The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50
Friday, August 4, lago The Cedarville, 6 . Herald MRS. DOBBINS HOSTESS AT U. P- M. S. MEETING Mrs. Fred Dobbins entertained .members of the U. P. church missionary society at her home Thursday afternoon. Devotions ■were given by Miss, Lula Hender son. A program on “ Temperance” ■was in charge o f Mrs. Warren Barber, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Cultice. Mrs. Dobbins was as sisted by Mrs. John Davis and Mrs. Alexander McCampbell in 'serving refreshments, * HONOR 7TH BIRTHDAY OF JULIA STAIGERS Mrs. Robert Staigers enter tained with a party at her home Saturday afternoon honoring the seventh birthday of her daughter, Julia. Colors of pink and white were used. Julia enjoyed a birth day cake and many gifts. Games were played and prizes given. Guests were Jo Ann Cummings, Claire Cummings, Joan Mowery, Margaret Ann McMillan, Rue Reynolds, Patty Spitiex, Alice May Evans, Mary Carlson and Lorna Thomason. GOLDEN RULE CLASS MEETS AT CHURCH The Golden Rule class met in the Methodist church Thursday evening. Hostess were Mrs. Ross Wiseman, Mrs. Amos Frame and .■-•is Coxa 'frumbo. Devotions were given by Mrs. Collier and •.iGgrsm and entertainment was in charge of Mrs. Masters. Ico.l call was answered w i t h a “ Thought About Our Flag,” Re freshments were served by hos tess. ■ REPRESENTATIVES GIVE REPORTS Members of the American Le gion and Auxiliary held a covered dish supper Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul1 Dobbins. Supper was served in the yard o f thd**Dobbins home. Following the supper reports were given by Mary Jo, Duvall and Don Baldwin on their trips as representatives o f Cedarville to Boys apd iGlfTs’ Stfrte. MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING" * ' The^JITasidn^y Spci^tyi of- the Presbyterian itehuidh* m d ij Thurs day in'the-cI^e^'H<^£^5-wTere Mrs. Paul Rameey* art<f*Mrs. Na than - Elder, 'The' meeting -jvas conducted by Mrs. Harold Hahna and devotions -iVere led by -Mrs. James -Steel. Dr. ^Florence ■Wil liamson was guest speaker of the afternoon. HIXONS ENTERTAIN ILLINOIS RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hixon had as guests last week Mr;:. Hixon’s sister and family, ’ Mr. and Mrs. 0 .' E. Buckner, Jainmie and Miss Ann Buckner o f Cham paign,-- 111. They pH -visited in Washington CL H. on Thursday and attended the Fayette county fair. * PALMERS-*ENTERTAIN FOR MISS STEINER Kev. and Mrs. Elwodd Palmer had as guests this p ;?t_week Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Palmer and son of Cleveland. Friday evening Rev. and Mrs. Palmer gave •a dinner party honoring the birthday of Miss Iolene Steiner of Xenia. Guests were Mr. anil. Mrs. Dale Kennedy, Miss, Jane Fudge of Xenia; Miss Pauline Neff and Miss Karline Keller* of Spring- field. A g ift was presented Miss ein&r. * PROGRESSIVE CLUB HAS S .VlMMiNG PARTY i Cedarville Progressive ■ -uer^ hold a swimming party at Xenia pool last week.’ Follow-^ the swimming the group went'’ to the home of their leader, Mr. 11 NOWOPEN Xenia Watch Repair Shop Watch and Clock Repairing Market St* HARRY H. MOGLE Watchmaker T e le p h o n e 2 2 6 0 Xenia kfgH WaMesea iiSg&iSilsi Stoner, and held a business meet ing .and enjoyed television. Re freshments were served. BIRTHDAY PARTY Jackie Boroff, daughter of Mr, and- Mrss Paut Boroff,- was hon- > ored with a party orr'her .14th. birthday; -Monday^ evening.' Soft * bf£lp an^'jcitfqdet were-- e -njoyed ami refreshments o£-4ce;'j;r.eam vJrtrtl cake.- were sefveci to Doris , 'Aiipr Reynolds, Dolly Ritenoui*;* ■Diana Reiter, Sally -Kay CreS- well, Lynn Cummings, '.Peggy, Myers, Pat Davis, Loretta "Wells,• - Jane Davis and Bud -Boroff. SOCIETY MEETS The Church Of God mission ary society met in the church. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. May nard N eff gave the introduction to the. new study book “ The Near East,*’ Mrs. Palmer gave a short talk on “ Why I Belong to tha Missionary S o c i e t y.” Refresh ments were "in charge o f Mrs. David Strohridge. ATTEND REUNION Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Klontz" and sons, Russell Stewart.and, - C a r ] Frederick, visited Mr-. Klontz’ brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jenkins, of Canton, Saturday night. On Sun day they attended a reunion of the Maryland association at Wadsworth, TOOK FISHING TRIP Robert -^Guthrie has returned from a fishing trip to Magneta- wan, Ontario. While Mr. Guthrie was in Canada his wife and sons, Johnny and Bobby, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Neal in New Carlisle. *• K. Y. N. CLUB TO PICNIC „ The KYN club"Twill '"hold its ' annual family picnic Aug. 10 at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Bullen. MARRIAGE IS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull are announcing the marriage o f their daughter Beth to Edward Kurs son of Mr. and,Mrs. Henry Kurs of Hamilton. The marriage took place in the Springfield United Brethern church, Satur day afternoon. The tiopgle attendetf.* Following Ja *tfijF to*" Schaefer Springs, Ind., the couple will go to Hamilton. Mr. Kyrs will enter Cedarville College for his second year this fall. VISIT STORMONTS Rev. and Mrs. Ted Harsh, New Castle, Pa., spent three days this past week with the latters par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Stor mont. Rev. and Mrs. Harsh are enroute to their home after at tending the national convention of the Reformed Presbyterian church in Grinnell, Iowa. ,. ANNOUNCE.-EtfGAGEME n T "/, Mrs. Lucy Turner is. announc-* ing the engagement and coming marriage" of her daughter' Bea trice Ann of Denver, Colo., ro A FOREWARNED -*(A 'Sport Story) ; ByRICKAKDHltL'WiLKINSON K ARL WOODFOSDS: Always ever£>^enelbpe .woulcL regard tav lleved thpt.-Spideiime he woWi|: proposal seriousl^.i-; & * ask Penelope^ Wareham tci marig;- Then came .th'e-crasb^he slump, him. There- lyas a . vast difference: In their: socidl,standings.^P^nel^^ was the ' daughter, fO #*11 -richest?; manUfapfairer.j r-Spe ''PS!?? lived, a life 'as' much’ apart ..from Karl as night is-'-di£fe'rent from day._ Even so, Kafl felt that J?ene-:- lope’ s feeling, toward him was more than friendly. In their early- teens,'before Penelope’s father had. sent her abroad, they had attended the same country school; were, in fact, members of the same class. Time and again Karl had carried home her books. In those days he .was more confident. He found it easy, to look, gravely into her wide brown eyes and boast of what he was going to do in the future, C j . . how he was going to make a lot of .the depression, Karl's.fcu*ipe*s fell off to a.pqint where his incom# vat feduced’it'o half.^ ?it -wi*- only by -Strict econothyTandCseR-denial that he was able' to: keep 'struggling .■along. SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED COMPORT Semi - Annual Clearance Sale OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER AND YE A R ROUND SUITS REDUCED, MARKETS HAVE SHARP. TENDENCY U PW ARD BUT- AS SIZES ARE BROKEN A L L ARE REDUCED ; “ - ' H ART SCHAFFNER & ' M R # ' GRIFFON AND SILVERTONE CLOTHES, OR IG INAL PRICE T A G LEFT ON EACH SUIT & 20 and SOpercent off 20 12 Dos* tab le o f D ress Shirts: b y Manhattan, and V an Huaen ' . Percent Off 5 Racks o f our finest; N eck W ea r V a lues $1*00 t o $5.00 O ur entire-stock , o f Sport: Coats regu lar p rices $14 .95 to $39 .75 O u r en tire stock o f D obbs and H opkins Straw Hats 25 Percent Off .20 Percent Off 25 Percent Off Once he attended a party at ■. the iyareham home and man aged,?aft^r a dance,.to per- suade'Penelope to walk with him In the moonlight on the green front lawn? money and one day return to' Hill side and—but that was as far as he. ever got. It hadn’t seemed right, under the circumstances, to tell Penelope that he was coming hack to Hillside to claim her for his; bride. She probably would have laughed at him. Later on, when they graduated into the high school, Penelope left for Europe, to study there, and Karl attended a party at thfe .Wareham home and'.managed, ‘aflir a dance, to persuade Penelope'to walk with him In the moonlight oh the green front lawn. It had for Karl been a romantic nyraient, with- the music drifting softly down from the house, and the moonbeams.making intricate shadows on the lawn under the great. elm tree by the front'gate. He almost told her then, but somehow he didn’t dare. Some how he didn’t -feel as if he had the right. For'. there was still a difference between them, a gap that seemed at the, moment. unbridge able* . . . " .. . , .*’. .. ThelyearaAad been pen? dope* Young womanhood had made her. even more -beautiful, more de- sirablef gravel and contact with the wq'rljpbad endowed her with.a poise and graciousness> that a life time of Hillside and Hillside peo ple could never have given. Karl, too, had grown and devel oped. Prosperity,* in a small way, had come to him as.the result of untiring" work "and ceaseless plod ding, He had gone into business for himself, .and -was rapidly-reaching- the point when at last •he'felt, if pENELOPE came, home- from Europe to find her father’s reat factories idle; his finances in a deplorable state. He had lost heavily in the market. For a time, at least, there^ would be no mere trips to Europe, or new cars, or fine clothes. Penelope accepted the situation Philosophically. S h e discovered there was a good deal of fun in just being a citizen of Hillside. Karl, unaware of the eider Ware- ham’s state of affairs, foresaw only disaster to his plans regarding Pen elope. The tragedy was more poig nant because he wast now able to See more of her, often went to the .Wareham home and was much in /Penelope’s company. r. A year later business conditions had not improved. And for Karl the ■future.seemed even more black. lie -wanted -Penelope more than ever and the .fact that he still was reluc tant to speak his heart,-made him fniserable. 3 These were the circumstances ) evening Karl swung in at Jhe'Wareham gate and started up the winding walk to the front door. JIalf-way to the screened-in veran- .jda he heard voices, and because his own name was mentioned, he paused. • •- * Penelope was there and she w*s talking about him. “ It’ s so quew.’’ she was saying. “ I’ ve always had a feeling that Karl Ibved me, wanted to tell me so—evor since we were kids together—yet ha never s»emed to have the courage. And I ’ve m wished he would. Every time I’ve,- com* home, I expected it. And not? ----- ” *he paused. “ And now tbii;** are sc—I feel that he needs in*, and I want to help him----- . It------ It must be ho doesn’t love me uftor all. I——I guess I’ll go away and ipar^ tfiat old Duke'who is so sure he can make me happy.” Her voice broke and Karl heard i sob. Heart pounding, he turned and retraced his steps hurriedly to the gate, coughed and began to whistle. He came thus to the porch, -Warning “whoever might be there of his approach. : He. mounted the steps, pushed open the door——and.saw Penelope sitting on the swing‘ hammock. He strode fiver to her, lifted her up in his arms and .said: “ Penelope, ;will-y,ou marry me? I. love you. Wa -can get along somehow, if gfju’ra. willing,” - ' iA^oaeiope* drew- back, looked- at him in astonishment, gasped, ap peared to resent his masterful man ner-----and then melted. .Later ----- much later — she regarded herself in her bedroom mirror, smiled, and confided to her reflection: “ Penelope you’re bad. .You heard Karl coming up’the walk tonight and began to talk so he’d hear yctu. And all the time you were alone oh £he veranda and poor Karl thought you were confessing to some one* You’re bad,” she added, laughing, “ but clever, too. And Karl is such a dear.” " his. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Duffield and also visiting relatives in 'Xenia. ..... Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beaty have as a guest their niece, Miss Patty Beaty of. Carroll. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Morton and Harold Morton and daughter- o f •Louisville, Ky., are visiting; Miss Ina and Mr. Ralph Mur dock. Mrs. Robert MacGregor and daughters are visiting Mr. Mac Gregor’s mother in Orlearis, Mass. Mr. MacGregor is in naval train ing in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Elder spent Friday and' Saturday in Cleveland and visited relatives in Darling and Pittsburg, Sun day and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman left Monday to visit -their son and family, Rev. and Mrs. Jus tin Hartman, in Sherman, Conn., and their daughter, Doris, In Bar ton, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferguson, near Clifton, are spending two weeks visiting in Canada, Gasp Bay Peninsula and Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffon of Covington spent the "weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr." ind Mrs. Ralph Townsley. Mrs. Irene Chestnut and son, Don, Dr. James Chestnut of Day- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Con ley of Crystal City, Mo., are spending a month at Waldron Lake, Mich. , Mr. and Mrs. Home;; Smith and "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans spent the weekend at Beaumont Inn, Harrodsburg, Ky. s .Becqased^ - > ' Nptide is ;hereby, given that; M. Marie , Foster "has ‘ been .Iduly “ ap pointed. as Administratrix o f *the state of. Mabel"1E. ‘Schneider, "de ceased, -late of-Beavercreek Town ship,- jGjresen^yCqunty', ’Dated1 thiWVlst "day i ^ ’^ugust, -•ASSPfe'dS'Asi4* ;; £»• U. B. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio - (7?28-8t?9-l) ________ LEGAL NOTICE George J. Shumlin, whose 89: Steele Avenue, ‘ Plainfield, New Jersey, will--taJcg-no.tLUjg:$ha$ on the 2Q«t-Jday,. o f.J y ly , ;ia|0»J.C?roli° e W , Sc^{n1inT^ilqdJher,ioe^ .in peti tion against him fo r divorce on the * ' J ^ L ]p IA jrR .r McCALLISTfiR -------„ Judge'ofthe P-rohate CSurtFGreenet-gronnd&Kbf ®coss, neglesL-of^dnty County*. QhiQ*.v4.^v;-, . *. -'.befoTe- the Common Pleas.?Cpurt o f • a "V ^ T u e lli^ ^w s e r Greene County, Ohio, said je a s e 'C&eif Deputy Clerk :"being No. 26551 on the'docket o f *said Court and will come on ’ fo r CLASSIFIEDADS FOR SALE 1 yr. old roosters, $1.50 each, Phone 6-4633. LEGAL-NOTICE COMMON .PLEAS -COURT,. ■ GREENE COUNTY,- OHIO Alvin S. Phillips, -. * --.Plaintiff,. Doris. Ruth -Phillips, . - ^Defendant Doris 'Ruth -Phillips, whose last known place1o f‘residence was 1286 Baldwin- Avenue;-. Sharon, Pa., will take nOtice' that- bn the 28th day of Juiy;:‘'T95i), AlviVi-' S. Phillips filed his petition*1against ■ "her in Com mon Pleal CfiufFSf Greene County, Ohio, iqi; -divoi-ice. on the grounds o f "wilful-; abseifte f o i tliree years, ancl, yiat'“ unlesyifthe said *’ Doris Ruth". Pfiipips ’shall-’ answer said petition" pr" ,jor "the 15th" day of Septembe;-, ' i195d/' judgment " may, be i^hen'g^antfng plaintiff a di vorce. • ■ S. Phillips, Plaintiff Smith, -McCallister & Gibney Attorneys -for -Plaintiff (8-4-6t-*9-8) - ..I. • FOR SALE—Real Estate Mer cer and Eckroad. Decontrolled three apartment house. Phone Yel low Springs 7717. ARE you afflicted with rupture. Many., are greatly benefited by ■having a truss properly fitted. N. W. Prowant with The James Drug Company has had an extended ex- ! perience in fitting trusses.- Give him a try* 4-p u . LEGAL NOTICE - Margaret JSmith -.Cariens, whose address is StsStephens, New Bruns wick, Canada..-will take notice that on the-24th day of July, 1950 Carl William Cariensfiled his certain petition"' against her for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and "extreme cruelty before the Common Pleas. Court o f Greene .County, Ohio, said case being No. 26543 on the docket- of said Court and will come on- fo r hearing on or after the 2nd day of September, 1950. Benjamin Horn Attorney for.- Plaintiff hearing on or after the 26th* day o f August, 1950. ^ 3 . R. Stanley Lucas . Attorney fo r Plaintiff M & M Bldg., Springfield '" (7-21-6t-8-25) LEGAL NOTICE ^ . Stella C. King, whose present address is 450 Division Street,' Perth Amboy, New -Jersey, will take notice that on the grounds of gross neglect of duty anct extieme cruelty' before -‘the Commdn.- Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 26537 on the docket of sajd Court will come on for hearing on or after the 19th ’ day of August; 1950, Paul E. Layton Attorney for Plaintiff (7-14-6t-8-19) <* . Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trench ing Service - P- a Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio -FOR SALE—^Chicken and-rabbit fryers, Calf 6-2621, Donald Hagler* NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 1 Estate of Joseph H. Daugherty, !Deceased. j Notice is hereby given, that Stel-j la Daugherty has been duly . ap -, pointed as Executrix o f the estate ( of Joseph H. Daugherty, deceased,; late .of Village of Bellbrook, Greene County, Ohio. _ ’ Dated this- 31st day of July,; 150. ' > . 'WILLIAM B. MeCALLISTER .Judge of the Prgbate Court, Greene. ^Co-unty,. Ohio*..... -. • - By Luella HowSier * Chief Deputy" Glerjc FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. • i ’ .*.♦ •«;. . .*> cW , .. .-. Write or Inquire .. ;■-■« McSavatoey & Co. London,3©. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. NOITCE OF APPOINMENT Estate of Mabel E. Schneider, Our entire s to ck o f S k ipper and M cG regor T Shirts. 2 0 D ozen o f S ty le . PCfCeilt Off Richard H. Shelton' son"^ of '"Mr." and Mrs. ichard E. Shelton, of Englewood, Colo. The wedding will he an event o f early fall at Cedarville. MR. AND MRS-* CLEMANS ENTERTAIN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heif- ner and family o f Ada spent the ■week end with the latter's- par- •ents, Mr* and Mrs. Fred Clemans. Saturday everting M f.' and Mrs. HeifneF enteriairted ar group of friends at the Clemans home. Guests were Mr* and Mrs. James . McDorman, Selma; Mr. and Mrs. F . W. Clark, o f Day-, ton; Mr. ajrd Mrs. John Peterson of Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Herman <s»Randal, Mr. and Mrs. John Wil liamson, Mr* and Mrs. Kent Cle mans and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kopenhafer, of New Carlisle, and M r and Mrs. Jack Giffm, Cov ington. Miron" Williamson, John McMil lan and Dan Dennehey are home after a week’s fishing trip to Canada. _ Mr. ancl Mrs. Russell Wise- cup left Sunday for a tiiree-weeks vacation in Florida and other southern states. They will spend , a week -with Mr. and’ Mrs. Paul Wisecup who are vacationing in Indian Rock, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon and' daughter ^attended a, Dorn Reunion, and .picnic in Sedalia, Sunday. * V- Mrs.’ Lamar; Hamman enter tained a group of friends with a canasta party at her home Wed nesday afternoon. * Sally and Clyde Jr. Hutchin- .son of Chicago who are visiting their grandmothei*, Mrs. J. S. West, are in Woodst'ock this week at the .home of their uncle, Joe West. - -Kent Burba of Grand Rapids, Mich., is visiting at the home of R U P T U R E ire ■you afflicted with rupture nany with this ailment get re lief by having a truss properly tilted. ‘ James Drug Company, of. Cedar-, ville have in their emptoy ah experienced truss fitter. Give as a call. JAMES DRUG CO. * Cedarville, Ohio TheWeatherMan, theAlmanac, YouandWeallAgree— . „,, T h a t it ’ s tim e t o ’ d o t w o th in g s a b o u t ^ t h h c l o s i n g T- , 17 ’■ ’ i- . * v ■’ - ‘ r i . F Brighten Up Spring Duc^, by- Cleaning- and Pressing , * . . 7 G lea ii'and Store -for Summer, to Prevent * damage from M oths. „ THENEW CEDARVILLE CLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 a m SHOP ANDSAVE Florsheim Sport Shoes CrosbySquare Sport Shoes 15 .50 to <19.95 va lue ......... 14.95 13.95 to 14 .95 ya lues 10.95 16.95 ven tila ted ................ 13.95 11.95 to 12;95vv a lu e s ..... 9.95 * One tab le o f B roken Lots V a lu es 12.95 NOW 6 .45 Many Bargain Tables Scattered Thru Stor^ BREAKFASTNOWSERVED % Due to .many requests for early, breakfast l \ . - • n - r * * tv fh® Old Mill U ^ ......- ' ' ' NOWOPENS AT "6 A. M. Plour Gold Medal TO lb. bag Clprox Qt. bottle_______ 17c ......-..........Pickles, Sweet Merrit brand Jello all flavors 3 .. 23c ; Jar : 33c Preserves Strawberry 12 «k ;F Iflstai,t Tea Jar jar .............. * z . a ___35c - .Cornmeal 5 lb. bag .............. 35c Asparagus Green Cut lO1^ o?; Marshmallows Campfire can .............. ipc 3 - Pound box .................. ............. ..J 29c Iced Tea Blend 8 oz. pkg.- 49e ^ ood Gro Ribbon Treet 12 oz. can ........... . 41c 25 6 z. b ox .................... 33c . Dial Soap 2 <$kes(..:.*.l’,.^ ^ p 3 ^i^ap;&ireotheart 4-bars .* 30e - - "'-* r -Z ; . " ' " " W . • •. v* . .<*. • *- rK..-' !> * ’ * * ^ t .. - *•»**;!' eti* b ■* - . , " QlfALIUJWlATS •; Beef Roast ^ 6 % gtfeak............ ]J} g9e Bacon Sliced (Banner) - * • ^ ■ ... lb. 59c y“ eese Cream.... 39c Chickens * - - Roasts - Fries HARNER&HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET :
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