The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50

.M' Wjtk w Friday, Sept. 8, 1950 The Cedarvilie, O. Herald [PURDIN-DEAN NUPTIALS [SOLEMNIZED ON FRIDAY Miss Beulah Faye Purdin -if Cedarvilie became the" bride of Mr. Dale W . Dean, near Cedar­ vilie, in an informal ceremony performed in Cedarvilie United Presbyterian Church Friday at 7:3ft p. m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Purdin, S, Main St., Cedarvilie. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dean, near Cedarvilie, are the bridegroom's parents. Dr. E. A. Jamieson officiated at the double ring service for which the couple was unattended, A program o f piano music was presented by Miss Kathleen Ev­ ans, Cedarvilie, preceding $he ceremony. For her marriage the bride wore a street-length dress of white pique styled with a lace yoke. Her accessories were white and she wore an orchid corsage. Following the service, 35 guests attended a reception at the Pur­ din home. Later Mr. and Mrs. Dean left on a wedding trip and upon their return will reside in Cedarvilie. Mrs. Dean was graduated from Bryan High School, Yellow Springs. Mr. Dean, a graduate of Cedarvilie High School, is em­ ployed as a guard at Frigidaire Corp., Dayton. GUEST FROM COLORADO Miss Beatrice Ann Turner ar­ rived from Denver, Colo., Tues­ day evening, to be home with her mother, Mrs. Lucy Turner; Plans for her marriage, Sept. 12th to Mr. Richard H. Sheldon: o f Englewood, Colo., have been completed. Miss Turner has chosen as her matron of honor, her sister Mrs. Vernon R. Tinsler o f Morley, Michigan with Kathleen Adams as bridesmaid. Duties of best man will be per­ formed by the groom's father Mr. R. E. Sheldon. Messrs Gregg Turner. Kenneth Bull and Ken­ neth Wilburn will seat the guests. Tlie bride will he given in mar­ riage be given in marriage by her xiage by her brother Mr. Milton Turner o f South Solon. Soloist, Misses Kathleen Evans and Mil­ dred Williamson, will be accom­ panied by Miss Lena Hastings at the organ. Pre-nuptial events fo r the bride and groom included; a shower given by Miss Mary Brannam o f Denver, Colorado. Also a shower given by Mrs. Russell Youngquist o f Engle­ wood, Colorado. The bride was also feted a t a shower given Thursday evening by Miss- Kathleen Adams at lifer home on the Turnbull Road. - Miss Turner and Mr. Sheldon will be* united in marriage Tues­ day evening Sept. 12th at 7 p. m. in the United Presbyterian church, Cedarvilie. - - - HONOR OCTOGENARIAN AT BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Julia Lackey, Cedarvilie, whose 80th birthday occurred Sunday, was honored at a party arranged by her three; daughters , at the home o f Mrs. Arnett Gor­ din, near Jamestown, Saturday after noon. Hostesses were Mrs. Gordin, Mrs. Walter Mitchener, New Burlington, and Mrs. Paul Binegar, Springfield. Guests included members o f the Dorcas Bible Class o f Cedar­ vilie United Presbyterian church, o f which Mrs. Lackey is a mem­ ber, and -friends from Cedarvilie and Xenia. Mrs. J. Mack Bull, Cedarvilie, a girlhood friend o f Mrs. Lackey, read an original poem and remin­ iscences o f her friendship with Mrs. Lackey were given by Mrs. Frank Dean, Cedarvilie. Dean Gordin and John Michael .Binegar, grandsons o f Mrs. Lack­ ey, gave her an orchid and Dean entertained the group with sev­ eral piano solos. An ice course, with pink and white appointments, was served Hv’ the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Edgar Little, near Cedarvilie; Miss Mary Chase, West New York, N. J., and Mrs. Zetta Mc- Elroy, Yellow Springs. MEETING POSTPONED The Clifton Garden club meet­ ing has been postponed one week from Sept 9 to 16. WOMANS. CLUB TO .MEET The Cedarvilie Woman's club will meet Thursday afternoon, Sept. 14, with Mrs. C. W. Steele. Roll call will be answered by a current event. RETURNS FROM WEEKS VACATION Mrs. Lois Little accompanied by her sister and brother-in-law has returned from a weeks motor trip visiting places of interest in the east. Xenia Watch Repair Shop Watch Repairing 28 W . Market St. Xenia HARRY H. MOGLE Watchmaker Telephone 2260 GORDON-LITTLE REUNION Members o f the Gordon-Little . families met at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon and daughter, o f Cedarvilie, last Sun­ day. Sixty-five members were -present and enjoyed the bounti­ ful dinner served on the lawn at noon. Mrs. -Marie Martindale o f Springfield whs elected president, succeeding George Gordon. Miss Naomi Conner o f Cedarvilie will act as secretary-treasurer again next year. Mrs. Jennie Gordon ■was presented a gift, as she was the oldest member present and little M iss.Helea Rita White a gift, fo r being the youngest there. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gferald White and daugh­ ter o f Sidney, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ry Iguchi and sons and James Dunham o f Mechanicsburg, Dick and’ Mary Jane Williamson of. Springfield, Mr, and Mrs. Her­ bert Fields and family," Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Conner and family, Mrs. Addie Glass, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Glass and daughters, Mrs, Jennie Gordon, Mrs. Flora Deck, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boy-, er and son,, Gordon, Mr. and.Mrs. Joe Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Geo-" rge Gordon and Linda, all o f Ce-’ darville, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Getz and daughter, Mrs. War­ ren Heskett and daughters, Mrs. Esther Little, Marie Martindale, Mrs. Max Martindale o f Spring- field, Mr. and Mrs. George „M. Martindale, Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Irl Smith and sop o f South Solon, Mrs. Nellie Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Karl Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutzlar, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ritenour, all of Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Jordon o f London; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stroup of South Solon, Mr; and Mrs. A . G. Gordon o f Washington C. H., Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ogle o f Springfield and D, C. Fent o f Jeffersonville. The reunion will be held at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyer in September 1951. PLAN FAREWELL PARTY FOR TWO YOUNG PEOPLE Two members o f Clifton United Presbyterian Church, who will t leave next week fo r Pittsburgh ’ to enter Pittsburgh-Xenia Theo- ‘ logical Seminary, will be honored at a farewell party at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Ferguson, Gedarville-Clifton Pk., Friday at 8 p. m. Guests o f honor will be Mr. ‘ John Skillings, who is entering the ministry, and Miss Martha Tannehill, who will enroll in the seminary’s department, o f educa­ tion. All members of the Clifton church are invited. Refreshments will be served by the church's social committee. , RETURNS FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bagford, N. Main St. have returned home after spending a few days in northern Michigan. ' DURING SEPTEMBER Beautiful New Automatic Natural Gas Ranges • Popular Brands with “Certified Performance 9 fo replace worn-out stoves in Old Stove Round Up L • N ow is the time to replace your old worn-out kitchen stove with a brand new Natural Gas Range in your favorite malrp, Selections now in the stores offer every choice you could ask fo r in sizes, burner arrangements and oven capacity. N ow , during the Old Stove Round U p,' choose your new "CP” Natural Gas Range. tNatural Gas Ranges Save TinHHSave Fuel-Save Food New automatic "CF* Natural Gas Ranges have giant-speed top burners and quick- heating ovens and broilers to save you time. Big broiler capacity lets you broil a whole meal at once, if you like; N ew economy-type "CP” burners use up • to 50% less fu e l Approved oven insulation kfceps the heat working tnside ttie oVen instead o f wasting but in the'kitchen, ' S E E Y O U R >D E A L E R TIIJDATTOE POWER ARB IISHT COMPARY LAST Du (A Short Story) By RICHARD HILL WILKINSON tils ii«5-U55 T lffiEN Aaron Howard and Jill ” Damon were married they went to liy'e on the ranch cn Grand Wash that Aaron had"*inherited from'his father. Both loved the place, for the West was their native land. They were supremely happy. Two years after their marriage a son, Phil, was born, and 13 months later a second son came. They named him Roger. The children, as. is so often the case, did not detract from the af­ fection between Aaron and Jill. Theirs was a love that went deeper. If anything, they came to depend more on each other for comfort and understanding. Aaron’ s only re­ quest of life, and Jill’s, too, was that they could.die together, that one would not be left behind to carry When Phil was 24 he fell in lava . with a neighboring rancher’s daughter named Janice Akron. on without the help of the other. But this was not to be. Phil was 12 and Roger 10 when Jill contract­ ed pneumonia. A week later she died. Aaron kept on, finding an outlet as much as possible for his natural­ ly affectionate nature In his sons. He dedicated the remainder of his life to their upbringing, yet never feeling quite free of the emptiness, Uie ache that dwelt in his heart for Jill. When .Phil was 24 he fell In love with a neighboring rancher's .daughter named Janice Akron. Un­ happily Janice had already won the. affections of her father’s fore­ man, Jed Potter. Jed was older than Phil, a headstrong, ill-tem­ pered youth, resentful of young Phil Howard's greater resources and better prospects. Aaron, now past middle "a g e watching developments In the wis­ dom of his years, saw storm clouds appearing on his son's horizon. Yet he withheld the advice which per­ haps. should have been given. He thought of his own courtship of JilL He, like Phil, would never have let a rival discourage him in his en­ deavor to win her affections. Neither Aaron nor any one fore- *aw the tragedy which took place. Roger came galloping into the ranch house one morning with the news. Aaron saw the wild insanity in his younger son’s eyes, yet even GREENE COUNTIANS RETURN FROM VACATION t Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Cherry, 'Federal Pk., east of Xenia, re­ turned this week from a month's vacation to Canada and Alaska. Arriving in Canada their first stop was at Winnipeg and from there crossed the Canadian prair­ ies to Banff. From Banff they continued on to Lake Louise where they remained three days and then went to Emerald Lake and on to Vancouver. They traveled on the liner, Princes Louise, from Vancouver to Skag- way, Alaska, and then continued by train along the Yukon Pass and through the mountains to Car Cross where they took a 24 hour cruise on Tutshi Lake in the Yukon Mountains. On returning to Vancouver they went by boat to Victoria and thence to Seattle. and then to Portland, Ore., and Bonneville Dam. A t Seattle they made a side trip to Mt. Rainier and then 0o Yellowstone National Park where they remained three days. They also visited in Cody, Wya. before returning to Xenia. METHODIST WSCS The Woman’s Society o f Chris- tain Service of the Methodist Church met at the church on Wednesday, Sept. 6. • The new president, Mrs. A. E. Richards presided at the meeting, the first o f the new.year, which marked the 10th anniversary of the society and was dbserved by each member taking a penny, for each year o f their life and"’ a birthday cake with ten candles. Mrs. Paul Cummings had charge of devotions and Mrs. David Rey­ nolds was program leader. She gave a very interesting and en­ lightening talk, on our work for the coming year, on the subject, “ Saving Health for the Brother­ hood of all Nations,” and out­ lined a very interesting program for the year’s work. The luncheon was served by: Mrs. Amos Frame, Mrs, John Mills, Mrs. Frank Evans and Mrs. Paul Evans. then the announcement was a ter­ rific shock. ••Phil's dead," Roger said hol­ lowly. “He was shot by Jed PotteK Potter was drunk and Phil' came* into the Red Dog and'Jed'made some slurring remark about Janice" and Phil slapped his face. Jed had a gun and Phil was unarmed, but Jed shot him just the’ same.” As Roger talked he was bqckling on the belt and six-shooter'that he usually wore when on the range Aaron came toward him quickly. He felt numb all over. He knew what Roger had in mind. ^ Aaron knew then how he had failed Jill. One of her boys-dead; the other about to commit a, crime that would bring him to the ■same end. The old man’ s heart felt like lead, yet through his misery he saw the determination in Roger's face and knew that nothing would deter the boy until his brother's inning had been avenged. “Aa right, boy,” he said quietly. “ I understand. We’ll go together.” And Aaron went and got his own gun and followed his son down to the corraL They were up and off at "dawn. Toward late afternoon they crossed a trail and followed it. They en­ tered a ravine and presently Aaron pointed to a spiral of smoke above, the tress. Roger's mouth set grim- ? ly. He swung to the ground. .Aaron did likewise. They crept up a rise and parted some bushes and saw Jed Potter hovering over a fire. Side-by side they crept down the slope and suddenly s t e p p e d through some shrubbery and con­ fronted Jed Potter 13 feet away. Roger was in the lead, Aaron be­ hind and to the right. Jed Potter looked at them and feat leaped into his eyes. He start­ ed to speak, checked himself. Rog­ er's hand was on his gun. There was no alternative. Jed went for his own gun and died in his tracks, his weapon half-drawn, a bullet through his heart.. . . Old Aaron entered the sheriffs .office alone and,told his story. ‘ . . And so while Roger slept- that night I loaded his .45 with blanks. We shot at Jed together. You'll find that the bullet that killed him was from my old .44, Roger doesn’t know it’s that way. He thinks he killed Jed. He’s back at- fixe ranch, waitin’ for you, sheriff. You needn’t tell him how it hap­ pened; just say there’ s no way of provin’ he's the murderer. I want the boy to live. I want something left behind on this earth that’s dean and fine and honest—like Jill.” “ Wait a minute,” said the sheriff. “ I don't get it Aaron—” He started forward, but Aaron's old .44 had performed its second duty within 12hours, end Aaron lay on the floor.. with blood on his shirt and a smile on his Ups—as if at last he felt he had done what Jill would, have wanted, and was once more with her. MISSIONARY SOCIETY AT CHURCH , U. P. Womens Missionary soc­ iety held their meeting Thursday, Aug. 31 in the U. P. church. The devotions were in charge of the Junior Missionary society. Solos were sung by Joy Evans, Jane Ellen Dobbins, Mildred McCal- lister, Mary Jane Ewry and a du­ et by Roger Dobbins and Karlh McCallister. A clarinet- duet by Mary Jane Ewry and Mildred Mc­ Callister. The Young Ladies Society had charge of the program. They chose the topic, “Bibles” , and pre­ sented a good program on this subject. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Lucy Turner, Mrs. Millison, Mrs. Robert Dob­ bins and Mrs. Ida Wright. SCOUT MOTHERS URGED TO ATTEND MEETING All mothers of Cedarvilie Girl Scouts and Brownies are asked to he present at the meeting to he held Friday afternoon, Sept. 8, at 2. p. m. in the Community Park shelter house. This is an important meeting at which an election of officers will be held. Mrs. Paul Taggart, president of the Greene.County Girl Scout council and Mrs. Richard •Bets- cher, vice president of Yellow Springs the vice president will be present at the meeting. CONFARRS RETURN FROM VACATION - Mr- and Mrs. Lloyd Confarr have returned from xx’“enjoyable motor trop which took them down the west coast of Florida and across the Tamiami Trail from Miami to Key West and tlxey re­ turned^ through the Carolines, Virginia and across the Skyline drive. TEACHER MOVES HFftF Mr. and Mrs., Edwin Markeson and family have moved into the apartment raeentlys vacated by the James Steel family* on..Xenia- Avenue. Mr. Markeson is one of the new teacHfers at the high TO MOVE FROM? SPRINGFIELD HERE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duncan are moving Saturday into the home of M ts . Clara Snider on Bridge street. *Mrs. Duncan is a teacher at the college. ' GOES TO COLLEGE I NMISSOURI- Roger Collins, s;on of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Collins, has gone to Tarkio, Missouri where he will enter the 'freshmim class at the college there. ; " GOES TO REARDEAN TO TEACH Mrs. Clara Snidr?r has gone to Reardean to assume her duties as a teacher in the school there. VISIT PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heif- ner spent the weekend with the latter^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans. RETURN HOME - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings and daughters have returned to their home after .saving spent a months vacation in Michigan. ENJOY PICNIC “ The members of the Dinner Bridge Club and a few friends j enjoyed a picnic at the Shelter House of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creswell and daughter, Sally Kay, Monday evening. SPEND HOLIDAY IN VIRGINIA Mr. and Mrs. P. J, MeCorkell were the guests o£ Mr. and Mrs. Larry Williamson and family, in Arlington, Virginia over the La- / 'bor Day weekend, IN TENN. FOR WEEKEND- Miss Betty Nelson motored to Knoxville, Tenn. over the Labor Day weekend. Mrs. R. E. Gaston.of Cincinnati hasreturned to* her hofe after a visit in the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bachelor land daughter, Marsiia Jane have returned frgm a weeks va­ cation in Cold Water, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. A.* Frederick Hu- ish and son, and; Mrs. Dorothy Etlingwood o f Rushville, Ind. are spending a few days in Ce­ darvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMahon of Cleveland wero the weekend guests of the hatters parents, Rev. and Mrs. W* A. Condon. Mrs. Gladys McDonald of Mansfield was “a guest Friday in the home of Mrs. Clayton Mc­ Millan. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and Mr. and Mrs; Harry Wright atended the ball- game between; the Cincinnati Reds and the Pit­ tsburg Pirates Wednesday even­ ing in Cincinnati; , • ' a**- SPRING AND WINTER IN THE KLAN . . . Mrs. Beulah Waller,' Byron, G»., poses with young member of the order in annual meet­ ing of the Ku Kicx Elan at Stone Mountain, Ga. LAFF OF THE WEEK | ; AUXILIARY TO MEET- * IN XENIA-: . The American Legion Auxil­ iary will meet on Monday even­ ing at the home o f Mrs. John Williamson in -Xenia. This is an important meeting- and all members are.urged to at­ tend. Anyone who desires transpor­ tation call either Mrs. GreefrMc­ Callister or Mrs. Paul Dobbins, S v . y ,* v .* v .- f$l|p wvwjvilsw OXftwSSwii W/.Y.V.V.V/ &WAW, ■>Xv>AV.'.fyXt X^Xv.yXy.v. *• s X % ’*35?$ V vA%v.v.v.v.v.y.vAW.y.w X w H'H v H wa ; ITiWT*1---- I— vv \ „ V *S Need Cheering Up—Wheel the Other Guy In Again.1 1 AMERICA’SBIGGEST FUELOILHEATERBUY! D«o-Ttien« Royal prices start at $59.95 Whether you heat a 1-room cabin or a 6-room bungalow, you 'll enjoy greater heating comfort, bigger fuel savings with a Duo-Therm. They're America’s favor­ ite heatero! The Duo-Therm Royal Circulator is available in 4 different sizes—a model for every purse and purpose. school.; . . . •VISITS MOTHER ' : Mrs. Charles Duvall has re-: turned home after visiting her mother, Mrs. Grand3taff in Wil- ’ mington. -. TO KENT TO TEACH Miss Maude Hastings hah re­ turned to Kent, Ohio where she has-been employed-as a teacher - fo r soHfe time. ’ ‘ ■very BwTiumi Royal Circulator d m you all thase- 0UT5TANMNG DUO-THERM FEATURES ' : • Exchitiva Dual Chambar Burner • Preeisien-Built Heal Chamber a Automatic Draft Minder 4 a Han# Heat Control Dial • lonu Life Construction • Fully Coordinated Controls -9 2 Big Radiant Doors . e High Gloss Walnut Enamof Finish t • Smart, Compact Casing Design All models aro listed as Standard 1 ; by Underwriters' Laboratories % M ODEL 815 $129 .95 See our complete selection ?! quiet, clean-burning Duo-Therm Fuel Oil Home Heaterfi this Week* M ost models available with the famous Power-Air Blower at small extracost. Askfor a free .demonstration at™ * » Cedarvilie, Ohio - VM ‘ * - ■ W yjl&lr