The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, February 1950' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carter (Jo an Shaw) Columbus pike are an nouncing the birth o f twins, a son and a daughter, at Haines hospital, Jamestown,. Thursday ‘ afternoon. Ray Schwartz r e p r e s e n t s Greene county on the board o f di- dectors o f the Southwestern Ohio Ayrshire Breeders Association. Eleven counties were represented at a meeting held one evening last week in Wilmington, GOES TO MATOS Dr. Joseph Craig, Washington G. H., has a three year fellowship in Mayos hospital at Rochester, Minn. His uncle Winchel! Craig, has been on the Mayo staff fo r several years. INJURES HAND The end o f a finger had to be amputated when Clarence Sey mour caught his hand in a ma chine at the M. Hamm company's plant at Washington C. H. SPECIALS PRODUCE White Grapefruit............4 f o r ................29c Lettuce (Lge Heads) 2 f o r ..........25c Bananas..................................2 lb s ........... 33c Red Potatoes..................... 10 lb s .............. 59c Pink Grapefruit........... . 3 f o r ..............25c Tomatoes......... . (1 lb. C e lo )............ ;... 19c STAPLES Aunt Jemima 1 lb. box Devil’s Food Cake & Silver Cake M ix ......Both for 37c Special Red Kidney B ean s .............. Any Perk & B ean s............... .. Three Spaghetti........................l ._ 3 for 29c Sauer K rau t..................... A Real Dry Lima Beans........... . Buy Nu Maid ....................... ...................... . 23c lb. Joan o f Ark Kidney Beans.... 2 f o r .... 25c MEATS Fresh Side F rank s .................. ___ 39c lb. 39c lb. Jowl Bacon......... ........... ....... 19c lb. Sliced Bacon ................. Boiled H am ............. . ...... 98c lb. Arm Swiss. Steak.......... ........69c lb. A ll Beef Grade "A ” RSOIO fl^ivASH ANDGARRY N. Main Si. Cedarville, O. T ire Sale SATURDAY, FEB, 11 toFEB. 18 OnDunlopTires&TubesFinest QualityTireBuilt Birthday Party f Qr Gale Ann Stokes Gale Ann Stokes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stokes celebrated her fHth birthday with a party Saturday afternoon. The after noon was spent'"with games, and pictures were taken o f the group with the birthday cake. Guests were served ice cream with, the cake and balloons were given as favors. A pink and white color scheme was used. * Guests present were, Barbara and Byron Bramse, Sandra and Sue Wahlschlaeger, Connie and John Campbell o f Springfield, Marsha Ramsey, Mary Lou Pfief- - fer, Bobbie Baldwin, Barbara Mott and Joellen Stokes and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Long o f New Car lisle. Mrs. MacGregor New Head of Research Club Mrs. Robert W . MacGregor of Cedarville was elected president o f the Cedarville Research Club fo r 1950-51 at the club.’s lunch eon and business meeting at the home o f Mrs. Charles Duvall, Thursday-afternoon- Mrs, MacGregor succeeds Mrs. Karlh Bull, other officers elected were Mrs, Duvall, vice president; Mrs. J . S, West, secretary, and Mrs. C. R. Wagner, treasurer. The new officers will assume charge o f the September meet- i ing. Plans were made fo r the club to join with other Cedarville women’s clubs in sponsoring a May Music Festival'this year. Details o f the festival will he an nounced later. Preceding the business session, .luncheon was served at quartet tables decorated with red tapers, red carnations and Valentine ap pointments. At each cover w e re ' Valentine packages of pralines sent to the club by Mrs. Bull, the retiring president, who is on va cation in Florida. BIBLE CLASS HAS VALENTINE PARTY The McKibben Bible Class o f the U. P. Church met Tuesday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallister. Valen tine decorations were used and a covered dish dinner was served to 45 members. Devotions were given by Emile Finney. Mrs. Paul Townsley and Mrs. Willard Tobin were in charge o f enter tainment. Mr. and Mrs. McCal lister were assisted by Mr. and Mrs, Harold Dobbins and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullen. TRAIL BLAZERS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Elmer Sparks entertain ed the Trail Blazer Club, (the young girls o f * the ~Nazarene church) *€tt her home Monday evening. The motto was given by Deskie Spencer, purpose was giv en by Delma Spencer, pledge was given by Myrtle V e s t and Daisy Spencer, Code o f Ethics was g iv en by Glenna Nance and Pat Howel, Pledge to flags was giv en by Gladys Howel. A short talk on purpose of the club was given by Mrs. Paul Hes- ler, assistant leader. The girls are making dolls to be sold. More details about this later. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Sparks, FARM BUREAU COUNCIL MEETS Farm Bureau Council No. 8 met Friday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman. A discussion “ Building Our Own iSeeurity” , was led by William Clevelle. Fourteen members were present and refreshments were served by Mrs. Wiseman. MOTHERS GUESTS OF GIRL SCOUTS * Members o f the Girl Scout Troop No. 48 entertained their mothers with a valentine party at the shelter house, Tuesday after school. The girls had charge o f the program and served re freshments; o f punch, cookies and candies. Each mother was-given a valentine. Mrs. Wilburn and Miss-Murphy are the Scout Lead ers. 25 % 0 OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE ON HAND Your John Deere & Frigidaire Dealer Cedarville Farm Implement & Supply Co. Phone 6-1781 CHURCH LADIES MEET Ladies o f the Church o f God held an all day meeting and cov ered dish dinner Wednesday at the home o f Mrs. Maynard Neff. The day was spent working on missionary projects. D. A . R, TO MEET IN XENIA The Cedar Cliff Chapter of the D. A. R. will hold their Febru ary meeting, Wednesday, Feb ruary 22 at 2 P. M. at the home o f Mrs. O. J. Burnett, .Detroit Street in Xenia. VALENTINE PARTY Brownie Scout Troop No. 15 held a valentine party in the scout room Tuesday evening after school. Refreshments were served the group by their leader, Mrs. Paul Cummings. TO TAKE PICTURES The photographer from Rogers studio in Springfield will be at the clerk’s office Friday today) to take the pictures honoring the coupons sold by the Legion Aux iliary. Time 9 A. M. to 7 P, M. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Mrs. Don Swank was taken to Miami Valley hospital Monday night for an emergency 1 opera tion. Mr. Swank is a student at Cedarville College. ' BUY LARGE FARM , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sprack- len have purchased from Edwin and Maude Dean a 143-acre farm in Xenia township, _ . s,i PAGING, MAMA . . . Clifford Medeiros calls for his mom after their arrival at t a Gtiardla Field, from Munich. They are en route to Havana to join Had, ex-G.*.i who returned to Munich to marry fraulein met during the war. AUXILIARY MEETS =•■ . WITH- MRS. EDINGER — The Legion Auxiliary met Monday evening* at the home of Mrs. Charles Edinger for their . regular meeting. The meeting was opened by the -president, Mrs. Greer MfcCallisteh: and" prayer was given by the .chaplain, Mrs. H, K. Stormont.. The constitu tion was read by Mrs. Virgil Sticka and accepted by the unit. The Auxiliary will with the Legion Post, Thursday, Feb. 23, at the shelter house for* a social evening. CLASS SEES FILMS The Broadcasters class met Tuesday evening in the Presby terian church. Devotions were led by Mrs. Combs and a prayer ser vice was conducted. Three film shorts were shown by Rev. El- wood Palmer. The films were of Xenia fair,*Nagley Fruit Orchard and a missionary film. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Combs, Mrs. Turner and Miss Irma Cres- well. HONOR BIRTHDAYS College girls living at Harri- man Hall and Mrs. James Ramsey gave a party Mondy evening, honoring the birthdays of Misses Mary Elizabeth French and Sue Caudill. BLAKE-HARPHANT Announcement is made of the marriage o f Miss Charlotte Har- phant, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Karphant o f Clifton, and Edward Blake, son Of Mrs.'Addie Blake o f South Charleston, on Feb. 4 in Richmond, Ind. The couple are residing in Springfield, where Mr. Blake is employed by Silver’s Freight Co. Mrs. Blake, a graduate o f Gedar- ville high school; is employed at the J. C. Penney Go. UNDERGOES SURGERY John Barnett, underwent a major' operation last week in the Good Samaritan hospital in. Day- ton. Mr. Barnett is employed at the local saw mill. WHO’S RUNNING IT? There will be no argument on the statement that Greene county has njany o f the best farmers* (businessmen who till land as an enterprise) •to be found in the world. Who will answer this question? Just who is running those farms under the present plan of control? “ The farmers are, “ some one answers. That suits us exactly. Nothing else does. PARAGRAPHS Until such a time as you have your income tax paid don’t think o f Bessie Simpson Widnsor, the dukess, bent over a hot type writer ' writing " a story' for a magazine. Doctors advise men not to take their work home with them. They shbuldn’t scold Chris Mc Carty, Pittsburgh railroad .yard worker, though. When he got home the other evening the PRR had dumped eight freight cars in his front yard. Quotes: “ Hitler will always b‘es news.” An author says ,so. But we get breaks with items , about movie actress’ seven-months ia -. bies. now and then. Wanda Jean LeForgis Has Birthday Party ■ Wanda Jean LeForge, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeForge, Was honored on her sixth birth- •-day with a party at her hojne Saturday • alifterr^on. Guests spent the* afternoon playing records, A large cake centered the table and the guests were served ice cream centered with a 6 . Favors of hearts filled with suckers were given each child. * Guests present were, “ Peachie" Pramer, Delsie Rigio, Margaret Ann McMillan, Patty and gene Spitler, Susie Reynolds, Janet and Janette ihirnc-r, Con nie Agnor, Marsha Ramsey, Mary Lynn Jones, IteWria W-iser man, Jim Ramsey, Mrs* i}. (*o?~ satte, Mrs. Wttbttf W w s p fV'4 Mrs. David Ramsey, REV. HESLER ‘ SPEAKS TO GROUP The Missionary (Jrnsy &\et the Nazarene /-irwi'. regular meeting, ' ening. Mrs. Mary ?>Vgi over the meeting ##4 & tuSs-riv,';- ary talk y/aa given ler. The members •trt&V Alabaster Boxes this jn.oney .is used for mission^>y work. The study course on 4<j^&pAn,, was led by Mrs* Nea'i. FINISHES IN LAW AT NORTHERN Mr. and Mrs, John Peterson and daughter of Ada called on friends here Saturday. Mr, Peter s o n graduated from Ohio,North ern Law School and took his bar .examination in Columbus last ■week. Mrs. Peterson operates a tea room on the College Campus. Mr. Peterson is the son of Mrs. Clara Peterson and was a form er Cedarville resident, HOME CULTURE CLUB TO MEET , . The Home Culture Club will .meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Margaret Payne. Members are asked to bring items fo r the box to be sent to Germany. Personals Mrs. J. N. Liggett has return ed to her home in Ripley, after spending "several days with her sister, Mrs. J. S. West. Sunday guests at the West home were Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery West and family of Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeForge rad as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pitstick and son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert "Stapf of Hamilton, Richard Gray, Miss Betty Goche- now of Mt. Sterling, Mr, and Mrs. William Jones and daughter and Sir. and Mrs. David Ramsey and daughter. Mr- .and Mi’S, Harold Reinhard >e*usw4 Wednesday from Cleve land they visited the form- Mrs* Camp, and Mr. and Mrs, Uohett Camp and daughter, Mrs, HaAie MltefceSJ, James- fawn aperA Ttie&fey vMh Mt. sad Mr», Vs> llzmM&rdner. Pt'it. Mrs, James Ramsey « , 4 eon and Mrs. 0 . W; Ba rmey i>i npent Sunday vrizb ’Mr, and Mrs- Ear! Huffman in Alpha, Sire, A<hn Barlow spent the weekend in Columbus with her a ml family, Mr. and Sirs. Willard Bar low and son. Mrs. A. F. Huish and son, Geof frey, of Rushville, Ind., were the gu& 5 t 3 of Mrs. Huish’s father, Dr. Ii. A. Jamieson, from Thurs day to Saturday., Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Murphy, Ogden, Illinois, visited last week at the, home of their aunt, Mrs. Tinsley Com, and Miss Alta Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and Miss Alta Murphy spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Tru man Carr (Dora Murphy) of Lakeview. Miss Madge McCleary of Springfield spent this weekend with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huff man and daughter. John and Miron Williamson spent three days in Buffalo, N. Y. this week. Miss Gloria Abels spent the week end in ' Spencerville with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Abels. .Mr. and Mrs. Allen Turnbull, Cleveland called on relatives here on Sunday. ATTEND DAYTON MEETING & ... Mrs. Tom Hamer, Mrs. Rob ert Huffman, Mrs. David Rey nolds, Mrs. Guy LeForge and Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup attended a, meet ing o f the W. S. G. S. in Grace Methodist church in .Dayton on Wednesday evening/ Devotions were led -by Mrs. Gaston Foote and the speaker o f the evening was Mrs. George Barber of Cin cinnati, past president o f Church Federation council of Church Women and was also a delegate to Amsterdam Conference. Mrs. Barber spoke in the “ Economical Church.” Following the meeting refreshments were served in the church dining room. 31ES. WILBURN DIES Mrs. Mary Wilburn, step-moth er e l Fred Wilburn, died at her home in Jeffersonville, Tuesday morning. Burial was made in Koontz cemetery, Milledgeville, Thursday afternoon? CAN YOU DO IT? One o f Rud/ard Kipling's “H ’s is, “I f you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs.” . . .Kip must have been to a basketball game. Church Improved Grace Methodist church, Wash ington C. H., has dedicated its fellowship hall recently included in a general remodeling plan. Some 200 people attended the first meeting held in the new room last week. TO BUILD PLANT Construction of the new plant of the Randall company o f Cin- -cinnati at Wilmington begins soon. About 120 persons will be employed. The public schools of Circle- ville were closed the latter part of the week because of an epi demic of flu. Miss Bo'sfs Pupils Give A Recital Students of Miss Nancy Bost, Music Department o f Cedarville College were presented in a form al recital in the United Presby terian Church Saturday evening. The Candy Tree, Janet McMil lan; Little Polish Dance, Gypsy Camp, Marylee Cummings; Sky Pilot, Tin Soldiers, Connie Engle; Reverie, Ronald Harner; Vocal solo-The Second Minuet, Linda Gordon; The Country Fiddler, The Elevator, Loretta Ferrell; The Strauss,Waltz, Carolyn Thor- dsen; Hallellujab, Liebestraum, Jane Dobbins; Barcarolle, Dolly Ritenour; Vocal soIo-There Are Fairies at the Bottom o f Our Garden, Loretta Ferrell; The Fairy Wedding, Joy Evans. Minuet, Lynn Cummings; Come Dance With Me, Evening Prayer from “Hansel and Gretal, Doris Reynolds; Vocal solo- Alice Blue Gown, Linda Gordon; The Mu sic Box, Dianne Reiter; Arkan sas Traveler, Jane McMillan; Lul- laby-Brahms, Peggy Burr; Skat ers Waltz,- Janice Wilburn; Vo cal solo-The Big Brown Bear, Loretta Ferrell; Hungarian Rhap sody, Ted Reiter; Ritual Fire Dance, Kay Leffel; Arganaise, Claire de Lnne, Joan Nash; Ari oso-Bach, Waltz in C Sharp- Chopin, Shirley Powers, Dream o f Olwen-piano, organ, Anne Huffman and Miss Bost. DROPS SERVICE The D. T. & I. Tailroad, serv ing Jeffersonville and Fayette county, has discontinued its pas senger service on the train that carried a mail and passenger coach. Howard Chamberlain, the Cin cinnati newscaster, and a fine fellow if you know him, discus sing the Truman budget said it was for $42,000. That’s as high as a newsman can go. NEW ELKS HOME Washington C. H. Elks Lodge has purchased a large brick house on North Main street and will convert it into a new home. FUTURE LOOKSROSY*. Gen eral Motors board ’chairman-* Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.,, dons rose-'? Colored glasses to emphasize his prediction of a big year for busi ness. He was attending a lunch- ^ eon in New York marking intro-' auction of G.M.’s 1950 models. TO CLOSE STORES Xenia retailers have agreed to' close stores on Wednesday, after noons. .HOMEMAKERS CLASS Dr. Biekett’s class (now to be called the Homemakers class) o f the Clifton United Presbyterian Ghurch, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck. Omer Spar row led in devotions. A business meeting followed. The remainder of the evening was spent in en joying movies shown by "Mr. Beck; games and stunts. Mr. and ■?Mrs. Sparrow were assistant host and hostesses. Delicious re freshments of ice cream, straw- fe r r ie s and coffee or cocoa were :served. Just before the members went home each was handed a .comic valentine which was read .jand Jaughed about, , "OBLIGATION NIGHT SET Cedarville Chapter No. 418 O. E. S., will meet at 8 P. M. Monday in the Masonic hall. Mary Pickering, Worthy Matron, and JohiB Mills, Worthy Patron, will preside. “ Obligation night” will be ob served during session. Edwin Bull, chairman o f social hour, follow ing the meeting. The Worthy Matron asks each and every member to make every effort to attend. ..TO PLAY TRUMPET ' Sue Cotter, daughter of Mr. and Sjtrs. Robert Cotter, will play a trumpet solo, with the Shrine Band, in the Shrine Temple in Dayton Friday even- ,ing. Sue’s grandfather, Dan Marshall,, is aTmember of the bands* TAKES XENIA POSITION Miss Doris Truesdale, Cedar- ville, has taken a position in the business office of the Chew Pub lishing Co. She replaces Miss Lois Jacobs, Cedarville, who is re signing and will be married to Lewis Thane Chitty "of Bowqrs- ville on March. 4. ALUMNI TO MEET The Greene county Wilberforce alumni association club will, meet Tuesday, Feb. 21 , at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Ida Dabney, vvUberforce. MRS. MITCHELL HOSTESS The Womans Club met Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. m . Mitchell. The after noon was spent sewing and re freshments were served by Mrs. Mitchell.-- BIRTHDAY PARTY _Judy Wiseman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman, was honored on her tenth birth* “ ay at a family dinner, Tuesday evening at the home of her bro ther, Mr. and Mrs. August Wise- man of Springfield. / RETURNS TO CHICAGO Mrs. Frank Cooper has- re signed her„ position at the Field and returned to Chicago this weekend with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will make their home there until Mr. Cooper finishes school. BIG CROWD OUT • About 700'persons ^tended the meeting 0f the Producers Live stock , association • Fayette county, - TEACHES a g a i n After an absents _of a month because of illness Miss Joan Van Pelt bas resumed her teaching in Milledgeville. . Sunday a new church auxiliary building was dedicated by the Baptist church in Blanches,tsr. Dr. Jeremiah o f Dayton made the address. * m m W I D E S H E t r C L E A N I N G ! A DRAWING ON FEB 25th at 9:00 P. M . FOR FREE PRIZES Cedarville, Ohio Listings Invited We Serve the Seller - W e Serve the Buyer 36 Properities Sold in this vicinity during 19491 x -ft 1950 is an opportunity year - We pledge our Patrons Pur very best work and cooperation to give our fullest capacity_o£ Service. ANTHONY SPENCER Real Estate Sales Clifton 5743 PHONE Insurance Springfield 28371
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