The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, February. 10, 1950 Tire Sale SATURDAY, FEB, 11 toFEB. 18 OnDunlopTires&TubesFinest QualityTireBuilt 0 OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE ON HAND Your John Deere & Frigidaire Dealer Cedarville Farm Implement & Supply Co. Phone 6-1781 Girl Scout Leader Hosts To Xenia Troop Girl Scout Troop No. 4, lead­ ers, Mrs. Amazio Metlon and Mrs. Wilbnr Weakley, entertained the Xenia Scout Troop No* 6, lead­ er ‘ Miss Helen Thompson, this ' past week in the scout room. A get acquainted paper was read and project ideas were exchang­ ed. Troop No. 4 is working on school bags to be sent over seas. Polowing the meeting refresh­ ments were served. Marilyn Markle To Wed Ensign Tacker, Mar. 4 Capt. and Mrs. G. L. Markle o f New London, Conn., formerly v o f Cedarville, are announcing the approaching marriage o f their younger daughter, Miss Marilyn, to Ensign Joe Carroll Tacker, who is stationed at Barber’s Point in Honolulu, Hawaii, The wedding will take place March 4 in the submarine bpse chapel in Honolulu, the same chapel ip which Miss Markle’s el­ der sister, Mrs, James H. Cro- nander (Joan Markle), was mar­ ried last April 19. Miss Markle, whose father is a navy chaplain at the U. S. Coastguard Academy in New London, is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C- Davis* Gedar- ville. She was graduated from Sullins Academy ip Bristol, Ya. . and attended the University o f Hawaii and Connecticut College fo r Women. The Markle family resided in fiftWPU several years ago when Chaplain Markle was stationed there. Ensign Tacker, whose home is in Corinth, Mich., served abroad the USS Buchanan in the Pacific area in the last war. He attend­ ed Mulhenherg College, Allen­ town, Pa. He received his com­ mission at Pensacola, Fla. and at presept is attached, to Squadron VU-7A at Barber's Point. ' TAKES POSITION Miss phyllis Frame, recently completed a beauty course at Fredericks Beauty school in Springfield, has accepted a pos­ ition in the Taylor Beauty shop in Jamestown. We Serve the Seller We Serve the Buyer 3 6 Properitiea Sold In this vicinity drying f §4 | 1950 Is an gppQrtpniiy year - W e pledge our Patrons our very best wor}? and cooperation to give our fu llest capacity_of Service. ANTHONY SPENCER Peal Estate Sales PHQNB Clifton 5743 Insurance gprifigfield §8371 DON'S MARKET GREEN FRONT — Phone 6-2041 1 THE TALK OF THE TOWN Low Prices r— fr ien d ly Service — 2 Experienced Me^t And Hours to Please You W E INVITE Y O U .T O PAY US A V ISIT YOU w i l l BE SATISFIED _ CHICKENS FROZEN Boiling Beef ........................... 29c lb . Chuck Roast .—...................... 49c lb . Hamburger .............................. 49c lb. Bulk Sausage ....................... r- ?§<* ]?: S lic e d B a con —:................. . 35 c g . Piece Bacon —.......................... 39c bt Jov/l Bacon —r— —- — =—; 1 §§ H?* NECKBONES — BRAINS Weiners ..................................... 45c lb. Lard ....................2 lbs. f o r .......... . 25c |Eggs ' ............. 29c doz I :30 Coffee 1 59c MU Can Milk Kenny Ige .. 10c FOODS ICE CREAM Club Steak ......... 5.9c lb. Sirloin Steak ........ <S9c Jh: Round Steak ----- ............... |g, T-bone ?8c lb; Tendgr — 9Sc lb. fork Steak ........................ 47© lfe* Pork Chop* center 57c lb. — L I V E R x PUDDING Franks Oleo Nu Maid .... .............. 39c lb . _______ _ 23c lb . Com 3 cans YourONESTOPMarket Clara Galloway' * To Wed John 0. Bradfute in June Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W. Gal­ loway, Pasadena, ‘ Calif., former­ ly o f Cedarville,.are announcing , the .betrothal o f thei^. daughter,„- Miss .Clara B. ^Galloway, to Mr?, John O. Bradfute, son Of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bradfute, east o f Xenia. The couple’s engagement first was revealed at a dinner party, in Toll Hall at Seripps College Claremont, Calif., where Miss Galloway is a senior and presi­ dent o f the student body. The couple will be married in June. Miss Galloway was graduated from Cedarville high school, pri­ or- to moving to California with her parents. During her junior and senior years at Seripps Col­ lege she received th e " Esterly' award fo r ’ scholarship and citi­ zenship. Mr. Bradfute is studying chem­ ical engineering at-Oh io -State1 University and will receive his - master’s degree in June. He is..-.- a member of Taxi Beta-Pi, hen-: ■ orary engineering fraternity. In the last war he served three .and a half years in the European area as a navigator in the army air forte. ' ‘ W.S.C.S. Has Luncheon; Mrs. . Plummer Speaks W. S. G. a- o f the Methodist Church met Wednesday fo r their luncheon meeting at the heme of Mrg, Frame. The devotions were led by Mrs. Carl Plummer. Miss Irene Goodman of James­ town was'guest speaker. Miss Goodman spoke on the “ Writing and Works o f Lauback.” The talk was very interesting, bemuse Miss Goodman is a friend and and has worked with Dr. Lauback, Luncheon committee was, Mrs. Mary Pickering, Mrs. Margaret Nelson, Mrs. Joe Gordon and Miss Boss Wiseman* TO HOLD SALE The Junior Grpup o f the Happy Worker's 4-H Club met Friday , evening at the home o f their leader, Mrs.-George Sheeley. The girls were named to. help at 3 bake sale to be fyo\d Saturday morping, Feb. 11 at 10 A. M. at the Deaton Hardware store in Yellqvf Springs. Girls named are ' Feyfc and Betsy Cook, Lois' Thay-' ‘ er, Diana Belter, Anne Herbert, Laberta Heck and Shirley Max* ton. , BIRTHDAY PARTY John Ky^e, Son o f B r . and Mrs..;; Donald Kyle celebrated his-12th ’ birthday Saturday evening. The guests came and played basket­ ball until dinner time and were served dinner by Mrs. Kyle. A ft­ er dinner the group went to the Cozy Theater, returning to the Kyle home fo r games. Guests were Bruce Cherry, David Par­ sons, Ronald Regs?, Bill Lister, Jackie Lfllich, Paul Staigers and the honored guest, Jphn- S PLEDGE BANQUET Members o f the College frat­ ernity Kappa Sigma Kappa, en­ tertained the pledges tq the frafc, eriilty with a banquet Saturday evening at the Bee and Thistle Restaurant. In Fairborn. Forty- one guests’ were present. ‘"New pledges are Beh‘ McNulty,"' Dan McNeal, Douglas OuUice, Donald Smith, Ruben Padio and Donald Swank. Pfgf, Janieg Ramsey, is th$ fraternity advisor. - • CLUB WILL- MEET The Home - Culture .will me?t on Tuesday, Febv- 21 at 2 o’cloc'j 'at tl^e home of Mrs. Mar* garet Payne, CLASS HOLDS HARD TIMES PARTY The Golden Rule Class held a “Hard Times” party in the Meth­ odist church, Thursday evening, Mrs._^Pearl Huffman led devo­ tions and a special prayer service -held. Plans were made to send a CARE- package overseas, lhe committee in charge was Mrs. Carl Plummer, Mrs. Fred Irvine and Miss Alene Cultice. Refreshments were served follow­ ing the prayer meeting. Wedding Date Of. Miss Jacobs Set for Mar. 4 ■ Miss Lois Pauline Jacobs, near Cedarville, and Mr. Lewis Thane Chitty, Bowersville, whose en­ gagement was announced in September, have-set March 4 as their'wedding date. Marriage vows will be exchang­ ed by the couple in a ceremony to b& performed- at.~the home of the bride’s parents, Mivand Mrs. Roy Jacobs. *Beginning at G:30 p. m. the service will be preceded by a pro­ gram of pianos music presented by Miss Wanda Jean Darding, near Jamestown. - »; '• The hride-elect.lias chosen her cousin, Miss Eleanor Jacobs, near Xenia, as her maid of honor and only attendant. Miss Jacobs, whose parents re­ side on. the- Cedarville College farm, was graduated from Jef­ ferson high school, Bowersville. She is employed in the business office of the Chew Publishing Co-, in charge of classified advertis­ ing. Hr. and Mrs. R. W. Chitty, Bowersville,. are the parents of the ^bridegroom-elect, who was’ also graduated from Jefferson schpol. He is engaged in farming. BAND MOTHERS CLUB The Band Mothers Club met Tuesday evening in the school house. A short business meeting was held after which Mrs. Mil­ dred Foster had charge of the en tertainment. Mrs. Frank Creswell, Mrs. Robert MacGregor and Mrs Bennington were in charge of the refreshments. TO, HONOR GALLOWAYS ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Galloway ■ of Pasadena, Calif, will be guests -o f '‘honor at a covered dish din ner given by the Beatty Bible class o f the Cedarville, United Presbyterian cbm^h hi the din in£j fctom Friday, February 17, at 6:30 P. M. Mr. Galloway was a forn\er:*teacher of the class. All friends whether members .of the church or- npt are invited. Each family is naked to bring table service and a covered dish. TAKES COURSE Mrs. Harold Reinliard, Troop Camp Chairman, of Greene coun­ ty attended a three-day camp training course for the Kppowa Area held in the; Y , W- C. A. in Cincinnati last week. The" course was conducted by Julia Peterkin and Marion Hoffman, from the National field staff o f region ,4. . The course took up all types of camping for girls and their coun­ cil, . ATTEND 0 . E. g. MEET ■- MrS* Edwin Bull’ and M'w. Her­ bert Pickering' attended a" ltuich- eop Saturday at Ewings ’Cafe­ teria in Urbapa for the Worthy Matrons artd associate Matrons Qf the ISth district of 0 . E. S. This- same day; Mrs. John Mills and Mrs. gird attended a lunch- -eoniin Urhana at Millqers Resta­ urant for Matrons^ of 1944 and ■1945 of Q, E. S. ' GOES TO PASTORATE Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams left Wednesday to visit the form­ er’s parents in Worthington be­ fore going to Jamestown, N. D. where Mr. Williams will be pas­ tor of the Jamestown Methodist church. He. has been attending college heYe and expects to -be o r -: dained in Jamestown. Mrs! Wil­ liams has been employed a t ' Confarr’s Pantry. FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs, Carl Ritenour entertained with a family din­ ner Sunday, honoring the birth­ days of Mrs. Ora Ritenour and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ritenour of Jamestown. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Ritenour and daughter o f Jamestown and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Ritenour and sons of Wilmington. CLASS TO MEET Tjhe McKibben Bible Glass of the U. P. Church will meet Tues­ day evening, Feb. 14 at the home ‘of-Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallis- ter. Assistant hostesses will he Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobbins and Mr. nad Mrs. Robert Bullen. The Addition of another Hair dresser to. oin* sta ff Miss Phyllis Frame, of Cedarville For your convenience Shop hours 8:30 A. M. daily ’ * V WednesdaysAllDay * ■ * . Evening by appointment ^ t V. *• ■» , V- »-,* '+?“•.* * • «*• ■*" -«- - * • ' f «•- . « •% A* *• ' •* Assured•- satisfaction ’in allj h^anty:W6rk“ •' * FACIALS A SPECIALITY TAYLOR’SBEAUTY SHOP Phone 4*4621 Ralph Taylor, mgr. Jamestown, Ohio ON TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Karbl Bull left last week for Washington D. C. to spend a few days with Cong­ ressman and Mrs.’ Clarence J. Brown. From there they will go to,. Florida to spend a few weeks. PERSONALS"' -- "M f. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor had as Sunday evening dinner guests Mi', and Mrs. Chester Loy and daughter, Sondra of Tipp City. Jimmy Ramsey, son o f Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey spent the week end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ramsey in Loveland. Mrs. W. W. Morton and son, Harold, of Louisville, Ky., are spending the week end with Mr. Ralph and Miss Ina Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jacobs spent Sunday in Columbus, where the latter’s father.A. J, Bowen is a patient in University hospital. Mr. Bowen will come to the Jac­ obs home this week from the hos­ pital. ----------- . ..n- . - n. i. . . i i, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilburn and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Townsley and family spent Sunday, in Ripley. Mr. nd Mrs. Charles Edinger and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edinger in Wil­ mington, Edwin Bull attended a meeting o f the Kraft Cheese Cbmpany in Chicago this week end, ' Mrs, Robert MacGregor, Re­ gional chairman o f Kenowa Area of Girl Scouts attended a region­ al meeting and luncheon in Col-, umhus, Thursday. * Mrs. Amos Frame entertained the Past Matrons of 0 . E. S. at her home Monday evening. Plans were made for instaiation ser­ vices. Following the business the group played Canasta and a des­ sert course was served by Mrs. Frame. Mrs. Delmar Jobe left Tuesday by plane fo r Atlanta, Georgia to spend a week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Beryl GrubaUgh. I / I I I TKESICa f A r t '& v w R r ffCSAR/WOS FEB. 10 THRU FEB. 25 INCLUSIVE 16 oi. COTTON MOP NOW { ) t Qoalitf HOUSE BROOM N O W 8 1 2 9 Wooden, Spring Typo Clothes Pins Large 334” Good qua l i t y hardwood; rust- proofed spring, double dipped for ^ "Unlvowal"®* Luiick K it with pint bottle Roomy kit with large f o o d compartment .and 'Aluminum cup atop pint bottle. See it to appreci-... ate it! NAIL i a n p u H i m j M«d* by ' ‘PIuwV 1 ' nuvs ^ 1 . 8 9 / : m i m 16 ” kindle Pluicibax Black or Brown S t a i r T r e a d s High quality, 9 " x 18" size for- years of service. A w m a m Lavge SI 02 . size Dsinkittg Classes Gaily colored, beautiful, red, green and tangerine deeontion "Poppy” design. I N V L N T O R Y C L E A R A N C E S A L E 10 em it sis* Calvaulsodl Pail tT)ll - kmrw'ft manufacturer’s; shw - dipped,, good quality pan. Truly a bargain at our . I N V E N T O R Y C L E AR AN C E SALE Wan, nipped I « n ty Olovei Warm, tight - wr i s t ed brown seal color gloves. l W' a S& kv / i r r T ’ Chrome Swinging SINK FAUCET, Heavy chrome finish, all-brass construction. mmm ;W:¥:¥:V:-; oi-iW-” ^ "H a m i l t o n fS Tool and! Tackle Box'' Beautiful green enameled steel box with cantilever tray, Push­ button lock. Size 14V* JS x4V2" / INVENTORY CL EAR A.NCE SALE A DRAWING ON FEB 25th at 9:00 P. M. FOR FREE PRIZES *'»,*.^ ,Cedarville, Ohio