The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50
V ’ v- .**■552 Friday, Sept. 22, 1950 The Cedarville, O. Herald ____________$ I W M ! f i M . l R O B g T M H A K j g ^ g l iliiV, ROSRXtT II. HAItrKB Acts TheCedarville Herald ■ A Republican Newspaper Published Every Friday by THURMAN MILLER, JR. Entered as second class matter October 31, 1887 at the Postof fice a t Cedarville, Ohio, under A ct o f Congress o f March 1879. Member—National Editorial As* sedation; Ohio Newspaper Asso ciation; Miami Valiev Press As sociation. GOLD STAR MOTHERS PLAN PILGRIMAGE Members o f Greene County chapter American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., are planning to participate in a pilgrimage to the Loudonville Memorial For est Sunday in observance o f Gold Star Mothers’ Day. Gov. Frank J. Lausche, who in an official proclamation, has set aside this day on which citizens are to pay tribute to Gold Star mothers, will speak at the rites. Members o f the local chapter planning to attend are to contact Mrs. Joseph. Fealy, Xenia, presi dent. WOMANS CLUB HOLDS MEETING Highlights o f a western trip, including a visit to California, were described by Mrs. David C. Bradfute, Thursday afternoon at a meeting of Cedarville Woman's club at the home o f Mrs. C. W. Steele. The program committee in cluded Mrs. John McMillan, chair man, Mrs. Rankiln MacMillan, Mrs. John Bickett and Mrs. J. E. Mitchell. Officers who will serve during the coming year, were installed at the session, the club’s first meeting following summer vaca tion. They are Mrs. Robert Turn- bull, president; Mrs. Charles Stormont, vice president; Mrs. Miron Williamson, secretary; and Miss Ina Murdock, treasurer. NUPTIAL SERVICE READ SATURDAY AFTERNOON Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bail ey (Lois Printz), who were mar ried Saturday afternoon in the First Presbyterian church, are on a wedding trip and will estab lish their home in Cedarville aft er Oct. 1. The bride is the grand daugh ter of Mrs. Laura Printz, Clif ton. Mr. Bailey is the son of Mrs. Louella Bailey, Cedarville, Rev. Paul Elliott, pastor of. the church officiated at the sar- ice, fo r which Mrs. William Alex- .deri Clifton, was matron o f onor and only attendant. She was attired in a brown satin dress with which she wore beige acces sories and a corsage o f yellow roses. For her wedding the bride ap peared in a blue satin street- length dress complemented with black accessories and she car ried a bouquet of white roses. Best man was Earl Bailey, a brother o f the bride-groom. James Bailey of London, and the bridegroom’s cousin, Donald Bailey, Dayton. For her grand daughter’s wed ding, Mrs. Printz wore a black dress with black accessories. The bridegroom’s mother was attir ed in a navy blue print dress, complemented with gray access ories. A reception followed the cere mony at the Bailey home. Both principals are graduates o f Cedarville high school and are employed in the military pay of fice at Wright-patterson air force base. STEVIE MYERS HONORED AT PARTY Stevie Myers celebrated his ninth birthday with a party at bis home Saturday evening. Games were played after which be unwrapped the nice gifts that were given to him. Refreshments were served to the following: Janice, Jimmy and Jerry Stewart, Jimmy Haglett, Larry Maurer all of South Car- leston, Janis Lewis, Beverly Da vidson, Janet Sue Parsons, Anna Marie and Pete Charles, Bobby Arthur, Chicles Tobin, David Hughes, Karlh McCallister, Ray mond Nance, Buddy Boroff, Eu gene and Billy Straley, Peggy Myers, Bobby Myers, Alice My ers .and Stevie Myers. H e told o f harrowing experiences fo r he COUNCIL NO. 6 £Su1' . , seem to shake o f f the*memories o f them. HOLDS MEETING slste^ ship which furnished supplies fo r his Farm BureauCouncil No. 6 ship was torpedoed; they had expected 'the same mat at the home o f Mr and Mrs *a*e were plying the waters around N or- f f ; h j m t Mr* and way. For months on end, their fo o d supply was Camerte Elbert Andrews, Jamestown pike very low . The men lost weight, became iS ftab le * on Wednesday evening Stanley nervous> fearful. And all this ’had to ld on O fficer T oby CarL Hetzler was the discussion lea l- _ , , „ v-aii. cr. ° I }e day he was asked what h e w ou ld like to do. “B y George,” ' came the surprising reply, ‘ T d like to g o out and plant trees.” • there m ey hundreds and hundreds o f acres o f trees m the back w oods; g o help y o u r s e lf" h e was told, everyone happy that he had, found something tha t w ou ld interest him. Paul, World Evangelist Lesson for September 24: 26: 9-20 Memory Selectiont 1 Corinthians 2: 2 f AUL, native of Tarsus, came of a Jewish family that had ac quired Roman citizenship. Writ educated, and fluent in Greek, which was used throughout the Roman empire, he was admirably fitted to become the Apostle to the Gentiles. After being set upon in Jerusalem by a Jewish mob, and being sent by Roman authorities to Caesarea for his own safety, he despaired of justice from the Roman governor, and appealed unto Caesar and was eventually sent to Rome. Mean while, King Agrippa and Bernice came on a state visit to Festus, who had succeeded Felix as governor. They desired to see Paul and he was brought before them. The les son text is a part of his defence. Paul gave a brief history of his life and recounted in, full his vision on the Damascus road, when the risen Lord appeared unto him. and commissioned him as an Apostle to the Gentiles. And he stoutly maintained that, he had not been “ disobedient . unto the heavenly vision.” The world has learned how truly Paul spoke that day. The first to see Christianity as a world religion, Paul, in the course of several missionary journeys and in his labors in chief cities of the Roman Empire, made Christianity a religion for all men. We are thankful for his great service to mankind. Let us each make sure of redeemed life through tha Christ Paul proclaims, recently at the home of Richard Spracklin. Twenty attended. Mr. and Mrs. Arnet Gordon and Mrs. Donald Kyle accompanied the group. FB COUNCIL NO. 9 MEETS FRIDAY Farm Bureau Council No. 9 held their* first fall meeting on Friday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman. John Williamson of Xenia was discussion leader in the absence o f William Clevelle. Resolution for the Farm Bureau was discuss ed. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Wiseman, COMING MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Friends here have received an- nauncementts of the coin ing mar riage of Frederick Blaikie Shew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shew to Miss Mary Jane Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Thomas o f Chagrin Falls. The wedding will be an event o f October 7 in the First English Lutheran church in Cleveland Heights. A reception will follow at the home of the bride’s par ents. Chagrin Boulevard, Cha grin Falls. Both Mr. Shew and Miss Thomas are graduates o f Western Reserve university in Cleveland. Tite Shews are form er residents o f here. GIRL SCOUTS BEGIN SEASON The fall -season o f Girl Scout activities opened this week when members of t^oop No. 16 cleaned the scout room and put it in or der for the winters meetings e f the five scout troops. The junior Sun Flower Patrol, with leaders Sally Creswell and Nancy Cres well and Senior Patrol with lead er Dorothy Hubbard assisted their leaders Mrs. Reinhard and Mrs. MacGregor with the work. Cedarville now has five scout troops and one troop meets each evening o f the week after school. The troops average a member ship o f 15 girls each. BROWNIES HOLD FIRST MEETING Brownie Scout Troop No. 15 held their first meeting Monday afternoon; Leaders are Mrs. Flo Cummings and Mrs. Roberta Hubbard. Two new members Joined the troop. They were Char lotte Ewry and Kathy Cahill. Two Brownies received Aheir Brownies wings and were advanc ed to tenderfoot scouts. This troop meets each Monday after school. ATTEND WEDDING IN MT. STERLING Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeForga and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Ramsey attended the wedding Saturday evening o f Richard Gray to Miss Betty Grochenour both o f Mt. Sterling. The wedding took place in the Mt. Sterling Christian church. A reception was held in the church dining room following the ceremclny. Mr. Gray is a brother of Mrs. Le- Forge and Mrs. Ramsey. JACOBS ENTERTAIN COUNCIL NO. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobs en tertained Farm Bureau Council No. 4 at their home Friday even ing. Mrs. John Chitty led the dis cussion on Farm Bureau resolu tions and Rural Church. Mrs. Jacobs served refreshments to 16 members and 10 guests. 4-H CLUB HOLD SUPPER AT PARK The N ifty Cedar Gals 4-H club and Cedarville Progressive Fanners held a covered dish sup per last week at Community park. Parents o f the members were > guests. Faye Huston gave a talk on her trip to conservation camp and Dorothy Hubbard told o f the a- chievement of the Nifty Cedar" Gals. Mrs. John Stover, leader o f the girls presented certificates and awards for their achievement and John Stover gave the certi ficates and awards to his club. YOUTH COUNCIL HOLDS MEETING Youth Council, sponsored by Farm Bureau Council No. 2 held a meeting Tuesday evening in the school building near Xenia. Roger Collins, president, presid ed over the business meeting. 0 - ther officers are David Wiseman, vice president; Rita Corrigan, sec retary. Following the business the youth enjoyed a recreation hour and refreshments. * HOME CULTURE CLUB MEETS Mrs. Paul Ramsey, retiring president, presented the new president, Mrs. Walter Cumm ings, when Mrs. J. S. West enter tained the Hopie Culture club, Tuesday afternoon at the Mason ic hall Other officers for the coming year are vice president, Mrs. Nathan Elder; secretary, Mrs. Ralph Cummings; assistant secretary, Mrs. Lois Little; and treasurer, Mrs. C. E. Masters. Plans were made for guest day to be held in October at the home o f Mrs. Walter Corry, dlifton, with Mrs. C. E. Masters as the chairman. The program fo r the afternoon was a “ Friday Afternoon m School,” with Mrs. Nathan Elder acting as principal. Teachers were, Mrs. Norman Huston, Mrs. Walter Corry and Mrs. C. W. Steel. Taking part as pupils were Mrs. Paul Ramsey, who gave a .reading, “ Scooge Sets a Hen,” Mrs. Eva Wright spoke, “Down DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomp son are announcing the birth of a daughter Saturday in Spring- field City hospital. CHILI SUPPER HONORS BOYS Members of the IOOF lodge gave a chili supper Monday even- „ hag honoring Bob Parker, Dale Dean and Lamar Weimer. The throe boys le ft today for Cincin- ; fo r their second physical x- ‘ aauhation and from, there will go army camp for their basic ^■•training. PEOPLE HOLD 'R ID S Young Peoples group e f United Presbyterian church roast and hay tde to, and that was in solid row* where'you w ill see them if yon go to Rutland and visit Journey’* End. Mrs. Warden has to ld us this story as a reminder to QUESTIONAND ANSWER WHY am I F lSH T lN S * IN H B L L H O L E O P K o r e a 9 , , j 2, 16, and 30, Feb. 13 and 27, March 13 and 27, April 10 and 24, and May 8 and 22. Ross school, 1 to 2:30 p. m., Grape Grove, 2:40 to 3p. m., and Gladstone, 3:05 to 3:10 p. m., and Wilberforce; 3:45 to 4 p. in., Wednesdays, Oct. 4 and 18, Nov. 1, 15 and 29, Dec. 13, Jan. 3, 17 and 31, Feb. 4 arfd 28, March 14 and 28, April 11 and 25, and May 9 and 23. Clifton school, 1 to 2:30 p. m. A NAME THAT STANDS ■FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE f Thursdays Oct. 5 and 19, Nov. 2 and 16, Dec. 14, Jan. 4 and 18, Feb. 1 and 15, March 1, 15 and 29, April 12 and 26 and May 10 and 24. v\ g E C A u g E : Y o u A ft g F IS H T IM S - F O R S U S M M , 1 B E C A U S E : yp >p 1 l i b e r t y - a n d y o u r w t & y p **' W A Y OF L IF E - * . m g e c A p s ’E*. X ° u , P i G -MTINe- A G A IN S T EN-SLAYED «sfe*t com m u m ism A mptwe v ^ A M O a l l Tvte R e s t o f u s « v w o g s u e y e i N P fe E g p o t o . ^ each * in M ss small wap , al S q > ■piGWTING- W ITH > g © U M ( f f e . . . V ____ Load of YearlingHeifers from registered cows and hulls Suitable fo r breeding purposes W ill arrive on Friday or Saturday I f interested call or see Frank Creswell Phone 6-1101 .-HOW TO WINHtJENDS'end How Moffatr Nature Htals ®I*HERE’S A PLACE up in Vermont called Journey’s End, where 4 People get just about made over. Mrs. Herbert W. Warden, Jr., o f Rutland, Vermont, told m e o f a man who was sent there from a nospital in Canada. His name was Toby CarL Toby Carl was a British, officer in the sub marine service during the war. He ha"d never been to America before, and when he arrived at Journey’s End after five years o f service,* he Whs worn out, nervous, jittery, virtually beside him self. And so he dug up trees from one place and planted them in another. Day after day, he kept at i t And day after day he im proved physically and mentally. And he was le ft alone to do it his own way. Perhaps tne_ trees should have been spaced differently, set here + kut Toby Carl placed them where he wanted anyone tius,w " ? “ »»y be'nervous, overwrought, fo r it is such « her'^chance6 °* Mother Nature w ill do for you if you give Britnfn To^7 ^ ter a ? eai h® went away, heck to do On the Farm” and sang “ Little Froggie in the Pool.” \ Mrs. J. S. West gave a reading “ I Am Little” and Mrs. Walter Corry, sang a solo. Refreshments were served to twenty-five members and four guests by the Eastern Star lad ies. RETURNS HOME Mrs. Sherman Cotton returned Sunday after a weeks visit with her daughter, Marjorie, in Wash ington D. C. Marjorie is recover ing from an ear operation. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Geake (Pauline Erwin) are announc ing the birth of a son Monday in Springfield City hospital. Mis. Geake is a sister of Mrs. Ralph Cummings. WESLEY CLASS TO HOLD WEINER ROAST The Wesley class o f the Metho- . dist church will hold a wiener ^ roast, *Fridax^evejjme. ..Sepfc—S i r at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Charles, Tobias road. Mem bers are asked to bring covered dish and table service. Wieners and buns will he furnished. In case of rain go to the church. •' ATTEND SHOWER IN SPRINGFIELD Mrs. Luella Bailey and Miss Margaret Bailey were among the guests at a shower given by Miss Laura Amot at her home in Springfield, honoring Mrs. Wil liam Bailey, (Lois Printz) a re cent bride. Other guests were present from Dayton, Fairborn, Clifton and Enon. HOLD SHOWER FOR MRS. BAILEY Mrs. William Bailey, (Lois Printz) a recent bride was hon ored with a miscellaneous shower Monday at the home of Mrs. William Alexander in Yellow Springs. Members of her "high school graduation class were the guests. Mrs. Bailey received many gifts which were placed in a large basket. Contest prizes were also presented the guest of hon or. Mrs. Alexander served re freshments to Misses Nancy Fer guson, Eleanore Judy, Naomi Connor, Mildred Williamson and Mrs. Norman Charles. CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. WISECUP Mrs. Earcle Wlsecup was host ess to the 12 Bingo club at her home Friday evening. Nine mem bers and one guest were present. Prizes were won by Mrs. Eva Judy and ' Misses Truesdale. Names for the Christmas party were drawn. The October meet ing will be at the home of Miss' Margaret Bailey. MRS. WRIGHT IS HONORED FRIDAY Mrs. S. C. Wright was honored on her birthday Friday evening when a group of relatives gath ered at her home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Peterson o f Frankfort, Prof, and Mrs. C. W. Steel, Mrs. Irene Chesnut, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, Mrs. Lina McCollough and Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. BROADCASTERS CLASS MEETS Mrs. Irene Chesnut and Mrs. Mary Combs were hostess to the ^Broadcasters class in the Fir<=t Presbyterian church Friday ev ening. Devotions and program were in charge of Mr. and Mrs Paul Ramsey. UNDERGOES OPERATION Bert Niles, who makes his home with Mrs. Edith Barber underwent a major operation in Springfield City hospital Sat urday. Mr. Niles is reported in good condition. WEEKEND GUESTS AT TOWNSLEYS John Townsley, who'is, teach ing in Conneaut, spent the Week end with his parents, Mr.- and Mrs. Fred Townsley. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swaim and son were also weekend guests at the Townsley home. John reported to Cleveland for his first -army physical on Wednesday. Miss Mildred Williamson is. spening her vacation with her sister, Miss Frances Williamson, -'n Lenoir, N. G. Milderd is em ployed at Eavey Company in Xe nia. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wiseman and children of Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman spent the weekend at Pike state forest in southern Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Luttrell and son, Jim, were among 68 relatives attending the Luttrell reunion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Luttrell near New Burlington. - Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bumgard- *ner spent Sunday with’TMr.'"'ahd Mrs.* Wayne Roller near Bell- brook. Frank Cooper of Chicago spent the weekend here with Rev. and Mrs. Fred Engle. Mrs. Coop er returned to Chicago after spending two weeks at the Engle home. Mrs. Anna Hazard was a Sun day guest of Mr. and -Mrs. David Reynolds. Carl Wilburn, son of Mr: and Mrs. Fred Wilburn underwent a major operation Tuesday morn ing at Miami Valley hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hagler and son are home after a two weeks vacation in Florida and other southern states. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Swick are having as a guest the latters sister, Mrs. George'Hannigan of Clarksburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Barker, (Janet Williamson) are in their* new home in Mriemont. Mr. Bar ker has accepted a position as *physical education director p i community center in Mariemont. Community center is sponsored by the Mariemont Community church. Mrs. Anna Wilson has return ed to her home after several weeks stay with her son and daughter - in - law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson in Dayton. Mrs. Wilson is recovering from an op eration. Mrs. Hary Waddle of Wilming ton spent two days last week with her mother, Mrs. -J. W. Tarbox. * Miss Florence Williamson has returned to her position at Bow ling Green state university after; spending the Summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cummings and daughter, Maly Lee and Mr. and Mrs. C. W .. CUmmings of Jamestown spent Sunday in Ham ilton with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cummings. ' Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son of Columbus spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. Florence Wright fis on a twlo weeks vacation at Torch Lake, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Corsatte had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston and Mr, and Mrs. Marlin Reed of Dayton., Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dckes of Tampa, Fla,, are visiting at the home of the latters brother, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cummings and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arnpld Thordsen had as Sunday guests Rev. and Mis* Ivan Jenkins and children of Xenia. Rev* Jenkins is the new pastor of the U* E* B. church in Xenia and delivered his first sermon there Sunay. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huston and daughters, Faye and Jeanne attended a dinner Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary Carter in Bowersville, honoring Mr. Hus ton’s uncle, John Carpenter of Chicago. Bookmobile leIs Announced The bookmobile operated by the Greene. fcounty district li brary resumed its winter sched ule of visits', to scattered posts throughout (she county, includ ing schools, last week, Miss Eli zabeth Held&iberg, librarian re ports. J - ■ Miss Hederherg is assisted oy Mrs. Gerald Morris (Betty Mal low), and Lester Harner is the driver. The traveling library will fol low the following schedule: Jefferson school, 9 a. m. -to 12 noon, Bowersville, 1:15 to 1:45 p. m. and Paintersville, 2, to 2:15 p. m., Tuesdays, Oct. 3, 17, and 31, Nov. 14 and 28, Dee. 12, Jan. DEAD STOCK Horses $4.00' Cows $4.00 Collect 454 Xenia . XENIA FERTILIZER Div. o f Inland Products Inc. Small stock removed promptly WILL PAY TOF PRICE for good Blue G ra ss Sod Gene Dunn Phone FU 5735 509 Wyoming St- Dayton, O. i St * * | V S f * - * • • • At last, a 'fact-cutting chain saw that one man can use all day without over-working! The new . McCulloch weighs less than 25 i pounds, yet develops a full 3 hp, I And-look .It these features to >speed upwool-cutting: automatic i clutch, built-jih chain oiler, special smagneto arid k ickproof recoil starter for easy starting, optional J chains for any type o f wood, and :) McCulloch gasoline engine t h a t 1 operates at soy angle. Take the work 'out o f wood cutting withaMcCultoch 3-25. ■ ■ - fL 18* W«d« . . 4 MODKL.S 24* Mwl* V AVAILAB lii J*®* SEEA DEMONSTRATION TODAY Write us. fo r free- literature THE WILLIS LUMBER CO. .Washington C. H, W A N T E D i Old Gold and Silver Jewelry wOl pay cash for it XENIA WATCH REPAIR SHOP 28 W. Market St. Phone 22S0 5 ANNOUNCEMENT WE ARE VERY GLAD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED OFFICIAL PERMISSION FROM THE STATE OF OHIO AND FROM THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION TO OPEN A BRANCH OF OUR BANK IN CEDARVILLE. The Miami Deposit Bank (Member - F. D. I. C.) HOME LOANS L Check Wiih A Specialized Financial Institution PEOPLES BUILDING and SAYINGS CO. 11 Green St. Since 1885 Xenia, Ohio TheWeatherMan, theAlmanac, YouandWeallAgree— That it’s time to d o two things about the clothing fo r the whole fam ily: Brighten Tip Spring Duds, b y Cleaning- and Pressing Clean and Store fo r Summer, to Prevent damage from Moths. t THENEW CEDARVILLE GLEANEiS Xenia Ave.s Cedarville Phone 6-3111 V v « a .
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