The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
The Cedarville, O- Herald Friday, April 7, 1550 Shower Given For Mrs. Lynch By Friends s Mrs. Ernest Rocknold o f Xe nia, assisted by Mrs. Carey Gor don o f Jamestown, entertained with a miscellaneous shower fo r Mrs. Carl Lynch (Frances Bum- gardner) at the Eockhold home. A color scheme o f yellow and white was used. Gifts were re ceived from a table centered with; a large bouquet o f yellow jon- oi 1 quils. Contests were in charge o f Mrs. Paul Clark and a prize was won by Mrs. Minnie Mussetter. A dessert course was served to the guests from Jamestown, Xenia, Cedarville, Wilmington and Col umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch are living at New Jasper. MONTHLY MEETING •v. S. C. S. HAVE Tables were decorated with Easter flowers and Easter ap pointments when the W. S. C. S. met in the Methodist church ofr their monthly luncheon meeting, Wednesday noon. Devotions were led by Mrs'. Robert Huffman and Mrs. Paul Evans assisted by other members gave the program. Thirty five members enjoyed the luncheon served by Mrs. Robert Townsley, Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Mrs. C. G. McCallister and Mrs, V* Bumgardner. Rev. and Mrs. W . A . Condon are spending a few days with their daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gens, in Ohio City. GARDEN CLUB TO MEET APRIL 11 The Clifton Green. Thumb Gar den club will "meet at the home o f Mrs. Emile Finney, April 11, at 2 p , m. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Omar Sparrow. Roll call will be to make your own corsage and wear it. The program will be in charge o f Mrs. Maynard N eff and Mrs. Ralph Rife and will be on the theme o f Garden Pest Control. The flower arrangement will be o f early spring flowers. Earnhart-Daubert Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bau- bert o f Pine Grove, Pa., are an nouncing the engagement of their daughter. Miss Elsie, to Alton Earnhart o f Waynesville, former student at Cedarvi]5e Col lege. Miss Daubert is a graduate of Findlay College, Findlay and has taught science and mathematics in Haviland-Scott high school, Havilar.d, 0-, the last four years. Me. Earnhart. son o f Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart, Waynes ville, was graduated from Ohio State university and Is employed by the Paulding County Farm Bureau in Paulding. He is a navy veteran of World War II." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyer and son, Gordon, attended a fam ily dinner Sunday at the home of Mrs. Boyer's parents, Mr. pnd Mrs. A- Gr- Gordon in Washing ton C. H , li See our selection of new Gabardine Suits in plain C o l o r s . Tailored in 100 All Wool. This s u i t is ideal for the spring & summer months ahead. from $45.0 4 ' WHERE GENTLEMEN BUY XENIA, OHIO Mrs. John Wright Is Honored With Showier Mrs. John Wright (Nancy Fin ney) was honored with a mis cellaneous shower, Tuesday even ing at the home o f Mrs. Meryl Stormont. Mrs. Stormont was as sisted by her daughter, Mary Louise, and Mrs. Wilma Rein- hard. Colors o f gold and white were used. A note was given to Mrs. Wright by Andy French, telling her to fohow the rainbow to the pot o f gold. At the end ;o f pastel colored streamers was a large yellow basket o f gifts. Three bridal contests were played with prizes being won by Mrs. Lewis Lillich, Mrs. Irene Chesnut and Mrs. Ida Wright. The twenty four guests were, served by the hostesses. Out o f town guests wore Mrs. Millard French and family and Mrs. Rog er Gorman o f South Solon. Inspection O f Eastern Star Set for April 13 Annual Inspection o f Cedar- ville Chapter No. 418 Order o f the Eastern Star will meet in special sessiou Thursday, April IS at 8 o'clock in the high school auditorium with Mrs. Kathryn Wyre, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Worthy Grand Matron of* Grand Chapter o f Ohio, Order o f East ern Star as inspecting Grand of ficer. Preceding the meeting a din ner will be served at 6:30 p. m. by the Cedarville Band Mother’s club in the high school gym, for members and* guests o f other Chapters. Please send reservations for dinner to Mi’s. Jane Mills by April 8 . CLUB MEETS AT LEADER’S HOME The Junior Happy Workers 4-H club met this week at the home of their leader, Mrs. -Geo. Sheeley. The group baked muf fins and cookies. Business meet ing was in charge of President Sue Miller. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Sheeley. WOMAN’S CLUB BUSINESS MEETING The Woman's club will hold the annual luncheon and business meeting Thursday, April 13, at noon at the Antioch tea room in Yellow Springs. Members are asked to make reservations with Mrs. J. E. Mitchell by Tuesday, April 11. COLLIERS ATTEND WEDDING IN DAYTON Rev. and Mi’s. W. B. Collier and daughter, Pat, attended the wedding o f Miss Jean DeShayes to Carl Carter, Friday evening in Van Boren Methodist church in Dayton. They also attended the reception in the church social room. Mr. Carter is the son o f Rev. Carter, pastor of the Van Buren church. CHURCH GROUP. HAS MEETING The Missionary society of the Nazarene church met Friday ev ening at the home o f Mrs. E. E. Neal. Mrs. Rufus Nance and Glenna Nance conducted the pro gram on Japan with remarks from Rev. Hesler. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Neal. AUXILIARY TO MEET MONDAY The American Legion Auxil iary will hold thir regular ^meet ing Monday, April 10 at 8 p. m., at the home o f Mrs. Lawrence Waddle. The drill team will meet for practice Wednesday evening, April 12 at 7 p. m. in the shelter house. Drill team note change of time and place. SHOP AND SAVE AT THRIFT-E Coffee Chase & Sanborn lb, c a n ............................. 73e Beets JVferrit cut No. 2J/ 2 * c a n .......... .......... 15c Pickles B i l l ............ q t jar 19c Sugar Jack Frost or Franklin 5 lb. b a g ......... 47c Oxydol Lge p k g ........... 23%c Joy Dish Washing Miracle 4 oz. b o tt le ........... r.......26c Ivory Soap Personal size 3 b a r s ........................... - 17c Salad Dressing Mordene Qt, J a r .......... .....................29c Sweet Potatoes Vac Pac No. 3 c a n ................. 21c Prune Plums No. 2% can .................... 19c Pineapple Belmonte or Dole (Sliced) No. 2 can ......31c New Potatoes 10 lbs for 49c Beets Fresh Texas Grmtn 2 bunches ........ 19c Celery Lge Pascal stalk .. 15c QUALITYMEATS Kingan’ s Hams (Whole or Shank half 14-18 lbs. lba 55c Kingan’ s & Armour - Whole or Shank half 10-12 lb. .......... ........ lb. 59c Plate Boiling Beef .... lb. 29c ............... Plenty o f Grade (A ) Beef Boasts & Steak for Easteif Country Fries"& Boasting Chickens HABNER&HUSTON CEDARVILE MARKET s u r p r i s e p a r t y Band M o t h e r s FOR P. J. McCORKELL . m a ' ZT p. j . McCorkeii was surpri?- xo serve Dinner ed on his birthday when six « t -, * couples called at his home, Sat- 1 Ox, XL/clStePn S t a r urday evening. The group enjoy- The Band M th , , . ; c S? r ^ h“A - « w ™ f . £ *l.ool M d g o t o : and ended at the Cliff House oi mnnfi,!,, Mr. and Mrs. A. refreshments. C. Davis for PLANNING AN ALL COUNTY DINNER The Girl Scout troops are pre paring fo r the all county ban quet fo r adult leaders to he held monthly meeting in the school’s home economics room with the president, Mrs. Drothy Cotter, "presiding. Plans were made to serve dinner at the annual in spection of Cedarville Chapter No. 418 0. E. S. April 13. The Band Mothers also made plans to entertain the members here on April 20. The banquet p f the Junior and Senior bands and their husbands May 6 at the school house. Following the business meet ing refreshments were served to 30 members by Mrs. Faye Wil burn, Mrs. Ruth Koppe and Mrs. Lelia Crumrine. The entertain ment was in charge of Mrs. Le- nora McMillan. will be in- the U. P. church and anyone interested in Scouting is invited. MUSICAL PRACTICE TO BE APRIL 14 Practice fo r the Gedarville May musical will be held Friday ev ening, April 14 at 7:30 at the school. AU are urged to keep this date open fo r practice and attend if possible. STRALEYS VISIT IN INDIANAPOLIS Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley and children visited in Indiana polis over the week end in the home o f Mr. ana Mrs. John Hirt and daughters. Mrs. Straley and Mrs. Hirt are sisters. ATTEND EASTER STAR LUNCHEON Mrs. Mary Pickering, Mrs. Is abel Bull, Mrs. Willa Beattie, Mrs. Miriam Wallace and Mrs. Jane Mills attended a luncheon Saturday at the Rustic inn, Springfield, for worthy matrons, associate matrons, conductresses, associate conductresses and the 1944 worthy matron o f the 18th district, Order of. the Eastern Star. VISITING IN VAN WERT Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Gerbaugh are visiting at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jobe, and with My. Ger- baugh’s parents in Van Wert. Mr. Gerbaugh was graduated Georgia Tech in the March class. AGNORS HAVE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huffman of Jamestown visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ag- nor and family. Sunday evening dinner guests at the Agnor home were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rus sell Huffman of Dayton. DR. AND MRS. JACOBS GIVE DINNER PARTY Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jacobs entertained at dinner at the Day evening, honoring the birthday of Mrs. Jacobs' father, Mr. Walter C, Uiff. Govers were placed fo r • Mr. and Mrs. Iliff, Mr* and Mrs. Karlh Bull, Mi’s. Della Johnson, Mrs. S. C- Wright, Mrs. Mary Mc- Gorkell, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cresvvell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oreswell and daughter, Sally, of this place and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Finney of Xenia, and Dr. and Mrs. Jacobs aiid children, Miljicjt.nt and Walter. The evening was spent at the Jacobs home. MISSIONARY .GROUP MEETS * The Ghurch of God -Missionary society met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Margaret Neff, Kyle road. Mrs. Bessie Shaw was leader of the program on “ Japan”. Mrs. Palmer was in charge of the business meeting. Refreshments were served "by Mrs. Neff. K. Y. N. CLUB WITH MRS. SHELEY Mrs. George Sheley entertain ed the K. Y. N. club at her home, Friday afternoon. Roll call was answered naming an “ Irish Song” . Mrs. Herbert Powers gave a pa per on “History of Glifton” and Mr?. J. M. Bull told of the “His tory of Cedarville.” A . social hour followed the serving of re freshments. Mrs. Wiseman Heads*County HealthGroup Mrs. Ross Wiseman of Cedar ville was elected president o f the Greene County* Tuberculosis and Health Association at its annual meeting at the Bee and Thistle, Fairborn, Thursday night. She succeeds Mrs. W. C. Poole o f Fairborn. Other officers named,were Mrs. Norman Luce, Fairborn, vice president; Mrs. John Birch, Yel low Springs, recording secretary, ami Miss Gertrude Fulton, Xenia, re-elected treasuer, Lewis F. Bales, Xenia is the association’s executive secretary, an appoitive including a number of teachers in post. Forty-five members and guests, the Greene county school system, heard Frederick F. Cameron, health co-ordinator at Miami Uni versity, explain a health educa tion course which has been set ■ up by the Kellogg foundation. College credit is given teach ers completing the course. Coun ty Supt. Liming’s office will fur nish complete information. Fraternity Elects ‘ The new Zeta Sigma national fraternity on the Gedarville col lege campus elected the follow ing officers: Gordon Williams, president; William Fife, vice president; Archie Justus, secre tary treasurer; and Mendell E. Beattie as temporary sponsor. The national headquarters of the Sigma Zeta fraternity is at Fairmont,- W. Va. It was first organized "in 1923 and now has 28 chaptei’S. Buys Farm Mi*, and Mrs. Harold Dobbins have- urehased the 162 acre farm on ’ Barber road from heirs of the late Alta D. Wagner. Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Hampton and family and Stanley Herten- stein spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Prather in Danville, 111. Mr. and Mz*s. Frank Creswell and daughter, Sall,_ and Carol Sue Duvall are spending the week in Washington D. C. Miss Bai’bai’a Smith, student at Monmouth college, Monmouth, 111., is spending the EaSter va- ** 4 , .. . _ house guest at the Smith "home. Mr. and Mrs. William Osman have moved from their trailer into the apartment o f Mr, and Mrs. Amos Frame. Mr. Osman is a student. at Cedarville college and Mrs. Osman is employed at the Cedarville Lumber company. Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds had as Sunday guests Mz^. and Mrs. Myron Baker and family of Morrow and Mr. and Mz’S. Gor don Tice of Wilmington. Prof, and Mrs. Gilbert Dodd and son spent the spring vaca tion with relatives • in Straus- MRS. JOBE ENTERTAINS Mrs. Delmar Jobe entertained members o f the Elbow club of Selma and South Charleston at her home Thursday evening. Sat urday afternoon Mrs. Jobe en tertained a gz’oup of friends with contract bridge. DAR TO MEET The DAR meeting is to be held Tuesday, A p r il l l y a t> 7 :3 o ty jh . .-cation with her mother, Mrs. Ann a t the home o f M rs. F rank CSwfc- MrV Charles Hesler is a> well. GOLDEN RULE v CLASS MEETING The Golden Rule class met in the Methodist church Friday eve ning. Devotions were given by Mrs. Carl Plummer and games were in charge ot Mrs. uamy Connor. The group voted to give flow ers to shut-ins fo r Easter. Host esses fo r the evening were Mrs. Pearl Huffman, Mrs. M. Homey, Mrs. Albert Hagler and Mi’s. L. Devoe, burg,. Pa. Bill Furst of Athens, visited friends here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennehey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert (Smoky) Stover in •Charleston, W. Va. Sunday guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier were Mr. and Mrs. Janies Brown of Dayton. Mrs. Jennie Shroades who has been confined, in the home of. her daughter, Mrs. Luther Grey, 319 W- Eizclid avenue, Spring- field, since,, she had the misfor tune to fall and break her hip is Reported getting along nicely and soon riill be able to return home. > r “DIRECT from- MANUFACTURER” Cotton sack towels, washed and hemmed. Approximately 17x33V. 7 for-?1.00 Large print bags like pattern. Four for $1.00. No C. O, D’s. We pay postage. Consumers Bag Co. 33 Walnut St., Cincinnati 2, Ohio i * Easter Greetings W it h EASTER FLOWERS Do You Like HOT BREAD You can get it everyday except Saturday from 12 to 4 1 1-4 lb. ..... .. 12c Phone 6-3481 POTTED Tulips - Hyacinths - Hydrangea Jonquils 75c and. up • CORSAGES ROSES — White - Pink - Yellow BABY IRIS , 1.00 and up phone Your Order Stitsworfli’s Greenhouse EARL STiTSWORTH* .pwner | Railroad St, Phone 6-2344 Mr. and Mrs. Dobbins have sold the 100 acre farm known as the Josie E. Spencer farm which was recently purchased at sheriff’s sale to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dob bins. A l Ross, world famous clown will be here April 29, entertaining for Duvall Hardware 5th Anniversary New 18 " "Challenger" POWERMOWER ONLY with 4 cycle Briggs & Stratton 'engine . . . *84 I Compare this sturdy power mower feature"'{for feature with any in its class!. You’ll readily agree that here’s the biggest value you’ve ever found. From its quick-starting 4 cycle 1.1 hp. Briggs & Stratton engine1 down to the full 18" wide blades, it’s qual ity built. Finger-tip controlled from adjustable tubular steel handle, the “ Challenger” features smooth starts and stops on its 10 % " semi-pneumatic tired wheels. Chain belt drive from clutch to the. rugged drive gear turns five tough alloy i . cutting blades. C u t t i n g s p e e d s can be regu lated from !4 to 3.9 mph. This is a proved mower design, made by one o f the country’s leading power mower producers, not an experiment, built by "TORO” 2 1 -in c h size $ 9 4 - 9 5 The Best Value . ' . . Lowest Price;. Cedarville, Ohio ‘High Pressure Selling is Not Our Policy” 0 m J a word o f Assurance ' „ fromyour local LENNOX dealer Y our heating system— regardless o f make — is very important to the happiness and daily com fort o f your home. It is not our intention, ever, to exploit it as a means for high pressuring y ou Into buying repair parts, gadgets, or services that do not benefit you or your heating system or which you do not want. When you call us for spring heating system cleaning service, y ou can be assured that y ou w ill receive the kind o f honest, forthright, and competent service to which you are entitled. Y ou can rely on oUr established reputa tion for reliability and quality . . . a reputation buUt° only upon a sincere desire to attain complete satisfaction — and com fort— in every home in which we are privi- leged 'to enter: * Call us loday3 won't you? Y W R C H M IM E D LENNOX M U U U . C.C.BREWER 6-2251 ° r 6-4911 i We Clean and Service A L L Types of Heating Systems m * Listings Invited We Serve the Seller We Serve the Buyer 36 Properities Sold in this vicinity during 1949 1950 is an opportunity year - W e pledge our Patrons our Very best work and cooperation to give our>fullest capacity of Service. ANTHONY SPENCER Real Estate Sales Clifton 5743 , PHONE Insurance Springfield 2S371
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