson enter- home Saturday evening following tained a group o f friends at his the Cedarville London ball game. Listings Invited W e Serve the Seller W e Serve the Buyer 36 Properities Sold in tliis vigirpty dniinf 195D is an opportunity year - We pledge ppr Patrons ewr very beat work and gooppratipn to give ear fullest capacity .of Service. ANTHONY . SPENCER Heat Estate Sales C lifton 5743 PHONE Insurance S p r in g fie ld 28371 THE CEQARYiLLE HERALD $r * % For Promotion o f Community Spirit For N§w§ w For Printing: That is the purpose o f a newspaper in a community lifea ours. No other institution wields a greater influence in these causes, k > except the church and the school, both of which the newspaper sponsors with its whole heart. m P b e n e & 1 ? * 1 MISSIONARY LUNCH ' Thq Missionary Society of the Firs.t Presbyterian church held a luncheon meeting at the church, Thursday. The history o f ' the ’ church was -given, by Mrs, F, A. Jurkat and Mrs. Nathan 'Elder gave a paper on “ By their fruits you will know them,” Mrs. Har­ old Hanna, Vice President, pre­ sided over the meeting.-iServing the luncheon was M rs^Bavid Ramsey, MrS:-Dana Bryant, 'Miss Alta "Murphy, Mrs. •Albert Mott and Mrs. J. A. Kritzer.- SATURDAY, NlG&P PARTY - Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gray near Jamestown entertained a group of friends at their home Saturday evening. Guests wei’e Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillich, Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley, Mr. and Mrs. Del­ bert Moury, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Me- Clellan of Xenia, Mr.' and Mrs. Albert Wigal; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bingamon and Mr. and Mrs.'Per- *singer o f Jamestown. WESLEY CLASS MEETS .The Wesley class met in the Methodist Church ‘ Sunday -‘ even­ ing with a covered- dish dinner. Devotions' were glvep- by \ Mrs. John Pramer. Mrs. Jane Mills presided over "the business. Fol­ lowing the' husiness - meeting games were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs.' Herman.. Randal were host and hostess of the evening. Twen­ ty-eight members and - their families were present. MISSIONARY SOCIETY;' Miss Doris West and Mrs. Ru­ fus Nance led the discussion on the book “Japan Now" when the Missionary society met in the Nazarene church last Wednesday. •The girls quartet gave' special musici Mrs. E- E«- Neal is presi­ dent "of the society. Mi*. and_ Mrs. Lloyd Schaefer and daughter La Donna of Du­ pont, Ohio were Sunday guests o f Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Brown. HAPPY WORKERS' The Senior Group o f the Hap* py Workers 4-H club met Mon­ day evening at the home of Mrs. Albert ‘Mott. The group spent ®the evening Baking bread. Plans were discussed for the skating party. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. 4-H GIRLS SKAT® The Happy Workers 4-H club gave a skating party Wednesday evening at Hodges rink in Spring- field. There were thirty five in- attendance. They will sponsor pn» pther party, Feb. 8 and tickets arq on" sale from any o f he. 4-H-.; club girl?, BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. -Donald Slpe was honored on his birthday - Sunday with a dinner at the home o f his mother, Mrs. P - M- SipehGuesis-wsre Mr. [ . and Mis. Sipe-’ahd family, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Webber and fam­ ily o f Dayton. •’ : - 12 YEARS OLD - •Sandra A g n o r ' celebrated bVL 12 t h ' birthday^ Thursday even­ ing. Quests for dinner with ’ San­ dra were Linda Gordon and Doris Ann Reynolds. Later the girls attended the Cozy Theater, HERE FROM COLLEGE Miss Peg Bradfute, student at Miami University spent several' days last week with, her parents Mr. and Mrs. David Bradfute. Miss Bradfute had as her guest Miss Edith Cooper of Portsmouth, a classmate at Miami. MONTH IN FLORIDA Mr- apd Mrs. (3. R. Wagner left last week to spend a month in St. Petersburg, Florida.. W ill Ask Bids On Equipment A t a recent meeting the build-; ing commission fo r the, memorial hospital deoiled to ask for bids on equipment. Gerhardt Hart" man, superintendent of univer­ sity hospital at-Iowa City, is to list the required equipment W order of the board, Satisfactory progress on the 75-bed institution. is-*being made, and the plumbing and wiring axe. keeping pace with,, other .phases o f the construction, Myron Fudge Jamestown, president of* the board reported. Prosecutor George R.,.; Smiths has reappointed Jcthn Qibney, Xenia attorney, 8 ? spse!$l« conn-; sel fop t];e‘ board 'Until; -Jlily -L; at salary o f $750. -v ."- Farm Bureau Meets Oyer 300 *farmers' and families and friends attended trtC meeting o f Union township farm bureau, Fayette county, last week. Percie Kennel was selected as chairman, Joe‘ McFadden, vice chairman, and Robert.Browning, secretary. A state farm ’ bureau representative made an address. Bond Sales High . s Gpepne county wag one o f 32 Ohio counties that sold more K- bonds in 1949 than in ls£4§, r®- ports show. Sales for, 194$ wfere $1,099,651, compared / t o $826,* ;286 for 1948, • ;Frahk L. "Johnson, county-:' chairwtSn£»£f> ports. Of tbVsk ooufities kGrSeh° county ranked’ third. GtSuga w #3 first and Vinton second,-' '" ' * . ' - 'New Minuter * Rev. Harold J. Braden lias'been officially installed as minister..®* the First Presbyterian, church in Washington C. Hi The ^moder­ ator o f the denominational a% Columbus-presided at. thus cere­ mony. , , - ■ * " W|^i’s News C O M ^ ^ P L E A S COURT A damage suit/ styled' Gerald W.&lfe- and the Government Em­ ployee?. Insurance company, vs. MaaviniKern^-ha's been filed. The'an aftermath of an auto­ mobile accident last April on SR- 235. Damages asked, $1,510. Loiie-va McGalmont has been awarded, a divorce decree from ■Robert WQi'dn grounds of neglect and^cruelty. She was restored to lier maiden,name of Sharp. • Raymond Miller, of Cedarville has filed suit for divorce from Maude H. of London, Ky., whom he married in Corbin, Ky., last March,- but from whom .he sep- ’ crated after one fyeek. •Marne Wheeler was granted a divorce from Charles on cruelty grounds. Judgment Awarded - Judgment in the sum of $369.44 has been awarded the Welfare Fi­ nance. Corp. from Kelly Amyx. Suit, Dismissed A shit styled Leonard P. Wage- -nast vs. David .Horn, et al., has been-, dismissed. Partition Suit In a case styled Fred Alexan- *, deb vs. Earl Alexander, partition of real estate is asked by the plaintiff. Divorce Actions Mrs. Annie L. Anderson has filed suit for divorce fromJJapt. John M. Anderson, charging neg­ lect, and cruelty. •Nellie J. Bentley has been a- whrded a divorce decree from Denver, cruelty. ■Channey -Lucas has won di­ vorce from James C., neglect, and restored to her maiden name of Evans. /M ary 'A lys Foland is divorced from Earl J., neglect and cruelty. Winona,Donnei;y from Richard, neglect and cruelty. The suit is brought in the name of the plain­ tiff’s father-, Paul Swagart. Laura Vance vs. Luther W., neglect and cruelty. The plain­ tiff asks to be restored to her maiden name o f Abling. .Lou B; Adkins from Earl, neg­ lect; and partition of real estate. <Alpharetta Miller from Rufus, .address unknown, neglect, i LilaL-IMePeak from Franklin E., cruelty? nnd neglect. ■ Divorces Granted v Genev Patton, (formerly of here)’ .from Louisville, Ky., .vis­ ited 'friends here Thursday. Artwood Custis,has been grant­ ed a divorce from. Ethel, on grounds of neglect. Thomas H. McLees from Laura K.; neglect. On the ground of neglect Lur cille Lawson has been awarded a divorce decree from Daniel. Law* son. ... Asks Judgment Mitchell Estep of Morehead, Ky., asks damages in the sum of $222 from H. K. Dorsett, Fair­ born. ' ‘ Judgment Allowed On appeal from Jefferson township justice’s court, Gibbs hardware, Jamestown, has been granted a judgment-of $33 from Marie Roden, and $8.75 from W. R. Roden, defendants paying court costs; Action Dismissed, j A suit brought by Fred Smart vs. Ralph Hotopp has been dis­ missed. IN PROBATE COURT* Sale Confirmed * ’ In action brought by The People’s Building , and Savings Co, vs. Otto M. Anderson, - sale of personal property-confirmed. L. B. Linton has been named adnlinistratpr in the estate of L* W. Linton late of Jefferson town­ ship. Ernest W- Reeves has been ap­ pointed administrator of the es­ tate of the late William A- Reeves of Spring Valley. The county auditor has been ordered to appraise the estates of L< W. Linton and William A. Reeves. ' , * To Sell Property Cecil ■Stambach, administrator of the estate of Bertha- L. Stam- baeh, is authorized to transfer real estate. Estate Appraisals The net value of estate .of H. Alva Stephens has been fixed at $825, In the estates of Charles Curl, Clara J. Stephens, no net value was set. To Transfer Real Estate Real estate transfers have been authorized in the following es­ tates: The state of Lucy E. Walker, Elery C. Walker, executor. . The estate of Lucy A. Comp­ ton, Marianna Bogan and Ina C. Bogan, administratrixes. ., The estate of Edward Law­ rence Ryan, by Mary Louis' Ryan, executrix. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Check and daughter spent the week end with Mr. Check’s mother, who recent­ ly moved from Lewistown, Pa., to Cleveland. Scholarship toBe TakenFriday “ Scholarship tests will he taken this .week end by Greene county high school seniors whose grades put them in the upper 25 percent of their classes. Ray Wood has charge o f the Ohio scholarship tests/ and gives out five tests wliich require a half hour each. The tests are given all over the state. The date for Greene county is Saturday, Feb. 4 at Xenia. The subjects on which the stu­ dents take tests are English, history, mathematics, science and reading. ■ State Director of Education Clyde Hissong estimates that 10,000 pupils will take the exam­ inations. No scholarships are giv­ en and there are no awards, bnt the results are sent* to colleges and "universities. Following the grading o f the papers the-upper 5 per cent will he listed^ and this special list will be sent to institutions of higher learning. Five-Day Fair Is Authorized Authority to hold a five-day fa ir in Greene county in 1950 has been granted by the state de­ partment of agriculture. .Mrs. Mary Fay Bryson, sec­ retary, states that the plans had been tentatively set in anticipa­ tion of favorable action by the state department. The fair will he held—^‘bigger and better and LONGER” than ever, August 1 to 5, inclusive. U . S. Steel Sells to Bath The U. S. Steel corporation has deeded more than 25 acres of land- in Fairborn to be used as additional school grounds for building under the expansion program. Among the items on the pro­ gram are a "26-class room school house, a field house with a seat­ ing capacity of 2 , 000 , and a foot­ ball stadium. The expansion schedule calls for the expenditure of close to a million dollars. Deputy Quits County Post * Robert Larmark, for some time deputy sheriff, tendered his res­ ignation last week, effective at once. His home is in Fairborn. When he joined the sheriff’ s staff he took the place of Deputy Lewis McCoy who had resigned. Continues as Home Doctor A Xenia physician, Dr. S. G. Ellis, has been reappointed physi­ cian fo r the Greene county in­ firmary. The commissioners make the appointment. For making a t least a weekly routine visit to the home and reporting quarterly on his activities Dr. Ellis is to receive a salary of $520. SheiledCora FromLocalBins Goes Overseas m The Greene county _PMA had received orders to ship at once 20,000 bushels of shelled corn now in storage in bins on the ' New Jasper pike, to Baltimore fo r export. Joseph Mason, *PMA manager, says the corn will go out "shortly but the destination of-the ship­ ment is not -known, except that » ■will go overseas. The orders came from the Com­ modity Credit Corporation whiell purchased the grain to satisfy 1948 loans. There were 105 bins for corn storage erected late in 1949, and there 188,000 bushels of corn in storage, Mr. Mason reveals. Blue Baby Too Frail For Knife Bonnie Hurley, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EI- vin Hurley of Spring Valley, has been taking medical treatment at Miami Valley hospital, Day- ton. In-January, 1947, specialists in Johns-Hopkins advised against surgery to correct conditions that have continued since the child was bom a “ blue baby.” She has been frail throughout her life. 5,326 Dogs Tagged Records in the office of the county auditor show that 5,326 dog licenses were sold before the deadline. Of these 2,738 were sold by the 10 deputies over the county, and 2,589 at the auditor’s office. From now on licenses will cost $ 1 extra to those who failed to get in under the wire to meet the deadline. Horses Sell High A bay gelding owned by For­ rest Webb o f London brought $6,800 for top price o f the sale o f horses at the Washington C. H. fair grounds last week. Horse­ men from all over the country at­ tended and the stables were fill­ ed with some of the country’s best animals. Be Iviad Today .C U -H ^ 0 D £ l AND FOR YEARS TO COMES P£R' •%' ^ .5 0 VrtEK' Ar.,ERDo w h M W * ; fc -- ■* m Gim BECAUSE ••• it's a Real Home Freezer Zero- temperatureTor quick-freezing food and ice cubes. Keeps frijzen: food in prime condU tion as long as one year! it's a Big Refrigerator Never needs defrosting! Packed with usable features. As much food storage space as the ordinary 8-cubic-foot refrigerator. fM GLAD BECAUSE. it EHA l LECTR iC R E F - R I G E R A T O R - H O M E C O M B I N A T I O N . .■ y #1- G -E D ^ p e n d a b ill^ ^ t e ^ , .The famous G -E sealed-fn refrigerating tifilf gives you day-by-dav, year-after-year depend-* able service. Mote than 2,000,000 G -E Refrig-, erators have bsSA i» tot 10 years or. longer. iV Cedarville, Ohio