The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

Cedarville, 0 . Herald Friday, March 10, i 950 -E l PARENTS HOME ■ Capt. and Mre. Lawrence Wil­ liamson and children o f Arling­ ton, Va., Miss Prances William­ son o f Chapel Hill, North Caro­ lina and Mrs. M. C. Pennypacker o f Pittsburgh, Fa. are at the home o f their parents,’Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson. Mr. Willimason is very ill in University hospital, Columbus. EDINGEKS SELL HOME Mr. and Mrs. Charls Edinger, Miller Street have sold their pro­ perty to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Koppe. Mr. and Mrs. Edinger have no plans as yet. Mr. and Mrs. Koppe have sold their farm to Mr. Ervin Shaw near Xenia and will move to the Miller St. pronertv «« *•«* w - •" * j^uinger vacate. , m DON'SMARKET GREEN FRONT PHONE 6-2041 WINNER OF LAST WEEKS BASKET OF GROCERIES W AS -------- Perry Andrews Remember There will be one each week for 5 weeks GIVEN FREE SI. Bacon .... 37c lb. Sugar .. 5 lbs. .. 49c W einers........43c lb .jo . M. Flour 5 lbs 49c Franks ........ 37c lb. *7:30 Coffee .. 69c lb. Fr. Sausage.. 29c lb. |Potatoes pk....... 47c Lard 2 lbs........... 25c i Milk 3 l«re cans 35c Hamburger 47c lb. Fab lge box .... 22c Jowl Bacon .. 19c lb. jCorn No. 2 can 10c Pig Ears - Hearts - Tongue - Liver - Pudding Cracklins « Pigs Feet CHICKENS — BEEF — PORK YOUR FAVORITE MARKET QUICKandFRIENDLYSERVICE YouwillSAVEatDon’s LADIES ATTEND STUDY MEETING Twenty ladies from Cedarville churches were present fo r the first study meeting in d u c ted by the W. S. C. S. o f the Metho­ dist church. The meeting was held at the home o f Mrs. Amos Frame. The book, “ Women of the Scrip­ ture” is being used. Next Wed­ nesday afternoon a t 2 P. M. the group will meet again at the Frame home to continue the study. Ladies from all churches are invited. BIBLE CLASS WITH MRS. ELLIOTT The Mizpah Bible Class o f the Presbyterian church met Tues­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Paul Elliott. Mrs. W- A . Con­ don, president was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Clayton Mac­ Millan gave devotions. Miss Ada Stormont gave a paper on “ Chal- ange o f the Child.” The meeting closed with a prayer circle fo r the revival being held in the op­ era house. A social hour and re­ freshments followed the meet­ ing. GREENE COUNTIAN IS MARRIED IN ARIZONA Mr. and Mrs. Clement Hauck, Springfield are announcing the marriage o f their daughter, Miss Barbara, to Sgt. Kenneth Bull, near Cedarville. They were mar­ ried in Tucson, Ariz., Feb. 6. Mrs. Bull has returned to her home in Springfield as Sgt. Bull is now enroute to Tokyo, Japan, where he will he stationed with the army’s occupation forces. Mrs. Bull was graduated from Springfield High School. Sgt. Bull, son o f Raymond H. Bull, Cedarville, and the late Mrs. Bull, was .graduated, from Cedarville High Sehqol. For the last three years she has been a sergeant in the army air force. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR ROSY MILLER Miss Rosy Miller 'was honor­ ed on her nineteenth birthday, Tuesday evening, When Miss Christine Steigel and Miss Mar­ garet Swaney entertained a group of friends to dinner at the Steigel home in Clifton. The guests were Misses Alene Williamson, Barbara W'hipkey, Anne Huffman, Nancy Harris. Jeanne Huston, Janet Hall, Ann Duvall, Don Chesnut, AbieUVest, Jim Turnbull, Melvin Tackett, Don Heidorn, Jim Turnbull, Jim Luttrell, Dick Williamson and Jack Irvine. The evening was spent in games and playing rec­ ords. Miss Miller received .many gifts and was very surprised. NOTICE TO DRILL TEAM The drill team and candidates o f the Legion Auxiliary are ask­ ed to come to the C liff House of Mrs. A. C. Davis at 7:30 Monday evening one half'hour before the regular meeting. ANOUNCING THE OPENING, MAR. 3, on South Main Street, Cedarville Martin’s Restaurant Meals - Short Orders - Home Cooking - Courtesy A Nice Clean Place Television John Martin, Prop. Gene Miller Weds Mary Jane Hyer In Washington Mr. and Mrs. Chan Hyer of Washington C. H. are announc­ ing the marriage of their daugh- ■ter, Mary Jane, t0 Gene rc‘Buck” Miller, son of *Mv. an*'i-<Mifsr:W^l- ter Miller near Clifton. The couple were married p eb. 2G in the First Christian Church in Washington C. H. They were at­ tended by Mr. and Mrs; Robert* 'Miller. Mrs. Miller chose for her wed­ ding a shell pink satin street dress with dark green accessories and carried white carnations. Her attendant Wore dark green taf­ feta ^with brown accessories and carried a colonial bouquet. Fol­ lowing the wedding a, reception was held at the home of the bride for the family and close friends. Mrs. Miller is a graduate of Washington C. H. high school and Mr.- Miller graduated from Ce­ darville high school. The couple returned 'Sunday from a wed­ ding trip to West Virginia and are at home on the S. River Road near Clifton where Mr. Mil­ ler is engaged in farming. BAND MOTHERS MEET The Band Mothers - Club met in the school house Monday even­ ing. Following the business re­ freshments were served by Mrs. Robert Cotter, Mrs. J. H. Thord- sen and Mrs. Fred Dean. Games and contests were in charge of Mrs. Lewis Lillicb and Mrs. Ray­ mond Cherry. ENTERTAIN CLASS . . Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Crumrine, Jr., entertained the Westminster Class in the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening. Mr. Robert Bra- ham led devotions and Herbert Powers was in charge of enter­ tainment. Refreshments were served'fol­ lowing the business* meeting. CANASTA PARTY Mrs. James Ramsey entertain­ ed a group of friends with a can­ asta party at her home Wednes­ day evening. Guests were Mrs. Guy LeForge, Mrs. Harold Guth­ rie, Mrs. Robert Guthrie, Mrs. Gilbert Dodd, Mrs. Herbert Fields and Mrs. David Ramsey. HAVE BABY SON Mr, and Mrs. William Cunning­ ham are announcing the birth of a son Thursday in Springfield City hospital. AUXILIARY-TO MEET The American Legion Auxil­ iary will jneet Monday evening, March 13 at 8 P. M. at the Cliff House o f Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Davis. Initiation will be held for members who were not present for,-the regular initiation. Mrs. Emerson Warel of the Jamestown Auxiliary will be in charge of the’ service. ■ 'A ll members are urged to be present. •MARKLES VISIT HERE Rev. and Mrs. David Markle o f Ada called oh friends here last week. Rev. Markle is a, former pastor of the Methodist church and now teaches in Ohio North­ ern University in Ada. . AT TELEVISION SHOW Mrs. Homer 'Smith, Mrs. Ralph Townsley, Mrs. Fred Clemans, Mrs. •Harry Hammoh and Mrs. Frank Creswell spent Wednesday and Thursday in Cincinnati and attended the Ruth Lyons 50-Club on television .Thursday noon. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rigio en­ tertained a group of relatives Sunday honoring Mrs. Rigio’s birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Koppe and son, Gene, -Mrs Inez Rigio and Delsie Rigio. WANT SCOUT REPORT Will workers who are canvas­ sing for the Girl Scouts please get their territory finished and return envelopes to Mrs. Greer ■McCallister as soon as possible? Auxiliary members who are working can turn their envelopes in at the March 13 meeting. MEETING POSTPONED The Kensington Club meeting has been postponed. Date will be announced plater. VISIT IN TEXAS Dry and Mrs. John W. Bickett have returned from a visit to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Creswell in San Antonio, Texas. They spent two.weeks in that beautiful city in the spring-like time. Flowers were blooming and gardens were being made. HOME FROM VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Paul Evans are home after several days visit with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bush, in North Lima. Mark, 2-year old son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen McKay, Wil­ mington, swallowed a number of drug tablets. A physician treated him and there were no ill effects. Personals Clyde McCallister is improv­ ing after several days illness. Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallister spent Thursday and Friday in Toledo. ' “ ' Mr. and Mrs. Huston Corsette are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Ed Johnston of Mt. Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Evans o f Dayton called on Mrs. Luvicea Ritenour Sunday evening.. Other guests during the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Harley French. Edward .Swick has returned to Naval A ir Base, Whitley Island, Washington State, after a ten day visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Swick. Mrs. Helen Thomas of Wells- ton is Visiting at the home of her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs* C. E. Masters. Mrs. Thomas and Mr* and Mrs. Mas­ ters spent Sunday in Cincinnati. CHURCH WORKERS HERE % The young peoples group from the Mt. Sterling Nazarene church came here Sunday- evening and entertained thq young people of the Nazarene Church with a pro­ gram. Mrs. Armstrong was in .charge o f the program and music was led by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Harris. Mrs. Harris will be remembered as Dorothy Bogenrife a graduate of Cedarville College. PROF. SANTMYER ILL Prof. Helen Santmyer remains in Grant Hospital in Columbus where she is receiving treatment. Prof. Santmyer is on leave of ab­ sence from her duties at Cedar- cille College. To Improve Road In Greene County In a state-letting of highway improvement projects, Greene county has a share. US-88 is to be improved in 'Beavercreek and Miami town­ ships and in Yellow Springs. A bridge is to he constructed over Jacoby branch. The length of the improvement is 3.209 miles. The paving is to be 24 feet wide. This reconstruction removes one of the worst hazards on Greene county highways—the- sharp turn near Goes. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Junk who live south of Xenia bought a 15- acre tract of land at New Hol­ land at public auction last week. / (I SPEEDSTER v « an ,© e ; ■ with push buttons Friends and Neighbors Here’s the range that gives you real luxury, at a practical price1 See it today—ask for a free dem­ onstration—you ’ll want it for your home! Equipped with Hi- speed Calrod* units. SEE THE "PUSHBUTTON" CONTROLS! Give you finger-tip cooking! SEE THE HUGE TRIPL-OVEN! Three ovjns in one! SEE THE AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMER! Cooks meals by itselfI SEE THE BIG THRIFT COOKER! Converts to a fourth surface unitI SEE THE HI-ST^lLE- CONTROL PANEL! Easy to see, easy to use! o n ly ,$ 299.95 As little ps 45c er desy! Duvall Hardware Cedarville, Ohio Authorized dealer GENERAL® ELECTRIC RANGES ^T R A D E -M A R K RE G * U .S . P A T . O F F , WHEN disaster, occurs, when there is misfortune — illness or pestilence—when there is a calamity or a scourge—where there is sadness or sorrow—it is always Friends and Neighbors who lend a helping hand. “I wish I could help I” How often we hear a Friend and Neighbor (express a desire to be of assistance. Usually, however, this is said when circumstances forbid the person lending a hand. t THE RED CROSS offers the only opportunity for * such persons to take part when misfortunes happen.. . often near at home; often in far-away places; qften o f world-wide scope. f a t ’ s f i v e a h a n d t o Volunteer RedCross Workers’" T [HE year "round they’re'the store­ keeper i . . the housewife . . . the banker. *. the foreman in the plant. This monththey’reRed Crosswork­ ers—volunteers calling from door to door, making it easier for you to give- ; . . easierforyoutohelpothersthrough your Red Cross. . * ‘ * They deserve a big vote of thanks for giving up their time as well'as their money . . . for laying aside their per-. sonal affairs in order to put your.Red Cross and its missions ofmercy-,first. We know you’ll think of this when the Red Cross representative comes to your door. •Publishedto appreciation of fjjg mm and women' *‘ in ourcommunitynowworkingto aauirethatwheal3 disaster strikes Yourft?d CmrWiB Be There.’? You, too, con help through Jgtitoe- WE MWf We Friends and Neighbors want the Red Gross Drive, to be a success locally and everywhere- W e con­ sider it an opportunity for us .all to have a part in a program, without which we would be powerless to be o f assistance no matter how earnest our. desire to help might be. * We urge to look upon the Red Cross Campaign as an opportunity to be included in an jenterprise of Mercy and Good Will—to beFriends and Neighbors when mis­ fortune strikes persons or places. Let’s make, the drive a success in our community.