The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50

Friday, September 1, 1950 . ■_ The Cedarville, 0 . Herald Personals Earl Morris, Clifton, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage while at work at Fairborn. His home is &t Clifton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huston and family are spending this week at their cottage at Bussell’s Point. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corzatt of Log Angeles, Calif., are visiting this week at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huston and family. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Pickering and son, Nelson, attended the State fair at Columbus Wednes­ day. Misses Millicenfc and Coleen Bavin o f Wheeling, West Virginia left Wednesday morning after having spent several days with Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bickett of Clifton. Mr, and Mrs. Lonnie Simms o f West Alexandria, Pa., and their children, Larry and Tommy vis­ ited early this week with the Bicketts. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Ferguson have been vacationing the past weeks through the mid-west. Mrs. J„ S. W est is haying for her guests over the weekend, Susannah West o f Toledo, Joe West and family o f Woodstock and Montgomery We3t and family o f Milford. ? Mrs. J. W. Johnson has return­ ed home after spending several days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son, Johnie. Rev. Herbert Main, W ife and son, Paul, have returned to their home in Olney, 111. after spend­ ing tiie month of August with Mrs.-Maim’s mother, Mrs. J. W. Johnson in Cedarville and visit­ ing relatives in Penn. Mr. and Mrs. David Strobridge, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strobridge and family, Mrs- Garmon Brad­ ford and Jerry Bradford left Wednesday to spend several days with relatives in Winchester and Martinsburg, Va. Mrs. Raymond Ilixon was call­ ed to St. Paris this week because o f the death o f her aunt, Mrs. Lydia Helsel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotter and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Law­ rence Waddle, Mrs. Adda Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Townsley w'uV3 Li e 3 « b L'^££5’ iil ti 'as H Sea % ELGIM STARTING WITH CROTON WATCHES AT Price Includes Fed. Tax m L I M E S T O N E , S T 25 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION SPRINGFIELD, OHIO OPEN LABOR DAY till noon t Cedarvile Bakery and son, Jim, are home after spending several days in Michi­ gan. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jobe have received word that their daugn ter, Mrs. Beryl Grubangh has ar­ rived in Liberia where she join­ ed her husband who is employed there. * Mr. and Mrs. King Creswell and Mr. and Mrs. Glair McGeary o f Warren are on a vacation trip to Florida. Mr; and Mrs. Roger Ulsh spent the past Week with Mrs. Ulsh’s grandmother in Thomasville, N. G. Mrs. Mendel Beattie, who has been there fo r some time, return­ ed home with the Ulshs. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmer­ man o f Defiance and Mrs. R. T. Williamson are spending two weeks in Florida. Mrs. Vernon Tinsler have re­ turned to their home in Morley, Mich., after several weeks visit with hervmother, Mrs. Lucy .Tur­ ner. Mv. and Mrs. Warren Barber, Bill and Jane Purdom are home after a several days trip to Green Bay, Wisconsin, Saulfc Sfc.‘ Marie and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bull are home after spending last week at points on Lake Erie. Mrs. GeSrge Hall o f Cambridge spent Tuesday night and Wednes­ day with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brewer. Russell Lemons o f Flint, Mich., is spending the week at the home o f his father, Wilbur Lemons. Mrs. Mable Lawrence spent a few days this week with relatives in Dayton. , Miss Sally Kay Creswell spent the week in Dayton with Miss Millicent Jacobs. Mrs. Howard Arthur and chil- dr f , Mrs. Curtis Hughes and son, Mrs. Ralph Cummings and daugh­ ter and Mrs. Harold Reinhard spent Friday with Mrs. Walter , Cummings at her cottage on In­ dian Lake. Mrs. Cora Trumbo and Miss Mildred Trumbo spent the week end with Mrs. Harold Guth in Dayton and also visited R. B. Trumbo in Fairborn. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bumgard- ner spent the week end with Ir. and Mrs. Charles Harvey in North Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Goodman and son, Lynn, spent the past week with relatives in Kentucky. Mr. and Mjs. Virgil Sticka had as guests this week the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parks, Sr., her brother amj^vife, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parks, Jr., and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Rush all of Memphis, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey had as week end guests the latter’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gardner o f Idaville, Ind. LAFF OF THE WEEK tp ! ste- J S i wv- p ': A ’ r .V- / •>.! l ' Polo Shirts, 39c;-new boy?)’ Jockeys, 39c new boys’ school .pants, $1.5(1; new training pants, 15c,$ new cot­ ton slips, 58c up; new ladies’ rayon panties, 25c; new children’s dresses 50c; new boys’ shirts, $1.25; new hoys’ overalls, $1.45; hew men’s ladies’ and children’s sex, 2 pair for 25c.- Also other bargains in New .Clothing. (Open evenings)— CO^BEANS. Opposite Cozy Thea­ ter, Cedarville. WANTED TO RENT—House or apartment either furnished or xm- furnished with 4 or 5 rooms and bath. Call Mrs. Duncan; at Cedar­ ville College. "He Won'i Tell Us His Name. He Just Says His Mother Calls Him 'The Three-Wheeled Terror'!" Mrs. Ruth Reiter and children left Thursday to spend several days with.her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harney (Mattie Payne) in North Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lutellis McCarty spent the -week end with relatives in Rio Grande. _ v- Real Estate TransfersIn Greene County In Fairborn Harold K. F.dmison to Hobart and Mabel D. Mann, lot. Ralph I. Williams to William A. and Chloe M. Fisher-, lot. Lillian M. Queen to lone M. Carpenter, lot. Estey F. and Evelyn F. Pringle to Arthur and Jewell Smith, two lots. Harvey B. and Naomi G. Mil ler to George Harrison and Alma Frances Wilkin, lot. Carl E. and Irene M. Hohl to Ralph Lee and Gladys Spencer Sharp, lot. Velma Hail to Viola V. and James Hiatt, Sr., lot. John H. and Marjorie Kelley to Albert Heinrich, Jr., lot. Wm. E. and Virginia Mae Con­ ner to Elmer and Ruth E. New­ sman, lot. Read The Classifieds Marie Foster has been duly ap­ pointed as ' Administratrix o f the, state of Mabel E. Schneider, de­ ceased,” late .of Beavercreek Town­ ship, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 1st day o f August, 1950. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Gourt, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser Cheif Deputy Clerk FQR SALE—Large gas radiant heater 4-room size, like new, Mrs. Robert Nelson, Phone 6-rf>51. (1-p) LEGAL NOTICE Luna E. Bailey, whose address is 114 Earldey street, Newark, N. J., will take notice that on the 29th day of August, 1950, James H. Bailey ‘filed his certain petition against her for divorce on the grounds of wilful absence before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio,' said case; being No. 26,623 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on or after the 7th day of October, 1950. Robert B. Brewer Attorney for Plaintiff E. Main St., Xenia, Ohio (9-l-6t-10-6) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Laura B. Albright, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Leo T. Albright has been duly appointed as Administrator of the estate of Laura B. Albright, deceased, late of Cedarville Village, Gr eene Coun ty, Ohio. Dated this 22nd day of August, 1950. WILLTAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE— Used hath room outfit. F. O. & F. E. Harper, Plumb­ ing. Jamestown, Ohio. In Bath Township Harold M. Anderson to Kenneth K. and Esther M. Furman, two lots. John W. Ryan to John S. and Virginia Estep, two lots. Edith K. Mitman, et al., to FOR SALE—Springer Spaniel Hupp & Roehner, Inc., 20.08. puppies. A. K. C. champion, sire, acres. I D A V I D KIRKPATRICK, 1120; J. M. and Anne L. Dillon to President, Yellow Springs. Tel.-j Lyle J. and Stella A. Clevenger, 7737. (8-10-2c-17) , 5 . 5 acres. I ---------------------— — ----------------------j O. L. and Jessie G. Bartlett Magazines bought and sold. COR LEGAL NOTICE COMMON PLEAS COURT, GREENE COUNTY, OHIO Alvin S. Phillips, Plaintiff, - vs - Doris Ruth Phillips,, Defendant Doris Ruth Phillips, whose last, known place of residence was 1286 Baldwin Avenue, Sharon, Pa., will take notice that on the 28th day of July, 1950, Alvin S. Phillips filed his petition against her in Com­ mon Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, for divorce on the grounds of wilful absence fo r three years, and that unless the said Doris Ruth Phillips shall' answer said petition or or the 15th day of September, 1950, judgment may be taken 'granting plaintiff a di­ vorce... Alvin S. Phillips, Plaintiff Smith, MeCallister & Gihney Attorneys for Plaintiff (8-4-6t-9-8) or after the 2nd day of September, 1950. Benjamin Horn Attorney for Plaintiff U. B. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio (7-28-6t-9-l) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Edward Swigart, De­ ceased. Notice, is hereby given that Vir­ ginia Susan Swigant has been duly appointed as Executrix pf the estate of Edward Swigart, de­ ceased, late of Beavercreek Town­ ship, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 18th day of August, 1950. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge o f the' Probate Court, By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Margaret Smith Cariens, whose address is St. Stephens, New Bruns­ wick, Canada will take notice that on the 24th day of July, 1950 Carl William Cariens filed liis certain petition against her for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty before the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 26543 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f James W. Hopkins, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Edna C. Hopkins has been duly appoint­ ed at Administratrix of the estate of James W. Hopkins, deceased, late o f Spring Valley, . Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 2 lst day of August, 1950. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER PROBATE JUDGE By Luella Howser Chief Deputy C.lerk 509 WILL PAY TOP PRICE for good Blue Grass Sod Gene Dunn Phone FU 5735 Wyoming St, Dayton, O. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Joseph H. Daugherty, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Stel­ la Daugherty has been, duly ap­ pointed as Executrix of the estate of Joseph H. Daugherty, deceased, late of Village of Bellbrook, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 31st day of July, 150. WILLIAM B. McCALL’TSTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. ‘ By Luella Howser - Chief Deputy Clerk NOITCE OF APPOSNMENT Estate of Mabel E.Schneider, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that M. Our Quality is second to None * When you buy here YOU SAVE Compare Our Prices with your house to house trucks AT LEAST 24 HOURS FRESHER We use no Artificial preservatives to maintain freshness All products are enriched OJJR PLEDGE W e will Not raise Prices or Cut Quality WHEN YOU BUY FROM US, YOU HELP YOUR OWN COMMUNITY Just a sample of our low prices BREAD 20 oz. .......................... ................12c ” 16 oz........................................... 10c DO-NUTS - G lazed ........................doz. 36c ” C ak e ........................doz. 30c PIES Large 9 in........................... ea. 50c COOK IES........................... doz. 25c W e give a Discout to Schools, Churches Clubs, and other organizations NOTICE Teddy Baer Restaurant WILL OPEN Sept. 5 George A. Studebalcer, lot, and to John F. and Montine C. Fax’- rar, lot. Kenneth Domigan to Clifford E. Joseph, lot. Walter H. Esterling to Gale C. and Leo Alice Imlay, lot. Elmer L. and Ruth E. Newman to James F. and Myrtle B. Richey, lot. John W. and Esther B. Tanner to James W. and Ruth M, Hazel- baker, lot. Beavercreek Township Everette Verl and Dorothy Jean Flora to R. Paul McElrath, lot. R. Paul and Clara O. McElrath to Myron W. and Barbara S. War­ ren, lot. Charles I. Beaver to Clara P. Danner, lot, and to Carl and Jeanne H. Wittenauer, lot. Helen Stanley Watkins to Char­ les I. Beaver, part lot, R E M E M B E R Even if you don’t buy from us. Buy it form a local Merchant CEDARVILLE BAKERY PHONE 6-3481 r’s Going! SUNDAY & MONDAY September 2 &3 BEAN’S, Ouu. Cozy Theater, Ce­ darville. FOR SALE 1 yr. old roosters, $1.50 each, Phone 6-4633. DEAD STOCK Horses $2.50 Cows $2.50 Collect 454 Xenia XENIA FERTILIZER Div. of Inland Products! Inc. Small stock removed promptly FOR SALE—Real Estate Mer­ cer and Eckroad. Decpntrolled three apartment house. Phone Yel­ low Springs 7717. ARE you afflicted with rupture. Many are greatly benefited by having a truss properly fitted. N. W. Prowant with The James Drug Company has had an extended ex­ perience in fitting trasses. Give him a try. 4-p RUMMAGE SALE — Saturday, August, 26, 9 a. m.—CORBEANS, opposite Cozy Theater, Cedarville. WANTED — Waitress. Glen Cafeteria, Yellow Springs, Frank, Dewine, prop. FOR SALE—Duo-Therm oil 53,- 000 BTU space heater. Paul Dob­ bins, Phone 6-3024. WANTED—Home for kittens, Phone 6-2621. SCHOOL SPECIALS—New Boys R U P T U R E Are you afflicted with rupture many with this ailment get re­ lief by having a truss properly Eitted. James Drug Company of Cedar­ ville have in their employ an experienced truss fitter. Give us a call. JAMES DRUG CO. ' Cedarville, Ohio W A N T E D Old Gold and Silver Jewelry will pay cash for it XENIA WATCH REPAIR SHOP 28 W. Market St. Phone 2260 TheWeatherMan, theAlmanac, YonandWeallAgree— That it’s time to do, two things about the clothing for the whole family: Brighten Up Spring Du4s, by Cleaning and Pressing Clean and Store for Summer, to Prevent damage from Moths. THE NEWCEDARVILLE CLEANERS Xenia Ave.. Cedarville Phone 6-3411 HOSPITAL FESTIVAL Bigger & Better Than Ever Before FREE • Sensational Aerial Acts afternoon & evening • Games • Booths • Eats * Be Sure To Attend MERCY HOSPITAL ‘ * FESTIVAL GROUNDS McCreight & Fountain Springfield, Ohio Farm Grain Tile * Ditching Trenching Service RUSS COTTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. - Leon H. Kling, Mgr. SHOP POTATOES A. C. Creswel PHONE 6-3625 Treet Armour’s 12 oz can 43c Iced Tea 8 oz. p k g ...........49c Spinach Eavey’s No. 2 can 15c Peas Greeo Giant 17 oz. can 4 ....................... 21c Dill Pickles Merrit qt. jar 21c Matches Book 50’ s carton 15c Honey in comb carton .... 49c Marshmallows p k g ..... .. 17c Salad Dressing Gold Seal 16 oz. j a r .......................... 27c Merrit Mustard pt. jar .... 10c W ax Papet r o l l .................. 25c Party Cake Mix 20 oz. pkg 35c - Tasty Cheese 2 lb. box .... 69c . Toilet Tissue Charmin 4-rolls > ...............................32c : QUALITYMEATS ; Wieners Aimours & Schmidts Ocean Perch F illets.... lb. 39c : Colby Chelse . . . ... lb. 45c End Sbces' Bac0H lb‘ 436 * Beef f — Pork — Chickens HARNER & HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET ^