The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50
"wrer. 1***-'**. •- ^ ‘ : . a - q - ‘ /; ; v ‘‘ ” ! • ■.//*. 9 ■ ’ ' ■- Ti - 9“•*•.•Y - Friday, Sept. 15, 1950 The Cedarville 0 ., Herald Sheldon-Turner Vows Exchanged Tuesday Evening The Cedarville, United Presby terian church was the scene of an early fall wedding Tuesday evening when Miss Beatrice Turner* near Cedarville, became the, bride of Richard H. Sheldon, Englewood, Colo. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Lucy Turner, Clifton pike, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sheldon oZ Englewood, Colo., are the par ents o f the bridegroom. Palms, clusters of bittersweet and a basket o f white dahlias and asters, flanked by two seven- branch candilabra, provided the nuptial setting. Dr. R. A . Jamieson, pastor of the church, read the double ring service following a thirty-minute musical program. Miss Lena Hastings was organist and Miss Kathleen Evans and Miss Mil dred Williamson, were vocalists. Miss Evans’ solos were “ I Love You Truly” and “A t Dawning” and Miss Williamson sang “Be cause” and “ The Lord’s Prayer.” Mrs. Vern Tinsler, Morley, Mich., sister o f the bride, was matron of honor and Miss Kath leen, Adams was bridesmaid. They wore gowns of gold faille with overskirts of toast colored net* styled with fitted bodices „anu ballerina-length skirts. Their headdresses were fashioned of toast colored veiling and they carried colonial bouquets of r f ters in- various hues. The bride given in marriage by her brother, Milton Turner, South Solon, appeared in a bal lerina-length gown of aqua Chan tilly lace over aqua taffeta, styl ed. with a bolero jacket with long sleeves. She carried a colonial bouquet of white roses centered with an orchjtl and wore a band of white rosebuds in her hair. The bridegroom’s father serv ed as best man and ushers were Gregg Turner, brother of the bride; Kenneth Bull, South Char leston, the bride’s cousin* and Kenneth Wilburn. More than 100 guests attended a reception in the church parlors following the service. Hostesses wei'e, Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Fairborn' and Mrs. Fred Beck, Clifton, sisters of the bride, and Mrs. Milton Turner and Mrs. Gregg Turner, her sisters-in-law. For her daughter’s wedding Mrs. Turner appeared in a gown of rust tissue,.faille with which she wore a corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Sheldon, he bride groom’s mother chose a gown of silver net over satin and her flowers were red roses. Mr^_and Mrs. Sheldon left Ce darville Wednesday for Engle wood, Colo., to establish their home. The bride is a graduate of Ce darville high school, attended Springfield Business college and fo r the last year has been em ployed by Pacific Coast Employ ers’ Insurance Company in Den ver, Colo. Mr. Sheldon is an ac countant for Socony Vacuum Oil Company in Denver. PICNIC ENJOYED BY RESEARCH CLUB The members o f the Research club "With -their families enjoyed a picnic supper last Friday even ing at the home of Mr.‘and Mrs. Raymond Carzoo and'family. The guests were seated at two long tables in the Carzoo home. Following a delicious supper an informal evening was enjoyed. The picnic comrnitte was Mrs. Carzoo, Mrs. Hervey Bailey and Mrs. Thurman Miller. VISITS PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gaiser and sons, John and Jim, o f Blooming ton, Ind., returned home Wed nesday after visiting Mrs. Gais- er’s parents* Mr. and‘ Mrs. Rob ert Nelson. BIRTHDAY PARTY HONORS MRS. ABELS Mrs. Albert Abels, Wilmington Pike, was guest o f honor recently when a surprise party was ar ranged at her home in celebra tion of her birthday. - During a social hour games were played and an ice course was served to Mrs. George B. Rinebolt* Mrs. Collins William son, Mrs. Meryl Stormont, Mrs. Donald Hagler, Mrs. Joseph Parker, Mrs. Colin Barber, Miss Esther McMillan* Mrs. Donald Paul and daughter, Vivian, and Mrs. Abels and sons* Stanley, Lowell and Paul. * HELEN FINNEY ENTERS VANDERBILT Miss Helen Finney who has been nursing at McClellan hos pital, Xenia, fo r the past four years left September 1 for Nashville, Tenn. where she will enter Vanderbilt university for college and graduate nursing work. Miss Fenney’s address is Kirk land Hall, Vanderbilt Canyras, Nashville, Tenn. DORCAS CLASS MEET TUESDTY ' Mrs. B. B. MiHison entertain ed the Dorcas Bible class of the U. P. church at her home Tues day afternoon. Devotions,, were given Mrs. Julia Lackey and the afternoon was spent sewing on comforts to be given to missions. Mrs. Millisore used a color scheme of pink, white and green in serv ing refreshments. KENSINGTON TO HOLD LUNCHEON MEETING The Kensington club will hold their annual luncheon and busi ness meeting Friday* Sept. 22 at 1 p. in. at the home o f Mrs. Leo Anderson. , Assisting Mrs. Anderson is ‘ W IN N IN G P O IN T (A 8h*rt Story) By HILL WILKINSON .:r$ C oach cra ig was ouch a *uia did goat he wouldn't understand any way; he wouldn’t recognize romance If some one pointed it out to him. That'* why he never stop ped wondering why Diane loet the tennis match. Diane had to t the** yoara been captain of the girl’s varsity. She was a white flash of speed and en durance, a peroonlfScetion of grace and skill. It was Diane who put the eld college up where it ought to be in the of sport; She became an idol on the campus, worshipped and idolized by the male sector. But always her passion for tennis. She loved it A victory left her elated; defeat provoked a black mood. Fortunately the defeats were B O H ! Xenia Watch Repair Shop Watch Repairing 28 W . Market St. HARRY H. MOGLE Watchmaker Xenia T e lephon e 2260 O W l A N Y O N E CAN H A V E : H O T WA T E R Q U I C K ! He swung hla racket with beautiful form, a handsome plo> tore; features grim and deter mined. few, the victories many. It began to look as if at the conclusion of her college career Diane would step into an Important role as a national star. That, of course, was all-before the t«nc«au*~<>S Dance Wlnthrop appeared. Lancs had transferred up north from a southern college to finish his senior year. His luggage consisted of &> carpet bag and a tennis racket. In side the carpet bag were newspaper dippings and testimonials which ‘pronounced him the greatest inter collegiate tennis star of the South. Coach Craig looked the boy over and nodded. He was a line looking lad. tall and dark with brown eyes and a mouth that held an habitual smile. Frdm that moment the old college had another idol to worship, another star on which to pin its .loyalty. The . school became-- famous. . Experts came andwatchedLance andDiane in action. They talked with Coach Craig and mentioned contracts and large figures. The future looked bright, espe cially so because Lance and Diane fell in love. Bomance added glam or, heightened Interest. They were a good looking couple, well suited and peppy. Everyone envied them* It was along about the last of May,, with commencement hot far away and the last tennis match of the season over with, that some on* suggested a mixed, match for thi benefit of the school. That is, th* co-edswould play the men champs. It was a great idea* because even cne knewthat Diane would be pick ed to meat Lance, and every on* thought It would be such a whaii of a good game. Coach" Craig didn't object, and Lance and Diane couldn't very well refuse, whan so many eager ad mirer* pleaded with them. It all turned out to be a more im portant attrir than was at^tirst plflgAftd. Outsiders got wind of if a$£ asked to ba admitted. And be- oauSt that offered to pay, the fac ulty had tieketa printed and sold th«& for & apiece. "The a shade better,** Cot&CM js fold his young assist* an% a j K power* “She can trim him. wfcftV’ he confided, 'i s go> icg to gneen a good deal. Old Man Hejjdifc&'s going to be here/’ Sowers' eyes .widened. “Hentgaa of the national committee?. Say, that’s • dirty trick on Diane. Sup pose she loses, after her school rec ord? It may mean aha won’t got that big offer.” “She won’t lose,” Craig said con fidently, -"She’s better than ®to* throp* But because Powers was young and could feel as young people feel, ha strolled over to Diane and men-' tloned the fact that Mike Henigan was in the audience. She smiled at him, and nodded her thanks, and went out to meet Lance. It was a pretty close game; as all the spectators had wished for. Each captured a set and went even ly along in a third. Lance had five games to Diane’s four, but every one felt pretty sure the-girl would take her opponent for an even five. Lance was serving, with only one point to go to collect the game, set and match. * He swung his racket with beauti ful form, a handsome picture, fea tures grim and’ determined. Diane, waiting with outward'ealmness. 'felt fbg tftetttent, Sftnied&tbaijpeU that held the au- disnoa-in’ its grip. She saw the’ grimness on Lancs’s fact, th* fierce deslra imhis eyes. It meant so much .tohim. Coach Craig, sha fmew, wss. watching her. She sensed tba coaflej dence on his.face, knew that SJenl- gan was in the stands watching. Lance’s every movement. Thta the bah, like a white plummet, came whistling over the net. A perfect serve.' Diane stepped forward to: meet it. Her racket swung. The. audience leaned forward, held ihelr breaths—and suddenly broke into a. frenzy of shouting. Diane had-atumbled. V&llen fo r ward. Caught herself. Missed. The gome, thematch, belongedto Lance. CoachCraig groaned. Hem* gan shrugged indifferently. Coach Craig was a staid old goat. He wouldn’t understand anyway. But Dave Powers, who was young and.could feel as young people fed, understood. He knew that Diane had stumbled on purpose, and that Lance Wlnthrop was tremendously happy because he’d won—and that Diane was happy, too. Hurley gave a very-interesting report?' on “Home and Commun ity,” -;jngeting at Miami. univers ity. Tbrte guests .present were, . Mrs,-. Faye Patterson, Mrs. Jay Burnett, and Mrs. Walter - Cum mings. Members present were Mrs. Paul Blankenship, Mrs.' Mark Bingamon, Mrs. Paul Gdr- ringer, Mrs. Frank Glass, Mrs/'. L. L. Gray, Mrs. Paullin- Harper, Mrs,. Mabel Hurley, Mrs.. Fred Lewis, Mrs. 0. T. Marshall, Mrs-. Braden Smith, -Mis. Walter St., Johp,. Mrs. Roscoe Turner, Mrs. Clarence Mott and the hostess, Mrsl.Spahr. Ah ice course was . served to the guests. ; ~ ' IOOF NOTICE Xenia IOOF, lodge invites the Cedarville IOOF lodge to their annual picnic on Sept. 24, at the Xenia fair grounds, at 1 p. m. Bring your basket dinner. M. C. Charles, sec. List Births * For Augu st . Following is the list of Aug ust births received in this office to date: Bruce Allen Baker, RFD 1, ' New Burlington; Rand Lynn Brennan, RFD, Xenia; Daniel • Kent Cummings, Box 93, Cedar- ‘ ville; Carleen Elliott, 19 Kennedy j St., Xenia; Connie Lynn Gray, i Box. 18, New Burlington; Sharon i Louise Greene, 915 E. Market St., ! Xenia; Jon Alan Lowe, 415 1-2 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs; Gar ry Arthur Littler, 242 Galloway St., Xenia; Ernest Val O’Rourke, Wilberforce; John Henry No land, 108 Pocahontas St., Xenia; Charles Alton Nosher, 116 Win ter St. Yellow Springs; Anita Franciene Parker, 1103 E. Sec ond St., Xenia; Cheryl Ann Sets- er, RFD 3, Xenia; Robyn Leigh Smith, 134 E. Market St. Xenia; Elizabeth Ann Stephens, Port William; Darryl Ray Stilwell, 28 Xenia Ave., Xenia; Sherryl Kay Stilwell, 28 Xenia Ave., Xenia; Carol Jean Whitacre, RFD 3, Xe nia. A headline in the Wilmingto'n newspaper says: / ‘Bull Wanted./’ Is it possible that they have to do that kind of advertising south of the border? The Siriono Indians of Bolivia cannot count above three and have no words denoting yond “ yesterday” and “ tomor row.” To a* lot of people nearer home that would be considered bragging. A funeral director in' a neigh boring town buys advertising, space (always a wise thing to do)* in the newspaper to say that ' "he "will furnish-palm leaf fang. to. any and all who desire them. This includes, I suppose, one or two to toss in when final arrange ments are made for anybody sus pected of needing them on ar rival at the Destination. If you_ want children to grow up, slow-up. Read the Classified Ross ' Townshif School News. -. : ' - *'• The enrollment of the' school has gone approximately over 12 more students this year than last with the entire enrollment at a- bout 190. The first, week is fin ished and everybody is in -full swing now. ■ f The sophomores Tare planning the annual party to welcome the freshmen and they: will furnish the refreshments ■and the* fresji- -men will provide, the entertain ment. The juniors’; are getting ready to order the'ir class rings and they with their advisor Mr. Erische alre making plans to .make money to help pay for them. Mrs. Haines,'senior class ad visor, is busy going over the rec ord cards checking credit require ments for graduation. The sen iors are getting ready to order their graduation announcements. Mr. VanDyne has had "several meetings with the hand members and several new members are try ing out for band. The school is anxiously awaiting for their first program which will be in the. very near future. Mr. Irvin has had baseball 208 practice ' every, day and seyeral members of last years champion ship team .have graduated but/ Mr. Irvin still feels that with a|~ lot of hard work .they can s till;” have a good team. Their first] game as held Tuesday with Ce-j darville at Cedarville but was’ called at the end o f the 3rd inn.-! ing because of rain. The score o f I this time was 5 to 1 in favor of j Ross. “ They think Mr. Walker S made it rain.” However this] game will have to be replayed. | Their next game will he with Spring Valley at Spring Valley; or Tuesday. I The first annual meeting o f the \ P. T. A. will take place Tuesday! evening, Sept 19, at 8 p. m. at; the school. The parents and the; friends are urged to he present! greet- the returning teachers, This meeting is very important and everyone interested in their school should be present. Refresh ments will be served following the meeting. „ SIZES 10.40 2051 SIZES AMOS., If 2 f: 3 No. 2068 la. cut In s I zm .10 to 90; 96 to 40. Size 16 require!! GV» yds. 39-la. falirlo and 3)4 yd». ribbon.-\ No. 9051 is cut in sizes 0 mos„ 1, a, and 3. Size s-dress requires 1% yds. 39> in.; panties, % yd. Send 25c lor JEA'Cfl pattern with name* address, style'number and size to ANDREY..LANE EUBBAU, Box 228, Madison Square Station, New York, N. Y, The new Pall WINTER FASHION BOOK shows 140 othei: styles,' 25c extra. to meet the new teachers and FOR SALE GALVANIZED Corn Storage Bins 600 Bushel Capacity! Special ventilation to keep coin in proper condition A . T. Diitgeldein Co. 519 W. Main St. Springfield, Ohio D uo -T herm C hippendale Home Heater in WALNUT finish! Stove $129.75 Power Air 20.00 As BIG in VALUE os it’s NEW in BEAUTY! Big Value for Styling! Smart new walnut finish and authentic Chippendale styling make it an expensive-looking furniture con sole—as well as a superb heater! Big Value for Comfort! Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives you more heat from every drop of oil, extra heat on extra-cold days. Burns clean at all fire settings. e Exclusive Duo-Therm Power-Air Blower—available at slight extra cost—saves up to 1 gallon offuel oil in every 4! Often pays for itself in one heating season. EASY TERMS AT— Cedarville, Ohio NEW “ POCKET-SIZE” PORTABLE WATER HEATER COSTS LESS THAN $2.50 Heats > One Gallon Cold 59? Water to Hot 100° in Less than. SMMntSs Merc l v place a FAST-WAY Pblia b le . Water Heater in a receptacle containing water. Plug into nearest socket . , . get HOT WATER QUICK! Thousands use for bathing, scrubbing, washing, cleaning milk separators, etc.—the Bpeed depend ing' upon quantity. Compare with ,gas! No fires to b* ■or hot water to ca rry - no running up and. down stairs. No dirt,, no muss, no top-heavy fuel bills. Handy! Inexpensive! Read directions before using. Now costs less than $2.50. For sale by : P ic k e r in g E le c t r ic Ccdan ille is the Y L. B. Arnett, 17 North Grand A v e ., Fa irborn , O* E. L. R ilenour, R . D . 1, Jamestown, O. Mrs. A. ? . Evans, Mrs. Fred Clemans and Mrs. Wilbur Cooley. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. Donald Linkart, College St., are announcing the birth o f a son, Sunday morning in Miami Valley hospital, Day- ton. Mrs. Linkhart is the former Jean Beamer. Mr. and Mrs. Homer *,Smith wish to thank all their friends fo r their kindness shown them during the illness of Mr. -Smith . alg.o^for the many cards received. PAST MATRONS MEET WITH MRS, MURPHY The Past Matrons Circle o f the 0 . E. S. met Monday evening at the home o f Mrs. Chester Mur phy. EDINGERS ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edinger •are announcing the birth o f a son, Saturday in the Springfield City hospital. The baby is their second son. VAYHINGERS TO MOVE FRIDAY TO FLETCHER Dr. ahd Mrs.-Ira Vayhingec are moving Friday to their new home * in, Fletcher, where Dr. Vayhinger has accepted a call to preach in the Fletcher Presbyterian church. t HOME FROM HOSPITAL Homer Smith is home from Miami Velley hospital where he has been a patient the last five weeks. CHURCH OF GOD MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Missionary Society of the Church o f God held their meet ing Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Earl Heidom in Donaldsville. The devotions were given by f irs. Herman Stevenson and the tudy Book “ Near East” was dis cussed. 'Eighteen' ladies* were served refreshments by Mrs. Heidom. AT OLD MAN CAVE WEINER ROAST The Junior and intermediate Sunday school classes o f the Church o f God enjoyed* a weiner roast a t Old Man Cave near Chil- licothe last Saturday..' Virgil Stanforth and John Murphy are the teachers o f the classes and jaccompaniedsthem’ or .their trip* HOME CULTURE CLUB TUESDAY, SEPT, 19' Mi's. J..S. West will be hostess to the members of the Home Culture Club, Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 9, at the Eastern Star'room. DAR TO ATTEND DISTRICT CONFERENCE The Cedar Cliff Chapter of Daughters of The American Rev olution will atend the Southwest . district meeting at Urbana, Wed nesday, Sept. 27 at .10 a. m. at the Presbyterian church, Urbana. This will take the, place , of, the regular Sept, meeting. A luncheon will be served at 12:30 at the church. Please con- itact Mrs. Robert MacGregotr, secretary for reservations by September 21 . MRS. SPAHR HOSTESS ' TO CEDRINE CLUB Monthly meetings of the Ce drine Club were resumed follow ing the summer vacation ThurS' day afternoon when twenty-six hlembers and four guests were entertained at the home jof Mrs. Ralph 6 . Spahr. - Highlighting the meeting, at *which Mrs. Spahr was assisted by Mrs. James Beam and Mrs. J. M. Bull, -was a review of Janet Whit ney’s hook, “ The Life o f Abigail Adams,” giyen by Mrs. Fred Townsley. Program- chairmen were Mrs. S. C. Wright, Mrs. Paul H. Creswell and Mrs. J. C, Marshall. Intimate facts in . the book, taken from diaries and letters, pictured *early history in this country and described travels of Mrs. Adams and her family in Euroge and England. It also re lated experiences o f Mrs. Adams as” the first hostess’ in the White Hou3e. Members responded to- roll call with “Vacation Echoes,” At the .'plose of the meeting, an ice course ,jvas served. ‘ « -RURAL IMPROVEMENTS ' WITH MRS:'SPAHR .■ Mrs. Ralph Spahr, of Cedar .ville, was hostess to the Rural Improvement club at her home Wednesday afternoon, Sept, Roll call was answered by soma incident in' my school. life, two papers, “ One Room School to Modern School” by Mrs. Roscoe Turner, “ Litle Brick School” by Mrs. Frank Glass. Mrs. Mabel INVE // / 1^ / .,/// . /. * *+/, ■'/* >/////////,. <//■ u "'//,# -'////////J///S,' . y-/, V “'/"///////*//. •■ y/. *5>. ’"//S.V//S////, / / / / . - ------ ,//////"'\ % _ //S/s J_ ’’//SA’.'/V'. W/S.'.'*'SS/ a ?, t ■ J K s J I f, v, t 't/,. 'A NEW? t z z S S p fieldl S,x S with exha-ong chassis models w « t et load wheelbases l j eightrai* space. Grossv ^ « undsGome i S 5 “ s “ *• •X'*' 5 f V C H E V R O h / / m zvm ///SAZW/S/tf jam s® ? ■ . —— ///■■//aw/f * //////S/AVS , ///sV/S/f/Sf .// Chevrolet’s Valve-in-Head engines con do r?//s/////A A d v a a c e -D t s ip T R D C K S /P/isf/z? s a fe s more work per gallon o f gasoline con sumed than any other make of their ca pacity* You can’t beat Chevrolet for low ’ cost o f ownership, operation, and upkeep —or for high resale value. Chevrolet trucks work for more owners on more jobs, every day, than any other make. So come see us. We ’ve got just the truck you want! CUMMINGS CHE VROLET SALES Ced«ryill<b Oliiq tJUtalZ
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