The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
e. .-IK'* The C edard lle , O. Herald Friday> March 3, 1950 IN RECITAL Marylin and John Kyle children o f Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle were among the stadents o f Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Xenia, prtsented in a piano recitl, Monday at the An derson home. Carolyn Collins daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Roger CoKins was presented in the same recital. SOCIETY MEETS Mrs. Harry Wright and Mrs. Lina McColough entertained the Missionary Society o f the Pres byterian Church at their home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Kritzer led devotions and the program was N, S- has a D. P. problem too. Mrs. John McMillan gave a paper on “ Miggratory Workers” guests were served a dessert course by the hostesses. TO THE POBLIO ■« *, TheBeatyShellStation The*new Beaty-Shell filling- station is now open ©nUS-42 at the east corporation line. Besides Oil and Gasoline service, we do motor checking, tuning and washing. The station is owned by J. L. Beaty and R. H. Finney, and is under the manage ment o f J. L. Beaty. Bumga^dner- . Lynch Wedding Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bumgard- ner are announcing the marriage o f their daughter Frances to Carl H. ‘ Lynch of New Jasper. The wedding took place Fi:iday ‘ evening at the Bumgardner home*.' Rev. 'tW. B. Collier performed the single ring ceremony. The couple was unattended and the Immediate family and friends were present fo r the ceremony. For her wedding the bride chose a tope colored suit with white and brown accessories and an wedding a reeption was held at orchid corsage. Following the table was centered with a wedd- the home o f the bride. Reception ing cake and eandle decorations were used. Following a trip to Indiana the couple will be at home in New Jasper. Dr. McMillan And Wife Visit Relatives Here Dr. and Jason L. MacMillan and*, daughter Teresa of Norfolk, Va., are guests o f Mrs.. MacMillans, sister, Mrs. Clayton MacMillan. Miss Teresa Macillan just re turned from Japan where she was assistant hostess of the 8th army fo r the past two and half years. Dr. MacMillan has been pastor o f the First Presbyterian hcurch in Norfolk for the past 25 years and resigned the first o f the year on account o f his health. Dr. MacMillan has been made pastor Emeritus. Birthday Party Held Saturday - For Marilyn Kyle Marylin Kyle daughter o f Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle celebrated her 15th birthday with a party at her home Saturday afternoon. Decorated cake squares and Pe can roll ice cream were served the guests and the afternoon was spent playing canasta. Marylin received many lovely gifts. S -Y MEETS Guests were Misses Nancy Dean; WITH MRS. SHAW Betsy Brailfiy, Jane Purdom; Sue The Missionary Societv of the Miller; Martra Purdin; Connie church of God met Thursday af- Swaby; Carolyn Lane; Carole ter noon at the home of Mrs Campbell; J a n e t Williamson; Bessie Shaw. Mrs. Herman Stev- Dottie Cook; Dorothy Hubbard; enson in charge of devotions Emily Swanson; Jane Harris and sp0ke on “ The Christian Out- honored guest Marylin. . . ..look in... Japan.” Mrs. Elwood . - .Palmer was in charge of the JohnBinegar Awarded Honors Mr. and Mrs. Paul Binegar, formerly of Cedarville are now living in Tucson, Arizona, Their 15 month old son, John Michael was chosen as a “ Count” in a ^etnodist church Municipal baby show sponsored Wednesday afternoon. Devotions by the Tuscon chapter o f Eagles. . ------ ■ . ^ ^ rs' Donald Sipe. John Michael, was chosen from 500 contestants and judged on the basis of appearance, person ality and health. business meeting. Mrs. Shaw was assisted by Mrs. Dale Carrol in serving refreshments. PROGRAM ON JAPAN The WSCS held their luncheon meeting m the Methodist church HAVE MEETING The Pathfinder girls club of A very interesting program bn Japan was given by Mrs. David Reynolds. Place mats pictures of girls schools in Japan were used and many items sent Mrs. Rey nolds by her brother Neal, who is in Japan, were also used on the tables. Colored slides taken r 'OJ5SJ & * A the Nazarene church metMonday in Japanese fans were given each " "" ns a favor. Luncheon committee was Mrs. Fred Wilburn, Mrs. Carl Ritenour, Miss Leola Corn and Miss Maude Burrell. ^ £ ’ * REMAINS ILL ^Raymond Williamson remains very ill at University hospital , in' Columbus where ’ he is rc- receiving treatment. ENTERS HOSPITAL '.Charles Sites has entered Mi ami Valley hospital in Dayton for treatment. RETURNS TO SCHOOL > .sMiss Vera Thordsen, student at Central College, Indianapolis has returned to school after a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thordsen over the wjeek end. . , . DISCUSSION GROUP MEETS WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. John-Williamson Were hosts to members of the Greene county farm bureau dis cussion group No. 10, at the home Wednesday evening. The discussion topic was “ Mar keting Our Ohio Crops.” Devo tions were led by Mr. Williamson. During a social hour, following the discussion, refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bingamon, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heinz and daughter, Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor and -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolary. IThe next meeting will be held Sfai’ch 15 at 8 p. m. at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Kenn eth Heinz, Hussey pike. TO GIVE STUDY COURSE Ladies of the Methodist Church \|ill conduct a study course on “Women o f the Scripture.” First .evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hesler. Four more girls were advanced to cabin helper. Mrs. Sparks and Rev. Hes ler gave the advance ceremony. Scripture was read by Daisy Spencer and prayer given by Pat Howel. Girls advancing were El- eanore Vest, Pat Howel,- Delipa and Daisy Spencer. Following; the meeting games were played and refreshments were served. « NELSONS VISIT IN INDIANA Mi*, and Mrs. Robert Nelson and daughter, Miss Betty Nelson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nelson’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gaiser and sons, John and Jimmy in Bloomington, Ind., over the weekend. Accompanied by Mr. Pat McGuinn, Cedarville, a student at Indiana University, they attended a play, “ Medea," at the university Saturday evening. Mr. Gaiser, a member o f the uni versity faculty, directed the pro duction. D. A. R. CHAPTER MEETS IN XENIA National Defense was the sub ject o f a talk given by Miss Sarah Reed, Springfield, at a meeting of Cedar Cliff Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, at the home of Mrs. 0 . Jay Burnett in Xenia Wednesday afternoon. Assisting Mrs. Burnett were Mrs. George Braley and Mrs. Ed win Bull. Thirty-one members were present at the. meeting at which Mrs. John A. Davis pre sided. Delegates to the national con vention to be held in Washing ton D. C. in April were named. They are Mrs. Davis, regent, and Mrs. Fred Dobbins. Alternates are Miss Martha Cooley and Mrs. Raymond Williamson. *V : e¥S** pf t MONDAY, FEB. 27th M MONDAY, MAR. 61 \ J ' f-V 'j Ik * 0 *> XL T H E R I K E - K U M L E R C O M P A N Y , D A Y T O N , O H I O WeServe the Seller We Serve the Buyer 36 Properties Sold in this vicinity during 1949 1950 is an opportunity year - W e pledge our Patrons our very hest work and cooperation to giverodrdruJ^Usst cap^£yf_ofrService. » s ANTHONY SPENCER Rea! Estate Sales Clifton 5743 PHONE Insurance Springfield 28371 A social hour followed the busi^>3s^By whT' b e ' held Wednesday, ‘ ’ Mar. 8 at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Amos Frame. Ladies from all the other Churches are in vited and urged to join us in this study course. It will be. held from 2-4 for four weeks on Wednesday**’■' PICTURE SHOWN The West Minister fellowship group was in charge of a program given in the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening. Kent WilUnm- sbn was program chairman. Mr. filackm of Xenia a displaced person from Latvia, spoke, and ness session and program. MISS COOLEY IS PRESIDENT Miss Martha Cooley o f Ce darville was elected president of the Xenia branch of the Ameri can Assn, o f University Women fo r a two-year term, succeeding Mrs. Chandler Crawford, 231 N. King St., Xenia at a meeting in the Rotary Club room, S. De- troint St., Thursday night. J. L. SNYPP ILL Mr. J. L. Snypp, one-time mana ger of the Cedarville Livestock Co., is seriously ill in Cottage a film “ Stranger at our Door,” Hospital, 320 N. Pueblo St., San- was shown. A solo was sung by ta Barbara, Calif., friends here Miss Diana Brightman. Follow- have learned. Mr. Snypp went to the program the Youth, California last fall to remain grtoup served refreshments tfc several months. ; all present. KYLES ENTERTAIN SESSION MEMBERS Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle en tertained the trustees and mem bers o f the Session and Wives, of the U. P. Church at-*a dinner •Tuesday evening at 6;30. Follow ing the dinner the semi-annual business meeting was held. K . Y. N. CLUB WITH MRS. SEXTON The KYN club met Friday af ternoon at the heme of Mrs. Pearl Sexton. Roll call was ans- kered with a valentine jingle. Mrs. Rankin McMillan and Mrs. Howard Arthur, in charge of program showed pitcure slides taken by Mr. Arthur. A dessert course was served to 15 mem bers and 2 guests. PICKERINGS ENTERTAIN CLASS i Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickering entertained the Wesley Class in the Methodist . Church Sunday evening. A covered dish dinner was njoyed at 6:30. Devotions were in charge o f Mr. David Reynolds and colored picture slides All Thy Works” were shown. The evening was spent with games and contests. ATTENDS MEETING Mrs. Fred Dobbins spent Mon day and Tuesday in Columbus at tending a State Health Council meeting. Mrs. Dobbins is a dele gate from Greene county and was appointed to the State Coun cil while in Columbus. The meet ing was held at the Southern Hotel. Much discussion was giv en to “ Mental ’Health” and Mrs* Dobbins was urged 'to stress--in. Greene county the importance of fighting against Brucellosis (un- dulant fever) and Trichinosis both of which are very serious and the germ comes from cows, goats and hogs, However Mrs. Dobbins states that Greene Co. farmers are on the alert and have always been careful of these diseases. They are fought and discussed in all our farm organization. - * Personals Miss Ruth .Hill of Springfield, niece of Mrs. C. H, Gordon is visiting at the Gordon home, be cause of the illness of Mrs. Gor don. Mrs. King of Dayton is making her home with , Mrs. ‘ Nancy Spracklin. M rs .. Spr&cklih is ill' and Mrs. King will care for’ her. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duvall and family spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duvall, in Lynchburg. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family of Pleasant Hill were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mi', and Mrs. Tom Harn er. Sunday afternoon guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier were Rev. John Carter, pastor of Van Buren Methodist Church in Day- ton, his son Carl Van Buren and -Miss De Shay. Guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Conner were Mr. and- Mrs. Verge Jordan of London, Mrs. Glora Deck of Springfield and Mrs, Harry Iguehi of Me- chanicsburg. Mr* and Mrs. Karlh Bull re turned home last week after sev eral weeks in Florida. HAPPY WORKERS MEET The Senior group o f the' Happy Workers 4-H club met at the home of their leader Mrs. Albert Mott, Monday evening. The eve ning was spent baking bread. Plans for the Folk Festival, to be given by the group, was discussed. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mott. DAUGHTER IS BORN Mr. and Mrs. Gerdie Doalin are announcing the birth of a daughter Thursday at Hainefe hospital in Jamestown. A » « ’ f ^» HAS NEW POSITION Miss Alice Marie Spracklin has accepted a position in the Clem- mer Beauty Shop in Jamestown; Miss Spracklin recently finished her Beauty Course at Frederick School in Springfield. \ MOTHERS TO MEET The Band Mothers club will meet Monday evening, March 6, at 7:30 at the school house. WOMANS CLUB TO MEET The Womans Club will meet, Thursday afternoon March 9 at 2 p* m. at the home o f Miss Annabel Murdock. Roll call ans wer will be a colonial custom and Mrs. Fred Town3ley will give a .book review. WITS MRS. KYLE The Missionary Society of the U. P- Church met Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Donald Kyle. Mrs. Delmar Jobe led the Prayer Circle. The program was in charge of Mrs. Harry Ham- man and Mrs. Fred Dobbins, who gave papers on the Study hobk “Japan begins Again.” -Mrs. Kyle was assisted in serving refresh ments by Mrs. R0y Waddle and Mrs. Lewis Lillick ATTEND RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randall, •Mr. and Mrs; Tom Hamer', Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamer, and •Mr.- and Mrs? John Pramer were- among the guests a t ,a wedding reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Earner in Old Town. The reception followed the wedd- of Miss Mary E. Harner to Mr. Frank Berryhill, Jr., Thursday evening. Miss Harner and Mr. Berry- hill were married at the home of Dr. Charles Harmon in Xenia. Dr. Harmon was former pastor of Town Methodist Church. Cedarville-Chase The Yellow Jackets *closed out their regular season on Monday night at Cedarville by downing Chase College 118-44. In this game John Townsley set the school’s individual scor ing record by tossing in 41 ;.points, and th‘i^T 18 'p 9 ints scor ed by the team* was the •‘most - .points ever scored by pa.*.Cedar- - viile team. * ............. :* The Jackets took a 7-0 lead 'and by half-time . they' were leading, 40-20. In •the second half the Cedarville cagers real ly caught five and rolled up78 more points before the final gun sounded. Every man on the Cedarville team scored ex cept regular guard Ernie Stan ley who just couldn’t buy a basket. Following Townsley in the scoring column were Walt Blaterie and Eddie Brill with 20 points each, while Ashtow led the Chase scorers with 25 points. - BOX SCORE: • . Cedarville * G- F. T. Brill j :_______________ 9 2 20 Dunlap ______________ 2 0 4 Downs ______________ 5 '5 15* , B u tts________________ i. 2 0 4 Burton >___ _________■_3 0 6 B ea ttie________ ___ ___O i l Townsley____________ 19 3 41 H a rn e r______________ 2 0- '4 Stanley _____________ 0 0 0 Blaterie —_______ 9 2 20 Huffman ______________ 1 0 % P ickens__________ - 0 1 1 Totals . 52 14 118 Cedarville-Wilberforce The Green Wave of Wilber- force State avenged an earlier defeat at the hands o f Cedar ville by coming from behind to win, -68-62, ’last Thursday night at Wilberforce. The Green Wave jumped to an early 11-5 lead but the Yellow Jackets started hitting and had built up a 41-31 lead by the halftime. The Jack- - # ets connected on 19 out of their 30 field goal attempts in. the first half. The Yellow Jackets held to - their lead until (with four min utes left in the game) they fell behind, 62-61, then Wilberforce started .freezing the ball and ' *forced Cedarville to come, out o f J t? ; zona, defense.. The Jack-, *,<-. 'ets- Were.-forced t 0 ; fou l::in at-;-'* tempting Jo -ga in .possession o f. •>■ the ball, and Wilberforce in creased the lead. John Towns- ley paced the Cedarville attack * vfith 26 points, while' Elmer Bolds and Fred Sheffley were high fo r Wilberforce with 18 * and 17 points respectively. BOX CORE Cedarville G. F. T. Burton ____ 3 1 7 Brill — --------- ----- 3 o 6 B u tts_________________ 0 3 3 Townsley ___________ 12 2 26 S ta n le y ______________ 5 0 10 Blaterie _________ 3 2 8 D ow n s _______________ 1 0 2 Totals 27 8 62 Wilherfprce .. s« • ,G* F, T. v '. Sheffey,*--------- 8 1 17 . = Eaddy -------------- „ ____ 6 0 12 Levison________________ 0 2 2 Bolds ________________ 7 4 38 F itzpatrick________ 3 06 * -Anderson'___________ 6 -1 13'. . Totals''* ' 30 8 * 68 * TAKES TRIP ‘ *■ Carl Bagford of.’Cedarville and Chai’les Schuite ."of' Epon are home from ’ a motorcycle trip that took them 3,000 miles through the' south. They attended the 'motorcycle classic race at Daytona Beach, Fla., and the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Bag- ford is a member of the Rainbow Riders of Cedarville. Read the Classified Column COMPLETE BATHROOMOUTFITS m -. ' ^ 1 >£3 We have all the fixtures necessary for a complete bathroom outfit and they’re priced right, too. We also have the necessary pipes, fittings, soil pipe, septic tank, etc. Also Hot Water Heaters and Water Systems' Call for Free Estimate on Materials and Labor by Experienced Plumbers ROOFER; PLUMBER; ELECTRICIAN; FURNACE MAN A ll available for new work or repair work : ‘ Come and Register for our GUY every 2 weeks on Saturday night. Ask about it at our store. Cedarville. Ohio / . MAX GOOD ■* r.' ■1 <* ONE OF THE NATIONS FOREMOST PROPHETIC EVANGELISTS TO HOLD - 7 - NIGHTS OF MEETINGS In Cedarville Opera House * * ■ * Beginning Monday, March 6 AT 8:QQ P,;M. j : f You have heard this young man on the AIR "FOR 16 YEARS. It is calculated 'that his radio audie^cesperw^is-'■vVelt ove^ the 6^millionl mark. His “ WINGS OF PRAYER” Broadcast has been a BLESSING TO COUNTLESS THOUSANDS. A special young peoples choir is being organized and many special Musical Treats have been arranged, Quartets,' Octets and speciai' sing ing galore. DON’T MISS A NITE. * *Hear Dale Summers At The Blighty Console, o f the Haiftmond Electric Organ Espefcial^ InstalledYor This Meeting. OYER 700 FREE SEATS EVERYONE COME Sponsored by CHRISTIAN LAYMENS LEAGUE . ..j 1 *. K 1 ? f5*-; t
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