The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50

-V V - 10. " Friday, A'u^ust 18 , 195*0 The Cedarville, • 0 . Herald COUPLE H0N0BSP03I 60TH WEDDING DAY m i o s t cf. Park, Colorado, to attend presented and nominations will program and festival a t Mt. Zion Mrs.. Joe Waddle of Washington (having a truss properly'fitted. N. Deceased. -C' al,W ' 1 _ * _ ■ T - - - / * J»r ____ A ll / ’J ii iM l t * n TT 071 T. P 7*T.f) lD P n (VIT. OYI'd M v o " : TUT TJ..X_______ J* .A i r™ -r f . . the young peoples conference of be accepted from the floor All Church Saturday evening. " C. JK ^ M*s: One ‘hundred guests were re- the United Presbytermn churdu Eeport^form / Rev. and Mrs. A- J. Beattie of bias,3New Carlisle, and Di? and • Z s i s s s z i & s : s s . ' s s t ? r a s s r s a s s s s t f t . s ^ t s & X T f * - ° * - - s~ and Mrs. Mendel Beattie Monday afternoon and evening ^ celebration of their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Guests were present from Ak­ ron, Springfield, Xenia, Clifton and Cedarville and among the guests were Mr. and Mrs, J . M. Bull who observed their sixtieth •wedding anniversary last Octo­ ber, Members of the McKibben Bi­ ble Class of the United Presby­ terian Church assisted in receiv­ ing th guests while refreshments were served by Miss Mareha Cooley, Miss Wilmah Spencer and Miss Carrie Rife of Cedar­ ville, and Mrs. Earl McClellan, near Xenia. Mr3. McClellan is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Hastings. The Hastings home was deco­ rated with a profusion of flowers, many of them gifts from relatives _and friends. At the close of the reception Monday evening, Dr. R. A. Jamie­ son, conducted a worship service. Mr. and Mrs. Hastings were married in Muskingum County August 13, 189G and have resided in Cedarville since 19GQ. Mi*. Hast­ ings was in 'th e hardware busi­ ness here a number of years hut retired a few years ago. RESEARCH CLUB TO MEET AUG. 2-1 The Research Club will hold their first meeting of the yeai*, ^Thursday, August 21. at 2 p. m. at the home cf Mrs. J. E. Hastings, I t will be installation of officers. TO HOLD FARM BUREAU PICNIC, AUG, 24 The Farm Bureau picnic will he held Thursday, Aug. 24, a t the Xenia Fa*;* grounds. A. program and entertainment is planned for all, starting at 3 p. m. The Home and Community are urging all of the members and their families to attend and have a good time. Supper will be served at 7 p. m. GOES TO COLORADO AS REPRESENTATIVE Miss Mary Louise Stormont left Monday to join Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Huish, in Rushville, Ind. and the group will go to the Bible reading contest. The conference lasts for ten days. The Second Synod is eom- postd of churches from three * states. HONORED WITH MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Miss Carrie Rife was guest of honor a t a breakfast and Miscel­ laneous shower given by Mrs. Leon Kling, Wednesday morning at Trebein Manor, near Xenia. The breakfast table was decorated with large bouquets of pink and white gladolis and a t each plate was a minature pink umbrella holding the place card. Twenty guests were present from, Clif­ ton, Yellow Springs, London, Xen­ ia, Middletown and Cedarville. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. J . A. Kritzer entertained with a party for Miss Rife. Guests were the four lady members of the 1904 college graduating class of which Miss Rife and Mrs. Kritzer were Members. Other guests and mem­ bers of the class were Miss Carrie Hutchinson of Dayton and Mrs. Lyle Goode of Yellow Springs. CELEBRATES 18TH BIRTHDAY FRIDAY Miss Jeanie Huston entertained a group of friends with a party in the Shelter house, Friday even­ ing, celebrating her 18th birth­ day. Guests were, Christine Stie- gel, Janet Hall, Rosie Miller, Martha Purdon, Mary Jo Duvall, Martha Swaby, Jim Luttrell, Jack Irvine, Paul Vest, Doug Cul- tice, Jim Turnbull, Melvin Tacket and Mr. and Mrs, Norman Huston. STANLEY DEMONSTRATION TO BE HELD A Stanley demonstration will be held at 1:30 p. m. Friday at the home of Miss Mary Lou Mil­ ler on South Main street. the Cleveland glVen' 1 j JVle tl i . Rev. COVERED DISH SUPPER ‘ Beattie spoke at the College Bac- IS ENJOYED l ^ lau reate, Sunday morning. j a s i S i T i s r i S i i S i r? * 0 , w enjoyed a covered dish supper i " 'eek en^ “uests ^ rs*R ad ie s F rid ly evening a t the home of I and sister-in-law Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans. Mr. i. ^ rS*W\A- ht °f near Greex- and Mrs, Greer McCallister Iiekk ~key a t-enuea tire lOOtn CountyHas28 / Births inJuly; 18Boys, 12Girls. showed pictures of the Leg ion , anniversary program of the Cllf- Convention in Cleveland recently, i ton United Presbyterian Church. 1 Sue, Jack and Donnie Eidemiller o f New Carlisle, nave* returned to their home after spending sev­ eral days with, their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waddle. -J Mr. and Mrs. Harry”Dolby are home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen and family in Sunbury, Ohio. Mrs. Virgil Stanforth and chil­ dren arc . pending 10 days at the Church of God Camp near Spring- field. Rev. Palmar and ther mem­ bers of the Cedarville Church are atending the daily meetings. Miss Joan Hannnon is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffin in Covington, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hagler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strewing in Tipp City. Mrs. Strewing will teach in Tipp City this year and Mr. Strewing will finish his studies at Ohio State University. The primary class of the Church of God held a weiner roast lues- day a t Bryan State Park. Teach­ er of the class is Mrs. William Munn. W. Prbwant with The, James Drug Company has had an extended ex­ perience in fitting .trusses. Give him a try. . 4 -p TO HOLD BUSINESS MEETING The American Legion Auxiliary will hold a business meeting, Thursday evening, August 24, a t 8 p. m. at the Cliff house of Mrs, A. C. Davis, The report of the [nominating committee will he — ------------------- -— ---------- --— — — h , , L i £ Bath loom andFittings Automatic Water.Heaters IMMEDIATE DELIVERY F. 0. & F. E. Harper PLUMBING Jamestown, Ohio ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON . , „ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carlisle of Yellow Springs, formerly of Cedarville, are announcing the birth of a son Monday. j SON BORN TO HOWELLS Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Howell (Betty Wisecup) are announc­ ing the birth of a son in Spring- field City hospital Friday. The haby has been named Earcle Stephen. ATTENDS WEDDING IN W. VA. Miss Ruth Ramsey has return­ ed from Charleston. W. Va., where she was vocalist a t the wed­ ding of her classmate, Miss Ilda Mosby to Mi*. Duncan Bennett. Miss Ramsey sang, “Because” and “Oh Perfect Love.” Miss Ramsey will return to her teach­ ing duties in Knpxville Sept. 1. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Anna Wilson is home from Springfield City hospital and is much improved. Mrs. Wilson un­ derwent a major operation, last week. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER IN COLORADO Mr. and Mrs. Homer McIntyre (Joyce Clemans) are announcing the birth of a daughter on Mon­ day in St. Lukes Hospital. Den­ ver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Clemans are the maternal grand­ parents. Mrs. James Ramsey and son are spending the week with Mr. Ramsey’s parents in Loveland. Mrs. R. T. Williamson is hav­ ing as guests this week, Miss Frances Williamson of Lenoir, N. C., Mrs. M. C- Pennypacker of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Yawrence Williamson and children of Ar­ lington. They will return to their home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Boyer have arrived here from New York and plan to establish their home in Washington C. II, Andy and Molly Jean, children of Mr. and^Mrs. Millord French, of South Solon spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mi*."and Mrs. Meryl Stormont. Mrs. Etta Smith is home after spending a week with her daugh­ te r and son-in-law, Mr. a’nd Mrs. C. W. Hamer* in Richmond, Ind. Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Hutchin­ son and family have returned to their home in Chicago after a visit with the latter’s mother, Mrs. J. S. West. Mrs. Mendel E. Beattie is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Leila Morris, in Thomasville, North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. James Steel and Mrs. Huston Corsatte attended a The report of births in Greene county for the month of July, tabulated by the department of vital statistics, shows a total of 23, with boys leading the girls. 13 to 12. Of the total Xenia contributed 1 Jamestown four and Bowers- ville cue. Kathryn Windham Adair 330 N. Monroe St., Xenia: James Rob­ ert Ankpney RFD 3*Xenia; Georg Edward Chambliss Jr., RR James­ town: Janice Teleyne Cooper Box 245 Wilherforce: Vicki Ann Drake 412 Bellbroolc Ave.. Xenia; Ron­ nie Lee Elam 217 Fluhart Ave. Dayton; Jennifer Lynn Fawley li. 2. Jamestown; Deborah Lynne Fudge RR 2, Xenia; August Bu­ ford Gamer Jr.. U. S. Route 42, Xenia;Vickie. Lynne Grooms 15 Stelton Ed., Xenia; Sharon Kay Hart Jamestown; Mary Ellen Houser 68 Wood St., Wilmington. Guy Byron Howerton 303 Wash­ ington St.. Xenia; Harold Ray Johnson RR 2 Xenia; Carl Rex Jones, RR 1, Waynesville; Rob­ ert Tlierald Jr., P. O. Box 11, Bowersville; Carol Joan Long, 104 W'. Main St, Xenia; Kenneth Dale McFarland, .RR 1, Xenia; Monna Leatha Phillips, E. Adams St., Jamestown: Daniel Lee Reev­ es RR 1, Sabina; Stephan Kent Roberts, Selma; Dolly Mae Rohr- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hagler back Spring Valley; Robert Frank- and sons spent Sunday in Ports- lin Jr. 408 Edison Blvd. Xenia; mouth. Tommy Gerald Thomas, Alpha, Patrick Henry [Wagner, RR 4, Mrs. Lawrence Waddle and Mrs. Xenia; Dennis Keith Walton 1040 v---- " Brown St. Dayton; Robert Allen NOTICE ON FILING INVENTORY The State of Ohio, Greene County. , Probate Court To Dale Mowen, R. R. Cedarville, Ohio, You are hereby notified that on the '9 th 'd a y of August, A. D. 1950, and Inventory and Appraise­ ment of the estate of William L. Mowen deceased, late of Cedar­ ville Township in said County, was filed in this Court. Said Inventory and Appraisement will be for hearing before this Court on the 28th day of August, 1950, at 10:00 o’clock, A. M. Any person desiring to file ex­ ceptions to said Inventory must file them a t least five days prior to the day set for hearing. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 9th day of August, 1950. WILLIAM B. MeCALLTSTER Probate Judge Luella Howser Deputy Clerk U. B. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio Notice is hereby given tha t M.: (7-28-6t-9-l) Marie Foster has been duly a p - -------------------------------- pointed as Administratrix of thes LEGAL NOTICE state of Mabel E. Schneider, de-j George J. Shumlin, whose 697 ceased, late of Beavercreek Town- Steele Avenue, Plainfield, New ship, Greene County, Ohio. ’Jersey will take notice that on the Da^ed this 1st day of August, 20th day of July, 1950, Caroline 1950. :W. Schumlin filed her certain peti- WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER ?tion against him for divorce on the Judge of the Probate Court. Greene grounds of gross neglect of duty County, Ohio. *before the Common Pleas Court of By Luella Howser lGreene County, Ohio, said case Gheif Deputy Clerks being No. 26551 on the docket of said Court and will come on for LEGAL NOTICE COMMON PLEAS COURT, GREENE COUNTY, OHIO Alvin S. Phillips, Plaintiff, - vs - Doris Ruth Phillips, Defendant hearing on or after the 26th day of August,_1950. R. Stanley Lucas Attorney for Plaintiff M & M Bldg,, Springfield (7-21-8t-8-25) NOTICE ON FILING INVENTORY - The State of Ohio, Greene County. Probate Court To Robert Harhison, 2864 Bre- man St., Columbus 3, Ohio; Mar-' cena Keiter, R. 4, Xenia, Ohio; Edith Earner, Ludlow Road, R. 3, Xenia, Ohio; and William Harbi- son, Jr., R. 5, Xenia, Ohio. You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of August, A. D: 1950, an Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of Frank O. Harhison, deceased, late of Cedarville Town­ ship in said County, was filed in this Court. Said Inventory and Appraisement will be for hearing before this Court on the 28th day of August, 1950, at 10:30 o’clock, A. M. Any person desiring to file ex- • LEGAL NOTICE * Stella C. King, whose present Doris Ruth Phillips, whose last address is 450 Division Street, known place of,residence was 1286 1 Perth Amboy, New Jersey, will Baldwin Avenue, Sharon, Pa., will stake notice that on the grounds of take notice that on the 28th day of gross neglect of duty and extreme July, 1950, Alvin S. Phillips filed cruelty before the Common Pleas his petition against her in Com- Court of Greene County, Ohio, said mon Pleas Court of Greene County,' case being No. 26537 on the docket Ohio, for divorce on the grounds of said Court will come on for of wilful absence for three years, hearing on or after the 19th day and that unless the said Doris of August, 1950. Ruth Phillips shall answer saidrPaul E. Layton petition or or the 15th day of Attorney for Plaintiff September, 1950, judgment may • (7-14-6t-8-19) . he taken granting plaintiff a di-; voree. j Alvin S. Phillips, Plaintiff! Smith, McGallister & Gibney Attorneys for Plaintiff (8-4-6t-9-8) Adda Mitchell are home after a week visiting the later’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ son Crosby in New York. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Creswoll and family are home after sever­ al -weeks stay in California, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staigeys and family left Saturday morn­ ing to visit the former’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMillen in Shipinville, Penn. They will return home on Wed­ nesday. Misses Hazel Nelson, Pauline Nelson and Linda Gordon are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gaiser in Bloomington, Ind. LEGAL NOTICE Margaret Smith Cariens, whose address is St. Stephens, New Bruns­ wick) Canada will take notice that on the 24th day* of July, 1950 Carl William Cariens filed his certain Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service trim 8 * L i mbs J U 8 1 L i t Kl T> O petition against her for divorce Box 7 ;3 Phone 8-5319 u ceptions to said Inventory must (or after the 2nd day of September, 1950. on the grounds of gross neglect of sj Springfield. Ohio duty and extreme cruelty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 26543 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on ~ wior FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS Lee Young OSSO home, Xenia. Hampshire Gilts Bring Top Price At a sale on the fairgrounds at WCH last week 46 head of pure­ bred Hampshires gilts were sold at an average .price of $155.10. Given under my hand and seal .of said Court, this 11th day of August, 1950. w il l iam b . M c C a l l is t e r Probate Judge Luella Howser Deputy Clerk Benjamin Horn Attorney for Plaintiff Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sprackr lin entertained members Ferguson family with a dish supper a t their hojn<? day, evening. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of- Joseph E. Daugherty, A New Castle, Ind., buyer took Deceased, the top hog at $260, and N. B. j Notice is hereby given that Stel- Huffmarj of Qumcy, Ohio, paidjja Daugherty has been duly an- $20p each for two consigned for j pointed as Executrix of the estate the sale. j of Joseph II. Daugherty, deceased, Harry Furness, Mt. Sterling,!late of Village of Bellbrook, Greene paid $1,305 for nine-head to make j County, Ohio. him the sale’s'largest buyer. j Dated this 31st day of July, • . i 150. POTTNTY BRIEFS ! WILLIAM B, McCALLISTER Xenia is installing new traffic i g ^ o f t h e ^ P r o h a t e Court; Greene * . By Luella-Hawser * Chief Deputy Clerk Stanley Abels, Richard Sprack- lin, Max Ritenour and Ralph Hamer are home after a week 'at State FFA Camp Muskingum, on Leesville Lake. on’s M arket Qreen Front STORE HOURS Phone 6-2041 MON. THRU FRI. — 7 A. M. TILL 8 P. M. SAT. 7 A. M. TILL 10 P. M. SUN. 8 A. M. TILL 12 NOON With .a CASH purchase of $3.00 or more we will give FREE a Plastic Carryall Bag. Valued at 49c. Saturday 19th - Limit one to a customer AS LONG AS THEY LAST FRIDAY & SATURDAY Blue White 4 b ox es ............... 31c Sweet Heart Soa]p 4 bars.......31c Gold Medal Flour 5 lb s , ..... 49c O’Brein Flour 5 lbs. ............. 43c Pork & Beans No. 2% can „ 17c Sugar 10 lbs................... ......... 99c Sweet Pickles q t ...................49c Potatoes 15 lb. Pk.................. 49c Celery large ...... ....................23c Frozen Foods — Fresh Chickens Beef *Veal 27c Bacon S q .......... lb.25c Sausage........... lb. 39c Hamburger .... lb. 59c Pork Steak .... lb. 59c Bologna........... lb. 43c Sliced Bacon .. lb. 49c Ice Cream....... Pt. 25c Frozen Fish .... lb.35c Lunch Meat Pork OPENWED. Afternoons & EveningsTill 8P. M. * Quick & FriendlyService ^ YourOneStepMarket y K Members of the U. P. Church and Sunday School enjoyed a pic­ nic Tuesday evening at the Shel­ ter house, Committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs! Lauris Straley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coulter and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stormont.. Mrs.'Minnie Wolf, mother of Mrs. Fred Wilburn, had as her guests this week her nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burba from Saudia, Arabia. Mr. Bur­ ba is employed by American Oil Company in Arabia .and is on a month vacation with relatives in California and Idaho. Miss Elizabeth Murdock, Santa Monica, Calif, spent a few days this week with Mrs. Clayton Mc­ Millan and Miss Annabel Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harner and family attended the Funk-Thorn- hill reunion, Sunday at Troy Mun­ icipal Park. Miss Florence Williamson spent the weekend in Bowling Green. Mr._ and Mrs, Ralph Huffman entertained a group of relatives to dinner Sunday honoring the birthday of their son, Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley had as weekend guests the latter’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hirt and family of Indian­ apolis, Ind. The Hirt family were returning from a vacation in Maine. Billy and Gene Straley went to Indianpolis with them for a visit. Mi. and Mrs. Fred Townsley spent the weekend in Cleveland with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Sanders. From there they will go to Finger Lake, New York for sev- era! days. Miss Mildred McCallister ’ ;s spending the week in Fairborn with her uncle and family, S .S < John McGallister and family. ° Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards and family of Columbus spent bunday with Mr. and Mrs. 4 E Kighards. and Mrs. William Osman aie having as a guest Mr Os­ man’s, mother, Mrs. LeRov Os- man of Paso Robles, Calif M** CalifMSV i°S. r . " WM i* oum. with their guest for it 3 ‘Ye®ks. vis5t* Capt. LeRoy Osman lather of Mr. Osman l e f t i s t ■week for the Korea Area of War. Mr. and Mrs. John Richards, who are visitmg here f t 0m Ren- son, Arizona, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones In Dayton. Saturday evening Mr, and . e lights down-town. They have mul g'OssSSf tipla signals, including “Walk” and “Don’t Walk” for pedestrians. Attorney Wead, Xenia attor­ ney, has been appointed a mem­ ber of the administrative law committee of the Ohio bar -assoeL. ation. Antioch' College is announcing the appointment, ox u r. itooeit Remfper as professor -of mathe­ matics. NOITCE OF APPOINMENT ■Estate of Mabel E. Schneider, CLASSIFIEDADS FOR>- SALE— Used bath room outfit. F. O. &F. E. Harper, ‘Plumb­ ing. Jamestown, Ohio. i FOR SALE—Springer Spaniel puppies. A. K. C. champion, sire. DAV I D KIRKPATRICK, 1120 President, Yellow Springs. Tel. 7737. (8-10-2c-17) Magazines bought and sold. COR- BEAN’S, Ouu. Cozy Theater, Ce­ darville. R U P T U R E Are you afflicted with rupture many with this ailment get re­ lief by having a truss properly fitted. James Drug Company of Cedar- ville have in their employ an experienced truss fitter. Give as a call. JAMES DRUG CO. Cedarville, Ohio FOR SALE 1 yr. old roosters, $1.50 each, Phone 6-4633. DEAD STOCK Horses $2.50 Cows $2.50 Collect 454 Xenia XENIA FERTILIZER Div. of Inland Products Inc. Small stock removed promptly We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans a t Ar,'c interest for | 15 years. No application fee j and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. ■: Leon II. Kling, Mgr. , TheWeatherMan, the Almanac, 1YouandWeallAgree— That i t ’s time to do two things about the clothing for the whole family: Brighten Up Spring Ducts, by Gleaning and Pressing <r Clean and Store for Summer, to Prevent damage from Moths. THENEWCEDARVILLEClEko, Xenia Ave., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 FOR SALE—Real Estate Mer-j cer and Eckroad. Decontrolled; three apartment house. Phone T?el- low Springs 7717. ARE you afflicted with rupture. Many are greatly benefited by POTATOES A.G. Creswell PHONE 6-3625 SHOP AND SAVE THRIFT-E For Sale 1000 Bushels Com at farm near Cedarville CALL J, A, Finney Xenia 94 or evenings. - c- ■ -V*-, Xenia 1241 v Citrus Salad Down South Brand No. 2 can ........... 19c Gold Medal Flour 5 lb. bag . ..;...... ...... ... . 49c Pie Cherries Thank You Brand No. 2 can ...... 19%c Sugar Crisps Posts 2 - 6 oz. pkg. ...................:............ 27c Tin Cans qt. size ...... doz. 59c Hominy Eavey5s No, 2 can 10c Tree! Armour’s 12 oz can 49c Cheese. Tasty 2 lb. box .... 69c 39c Sweet Pickles qt. jar .. Iced Tea 8 oz. b o x ..... Jelly Glasses box of 12 .. 53c 49c Pork & Beans Eaey’s No. 2*4 ca n ..................................17c Toilet Tissue Charmin 4-R 32c Cider Vinegar (in bulk) gallon ........ :.................. 49c Shredded Rice Ralston box .......................... 18c Cookies Patsy Ann 1 lb. bag ......................... , 29c QUALITYMEATS Smoked Sausage....... lb. 59c Ocean Perch (Fillets) lb. 39c Smoked Hcnics whole lb. 55c ^ J Bologna Schmidts or Kingans ___________ lb. 49c Chickens - Fries lb. 05c ■• l . 'J i : A ;.V ’ .5 i * ’.