The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50

e Cedarville, O- Herald " Friday, July 7 , 195 Q M r . and M r s . C a r l W iseman Establish H om e in TroPwood Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wiseman (Marie Fisher) who were married in Clayton, Ohio, June 25, have established their home on Main street, Trotwood, following their return from a wedding trip on Lake Erie. The bride, who wa3 graduated from Cedarville College in May, is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fisher of Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman, near Cedarville, are parents o f the bridegroom. The ceremony was performed in the Clayton Evangelical United Brethren Church with Rev. Rob­ ert McBride officiating at the double ring service.. White tapers in three sets o f candelabra and baskets o f summer flowers deco­ rated the church. Mrs. Treva Heina o f Clayton was organist and Miss Phyllis Brayant, Cedarville, was vocalist. For her matron of honor the bride had her sister, Mrs. Robert Eohrer o f Trotwood. Mrs. Harold Stonmont (Charlotte Collins), near Cedarville, was bridesmaid and Bonnie Jo Wiseman, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wise­ man, Jamestown, and a niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Mrs, Rohrer wore a gown of yejlow taffeta and carried a colo­ nial bouquet o f red roses. Mrs. Stormont’s gown was aqua taf­ feta and her flowers were yel­ low- roses. The bride appeared in a gown o f ~ white nylon eelanese over white satin. Styled with a -satin bodice it had long sleeves taper­ ing to point over the hands and a sweetheart neckline edged in nylon lace. The skirt extended into a train. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a lace bon­ net and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and step- hanotis. Mr. David Wiseman, near Ce­ darville, brother of the bride­ groom, served as best man and ushers were Messrs. Clayton Wiseman, another brother, and Kenneth Dailey, both o f James­ town, and Rqhert Rohrer, Trot­ wood, brother-in-law Of the bride. Following the? service a recep­ tion was held at the .Fisher, home- The brideV mother, receive# the Cummings. Fam ily * H o ld s Reunion at Shawnee Park The Cummings,. reunion was. « - S M A R T / J f f ® § f e (A Short Story)' * . By RICHARD HILL WILKINSON lan and children Janet and John are home after a trip to Wash­ ington D. C., Niagara Falls and.- Rochester, N. Y. In Washington' D. Q., th”ey visited Mr.-and Mrs. in Mt. Vernon; i?u&y!.ahd Larry" . Sparks returned home, wjth their parents after two-weeks*'visit at the McGlothen home. . - . . • FT* loo K e d ' t $ .M E . l ik e . a,pret- . , , he)d. -Sunday with, a basket db).-..T' , . gu^tsmjanavy.Miie-.crjepe dfesa - at S lmw pee^ ric, Xenia, , d n t y hopeless case .‘and I. said so. > hpcause Voll ‘ ainH’ S and Mrs.' W & w n , . hQnor f j , , and Wilbui3 bndegroom, also* wore; navy;blue, .c ^ ^ i n g s ; 0 sKalo.osa, Iowq, ‘ ITectlve,’ * Moriarty crepe. Both .had,,corsage&, -.'and.'Mr. a^d Mre^Frank, Cumm- - “ Thank thg.Lord!” 1 'told him.'-' ltl0ns* " mgs.,of dearborn, Mich. ..“ See.that!" he said, pomting^tc - Those,Resent besides th&:hon^ :g carth.'-,- •*-»I< ‘ ^ ored guests were carnations. Mrs. Wisenian, who was-gradu­ ated with honors front Cedarville College, i§ a member o f Chi Sig­ ma Phi Sorority. Mr. Wiseman will be a senior at Cedarville College next year. He is a mem­ ber o f Kappa Sigma Fraternity. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and. Mrs.^ ^Wajxep_ Tidd (Carolyn Thayer) ane announc­ ing the birth of a daughter, Kathy Jean. Mrs. Tidd and- .daughter, are at the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thayer. MISS HAMMAN HAS SLUMBER PARTY Miss Joan Hamman entertain­ ed a gnoup o f friends at a slum­ ber party Wednesday night at her home. For -entertainment they enjoyed ping pong and Tele­ vision. Those present were "Jane Davis, Janet Gordon, Fayq Hu­ ston, Jane MacGregor and the hostess. DINNER BRIDGE" Members o f the Dinner Bridge club, their families and- gues t s enjoyed a covered dish dinner at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Harry Hamman Tuesday evening. WSCS HOLDS PICNIC DINNER . The WSCS of the Cedarville Methodist church held a picnic dinner at the home of Mrs. Roy Jacobs Wednesday. Business was conducted by the president, Mrs. A. E. Richards. Devotions were given by Mrs. Carl Ritenour. A book review “ Brother Is a Stranger” was given by Mrs. Frank Creswell. The place of the next meeting, will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cummings and son, Merle, Mrs. Harry Brat­ ton of Union City, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Orville Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huffman and Mr. and- Mrs. Burrell Cotton of Day- ton,. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and daughters. Sondra and Con­ nie, Mrs. Jennie Agnor, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lemons, Mr* and Mrs. Ralph Cummings a n d daughter, Mary Lee o f Cedar­ ville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cum- ' “ Sure,’ ’-1- said. “ I’ve been* loofc- iifg a t it for -a couple of hours.- “ So’ve you and nine other cop­ pers. So what? *Jack Newbury is still dead and the killer’s large and you’ re stuck as to how to catch him.” “ That's the imprint of* a Brim­ stone tire,” , said Moriarty. “ We know that whoever killed Newbury brought him here in an automobile and. left him, figuring the body wouldn’ t hp discovered for weeks,. He figured wrong. He .forgot^that mings, Mr. and Mrs. Warner- •tKe.Jmnling season was open’.and 'pMW»W* KT h riMrl rill-Wrt'M.l .« . “ 1 1a ’l ■" __ t. n NOW OPEN Xenia Wateh Repair: Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford .Glass and daughter, Sharon and iBeverly, Sam Cummings, Mr^&'nd Mrs. Fred Cummings and .daugh­ ters, Charlotte- -and Connie, Mrs". Flossie Leach,-Mrs. W . 0 . Webb, kind daughters, Una and Lucille,- ]Mi*. and Mrs. Arlo Cummings, Mr.' Mr. and Mrs. Oddie tCuxnminga fcnd Mrs. HershM Long o f James­ town. Mr. and M rs. Roy Webb, iVIr. and- Mrs; Call Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cummings, MisS Mary Alice Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Cummings and pon, Greg of Xenia. Mrs. Mildred Matthews of Spring Valley. * DOUBLE HEADER > The Cedarville Legion "team will meet V. F. W. of Springfield in the second, game of a double header on the home diamond, Sunday at 3 p. m. Reco will play CIO in the first game at 1:30. HAPPY WORKERS HOLD MEETINGS . . The Senior group of the Happy Workers 4-H club met Thursday .evening at the home of their lead­ er Mrs» Mary Mott. Each member took salad and sandwiches which were made as a part o f their sum­ mer project. that a, couple, of sportsmen might happen along and find the body. '“ Smart,” I said. “ Where do. we go from here? I don’t" imagine , *“ See that?” he said, pointing to the imprint of an automobile tire in the soft earth. there’ s more than -10,000 automo­ biles in the city of Hayden and sur­ rounding country using Brimstone tires.” •“ Well, we know the automobile was blue,” . said Moriarty. “ See that tree. The car scraped It and rubbed some of the pa)nt off.’.’ “ My, my,” I said sarcastically. “ Blue’s such an unusual color. I'll m The JlPlisr group of t> .=elub^ i etn^ ° l v mt)^ a^ 34 01® their assistant, leader, Miss Re- "* ; The ‘next ittormnjr tHe! rttirder v -,,4» ; *- £ i' ■ |' 28 W* Market St* Xenia •V*- HARRY H. MOGLE Watchmaker FOH A LIMITED TIME ONLY. beccst Creswell. -.Thirteen . mem­ bers and one guest were .preser.). ,> Baking and sewing books were filled out. RefreShinenfc' ’ were served by Carolyn CoiKSs. JANE MacGREGOR ENTERTAINS Miss Jane MacGregor enter­ tained a group <of--friends with* a'* weiner roast and seavanger .hunt at her homer Monday 'evening.. Guests were Misses Jane (Davis, Joan Hamman*?Anhxind-Mmvy <Jo* Duvall, Jeanne and .Faye -Huston, Martha Puvdom, -and Jinr tu t- •- trell, Roger Collins, Jim Turn- bull, Jack Irvine, Dick William­ son, Jerry. Wilburn, Doug Cul- tice, Bob Borrpff. Wednesday Miss MacGregor hhd as luncheon guests, Misses Carol Blau, Judy Cadot, Brenda MyreaUtz*, • Judy Roth, schoolmates of Janes from Columhus. . . was spread alioveS- th'e’ffont pages1 of the papers. I read the account and discovered that Moriarty had been‘holding out on'me. The-son- if-a-gUnr- He -had checked up and discovered thdt tHerdw/aS^only oiie particular year that the Brimstone* people made tires bearing, the pat­ tern that was found in theJimpririb near the body: And that-year the phalmers automobile company,had Equipped allUheir, cars-with,Brim- stpites,.; The .orderwyas-a big -one ■pndj, coming ^mexpectedly.-..*as<^ik did,,the Brimstone people weren’ t- _able to meet the demands of-retail- "dealers. Hence, in .that-particular year only.Chalmers cars had Brim-, stone tires, and most all of ^that obiodel were blue. : It was easy, of course, ,to find put..all, tbe„.hlua Chalmers of that ? ear registered to and around narrow ^ the •= ■ Mst of ,:do4i". .to S t d50. ;c,*xv Even go, the next time I saw Moi'iartyj.I .snorted at him. “ You’ve got a fat-.chance of Collecting this guy,” I ‘ sard. “ Suppose he came from out o f town? which is likely. Suppose ;he came-from Detroit or some place like that? How many • blue Chalmers of that year do you think dre registered in Detroit? Oh, my! Or suppose he borrowed the car or stole it or something’ ” “ We’v? already got the guy,” he said." We went into the inspector’s of­ fice. The inspector was there and two other coppers that I knew fhir- ly well. We sat down and" waited ;and pretty soon a couple of plain­ clothes ;guys came in bringing a big husky, good looking chap with them. The husky was mad and in­ dignant He yelled a lot about this being an -outrage and his rights as a taxpayer and. that sort of thing, but you could see he wasn’t quite sure of himself. ’ None o f the coppers said a word. They just, sat around and stared at him. Pretty sopn the h u s k y stopped yelling and looked from phe 1face to the other, and you bould sed he was -scared. I .felt sorry for him. - He asked in a quiet voice what .they’d brought him here for, and the inspector said for the m urder of Jack Newbury, and opened up his. desk •drawer .and took out a hammer and laid ft on his’k'. -. ' “ This was the' hammer that killed Newbury,” '" he said. “ We found it in the tool-kit of your car. Your fingerprints are on it.” * The husky stared a t the hammer a minute-and then leaped out of his chair with a yell and began running wildly for the door. •“We figured he’d break like that,” Mox-iarty told me later. “ You have to try different systems on different guys. This one was easy.” t % "Smart-,"’- aren’t you?” I said. “Now teU me how you did 11?” ^ _ '‘"Why, ,,it ..\y,as/ea§$f” sa id . Mo- Warty. $ wqs.that Brjmstonh tire mark, We simpiy' gave ’ out the story that the Brimstone" people only made tires with "that pattern for a particular year and that Chalmers automobiles of -that year were equipped with them. Blue Chalmers. Then we waited.” • ‘‘Whited'for What?” I said." “ You mean -that story you gave out wasn’t true?” Moriarty shrugged. “ I dunno. We ■ out anyway, and the papers printed it. Then we kept our eyes - -on tdlthe-paint shops around, and aWt'dlo---a--guy--.with a blue j 'Chalmers with ' Brimstone tires j that fitted the pattern came in to . h^vfe- his car painted. And that’ s j how’ we happened to pick up thi3 ‘jigger,” -.He grinned. 1‘Smart, aren't you?” I snorted. “ Yeah,” said Moriarty. And we both grinned. •, Mr. and Mrs." Robert Sprackl'in F. W., McIntosh and in Rochester' and Mr.-and Mrs*. Iajvin .Craig of , Dayton Ty^day/jwith Mrs* ■I. w ,Vs*. M ^ 'an 'd ''iSffit? iSdwai-d ^ o e k " they Visited Dr.- Lawrence Beal. FHA HOLD .MEETINGS ON THURSDAY ‘ "An the high FHA meeting w ^ h e 0 7 b ^ and. fam ily .-o f, Dayton spent"' __ school, Thur£3£y, imae^■^u^s^ y 'w ith 'fc]Vu•. ah'd 1H t 6. Clyde. 29. Officers w.ere nominated f o r , Walker. A^roup^ qf.(peJatives en-- this cpming year as f oUdw: presi- y J °yed *a picnic - at" " ’Em* Walker dent,.; Faye Huston and "Ai l een-home Tuesday evening. Williamson; secretary, Betsy -■ ."■* . *_r* •/ **t ”.- i' . - —«!>■ ■ Braley and Mary Melton; treas­ urer, Martha Purdin and Jane Mad&to-Meamm y m Clothes . FOB MEN AND LADIES/ Starting as low as ?39-75 \ H sn^eds o f Fabzics to choose from Suitable for Spring, Summer and Fall HOME CLOTHINGCOMPANY G. H. HartmaS Prop. Cedarville REUNION - . ■. . .was held in the home’ Jamieson in Rushville, Indiana Jtrly Fourth. Tn addition to the R. A. Jamieson family from here, there were present Dr. and Mrs. S* R, Jamieson of Oxford, Ohio, Dr. and Mrs. William Hogue, Donald and Diane from Hunt­ ington Park, California, who have been visiting relatives and friend? in the east. Dr. Hogue is a nep­ hew o f the Jamieson brothers, being a son- of Mrs. Jennie Jamie­ son Hogue o f Pasadena, Galifoi-- nia. RAMSEY-BULL REUNION HELD The annual reunion o f the Ramsey-Bull families was held Tuesday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey. Forty one wefe pi'esent. Out o f town guests included Rev. and Mrs. Fred Bull, of-D e Bois, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buck of Hayesville; Mr. and Mrs. Daq Price, Alliance; Dr. and Mrs. MeVyd R ife arid family o f New Concord; Mr. an#. -Mrs. Charles Buck, of Liberty, Ind.; Mrs.-Jack Shugog and "son ‘ o f Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mi*, and Mrs. Edgar Lynch and daughter, Jean- .riife of .Clarksburg, W. Va. ’ • WEEK END GUEST Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and Mrs. Jennie Agnor has as weekend guests Mr. and.’ Mrs. William Cummings o f Oskloosa, Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings of Detroit, Mich. Sun­ day the group attended the Cum­ mings reunion at Shawnee park in Xenia. SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS Mi*, and Mrs. George Gordon entertained with a dinner Sun­ day honoring Mr. Gordon’s moth­ er, Mrs. C. H. Gordon and Mrs. Gordon’s father Mr. Henry Dorn. Guests were Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Dorm and family- 8f Sedeiia:;Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Kemper, Mr. and MsqL Fred.-Omar and (laugher. •Mi* -Bill Kempeel arid MissUfibsl Harris of Dayton. . . . t *\ * 4 LUNCHEON, HELDf j< j - L j ; v The Ladies Missionai’y society o f the Presbyterian: Chrircfi, en­ tertained the ladies of the S. Charleston church’ w ith 'a lunch­ eon in the church Thursday. Miss Ora Hanna led devotions. - Mrs. Paul Ramsey in charge of the program presented a Missionary play “ Two-Masters.” Cast o f the- and Mrs. Hugh Miller of Pitts­ burgh. Guests at the Elliott home j this week are Mr:’ and Mrs. R ob -! play included, Mrs. Nathan Elder, Mrs. Frank Creswell, Mrs. -James Rams.ey, Mrs,.JanressiJteele, Miss, . .. . Janet Crumrine, Mrs. Herbei’t .^Stt Aifisn of Canton and Mrs. K r S c i S fields; ai5d*¥ls^J^n-McMUlaa.v g K- McWilliamSwand; daughter X U v “ sv „ ah Z ; f c v «* fea®?My§. JJ j^ iS term on tj. MBS(wo;-vTMNirvj r.-rTwcsT- • Charles .Stormont, Mrs. J. B.. m VrUEbT' - Crumrine, Sr., . Mrs.- William Waide and Mrs* J. B. Crumrine. Jr. . : LADIES MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING ' Mrs. Leo Anderson entertain­ ed the Ladies Missionary society o f the. U. P., Church at her home Thursday. Mrs. O. E. Evans,, as-, ’•fisted by Mrs. Ada Mitchell ipre- • sented- a .-program; -pnwChl'isitlhnf Literature..-Mrs^-E^ Hastings!had"1/ .charge of devotions. Mrs. Ander- • ‘son ..was assisted ,by Mrs. Wilbur ‘Cooley, and Mrs*. Lewis Lillick iri serving refreshments. • M iss io ' n a ' r y SOCIETY" 'MEETS Mrs. Elwood Palmer was in ,Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fox, Mrs. 'Leo Bennett of Columbus, Mrs. Flora Deck and Mrs. George Glass of Ross were Sunday din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Conner. VISIT IN SOUTHERN STATES * Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillick and ;children Carole and Jackie have returned after spending several days visiting in soutern states.": They were guests of Mr. |&d?$feW ’ 'Jqhn Powers and family iif Green­ ville, Tenn., Friday ap’d Satur- .. day. They also visited ' Smoky ’ mountains and traveled on the -mew Blue Ridge Parkway. '•SPEND SUNDAY IN PLEASANT HILL charge of the business meeting.. ■. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hamer when the .Church-of God Mission- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ary, society met the,.v. Carl Ferguson in Pleasant Hill. '_home of Mrs. Virgil Stanforths. . Janet and Janette returned home Mrs. Jroy Stegal was in charge'of w;th their parents •after a week ‘the program .‘‘Two Medical Mis­ sionaries’ of India,” Election- .of-, officers were held as follows, .President,- Mrs. . Palmer; Vice-. President,, Mrs. Herman;-Steven son; Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ralph. Shaw. Mrs. Stanforth was assisted .by hen daughter in ser.v-j. fng,.refreshments,.................. a| the Ferguson home. VISITING WITH‘ FATHER ‘.Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bohlke arid family of New York -are visiting the latters father Dr* R. A. Jamieson Tuesday July 4, the group visited in Rushville, Ind., and attended a family reunion. -H o s t e s s to k . * y / N. C l u b ' t "■* f Mrs. Marion Wildman hear Sel­ ma was hostess to the KYN club.. Friday. Roll calls was answered by giving, a favorite keep sake. " Games and contests were in ‘ charge of "Mrs. Rdbert’ Cotter and Mrs. Paul Rife, Refreshments were served. The club will, enjoy a.picnic in August* VISITS WITH SISTERS tMiS; *R; L.’ <Baldwin Idcson)'-. o f -Bhicdgb'“is« ■‘ -SPEND FEW DAYS IN CANADA : *. Mr- and Mrs. Earl Ch.aplin'"and son are home after a several days trip to New York, Niagara Falls and Canada. ^ ;j j j | VISITS WITH MOTHER Miss Frances Williamson of jGoldshoro, N. C. and Mr. James Prichette of Lenoir, N. C. Spent the weekend with Miss William- so'n’s mother Mrs. P. T. William- (-Fannilif^®” ' -\iiyitiiigH^ :VlSITS IN DAYTON «* C. Ritenour is home t -visit with her sister Mrs. i^dWilliam Patterson in Dayton. GUESTS-’.’ ,■,i.-VlSITING-AT- ‘ ’-**'.'- Mrs. Guy LeForge had . -; MORTON HOME . 1Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweet -and daughter Melinda of Ross- ford spent t he weeklfrd with the jatters mother Mrs. Clara Morton. -Melinda remained- for a few days visit with,her grand mother* as Sunday guests Mr. .and Mrs, K. D* Laney of^'Franklin. GUESTS A T " ................. '• * ELLIOTT HOME - "- - Dr* and Mrs* Paul Elliott had as guests last "week Mr. arid Mrs:. G* W. Miller and Miss' Betsy Win- •gert o f Johnstown, Pa., and Mri Pufrdom; repo^fefc.*, Sue Miller and Janet Williamson. The vice president will be.- the girl who is defeated-in the vote for president will be the vice president. — The requirements for this cbm- inghyear were discussed. ATTEND BALL GAME IN CINCINNATI Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey and Mary Lou Miller attended theball game in Cincinnati July 4th . when the Cincinnati Reds played Pittsburg. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE ’ Mrs. Mercie Ward and Ray­ mond Miller are announcing then*' marriage which was solemnized • July 1 by Rev. Sherry of .the Xe­ nia First Reform Cfiurchv. Miss Mary Lou Miller was tne< only attendant. * >; Mr. aiid Mrs. Joe Ferryman had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. KennethwFerryman and son of Columbus. Tpesday guests at the Ferryman home were Mn. and Mrs^Vendell Ferryman and fam­ ily Springfield'and Mr. and'; Mrs^Robert: Johriston and family of TrebeimT1 \ . Mrs. Norman Huston, Misses. Jeanne and Faye Huston and Miss' JoAnn Sheeley attended the spec-; ial services fo r the - Rainbow Girls Sunday at Trinity Metho­ dist church in Xenia. \ Miss Vivian Ramsey spent the week in Idaville, ind.,’ with her aunt, Mrs. Russell Gardner. * Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks and family spent Tuesday with Robert Stewartjvh o in-attend­ ing O. S. .U. spent, the. weekend here with his *wife and daughter and other relatives. V ... Rev. and Mrs. 'Fred. Bull of _De Bois, Iowa, spent the weekend with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bull and attended the family reunion..". Mr. and Mrs:-Edgar Lynch and daughter, Jeannie o f Clarksburg, W. Va., are spending the week with .the latter’s' "parents, Mr. and Mrs, ‘J.. A. Krifzer. ■Prof, and Mrs.’Ramsey attend­ ed a family •‘■reunion Sunday at Bryan state*%>ai’k? Others .Were present ftom'^Loveia-ndy -‘Dayton and West CarroltbU; ■ Mr. and Mi;s,.*.Mendell E. Beat- tie had as w.e"ekei\d guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morris and son, Wallace, ;apd daughter, Mary Ruth, M r s ,, Calvin .Atwood and daughter, Marsna, . qf Thomas- ville, N. C. . 7 . . Mr. and Mi-S." Edward [ Good­ man and son of Spririgfield have moved into the' downstairs apart­ ment recently vacated , by Mr: and Mrs. Irvin '•Shaw. Sunday guests at the Goodman home were the formers parents from Clarksville. , —Regina Stewart is spending a three "week vacation from Spring- field City hospital at the home of her parent^, Mr.' and Mrs. John SteWart, on College avenue. Rev. and Mrs". A. Frederick Huish an'd son Geoffrey spent Thursday and Friday with Dr. Jamieson; Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bohlke, Carole and Ralph have also been guests this week in the Open. Hoose July *14 A t Station L. L. Rummell, director of the Ohio agricultural experiment sta­ tion, announces the second “ Open House” of the 1950 season, to be held at Wooster on Friday, July 14. Featured’ oil'" this "day Will bo’-* .- pasture*, improvement and’ -gxusbr . land; faming,.*breeding, feeding.,; and management of native ;an(h' western sheep, and spraying and dusting schedules for controlling ‘ , insects .and disease ip vegetable gardens and-flour .gardens. . The program is scheduled to be- ;, - gin at 10 a. m. (EST)., Oppqr-; tunity will be affored. to. all tQ. ,* visit the featured demonstration?" and discussions as well as the Station’s many other activities - dairying ,swine, beef cattle, poultry production, agronomy, friut growing and forestry. Visi­ tors should report at the gorve ,n the main campus for literature and instructions. Lunch will he" served On the gornuds and picnic areas will be available. - • : Read the Classified Mr* and Mrs^ Everette McG|(^then Jami^p|i| hqrap. R U P T U R E * SHIELD EXPERT HERE - H. M- SHEVNAN, widely known expert o f Chicago, will personally *» be at*the Shawnee Hotel, Spring* field, Tuesday ’ and Wednesday*.- only July 11" & 12 from .9 a* m. lp - 4 p. nt. Mr. Shevan. says: The Zoetic Shield is a tremendous improve­ ment over ail former methods, ef­ fecting immediate results, It will not only hold the rupture .perfectly. .. no matter the size or location‘ bu t.. |it will increase the circulation, ‘ strengthen the weakened parts,- and hereby close the opening in . ten days on the average case, re- garless of heavy lifting, straining ^ or any position the body may as­ sume. A nationally known scien­ tific method. No under straps or cumbersome arrangements and ab­ solutely no medicines or medical treatments. Mr. Shevnan will be glad to dem­ onstrate without charge. . 6509 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago 45 • Large incisional hernia on rupture following surgical operation especially solicited. * i- ■ n ’ it *13 t * Presents: « -5i> Sr 1 r. CEDARVILLE tlifi' General Electric refrigerator ... and-pre-engineered.for this *. ».-*area..* . ..refrigerators that are pre-tested; •it for-.the varying temperature and humidity' . conditions in this climate! . ! Why-buy any other refrigerator? Gome in. See’ this wonderful General Electric R c - . frigerator, and ask us for complete details. -■ will-agree that dollar for. .. : dollar there is no better buy oil the mar-, ket "today.; Why consider tiny other refrigerator? G-EPRICES! ■<*; ,A j^B-8G:J^ACe. >tAKER — it. 'dlTspaeV oh corrosion-rc,ist* ^ "i^ r t ’SttliTshelves. Covered metal meat * ^drawer.* High humidity storage for Vi" ot a bushel of vegelablcs. Bottle stor- . ... nge space .up to 12 square; quart milk bottles. C-E quality throughout. ~ '!,«(s« a MODEL tjC-tiG SPACE MAKER * V - )v V. Cabinet exterior of 1-piece rust resist-" ’ ant sheet steel. Interior, porcelain, top. > ; - ■ (ft jt»i! to bottom, 11.8 sq. ft. shelf Freezer capacity, 17 lbs. 2 ice trays. Meat storage compartment. J Straet Address Cedarville, Ohio dgggt Authcrfaed-Boafer VLSlTSr"EASTERN STATES ’ Mr. and- Mrs* Rankin MacMil- Telephone Number E L E C T R I C REFRleERirOSS