The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
«*!!***- The Cedarville, O- Herald Friday, April 21 ,1950 Hie Cedarville Herald A Republican Newspaper Published Every Friday by THURMAN MILLER. JR, Entered as second class matter October 31, 1887 at the Postof- dce at Cedarville. Ohio, under Act o f Congress o f March 1875* Member—National Editorial A s sociation: Ohio Newspaper Asso ciation; Miami Valter tress A.* sociau'.-n. I n d r t REV. ROBERT H. HARPER 2 * BEV. R'Kie ..iKPER Editorial IT CAN BE DONE Now and then—you wish it were always—you get a bill or statement marked “ Pd.” Nerit to “ Inclosed find check” the world that is—is no more com forting combination, o f letters. The enterprise which engineers and landowners devised a few years ago that they called the Miami Valley Conservation dis trict bears that label- It is paid for. Who paid fo r it? The government ? P l e a s e, PLEASE, don’t .say that! The people paid fo r it. Fortunately the system was designed and huilt and put into operation be fore the epoch o f government aid came on the scene to blur it. The world has not known as good a system of flood protection, tested and tried over a period of almost 40 years, and don’t for get—it is paid for! ACCUSATIONS During the war, as you may re member sadly, cries o f “ Slack er!” and “ Fifth Columnist!” raised by any one against any one else who might have voiced a sentiment not exactly in ac cord with the accuser’s views. ’Twas ever thus. Now-a-days the term of reporach is “ Communist!” Many a person who is blameless as a Revolutionary citizen-sol dier is being called a “ Commun ist,” and by the same token, many a snooping, turncoat, disloyal person is actually trying to un dermine the government. One of the mysteries that is not explain ed is how any American could wish to destroy this country and establish one on the Russian sys tem! Nothing is harder to un derstand than that. BURIED TREASURE British navy divers are putter ing around the hulk o f a wooden ship at the bottom of the sea o ff Western Scotland. „ There is a whisper that it might be the Floi’- eneia that went to Davy Jones’s 400 years ago with §84,000,000 a- board. If the ship proves to be the Florencia those Britishers will .get to it i f they have to carry the ocean o ff in gallon buckets. The story goes that one after noon all London, Royalty and prince and pauper, were attend ing a regatta on the Themes. Some men were tossing coins— English “ tuppence” and the like —into the river fo r the ragamuf fin lads to dive after-. Some A- merican’s began tossing in sil ver dollars. A cockney shouted: “ Hy, sy, have a care! You’ll be havin’ the king divin’ !” I f there’s gold in them thar holds under the sea, the king may take to divin’ slio nuff. HEAR YE. HEAR YE ! * Justice William Douglas, you remember, was injured badly some time ago when a horse fell on him. Back on the job at the supreme court he has some good advice to give people who seek serenity in their lives. Not as commandments though they num ber 10 , he lays down the rules like these: Keep strong enough to work, study what you are a- fraid o f, live in the future, look into your prejudices, don’t allow yourself to become lazy, develop your talents, live beyond and a- bove yourself, have faith in God. (The last could well have been first.) And “ living beyond and above yourself might be taken to mean buying a television set even if you can’t afford it. No— joking the justice’s program is a mighty good one. A-MEBICINE While the world dreads atomic power and fears the frightful uses to which it may be put, steadily scientists, go forward with experiments in the 'applica tion o f atomic energy to practic al and helpful things. It is being whispered that the time is not far o ff when medical treatments o f atomic energy will he every day occurrences., We would sug gest trying it first on a school boy who is sick at his tummy— until after the school bell rings. WE ALL PAY IT Neighboring Highland county paid in January and February a total o f over $50,000 to unemploy- m persons in the county. Tha t. is more money than the county spends in five years helping un fortunate persons up until some 20 years ago, THE WAY OUT Practical application o f atomic power to take the place o f steam, eJjSjctricity and diesel power, is being considered. The American President steamship lines believes it possible to power its round- the-world ships with atomic en~ * ergy- That is the solution to the Amos Attala A o c t a l Impulse» {Tempi’sanee).. Lesson foe April 23: Amos 4:1-2; 1-6; 8: 4-7. Alemory Selections Atmos 5: 15. O UR LESSON TEXT begins wnh the denunciation by Amo* «* ihe intemperate women of th* time. He calls them “kine of Balk an.” They abused the poor %od needy and constantly urged their husbands to arrange drinking par ties. It is claimed that more ttwn 50 per cent of the women of our country are- drinkers. Many of. :hem do not hesitate to go into oars and drink along, with men. The prophet also spoke against chose who were at ease in Zion. Chey were wont to lie on beds of ivory, to feast, to sing, to drink, •egardless of the nation’s misery, of the poverty and affliction that were widespread. Amos wrote that God had sol emnly vowed not to forget the evil deeds of those who were swal lowing up the needy. With faulty weights and measures they de frauded the poor and; they lived luxuriously on the people’s misery. They kept, the people poor that they might be rich. It is tragically true that mwr.y American women hav* tax** t* the bottle. The country need* to *e aroused over the many evliv in i®r economic life. And we should b* stirred .over the increasing use of strong drink by all classes and conditions of our people. The In dividual and the church cannot af ford to temporize and compromise in the matter. Let us be aroused to the dangers that beset our country at the present time. A-bomb problem—hitch its pow er to service, not to hate- UNDER THE BELT Bitterly it is being argued that we can’t do business with Stalin. The way his representatives in ' UN walk out between meals serves as an argument. Trust Russia ? Personally we think that any country that provides caviar that people actually eat would do anything—even say invented ‘ love and kisses. CLARENCE XTBROWN Write* With a Buckeye In Congress The Special House Committee investigating lobbyists’ activities will resume its hearings on April 19. While the lobby inquiry insti gated to show up only those lob byists who oppose various fea tures of Mr. Truman’s program, the hearings up to date have dis closed there are at least as many lobbyists working for the enact ment o f the Truman legislative proposals as those who oppose them. The only difference in the lobbyists seemingly is that most o f those supporting the Adminis tration measures are receiving their compensation from the Fed- „eral treasury. While the number o f unemploy ed has dropped about 500 thous and during the last month, down to a total o f slightly more than 4 1-4 million, due" to the usual spring pickup in employment, look for the Truman Administra tion to start beating the drums fo r new legislation to give larg er unemployment benefits fo r longer periods of time, and per haps to federalize the whole com pensation program. Administration officials are considerably worried over" the - governmental fiscal outlook. Tax rcollections up to March 15 are said to have fallen approximately $1 billion below Treasury esti mates, and there is every indi cation the government deficit for the coming fiscal year will be somewhere between $7 and $10 billion instead o f $5 billion as or iginally predicted. 1REMEMBER BY THE OLDTIMERS THEN- ^q> CURSES/ / -AND NOW! PARAGRAPHS Headline—“ Gas Bill on Floor of .House.” Who among you, brethern, would make a nasty crack about it? A Toledo man got a check fo r $1,000,300. Only $300 was correct, but the preceding figures gave him quite a lift to carry around in his pocket fo r a while. Headline—“ Price Supports for Hogs Ends.” Props out from un der both ends, eh? The president complains that three ornery Republicans have undermined our international pol icy. Tattery as it is, it will fall in on them if they aren’t careful. - An Akron man snuk back to the income tax man to report a much larger income than he had turned in. “Don’t tell her!” he requested. Who among you is whomst? A djriverless Car ran amuck in Pittsburgh. Usually that kind is the only safe car. A husband and wife—Bob and Dianna—are flying around the world. Not every husband and wife do that, but. most o f them get up in the air enough fo r a good start* a lot o f times. From Mrs. Nettle I. Vanderwerker of Jackson, Mich.: “ I remember the first washing machine. A sheet was soaped and laid flat on the floor and the clothes were soaped and laid flat on the sheet. The sheet was folded to fit a con traption that was fastened in the wooden tub and the handle was turned back and forth In the water. It was all wood and the rollers were all corrugated, unlike the present-day wringers.” From Mrs. John B. Martin of Bum- ford, Me.: “ 1 remember when lard and practically everything else except molasses and kerosene, was weighed and wrapped in a square of old, dark-brown “ butch er's paper,” a forerunner of craft paper. Later, around 1882, paper bags were used. One grocer I knew, in Wilton, Me., gave child ren a penny’s worth of candy for every six clean paper bags they returned after use. Sometimes, a child returned a bag In which lard had been, so when he re-used the bag for sugar the result was un pleasant. He would third-degree each child before he would accept a bag for re-use.” From Mrs. Ver* Kiefel of Nor wood, O.: “ I remember when women wore high-buttoned boots and it was considered "immodest for women ever to let their ankles be seen in public—and if a woman had her hair cut she was almost a social outcast. In those days it was even considered sinful to see a movie. How t i m e s hav* changed!” i s v Author o f Si "HOW TO WJN RUCNDS and £ 9 INflUfENCEPEOnE} Th» Blackbird and till Thrush ■jPTERE’S A LAUGH for you. After you’ve laughed, read on “*through the last sentence. I found this in “Live a New Life” by Professor David G. Powers, a small book but an interesting one, chock full of good advice, subtly given. One Christinas day in 1700, Pat’s w ife Mary brought in a beautifully roasted chicken, As she placed her bird on the table, a blackbird alighted on the * window sill. “Pat,” she said, “look at J 1 ■ that beautiful blackbird in the window.” Just then the blackbird flew away, and as Pat came within range of the window, a thrush alight ed where the blackbird had been. said. said. “You mean a thrush, don’t you, Mary?” he Mary, busy at the table, didn’t look toward the w i n d o w again, until the thrush flew away.* “I mean the blackbird that Was there,” she Carnegie Pat looked at his wife coolly and answered, “It was a thrush ” Now Mary's blood pressure rose. “I know a blackbird when I see one,” she said. “Wisht, woman,” snorted her angry husband. “You don’t know anything.” And from that a real row ensued. . ,Tj\e nc?£t C^»rimas ** Mary placed her chicken on the table, she said, “Thank God, there’s no blackbird on the window sill this year.” Said Pat, “Are you referring to the thrush that was there last year?” ‘ * And another fight was on. For 20*years this fight was re newed *ach Christmas day. Now: do you ever, or have you ever, followed Mary's and Pat’s example, even though it might be, or might have been, in a lesser degree? Most people aren’t free from such a temptation, and no one ever gained from its practice any more did Marv or Pat . * NO PLACE TO HIDE -L _ * 4 1 * / „ (/< z >, ^ i - i < 4 f' "9 s. ' n f\ ^ r > 4 - P ^ucce&Si aren t h o o d : BY MIS. CATHERINE CONRAD EDWARDS Associate Editor, Parents* Magazine With business activity at nearly as high a level aa in 1949, and expected to remain so througout most of 1950, net pro- . fits of most American concerns, are less this year than last. Net income from farming is running at a much lower figure than 1948, and substantially below 1949, but the commodities the farmer must buy; remain as high as, and per haps a bit higher than, during 1948 and 1949. Incidentally, re cent droughts and dust storms in. the wheat belt are expected by agricultural, experts to redui£ America’s 1950 wheat crop by many millions o f bushels. Federal officials are warning- the American people to beware of Canadian mining stocks how. being offered for sale in this country by long-distance tele phone or by smooth-talking strangers. There have’ been many reports received here* especially from veterans, as to how they have been defrauded by “ phony *1 stosk in Canadian silver, gold, and, uranium mines. So, beware! In case you are interested, there were 3 million 600 thousand babies born in the United States last year—the second highest number in the nation’s history. The all time baby crop reeprd was set in 1947, when 3 millioft 700 thousand new Americans were born in the world. In 1948, 3.5 ■million arrived in this country. The 1950 baby “ harvest" is ex pected to be nearly as high as last year. Why all th e -hullabaloo about loyalty oaths? The first law pass ed at the first session of the First Congress of the United States— Statute Nr. 1 , effective June 1, 1789—required the President, Members o f the House and Sen ate and other Federal officials to take an oath o f loyalty and to support and defend the Consti tution of the United States. Fres- denfc George Washington didn't hesitate to sign the “ loyalty oath” hill into law promptly, and to a- bide by and support it. War scares have become such a customary development each spring when. congress considers foreign aid bills and appropria tions for the military establish ment that^nany^Washmgtomans^ are now predicting the mystery submarines and war clouds will disappear soon after the ECA bill and the omnibus appropriation measure clear the legislative hurdles in the bouse and senate. WASHINGTON T HERE IS NOTHING more excit ing than watching a little child use bis brain. We say watching, for .the process of thought is re flected in the child's expression. Like a youngster learning to write he seems to be using his whole body to think with! Hie brain graws with use and this la Jest as true of a baby er * small child as St Is •f a 1 n >7 er girl wbe Is in : scheoL.Babies whe are treated like dolls, with only their pbys- ' leal needs cared for, no matter how lovingly, are being d e prived of the incentive to de velop their awakening InteHl- genee. Little children who are never allowed to make a de claim^ whe aren’t riven expla nation!! of strange sights and sounds are likewise lacking the materials for learning to Chink. Suppose you are taking a three- year-old on a journey by train, or whisking him by air across the continent to visit his grandparents. Don’t treat him like baggage to be kept pacified until the trip is over. Describe the experience to him be forehand, show him pictures of trains or planes, prepare him for the other passengers and for the strange stewardess or maid who may help help care for him. Tell him'about meals off trays or in dining cars, presenting them as pleasant and as something to look forward to. Hairing an Idea of what Is ahead, even If the reality turns out to be quite different from the way hls imagination has pictured It, the child win un consciously compare notes—he will observe, question, adjust. In other words, hls brain as well as his emotions will be exercised. Of course, there is equal wisdom in keeping the child’s anticipation within bounds. An over-excited youngster can’t use his brain, any more than a frightened child can. Because, in addition to helping him learn to think, it is to keep fear of new experiences at a minimum that you prepare a child for them. For one thing, fear paralyzes the brajp so that it can not function and the child learns little from hls experience. If the fear is terrify ing enough it may mark the child’s approach to new experiences for years. When the child learns to talk, the opportunities for helping Hm use Ms brain Increase. But some p a r e n t s confuse memorizing with thinking It is fun and worthwhile to help a child learn rhymes, it is im portant to teach him polite .greetings, and 'building new words into* his vocabulary is a never-ending part of a parent’s job. But these alone don’t af ford practice in thinking. For example* sometimes the brightest children where memory and gathering facts are concerned lack the ability to consider the consequnces of their own acts. Cer tainly a child should have some practice in this necessary weigh ing of consequences long before he goes to school, as well as some experience in paying for his er rors. A child also needs practice in making decisions. Shall he go to the Saturday morning movie or go shopping with Dad? What color suit shall he wear? What shall he get Jimmy for his birthday? Even a small child can make such de cisions and his willingness to take responsjbility for his own acts will grow with each experience. Food fo r thought: Based on President’s budget, here's‘ what operating the federal government during the fiscal year will cost the taxpayers o f each County of, the 7th Congressional District of Ohio in comparison to the total State and local taxes paid in the same counties for all purposes in 1948. (The federal government cost Will be given first, followed by the cost; o f state and all local governments.) Champaign coun- ty, $4,955,008 as. compared to , $634,880; Clark countyr $36,156,5- 840 as compared $3,518,372; Clin ton county $5,519,192 as compar ed -to $661,627; Fayette county $5,322,954 as copared to $530,004; Greene county. §8,732,588 as com pared to §1,007,035; Lighn coun ty §5,347,484 as compared to §671- 514; Madison 'county $8,409,634 as compared to §556,773; Union county $3,066,218’as compared to §556,773; Union county' ..$ 3 » 666 ,- 218 aa compared to $449^90; and Varren coftnty ?6,794$$9 a 3 com- paied to §728,780, Total cost of the Federal government to the ith district fo r one year, §79,- -04,657—for.state andlfecal gov-* ernnwnls, §8,808,275; £T- « 4 e* - "-’yi According to the Wisest avajl- ^ able figures, in addition to bur §260 billion dollar national debt ‘ °ur federal governm'^%lhss sec ondary obligations .^H ich have t 0 be paid as^fidlSws: Vet- oi ana loans insuredjubv the goY: ermpent, §D billion FH a insured loa $ 6 -i 0 million; REfe dustries, etc. (inct and Henry Kaiser’s $17. billion, $ 49 ' BY SENATOR ROBERT A. TAFT i ■ A S A,result of Senator McCarthy’s charges.that Communists iJTk are still in the State Department, the Senate passed a reso lution directing the Foreign Relations subcommittee to make-a full investigation of these- charges, and “ to sub poena the complete loyalty and employment files” dealing with personnel in the State Department, not only from the Depart ment but also from the FBI and the Civil Service Commission. President Trum%n recently at- tacked; the’ Re-.- publjoans for supporting.Sen ator'McCarthy. As a matter of fact, it was not the Republican Policy Commit- t e e b u t t h e D e m o c r a t i c Senate it s e lf wh ich passed tliis resolution for an investi gation support ed by loyalty files. Senator Mc Carthy did not consult the Repub lican Policy Committee before making his charges, .and the evi dence in the’ individual cases, has not been available to us. But w’e h&ve insisted, that in accordance with'the Senate resolution a com plete investigation is justified and should be made without prejudice and with !a sincere elfort to obtain the real facts. Instead Of that, the President assumes the Innocence <Jf all personal mentioned in the de partment he called the attack on Alger Hiss a “red her ring!’ when the: House Commit tee first brought out the faefs.- Up to date a majority of the in-, vestigating committee has made no real effort: to find out the truth; except to go through the form of issuing subpoenas, and they have tended to try Senator McCarthy rather..than to carry out the real purpose of the com- - mittee, The President’ also; had tried to insult Senator McCarthy by calling him a “Kremlin asset” and has refused access to the files. v * * (i Hubert Sword is the new head of the Washington C. H. Moose. The sons o f the late George Geyer will continue the construc tion of the motel planned in Fair born. Marshall Grange met*in Jef fersonville last week. Over 400 children had part in the egg hunt at Yellow Springs, March 2 , 1950, set a record for a new low — 7 degrees. ’-pHE Hiss case and the Wadleigh testimony proved beyond ques tion,that at one time high officials in. the State- Department were de livering secret documents- to Rus sian agents. The Amerasia case in which Jaffe pleaded guilty, proved that State Department files of the greatest importance were freely available to a Communist-con trolled publication. Even , more alarming is. the fact that the State fieparfoput repeatedly ignored information furnished to them about Hiss and that they whitewashed the Amerasia case and restored- to duty some of:the-State Depart ment agents clearly shown to he concerned, with it. This pro-Communist influence in the State Department has-been reflected in a strongly pro-Com munist policy in the far eastern division, and a strongly pro-Com* munist policy in China which suc ceeded finally in delivering China and perhaps the entire East to Communism. Surely this justifies a sincere investigation. "Certainly the course of the far eastern di- \ is ion has b e en the g p e a te s f “Kremlin asset” in our history. DERHAFS the Secretary o f State * cannot be made to turn over the files. But the refusal ct.n only be. dictated by fear as to what they might show. It would beentirely feasible to exhibit these files-to the five responsible members of the subcommittee without any danger of giving unfair publicity to per sons mentioned therein.' This was; actually done in the Missouri elec tion case, although it developed there that the files had been doc tored before they were shown to the committee. It is not so -much the informa tion in the files that the. committee needs as it is the line of investiga tion and the names of witnesses who could be called for direct tes timony. Over the same kind of obstruction it was only by the merest chance that the House Committee happened to get enough information over strenuous Ad ministration opposition to force the prosecution of Hiss. Whether Senator McCarthy has legal evidence, whether he has overstated or understated his case, is of lesser importance, The ques*- tion is whether the Communist in fluence ip the State Department still exists.« ^ . V * Every member of the Admin istration ought to he eager to have "that question determined finally and conclusively, The President above all,. Instead of libeling Senator. McCarthy and prejudging the. entire ease, should,be. anxious—if he can do so—to eliminate .any suspicion of treason from his-own.depart ments.' nil public houaiiil $16 billion; otheic gationa o f the -l ttvenfr (including! surpluses, for 1 tion, etc.,. [imilliofitv billionr ioimsr to. in- Lustron* B U . ' L The chief ingredient of marshmalloWs Is (a) Boar, (h) gel* tl*. (c) e f* white, (5) eora starch. < X. The-phrase “haul moada” meaM (a) failqre, <b) n i t s m , “ (oL'hlgh, society, (d) the-vulgar crowd* ' ’ ■*'’ S. )TteAc*pJtal of Australia ! ! (a) CaBherrs, fb) WeUtngtoe, (c),. Sydney, (& ) Brisbane. * «. The oecond4ailcst bnlidlagyMtootjaiied.State* fe (a) Ex* by rift* made of (a), leather, (b> bronxe-fer pottery, (c) tbs or alamlnom, ;(d y a e ft K ; * ~ I.— GiUtia AMSWEM fftt *•'. 1*eHw£ffiM**»ta. -. " ^ ■ •- Tv -. ; - boJMter* Mrnr-gocto or^ibiiMiauK , * ^ v ;VjMSif^t. 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