The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

SThe Cedarville, O. Herald ’ 'A- . ^ % ;d a y 3April 21 ,1950_ On the School Scene Continued from Page One was wide, and Carper scored from second. Cedarville threatened in the sixth as Don Chesnut made it to first • on an error by first base­ man Massie. Chesnut stole sec­ ond; Heathcook struck out, but Heidorn walked to keep the rally going. However, Stewart forced a runner, and Lultrell grounded out to end the inning. Ross also tried to Xorge ahead in the sixth. Steen opened the inning with a double down the left field line, but could not score as Tackett bore down and retir­ ed the next three men in order. The winning tallies came in riis top o f the seventh. Parker walk­ ed, Tackett singled, and Vest was again intentionally passed, to load the bases. Andreivs walk­ ed Peterson, forcing in Parker with what proved to be the win­ ning run. Chesnut struck out, but Sam Heathcook laid down a sac­ rifice, which accompanied with an error, scored the final two runs. Ross went down one, two, three in tlic-ir half of the seventh, and Cedarville was in the finals of the baseball tournament. Ross committed six errors, and Cedarville missed two chances. Mel Tackett was in complete con­ trol all the way, striking out 11 while walking only one. Andrews struck out 7 and walked six, Indians Win Quarter-Final Game The baseball season officially opened fo r Cedarville High School last Wednesday when the Indians met Jamestown’s Vik­ ings at Jamestown. At the end of the second in­ ning, the score stood 9-0 in favor of Cedarville and at this time due to the inclement weather conditions the game was discon­ tinued after the request of the Jamestown coach. Thus the game will go down in the record book as a 7-0 forfeit by Jamestown, credited as a win to Cedarville. The Indians racked up most of their tallies bv an abundance of “Oldat49,50,60?” — Man, You’ re Crazy Forget your ago Thoimncla arc penny at 70. Try "pepping up" with Oatrex. Contains tonic for weal:, rundown feeling due solely to body's lark ot iron which many men and women call "old." Try Ofltrex Tonlo Tablets for pep. younger feeling, this very day. New “ get acquainted" size only £Uc. Xor sale at oil drug stores everywhere. walks and errors by Jamestown; meanwhile Mel Tackett had ^lit­ tle trouble in letting the Vikings down without a hit, and allowing only one jnan to get on base. Junior Girls Win Vclley Rail Tournament Nine junior girls whizzed through to win the niter-class volley ball tournament, claiming, seven wins out o f seven games. In the final game o f the tourna­ ment last Monday, they defeated the sophomore girls 37-35. Players in the winning team were; Paula Turner, Pat Collier, Sally West, Norma Smith, Doro­ thy Creswell, Clara Sexton, Cor­ ona Wiseman. Martha Richards, Faye Huston, $nd Janet Gordon, who played as substitute. Band Letters Awarded Last Thursday Letters were a- warded to Band Members o f the Junior class. Letters were presented to: Janet Gordon, Shirley Powers, Martha Swaby, Nancy Harris, Glenna Nance, Dianna Bright- inan, Mary Jo Duvall, JoAnn Slueley, Janet Crumrine, Paula Turner, Pat Collier, and Donald Baldwin. The letters were red C’s edged in white with a lyre in the cen­ ter. Senior members of th? band will be awarded medals in the near tutlire. Home Ec Department Undergoes Alterations An Automatic Frigidaire wash- rr, dryer, and eieciric stove have been purchased for the use of the Home Ee. Department. The large room will be rearranged, separa­ ting the kitchen unit from the rest of the class room. At the same time the new e- quipiiient is being installed, the spring house cleaning and re arrangLment of the department is in progress. New shelves in cabinets have been built as a con­ venience to the sewing depart­ ment by Mr. Boyer’s shop class. On Friday the Junior and Senior Home Ee, class will house- clean the school office while the Freshmen clean the Hoee E. room. Mrs. Marshall announced that a demonstration will be given to public by the Home Ec. girls soon. WHAT IF? Mr. Walker were a racer in­ stead o f a Walker? Minnie were sweater instead of a COATes? Don were b >wine-sap instead o f a Baldwin ? ■; Frances were a submarine in­ stead o f a CARr? Janet were a kernel instead tef a Hull? Don were a. bean instead of a Chesnut? Patty.had .been an original in -, stead pf a Koppe? Carolyn were an alley instead o f a Lane? Patricia were a Why instead o f a HOWell? Jimmie were a Schaeffer in­ stead o f a Parker? Shirley were a Hershey in­ stead o f a Powers? Glen were a draw-bridge in­ stead o f a ToIIe? •Paula were an egg-beater in­ stead o f a Turner. Sally were an East instead of W est? Joan were a picture instead of a Frame ? Corena was a smart girl in­ stead o f a Wiseman? Joann were a butcher instead of a Baker? Fern were a dish-washer in­ stead of a Cook? * Joan wefe bacon instead of HAMmon ? Leonard were high instead of Lough? • Mary Lou were a butterfly in­ stead of a Miller? Ronald were a stove instead o f a Sink? Nona were a bandana instead of a Shaw - - 1? Marion were a cobbler instead o f a Smith ? Mel were a hammer instead o f a TAGKett? What i f Abie were a JERKen instead o f a Vest? By Rosie Miller Margaret Swaney STORK SHOWER Mrs. Robert Beam entertained with a stork shower, honoring her sister, Mrs. Carroll Vaughn, at her home Wednesday evening. Contest prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Shelton, Mrs. Donald Davis and Mrs. Janet William­ son. A miniature stork centered the table holding pink and white streamers and the gifts were placed around the stork. Guests were Mrs. Tom Little, Mrs. fifarrison Deck, Mrs. James Ramsey, Mrs. Larry Brooks, Mrs. Lloyd Confarr, Mrs. David 4m * A,' *s£ Auspices,- International Harvester post No. 9381 Veterans of For- fign W a r s .______- Tis Spring ( Again* Outdoor Amusement time, Shown here are, the Bump, enf~ Thump .em scooter cars one ,o f the many at- . r r in„ mem0ry of Herbert Lew- S S 5 S ? S , ? 3? *• April 21,1944, SHOWS NOW .showing at Jacks js Cedarville. ‘ Corners, South Limestone at Lef- m fel Lane Springfield until Sat -1 ur This is a day of remembrance, day wte i la a m i. iu u . of sad regrets, a da t day Midnite Api il 29,under the n]^ays remember when the a— — m — iii r£s t, 0 ’f" the wor^d forgets. Our Strobridge, Miss Irma- Creswell,' hearts are filled with sadness Miss Mary Bird, Mrs. Frank Only God knows how we miss him Bird, Mrs. Cluster Corbean ahd at'the dawn of another year. ’ a n - - ...... i " - 1 " ’ salliymissed by Mother and Dad. MRS. ORVILLE HUDSON 3144 Maple. ‘ Detroit 7,, Mich. daughter Cora , ’ Misses* Pat Col­ lier, Phyllis Spurgeon, Martha Purdom, Margaret-Swaney, Mrs, J t e Marshal, Mrs..Lawhence Gil- laugh, Mrs. James Skinner, Mrs.' Hague Williamson, Mrs. Earl | WANTED—To do electirc wir- Stitsworth, Mrs. Raymond Lit- fag and repairing. Alva Sagraves, tier, Mrs. Charles' Edinger, M rs.’ Tel. Cedarville 6-1263. Fred Engle, Mrs/ Richard Den- j ’ '• (4-21-4-5-12) nehey o f Cedarville, Mrs. Char- I------ --------------------------------------------- les Shelton, Mrs’. IJ-Vbert Gumper- ‘ FOR SALE—Used .Estate gas ling, Mrs. John Rice of Dayton , 1 range. Reasonably priced, Phone Mrs. Pruntz.of Springfjeld, Mrs. ]6-1881. . Ross Huffman and Mrs. Marion J nT nwriun ; a „ McClellan o f Xenia; Mrs. E lvis* . GARDEN PLOWING - A n d Davis, Mrs. Donald Davis, Mrs. fa c to r work. Fred Dean, tele- George Davis, Mrs. Floyd Flora Phone 6-1563-______ ; ( 4 - 21 - 4 - 0 ^ 2 ) and daughter and Miss’ Ruth Ir- I j wili make machine made but- vine o f Wilmington.. ' ton boles in my home. Mrs. Ar- CLUB MEETS ’ " thur Pfeifer, 6-1021. (4-21-2t-pd. The second meeting o f the Ce- J darville Progressive Farmers was held at the home of Richard and Larmar Spracklfa Wednesday eve­ ning, WANTED—WOOL, Top -prices. Lloyd Devoe, Clifton, TeT. 5329. (3-19-61-4-14 pd.) lows: Beginning on the Clifton •road corner to Mrs. Weymouth; thence with the Northerly side of a right of way N. 77° 30' E. 44.76 poles to a stone post and stone corner to Phillips; thence with the line of said Phillips N. 2 ° W. 19 poles to a post corner to said Phillips; thence S. 86 ° 30' W. 48.57 poles to a stake in the Clifton road and ih the line of Thompson'Craw- dord; thence with the said road and line of said Crawford and line o f Mrs. =Weymouth S. 12 ? 5 ' E. 26.31 poles to the beginning, con­ taining six and fifty six hundred­ ths (6.56) acres more or less. Said tract IV having been platted May 17, 1916, into fifty one (51) lot 3 as appears in the Plat Record Vol. 2 , Page 95, of Greene County Plat Records and known thereon as “ Edgemont Subdivision” of 6.56 acres adjoining Cedarville Corpor­ ation. An accurate map of which terri­ tory, togetherwith the petition for its annexation, and other papers relating thereto, and a certified transcript of the proceedings of the County Commissioners in re­ lation “thereto o n f i l e with the Clerk of Council o f said Village, be and the same is hereby accepted. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and b e , in force from and after the earliest period al­ lowed by law. Passed this 17 day of April, 1950. ATTEST: P. J. McCorkell " A. R, Frame Clerk Mayor NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Fred Houston, De­ ceased. ■ Notice is hereby given that Nora Houston has been duly appointed as Administratrix o f the estate of Fred Houston, .deceased, late of Spring Valley "Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 13th day of April, 1950. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Green? County, Ohio. (4-21-3t-5-5) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk •of 10:00 o'clock A. M. and 6 o'clock P. M. o f said day and that the taking of the same will be ad­ journed from day to day between the' same hours until they are completed. PAUL W. RION Attorney fo r Plaintiff (4-7-3t-4-21) LEGAL NOTICE William J. Gannon whose ad­ dress is Box 12, Wesleyan Station, Middletown, Conn., will take no­ tice that on the 3rd day of April, 1950, Donna D. Gannon filed her certain petition against him for divorce on the grounds o f gross negleet o f duty and extreme cruel­ ty, before the- Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 26372“on the docket o f said Court, and will come on fo r hearing on or after the 13th day of May, 1950. HORN & ZARKA Attorneys fo r Plaintiff Winters Bank Bldg., Dayton (4-7-6t-5-12) o f Raymond T. Williamson, de­ ceased, late o f Cedarville Town­ ship, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 31st day of March, 1950. WILLIAM B, McCALLISTER Judge o f the Probate Court Greene County, Ohio. (4-7-3t-4-21) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk LEGAL NOTICE , No. 26361 Charlene Francis Keeling, whose last known place o f residence was care of General Delivery, Lawrence Kansas, will hereby take notice that on the 23 day o f March, 1950, Gerald F. Keeling, filed his peti­ tion against her in the Court of Common Pleas, Division o f Do­ mestic Relations, Greene County, Ohio, being Case Number 26361 D. R-, on the docket o f said Court, praying fo r a decree o f divorce from her on the grounds of gross neglect o f duty and extreme cruel­ ty, and further, praying fo r title to reb] estate, household goods and automobile and custody of minor children; that said real estate is described as follows, to-wit: Situate in the Village of Osborn SPENCER SUPPORTS — Indi- A t the close of the meeting re- vidually designed. Consult Mrs. greshments were served by Mrs, Spracklfa. The club will meet at the home o f Bill Arthur April 25 at 7 p. m. BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baudendistel near Xenia, are announcing the engagement o f 5' their daughter, Miss Rose Marjr/ .to; Mr. David Manor, son of; -Mr.v and Mrs. Charles Manor,fnear Cjedarville. The wedding dale' hasMnot teen set. . n ■ ATTEND 4-H CONFERENCE * Misses Joan •.Sheeley, Diana Brightman and ClarajSexton were am o n g -the ■ G recm a^zounty • rep- Mildred McMillen, 225 West Main, Xenia. Tel. 1646-M (Gt-3-24-4-28) NOTICE—Did you get the Day- ton Sunday paper? If not please •contact Ima Purdin, Tel. 6-2132. Dayton, Ohio (3-24-6t-4-28) . ORDINANCE NO. 256 ACCEPTING APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE V I L L A G E OF CEDARVILLE, STATE OF OHIO: 'Section. That the application of Harold J. Spitler et al fo r annexa­ tion of the following: described territory to-wit:; (TRACT IC-Situate. fa^the- Couji LEGAL NOTICE Norman C. Hathaway, whose last known address was Sinclair! S t r S;HHa^ ° n’ I i rei r A the County of Greene, and State 4 ^ 1 1 ™ * 5 ? 0n.,th| 64h i Sy °f of Ohio, bounded and described “as Apni 1950, Marceil S. Hathaway foIlowa; Bei S2.S6 feet taken- by filed her certam petition against llel 15nea th sodth sid* ° P j he e™UnJ? of of Lot No. S91 and 19.71 feet taken extreme cruelty brfore the Com- b llel lines off the nOTth s5de f v n S 8 " * ? S n « Lot No- 892, as shown on the ty, Ohio said case being No. 26380 recor<red plat 0f •Albert-Krumm, on the docket of said Court and Section Fi VGj ~ y olume 3> page ^ hT £ S °^nn 33> Greene County Plat Records, e 3th day of May, 19 >>Being' the'same premises conveyed to Forrest E. and Ruth M- War- shime by deed dated August 27th, NOTICE ON FILING INVENTORY The "State of Ohio, Greene County Probate Court To J. Rex. Black, Omalee Drive, Xenia, Ohio, and Roy K. Black, Bellbrook, Ohio. You are hereby notified that on the 13th day o f April A. D. 1950, an Inventory and Appraisement o f the estate of Easter Black deceased late o f Bellbrook Village in said County, was filed in this Court. Said Inventory and Appraise­ ment will £>e for hearing before this Court on the 1st day of May, 1950, at 10:00 , o’clock, A. M. Any person desiring to file ex­ ceptions to said -Inventory must file them at least five days prior to the day set. for hearing. . Given under my hand and seal, o f /said Court; this - 14th' resentatives at [Vv.district 4-H jfer o f Gfeenfe?in The^t^te'of ’ O l ii o '^ y of April, T950. Junior Leadership Conference /fad in the Tawnjhip of Cedarville, held in Hillsboro^ Saturday. Sev- ahd bounded and described as fol- en counties were ^represented, and discussion of organization and projects was held. ? ■ - V , i OUTLINE YEAR’S PLANS The Executive ^members of the missionary society of the U. P. Church held a business meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Julia Lockey/ .Program plans for the coming year were made. CELEBRATES Miss Sallie McMillan celebrated her 96th birthday Sunday. A few friends celebrated with a- dinner at her home and Aunt Sallie was showered with many cards. Mr. and Mrs. Donald , Hsgler lows, viz r- Beings part of Military Survey entered in the name of William Tompkins No. 3746 and North ha_l£ of a six acre lot form­ erly ownbd by David Huffman. Be­ ginning at a stake in the Cedar- vilfe and Gliftoii Turnpike road corner to William Barber; thence with his line E. 76° 16’ W. 32.60 poles to a stone corner to Benoni Creswell; thence with the line of said Creswell S. 13° 30' E. 14.72 poles to a stake; thence N. 76° 16' E. 32.60 poles to a stake in the i:aid turnpike road (a stone bear- ing'N. 76° 16' W. distant 6 links); thence N. 13° 30' W.- 14.72 poles to the beginning containing three ( 3 ) acres, more or less. WILLIAM B. MCCALLISTER Probate Judge (Seal) Luella Howser Deputy Clerk TRACT IF Situate in the Town­ ship of Cedarville, County 1 of Bible, Glass o f U. P. I and described as follows: I>»‘ - Military Survey and Mr. and Mrs. Chai'les-Edinger r r « s . es ° s H “6 “ » i ^ in and PI Church Friday evening. A-businesl meet -11 ; d“ in the name of Wm. T.omp- ing was held-.ani gafaes. ;Were,.L®rea-- ” ®Different because it saves more fue l . . . different because it can be in­ stalled and serviced from inside the room, without the need crawling under the house — and Aferent be­ cause it givesmaximum air circulation. ed to 15 members and. their fam- , ilies/i ' - A. PERSONALS Mri and. Mrs. A. B. Creswell have returned home after spend­ ing the Easter weekend in De­ troit with their daughter Jane. Mr., and Mrs. Leon Kling, Sum- , merford entertained the college faculty members and their fam­ ilies with a covered dish dinner at their home Friday evening. . Mrs. Flora McClain and grand­ son of Dayton visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pennypacker of Pittsburgh, Pa., visited the latter’s mother Mrs. R. T. Wil­ liamson over the weekend,’ Mr, and Mrs. George Gordon and daughter and Mrs. C. H. Gor- 3pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Lister Ogle in Springfield. , t \o. .* an<*- Mrs- Hugh Grindle of Cincinnati spent Monday^ % 4 bh Mr., and Mrs. James Duffield. A . , t , - , , - ifcfas No. 3746. Beginning at* a were th^ C e d a r v ille -C lifton turnpike road eoynei; to; Martha L. Stomoidy running: fhepceiwith her ®1ie Si ? 6 ° lfr^W. 32,60; poles tio iffttbne in the line of B. Cressv/ell; thence with his line'S. .13° 30' E. 15.28 poles to a stone in the lin^ Of the heirs of John Orr; thence with the line- of Said John OnJ heirs N. 76° 16' E. 32.60 poles to a stake in : said turnpike road; thence with the said turnpike road N; 13° 30' W. 15.28 poles to the beginning containing 3.11 acres more or less^and’ being the same premises "conveyed to Henry Bar­ ber by Lydia Weymouth by deed qf date of /June 7th, 1902, and recorded in Vol. 94, page 58, Deed Records, Greene County, Ohio. - TRACT HI Situated in Cedar­ ville Township, Greene County, Ohio bounded and described as fo l­ lows:, Being part o f Military Sur­ vey No, 3746 and beginning for the part thereof hereby conveyed, *at a _______________ __ jpost, corner to lands, of Cedarville Sunday guest at the Duffield College in the-line o f the afore- home was Mr. Ralph ‘Grindle of said George W. Hamman; thence -NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate fit George Haverstick, 'Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Harry C. Haverstick. has been duly ap­ pointed as Administrator o f the estate of George'Haverstick, de­ ceased, late q f .Township of Beaver­ creek, Greener County, Ohio. Dated this 6 th -day of April, 1950. „ * WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. (4-14-3t-4-28) By Luella Howser , Chief Deputy Clerk Long gas travel within heat exchanger extracts all usable heat from the fuel. Absolutely safe, perfectly silent, a size for every need. Manual or automatic controls. Order today-install today —get comfort today I WORLD’SLAMSfMANUFACTURERSAND ENGINEERSOFWARMAIRHEATINGSYSWiiS 316 S. Whiteman FLOOR FURNACE SALES & SERVICE Phone 496R Call us t o d d y ! We are YOUR CERTIFIED LENNOX DEALER Blissfield, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Rhdisell of New Vienna spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mendell Beat- tie. Mi*, and Mrs. Frank ^ o p e r of Chicago spent the Weekend, with Rev. and Mrs. Fred £fagie!;» Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Hamer apd family spent Suriday with Mr. aild :Mrs. Carl FerguSdn ’ in Mt. Pleasant/ -Mrs. David Reynolds, pres, of ^ Im jngtou district a fW . ’S.iC. S. isLspending Ithe! w e^ frtn i^ letei- land attending the Tfur#’/Assem­ bly o f the Woman’^^^^iely of Christian Service, •Mr. and Mrs. Lau iis. Straley and family spent Sindhy. with Mr, and Mrs. FrankiBomff - and family o f Cone, nearjJkcfcs^on. Mr. and Mrs. Del^etfc^Mqijvrry with the Una o f said Hamman as follows: N. 11° 00' W. 23.66 poles to an ir°n Pinl Whence N. 78° 55' E 18.60 poles -io a stake, corner to said Hamman, J; G. Rife and lands o f the aforesaid 'Cedarville Col- ]e~g» thence with the line o f lands of'said college as follows: S ,-ll° 04' E. 15-53 poles to a stake; thence ,» 700 5 ?' 5.45.-poles to a stake; thence S - 46=° .S8i* W. 15.62Lpbies tn the place of beginning, contain­ ing two ahd thirteen hundredth (213) acres Jjy^syrvey o f Sejs’f. 5F 1935. •' V - ' . . . . ’ The foregoing tract, being m +ha premises conveyed to the grantors hereof by deed of Hays McLeaa and wife bearing date of liter; 3 1934, and recored in Vol. 152 Page 553, o f the deed records of Greene County, Ohio. . 01 TRACT IV Situated in the Coun- and family spent Sunday; With Ay of Greenej s the State o f Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Williafa S i f e a n d A i n Township tef Cedarville family m New Vienna. " M d bounded and descirbed as fol- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Easter * Black, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Roy A. Black has been duly appointed as Executor d? the estate of Eas­ ter Black, deeeased, late of Vil­ lage of Bellbrook, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 7th day o f April, 1950. WILLIAM B- McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. (4-14-3t-4-28) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Lizzie Haverstick, De­ ceased. Notice is hdreby given that Harry C. Haverstick has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate of Lizzie Haverstick, de­ ceased, late of Beavercreek Town­ ship, Greene County, Ohio,. Dated this 6 th day of April, 1950. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. (4-14-3t-4-28) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE TQ TAKE DEPOSITIONS Janies Leon Randolph vs. Evelyn Frances Randolph 1245 W. 45th Ave., Miami, Fla. '» Case No. 26355 The above named defendant will take notice that .on the 1 st day o f ‘ May A. D, 1950 the plaintiff above named will take .the deposition of Major John M. Adams, sundry witness, to be used as evidence in the trial o f the above cause in be-, half, o f ; the plaintiff/ at the'Saw^ offices o f Paul W. Rion, 901 Mi­ ami Savings Building, Dayton, in the County o f Montgomery in the State of Ohio between the hours DEAD STOCK Horses $2.50 Cows $24>0 Hogs $9.25 Cwt. Collect 454 Xenia XENIA FERTILIZER Small stock removed' promptly style of said case being Marceil S. Hathaway vs. Norman C. Hath­ away. Tiddings, Jeffrey, Wiseman & Rogers Attorneys for Plaintiff 512-20 Harries Bldg. Dayton 2 , Ohio (4-7-6t-5-12) 1948, and recorded in Volume 206, page 482, Deed Records o f Greene County, Ohio.” That said case is entitled Ger­ ald .F. Kefeling, plaintiff, versus Charlene Francis Keeling, defend­ ant. 1 Said Charlene Francis Keeling will further take notice that she NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Charles J. Butcke, De C6AS6(I Notice is hereby given that Rus- f. ™ r saidl petf- sell G. Butcke and Herman J. t:.on on ? r b,efole be ^piration ol Butcke have been duly appointed six weeks from the date of the as Executor o f the estate of Chari furst pubhcation of this norice, les J. Butcke, deceased, late o f to-wlt: the 5th day of May, 1950. Spring Valley Township, Greene1 Gerald F.. Keeling, County, Ohio. j Plaintiff Dated this 5th day of April,sMeyer Dreety and Paul Ziegler ' 1950 . j Attorneys for Plaintiff WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER I®02 Gas & Electric Building Judge o f the Prohate Court Greene | -Dayton 2, Ohio (3“31-6t-o-5) ?4-7-3t-4^2110' Hv Tuella Howser I Evelyn Frances Randolph, whose (4 7 at 4 21) . address is 1250 N.W. 45th avenue, Chief Deputy Clenc |M.amii ^ ^ take notice ftat NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT i ° n the 20th day of March, 1950, Estate of Roberta Penewit, De- j*^ames Leon Randolph filed his ceased. certain petition against her for Notice is hereby given that J.s divorce on the glounds o f gross A. Finney has been duly appoint- j negtect ^° f duty and willful ab­ ed as Administrator o f the estate j sence, before the Common^ Pleas of Roberta Penewit, deceased, late Court of Greene County, Onto, said Beavercreek Township, Greene 1caSe bmnff No; 26355 on the docket County, Ohio. Dated this 5th day o f April, 1950. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge o f the Probate Court Greene; County, Ohio, (4-7-3t-4-21) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Bert B. Bowell, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby, given that Gladys F. Bowell has been duly appointed as Executrix of the es­ tate o f Bert B. Bowell, deceased, late o f Caesarcreekv Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 31st day o f March, 1950. WILLIAM B.-McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court Greene County, Ohio. (4-7-3t-4-21) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk of said court, and will come up for hearing on or after the :29th day of April, 1950, style of said case being James Leon Randolph ys. Evelyn Frances Randolph. Paul W. -Rion, Attorney for P la intiff;’ ' ’ 901 Miami Savings Building, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Raymond T. William­ son, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Fan­ nie Williamson has Been duly ap­ pointed as Executrix o f the estate' FARMS FOR SALE -AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. j Leon H. Kling, Mgr. LEGAL NOTICE Elizabeth Carr Cutter, whose ad­ dress is P. O. Unit. No. 2, Camp F. H. Pendelton, Oceanside, Calif- fornia, will take notice that on the F. H. Pendelton, Oceanside, Cali- 22nd day o f March, 1950, Clarence Edward Cutter, Jr., filed his cer­ tain petition against her fo r di­ vorce on the grounds o f groi s neg­ lect of duty and extreme cruelty before the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, said case be­ ing No. 26359 on the docket of said court, and will come up for hear­ ing on or after the 29th day o f April, 1950, style o f said case be­ ing Clarence Edward Cutter, Jr., vs. Elizabeth Carr Cutter. Paul E. 0Layton, Attorney for Plaintiff 142% North Broad Street, Fairborn, Ohio :Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSS GUTTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio Spring Is Just /r ' r ' Round the Corner— / * And that means fresh , clean, attractive clothes. It * * “ is our business to keep them that way. Pressing freshens clothes, and adds to their good looks. In­ vest in neat, clean clothes. THE NEW CEDARVILLE CLEANERS * * + Xenia Ave., Cedarville • Phone 6-3411 m