The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50

J * • i e Cedarville* Q* H e r a ld . ^ d a y , June 30, 1950 pBradefute-Galloway - Marriage Vows Spoken Saturday A nuptial service, in "which vows were exchanged by Miss Clara Belle Galloway o f Pasa­ dena, Calif., and Mr. John Oscar Bradfute, near Xenia, was solem­ nized in the chapel of First Bap­ tist Church of Pasadena Satur­ day at 8:30 p. m. The bride’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W. Galloway, 605 N. Oakland Ave., Pasadena, former­ ly o f Cedarville. She is the grand­ daughter o f Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Galloway, Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bradfute, are the par­ ents of the bridegroom. Rev. George W. Hill performed the double ring service before an altar decorated with baskets o f white and . pink gladioli and stocks. The'chapel was lighted with pink tapers arranged in two seven-branch two five branch and two three branch candelabra. Bows of pink tulle and white flowers marked each pew. A program or organ music was presented by Mr. Jet Turner, church organist, preceding "the ceremony. The bridegroom’s sister Miss Jean Bradfute, was maid of hon­ or. Attending the bride as brides­ maids were her two sisters, Mrs. George W. Woodruff (Caroline Galloway) and Mrs. James J. Lof- tus (Dorothy Galloway). The bridal attendants wore white organdy over green taffeta gowns washioned with bodices o f eyelet organdy. Their bouquets were o f pale pink estreed and white sweetpeas tied with green ribbons. Appearing in a white satin gown, the bride was given in mar­ riage by her father. Her gown was fashioned with a Peter Pan collar, self covered buttons down the front of a fitted bodice, a bustle back, long sleeves and a train, A long veil of tulle was at­ tached to a halo o f white satin. She"earried a shower bouquet o f lilies o f the valley and white sweet peas centered with a white orchid and tied with white rib­ bon. “ • "Robert W . Eil of San Marino, Calif., was best man and ushers were George Woodruff, brother- in-law o f the bride, and Homer C. Cheney, Monrovia, Calif. The bride’s mother chose a dusty rose lass and crepe dress fo r her daughter’s wedding and reception. A powder blue crepe dress was worn by the bride­ groom’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway enter­ tained 200 guests at a reception in the church patio immediately f o l - , lowing thfe service. Mr. an d Mrs. Bradfute will establish th’efr htfme in Oak Ridge, Tenn„ after Aug. 1. Both principals are graduates o f Cedarville high school, Mrs. Bradfute was graduated from Scripps College this year. A t that college she was president of he student body during her senior year. Mr. Bradfute received his master of science degree from Ohio-State University, Columbus earlier this month. . , - Rogers-O*Bryant Wedding of June 15 Is Annotmced Mr, and Mrs. Orville O’Bryant, near Blanchester, are announcing the marriage o f their daughter, Miss Patricia Lou, to Keith Rog­ ers o f near *Jamestown, which took place Thursday, June 15 in Grape Grove Church o f Christ. Rev. Kenneth Norris officiated at the double ring ceremony which was preceded by a program of nuptial music presented by Mrs. Norri3, pianist. For her matron o f honor and only attendant, the bride chose her sistei*, Mrs. Dale Roach. Dut­ ies o f best man were performed by Max Rogers, brother of the bridegroom. Mrs. Roach was at­ tired in a yellow dotted Swiss street-length dress with white ac­ cessories and a pink carnation corsage. The bride chose an aqua organ­ dy street-length dress comple­ mented with white accessories and a pink sweetheart rose cor­ sage for the Service, attended by several friends and members o f the immediate families. Following a wedding trip to Kentucky, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are residing on a farm near Jamestown. Both are graduates of Ross high school. Mr. Rogers attended Cedarville college and now is enrolled in summer school in the college o f agriculture at Ohio State university, Columbus. TINDALL-GARWOOD WEDDING SOLEMNIZED Following a short wedding trip in southern Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Phil H. Tindall (Mildred Gar­ wood), are now' at home in Xe­ nia. Miss Garwood is the daughter ' o f Mr. and Mrs. Dain Garwood o f Farmersville. Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Tindall o f Farmersville, formerly of Cedarville, are the parents of the bridegroom. Their marriage took place Fri­ day evening in a candlelight cere­ mony performed in St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Farmersville, by Rev. Norman Wegmeyer, the church pnstor. HONORED ON 2nd BIRTHDAY Ronnie, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corry was honored on his 2nd birthday with a dinner Sun­ day at his home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ulsh, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Engle and Con­ nie, Mr. and Mrs. Elder Co.ay and Mrs. Brewer o f Clifton. Pitezr- C henoweth Vows Solemnized A t Mechanicsburg Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pitzar (Dorothy Chenoweth), who were married last Saturday afternoon in New ‘ Burlington Friends * Church are at home on a farm near Mechanicsburg. Mrs. Pitzer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Chenoweth, Waynesville, formerly of Ce­ darville. Mr. Pitzer’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pemberton, near Mechanicsburg. The service was solemnized in the presence o f the bride’s par­ ents, and several other friends and relatives. The couple was un­ attended, Mrs. Pitzer was graduated from Waynesville high school in June. Mr.' Pitzer is engaged in dairy farming. Preceding the wedding, the bride, was complimented at two showers. The first was given by her-cousins, Mrs. RaymoiW Carr and Mrs. Donald Jones at the Carr home. The other pre-nuptial affair was arranged by a group o f friends in Cedarville. William Braley to Wed Louise Wilson In St. Petersburg A wedding date has been et by Miss Louise Suzanne Wilson of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Wil= liam Thompson Braley of Clifton, whose engagement was announc­ ed inApril. - Their marriage will take place Aug. 5 4:30 p. m. in a St. Peters­ burg Presbyterian church. The brill-elect is the daugh­ ter o f Mr. And Mrs. Ralph H. Wil­ son, St. Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Braley, Clifton, are the parents of the bridegroom- elect. Miss Wilson, a graduate o f St. Petersburg high •school, was graduated from Western College for Women in Oxford earlier this month. A graduate of Springfield high school and Miami universit/, Ox­ ford, Mr. Braley is a physical ed­ ucation teacher in the Dayton school system. HAPPY HOMES CLASS MET LAST TUESDAY The Happy Homes>class met hi the U. P. church Tuesday evening. Plans were made for a lawn fete to be held the last o f July by the class. A social hour followed the business and refreshments were seved by the host and hos­ tesses Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stor­ mont and Mr. and Mrs. Bert' Stevens. In July -the -class .w ill' enjoy a picnic, with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Turner and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bullen in charge. ENTERTAIN WESLEY CLASS AT HOME - , MA and Mrs .Marvin Agnor entertained the Wesley class ox the Methodist church at their, home Tuesday evening. Covered dish dinner was enjoyed by 25 •members and their families. De­ votions were given by Mrs, Jane Mills following the business meet­ ing. Election of officers were hald as follows: Mrs. David Rey­ nolds, president; Mrs. Tom Harner, vice president; Mrs, Robert Bean, secretary; Donald Sipe, treasurer, Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup, flowers. This concludes the meetings until September. Jane Wiseman Is Honored with Party On 5th Birthday Jane Wiseman, was honored with a, party on her 5th birthday Wednesday afternoon at her home. The dining room table was centered with large balloons and a four tier birthday cake. Guests .were given the balloons and bas­ kets o f mints as favors. Games were played and Roberta opened many lovely gifts. Guests were served ice cream cake and punch. Attending were, Elizabeth Ann Pranler, Connie Agnor, Destie Rigio, Wanda LeForge, Jim Ram­ sey, Margaret Ann McMillan, Lorena Thomason, Iris Frame, Mrs. Ross Wiseman, Corina and Judy, Mrs. Clayton Wiseman, Bonnie Jo and Robert Clayton. Mrs. Virgil Baty and sons, Ste­ vie and Bobbie, Mrs. Jack Huff­ man and daughter Sue, Mrs, H. E. Compton, Mrs. Albert Jolly and Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup. ENTERTAINS MEMBERS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS As the climax to a contest, Mrs. Lewis Lillick entertained mem­ bers o f her Sunday school class with a party and wiener roast at her home Tuesday evening. Members o f the primary group No. 2 present were Jane Lewis, •Sue Parsons, Charles Tobin, Jane Straley, Carl McCallister and Bil­ ly Coulter. Other guests were •Mrs. Lauris Straley and son Bill. ENTERTAINS „ BRIDGE CLUB Miss Albert Owen entertained the 500 Bridge club at her home Thursday evening. Nine guests were present and Mrs. Edith Bar­ ber was honored on her birthday. Prizes were won by Mrs. Barber and Mrs. Don Hubbard. Refresh­ ments were served by Miss Owens. RETURNS HOME FROM VISIT IN COLUMBUS M iss Lucille. .Boots o f Colum- - bus has returned home after a ■ two weeks visit with her sister •Mrs. William Hopping. VISITS IN WEST VIRGINIA Mr. Herbert Myers, Miss Wini­ fred Myers and Miss Medreth Mil- ler of Springfield spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest' Foster and family in Dunbar, W„ Va. SPENDING MONTH AT CAMP Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bar- ^el* (Janet Williamson) are Spending a month at F. D. R. Camp in Port Huron, Mich., act­ ing as camp councilors. RETURNS TO 0 S U* Miss Doris Ramsey has return­ ed to her classes at O. S. U. in Co- luinbus_ after spending, the week- end with her parents Mr. and IDs. Paid Ramsey. >Miss Ruth Ramsey is also taking summer work at O S U. Miss Ruth re­ turned this week from Elkton, Md. Where she was 'violinist at the wedding of her classmates Miss Jane Martens. Miss Ramsey gave three selections for the wedding, Liebesfreud by Kries- ler, Memitation by Thais, Lords Prayer by Malotte. ATTENDS FUNERAL Forrest Nagley, Washington D. C., formerly of Cedarville was a guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. H. Nagley of Xenia and attended the' funeral of his uncle, Oscar. Nag­ ley. Mr. Nagley is materials engi­ neer in the research branch in the bureau of ships of the navy department. VISITS FRIENDS IN MICHIGAN Miss Josephine Randal is spending 2 weeks in Kalamazoo, Mich., visiting friends. When Miss Randal returns from Mich., she will visit friends in Cincin­ nati. ATTENDS PREVIEW Mr. Greer McCallister spent 3 days this week in Chicago at­ tending the distributors preview of 1950 new model of Zenith ra­ dio and television sets. RETURNS HOME Mrs. Fannie Corn has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Frame- after several- weeks visit with hhr daughter and son in law Mr. and Mrs. William Ba­ ker in Springfie Id. VISITS. MOTHER > Miss Suzanna West of Toledo has been visiting her mother Mrs. J. S. West. Miss West left Wed­ nesday for Ifchica, N. Y., where she will attend Cornell univer­ sity for six Weeks taking a course in vocational education. m s DON'S MARKET Cedarville, Ohio Green Front Phone 6-2041 Reasonable Prices LARD 2 lbs, for . SAUSAGE........... HAMBURGER .... PORK STEAK ... ..... 25c lb. 25c lb. 52c lb. 52c OpenHours ToPlease 4 BACON SQUARES .............. lb. 19c SLICED BACON ! 35c FRANKS ........ ...... ,......... , .....-..... lb. 35c WIENERS ........... 4. .......... . .. .. lb -45c Beef Steaks C LU B ............................................ lb. 75c ROUND ........................................ lb. 89c S IR LO IN ......................... lb. 75c - 89c Frozen Foods SU G A R .......... 10 lbs..................... 89c COFFEE (Dining C a r ) .......... lb. 59e MILK Wilsons Ige 3 for „ .............. 35c POTATOES......... 10 lbs......... .. 39c CIGARETTES......., carton____ 1.69 CUBE ...................................................... lb.95c T -BON E .............. r..................... lb. 95c PORTER HOUSE.....................: lb. 95c - Ice- Cream GOLD M FLOUR 10 lbs........ 89c O’BRIEN FLOUR 10 lbs........79c N AVY BEANS ........................... lb. 10c TIDE L a r g e ............................. Box 24c WATERMELONS............. .... each 98c Chickens Picnic Goodies Paying 27c For Fresh Eggs OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS OPEN EVENINGS TIL 8 O’CLOCK i OPENSUNDAYMORNINGTILL12NON Wewillbe openthemorningof the FOURTHfrom 7:30 Till 11:30 Noon a. m. ENTERTAINS CHILDREN The Sunday school teachers of the primary department of the Presbyterian church entertained the children of the S. S. with a party in the church last week. Games and refreshments were en­ joyed. . ; VISIT HERE ON RETURN TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards and daughter of Columbu3 visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. 4* H. Richards Sunday.' They were enroute home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Richards in Benson, Ari­ zona. VISITORS FROM CALIFORNIA ,Mrs. Nornlan Darling of Mt. View, Calif., spent:Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George Sheeley. VISIT COLUMBUS ZOO Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hagler and son, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Sea- graves and family spent Sunday in Columbus at the Columbus" Zoo. VISITS SISTER Mrs, Majorie Allen of West Carrolton visited last week with her sister and bi’other-in-law Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey. CANASTA PARTY ENJOYED Mrs. Robert Gutbrie entertain ed a group of friends "at her' home Wednesday evening, with a canasta, party. The group also1 enjoyed television. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Guthrie. VISITS WITH SISTER Mrs. R. J. Hill of Pittsburgh, Pa., arrived here Tuesday to visit her sister Mrs. Anna Wilson. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Wilson left Thurs-j day to visit in Hillshoi’o and Mommouth, 111. Miss Margaret Bailey and Mrs. Velma Jean O’Brien are on a ten day trip to Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Koppe and family spent a few days last week with relatives in Logans- port, Ind., weekend guests at the Koppe home were Mr. and. Mrs. W. C. Stanton of Brudas, Mich. .. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunbar and sons of Avon Lake spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman. Mrs. Ruth Jolly return­ ed home with her daughter and son in law for a visit. The 12 Bingo club met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Roy Chapman. -All members were pres­ ent. Bingo prizes were won by Mrs. Edna Littler and Miss Doris Trusdae. Refreshments were serv­ ed by Mrs. Ghapman. July meet­ ing will be at the home of Mrs. Littler. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alt of Belle- fontaine -and Mr. and, Mrs. Ken­ neth Pemberton- and family of Marshal, Mich., .were Sunday guests of Mr.; and Mrs. Ralph Truesdale, ' Mr. and -Mrs. .Herman Randall and Mr, and Mrs. David Reynolds spent the" weekend “with Mr. and Mrs. ‘William Boyce in Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce formerly resided on the college farm here. Dr. and Mrs* J. J. Wilson o f Fostoria, spent several days this week with their brother-in-law, Mr. W. A. Spencer and Miss Wil­ ma Spencer. Loma Thomasson of W&ring- ton is spending the weekend with her cousin Margaret Ann McMil­ lan. IN VOUft HOME / Cedarville, Ohio Authorized Dealer GENERAL f p ELECTRIC HOME FREEZERS WALLACE C. ANDERSONPOSTNO, 544 American Legion % Presents on July 4,1950 COMMUNITY PARK — FUN FOR ALL — the following eventsTor your entertainment 9:30 a. m. — 10:30 a. m . .................. . ............. ................................... PARADE . 11 ^ .....•;....... ........................v $10.00 Cash Prize ; * ; f •EATS ■' - - SOFT DRINKS 12:00- Noon ............................................................ .......... $10.00 Cash Prize GAMES FOR PRIZES 1:00 p. m ....................................................................................... $10.00, Cash Prize 2:00 p. m ................. r......... .‘....1....... .................................. Base Ball Game EATS — EATS • — •- . EATS $10:00 EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR Contests For Kids 7:15 Exhibition-Drill — Drum & Bugle Corps (CHARLES BLOSE POST 157 AMERICAN LEGION COLUMBUS) 8:30 p. m. ........... ............................. ......................... .....................$100 Cash Prize FIREWORKS DISPLAY (THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY) This Advertisement sponsored ,by: Burba’s Playhouse Don’s Market Cedarvilie Locker (Operated ^by Mrs. D. R. Reynolds ^assisted by her husband “ DUDE” ) Confarr’s Pantry - ------- Rigio’s Market James Drug Co. Evan’s Grocery Oscar Bailey Hilltop Market, White Villa Foods V