The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 1-26

-v* »- Gfedarville, O. Herald Friday, April 28, 1950 LY PA&TY im s . COEN , __Fannie Corn, who makes - lon ie ■yith hex’ daughter and t-is'-law; Mr* and Mrs. T. B. was surprised on her IY , — ~r&y when a group o f friends •fnd' relatives gathered at. the Fhanxe home for a pot luck din- [i*sr Sunday. Mrs. Com received Shy lovely gifts- Quests were liv. and, Sirs- Wil^ ___ Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Xjpfsert Haye 3 and daughter o f ' ringfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Chester- Yanorsdall of Jeffersonville, WPfc* Faye Baldridge of Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brown of Xe­ nia, Mr. Morris DeForge o f De­ troit, Mich., and Bill Burns of Portsmouth. Mr. De Forge spent the -weekend at the Frame home. ORGANIZE n e w Si S. CLASS The Young Married group of the United Presbyterian church have organized a Sunday school' ©lass and named it the Happy Home Bible Class. The officers elected were Hal­ oid Stormont, president; Gregg Turner, vice president; Betty Lewis, secretary. A teacher for ’ the class has not been chosen. They plan to hold a meeting once each month. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Seagrave and Mr, and Mrs. Her­ man Lewis will entertain the class in May. WESLEY CLASS IS TO MEET The Wesley class will meet in the Methodist church Sunday evening at 0:B0. Bring covered d^;h and table service. S. K. Mat­ hews of South India, attending ^fcfS'soi’e College will be a house gueit at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collier fo r the week end and will be a guest at the class meeting. « MRS. BAILEY HOST TO CLUB Mrs. Luella Bailey entertained her club Friday evening in hex- home, The prizes were won by Miss Doris Truosdale and Mi's. Russell Wisecup. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bailey. The next meeting will be at the home o f Mrs. Eva Judy. ENTERTAIN THE KENSINGTON CLUB Mrs. Hugh Turnbull ana Mrs. H. K. Stormont entertained mem­ bers of the Kensington Club and their husbands at the Turnbull home Thursday evening. Mr. Ba­ ker, superintendent o f Fairborn schools, spoke on his trip to Ja­ pan. A dessert course was served to 30 guests. The club will have Bo meeting in May because of the May Musical. ENTERTAIN THE WESTMINSTER CLASS Frof. and Mrs. Gilbert Dodd and Mr. and Mrs. James Steel en­ tertained the Westminster class in the Presbyterian church Tues­ day evening. John McMillan was in charge o f the .devotions. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Creswell were in charge o f the program. The group played games and were shown movies by Mr. Creswell. Refreshments were served. ^HONORED ON ^ 7th BIRTHDAY Jo Ann Mowry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mowry was honored on her seventh birthday with a party arranged by her rroiher. A color scheme o f pink Mid wh’t-? was used. A birthday cake centered the&£able and bas­ kets of mints and minature story books were given each guests as favors. Guests were, Claire and Joan Cummings, Mary Lee Cummings, Alice May Evans, Mnrlise Har- IWba-i';> Mott, Connie Engle, Shirley Jordon, Janet McMillan, S r i i <vn Virginia Coroean, Julia Staigers end Larry Mowry. Mrs. Mowry was assisted by Miss Dorothy Mowry of James­ town and Mrs. Harley Bryan and Mrs. D. A, Mowry of Jefferson­ ville, MOWERYS HOST TO McKIBBEN CLASS The McKibben Bible Class of the United Presbyterian church A covered dish dinner was enjoy- mc-t Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delhert Mowery. ed. Mr. and Mrs. Mowery were as­ sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond fpradvlin and Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur KirkpatricK. Devotions were conducted by Harold Dobbins. The president, Norman Huston, Was in charge o f the business meeting. The evening was spent playing games. Thirty eight mom- bei's were present.- ATTEND SHOWER Mrs. Tom Harner, Mrs, Herman Randal and Mrs. John Pramer at­ tend; d a shower Thursday at the home o f Mrs. Carl Ferguson at Pleasant Hill. The shower honor­ ed Miss Lois Jean Boots who will be married in May to Lawrence Bailey. Mis. Ferguson was as­ sisted by Mrs. Harner. SINGS ON TELEVISION Linda, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon, appeared on the WHIO television variety show Friday afternoon. Accom­ panied by her teacher Miss Bost. IN TRAINING SCHOOL Pi of. James Hall and Dean Gil­ bert Dodd are spending the week in Bloomington, Ind., attending a training school fo r college and ■ xej*«*-«***-.w y i;'ww■ < vrrrrss^v ----------— - ' r -> - ' S - f T, \ & *» mmmm 1 p t y* HITCHING. POST » . , The Hitching Post wedding chapel is one of the many picturesque chapels dotting Las Vegas, Nev. An airline offers a special marriage trip to this spot. Couples are flown here" on short notice by the airline which provides for every detail of their weddings except the marriage license. Licenses can he obtained at the county courthouse 24 hours a day. TeL 6-3011 M. H. POND, Mgr. CEDARVILLE, OHIO 27th Thursday •—> Friday 28th FRIDAY IS BRING A PAL NIGHT “Song Of Surrender” CLAUDE RAINS — WANDA HENDRIX 29th Saturday 29th “Rim Of The Canyon” * With GENE AUTRY Shorts News STARTS SUNDAY FOR 4 BIG DAYS In Technicolor “JolsonSingsAgain” STARRING LARRY PARKS 5th 4th Tuesday — Wednesday “Father Is A Bachelor” With WILLIAM HOLDREN COLEEN GRAY x Shorts, Door Prize Wednesday Nile And. A Visit To The New Snack Shop Where Friends Always Meet By Choice Not By Chance **, university men who teach drivers training education. Both instruc­ tors have been enrolled in pre­ vious courses in the field and have been co-operating in the teaching of the course in the col­ lege here. ON EASTERN TRIP Mrs. Paul Elliott spent two days last xveek xvith her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ' Robert Atkins in Canton. Dr. El­ liott went from Canton to Por- tersville, Pa. on a business trip. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Elder who visited Mr. Elders mother in Darlington, Pa. ATTENDS SHOWER Mrs. Paul Ramsey attended a shower Friday evening in Bell- fontaine at which her daughter, Doris, entertained for Miss Lois Perry, bride-elect of Kenneth j Kaylor. Miss Ramsey will be maid j of honor for Miss Perry. • Iv. Y . N. CLUB TO MEET j The K. Y . N. club will meet on Friday, April 28, for an all-day ®covered dish dinner at the home of Mrs. PauJ Townsley. Mrs. Rob- ! ert Bullen and Mrs. John Pyles ( are in charge of the entertain­ ment. TO PRESENT ETCHINGS Girl Scout troop No. '48 have finished their project of etch­ ing trays and coasters and will present them to their mothers as J gifts. Mrs. Fred Wilburn assisted * by Miss Alta Murphy is troop ! leader and lios taught the girls ' to paint. . ATTEND RALLY A group of the junior Westmin­ ister fellowship attended a youth rally in the Memorial Presbyter­ ian church in Oxford Sunday aft­ ernoon. W. S. C. S.°TO MEET The W. S. C. will hold a lunch­ eon meeting in the Methodist church Wednesday, May 3, at noon. Bring table* service. gchhtLAJV etaoi cwy imvfrm w RESEARCH CLUB MEET POSTPONED The May meeting of the Re­ search club has been postponed: until May 11. The meeting will be the annual guest day and w ill; be held at the home of Mrs. Rob­ ert MacGregor. JUNIOR CHOIR PRACTICE The Junior choir will practice Sunday at 3 o’clock in the United Presbyterian church. PERSONALS Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harmon were Mr, and Mrs. Kimber Pyles of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shinkle and family o f South Solon. Mrs. Daivd Reynolds spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Col­ umbus attending a district o f - i ficers training school for the of­ ficers of the Womans Society of Christian service. Mrs. Reynolds is president of the Wilmington district. Dr. Paul Elliott and J. B. Crum- rine attended the quarterly meet- We Serve the Seller We Serve the Buyer 36 Properties Sold In this vicinity during 1949 1950 is an opportunity^year - W e pledge our Patrons our very Best Vfork and cooperation to give our fullest capacity o f Service. ANTHONY SPENCER Real Estate Sales V C lifts 8743 PHONE Insurance Springfield 28371 ing of the Dayton Presbytery held in the Troy Presbyterian church all day on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McCorkell and daughter and Mr, and Mrs. Virgil Sticka spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finney and other relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Corsatte spent Sunday with friends in the Mt Zion neighborhood. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont and son, Bill, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaylor o f Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stoimont in Columbus* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strewing and daughter of Columbus spent the week end with the latters_ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Collins” Williamson and other relatives. Jimmy, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey is spending the week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. V/. Ramsey in Love­ land. Miss Rachel McMillan and Miss Elizabeth Dick of Saganaw, Mich., w6re Week end guests here of Miss Sally McMillan and other relatives. Miss Florence William­ son accompanied them here from Bowling Green. StateSuesfor Easement on US-68Relocation •Declaring that -the state high­ way department has been unable to l’each an agreement with cer­ tain parties along the proposed relocation of US-68 near Yellow Springs, its director, T. J. Kauer, has brought suit in the Greene county court against Ralph and Margaret Jacoby, et al., seeking easement. The defendants refused the state’s offer of $1,000 for land needed for relocation of the high­ way, it is said. The land in question is needed in the partial relocation of a three-mile stretch of US-68 in that area. Director Kauer said the state has offered $700 for the land and $300 for damage to the "residue of the property—a total of $1,000—for the highway easement. The petition asks the court to allow the land appropriation at that figure, which was rejected - by the defendants. SUBS FOR HUSBAND While her husband is housed recovering from a heart attack, Mrs. Harx-y Swigart is carrying on with county veterans’ service information. MAY USE PLASTIC TAGS Because of difficulty in ob­ taining steel Ohio may use plas­ tic license plates for automobiles in 1951. Mrs. A. E. Huey who has been ill at her home for some time is slightly improved. Rev. and Mrs. Justin Hartman and family oi' Sherman, Conn, arrived here Saturday to spend two weeks with the latters par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, George Hart­ man and other relatives. -5,' ■» •\“'V - *4 FOR ANTI-PANTS SLEEPERS . .... Because, he claims, 60 per cent of pajama wearers, never use the pants, a Paris haberdasher has come up with extra-long pajama coats for man and wife. There is also a fingertip nightgown, for men. Women, says the Parisian, love them because there are no pants to wash. The pantless sleepers are selling like hot cakes at $5 a copy. JUOMC, FORW*g> MHlWRCfWI S U r . HSHUMWJnMROVFT rocket elevator ROCKET ROOM SOVIET “ ATOMIC BATTLESHIP” . . . This sketch from the Berlin Montags Echo purports to be a drawing of one of six atomic battle­ ships now being built by the Russians. The paper says the ship will he equipped with two rocket launching towers and will have the latest anti-aircraft and anti-submarine devices. First of the vessels will be finished soon and named ‘‘Sqvjetsky Solus,” the story adds. AMATEUR ACTS WELCOMED N I V Prizes Will Be Awarded to the Best R S A R Saturday, Ap r il 29 , 19 50 GIVE-AWAYPARTY. AT CEDARVILLE OPERAHOUSEBEGININGAT8:30 Register at Duvall Hardware for Free Gifts_and Tickets * THEBIGNEWSFOR19501 * 4 $ MBBB v>:v FULLCONSOLE i | W M P FULL S1ZE CONSOLE ; America’s Greatest Television Valoe! Easiest ie Time! Simplest tuning of all! Easiest fa V iew ! v\Y«i •.v, Big 12 VP nearly 109 sq. ineberea of ''Siudio-ShirtY* Picture* No si*™-.. ■-•J-FS'Zq REAL BUY! Easiest t@ Own! Builf-in "Adjtufo* v toe" Amcaot «&• / mioetes aerial fa most locations. No iostallatioaex* peose.Jost plu£in lorfioestreccpnoa. ’P m n a v - f O utstanding perform ance in x W w w . fy 0ge areas where many aets fail. GARD EN TRACTOR RUQQEDS VERSATILE! fASY-TO-OPlRAU Slop in and sec (he outstanding new SPRINGflULD Irador modeli. 11 time- • saving attachments, M $149.50 r e f r i g e r a t o r - h o m e f r e e z e r COMBINATION GE Refrigerators $190 up World Famous Clown "and Other Acts -r- Be Sure to Register for These Free Gifts — Adults Window Pyrex Colored Mixing Bowl Set True Temper Fishing Pole Ocean City Fishing Reel _ True Temper Shovel. Disston Hand Saw Plumb Hammer Plumb Hatchet Portable Radio Electric Iron and Many Other Items Childrens Window * v Louisville SluggerBat Rubber Basketball Baseball Glove Roller Skates Baseball %. Tricycle Softball iWagon Sled and Many Other Items Come in ihe Store and Register for the above FREE GIFTS— also FREE TICKETS for the show at the Opera House af *8:30. CedarviUe Ohio Phone 6-1941 jLAig ri 3 ?:,,,