The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50
*-v «c - i ,{ \ ¥ - -%^r rv*i:' Friday, July 28, 1950 The" Cedarvil'ie, O. Herald GREENE COUNTIAN FETED AT BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Honoring the birthday'of Mr. William Balwin, near Cedarville, a party was arranged at the Bald win home recently. Guests were Mr. and. "Mrs. Rich ard Thayer, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright* Mr, and Mrs. George Baldwin and sons, Mrs. Howard Hsrbison, Miss Erma Creswell, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Finney, Mrs. Richard Wright and Mrs. William Baldwin and children, Don, Billy, Philip and Judy. MOVE TO XENIA Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray are moving this week to their newly built home in Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsley and sons are moving in the Xenia avenue'prop erty vacated by Grays. PUNDAY GUESTS IN DUVALL HOME Mr. and Mrs. ( narles Duval 1 had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jennings and children, Mary, Jack and Joe Jr., of Day- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lahrer and daughter Joan o f Owens vH,?, Miss Helen Taylor o f Wilin'*’g- ton and Misses Mray and Theie'-a Fauret o f Cincinnati. HAPPY WORKERS HOLD MEETING The Junior and Senior Happy Workers 4-H club met Wednes day at the home of Mrs. Albert Mott. Judging o f sewing nutri tion and first aid was held. Plans were made for the Greene Coun ty fair. FROM VISIT Miss Shirley Powers arrive? home by plane Tuesday after* spending the- summer with her mother in Washington D. C. LEAVE FOR HOME IN ARE&ONX* ‘ ^ - * :' Mr. and “Mrs.* Paul Onr-Jefi Saturday to spend a few days- in Chicago before returning to then* home in Bowie- -Arizona; BUFFET SUPPER HONORS NEWLYWEDS Miss Martha Jane Creswell en tertained with a Buffet Supper ah her home Sunday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Bradfute (Clara Galloway), Miss Jeaniq. B^aiJjEvite^and MisspBar- b&irp*.&riitii.. Mr,"’arid-Mrs. 3Brad- -- ----- £Qr NIFTY CEDAR GALS MEET WEDNESDAY Ten members of the Nifty Ce dar* Gals met Wednesday at the home o f Dolly Ritenour. Judging of „ nutrition^ projects: -was held- The next -meeting-will-be August « « flOBM 'M&g.' W #& 0 }$ . ‘ : . .8,tlSft, r ^ /w ’4 ? £ * * * * * M i-:H TheWeek atthe GreeneCounty and Miss : Jeanfe B«radfute "Mrs* Anna/Wilson Jsjjhonife T- , * ^rene "^4 1 charging . _ ___ _ ________ M onday.ior ''ft*' .«** a^two. jveekf. neK f c^ ai ld cecity ; They have been spending several . resume, her .studies .at. jj.', .Jacksonville^ pnd Mqpmpqtli, Jt!-.. weeks here with relatives. • . . . . .............*<■ su>*» = tu » ih - ® -nmol* with her ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER " ‘ „ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stonehur- ner (Wanda Hughes), Blacks burg, W. Va., are announcing the birth o f a daughter July 23. RETURN FROM EASTERN TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker are home after a 10 day trip to N. York, Pa. and W. Va. In Pa. and W. Va., they visited friends. GO TO WISCONSIN* ON FISHING TRIP Mr. and Mrs- Gomer Neal, and Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Neal are. on a 10 day fishing trip to Wiscon sin. ATTENDING YOUTH INSTITUTE Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hosier, Misses Deskie Spenser, Gladys Howel, Eleariore and Myrtle Vest and Glenna Nance are attending the Youth Institute .at the Naz- arene church camp in St. Mary's this week. , BREAKFAST NOW SERVED Due to many requests for early breakfast ** , .* * The Old Mill ; . NOW OPENS AT 6 A, M. HERE FROM ARIZONA* * TO VISIT ;*• . * Mr. and M rs.' John Richards and famity of Benson, Ariz., ar rived here Tuesday fo r several weeks visit with the former's par ents Mi and Mrs. A. E.' Rich ards and other relatives. WILL NOT MEET IN AUGUST There will be no August meet ing o f the WSCS of the Method ist church. * * ENTERTAIN SELMA YOUTH FELLOWSHIP The Youth fellowship of the Methodist Church entertained the Selma Youth group with a .cov ered dish'dinner at the church Sliriday evening. Ted Reiter was in charge of the program. Fol lowing "the dinner ''and meeting games'were played on the church lawn. Jt .*« . t» VISITING IN - MINNESOTA Mr. and Mrs. Delbert SUtick are spending a few days in Ro chester, Minn. VISITING IN BROOKVILLE • Mr. and ''Mrs. Albert Hagler spent Sunday with relatives in Brookville. GUESTS PAST WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Delma Jobe had as house guests this “past week, Miss Jane Ann Hartzell of Mt. Kiskco, N. Y., Miss Betty Mish- ler o f Cleveland Heights and Miss Jean Rockwell o f Milan, 0 . ENTERTAINS GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 0 . Spa)u* entertained in their; home .on N. She, algo spent a week . J daughter and scvTt-in-daw, Mr. and - Mrs. Dillon Kabie . .in ,F.t, Wayne, Indiana. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steven son are announcing the birth of a daughter Saturday in Spring- field City hospital. Mrs. Ruth Reiter hadvas her weekend'guest, Mrs. Vivian Rein hart of Findlay. Mrs.’ Reinhart ., -iuuvy.Jane Collins, -wants a di- voree 'from Ernest M., on alleged grounds, of neglect, and to be re- stared- to..the name of White. The following have been "given divorce decrees: Juanita M. Bax ley from Robert E., neglect and cruelty, with custody of two chil dren to_ plaintiff; Lt. Col. Gerald F„ Keeling from Charleen Frances neglect and creulty, and plaintiff giyeh. custody of two children; Helen Bennington from Howaid, neglect and cruelty and restored •to-name of Nichols; Robert Spence formerly attended college *here *- ? l Mey A™, neglect and and has been in college in New crW * and defendant restored Mexico this past year. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Cummings arrived this week from .Tampa, F la,.for several weeks .visit-with their sons, Paul and Walter«and-■ lle S h u m l i n , Yellow families • .-Springs, asks a divorce from Cincinnati* ? e0r geo f Plainfield, N* J” and to name of Mossman; Jean Loa- dom from Wm. Galbreath I.ea- donij.and given custody of a child .add alimony. 'Harry Owings of spent' last week with- his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman. * * - Mr. and Mrs, Ross Wiseman ha'd as Sunday guests Mr. ancl Mrs. August Wiseman and fam-" ily of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Carl* Wiseriian o f Trotwood.- ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mc Farland and family of Perry, spent-the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thayer. Mrs. George-Hammon is,home after several days visit with her' son, Roger and family in Day- ton. - ■ • * Rev. and Mrs. Fred, Engle left Wednesday fo r several days vis-- it with realtives in' Astoria, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huffman and Anne spent Sunday in-Bain - 1 bridge,.. ‘ -- ;, Mr. and Mrs. Huston Gorsatte had as Sunday guests Mr. .and Mrs. Elmer Pape, Mr, and Mrs. 'Main stretet? T&eiV ^u&£ts^were -RobertfRape.of Dayton;»Muii-aiid Mr.j!and.-a5Irs. Dayid...j!kfeElrofe. ?Lealie*-TaylcftJ!bfkAlph 8 ;.au^. Mr.* aik L h &I bu ‘ Mr. ^a«d -Mxs^Maiiinc jReid. arid' Miss. Bertha Dean and. Misses ^family t>f Dayton; Mary arid' •Florence,.-Williamson" . t q m o v e - soon ‘ ... ^ . MrJ-arid'^ssj. A lff^QB i'^ te ian GreeneCounty FAIR f X E N I A , O H I O DAY AND NIGHT August1,2,3,4 and k J U N I O R F A I R H O M E D E M O N S T R A T I O N E X H I B I T S G R A N G E S A N D J U N I O R G R A N G E S T A T E C O N S E R V A T I O N S H O W L I V E S T O C K S H O W S P O U L T R Y - R A B B I T S - C A V I E S H O U S E H O L D A R T S G A R D E N C L U B S will move' sOori to .the, new home they are buildihg oh the west end of Cedar Street. *Mr. Brightman has sold the-grocery and filliftg station he purchased * between Jamestown and Washington G. H. ANNUAL PIGNIC V . HELD “FRIDAY- „ The annual church school was held {Friday, '- iif* “thfe Presbyterian . Church.* About 75 members attended.- "In chatge-*uf * the arrangements were Mrs. Na-.‘ than Elder, Mrs. Arthur Hanna = and Mrs. Dana Bryant. TRIP IN EAST ' * •.* '* /* . * Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and family are homg,after a few restoration to her maiden name of Wingfield. .Divorce end custody of a child is sought by Betty Pauline Hoov er from Elmer W.,(both of Xen ia*-on charges of neglect and cruelty. Mnney Suits Filed .sMrs. P.earl Tyler Carothers who- ROiW- lives in Wichita, Kan., has fftpdsuit. for payment of back alimony of $1,715 against Olen ,E;i-Carothers. •jjloyd A. Warb'urton vs. J. C. Johnson is the style of a suit in •which the plaintiff seeks judg ment in the sum of $315.87 a l - , legedly due on account for in surance premiums. Award Judgments Dilver Belden, dba Belden & . Cq., was awarded a judgment ih t^e' sum of $2?1.7{) against Thur man Charles, on a note. /Lilly Smith vs* Charles W. and Agnes Massie is- the style of a case in wRicfririlie, plaiiififf claims $750 is due bn a note- guit Is Dismbissed ' :;-’ Tiie suit of W. F. Neidernhof- ' eV vs. Glenn E. Wright has been dismissed. . Asks Alimony -Alimony is asked by Ernestine Bi 'Lewis from Alvin S. Lewis in a'suit filed last week. The couple hds two children. PiOBATE COURT . Appointments '.'Charles Willis,^ administrator o f the*estate o f Bessie Willis, late of the ___ * Jii- with relatives. , • B 5 Charlotte B. Robinsop execU- Mra. Wilriur Wisecup-is spend-^ .triy, of the estate of .Emma Rob- in^. a few 'days with relatives in ' ipson., . . Cincinnati. . Mary Rebecca Puthoff execu- Nelson Pickering ist*home after - trjx .of the estate of George Put- spending a week with -his grand- ljoff. parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Raymond - Mary M. Meredith executrix Pickering in Jamestown. **.- 4 ,... - qf,.the .estate of Edmund Munger. Mr. and-Mrs., Frank Bird -had .^(iengva. Kozzar administratrix to Charles I, Beaver, 21.24 acres. * Velma* L. Hail to Elsie M.- and Eugene W. Mutschler, lot. Earl E. and Ann Marie Haacke to Claude E. Wright,’‘lot. Bath Township r * Emil and* Alice Blum to Robert T. and Ethel Arnett, two lots.** James M. and Ghrmine Y. Blair- to Leona L. and Alvin-A,-Warren, Jr.;-'lot. - ... * •'•*• Lawrence Cambra *'tb Pauline' R. Cambra, half-interest in lot in Fairborn. • Other Transfers Elsie M. Graves et al, heirs of Carey Doggett, to Mary J. Dog- get,‘lot in Beilbrook. Warren E. and Katherine M. Davis to Robert M. and Swaniev L. Marshall, 41.47 acres in Mi ami township. Ralph M, White and Irene White Davidson to Marie N. White, lot in Sugar creek town ship. Gets Pilot’s Permit At Age of Sweet 16 At sweet 16, Barbara Jean Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Xenia, received a pilot’s license as a birthday gift one day recently. To- make the day more memorable she was granted a temporary aotomobile driver’s license the same day. At the age of 14, two yars. ago, she won country-wide fame by piloting a plane, solo. Though she had qualified for the license it could not be granted her until she became 16. She is a junior in the high school at Xenia. OF THE WEEK *>< \ .......... Ms There Any Chance of Your Forgetting What a ‘Dirty Stay-Out' I was Saturday Night?" Mrs. James Ramsey and •son,- Jim spent Wednesday, in. Spring- field with.-Migs Nancy Bost. ;Mrs. Fred.^Woolard of Wash ington C. H. is spending the week at the home of her daughter and -son-in-law Mr. and, Mrs. Miron Williamson." Mrs., Lillie Hite of Jamestown . spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Russell .Wisecup. Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Martin. Road Repairs Held Up During the Fair Contractors have begun work on* widening and resurfacing US- 35 between Jamestown and Wash ington C. H. Crews moved, in early last week and began tearing up some 9,000 feet of lip curbing on US-35 in preparation for widening the road way two feet. . Under county supervision the Jenks road 'in Jefferson and Jas per townships, Fayette county, is being resurfaced. Continued rains have slowed down some of f the road improvement, engineers say. Halt Road Repair During the Fair To make fair-going easier and safer highway authorities in Fay ette county are opening all‘ roads as far as possible and removing blocks to any county road under repair. However, the engineers authority does not extend to roads j under the state system. N OWOPE Xenia Watch Repair Shop Watch and Clock Repairing ‘Market,,S t ... HARRY H . MOGLE - Watchmaker Telephone 2260 Xenia days trip, to Niagara Falls and i as Sunday guests George aitd m tjie,gstate of Robert S..Koznr Canada.? ' »>, • v ' * F^arik^Vhugiiiij Mr.‘ arfd'^rs^ ’j..- iv^b .bond of. $4,dd.O. ‘ B. Spencer,tMrs. Vaughn.ap’ri Miss .. A-ppraisaTs c Ann'a "V’aughp, Pqmroy," $irs..-, - ' Estate of Guy *M. Williams, net M;Sun{-> Vaifgl/n, motlier'o'f.Mrt.'Bird grid./' value $8,231.84. Mr. hnd Mrg, Orville ; Mlks ,Anna.,'mster..of1’ljtrs. Byid t Estate of Roberta'Penewit, net IV. find H ire n in iw iM i 31 *'j» r SUNDAY GUESTS- Mrs. Jennie day gueSt^ Parade, Friday, Aug, 4th, at 10:30 A . M. 4 H Club Style Show Friday, 7:00 P . M . Race Program TUESDAY, AUG. 1ST 2 :18_T rot________________________________________________$ .«00 Free for A ll P a c e ----------------------------------------------------------- 600 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2ND* P2:25 T r o t ________________________________ 500 2 Yr. Old Trot (OCRA) Stake*_________________________ 1.000 3 Yr. Old Pace (OCRA) Stake ________________________ 1,000 THURSDAY, AUG. 3RD 2:22 P a c e _________________________- __________________ ____ 600 2:18: P a c e _____________ ________ - ________ - ____________ ______ 600 3 Yr. Old Trot (OCRA) Stake____________________________ 1,000 FRIDAY, AUG. 4TH 2 Yr. Old Pace (OCRA) S ta k e ________________ 1,000 2:20 T r o t ________________________________________________ 600 2:20 P a c e ________________________ 600 SATURDAY, AUG. 5TH 2:25 F a c e _____________ _________ ________________ - ____ ____ 500 |, 2:15 Pace (Stake closed) ______________________________ 2,000 Free ftjr A ll Trot ______________ _________________ *__ ______ 600 HORSE SHOW Tuesday and Wednesday 7:00 P. M. | Gus Sun Attractions Thurs. & 5'FH/i--%.iLr. 7*^)0 3PJIdi i Joie Chitwood’s Auto Daredevils, Sat. Aug. 5th 8 P. M. Horse Show Entries Clos Thurs. July 27, at 4 P. M, A ll other Entries Close, Tues., July 25th at 4 P. M* Except Race entries: 11 A. M. on day previous to race General Admission, including tax .... 50 cents R. K. Haines Pres. Mrs. J. Robert Bryson, Sec. J. Weir Cooper Vice-Pres. H. J. Fawcett, 'Ureas. town. Mrs. Orville Huffman re mained for a few days visit with her sister. . , MRS. LITTLER HOSTESS TO CLUB The 12 Bingo Club met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Ray Littler. Prizes .were won by Mrs. . Mai’ie-WhweupHHid-Mfea*M&rgar- - et Bailey. A salad course was" jterved hostess. The group “»viU ThonI^a;, picnic at roadside :park""in"August. VISITS FARENTS IN INDIANA Mrs. Paul Dobbins and son and. Miss Linda Gordon are home aft-' er a visit with Mrs. Dobbins par-** ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ham-’ mun o f La Fayette, Indiana. HOLD PIGNIC . THURSDAY'EVENING Meiribers o f the Kensington Club* and thdir husbands'held a- picnic Thursday, evening at the shelter house:' ANNOUNCE BIRTH . . ‘l OF SON Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Myer- (Frances Creswell). of Brook-,-- ville are announcing the birth o£* a son Ronald Lee, bom July 18.1 Miss Rebecca CrCsweU is visiting at the home o f her sister. ha'd as guests last week the lat- ters sister Mrs. ,W. ,A-.Pollock- of College Springs, la. ' 'Mrs. Howard Hanna and chil dren of Spokane, Washington, Arrived Thursday to spend several, days with "Mr. Hanna’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna. Miss* Eleahore Kyle left "Fri day for Cleveland' to spend, sev eral days frbm there "she will v is it' friends and relatives'in Chicago hnd Iowa. „ ! Miss Blanche TurnBull*of Day-, ton-and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull are - Spending 2 weeks on- a trip to ‘ Buffalo, N.' Y., Niagf#a Falls, Thousand Islands and Canada. JVIr. and Mrs. Virgil Sticka and . the former’s- mother Mrs. Valeria Sticka are spending 2 weeks with Mrs. Sticka’s parents in Memp his, Tenn. • Miss' Jane Ann ’ Hartzell ..ijas returned to her home in Mt. Kiscp, N* Y . after a visit at the home, Of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jobe,. % % . . ■. ? en*a. has advertised for-bids* on the new "walk”, and "don’t walk” traffic .signals. net May Transfer Realty Authority to transfer veal es tate has been granted Lelia B. Ftolkner, administratrix, of the estate of Minnie B. Faulkner, and to Dora E. Jones administra trix of Bonner H. Jones’s estate. Marriages Licenses James Hubert Knisley, James town, and Norma Lee Brown, Xenia RFD 2. Hebert Frank Mildrum, Wriglit Filed, and Louise Clara Berg strom, Ntuley, N. J. Raymond Walter Lamme, Li ma, and Virginia -Reno Woods, Xenia. Lloyd Lester Miracle, Dayton, and Mabel Irene Lile, Xenia. George Edward Sherhod and Maxine Elizabeth Brumlove, both of Fairborn. John Michael Ratchford and Betty Josephine Blair, both of Xenia. Jack Kennard Sewell, Midlo thian, Tex,, and Carol Ann Coyne Lynn, Mass. Marvin Eugene Bowman, Ger mantown, and Betty Louise Jones Wright View Heights. . REAL ESTATE Ray- W. and *.Edna Littler to Roger and Helen Maxton, half HOT SHOTS MEET The Cedar Hot Shots 4-H club, new Xeiiia township school, met Monday evening at the home o f Sue Cotter. The gi*oup’worked on project books and refresh ments were served . -■Ninety per cent - of Green'd' .county physicians have •applied for membership on the staff "(if ‘ acre rii Cedarville township, the new Memorial hospital. In Xenia From Hooven & Allison Co. to . Miss Mary Abel, Wilmington, E' a" d J fssifi Bel.le 13 the new music the v ’ and to and Nellie v « t i . 4.___ -I.,.:. ... . - n. xinner, lot. Glarence E. and Jessie Belle Sift' v MODEL LOW PRICED 1950 G-E "EIGHT M .. .............................................................. I ONLY | Mrs. Caroline McCormick,,Fair born, broke an elbow- when' she feiu ' * LITTEREL RETURNS ' FROM ALASKA Herbert Litterel one o f the si: local boys who went to Alask: has returned to his home here, Herbert reports the Alaskan cli mate did not agree with him^. A t the week’s end there re- I' -mained .Pvbr..$300i60B dus: In tSb* Hayney to Rev. Bruct Brooks, lot.. In Xenia Township Arnold C. and,Betty W. McCoy to John" C. and Clara'B. McDan- iel. lot.' Lawrence *E. Johns, executor, ' * t G .- E Reftigerator model ,N B - 8 G has more- ' . '^aft}8 -cif-ft food storage. Such: practical fea-. s : 1 •^ •./ tilres' -as,’ full-width^Vegetable dtaWer,; meat .-■S' ' drawer, stainless-steel super freezer, Tel-a - S ' Fros t indicator: arid extra-tall bottle storage. -■=' I t ’s-a big refrigerator with ’plenty o f features *-••.'at.-a-,ver$«foM> pirihe. 1 s t R E M E M B E R I More than ’ 2,200,000 G - E S ' iiiiniimVnnBr -^.-"R^rigerators have been in use for 10 years. IfiiiiimiiiiiiiHiHtmHjlilUIllHHlUHIIMnMM. * l o f ionger; * ______________________ 239.75 i a x i - j c o l l e c t i a n i i f ‘ <;hrilf! I-estate of Charles,Chaney, to Nor- ATTEND' WEDBING IN SABINA . . . . Mr. and Mrs, Irvine Smith and son, Misses Naomi Connor and ESpanora ff^teneltein a'bbended. the Jones-Stauffdr wedding in Sabina Saturday evening in the Church of'.Christ. They also at tended the reception. following the wedding* **'; laan C. and Grace M. Paynter, 3 5 *»:.i>:., 'S*;z** ■:«*» ’ acres, $3,725. ■SUBri'gi'd Ga€olii ch'imci STeri-, « of 1 ° ° ’ | la^hars jubt celebrated its 100 th ?t3’000' : 7 - ■ •' Harold , , , , , N- and Es*rier I'Love', lot; to The Beaver Boosters club held George W. and Maude R. Moyer, a carmva.l and, ox roast, at the. lot; to George H. and Ruby U. w eekend , hundreds attended. _ Nixon, lot; to Homer Sharpe, lot; to.Carl D, and Eileen T. Pevler, Xenia post office receipts were lot; to Ernest H. Skinner, lot; up over $2,000 fo r tha last Quar- to Warren C. Kotz, lot. ter.* ‘ ' Carl G. and Minnie L. Rieker G^darville. Ohio BIFBlGiRATOItS l •Xxy-* / . V
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