The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26
Friday, April 28, 1950 The Cedarville, 0-' Herald The Cedarville A Republican "Newspaper Published Every Friday by THURMAN MILLER. JR. .Entered as second class, matter October 31, 1337 at the Postof- lice at Cedarville. Ohio, under Act o f Congress o f March l§7b ygmher^-National Editorial A s sociation; Ohio Newspaper Asso ciation; Miami Valiev Jrress a * sociauoh. m e Inch Editorial HELPING RUSSIA Ranting radio commentators, desk-pounding congressmen, mag azine writers, editors, columnists —nearly everybody with access to the ears o f the people—are shout ing about individuals who help Russia. The fact is, ladies and gentle-- men, that everybody in America from you on. up to the president, o r from you cown to the presi dent, which direction you prefer in that matter, was FOR Russia 100SJ-PLUS when the German hordes were pounding at the gates o f Stalingrad—remember? Investigation shows that most o f the furor about lending aid to Russia stems from that period. Our ailing president at Teheran and Yalta made concessions to Russia that Stalin didn’t even ask for, and explained that by handling the situation that way he hoped to gain the generalissi mo’s favor. The record o f what the president did ami said is an open book. America has never had a citizen who lent as much aid and comfort to Russia as Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It’s a difficult matter to turn compelfcely around in an attitude, but now that we’ve turned com pletely around in ours toward Russia— Well, we have t& take it easy when it comes to placing blame and calling names and helping Russia—with money, machinery, implements o f war and our utmost in good will. And by so doing wo removed the only barrier there was to ag gression by the power-hungry Russian bear—Germany. Analysis in retrospect is al ways easy. I f we and our leader ship could only have seen and known then what we know now— which is what we ought to nave known by ail that histoiy and ex perience teach. HUMAN NATURE It is apparent that vice has a press agent, and virrde has to be its own reward. The evil that men do is published. We hear it on every hand. Seldom is there mention made o f the good men do, except in tribute to them at their passing o f on occasion of some milestone o f life or achievement. And there is logic in the situa tion. Let a man meet another man, crack him over the head and rob him o f $10. Via police officers the newspapers learn o f it and tell the world about it. But suppose when the two men met one said to the other; ‘T hear your wife is sick, and that you are out of work; here's $10; re turn it when you earn” I f the po lice and newspapes learn of it they do not mention it, nor should _ they. Virtue can noi be paraded. It would be unfair to both men to publicize the kindness o f the one, ~and the need o f the The Goad Samaritan was name less, and the man o f Jerieho road fame was only “ a certain man.” BUYING PREDICTIONS The federal reserve hoard, that hard-cash agency that keeps a sharp eye on what’s coming and going, predicts that buying by the people will continue through 1950. A million persons “ definite ly ” plan to buy new homes, the board says. But they insist they will not pay more than $10,000. As to automobiles, “ preliminary evidence shows that middle and low income consumers comprise ritjffli ff.’ffiv. ROBERT R HARHR .*-i REV. ROBERT H. HARPER Amos. Teaches About Worship Lesson for April 30; Amos 4:4; 5:4-9, 14-15, 21-24 Memory Selection ; Amos 5:24 W E LEARN in the lesson about the futility of formalism. Forms and ceremonies ,in religion are good when rightly used. Other wise symbolism becomes a snare to the worshippers. Amos indicated that the Israel ites were not worshipping but transgressing against God at Beth el. At that place the attempt at worship was made worse than formalism by the golden calf. And the places of such idolatry were destined to ruin. For their symbols, Amos bade the people behold the stars. Be yond those shining symbols of Gad’s glory they were to see God himself and call upon him. If they should turn from their evil way, “love the good and establish jus tice in the gate,” they could hope that Jehovah would be “gracious” unto: them. Ames declared that, without thought of Gcd and without right living, the worship of the people would be despised by the Lord. Ke did not condemn forms of wor ship as such. But he insisted upon the spirit of worship and the gift ol life to Gcd. Let us rightly regard church at tendance and all the “ program” of our churches. These are indis- per.sifclo to church life. But we must so use our forms that they will express the desire of our hearts for Gcd and bring us to know him better. They must be a real exercise of faith that will be demonstrated by Christian living. CLARENCE J. BROWN Write* With a Buckeye In Congress The house resumed its sessions Jast Tuesday, following the Eas ter recess, by taking up the omni bus appropriation bill section by section for amendments. It now appears certain the $29 billion measure will not come to a final vote before late this wees, and probably not before next week. * The senate has before it this week the so-called EGA bill to authorize appropriations o f more than $3 billion for the coming fiscal year to continue t he Amer ican foreign aid program under the Marshall plan. A determined effort Is expected to be made to reduce -the appropriation author- Led by about $500 million. The house has already voted a $250 million cut in the measure. The house ways and means committee has tentatively agreed to report legislation eliminating all wartime excise taxes on cer tain commodities, such as baby oil. light bulbs, etc.; to halve such taxes on other items, such as leather goods, furs, cosmetics and certain services; and to re tain them on luggage, liquor, to bacco, etc. Last January President Tru man estimated his administra tion would wind up this fiscal year in the red, with a deficit o f five and one-naif billion dollars. Latest official figures now show the federal deficit this fiscal year, ending June 30, will be six 1 REMEMBER BY THE OLDTIMERS anything on the continent. Free enterprise is personified in them. Nothing daunts them. They sur vive when every other bird per ishes. They simply take over— from the rainspout to the porch swing. They stick to their squeaky tweet-tweet, letting oth er birds do the arias. A writer gives a column to them as pests. Whaddaye mean pests? They teach a constant lesson to weak ling Americans begging favors ironi a benevolent government £ 3 From the Old Timer of Frankfort, , . . . Ky.r “ I remember what a big r, lesson in seif t chance, the only,, boon it was to housewives when this complicated looking contrap tion came into use, abolishing the 'old-fashioned* scrubboard method o f washing. You. had to start wash ing the night before by sorting and soaking the clothes. Your hands were in. water m b ft of the day, too. What a boon!” Mrs. C. It. Nichols of Covington, Okla.: “ I remember hulling black walnuts in the fall and the walnut stains would linger and fade to a delicate gbfd tint—and what a thrill to think some older person would imagine you had been smoking cigaretsl I remem ber the long evenings in front of the fire, cracking walnuts on the hearthstone. Outside, ■ the wind howled as the flames roared up the chimney. And how .the fire light sparkled on your nut pick, like a bright new horse-shoe nail!” From L . Hornecker of La Cres cents, Calif.: “ I remember when all the bedding was hung on the clothes line to air at spring house? cleaning time, What enchanting •miles of tents* through which we •children traveled! The best tent was the rag carpet hung over the line to be beaten.” -HOW TO WIN FRIENDS and , indecision Can Ruin Your Ufa a large part o f the prospective TyjRS. CORA GASWICK , San Jose, Calif., is connected w ith a demand.” which nifianft thnfc follra ___i _________ _____ t___ n „ i • _ j ____ , me s at ks without much money are going to buy cars on time payments. “ While there is less optimism ‘ there is also less downright pess imism,” the board declares, in the outlook. . .All this is about what you thought, only you say it dif ferently. MORTGAGES A real estate broker in an up state towir took out o f his mail aneight-page typewritten report o f the mortgages filed during the week in that county. By the wayT the county ranks No. 1 i way, the county ranks No. 1 in Ohio fo r farming and the prac tices o f its people have long been considered exemplary. T h r e e pages o f the report listed the mortgages on automobiles. Al most as many showed mortgages on farm machinery; appliance.* Carnegie and household goads made up . n\uch tiifrt she was unable to sleep, lost her appetite, her work — »_..i ,i. _ - ■ suffered^ A lso she found that she was floundering in her deci- skmg,'43he had never quite decided whether she wanted to rent this one, o r sell it. lost in ihe woods , r SrfjS$ tcceddi a r e n t k o o c l BY MRS.CATHERINE CONRAD EDWARDS ( "*^A*«eciot* Editor, Parents* Magazine w * V.' E24RW ©ftp; disloyalty. It seems the Reds and Communists are not doing so well in our courts lately. billion seven hundred million, or a billion two hundred million more than the president estimated. The senate committee on agri culture has recommended legis lation to strictly regulate the production of potatoes, the amount which may be sold, and the gov ernment price support thereon. The committee action is an ef fort to correct the present uit- satisfatetory potato situation, wherein many millioh bushels of potatoes have been purchased hy the government and destroyed at JL into the personnel of the State Department which have beeri a cost oflmndreds o f millions of completely misrepresented. One is that Senator McCarthy is dollars to the taxpayers. deliberately and publicly accusing prominent citizens of'Com- The senate last week passed a munist connection for. politica l purposes. A s a matter o f fact, bill making it a federal offense Senator M cCarthy never accused anyone in public until he was forced to do so by Senator Lucas ^ WASHINGTON REPORT BY SENATOR ROBERT A . TAFT K H T HERE are some aspects of the investigation now being made , ryO YOU EVER GIVE your ehil- _ dren an opportunity to express dislike of their parents? We don’t actually mean that on the second Tuesday of the month, at 4:00 p.m., they be allowed to name over your faults. For. in their ef forts to take advantage of this chance to air grievances they might spend hours thinking them up. And it is to prevent children from nursing grievances that we suggest letting them tell you off now and then when they are ang ry. In fact, there really Isn’t any way to prevent those occasion al flare-up* when a child, driv en wild by the feeling that he is helpless against parent- made rides, tells yon that he hates yon. It is how yon re act Jhat will make the Incident either a normal releasing of tension, soon to be forgotten, or a mark of gidlt which the child may carry on his con science all his life. Tell the child either at the time, or later if he ’is very angiy. that all children feel at times that they dislike their parents but that par ents go on loving them just *the same. If the temper is occasioned by a child’s nnwillingness to obey, ~ it is best to insist on obedience ^ even while you admit his right to - dislike you at the moment. For if the outburst ended In your com plete submission the child might unconsciously adopt this method of getting his own way. For what yon are trying to do la help the child accept his feelings without guilt, and know that he “ belongs” even if he la not always loving and lovable. But yon aren’.t sup posed to give him the impres sion that his parents will make - c themselves over into door mats just because he doesn’ t like some specifio restriction. Be cause the very next day he may want, more than any thing in the .world, to feel that his parents ,•are a firm and immovable wall.- Questioning the depth' of your child’s love for you is another experience which disturbs chil dren greatly. A friend Of mine once told me, still with a certain anguish over the memory, how terribly she-had once disappointed her mother. - It seems that Bessie- had been sent to stay with an aunt while a new baby made its advent into the family. There were young lady cousins at the aunt’s and for a week Bes sie was the darling of the whole household of grownups. When at last she was taken home, not only did she dis play a remarkable Indiffer ence to the new baby sister, but she put on her coat and bonnet to go home with her aunt. At this the mother showed her disappointment and accused Bessie of no longer loving her. * What she didn’ t realize was that she was putting an emotional adult interpretation on a child’s thought- , „ lessness. A few such weights on a child’s mind are inevitable, since we can never be sure how a child will take the things we say- But we can keep them to a minimum by taking on ourselves the re sponsibility’ for learning our chil dren’ s real feelings. If, as very rarely happens, a child doesn’ t love his mother or father, the parent should search first in bis own heart for the reasons. TO DEDICATE TEMPLE A new Masonic temple is to be dedicated in Fairborn next Sunday at 2. p. m. Open house will be held Saturday afternoon and evening. - HE WAS THE ORATOR Twenty years- ago this month Ivan St. John of* Jamestown gave the welcoming address at the county junior-senior banquet. r; i a-.‘s for survival. PLEASE DON’T ASK US Since the authorities have made the Scientific American biyrn the parts o f a recent issue o f that most reliable and cau tious magazine because one o f the government’s own scientists had written an article on bombs, please don’t ask us about bombs .'—not even about bums. “ Only unclassified discussions o f class ical thermo-nuclear Reactions” may be discussed, the authorities say and things lik e /h a t are en tirely too trivial for us to bother with! SEE YOU LATER The government has a pam phlet on “ How to Prospect for Gold.” It tells nearly everything, except where to find the stuff. There’s always a catch in every thing- PARAGRAPHS A device has been invented to turn o f f commercials at will. Some o f us would like to have it work automatically when we yell From C. 8, Cooper of Xenix, O.: “ Aw, shut up!” “ I remember when baker's We’ve lived to see the day o f bread was Introduced. Folks' were marriages *in the third-string skeptical about its ability to Roosevelts, and you know what 'stick to the ribs.* It sold for three comes after that. cents a loaf.”- __ to ship slot machines and other gambling devices in interstate commerce,'bri from state to state. The house will undoubtedly ap prove the measure s oon. Such legislation will go a long way toward breaking up nation-wide gambling and racketeering. The postm aster geiuunl has •ordered mail deliveries reduced to one a day in practically all communities of. the nation start ing this week. He gives as his reason the'refusal of congress to grant' him the apropriations he requested for his Department during the coming fiscal year, which begins July 1. Sufficient and the Tydings Subcommittee. The moment the charges were made, Lucas demanded that the names be made public* and the. C o m m i t t e e fo rced McCar thy into open hearings and the naming of names w h ich w ere n o t r e quired by the resolution. That r e s o l u t i o n m e r e l y p r o - vhied.that, if its re comm enda - funds to run the post office de- tions were to ‘‘include formal partment this fiscal year, or un- charges of disloyalty against any til June 30, were appropriated individual, then the Committee , , , nearly a year ago, and nest shall give said individual open year’s appropriation should have hearings.” In the second place, the nothing to do with present pos- resolution adopted by a Democrat- tal service. The post office de- controlled Senate, while a result partment hag been operating at of the McCarthy charges, does not a deficit o f about a half billion mention those charges and'puts dollars annually. If it would put upon the Subcommittee an inde- into effect the economies and pendent duty ‘‘to conduct a full efficiencies recommended by the and complete study and investiga- Hoover commission it would prob- tion as to whether persons who are ’ ’ - P - disloyal to the United States are or have been employed by the De partment of State." The Commit tee has the duty to make an inde pendent affirmative investigation and certainly up" to this time it has ably be unnecessary to curtail postal service or postal employ ment. The nation’s capital played host again last week to the an nual convention of the Daughters o f the American Revolution. The town was filled with D. A. It. •ladies who carry in their veins the pure blood of the founding fathers and those who fought to gain this nation’s freedom. Mrs. James B. Patton, a Columbus, Ohio, woman, was elected presi dent general. The D. A. R., as an organization, has consistently carried on the good fight for the preservation of the priceless heri tage o f liberty and freedom which their forefathers gained for all o f us. done no such thing. -<= The majority seem to have ' been more interested in hamper ing Senator McCarthy than in carrying" out the investigation." Last week, however, the Com -’ jnitteo agreed that }he minority members could hayq counsel, and they have, employed two first-class lawyers as co-counsel. This will permit a much more complete Investigation and pres entation of the facts than ha* been given by the hit-or-miss •action of the Committee up to this time. * * • real estate company, so naturally her mind runs to doing some business fo r herself in this line. The result was that she went out and borrowed some m oney to bu ild two houses. That sounds ail to the good fo r houses w ere much in demand and the terrible shortage was jn fu ll force. That is, it was all to the good except that the loans she secured swamped, her. She didn’t see her way clear unless those houses w e re finished qu ickly and a ready tu rn 'over made. Builders were hard to keep on the jo b ; carpenters, too, were in demand. But along came a piece o f good lu ck ; two months after the houses were completed, in midsummer, she sold one o f them. The second oue however failed to bring a purchaser. She inserted the cleverest advertisements she knew how to write, /T o no purpose. She talked about that house wherever she thought w ord might get around about it to a possible w ou ld -b e owner. I f peo ple came to look , they passed on ou t to either discuss or forget it. The latter proved to b e what they did. •Came fall, winter. Christmas was at hand. The ■second house still was “her own . She became worried . In fact, she worried, so There is now some question as rpHROUGHOUT the investiga- to whether any senate committee -A tion, the Republican. Policy will conduct a national crime Committee has only urged that probe as originally planned. Un- |hg investigation be complete. The der administration pressure the Demoerat-ppntrolled Senate itself Democratic leadership in the sen- evidently considered that there is ate has blocked -the crime probe prima facie evidence to justify ft by a subcommittee of the judi- or it would never have adopted the ciary committee, and has pro- ^solution. Obviously there were posed instead that a special com- Communists in the State Depart- mittee be named by the vice- jnent when Hiss gnd Wadleigb president—a rather unusual pro- yvcre.passing out confidential State cedure. Any crime probe will be Department documents to Com centered jn the large cities of munist agents. more pages. Said the realtor tc - fhf$ Kfrfter: “ This worries me. T can remember the time when people o f this country wouldn’ t have slept at night i f they owee, anybody anything. I can’t . see where it's coming out.” NATURALIZED BIRDS “ English sparrows” have been in, 100 years. Settlers brought them to fight pests. We atm1 can them "English sparrows,” One day, she decided that to rent it was the best thing to do; the n ex t day, she made up her mind that she should take ,whai p ro fit she cou ld get and bank it. Then one night, she made up her mind definitely that either she wou ld rent it in two weeks or she w ou ld move into it herself.* Now h er m ind cleared; she knew what she w ou ld do about i t She wasn’t worried . On Christmas n igh t came a telephone call. Someone wanted to see her. house. This time when she show ed that house, she wasa’t worried. Her m ind was. clear and her selling talk good. though they are as American as The papers were drawn, the sale was made. America, including Kansas City, where Democratic organizations are in control, and the adminis tration’s leaders evidently want to make certain who will do the investigating and how. The slow wheels of justice fi nally ground; out a decision on those Hollywood “ reds” who re fused to tell the un-American ac tivities committee whether .or'not they were Communists more than thiee years ago. The supreme court last week ruled them guilty 'o f contempt and seemingly their jail sentences will stick. None of the Hollywood individuals in volved had incomes of legs than SoG.QOO a year - which disproves the old argument that poverty is responsible for making people radicals and communists. Inri- . dentally, the U. S. court of sp- peals here rilled last week the' post office department had the right to discharge employees for The evidence show* that higher official*, in th? Btftte De* p a r tm en t were, r e p e a te d ly warned about Hiss and laughed ' oil the charges.' Then, in the Amerasia case, there was more evidence that’se cret State Department ■documents were delivered to a magazine of fice which had strong Communist connections. Some of. those con cerned were let "off with fines, and another one was reinstated in the State Department. In other words, influential forces in the State De partment at best refused to regard the delivery of papers to Commu nists as a serious offense. The long pro-Communist record of the Far Eastern Division raises the same doubt. AU that the Republican Policy Committee has dope is to insist that this Investigation be faif and complete, and that full ac cess be given to the file* §o that the work of the FBI does not have to be duplicated, which would be almost impossible for a Senatorial committee. * * * T NOTICE that some commenta-, . tors credit me with being back of the McCarthy charges and ad vising Senator McCarthy. As a matter of fact, I never heard of the charges until he made them. He has never1consulted me about his course, and I have given him no advice. It does seem to me that he should present his evidence to the Committee and "that, if the Committee* considers evidence on Mr. A inadequate, he should "pre sent his evidence on Mr. B. In my ppinion the Committee should re ceive this eviderpe in secret and only pall for public hearings if it feels that the case is substantia}. The President has charged that a complete investigation of the State Department by a Senatoriarcom* mittee is in some way a breach of the bi-partisan foreign policy, Even if there were now such a policy, it certainly should not bar criticism- by the -Republicans of a pro-Communist sympathy in the State Department itself. Instead ol opposing it, the President and the Democrat majority ought to join vigorously in trying to bring* oul the facts and eliminate unfaithful p e r s o n a l- Far from giving gig and corn? fort to the Kremlin, thft plimina: tion pf loyalty .risk* from the Department would be a serious handicap to th* future opera tions of "the Communist Forty in this country, 1 . ’sh e word “predilection” .men* (•)>guess, (b) exception, (e) preference, (dj*prophecy .* ■ ' J . , „ . - . - g President Jackson once *a!d, “The ohlef jastice has mad# Us decision, now let him enforce it.” That chleiJustice was (») John Marshall, (bj John Jay, (c; John Bntledge, (d) Roger B. ^ j f r h e food known inBritain as sultanas Is knownin the U. 8. as (a) nuts, <b) raisins, (c)*candy, (d) primes, ■ 4. While traveling submerged* a submarine Is powered by (a) batteries, <b) gasoline, (c) fuel oil, (d) steam. ; 5. What American general refuses to write Ms memoirs be- cause they cannot! be both accurate and pleasant? (a) Omar Bradley, (b) DongUs MacArthur, to) George Marshall, - Axswasi John BCaMkoll, wfc» kiU talci ttsi Ohernke* Isata were net a*M*et t» state law, Sat fMsrali Ratline "*• Batteries. . ' ■. , , ... ..... , General George Marshall. ' . For Septic Tank'and Vault Cleaning Call Fred Borden Plumbing and Heating 202 Hill st, Xenia * Phone 1830 A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FUBNITURE b u d g e t p l a n AVAILABLE ADAIR' S H O M E L O A N S “"Check With A Specialized Financial Institution PEOPLES BUILDING and SAVINGS GO. 11 Green St. Since 1885 Xenia, Ohio AT YOURSERVICE A * *k This newspaper has hiit one purpose—to serve the community and its people in every way a good local newspaper can in : • A d v e r t i s i n g • Printing • Promotion pf pH Community In* stitHtions , • News o f the neighborhood, cognt^, and world * i F• We can not do'this alone. Your co-opera tion and Gqod Will are our best help. We are grateful for your splendid attitude ip. helping us serve you, ^
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