The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50

% F r id a y , S ep tem b er *> 1 9 5 0 dW MANCHESTER GIRL IS BRIDE Arrangements o f "white gladi­ oli, southern sxnilax and seven- branch candelabra holding many lighted white tapers were used across the chancel o f the Eirst Rresbyterian Church o f Manches­ ter on Thursday afternoon Aug­ ust 24, f o r the wedding service uniting Miss Eileen Kyle, daugh­ ter q t Mr. and Mrs. Willard II. Kyle o f Manchester, Ohio, and Mr. John Lee Wells, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wells o f Inde­ pendence, Mo. An impressive double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. R. T. Gettys, pastor o f the Church, in the presence of a large group o f relatives and friends. Preceding' the marriage rites, selections from Bach, Grieg and Cesar Erancfc were played a t the organ by Miss Mary King Collings, of Manchester. During the half-hour o f nuptial music, Mrs. Hugh Campbell, o f Win­ chester, Ohio, sang two solos. “ Because” , by Buy d’Havdelot, and the beautiful wedding hymn, “ Q Perfect Love” , by Barnby. The Bridal March form “ Lohengrin", by Wagner, hearlded the approach - o f the wedding party, and the Mendelssohn Wedding March con­ cluded the music after the vows were spoken. Escorted to the altar by her father, who spoke reverently for both heT parents in the giving of their daughter, the bride was ra­ diantly lovely in handsome gown o f traditional ivory satin, design­ ed with a high neckline, shoulder length sleeves and a wide pannier- ed skirt which fell into a full Ca­ thedral train. Her voil of tulle extended from a tiny fitted cap o f slipper satin, embroidered with small clusters o f seed pearls. She wore white lace mitts and car­ ried a bridal bouquet of setpho- tis centered with white orchids. An exquisite white satin kneeling cushion which had been beautiful­ ly handmade fo r the occasion oy a family friend, Mrs. M. G. Kar- over of Manchester, was used by the bridal couple as they knelt fo r Malotte’s musical setting of The Lord’s Prayer, sung by Mrs. Campbell. Chosen as maid of honor was Miss Martha Graham of West Union, Ohio, the bride’s cousin; and the bridesmaids were Miss Charlotte Sehlotzliauer of Wins­ low, Arizona, Misses Patricia and Julia Graham of West Union, Ohio, and Miss Betty Owens c f Manchester. All their gowns wex e alike, of floor length white mar­ quisette over taffeta, in pastel shades o f yellow, ox-chid, blue, green and pink. Their picture hats were in the same tones o f taffeta, as were their wide sashes; and fchev carried corsages o f gar­ denias "tinted to match _their frocks. Miss Dianne Trenwith of West Union, Ohio, was a- charm­ ing flower girl in white marqui­ sette, with '.7111011•she carried^ a daintv basket of blue and white rose petals. Jackie Roush, t-Z Manchester, was the ring bearer. Serving the groom as best man was his college classmate, Ur. Robert Perkins of Iberia', Mo. The ushers were Mr. anti Mrs. Reward Osthoff of St. Louis, also a class­ mate at the University of Miss­ ouri; Mr. Richard Campbell of Winchester, Ohio, .Mr. Daniel Ma­ son, of Locust' Grove, Ohio, and Mr. Richard Nixon of West Union. Following the ceremony, a re­ ception for one hundred^ fifty guest? was held at the. Kyle-home on Eighth Street, Manchester, in honor o f the bridal pair and their attendants. Mrs. Kyle re­ ceived her guests in a gown of turquoise blue crepe worn with a stunning hat c f rose-beige velours. Dispensing hospitalites were Mrs. Frank Eroolcover, Mrs. C. G. Weeks, Miss Kathryn Owens and Mrs. Ruby Bowman, friends of the family; and Misses Nancy Guilfoyle, Marilyn Siningvr and Patricia Spears, high school friends of the bride. Miss Doro­ thy Jean Novetcke, of Stillwater, Minnesota, a college classmate cf the bride, was chosen to preside at the coffee service. Miss Bar­ bara Preston of Portsmouth, Ohio, presided at the punch howl, as­ sisted by Miss Marilyn Bossart o f Akron, Ohio, and Mi-s Jody Matteson of Richwocd, Ohio, both college classmate; of the bride. Other college friends dfs- pensir.g courtesies in dini'.r room were Misses Mary Ann Lit­ tle and Jinny Lind Robison, both of Lexington, Term. Mis. James W. Lang, Jr., had charge of the bride’s three-tinv! wedding iake. Enchanting small favors o f boxed wedding cake, inscribed in silver with the words, “ Eileen - Leo” and the date, were presented to all the guests. For their wedding trip to Can­ ada, the new Mrs. Wells wore a modish blue suit with accessories of autumn gray. She was a popu­ lar member of the social group at Manchester High School, and was graduated from Stephens College, Columbia. Mo., in June of tins year. Mr. Wells, a graduate o f the University o f Missouri, is an agriculturalist, currently engaged E. Kyle o f Cedarville, 0 . Guests from Cedarville were: Mr. and Mrs.'John Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans, Miss El­ eanor Kyle, Miss Martha Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. William Rafferty, Mrs. Foster Kyle, Mrs. W. C. Grant, Mrs. Dale Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Tannehill, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Efcersole and Mu Joel Eb- ersole. AUXILIARY HAVE MEETING -AT THE CLIFF HOUSE The Amergican Legion Auxil­ iary held it’s monthly meeting at the Cliff House Aug. 24. Mrs. Mc- Callister gave a most interesting report on the business transact­ ed and the enjoyable time she and her husband had while attending the State convention in Cleveland. Drill team practice will be held each week at 7:30 p. m. at the school house. Our next regular meeting will be held at the home o f Mrs! John Williamson in Xenia on Sept. 11, 1950. Transportation will he provided by contacting Mrs. Paul Dobbins or Mrs. Greer McCallister. RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gordon and daughter, Janet, and Charles Townsley returned Sunday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ira Town­ sley, Sevcrna Park, Mr., and Ev­ erett Townsley in Baltimore. ENTERTAINS WITH SLUMBER PARTY Miss Jane Davis entertained a group of friends at a slumber party Tuesday evening at her home. For entertainment the girls enjoyed television and played cards. Those present were Jane Mac­ Gregor, Janet Gordon, Faye Hus­ ton, Joan Hamman and the host­ ess.. GORDON-LITTLE REUNION The Gordon-Little reunion will be held Sept. 3 at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon. TO TEACH IN ILLINOIS Miss Barbara Smith, daughter o f Mrs. Anna Smith, has gone to Cambridge, 111. where she has accepted a position in the schools. Miss Smith accompanied their houseguest of a week, Robert Walker, to Monmouth, 111., where he will he a senior in the college there this fall. Mr. Walker has The Cedarville, O. Herald Adams County. The couple plan to establish permanent residence in the Spring near Cedarville, Ohio. The bride was the granddaugh­ ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. in teaching a Veteran’s class in ' j ust roturned from Geneva, Swit­ zerland where he studied last year on a scholarship. SENIOR SCOUTS ATTEND PARTY Tuesday evening all Senior Girl Scouts in Greene County were invited to a party at Wright- patterson field by Col. Patter­ son, recreational director. The party was fo r a group o f hoys from Ohio, Kentucky, and Michigan, who had spent two weeks o f intensive study at sthe base. When the boys finished their training they were made Civilian A ir Patrol Cadets. Several Cedarville Girl Scouts attended the party with girls from Xenia, Yellow Springs and Fairborn. A bus called for the girls. Xenia Watch Repair Shop Watch Repairing1 28 W . Market St. Xenia HARRY H . MOGLE Watchmaker Telephone 2260 i Don’s Market GREEN FRONT PHONE 6-2041 Open Daily 7. A . M. Till 8 P. M, 8* A . M. Till 12 Noon SOPER SPECI ALS BulkSausage 2 lbs. 65c Bulk Lard 2 lbs. for 45c Hamburger Bacon Squares 55c IK. 28c lb. Chuck R o a st ....... ,.... lb. 63c Cube S teak ...... ......... lb. 98c Boiling Beef ........... lb. 45c Round or Sirloin .... lb. 89c Pork R o a s ts ....... lb. 49c Pork Steak ............... lb. 59c S u g a r ........ 5 lbs........... 49c Pork & Beans 2% can 17c Flour flIedal 10 lbs. 95c Potatoes .. 15 lb. pk. .. 47c Navy B ean s ........2 lbs. 25c Bananas .. 2 lbs. for „ 23c Ice Cream 25c Pt. Open Labor School Supplies 11:30A. M. Picnic Goodies Quick and Friendly Service YOUR ONE STOP MARKET WINNERS ENTERTAINED • f The losing side in the Bible school of the Clifton United Pres­ byterian church entertained the winners last Friday evening. . ■The supper was served on the church lawn. Following the sim­ per and social hour Mr. Fred Beck showed pictures o f a trip he had made several years ago through the west. . RESEARCH MEETS W ITH MRS. HASTINGS The September meeting of the Research club was held at the home o f Mrs. J. E. Hasting’s with sixteen members 'and several guests present. Mrs. Karlb Bull, the retiring president, opened the meeting and then presented Mrs. Robert Mac­ Gregor, the incoming president, with the gavel, with some inter­ esting comments, on it’s historic background and'placed upon her the president’s pin. > The program title was “ Do Yon Remember.” Mrs. Frank Greswell reviewed an article from the Reader’s Digest, “ The Age of Discretion” by Clyde Brison Da­ vis which was taken from his book by the same name. The Duvall sisters, in costumes of the gay-nineties sang a duet “Do You Remember ?” Mrs. Greer McCallister played, several old songs of yesteryears on the piano. Each club member and guest was asked to tell of some event of other years. The club accepted an invitation to have a covered dish picnic supper at the home of Mi’s. Raymond Carzoo, Sept. 7. TO SPEND MONTH IN OREGON Mrs. Chloe Wisecup left Thurs­ day fo r a months visit wth Mrs. Helen McMillan Rains and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McMillan in Portland, Oregon. TO ATTEND WEDDING OF NIECE Mrs. Paul Elliott has gone to Johnstown, Pa where she will at­ tend the wedding of her niece, Miss Ruth Miller. The wedding s to be on Saturday afternoon in the Franklin Street Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and daughters attended the Fi’igid- aire outing at Lakeside, Dayton Saturday afternoon and evening. Sondi'a Sue Agnor is visiting this week at home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Huffman in Dayton. Herbert Myers, Winifred My­ ers, Medrith Miller- o f Spring- field, Mrs. Nelson Myers and sons, Harvey, Billy and Dennis o f Dayton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster and children, Ernie and Susan o f .M* tro, West Virginia. Members o£ the 12 Bingo club and their families h e ld 'a picnic Friday evening at Roadside Park. Mr. and Mx’S. Marvin Moon of Los Angeles, Calif, were fchs guests o f Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Da vis at their home, “ Cliff House,” last week. Mr. Moon participate ed in the Grand American at Van- dalia. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hixon attended the funeral of the lat­ ter’s aunt, Mrs. Lydia Helsel, in New Paris last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Townsley, Jeff Townsley and Mrs. Clara Morton motored to Rossford last Tuesday where they visited^ Mrs. Morton’s daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mi’s. Norman Sweet Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Townsley mo­ tored to Toledo in the afternoon to visit their daughter and son-iq- • law, Mr. and Mbs. S. T. Gerlach., Mrs. Bertha Gram is spending a few days in Springfield the gtiest o f Mi’s. Adison Graham. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grindle and Mrs. Lillian Davidson spent several hours in Cedarville on Tuesday. Miss Jane Purdom is a guest this week in the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Eldon Stiles and daughter, Sally, in Springfield. Mrs. Harold Reinhard was a guest of Mrs. Charles Sayre when she entertained with a supper bridge Thursday evening at the London Country Club. Miss Mary Jane Williamson of Springfield was a guest of her aunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. •J. O. Conner‘and family. \ Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Cultice and the latter’s mother, Mrs. John Weismiller, and brother, Rex Weismiller of Selma spent sev­ eral days in Elwood, Indiana vis­ iting relatives. < Mr. and Mrs. ■Clyde Clark of Hollywood, Fla., have been visit­ ing relatives in Clifton, The Westminister Bible class of the Presbyterian church, Clif­ ton, met with Mr. and Mrs. Rama Campbell. ‘ Mrs. William West, Clifton, has gone to Grand Rapids, Mich., to visit relatives. Mrs. Oran Hands is recovering from surgery, p e r f o r m e d in Springfield. Mrs. Harris lives near CliftoiF. J , ■ .*« t ~ Mrs. TJhurza Havslett has sold her residence in Clifton to Mrs William Blevins. t Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy and family o f Ogden, 111., spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs. Tirislej? Corn and family and with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Com (Dora Murphy) o f Lakeview, Ohio., LABOR DAY CELEBRATION ■\ Afternoon Showand OpenAir Night Dancing Greater MIAMI VALLEY BARN DANCE TROUPE Starring “ LITTLE M ARTY MAE ” fam ous television troupe Featuring “BULL-WHIP Expert TOMMY THOMPSON’ 10:00 A. M. till ? Cedarville Community Park Rides for kids B A L L G A M E MERCHANDISE DISPLAY CONTESTS FOR ALL Washer, $50.00 Bone, Ladies or Gentlemen’s Wrist Watch to be given away YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN Sponsored by CEDARVILLE PROGRESSIVE' CLUB a,. . -J V--?-