The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50
The Cedarville, G. Herald JFriday, June 9, 1950 N a m e A t t e n d a n t s F o r G r e s w e l l - B r i g n e r W e d d i n g Attendants for th e open wedd- ‘ in g ot Miss Junia Creswell, Fed eral pike* and Wilbur Brigner, Springfield pike, near Clifton, have been named. The double ring ceremony will be performed by Dr. John W. Bickett, pastor of Clifton United 'Presbyterian church, in Cedar ville F irst Presbyterian church Saturday, June 17, at 7:30 p. m. Assisting Dr. Bickett will be Rev. Andrew S. .Creswell of Pontiac, Mich., uncle of the bride-elect. A half-hour program of nuptial music will be presented preceding the service. The choir of Spring- field United Presbyterian church, of which Miss Creswell is a mem ber, will sing several selections. The organist will be Mrs. Ward Creswell. Mrs. Harold Erjbaugh (Flora Creswell) of Fairborn will be matron of honor for her sister. Two other sisters of the bride- elect, Misses Rebecca and Doro thy Creswell, near Cedarville, will be bridesmaids. Norma Jean and Merlin, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Funderburg _ IKachael Creswell), New Carlisle, E u g e n e J t i d y tO will be flower girl and ring bear- <=> , er, respectively. n r , „ Lamar Long will perform the W e d M l S S B e r t l t C e duties of best man. Ushers will be Ernest Collins, Wilmer Funder- -rj - r t 7 *7 berg, Albert Grube and David ixW t e c kQ y J t it le 1 t Brigner, brother of the bride- groom-elect. Hostesses selected for the re ception to be held in the home of ‘he bride-elct’s parents following . he ceremony are Mary Russell, Doris Ramsey, Mary Helen Grube Rachel Funderberg, Ruth Neuen- dorffer, Catherine Long and Esther Shoemaker. Approximate ly 200 guests are expected to a t tend the reception. — Among the social events to pre cede the wedding is a shower to be given Friday in the home f vlrs. Bright Want. Hostesses will ie Mrs. Wiant, Miss Helen Mc- •ionnaughey, Mrs. Frank McWil liams and Miss Marion Van Tress, l Invitations have been extended to «25 guests. A dinner honoring the couple will he held Sunday by Mr; and Mrs. William Snodgrass. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McWilliams, Ralph t Garlough, Mrs. Gennie Garlough ; and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bowser. • On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Long will be host and hostess for a dinner party in their home. ‘ Those in attendance will be Mr. ’ and Mrs. Howard Creswell and ‘ daughters, Dorothy and Rebecca, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brigner and son, David, and the guests of honor. Rehearsal dinner for the bridal party will be given by the parents of the bridegroom-elect on June 16. Miss Creswell, a graduate of Cedarville high school and Cedar ville college, is employed in the office of International Harvester company, Springfield. A member of the Springfield church choir which toured churches in this area recently, she is president of the Fortnightly Musical club, Springfield. The bridegroom-elect attended London high school, is engaged in farming and is employed at the Miller Elevator in Beatty- town. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brigner, near Clif ton. WSCS INTALLS NEW OFFICERS Mrs. A. E. Richards was install ed as the new president of the WSCS when they met Wednes day in the Methodist church for their all day luncheon. Mrs. W. B. Collier read the installation service for the new officers. De- STIRU2NG UP THE MUD , , . “B ig Time’* is making like an auto matic mixer as_ he churns up the track a t Jam aica, N. V., and “Gallant Bull*' is making bubbles righ t behind him. M WEDDING PERFORMED IN CEDARVILLE HOME Announcement is being made of the marriage of Mrs. Alice Preth- er of Cedarville and Ward Dor- ton which took place Saturday evening a t the home of Rev. and Mrs. Fred Engle, Cedarville. Rev. Engle performed the single ring service. 'Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Davitl Stro- bridge of Cedarville. The bride wore a blue and white ensemble and a corsage of roses/ Mr. and Mrs. Dorton are resid ing on South Main street. Mr, Dorton is employed at Wriglit- Patterson Air Force Base. Mr. and Mrs. William Hwiecko of Brockport, N. Y., are announc ing the coming marriage of their daughter, Bernice to Eugene Judy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Judy. The wedding will take place June 17 in the church of of the Nativity. B. V. M. in Brock- port. Miss Hwiecko was graduated from nurses training a t Spring- filed City hospital last week and . . „ . . will continue her work there. Mr. E a itW O W L x i r l s Judy is a teacher in Salem local The couple will live in Urbana. I t l S t C l l L O f f i c e r s William Braley of Clifton wall go to N. Y. to act as best mrn for Mr. Judv. VISIT HERE Vernon Tinsler, Detroit, Mich., spent the week end here with his famly who are visiting a t the home of Mrs. Lucy Turner. Mrs. Turner will filter Springjfield, City hospital Saturday for a ma jor operation. JUNIOR HAPPY WORKERS MEET The Junior Happy Workers 4-H club met Tuesday afternoon at the shelter house. Plans were made for a mother and father picnic. Arrangements were male for the annual 4-H club tour and a sewing project was started.*Re- freshments were served. Mrs. Geo. Sheeley is leader of the group. VISIT WITH DAUGHTER Mr. and Mr?. Ray Carzoa and son Dean are home after a visit with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Max Lynn, in New castle, Pa. Mr. Carzoo, Mr. Lynn and Dean spent a week a t the Lynn Gummer cottage at North Bay, Ontario. IN RECITAL John and Marylin Kyle were among the piano pupils of Mrs. William Anderson who were pre sented in a' recital a t the Jean B. Elwell auditorium, Central high school in Xenia Tuesday evening. Tuesday Evening Miss Jane Thuma of Jamestown immediate past worthy adviser of Xenia Assembly, Order of Rain bow for Girls, was the officer in charge when newly-elected and appointed officers of the assem bly were installed at the Masonic Temple Xenia, Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Officers installed include Mary Lee Jenks, Jamestown, worthy adviser; Faye' Huston, Cedarville, associate adviser; SUe Jordan, Charity; Dorothy Wilson, Hope; Janis St. John, Faith ;Vonna Bay- liss, recorder; Helen Wills, as sistant recorder; Bessie Mackley, treasurer; Caroline Savage, chap lain, and Marcia Moorman, drill leader. Other officers inducted were Nancy Heaton, love; Paula Neff, religion; Jayne Curtis, nature; Barbara Haines, immortality; El eanor Pierce, fidelity; Margaret Bennett, patriotism; Shirley Mat- son, service; Wilma Willis, confi dential observer; Harriet Gric°, outer observer; Willa Jo Barrick- low, musician; Shirely LaMar, so loist; Myrna Ginaven, choir di rector; Emily Horen, American flag bearer; Jeanne Ginaven, rain bow banner bearer, and Joan Boy er, historian. Mrs. Paul Mackley, mother adviser. ' o Wilma Amole, Sharon Momv, Annis Peterson and Carol Bahl will serve as pages. Music was furnished by the assembly’s choir for which Mrs. George L. Rickels is adviser. AT INDIAN LAKE Fifteen members of the Chi Mu Delta fraternity of Cedarville col lege spent a few days last week at Indian lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pfiefer Home Culture Clllb have returned home after a weeks vacation in Sarasota, Fla. They * " - VObUUVJtl All w ittoUUAj a T*T T J votions were given by Miss Mil- visited with an aunt Mrs. Nora r i U S E l i n c l i e O t l a t dred Trumbo and Mrs. Jane Mills was in charge of the program. Fi(m strips of the general assem bly held in Cleveland recently were shown. Luncheon committee was Mrs. C. E. Master, Mrs. Rob e rt Huffman, Mrs. Lloyd Devoe and Miss Elizabeth Barrett. Head the Classified Pfeifer of Sarasota. Their aunt returned with them to Cedarville. Mrs. J . S. West left Wednes day to spend a few days in To ledo with her daughter Suzanna. Sue Cotter, Jackie Lillick and Paul Staigers appeared last week in a trumpet trio over W-L-W-D they were accompanied by Mrs. Mildred Foster. D istrict Officers Jamestown OES Entertains On Saiurday, June 3, the line officers of Jamestown Chapter No. 141, Order of the Eastern Star-.were hostesses to the line officers of the 21 chapters of district IS for luncheon. The wor thy matrons, associate matrons, conductresses and associate con ductresses met at this time. The guests of honor were the Associate Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Ohio Mabel Schmermund of Greenville and the Deputy Grand Matron of Dis trict 18 Mary G. Wood of io n - don. The Lions club hall was beau tifully decorated for this occa sion. A color scheme of pink and green was carried out in the dec orations.'The tables were lovely with arrangements of colonial bouquets of spring flowers and pink place mats were used. The flavors were minature colonial bouquets. A delicious luncheon was served to the group by the_yast matrons circle of Jamestown chapter. The group enjoyed an address from the Associate Grand Matron Mabel Schmermund. Following the luncheon the four groups divided for their individ ual meetings. . The matron's group then enter tained their deputy grand matron with a surprise party in honor of her birthday. Fifty-nine guests were present from Plain-CUy, Urbana. Yellow Springs, North Lewisburg, Se- dalia, S t..Paris, South Charles ton, West Jefferson, Christians- burg, Mt. Sterling, Xenia, New Carlisle, Fairborn, Meclianics- burg, Springfield, Cedai-ville Lon don, and Jamestown. FERRYMANS HAVE 50 GUESTS SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferryman entertained 50 relatives and friends Sunday with a dinner and shower for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herge (Nancy Hanour) of Mi- amisburg. Mrs. Herge is the granddaughter of Mr. Alva Ford. Guests were present from Colum bus, Dayton, Springfield, East Liberty, Harveysburg, Trebein and Cedarville. 0. E. S. ENTERTAINED BY MRS. MASTERS Mrs. C. E. Masters entertained the Past Matrons of the OES at her home Monday evening. A so cial evening was spent by the group and Mrs. Masters served a dessert course to 12 members and one guest. KENSINGTON CLUB TO MEET The Kennsington Club, will meet Thursday afternoon June 15 at the home of Mrs. Fred Townsley. This will be guest day and Mrs. Lucy Turner will he assistant hostess. ATTEND LUNCHEON ‘ Mrs. Isabel Bull and Mrs. Mary Pickering attended a luncheon in Jamestown Saturday, for the Worthy Matron and Associate Matrons of District 18, Order of Eastern Star. c AUDftEfr J.-ANE ___ TheWeatherMan, the Almanac, YouandWealLAgree— * That it’s time to do two things about the clothing fo r the whole family: * Brighten Up Spring Dud,s, by Cleaning and Pressing Clean and Store for Summer, to Prevent damage from Moths. M NEWCEDARVILECLEANERS Xenia Are., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 Church on Tuesday The annual luncheon and busi ness meeting of the home Cul ture Club was held in the Presby terian church Tuesday. Business meeting was presided over by Mrs. Paul Ramsey. Election of officers were held with Mrs. Walter Cum mings elected as president; Mrs. Nathan Elder, vice president; Mrs. Ralph Cummings, secretary; Mrs. Lois Little, assistant secretary; , and Mrs. C. E. Masters assistant treasurer1. * The luncheon was served by ladies- of the West Minister class with Mrs. Herbert Fields as chair man. The dining room was dec orated with, flowers and each guest received a corsage. The last meeting of the year will be held June 20 a t the home of Mrs. C. W. Steel. BROADCASTERS CLASS MEETS The Broadcasters Class will meet Friday evening in the Pres byterian church. Hostesses were Mrs. Alva Chaplin, Miss Ora Han na and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright. Devotions were given by Dana Bryant and Nathan Elder. Mr. E. B. Turner made remarks on his stay in Arizona. The meet ing was a farewell party fo r the Turner family who left Monday to _make their home in Tuson,' Arizona. FORDS HAVE NEW SON Mr. and Mrs. Marvin -(Bud) Ford of Dayton are announcing the birth of a. son, Charles Ar thur, last week. Mr. Alva Ford is the parental gradfather. r•'w NIFTY CEDAR girls m e e t The Nifty Cedar gals hxet at the hoxne of their president Faye Huston, Monday evening! Ten members responded to roll call by naming- a bird/ A demonstra tion of baking-chocolate cookies was given by Corina Wiseman and Dolly Ritenour. The next .meeting will be at the home of Peggy Myens. AUXILIARY TO MEET MONDAY,, The American Legion Auxili ary will hold their regular busi ness meeting Monday June 12 at 8 p. m. .at the home of Mr 3 . Wilbur Wisecup. Members are urged to attend to make plans for July 4th, celebration. MRS. PICKERING • AT OES MEETING Mrs. Mary Pickering, Worthy Matron of Cedarville chapter No. 418 OES,. attended a luncheon Wednesday a t the home of Mrs. Grant Landfried, St. Paris pike, Springfield, for Mrs, Kathryn Wyre, Cuyahoga Falls, Worthy .Grand Matron of Grand chapter of Ohio, Order of Eastern Stai\ ON WESTERN TRIP Mr, and Mrs. David Bradfute and Mrs. J. O. Williams „of Xenia left Friday for California to a t tend the wedding of their son, John, to Miss Clara Galloway. Miss Jeanne Bradfute will join ‘her parents in Berkley and go with them to Pasedena for the wedding and will return with them here to spend the summer. HAVE DAYTON GUESTS Mrs. Ruth Reiter and children, Ted and Dianne, of Cedarville had as their guests recently, Mr. and Mrs.- Charles-D. Harvey of North Fairfield, former Greene ' coun- tians, and Mi-, and Mrs. Fred Marshall, Rawl McClain and Miss Nellie McFarland, all from Day- ton. ATTENDS LUNCHEON Mrs. Robert Turnbull attended a luncheon Tuesday a t Columbus Scioto Country Club. The lunch eon was honoring the national officers of the Needle Work Guild of which Mrs. Turnbull is treasurer. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickering and Nelson attended a family din ner honoring the birthday of Mrs. Pickering’s grandfather, Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Com,,con and son near Xen ia. _^ W l H H G PARTY SeveBpE-iEls^of the 4-H junior leader Ifcoup and their guests en joyed afswimming party at Bry- .an FarkMonday evening. Follow ing th e : swimming a dessert course was served the group. INSTALLS OFFICERS Miss Jane Thuma, Jamestown,'• immediate post worthy advisor of the Xenia assembly, Order of Rainbow Girls, *vas officer in charge of installing new officers of the assembly a t the Masonic Hall Tuesday evening. Miss Faye Huston was installed as associate advisor. VISITING-NEW YORK Miss Anne Huffman and her aunt, Miss Madge McCreary, of Springfield left Friday for a trip to New York City. The trip is a graduatng gift for Anne. They 1 will visit Miss Louise Zimmerman while there.^ HOME FROM MICHIGAN Mrs, Florence W'right has re turned after a two weeks vaca tion at Torch Lake, Rapid- City, Mich. Rev. R. A. Jamieson returned home Thursday from a visit to Monmouth, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guthrie 'and family are spending 2 weeks with relatives in Apollo, Pa. Mrs. Pauline Tonar of Atlan ta, Ga., visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Andrews last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal spent several days last week with rela tives in Huntington, W. Va. Mrs. Orey Jansen of Miami, Fla., is spending the month of June with her sister and brother- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stokes. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Engle had as guests 'last week, Rev. and Mrs. Joe Miller and Mrs. Marie Owens of Verdon, Nebraska. They were enroute to Sterling and As- tabulla to visit other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Nagley and son, and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nagley are leaving Sunday for Iluntington/Park, Calif., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bull. Mr. and Mrs. Bull are former resi dents of -Cedarville. ” Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Os car Huff in Xenia. Nelson Pickering is spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hurley, near %New Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. William Lafferty had as Sunday guests Mrs. Jennie Kyle and Mrs. Silverton of Ham ilton. Wanda Jean LeForge,.. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeForge spent several days with relatives in Cincinnati. Mr, and Mrs. George Hartman "were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartman at the General ^Denver Hotel in Wil mington. LAFF OF. diiafa TTTTf ■ m I TV Fill n a W T m ; i t m i l l . / —CL Cu.« * r t' fi',4 . ***£ * _ Waides Entertain Illinois Guests A n d Home Fripids Rev. and Mrs. William.' Wbide had as guests last week. Rev* and Mrs. David J. Brigham and Mbs. Eleanore Case of Litchfield, 111., Rev. Brigham was a graduate of the college class of 1910. Friday evening dinner guests at the Waide home were Mr, and Mrs. Walter R. Sterrett of Mun- cie, Ind, Mrs. Ida Stormont, Miss Mable Stormont and Mrl A. H. Creswell. Miss Jane Creswell^ who re- " . . . Then You Add Some Old iCoffee Grounds And Mix Well With Orange Peelings, Stale Bread'Crusts And Apple Cores .. . " Clifton and Yellow Springs Flan Flower. Show - Entries in five classifications will be exhibited at a public flow er show a t Yellow Springs, June 10 and 11. Clifton’s Green Thumb and Yellow Springs garden clubs are the sponsors. The public is invited to enter exhibits and to attend the show whch opens a t noon Sunday and continues until 9 p. m., June 11. There will be no admission charge and no entry fees. - Five classifications of flowers have been set up as follows: 1. Arrangement in a niche, fea turing roses with other flowers in color optional. 2. Cup an saucer arrangement with saucer used as background. 3. Horizontal ar rangements not to exceed 27 inches.'4. Arrangement in natur al containers. 5. mass arrange ment suitable for a church. Ribbons will be awarded the' prize winning entries which will be judged by impartial and ac credited personnel. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martin and son are visiting relatives in Jack- son. ‘ ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Orr arrived here Sunday from Bowie, Ariz., to spend the summer with rela tives. Miss Ada Stormont is home af ter a two weeks’ visit with Mrs. Luella Pogue in Henrietta, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Maxton held a house warming party at their new home on the Yellow Springs road. Several neighbors and friends called with gifts and refreshments. Mrs. W. W. Mortop of Louis ville, Ky., is the guest of her sister and_ brother Miss Ina and Mr. Ralph Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shaw and family of Cleveland spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Shaw. " Mrs. Jane Mills attended a luncheon Saturday a t the home of Mrs. Fern Smith, Springfield, for the 1944 Matrons o i District 18, Order of Eastern Star. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery West and family of Milfred vTere , Sunday guests of Mrs. J. S. West. ceived a master’s degree in medi cal technology from Wayne uni versity, Detroit, Mich., June 3, has' arrived at the home of bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.'Cres well, North Main street, to re- :j main for the summer. * •1 Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont are home after 3 weeks, visit .with .1 relatives-in Arizona. i Mr. James Mahoney and daugh- ’ ter of Columbus visited Mr. and Mrs. Janies Duffield, Sunday. Miss Nancy Bost, director of music at Cedai'ville-college, pre sented several of her pupils in a recital Thursday evening in the United Presbyterian church. The following pupils participated; Jan- • ice Wilburn, Jane Ellen Dobbins, Ted Reiter, Diane Reiter, Paul Abels, Joy Evans, Carolyn Thord- sen, Lynn Cummings, Claire Cum mings, Connie Engle, Dolly Rite nour, Linda Gordon, Jane McMil lan, Janet McMillan, Mary Lee Cummings; Anne Huffman, Ron ald Hamer, Peggy Burr, Loretta Ferrell, Grace Peck and Kay Lei- fel. £ To Put Pleasure into Painting And Watch Your Savings Grow To Make Sure the Job is Special Here'S All You Have to Know..« mm i i SUPER OUTSIDE f. I b e i h n f f l j 'Buy f • LOOKS BETTER-— year after yearl ° COSTS LESS— protects better, • COSTS LESS— goes farther. • COSTS LESS— lasts longer. The answer for those who demand the best a t no add ed cost. Enjoy the econ omy of superior quality. NEWLOW PRICE 4.65 h i 5’s ■.... oeW m THI0FTY LUCASCOINBANK [TGH0USIPAINT ll^yt'uCAV,.COMWllvS FLOOR-LIFE \ <Jue<Z 6 ~ LUCOFLENT Tough enamel for floors of wood, cement or linoleum, inside or out. Seals, pro tects. Dries overnight. , 1.60 SUPER-WHITE ENAMEL Whiter, non-yellowing,por celain-like enamel. Satin smooth. Use indoors or out. 2 .1 0 % Cedarville, Ohio SHOP AND SAVE AT THRIFT-E Flour Gold Medal 10 lb. bag ..... . 89c i Sugar Jack Frost or Franklin 10 lb. bag ..... 89c Dreft Ige pkg. ........ 23%c Corned Beef Armour’s 12 oz. can .!........ 45c Spic and Span reg. pkg. 23c ^■• 0 * Tuna Halfhill’s grated can ..............................27c Dash Dog Food 2 can s.....25c Toilet Tissue 4 rolls .1. 32c Peaches, Merrit, Halves or Slicer No. 2 1-2 can 2 IV 2 C Oleomargine Merrit colored 1 lb. b ox .......29c Honey Spun 1 lb. b o x .....33c Orange Juice Merrit 46 oz. c a n ................. 33c Asparagus Euclaire IW 2 . oz. can ......................... 18c Pork & Beans Red Rose 4-16 oz. cans ,....... - ......... 29c QUALITY meats Fr. Sausage Roll (Kingans & Ayinour 39c Fr, Smoked Sausage., lb. 59c Ocean Perch Fillets .. lb. 33c . m. * Cheese (cream) ......... lb. 49c Bacon S liced ......... lb. 33e HARNER&HUSTON CEDARViLLE MARKET
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