The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
K** m 9 3 The Cedarville, O. Herald HOMS CULTURE CLUB MEETS AT PAYNE HOME The Home Culture Club: met Tuesday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Margaret Payne. Mrs. H. H. Brown presided over the busi ness meeting. The group voted to give five dollars to the Red Cross and plans were made for the club to take part in the an nual. May festival o f which Mrs. Paul Elliott is the program chair man. Mrs. Ira Vayhinger gave a report on the Musical Concert series to be held in Xenia. Games and contests for the afternoon were in charge of Mrs. Paul El liott and Mrs. Chester Murphy. Mrs. Payne was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Akin in serving .refreshments. CLASS TO HOLD FEBRUARY EETING • The Wesley Class will have their February meeting at the Methodist Church, Sunday even ing, February 26 at 6:30. Bring covered dish- arid table service. CLUB HAS The 12 Club held a covered dish 6TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Mai'y Lou, daughter o f Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Pfeiffer cele brated her sixth birthday with a party Saturday afternoon. Mov ing pictues were taken of the group-with the birthday cake. Ice cream was served with the cake and baskets o f candy and books were given •as favors. Guests were, Wanda LeForge, Marsha Ramsey, Gale Ann Stokes, Sue and John Rife, Joe Erwin, Mar jorie, Jerry and Jim Erwin, Sally Lafferty and Peggy Ferguson.^ COVERED DISH DINNER dinner, Friday evening" at the homg o f Mrs. Ralph Truesdale. The evening was spent playing games. The march meeting will be held at the home o f Miss. Dor is Truesdale. NOTE CHANGE IN DATE The Research Club will have their guest night, Friday even ing, March S, at the home o f Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle. AT HOME OF DAUGHTER HERE Mrs. Anna Grace Kyle, who has been at the home o f her daughter in Ashland is at the home o f her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and: Mrs. William Laf ferty to spend several months. KENSINGTON CLUB WITH MRS. STORMONT Mrs. Warren Barber gave a paper on “Mental Hygiene" when the Kensington Club met Thurs day afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Meryl Stormont. Roll call was answered by giv ing a “Health. Rule," Eighteen members were served a dessert course by Mrs. Stormont. SPEND SUNDAY IN COLUMBUS Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Richards* and Mr. Richard's father spent Sunday in Columbus with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards and family. RETURNS TO HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs, Wilbur Lemons returned home Wednesday after a major operation in Springfield City hos pital, last wek. CONNIE AGNOR CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Connie Kay Agnor, daughter o f . Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor cel ebrated her fifth birthday Sun day afternoon with a party. “Happy Birthday" was sung to Connie and Elizabeth Ann P ra -' mer, who also has a birthday this week. Ice cream was served with the birthday cake 'and baskets o f candy were given as favors. Connie received many lovely gifts. 'The guests present were: Eliz abeth Ann Pramer, Roberta Wiseman, Delsie Rigio, Wanda LeForge, Larry Sipe, Frankie Stewart, Iris Frame, Margie Spitler, Ann Arthur and Janice, Ronald and Joyce Ann Mossman o f Jamestown. Other guests were Mrs. Howard Arthur, Mrs. Har ry Mossman, Mrs. Jennie Agnor and Sondra Sue Agnox*. ANNOUNCE BIRTH o f S o n Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Bud) Irvine are announcing the birth of a son .Monday evening in th e . Springfield City Hospital. This is their second son. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brewer are the maternal grandparents and Miv and Mrs. Fx-ed Irvine are the paternal grandparents. ENJOY ICE FISHING IN LAKE ST. CLAIR Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings spent the weekend* in Detroit. They enjoyed ice fishing in Lake St. Clair, DON'SMARKET - « GREEN FRONT — Phone 6-2041 FREE $10.00BasketofGroceries EACH WEEK FOR (5 ) FIVE WEEKS STARTING MARCH 4th and ENDING APRIL tot W ith each 50c purchase you will receive a token slip - I f you buy $1.0Gf you will get (2 ) token slips - $1 .50 3 token slips and so on. DRAW ING W ILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY NIGHTS A T 8 :3 0 P. M . (You Do Not Have to Be Present to Win) Start getting your token slips now. The more you have In the BO X , the Better Chance For You E gg s ............ 28c doz. 7:30 Coffee .. 65c lb. Potatoes 15 lb . .. 47c Salt Fish .... 25c lb. Franks.........39c lb. Weiners.......49c lb. Hamburger.. 49c lb. Lard 2 lbs........ < Flour Gold Medal 5 lbs............... 49c Can Corn No. 2 10c Frozen Red Perch .........39c lb. SI. Bacon.....35c lb. OleoNu MaM 19c lb. Pork Steak .. 49c lb [ Sugar .... 5 lb s ... 48c Milk Car. Wil. 2-25c Tomatoes No. 2 2-25c Ice Crqam .... 25c pt. Hens.. . . . ...... 57c lb. a Fryers....... 65c lb. Oysters tins 69c. pt. MRS. JACOBS ENTERTAINS FOR NIECE In honor of her >approaching marriage to Mr. Lewis Thane Chitty o f Bowersville, Miss Lois Jacobs, was feted at a xnisce^an' eoxxs “ shower" at the home of h e r5aunt,-Mrs. Martin Jacobs, near Bowersville, •Friday even ing. Co-hostesses were the bride- elect’s cousin, Miss Eleanor Ja cobs, and Mrs. Fred Jacobs, aunt o f the honor guest. During the social hour, Miss Rita Parks sang two solos, “ The Little French Clock" and “ Sweet hearts." A contest prize won by Mrs. Huston Evans was present ed to Miss Jacobs. An ice course was served to fifty guests by the co-hostesses. Decorations employed a ^color scheme o f red and white and Valentine appointments. Miss Jacobs will be -married to Mr. Chitty on March 4 at 6:30 p. nx. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobs near Ce darville. The bridegroom-elect is .the son o f Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chitty, Bowersville. SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. RusSell Wisecup had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bairds r,nd family of South Charleston. SUNDAY- GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Truman Carr and Mrs. Mary Carr spent Sunday with Mrs. Tinsley Com and Miss Leola Corn. GARDEN CLUB MEETS The. Green Thumb Garden Club met at the home of- Mrs. Ralph Rife. S. River Road, Tuesday aft ernoon, with Mrs. Joseph A. Fin ney, Jx\, as co-hostesses. For roll call, members named an early flower. The program was “ Con servation and Birds." Mrs. Char les Eckman and Mrs. Robert Pax- son had charge of the program. W. S. C. S. TO HOLD LUNCHEON MEETING The W. S. C. S. will hold their lunsheon meeting in the Metho dist Chux-ch Wednesday, March X, at l?:30. A special pro'gram on “Japan” is planned. Luncheon served at noon. Bring table ser vice and penny boxes. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Susie Reynolds, daughter of Mx*. and Mrs. David Reynolds, treated all her first grade friends to cookies and ice cream, last Friday, celebrating her seventh birthday. Friday evening, Susie entertained Janet and Janette Haxnex* and Wanda Lee Forge to dinner. •ATTEND TEA ' IN DAYTON , Several ladies from here at tended a tea, Tuesday 'afternoon at the home of Mrs.'P. H. Clark in Dayton. Mrs. Clark entertain ed for her mother Mrs. W-, W. Galloway. Fr. Sausage.. 30c lb. Boiling Beef 29c lb* Jowl sq ....... 19c lb. Neckbones - Spareribs - Liver - Brains - Tongue - Hearts ForKIDDIESOnly A sucker w ill be given free with each loa f o f bread purchase by cash Saturday Feb. 25 COMPARETHESEPRICES YOUR ONE STOP MARKET Quick and Friendly Service Ji £ f Y ou CanSaveat Don’s Listings Invited % * We Serve the Seller We Serve the Buyer i * 36* Properties Sold in this vicinity during 1949 ) 1950 is an opportunity year - W e pledge our Patrons our very best V » - ** «* ***** * « work and cooperation to give put fullest c a p ic ity ^ f 'Service. ' ANTHONY SPENCER Real EstateBales JS. PHONE Clifton 5743 Insurance Springfield 28371 HONORED_ON -BIRTHDAY Mrs.. Arthur Cultice was hon- r lfiuQ birthdaV» when Mrs. Cnarles Rhubert entertained a friends at hcr home; Thursday evening, ,,The • group, spent., the evening playing Can- gStcL GO TO TEXAS TQ VISIT DAUGHTER ..Sf* and Mrs. John Bickett of Clffton left Tuesday to visit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Ward Creswell and family in ban Antonio, Texas. They ex pect to be gone two weeks. BETURN FROM FLA. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wil liamson are home after spend ing five weeks in Florida. KYN CLUB TO MEET Bhe KYN club will meet at the home ofpMrs. Pearl Sexton Friday afternoon Feb. 24. Enter tainment committee, Mrs. How ard Arthur and Mrs. Rankin Mc Millan.' All are ■'asked to wear house dresses. 4-H <^LUB"'GIVEN VALENTINE PARTY . Mrs.-Norman Huston and Mrs. George Sheeley were hostesses for _a valentine party of the Junior. Leadership 4-H club of of Greene county at the shelter house, Tuesday evening. Clara Sejcton, Joan Sheeley and Donald Wiechei’s were in charge of ar rangements. Followiiig a short business meeting, the evening wag- spent in games and dancing. Re freshment committee was Faye Huston and Dianna Brightmari, FORMER EMPLOYES OF LOCAL CONCERN MEETS Mr. Lloyd Confarr invited a group of men, former e m p l o y o f Hagar Paper Company, to the shelter house to visit with Mr. Galloway. Refreshments were served the group. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway from Pasadena, Calif., are visiting relatives and friends here and in Xenia. "ENTERTAINS GIRLS’ CLUB Mrs. Elmer Sparks entertained the Girls’ Club of the Nazarene Church at her home Monday eve ning. A special advance program was held for four girls who ad vanced from Pathfinders to Cab in Helpers. Girls were, Glenna Nance, Gladys Harvel, Deskie Spencer and Myrtle Vest. Fol lowing the regular meeting the group attended a program at the community club on first aid, at Clifton. The program was given by Fairborn Fire Department. Next meeting o f the girls club will be Feb. 27 at the home o f ■Rev. Paul Hesler. • ■ - CELEBRATES- 12th BIRTHDAY Dolly Ritenour. daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Carl Ritenour, celebrat ed: her 12th birthday Tuesday everting, When scout troop No. 48 met at the shelter house. Follow- the scout meeting Dolly served cookies and soft drinks to all the girls present. Egg Purchase Is Continued . The de'partrixent of agriculture announces that it will continue for the month of March to sup port egg prices at levels' reflect ing an average price to produc ers of at a least 25 cents a doz en for shell—eggs the same as the January-February price. This is the price that vendors who sell dried eggs to the department un der its current price support pro grams must certify that they have paid producers. Herbert S. Nonneman, munici pal representative of the Dayton Power and Light * company and well known in Miami Valley for his activities in community af fairs, will be chairman of service area division of the $2,275,000 Miami Valley hospital building campaign. Organization of soliciting groups under the leadership of Nonneman is under way in a num ber of Miami valley communities which a're served by the hospital. It is expected that contributions of industry, business and individ uals will be sought in the entire Montgomery county as well as some centers outside of the coun ty from whence come patients to the Miami Valley hospital. Hospital records show that in the past year nearly 3,000 patients from these communities were car ed for at the hospital. Jamestown is one of the communities from which eight or more patients came last year. Young Methodists W in Banner Again The young folk of the Meth odist church in Spring Valley won the attendance banner fo r the third time at a youth conference held in the Morrisville church, Clinton county. Of the 100 in at tendance, 23 were from Spring Valley. Rev. E. R. Briggs is their pastor. Joan Campbell On Television Miss Joan Campbell, Ohio Wes leyan coed, sang on WLW-C tele vision “ Campus Calling" program Sunday afternoon. She is the daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Colin Campbell of Washington C. H. She was graduated from Wash ington high school last June. Hospital Ends Year in Black Greenfield’s municipal hospital ended the year 1949 with a bal ance of about $600. The institu tion’s total business ran over $52,000. There were over 1,000 admissions to the hospital, of which 185 Were medical, 152 surgical and 363 obstetrical. A total of 340 babies were born in the hospital in the year. VOTER LIST PARED The names of 1,215 names have been removed from the list of elegible voters in Xenia, Fair- boi'n and Yellow Springs. Records show those whose names were pulled have not voted in two years. Safe Warmth for uttie pigs Ullle pig, kepi worm and dry in ftonw-ma* fcreota m fowl Iy«i Form, R. R. # 1 , Milford Cantor, Ohio ______ Electric Brooder saves early pigs for profitable maiketing ^ * ' ' r* s * " - Little pigs farrowed in cold weatherh aw a hard time keep ing warm without getting hurt by the heavy sow rolling over on themJLTse o f an electric brooder reduces the.loss o f little pigs as much as 50% during the first 5 to 10 days—- according to I, RB lauser, Agricultural Engineering Special- ist o f the Ohio State University. , New bom pigs, farrowed in time fo r ’ finishing during the best marketing season, need a warm comer where they can be kept safe and comfortable. Factory-made electric pig brooders are available, but any farmer can make practical home-made ones such as the five used on the Paul Ryan Farm, R .R . # 1 , M ilford Center, Ohio. Most common method is the use o f an incandescent lamp o f 100 to 150 watts, mounted in a suitable reflector— even an o ld alriSminum dishpan w ill do. Some use the new 150 watt heat lamp w ith built-in reflector. Others use strip o r space heaters o f 150 to 200 watts, or an infra-red heat lamp. Costs range from one to - have to be bought. An infra-red heat lamp with rheostat fo r varying butput o f the lamp m cmt as much 35 fifteea | dollars. . For drawings and plans for making home-made pig i brooders, see your county agricultural agent, the local voca- j tional teacher, or the farm. representative o f your electric * service company. * ,v... *• • - - ' -.•*-••«* *-•• - ’• . '•VI-’ The Dayton P o w e p h lN t o Company run* Jn— "lUCTWC' fc*lSuA%?; 9:00 PM.— YtHlQ 8(1BRIGHTER! C* t\C, 3 All a c fiv r l). S. chan nels. Beautiful, mahog any veneered cabinet. Striking :'design. See Model 12T3 This beauty o f a table model brings you General Electric Day light Television at a low, low price. Big 10-inch direct-view tube. 80% brighter than ordinary television under the same condi- tions. Easy on your eyes because you view programs in normally lighted rooms —no need to sit in darkness! Performance-engi neered at Electronics $229.95 (Plus tax. Installation extra.) (Jome In and See Other Models Now On Display Cedarville, Ohio An Important Message i General Marshall A strong red cross means a stronger America. With its hosi: o f volunteers the Red Cross brings relief to the victims o f disaster. . . gives comfort to the hospitalized soldier and veteran . : : . helps relieve the anxieties o f the serviceman and his fam ily. . . provides,' in many communities, life-giving blood to the sick and injured. Each year the millions who need help and the millions who want to help are broughttogetherthroughtheRed Cross; This voluntary effort in behalf o f our neighbors strengthens the fibres o f democracy. . So 1 ask you to respond to the call for help this year as youlxave always responded before—with a kind and ge^eroRsheart. ' life You, too, can help through Your RED CROSS GMNOW f
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