The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50
e Cedarville, O- Herald " Friday, July 7 , 195 Q M r . and M r s . C a r l W iseman Establish H om e in TroPwood Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wiseman (Marie Fisher) who were married in Clayton, Ohio, June 25, have established their home on Main street, Trotwood, following their return from a wedding trip on Lake Erie. The bride, who wa3 graduated from Cedarville College in May, is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fisher of Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman, near Cedarville, are parents o f the bridegroom. The ceremony was performed in the Clayton Evangelical United Brethren Church with Rev. Rob ert McBride officiating at the double ring service.. White tapers in three sets o f candelabra and baskets o f summer flowers deco rated the church. Mrs. Treva Heina o f Clayton was organist and Miss Phyllis Brayant, Cedarville, was vocalist. For her matron of honor the bride had her sister, Mrs. Robert Eohrer o f Trotwood. Mrs. Harold Stonmont (Charlotte Collins), near Cedarville, was bridesmaid and Bonnie Jo Wiseman, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wise man, Jamestown, and a niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Mrs, Rohrer wore a gown of yejlow taffeta and carried a colo nial bouquet o f red roses. Mrs. Stormont’s gown was aqua taf feta and her flowers were yel low- roses. The bride appeared in a gown o f ~ white nylon eelanese over white satin. Styled with a -satin bodice it had long sleeves taper ing to point over the hands and a sweetheart neckline edged in nylon lace. The skirt extended into a train. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a lace bon net and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and step- hanotis. Mr. David Wiseman, near Ce darville, brother of the bride groom, served as best man and ushers were Messrs. Clayton Wiseman, another brother, and Kenneth Dailey, both o f James town, and Rqhert Rohrer, Trot wood, brother-in-law Of the bride. Following the? service a recep tion was held at the .Fisher, home- The brideV mother, receive# the Cummings. Fam ily * H o ld s Reunion at Shawnee Park The Cummings,. reunion was. « - S M A R T / J f f ® § f e (A Short Story)' * . By RICHARD HILL WILKINSON lan and children Janet and John are home after a trip to Wash ington D. C., Niagara Falls and.- Rochester, N. Y. In Washington' D. Q., th”ey visited Mr.-and Mrs. in Mt. Vernon; i?u&y!.ahd Larry" . Sparks returned home, wjth their parents after two-weeks*'visit at the McGlothen home. . - . . • FT* loo K e d ' t $ .M E . l ik e . a,pret- . , , he)d. -Sunday with, a basket db).-..T' , . gu^tsmjanavy.Miie-.crjepe dfesa - at S lmw pee^ ric, Xenia, , d n t y hopeless case .‘and I. said so. > hpcause Voll ‘ ainH’ S and Mrs.' W & w n , . hQnor f j , , and Wilbui3 bndegroom, also* wore; navy;blue, .c ^ ^ i n g s ; 0 sKalo.osa, Iowq, ‘ ITectlve,’ * Moriarty crepe. Both .had,,corsage&, -.'and.'Mr. a^d Mre^Frank, Cumm- - “ Thank thg.Lord!” 1 'told him.'-' ltl0ns* " mgs.,of dearborn, Mich. ..“ See.that!" he said, pomting^tc - Those,Resent besides th&:hon^ :g carth.'-,- •*-»I< ‘ ^ ored guests were carnations. Mrs. Wisenian, who was-gradu ated with honors front Cedarville College, i§ a member o f Chi Sig ma Phi Sorority. Mr. Wiseman will be a senior at Cedarville College next year. He is a mem ber o f Kappa Sigma Fraternity. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and. Mrs.^ ^Wajxep_ Tidd (Carolyn Thayer) ane announc ing the birth of a daughter, Kathy Jean. Mrs. Tidd and- .daughter, are at the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thayer. MISS HAMMAN HAS SLUMBER PARTY Miss Joan Hamman entertain ed a gnoup o f friends at a slum ber party Wednesday night at her home. For -entertainment they enjoyed ping pong and Tele vision. Those present were "Jane Davis, Janet Gordon, Fayq Hu ston, Jane MacGregor and the hostess. DINNER BRIDGE" Members o f the Dinner Bridge club, their families and- gues t s enjoyed a covered dish dinner at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Harry Hamman Tuesday evening. WSCS HOLDS PICNIC DINNER . The WSCS of the Cedarville Methodist church held a picnic dinner at the home of Mrs. Roy Jacobs Wednesday. Business was conducted by the president, Mrs. A. E. Richards. Devotions were given by Mrs. Carl Ritenour. A book review “ Brother Is a Stranger” was given by Mrs. Frank Creswell. The place of the next meeting, will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cummings and son, Merle, Mrs. Harry Brat ton of Union City, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Orville Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huffman and Mr. and- Mrs. Burrell Cotton of Day- ton,. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and daughters. Sondra and Con nie, Mrs. Jennie Agnor, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lemons, Mr* and Mrs. Ralph Cummings a n d daughter, Mary Lee o f Cedar ville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cum- ' “ Sure,’ ’-1- said. “ I’ve been* loofc- iifg a t it for -a couple of hours.- “ So’ve you and nine other cop pers. So what? *Jack Newbury is still dead and the killer’s large and you’ re stuck as to how to catch him.” “ That's the imprint of* a Brim stone tire,” , said Moriarty. “ We know that whoever killed Newbury brought him here in an automobile and. left him, figuring the body wouldn’ t hp discovered for weeks,. He figured wrong. He .forgot^that mings, Mr. and Mrs. Warner- •tKe.Jmnling season was open’.and 'pMW»W* KT h riMrl rill-Wrt'M.l .« . “ 1 1a ’l ■" __ t. n NOW OPEN Xenia Wateh Repair: Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford .Glass and daughter, Sharon and iBeverly, Sam Cummings, Mr^&'nd Mrs. Fred Cummings and .daugh ters, Charlotte- -and Connie, Mrs". Flossie Leach,-Mrs. W . 0 . Webb, kind daughters, Una and Lucille,- ]Mi*. and Mrs. Arlo Cummings, Mr.' Mr. and Mrs. Oddie tCuxnminga fcnd Mrs. HershM Long o f James town. Mr. and M rs. Roy Webb, iVIr. and- Mrs; Call Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cummings, MisS Mary Alice Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Cummings and pon, Greg of Xenia. Mrs. Mildred Matthews of Spring Valley. * DOUBLE HEADER > The Cedarville Legion "team will meet V. F. W. of Springfield in the second, game of a double header on the home diamond, Sunday at 3 p. m. Reco will play CIO in the first game at 1:30. HAPPY WORKERS HOLD MEETINGS . . The Senior group of the Happy Workers 4-H club met Thursday .evening at the home of their lead er Mrs» Mary Mott. Each member took salad and sandwiches which were made as a part o f their sum mer project. that a, couple, of sportsmen might happen along and find the body. '“ Smart,” I said. “ Where do. we go from here? I don’t" imagine , *“ See that?” he said, pointing to the imprint of an automobile tire in the soft earth. there’ s more than -10,000 automo biles in the city of Hayden and sur rounding country using Brimstone tires.” •“ Well, we know the automobile was blue,” . said Moriarty. “ See that tree. The car scraped It and rubbed some of the pa)nt off.’.’ “ My, my,” I said sarcastically. “ Blue’s such an unusual color. I'll m The JlPlisr group of t> .=elub^ i etn^ ° l v mt)^ a^ 34 01® their assistant, leader, Miss Re- "* ; The ‘next ittormnjr tHe! rttirder v -,,4» ; *- £ i' ■ |' 28 W* Market St* Xenia •V*- HARRY H. MOGLE Watchmaker FOH A LIMITED TIME ONLY. beccst Creswell. -.Thirteen . mem bers and one guest were .preser.). ,> Baking and sewing books were filled out. RefreShinenfc' ’ were served by Carolyn CoiKSs. JANE MacGREGOR ENTERTAINS Miss Jane MacGregor enter tained a group <of--friends with* a'* weiner roast and seavanger .hunt at her homer Monday 'evening.. Guests were Misses Jane (Davis, Joan Hamman*?Anhxind-Mmvy <Jo* Duvall, Jeanne and .Faye -Huston, Martha Puvdom, -and Jinr tu t- •- trell, Roger Collins, Jim Turn- bull, Jack Irvine, Dick William son, Jerry. Wilburn, Doug Cul- tice, Bob Borrpff. Wednesday Miss MacGregor hhd as luncheon guests, Misses Carol Blau, Judy Cadot, Brenda MyreaUtz*, • Judy Roth, schoolmates of Janes from Columhus. . . was spread alioveS- th'e’ffont pages1 of the papers. I read the account and discovered that Moriarty had been‘holding out on'me. The-son- if-a-gUnr- He -had checked up and discovered thdt tHerdw/aS^only oiie particular year that the Brimstone* people made tires bearing, the pat tern that was found in theJimpririb near the body: And that-year the phalmers automobile company,had Equipped allUheir, cars-with,Brim- stpites,.; The .orderwyas-a big -one ■pndj, coming ^mexpectedly.-..*as<^ik did,,the Brimstone people weren’ t- _able to meet the demands of-retail- "dealers. Hence, in .that-particular year only.Chalmers cars had Brim-, stone tires, and most all of ^that obiodel were blue. : It was easy, of course, ,to find put..all, tbe„.hlua Chalmers of that ? ear registered to and around narrow ^ the •= ■ Mst of ,:do4i". .to S t d50. ;c,*xv Even go, the next time I saw Moi'iartyj.I .snorted at him. “ You’ve got a fat-.chance of Collecting this guy,” I ‘ sard. “ Suppose he came from out o f town? which is likely. Suppose ;he came-from Detroit or some place like that? How many • blue Chalmers of that year do you think dre registered in Detroit? Oh, my! Or suppose he borrowed the car or stole it or something’ ” “ We’v? already got the guy,” he said." We went into the inspector’s of fice. The inspector was there and two other coppers that I knew fhir- ly well. We sat down and" waited ;and pretty soon a couple of plain clothes ;guys came in bringing a big husky, good looking chap with them. The husky was mad and in dignant He yelled a lot about this being an -outrage and his rights as a taxpayer and. that sort of thing, but you could see he wasn’t quite sure of himself. ’ None o f the coppers said a word. They just, sat around and stared at him. Pretty sopn the h u s k y stopped yelling and looked from phe 1face to the other, and you bould sed he was -scared. I .felt sorry for him. - He asked in a quiet voice what .they’d brought him here for, and the inspector said for the m urder of Jack Newbury, and opened up his. desk •drawer .and took out a hammer and laid ft on his’k'. -. ' “ This was the' hammer that killed Newbury,” '" he said. “ We found it in the tool-kit of your car. Your fingerprints are on it.” * The husky stared a t the hammer a minute-and then leaped out of his chair with a yell and began running wildly for the door. •“We figured he’d break like that,” Mox-iarty told me later. “ You have to try different systems on different guys. This one was easy.” t % "Smart-,"’- aren’t you?” I said. “Now teU me how you did 11?” ^ _ '‘"Why, ,,it ..\y,as/ea§$f” sa id . Mo- Warty. $ wqs.that Brjmstonh tire mark, We simpiy' gave ’ out the story that the Brimstone" people only made tires with "that pattern for a particular year and that Chalmers automobiles of -that year were equipped with them. Blue Chalmers. Then we waited.” • ‘‘Whited'for What?” I said." “ You mean -that story you gave out wasn’t true?” Moriarty shrugged. “ I dunno. We ■ out anyway, and the papers printed it. Then we kept our eyes - -on tdlthe-paint shops around, and aWt'dlo---a--guy--.with a blue j 'Chalmers with ' Brimstone tires j that fitted the pattern came in to . h^vfe- his car painted. And that’ s j how’ we happened to pick up thi3 ‘jigger,” -.He grinned. 1‘Smart, aren't you?” I snorted. “ Yeah,” said Moriarty. And we both grinned. •, Mr. and Mrs." Robert Sprackl'in F. W., McIntosh and in Rochester' and Mr.-and Mrs*. Iajvin .Craig of , Dayton Ty^day/jwith Mrs* ■I. w ,Vs*. M ^ 'an 'd ''iSffit? iSdwai-d ^ o e k " they Visited Dr.- Lawrence Beal. FHA HOLD .MEETINGS ON THURSDAY ‘ "An the high FHA meeting w ^ h e 0 7 b ^ and. fam ily .-o f, Dayton spent"' __ school, Thur£3£y, imae^■^u^s^ y 'w ith 'fc]Vu•. ah'd 1H t 6. Clyde. 29. Officers w.ere nominated f o r , Walker. A^roup^ qf.(peJatives en-- this cpming year as f oUdw: presi- y J °yed *a picnic - at" " ’Em* Walker dent,.; Faye Huston and "Ai l een-home Tuesday evening. Williamson; secretary, Betsy -■ ."■* . *_r* •/ **t ”.- i' . - —«!>■ ■ Braley and Mary Melton; treas urer, Martha Purdin and Jane Mad&to-Meamm y m Clothes . FOB MEN AND LADIES/ Starting as low as ?39-75 \ H sn^eds o f Fabzics to choose from Suitable for Spring, Summer and Fall HOME CLOTHINGCOMPANY G. H. HartmaS Prop. Cedarville REUNION - . ■. . .was held in the home’ Jamieson in Rushville, Indiana Jtrly Fourth. Tn addition to the R. A. Jamieson family from here, there were present Dr. and Mrs. S* R, Jamieson of Oxford, Ohio, Dr. and Mrs. William Hogue, Donald and Diane from Hunt ington Park, California, who have been visiting relatives and friend? in the east. Dr. Hogue is a nep hew o f the Jamieson brothers, being a son- of Mrs. Jennie Jamie son Hogue o f Pasadena, Galifoi-- nia. RAMSEY-BULL REUNION HELD The annual reunion o f the Ramsey-Bull families was held Tuesday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey. Forty one wefe pi'esent. Out o f town guests included Rev. and Mrs. Fred Bull, of-D e Bois, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buck of Hayesville; Mr. and Mrs. Daq Price, Alliance; Dr. and Mrs. MeVyd R ife arid family o f New Concord; Mr. an#. -Mrs. Charles Buck, of Liberty, Ind.; Mrs.-Jack Shugog and "son ‘ o f Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mi*, and Mrs. Edgar Lynch and daughter, Jean- .riife of .Clarksburg, W. Va. ’ • WEEK END GUEST Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and Mrs. Jennie Agnor has as weekend guests Mr. and.’ Mrs. William Cummings o f Oskloosa, Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings of Detroit, Mich. Sun day the group attended the Cum mings reunion at Shawnee park in Xenia. SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS Mi*, and Mrs. George Gordon entertained with a dinner Sun day honoring Mr. Gordon’s moth er, Mrs. C. H. Gordon and Mrs. Gordon’s father Mr. Henry Dorn. Guests were Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Dorm and family- 8f Sedeiia:;Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Kemper, Mr. and MsqL Fred.-Omar and (laugher. •Mi* -Bill Kempeel arid MissUfibsl Harris of Dayton. . . . t *\ * 4 LUNCHEON, HELDf j< j - L j ; v The Ladies Missionai’y society o f the Presbyterian: Chrircfi, en tertained the ladies of the S. Charleston church’ w ith 'a lunch eon in the church Thursday. Miss Ora Hanna led devotions. - Mrs. Paul Ramsey in charge of the program presented a Missionary play “ Two-Masters.” Cast o f the- and Mrs. Hugh Miller of Pitts burgh. Guests at the Elliott home j this week are Mr:’ and Mrs. R ob -! play included, Mrs. Nathan Elder, Mrs. Frank Creswell, Mrs. -James Rams.ey, Mrs,.JanressiJteele, Miss, . .. . Janet Crumrine, Mrs. Herbei’t .^Stt Aifisn of Canton and Mrs. K r S c i S fields; ai5d*¥ls^J^n-McMUlaa.v g K- McWilliamSwand; daughter X U v “ sv „ ah Z ; f c v «* fea®?My§. JJ j^ iS term on tj. MBS(wo;-vTMNirvj r.-rTwcsT- • Charles .Stormont, Mrs. J. B.. m VrUEbT' - Crumrine, Sr., . Mrs.- William Waide and Mrs* J. B. Crumrine. Jr. . : LADIES MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING ' Mrs. Leo Anderson entertain ed the Ladies Missionary society o f the. U. P., Church at her home Thursday. Mrs. O. E. Evans,, as-, ’•fisted by Mrs. Ada Mitchell ipre- • sented- a .-program; -pnwChl'isitlhnf Literature..-Mrs^-E^ Hastings!had"1/ .charge of devotions. Mrs. Ander- • ‘son ..was assisted ,by Mrs. Wilbur ‘Cooley, and Mrs*. Lewis Lillick iri serving refreshments. • M iss io ' n a ' r y SOCIETY" 'MEETS Mrs. Elwood Palmer was in ,Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fox, Mrs. 'Leo Bennett of Columbus, Mrs. Flora Deck and Mrs. George Glass of Ross were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Conner. VISIT IN SOUTHERN STATES * Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillick and ;children Carole and Jackie have returned after spending several days visiting in soutern states.": They were guests of Mr. |&d?$feW ’ 'Jqhn Powers and family iif Green ville, Tenn., Friday ap’d Satur- .. day. They also visited ' Smoky ’ mountains and traveled on the -mew Blue Ridge Parkway. '•SPEND SUNDAY IN PLEASANT HILL charge of the business meeting.. ■. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hamer when the .Church-of God Mission- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ary, society met the,.v. Carl Ferguson in Pleasant Hill. '_home of Mrs. Virgil Stanforths. . Janet and Janette returned home Mrs. Jroy Stegal was in charge'of w;th their parents •after a week ‘the program .‘‘Two Medical Mis sionaries’ of India,” Election- .of-, officers were held as follows, .President,- Mrs. . Palmer; Vice-. President,, Mrs. Herman;-Steven son; Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ralph. Shaw. Mrs. Stanforth was assisted .by hen daughter in ser.v-j. fng,.refreshments,.................. a| the Ferguson home. VISITING WITH‘ FATHER ‘.Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bohlke arid family of New York -are visiting the latters father Dr* R. A. Jamieson Tuesday July 4, the group visited in Rushville, Ind., and attended a family reunion. -H o s t e s s to k . * y / N. C l u b ' t "■* f Mrs. Marion Wildman hear Sel ma was hostess to the KYN club.. Friday. Roll calls was answered by giving, a favorite keep sake. " Games and contests were in ‘ charge of "Mrs. Rdbert’ Cotter and Mrs. Paul Rife, Refreshments were served. The club will, enjoy a.picnic in August* VISITS WITH SISTERS tMiS; *R; L.’ <Baldwin Idcson)'-. o f -Bhicdgb'“is« ■‘ -SPEND FEW DAYS IN CANADA : *. Mr- and Mrs. Earl Ch.aplin'"and son are home after a several days trip to New York, Niagara Falls and Canada. ^ ;j j j | VISITS WITH MOTHER Miss Frances Williamson of jGoldshoro, N. C. and Mr. James Prichette of Lenoir, N. C. Spent the weekend with Miss William- so'n’s mother Mrs. P. T. William- (-Fannilif^®” ' -\iiyitiiigH^ :VlSITS IN DAYTON «* C. Ritenour is home t -visit with her sister Mrs. i^dWilliam Patterson in Dayton. GUESTS-’.’ ,■,i.-VlSITING-AT- ‘ ’-**'.'- Mrs. Guy LeForge had . -; MORTON HOME . 1Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweet -and daughter Melinda of Ross- ford spent t he weeklfrd with the jatters mother Mrs. Clara Morton. -Melinda remained- for a few days visit with,her grand mother* as Sunday guests Mr. .and Mrs, K. D* Laney of^'Franklin. GUESTS A T " ................. '• * ELLIOTT HOME - "- - Dr* and Mrs* Paul Elliott had as guests last "week Mr. arid Mrs:. G* W. Miller and Miss' Betsy Win- •gert o f Johnstown, Pa., and Mri Pufrdom; repo^fefc.*, Sue Miller and Janet Williamson. The vice president will be.- the girl who is defeated-in the vote for president will be the vice president. — The requirements for this cbm- inghyear were discussed. ATTEND BALL GAME IN CINCINNATI Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey and Mary Lou Miller attended theball game in Cincinnati July 4th . when the Cincinnati Reds played Pittsburg. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE ’ Mrs. Mercie Ward and Ray mond Miller are announcing then*' marriage which was solemnized • July 1 by Rev. Sherry of .the Xe nia First Reform Cfiurchv. Miss Mary Lou Miller was tne< only attendant. * >; Mr. aiid Mrs. Joe Ferryman had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. KennethwFerryman and son of Columbus. Tpesday guests at the Ferryman home were Mn. and Mrs^Vendell Ferryman and fam ily Springfield'and Mr. and'; Mrs^Robert: Johriston and family of TrebeimT1 \ . Mrs. Norman Huston, Misses. Jeanne and Faye Huston and Miss' JoAnn Sheeley attended the spec-; ial services fo r the - Rainbow Girls Sunday at Trinity Metho dist church in Xenia. \ Miss Vivian Ramsey spent the week in Idaville, ind.,’ with her aunt, Mrs. Russell Gardner. * Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks and family spent Tuesday with Robert Stewartjvh o in-attend ing O. S. .U. spent, the. weekend here with his *wife and daughter and other relatives. V ... Rev. and Mrs. 'Fred. Bull of _De Bois, Iowa, spent the weekend with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bull and attended the family reunion..". Mr. and Mrs:-Edgar Lynch and daughter, Jeannie o f Clarksburg, W. Va., are spending the week with .the latter’s' "parents, Mr. and Mrs, ‘J.. A. Krifzer. ■Prof, and Mrs.’Ramsey attend ed a family •‘■reunion Sunday at Bryan state*%>ai’k? Others .Were present ftom'^Loveia-ndy -‘Dayton and West CarroltbU; ■ Mr. and Mi;s,.*.Mendell E. Beat- tie had as w.e"ekei\d guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morris and son, Wallace, ;apd daughter, Mary Ruth, M r s ,, Calvin .Atwood and daughter, Marsna, . qf Thomas- ville, N. C. . 7 . . Mr. and Mi-S." Edward [ Good man and son of Spririgfield have moved into the' downstairs apart ment recently vacated , by Mr: and Mrs. Irvin '•Shaw. Sunday guests at the Goodman home were the formers parents from Clarksville. , —Regina Stewart is spending a three "week vacation from Spring- field City hospital at the home of her parent^, Mr.' and Mrs. John SteWart, on College avenue. Rev. and Mrs". A. Frederick Huish an'd son Geoffrey spent Thursday and Friday with Dr. Jamieson; Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bohlke, Carole and Ralph have also been guests this week in the Open. Hoose July *14 A t Station L. L. Rummell, director of the Ohio agricultural experiment sta tion, announces the second “ Open House” of the 1950 season, to be held at Wooster on Friday, July 14. Featured’ oil'" this "day Will bo’-* .- pasture*, improvement and’ -gxusbr . land; faming,.*breeding, feeding.,; and management of native ;an(h' western sheep, and spraying and dusting schedules for controlling ‘ , insects .and disease ip vegetable gardens and-flour .gardens. . The program is scheduled to be- ;, - gin at 10 a. m. (EST)., Oppqr-; tunity will be affored. to. all tQ. ,* visit the featured demonstration?" and discussions as well as the Station’s many other activities - dairying ,swine, beef cattle, poultry production, agronomy, friut growing and forestry. Visi tors should report at the gorve ,n the main campus for literature and instructions. Lunch will he" served On the gornuds and picnic areas will be available. - • : Read the Classified Mr* and Mrs^ Everette McG|(^then Jami^p|i| hqrap. R U P T U R E * SHIELD EXPERT HERE - H. M- SHEVNAN, widely known expert o f Chicago, will personally *» be at*the Shawnee Hotel, Spring* field, Tuesday ’ and Wednesday*.- only July 11" & 12 from .9 a* m. lp - 4 p. nt. Mr. Shevan. says: The Zoetic Shield is a tremendous improve ment over ail former methods, ef fecting immediate results, It will not only hold the rupture .perfectly. .. no matter the size or location‘ bu t.. |it will increase the circulation, ‘ strengthen the weakened parts,- and hereby close the opening in . ten days on the average case, re- garless of heavy lifting, straining ^ or any position the body may as sume. A nationally known scien tific method. No under straps or cumbersome arrangements and ab solutely no medicines or medical treatments. Mr. Shevnan will be glad to dem onstrate without charge. . 6509 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago 45 • Large incisional hernia on rupture following surgical operation especially solicited. * i- ■ n ’ it *13 t * Presents: « -5i> Sr 1 r. CEDARVILLE tlifi' General Electric refrigerator ... and-pre-engineered.for this *. ».-*area..* . ..refrigerators that are pre-tested; •it for-.the varying temperature and humidity' . conditions in this climate! . ! Why-buy any other refrigerator? Gome in. See’ this wonderful General Electric R c - . frigerator, and ask us for complete details. -■ will-agree that dollar for. .. : dollar there is no better buy oil the mar-, ket "today.; Why consider tiny other refrigerator? G-EPRICES! ■<*; ,A j^B-8G:J^ACe. >tAKER — it. 'dlTspaeV oh corrosion-rc,ist* ^ "i^ r t ’SttliTshelves. Covered metal meat * ^drawer.* High humidity storage for Vi" ot a bushel of vegelablcs. Bottle stor- . ... nge space .up to 12 square; quart milk bottles. C-E quality throughout. ~ '!,«(s« a MODEL tjC-tiG SPACE MAKER * V - )v V. Cabinet exterior of 1-piece rust resist-" ’ ant sheet steel. Interior, porcelain, top. > ; - ■ (ft jt»i! to bottom, 11.8 sq. ft. shelf Freezer capacity, 17 lbs. 2 ice trays. Meat storage compartment. J Straet Address Cedarville, Ohio dgggt Authcrfaed-Boafer VLSlTSr"EASTERN STATES ’ Mr. and- Mrs* Rankin MacMil- Telephone Number E L E C T R I C REFRleERirOSS
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