The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50
Friday, July %i, 1950 Fhe Cedarvilie, 0- Herald MeDorman's Semi - Annual Clearance Tropical Weight THIS IS THE KIND OK NEWS YOU LIKE TO HEAR. A CLEARANCE OF*OUR REGULAR STOCK OF HIGH QUALITY SUMMER CLOTHING. THERE ARE STILL. MANY WEEKS OF HOT WEATHER TO MAKE USE OF THE VALUES YOU’ GET. * HART SGHAFFNER * VARSITY TOWN CLOTHES * GRIFON SOITS * SILVER* CLOTHES Reduced 1 0 % 2 0 % 30 t a *• » f Finest Quality Gabardine Suits " * HART SGHAFFNER & MARX -• VARSITY TOWN SUITS . . • GRIFON SUITS All Reduced SPORTCOATCLEARANCE Save Up To 3 IN KEEPING WITH OUR REGULAR ESTABLISHED POLICY, ALL ORIGINAL PRICE TAGS REMAIN ON GARMENTS, YOU KNOW EXACTLY THE DISCOUNT- YOU ARE GETTING. ' SPECIAL Close Out of Odds and Ends of - * l i Jarman Sport Shoes Values $9.95to $13.95 NOW$ 6 . 4 8 Clearanceof Florsheim Brown and White • Ventilated Styles Nylon' Mesh To $ 1 3 . 4 9 and$ 1 5 , 4 9 St* « tt * CROSBY SQUARE AND JARMAN SHOES to 949 - 1049 - 1149 Miss Phyllis • Arthur Is W ed to ; Robert Martindale ? MiSs Phyllis Arthur, daughter ■of Mr. ■and\Mrs. Cecil Arthur p,f 'Springfield^ Route" 6, became*the ■Vbride ,o f Robert Max Martindale.' **son o f Mrs/‘Marie Martindale of ' Springfield,‘ and the 'late. George., -* Martindale, in a ceremopy pey-f formed-'Friday1 evening in .New * Moorefield Methodist church. The. ' Rev. Eugene" Murphy1-performed the double-ring'service which be gan at 7:30 p. m. Prior' to the exchange of vows, a half-hour program of nuptial music was presented- by Mrs. Kenneth Corn, pianist, and Mrs. Richard Getz mid Mrs. Colleen McCumber, vocalists, who sang, “ Always,” “ With This Ring ;I Thee Wed,” “ The Lord's Prayer” . ' “ Because,” and “ Through., the Years.” ' The bride, who was given hi marriage by her father, selected a wedding dress "of white nylon which featured a fitted bodice and a long train trimmed in lace.. Her white net fingertip veil- fell- soft- ■ ly fronTa small tiara-embroidered with seed pearls. A dozen, white Toses comprised- Miss - Arthur’ s bridal bouquet. ed as her sister’s maid-of-honof, Miss Marilyn Arthur, who serv- wore a .pink taffeta gown with matching hat and mitts, and car ried •a bouquet of white roses. Bridesmaids Miss BdYrabara Gus- • sler, Miss Eleanor Corrigan and ■ Miss Betty Grube were attired in dotted swiss gowns of blue, green,* and yellow, “respectively, which .were styled identically to . that worn by the miaid-of-honor. The bridesmaids wore ‘matching hats and white mitts. Their bou quets were also of white -roses. Three flower girls, Maria Getz, Sandy Heskett and Carolyn Fields and the girl ring bearer, Shir ley Kirkham, all wore dotted swiss dresses styled identically to those worn by the bridesmaids. The girls’ dresses were also in pastel shades,1? and they wore matching hats and . wrist cor- yfh%. roses.vr ti... 2j£st*,ip 9 n ,ios^M rv Mai’tindale was Charles. JFtoll, while ushers" included G.e o r g e Martindale, Charles .Thompson and Harold Plunkett, . . . . Rustic Inn was the setting for reception. h$d .following the wedding. Mrs. Arthur l'fec'eiVed approximately 100 guests in .a black and white sheer print dress. The Bridegroom’ s mother was at tired in a navy andrwhite sheer print dress. Both pothers had „ white accessories.. * The bride was wearing a blue silk print.dress .with white acces sories when.she and her .husband .left fo r a*wedding trip .to Cleve^ land. Upon their return to Spring- field, -the couple will -reside with the bridegroom’s mother. ■. •Both Mr. and Mrs. Martindale are graduates‘ of. New Moorefield . high school. - - „ : HONORED AT PARTY ON 8TH BIRTHDAY, *. Lester, .son of Mr. ah’d 'M rs. Leigh Ferguson, near Cedarvilie, was’ guest of honor at a party at his parents’ home Friday'after noon in. celebration of his 8th birthday. *‘ Guests were J/este^’s. classmates .at Cedarvilie school..,Games were played and refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Guests w.ere Philip Hairner, Charlotte Ewry, Larry Pfiefer, Kent Palmer, Timmy Blazer, Dan ny Stewart, Philip Fields, Roger Dobbins, Joyce Sipe, Connie En gle, Mary Ison and Judy Bald win— HONORED-ON - - , 11TH BIRTHDAY •"■ - Jay-Evans, daughter of Mr. .and <Mrs.-‘A . B. Evans-celebrated her Jlth birthday, when she en tertained guests to dinner and a slumber party, Monday evening at. her home. A birthday cake centered the dinner table and Joy received many gifts. Guests were Lynn Cummings, Mildred McCallister, Carolyn ,Thordsen, Jane Ellen .Dobbins, Carobel Creswell, Jane Brakefield, Peggy Myers, Joy and Phil Evans,-.' . -' EVANS. FAMILY *:- HOLDS REUNION ' • *■ One hundred decendents o f the Robert Evans family "gathered sit Shawnee park in .Xenia Sunday fo r . their annual reunion. 'Ar rangements were ■in charge. o f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dean aijd Mr. and-.Mrs. Keith Snook. Jtext year arrangements will be made by. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Qlurfon and Mr. and Mrs. Carl-Evans of Payton. Guests were present from Winchester, Va’.; S p r i n g f i e l d , . Payton,, Columbus, .Troy, Xenia, Westerville and Yellow Springs. Mrs. Earl Bailey, Mrs. Walter Clanser, rand _Mr. HalHday and son, Winchester, Va., remained over the week end with-relatives. DAUGHTER TO * . ' • RETURN TO STATES & § ' W est* is.hav in g -^ . guests foj- a, few weeks her graa|| ■-pliildren, Sally.and £lyde HutcRS " inson o f Chicago". JJrs. 'West h* * received word* jt lm t ^ r daughter Ruth ,in enroute* to Hoqg Kong China from,.the western? province „ snd- will leave Hong Kong fo r v home in. the near: future. It is npt known as yet whether Ruth will come by boat or plane. * VISITING FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. H .'D , Furst* At- . hens visited several‘ friends here this past week. Mr. Furst is fo r ' -mer’ ‘superintendent o f schools. gURPRlSE PARTY honor ^ b irthday Miss Judy Baldwin Was. enter tained at a surprise birthday . party, Monday afternoon, at the. home ° f Rer sister M ts . Richard -^rjght.-Those present were Judy •' Balden,: Lois Thayer, Beverly .gwackhaucer, Patty Bowen, Joy- / ce, Sipc.^y Janet and Jeanette Har- ner, Charlotte Charles, Barbara Markley ; and Kathleen Cahill. Mrs, William Baldwin assisted with refreshments. Clifton Couple to Celebrate 50ih Wedding Anniversary Celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam A. Harphant, Clifton, will entertain friends and relatives at open house Sunday, July 23, from 2 to 4 -and 7 to 9 p. m. at their home.' Their marriage took place July 22, 1900 in Springfield. Mrs. Em ma Huffman, the bride’s only at tendant at the ceremony per formed by the late Rev. Mr. Muncie, will be a guest at the celebration. The Harphants are the parents of nine living children, Charles, Robert and Albert, Misses Ruby and Dorothy, Mrs. Frank Cooper and Mrs. Robert Breakall, all ■of Clifton, and Harry and Har old, near Springfield. There are 22 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Mr. Harphant has been em ployed at the Sherman White and company, Xenia, for the last 23 years. . . - . YOUNG PEOPLE AT CAMP A group of young people at tended the young peoples camp of the U. P. church, held last week at Hanover college, Han over, Ind. Attending were Caro lyn Stewart, Joan Hamman, Jane Furdom, Marylin Kyle, Dean Gordon, Mickey Carzoo, Mary Louise Stormont, Lena Hastings and /Rev. Jamieson. Miss Hast ings was dean of women and M5'Ss; ‘Storffioht was gifts counei- io r r ON VACATION IN MICHIGAN Mr., and Mrs. Robert Turnbull are spending a months vacation at Montague, .Mich. MOVE TO LYNCH HOME HERE •Mr. .and Mrs. William Garner and son, who have been living in Hunington, W. Va., have come her& to make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lynch. Mr. . ’Garner i s .recovering from a ser- , ions'operation. Boyer-Fox Nuptial: Service ; Is Read A t New lasper In a double ring ceremony solemnized in -New Jasper Meth- ’ odist Church Tuesday morning, ; Miss Mary Louise Fox, Painters- ville-Jasper road, became the ‘ bride of Edwin Boyer -of Cedar vilie. '■ The bride, daughter of Mrs; Frances Fox and Mr. A. M. Fox •of Dayton, has resided with her mother at the home of her ma ternal, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Whittington. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Boyer, Cedar vilie. Mrs. Merle Hill was pianist for the ceremony at which Rev. Hill, pastor of the church, officiated. The couple was unattended. Given in marriage by her cou sin, Mr. Richard Coffelt, Xenia, the bride chose fo r her marriage. a white street-length dress com plemented with a rhinestone neck lace, white accessories and a red rose corsage. She carried a white Bible. ' Following the service a dinner was held at the Whittington home for relatives of the couple, in cluding Mrs. A. G. Gordin, the bridegroom’s gradnmother, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Whington and daughters, Carolyn, Joyce and Diane of Columhus, Mr. Coffelt, Mrs. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Boyer will reside until early fall in Westbury, L. I., where the former is a driver at Roosevelt raceway. ~ Mrs. Boyer was graduated from Silvercreek high school, James town, and formerly was employed at the Miller and Finney law of fices here. A graduate of Cedar vilie high school, the bridegroom attended Cedarvilie college. His father is supervising principal of Cedarvilie school. * FARM BUREAU COUNCIL MEETS Members of Farm Bureau coun cil No. 9 held a meeting and .picnic at the shelter house Fri day evening. Members attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman and Corina; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Markley ‘ and chil- ' dren, Mr. and Mrs. William Clevelle and daughter, Mrs. John Stover,*Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cul- tice and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cul- tice. KYN CLUB AT TELEVISION SHOW Fifty members. of the KYN | club, their husbands and children spent Thursday. in . Cincinnati, j ' They attended the Ruth. Lyons •morning, matinee and. ;the 50, club television show at noon. 1 STORMONTS IN CALIFORNIA * *- -■ -v ^Mr. and -Mrs. H.: K . Stormont and'son, .petty ‘offleer third class Richard- Stormont--left Monday morning “ for' ’ Shu Diego where . Dick w ill -enter /an' eight weeks training coqfse' in -electronics and radar.. Thp Stormonts expect to . remain'drf San Diego fo r this period and will then go to Tus- con,-Ariz., for an indefinite stay. 'RECOVERING ■ Mrs.* Everette Hopkins is re- •covering' from a major" operation performed. f.last week in Mercy - Crest hospial, Springfield. Sirs. Hopkins, is at her home, GUESTS FROM INDIANA Sirs. Gary Gaiser and sons o f Bloomington, Ind., are visiting at the home o f her parents Sir. and Mrs. Robert Nelson. MOVES HERE FROM SPRINGFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Glyde Hoffer (Jane Chaplin) have moved from Springfield-.i. to - the apartment over the barber shop. TO HOLD JOINT MEETING THURSDAY The American Legion and Aux iliary’ "will hold a covered dish dinner Thursday evening at 7 at the home of. Sir- and Sirs. Paul Dobbins- In case o f rain it will be held at the shelter house. Delegates o f our boys and girls state will- he guests. Sir. and Sirs. Harjjfd Reinhard left last week to spend two weeks in Denver, Colo., with their son John. Sirs. -John Reinhard and son accompanied hem to Denver after visiting here several weeks. Shirley-ScJireibez Engagement Is Announced Engagement of Miss Patricia Joann Sebreiber to Hospitalman Robert Frederick Shiftey, son of Mrs. France*. Shirley,Kardson o f Springfield and the late Jack G. Shirley, is being announced by her parents, Sir. and Sirs. Phillip T. Schreiber o f Springfield. Miss Schreiher is a graduate of Spring- field high school. Her fiance was graduated from Cedarvilie higli school and is stationel at the a- val air station, Patuxent River, Md. The wedding will he an event o f Aug. 20 in the Fifth Lutheran church. Sliss Bertha Dean, Springfield is spending a 2 weeks .vacation with her sister and family, Mr. and Sirs, Arthur Gultice. Mr. and Sirs. Homer Smith had as guests last week Sir. Mid Mrs. Askin Colton and Sirs. Sam Ga- rey o f Washington D. G. Friday evening, Mr. and Sirs. Smith at tended the wedding of Max Mar- tindale in the North -Morfield Slethodist church. Mrs. P. SI. Gillian, Sirs. Jane Wiseman and daughter Roberta are home after spending a week with Sir. and SIrs.'H. E. Comp ton in Dayton. * Sir. and Sirs. Noel Goodwin Are announcing the birth of a son, Saturday in Springfield City hospital. Sir. and Sirs. Don Hubbard and daughter Dorothy Lee.and Sliss Nancy Dean left Slonday for a two weeks visit with Sift,and Sirs. E. H. Johnston in Lockhart, Fla. NOW OPEN Xenia Watch Repair Shop' - i J Watch and Clock Repairing | 28 W . Market St. Xenia HARRY H, MOGLE « ■—* Watchmaker Telephone 2260 N EV ER SUCH A M OD EL AT SUCH A* LOW PRICE! . . . plenty of space for fresh foods, plenty o f height for tall bottles. Moist cold keeps foods,.even uncovered, tip-top. Never needs defrosting! REFRIGE RATORr HOME FREEZER COMB INAT ION Model NJ-IOG illustrated. $ 3 9 9 . 7 5
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