The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, Dee, 16, 19'49 College Class To Give Pageant December 18 Sunday evening Dec. 18, at 8 p. m. the College -class of th e ' Methodist church will present a pageant “The Story of His Birth” the part of Mary will be taken by Violet Williams and Joseph, will t e taken by Charles Collier. Others taking part are Kenneth Huffman, Jim Wisecup, Eleanore Hertenstein, David Hertenstein, Stanley Abels, Pat Collier, Dick Williams, Carl Wiseman, Marie Fisher, Kathleen Evans, Lois ■ Jacobs, Pauline and Betty Nelson, Martha Richards, Opha Burton, Anne Huffman, -Phyllis Spur geon Leola Abels, Joan Sheeley, Don Rhubert, Frances Bumgard- ner, Miss Trumbo, organist, Glor­ ia Abels, pianist Naomi Conner, the reader. The same evening the primary dept, will present their Christ­ mas program. The Sunday school will give a treat to the children Sunday morning Dec. 25, in the Sunday school hour. Shower Given Miss Jane Chaplin, A Bride-Elect Miss Jane Chaplin, bride-elect of Clyde Hoffer, was honored with a miscellaneous shower Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Herbert Powers. Mrs. Powers was assisted by Mrs. Earl Chaplin. Mrs. Anna Wilson and Mrs. Miron Williamson won first prizes in contests. Jane re­ ceived her gifts from a table centered with a minature bride. Colors of Pink and white were used. Guests were Mrs. Miron Williamson, Mrs. Harold Hanna and daughter, Miss Alta Murphy, Miss .Ora Hanna, Mrs. Rankin, McMillan, Mrs. Arthur Hanna, Mrs. Paul Elliott, Miss Rebecca Creswell, Miss Annabel Murdock, Mrs. Clayton McMillan, Mrs. Anna 'Wilson, Mrs. Wilbur Wise- cup, Mrs. James Crumrine Jr., and daughters, Mrs. James Wise­ man and Mrs. Robert Naki of Springfield. A dessert course was served by the hostesses. Miss Chaplin and Mr. Hoffer will be married Christmas evening. Garden Club Has Meeting With Mrs. Maynard Neff An altar piece, consisting of the Madonna resting in a niche flooded with blue lights and cen­ tered between candles set in sil­ ver-painted flash pine cones fea­ tured the program of Christmas decorations at the meeting of the Clifton Green Thumbs Garden club a t Clifton Tuesday after­ noon a t the home of Mrs. May­ nard Neff. To complete the altar scene more perfectly, Mrs. Homer Hal- terman read a portion of the first chapter of St. Luke, fore­ telling the birth of Jesus. A sale of eatables was held among members present. For roll call each member re­ ceived a 25-cent exchange gift. The hostess and co-hostess, Mrs. Charles Eckman, served a salad course to the following: Mrs. Ralph Ault, Mrs, Ralph Bullen, Mrs. Robert Bullen, Mrs. H. E. Dement, Mrs. Lloyd Devoe, Mrs. Emile Finney, Mrs. Joseph Finney, Jr., Mrs. Homer Halter- man, Mrs. Gerald Hull, Mrs. Wal­ ter Miller, Mrs. Robert Paxton, Mrs. Paul ‘Rife, Mrs. Ralph Rife, Mrs. Russell Sanderson, Mrs. Pearl Sextan, Mrs. Elmer Sparks, Mrs. Omer Sparrow, Mrs. Char­ les Spencer, Mrs. Charles Peter­ son. Broadcasters Elect Officers At Recent Session The Broadcasters class of the First Presbyterian church met Wednesday evening a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. William­ son. Election of officers was held and officers elected were R. T. Williamson, president; Mrs. H. K. Stormont, vice president; Mrs. Wm. Waide, secretary and J. B. Crumrine, Sr., treasurer. De­ votions and program was in keep­ ing with tht Christmas season and Christmas carols were sung. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wright as­ sisted Mr. and Mrs. Williamson. Band .Mothers Give Merry Christmas Party Members of the Band Mother club entertained their husbands, teachers and wives and husbands i f teachers with a covered dish dinner and Christmas party in the school cafeteria Honda-* eve­ ning. Seventy guests were pres­ ent. Committee in charge was Mrs. Hazel Carzoo, Mrs. Hester Ilammon, Mrs*- Helen Kyle, Mrs. Dorothy Reid and Mrs. Mary Pickering, E n t e r t a i n m e n t of games. Contest and singing was in charge of Mi‘S. Mildred Laf- ferty, Mrs. Flo Cummings and Mrs. Eleanore McCallister. Dec­ orations in keeping with Christ­ mas season were used. AUXILIARY AND LEGION PLAN PARTY Members of the American Le­ gion and Auxiliary will have a chili supper, Thursday evening, Dec. 22 at 6:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull. Members are asked to bring a 25-cent toy which will later be given needy children. The regu­ lar business meeting of the aux­ iliary will bo held Jan- 9 at the home of Mrs. Greer McCallister. Word was received from head­ quarters this week that our mem­ bership has been accepted and plans for installation cf officers is to be held Jan. 26 will be an­ nounced later. MILLER SHAW Harold Miller, son of Wheeler Miller, and Miss Daisy Shaw of Lenior City are announcing their marriage which took place in Greenup, Xy., Nov. 26. The couple were attended by Mr, and Mrs. Charles Acton. They have imr- ohased the porperty on HatM- son road recently built by Mr. , Acton and aye living there. j Phone 6-3481 Phone 6-3481 IT’SHERE DAILYDELIVERY Cedarville bakery w ill start daily delivery service effective Dec. 19, 1949. A t no extra cost to you . To start ajl orders must be phoned in. Orders accepted until closing time fo r the n ex t day delivery. A s an added service we will^carry Three (3 ) addi­ tional kinds o f bread besides $ur own. W e also w ill carry other items after th e 1st o f th e year. Just Compare these Prises Bread - Cedarville Bakery...........1 lb, 10c ” ” ” 20 oz. 12c Do-Nuts — Large Glazed ...........36c Doz. ” ” — Cake,................ 30c Doz. Cinnamon R o lls ................... 30c Doz. Individual R o lls ............................40c Doz. Cookies, Sugar, Oatmeal Fruit B ars................................ 25c Doz. Choc Chips, Macaroons, Log Cabins............................ 35c Doz. Buns...................... 25c Doz. Parker H ouse................................25c Doz. 9 in. P ie s ...........................................50c ea. 7 in. Layer Cake - White, Yellow, ‘Devils Food and others..... ..... 55c ea. PHONE ------ NQW 6-3481 CEDARVILLE BAKERY . SEASON’S IGKEETINGS Miss Swigart Honored at Clifton Shower Announcement ofJh e approach­ ing marriage of Miss Sarah Ann Swigart and Earl Morris of Clif­ ton was made a t a miscellaneous ‘shower', honoring the bride-elect in Clifton Friday night. The narty was held in Clifton Opera House with Mrs. Nelson Stretcher, aunt of the bride-elect; Mrs. Kenneth Caupp and Miss Lois Printz of Clifton as host­ esses. The couple will be married on Dec. 31. The date appeared on a Fostoria plate, one of the gifts received by the guest of honor. Games were played and an ice course was served by candlelight. Appointments were in red and white and tables were decorated with pine coneS and red tapers surrounded by cedar. Seventy-five guests were enter­ tained including out-of-town guests from Springfield, Dayton, Troy, Enon, Yellow Springs and = Cedarville. Miss Swigart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Swigart, Clifton, was graduated from Cedarville High School and Springfield Business College. She is a mem­ ber of Alpha Iota, Sorority, in Springfield. Mr. Morris was graduated from Springfield High School and is employed by the New York Cen­ tral Railroad in that city. lie served four and a* half years in the last war and was«a sergeant in the medical corps. He is the son of Thomas Edwin Morris, Clifton, and £hp late Mrs. Morris. Cedrine Club Hold Yuletide Pai;ty in Xenia “No Room in the Inn”, a Christmas story, was read by Mrs. S. C. Wright on a program arranged for the annual holiday luncheon of the Cedrine club at the home of Mrs. Orville Ellis, Xenia, Thursday afternoon. Luncheon was served a t four guest tables decorated with ever­ green and red tapers. Decora­ tions in the Ellis home employed" Christmas ornaments iV.ri-ying out the holiday theme. The fire­ place was adorned with ever­ green entwined with bubbling candles. “Merry Christmas” was written on the mirror above the fireplace which was decorated with stars and artificial snow. Following the luncheon a busi­ ness meeting was conducted by Mrs. Lawrence Hamer, president. Gifts were exchanged by twenty- six members present a t the meet- ing. # » Assisting Mrs. Ellis \vere Mrs. William Ferguson and Mrs. Wright. Officers Are Installed by- Gold Star Mothers Mrs. Helen Fealy, Xenia was installed as president of Greene county chapter, Cold Star Moth­ ers, Inc., for the coming year at a meeting in Xenia. Mrs. Wiseman, president of the local chapter the last two years, was oresented a past president’s pin. She was named to the Gold Star Mother’s state committee a t a convention of state depart- men officers recently. The pre­ sentation of the pin was made by Mrs. Minnie Turvy, who served as the first president when the Greene County chapter was or- ized. A luncheon followed the meet­ ing. Besides Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. Margaret Nelson of Cedarville was a guest, WOMAN’S CLUB ENTERTAINS HUSBANDS Members of the Womans club entertained their husbands with a Christmas party and chicken dinner in the U« P. church Thurs­ day evening. Dinner was served by the McKibben Bible class of that churcln Christmas carols were sung and a reading, “The Night Aft­ er Christmas” was given by Mrs. John McMillan. Short talks, “My Most Momentous Christmas” was given by Rev. Elliott, Rev. Gondon, Prof. Dodds, Rev. Bick- e tt and Prof. Steel, Following the program the grqup exchanged gifts, D. A. R. MEETING HELD AT TOWNSLEY HOME “The Little Mixer”, a Christ­ mas story, was told by Miss Mar- GIVE PICTURES FOR CHRISTMAS Joy at the Christmas Tree, and joy forever go with Pictures. ROLL FILM READY IN 14 HOURS Nothing equals a Portrait as a gift. We take them in our studio and rush de­ velopment for Christmas delivery. CAMERAS SUPPLIES FOR DARK ROOM Don’s Camera Shop Wilmington Tel. 2368 tha Cooley a t a meeting of Cedar Cliff Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, at the home of Mrs. Paul Townsley, near Ce­ darville, Tuesday^ evening A memorial service for Mrs. Anija Little was conducted by the chaplain. .. Chapter members voted to con- trbute money. .to Waldschriridt House, near Cincinnati, Ellis Is­ land, approved DAR schools, Mid an Indian school, and to a fund for the construction of an addi­ tion to Continental Hall in Wash­ ington, D. C. Assisting Mrs. Townsley as hostesses were Mrs. William Laf- ferty and Mrs. Raymond William­ son. DINNER GUESTS Mr. ar/1 Mrs. Glenn K. Moorman and sons, Ricky and Gary, had as their guests for dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Haines and family of Wilmington. Other guests in the afternoon and even­ ing were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Pierson and family.of South So­ lon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierson, Guy Pierson and Miss Norma Lee Troute of Jamestown. HAPPY WORKERS MEET,.. When the Happy Worker’s Club met at the home of Mrs. Albert Mott recently, members were di­ vided into junior and senior groups. Officers elected by the junior group include Sue Miller, presi­ dent; Linda Gordon, vice presi­ dent; Jane Purdom, treasurer; Fern Cook, secretary; Betsy Cook, assistant secretary; Car­ olyn Thordsen, recreation leader; Lois Phayer, news reporter and andra Agnoi-, health leader. At the close of the business session, Mrs. Mott served refresh­ ments to the groups. ATTEND W- • C. • MEETING Mrs. David Reynolds, Mrs. Wil­ bur Wisecup, Mrs. Harman Ran- day, Mrs. Robert Huffman, Mrs. Guy LeForge, '’Miss Leola Corn, Mrs. Carl Ritenour and Mrs. Roy Jacobs were guests at a W- S. G. S. meeting in the F irst Methodist church in Xenia, Wednesday aft­ ernoon. Following the Christmas program, which was in charge of Mrs. Hugh Graham a tea was served in the church dining room. YOUTH GROUP The Youth Group of the First Methodist church in Xenia en­ tertained the sub-district group in Xenia church Tuesday even­ ing. Officers of sub-distric gave a Christmas play and recration and refreshments followed the meeting. Anne Huffman an offi­ cer of the sub-district took a part in the play. Others attending were Phyllis Spurgeon, Pat Col­ lier, Joyce Woods, Ruth Davis, Stanley atjd Paul Abels and Mrs. John Mills. TO SING WITH CHORUS Mrs. Greer McCallister will sing with the Springfield Civic chorus, when they present the “Messiah” Monday, Dec. 19, at 8 P. M. in the Wittenburg field- house. The chorus is accompanied by the organ and Springfield Symphony orchestra. ENTERTAIN FOR GUEST Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ewry enter­ tained a group of relatives to dinner Sunday honoring Mr. Ew- I’y’s aunt, Mrs. E. J. Long, who is visiting here-from Calif. .Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Or­ ville Robinette and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bebliart, Joe Wiser, James Kingery and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robinette of West Carrolton and. Mr. and Mrs. William Trout of Bowers- ville. ENTERTAINS FRIENDS* Miss Jeanne Huston entertain­ ed a group of friends at a cover­ ed. dish supper before the Cataw- aba-Gedarville game. Those present were: Ann Du­ vall, Rosie Miller, Margaret Swa- by, Janet Hull, Christine Setgall, Viola Ferguson, Faye Huston and tne hostess. SCOUT TROOP MEETS Girl Scout Troop No. 48 with Mrs. _Wilburn and Alta Murphy met in the Shelter house Tuesday afternoon and -painted gifts for the girls mothers for Christmas.' IS IMPROVING Mrs. R. G. Ritenour is improv­ ing after several days illness. BREAKS WRIST Mrs. C. E. Masters suffered a broken wrist when she fell on the icy pavement last Thursday morn­ ing. IN CHICAGO John Williamson spent three •days in Chicago this week attend­ ing a National Farm Bureau meeting. PARTY DATE SET The primary and junior depart­ ments of the TJ. P. Sunday school will have a Christmas party at the U. P. Church on Monday ev­ ening, Dec. 19, at 7:30. There will be a treat for the children and a movie will be shown. ANNOUNGE BIRTH OF SON Mi\ and Mrs. Robert Guthrie are announcing the birth of a son Tuesday in Springfield City hospital. CLASS TO MEET Tim Westminster ctyass will meet in the Presbyterian church Dee. 20 a t 8 p; m. Each member is asked to bring a 25-cent gift. The children are invited and are asked to bring a child’s gift. TO SPEND HOLIDAYS IN CHICAGO Mrs. J. S. West, left Thursday t’o spend the Christmas holidays with her daughter, and son-in-law, and family in Chicago. Miss Sus-Sf anna West of Toledo will- also” Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Hutchinson| join them there. NEFFS TO ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Neffj of Kyle road will be hosts to the adult Sunday school class of the First Church of God, Cedarville, at the Chrfstmas party, Friday evening. Members are asked to bring a covered dish and table service. There will be a 10-cent gift ex­ change. CLASS PARTY The McKibben Bible class of the United Presbyterian church will hold its annual Christmas dinner and party in the church dining- room on Thursday, Dec. 22 at 6:45. Reservations for the dinner should be made not later than Dec. 18 with Robert Cotter, phone 6-4205. fin e photography in the modern manner by :;ir , Anton and Antoinette specialists in the portraiture of children and pets, now offer you the best in this branch of photography. For the ideal solution to your Christmas gift problem Phone Yellow Springs 7-3774 Ifou/Keceived/ UoM/ CoM? 1 |§ toy and gift catalog w r i t e OR s t o p FOR TOOK C«M>v WtSNviwwWvWwv.'* i § f i Make your chil —. borhood’s pride w ld the neigh- jjkjoj - ........- - r ----- with this pedal- M l pusher car. The body is i f " long, finished in red and dec­ orated in white. x Adjustable pedals. ' 12.95 An excellent^utility s t o o l for kitchen, laund ry, workshop, and many l o t h e r p la c e s throughout the house. 4 Finished in chroroium,\with & durable holscerjr.' plastic* *L9§ Before You Buy Ybur CHRISTMAS GIFTS SEE US! Save yourself up to 50% on uncalled for guaranteed merchandise DIAMONDS WATCHES GUNS . RADIOS ETC. B & B LOAN OFFICE 65 W. Main St. Springfield, O. for“HER”Christmas $ 49.50 Exquisite diamonds at Economical prices!! See cur glam­ orous array of the finest!! Take ^advantage of our super values!! A small deposit will help your selection in our lay-a-way! Other diamonds ?12.50 to §1,000.00;' Ladies’ or Men’s 17-Jewel GUARANTEED Watches $1495 t r e e l i g h t s e t s This •set is “made for .outdoorXlightingBwith; lacquered weather proof Wire, and bakclite socket.' t ms ~ “-'■’•Si;? Indoo r ligh ting nets . . . 9 1 .4 9 59« H i MARBLE 1 BINGO 1 SET . | STARTING MONDAY DEC. 19, We Will Be Open in the Evening UNTIL 8 P. M. We Will Be Open WEDNESDAY Afternoon This Week Cedarville, Ohio , ... "5? St .m ' I m um Immij ffaa&iM O f AN EXTENSION {TELEPHONE £ t - vz L IMESTONE ST.. ^ 2& YEARS IN THE SAM i LOCATION SPRINGFIELD, OHIO WRAPPED FOR UNDER THE TREE (We'll come and install it after Christmas) An ideal gift for mother is an exten­ sion telephone! It gives pleasure every day of theyear and is a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness. .•For the younger set, a telephone of their very own is a matter of pride, Or maybe a favorite aunt or uncle needs the convenience of a bedside telephone orone byaneasychair.Cer­ tainly a convalescent friend would appreciate such a considerate gift-! Extensions are so easy and inexpen- THE OHI O B E L L T E L E PHON E sive to give. Just call our Business Office and we’ll arrange everything . . . a telephone in a gay, gift-wrapped package for under the tree; an. attrac­ tive gift card^and an appointment for installation of the instrument soon after Christmas. An extension telephone costs only $2.50 for installation and 60 cents a month plus federal tax. Or, if you prefer, you can pay $9.70 plus federal tax in advance for the cost of a gift, extension for a whole year. COMPANY MEANS EXTENSIONSFOEEVERYONE tiSlk □ r r i