The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50

T**fc. 'A* '-*•«£* 53? Friday, Sept. 29, 19,50 The Cedarville 0., .Herald COULTERS ENTERTAIN McXLBBEN CLASS Tfa* McKibben Bible class of the!-U. F. Church met Friday ev­ ening a t the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulter. A weiner roast was enjoyed by the group. Following a short business meet­ ing the group sang songs around thir fire and Mrs. Lewis Lillich , gave several aceordian solos. Mr. and Mrs. Coulter were assist- -ed by Mr. and Mrs. Emile Finney. KENSINGTON CLUB HAS FALL MEETING The home o f Mrs. Leo Ander­ son was decorated with fall flow­ ers, fo r the annual business meet­ ing and luncheon o f the Kensing­ ton club held Friday afternoon. New officers elected were: pres- MADAM SHERRY Spiritaalist Header and Advisor Gives advise on all affairs * Pexfeet Satisfaction 1 a i West e f Cedarville on U. 8. 42 la House Trailer about 1M f t west o f Old Mill ident, Mrs. Meryl Stormont; vice president, Mrs. Harry Hammanp secretary, Mrs. Lucy Turner; and treasurer, Mrs. Harry Wright. Mrs._Anderson was assisted by- Mrs. A . B. Evans, Mrs. Fred Clem- ans and Mrs. Wilbur Cooley. Twenty-two members were pre­ sent. ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT PLANNED Junior and Senior Happy Work­ er 4-K club and the Cedarville Hot Shots club will hold achieve­ ment night, in the vo-ag building r Friday evening. A movie on con­ servation will be <|hown and Rob­ ert Rex of Antioch College will speak on conservation. Awards and pins fo r the year will be giv­ en. CO-WORKERS GIVE PARTYOFR BRIDE Mrs. Dale Dean (Beulah Pur- don) a; recent bride, was honored with a shower Wednesday even­ ing at the home o f Miss Marcel­ la Hart in Xenia. Guests were girls from the office where Mrc. Dean is employed at Patterson Field. Guests from here were Nancy Dean and Dorothy Hub­ bard. W A N T E D Old Gold and Silver Jewelry will pay cash for it XENIA WATCH REFAIR SHOP 28 W. Market St. Phone 2230 PLAN PARTY FOR THE. JAMIESONS The congregation o f the Unit­ ed Presbyterian church is most cordially invited to a reception fo r Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Jamieson on Tuesday Oct. 3, 1950 at 8 p. m. in the church parlors. Dr, Jam­ ieson will terminate his pastor­ ate after serving the congrega­ tion fo r 25 years. WESTMINSTER CLASS ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braham and Mr. and Mrs. Rankin Mac1 Millan entertained the Westmin­ ister class in the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening. Devo­ tions were given by Mrs. Harold Guthrie and a program and games were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. John Blazer. Election of officers will be held at the October meet­ ing. HAVE PARTY FOR RECENT BRIDE Mrs. Beulah Purdin Dean, a recent bride, was guest of honor recently at a miscellaneous show­ er arranged by Mrs. Harold Cur­ tis o f Wilmington, and Mrs- Roy Roberts o f Jamestown at the home of her parents,* Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Purdin, Cedarville. The dining room of the Purdin home was decorated with pink and yellow streamers which ex­ tended from the ceiling to the ta­ ble, where gifts fo r the bride were arranged. Cards on which favorite recipes of guests were written were pre­ sented to Mrs. Dean. When the games were played prizes were presented the guest o f honor. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Dorothy Evans, Miss Doris Shellhaas, Miss Ann Reed, Mrs. Betty Christ, Mrs. Helen Ricci- REV. W . D. WOOSLEY Evangelist WE INVITE YOU REVIVAL SERVICES Church Of God CEDARVILLE, OHIO October 1st thru 15th, 1950 HEAR: Rev- W. D. Woosley Irvine, Ky. A Godly man with an old fashioned message MR. A. C. KILGORE Springfield, Ohio Song Director & Soloist Each Evening 7:45 (except Saturday) E. a PALMER, Pastor ardi, Mrs. Helen Dunevant, Miss Alta Murphy, Mrs. Alice Buffen- b'arger, Mrs. Hesther Cultiee, Mrs. Charlotte Davis, Mrs. Eleanor Cultiee, Miss Rosalie Andrews, Miss Mary Flo Oelslager, Mrs. Helen Dean, Miss Janet William­ son, Mrs. Marie Wisecup and Miss Martha Purdin. HOWELLS F * v w - SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howell, entertained a group of friends and relatives at their home Sun­ day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Je­ rome Murphy, Garden City, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Vane Shull, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bussard and children of Dayton; Donald Shull, New York City; Eugene Howell, Springfield; Mr. . and Mrs. Clarence Howell and children of Paintersville; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shaw and chil- rdb, Jamestown; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Howell and infant son, Mr. and Mrs. ’Hiram Rader, Sr., and daughter, Norma Fawcett, Misses Evelyn, Flora, Patricia and Gladys Howell, Cedarville. OES HONORS PAST MATRONS Cedarville Chapter No. 418 Or­ der of the Eastern Star met at the Masonic hall, recently for their stated meeting/ with Mrs. Mary Pickering, Worthy Ma­ tron, presiding. Eleven past matrons and five past patrons were honored at the meeting including Mrs.- Kathryn Masters, Mrs. Martha Cummings, Mrs. Nelle Creswell, Mrs. Ruby Murphy, Mrs. Alberta Frame, Miss Ora Hanna, Mrs. Margaret Nelson, Mrs. Jane ' Mills, Mrs. May Bird, Mrs. Clyde Nagley, Mrs. Beulah Brewer; Messrs. Chris Masters, Charles Graham, Amos Frame, Frank Bird and Jbhn Mills. The past matrons and patrons filled the regular officers sta­ tion. They were welcomed and given a rose by the worthy ma­ tron. At the close o f the meeting members were invited to the din­ ing room fo r a social hour, vyith refreshments served by Mrs. Tre- va Randall, Mrs. Betty Rose JJ1- sh and Mabel Shanks. CHURCH CLUBS MEET The Pathfinder and Trail Bla­ zers clubs met in the Nazarene Church Friday evening. The boys made plans to make belts and several" o f the girls were advanc­ ed in rank. Mrs. Sparks and Mr. Brakehali are leaders o f the two groups. RESEARCH CLUB TO MEET The Research club will meet Thursday afternoon, Oct. 5, at Today and Tomorrow Are Sunbeam Days You AreCordially Invited TO OUR DEMONSTRATION PARTY TODAY ANDTOMORROW Factory Representative Will Be In Our Store. She Will Demonstrate The Sensational New “ SUNBEAM” Products For You FBEE: A Cup Of Delicious Coffee— Made In The Sunbeam Coffeemaster it i ££?TOASTIR MIXMASTER D ia l you r favorite re cip e . Correct mixing speeds at your finger-tips. Mixes, mashes, wh ips, beats, stirs, blends, juices, et£. Saves time, arm- work. 0n*0** +0 +0*0* *a »* * Central Automatic Beyond Belief! All you d o is drop in the bread. Bread lowers itself automatic* ally. No levers to push* Toast raises itself silently, without popping o r banging.- Every slice alike—moi3t,jIry, thick slices o r thin./ ’ f $tnb&im COFFEEMASTER It's automatic! You can’tmiss! Perfect coffee every time—1 cup to No watching—no w orry . AH gem -like ch r o ­ mium plate. N o glass bowls eak., .V IRONMASTER Heats quicker, stays hotter/ irons faster. Hot in 30 sec­ onds! Thumb-tip heat regula­ t o r in handle, cool, easy-to*1 set, conveniently marked for all type fabrics. Available in two weights—lightweight, 4 lbs. o f lighterweight, 2V5 lb s / Swbeam IOO.COOKIR . . . I iW ^ iiiii <»i hi »i‘ Cooks eggs tiesameeverytime exactly as you like them—all automatically,,V»ry soft, me-' diumi^hard o r any degreejq ^between*6j*gg capacity/ Come In1 PICKERING ELECTRIC Come In* Ptoday Or Tomorrow CEDARVILLE, OHIO 3Poda£ j j e home of Mrs. E. E. Finney, program will be a panel discus- 'jp0r* the civic committee led .by Mrs. Pan] Cummings. T°H 0LD BAZAAR , tbe *adies of the U. P. Church 2, hold a harvest supper and Bazaar in the church Oct. 17, More details later. • p a r t y _ The ybung peoples class o f the Nazarene church held:, a' weiner roast Monday evening at ; the home of their teacher, Miss.-Glen- na Nance. PLAN LUNCHEON MEETING --The WSCS will hold their lun­ cheon meeting_in the Methodist church Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 12 noon. Luncheon will be served .and members are asked to bring, .table service. HAVE DINNER PARTY . . The cookery group of the jun­ ior and senior Happy Workers 4- H club enjoyed a dinner at Bryan Park Sunday. Members of .the group cooked their entire meal out of doors. ATTEND DISTRICT MEET Fifteen members of the Cedar Cliff Chapter of the D. A. R. at­ tended a southwestern district meeting, Wednesday, in the Ur-, bana Presbyterian church. Mrs. Earl Paget, State Regent, presid­ ed over the meeting. Others at- tended from Xenia, Yellow Spring . and Clifton. BIRTHDAY PARTY Several, friends from South Charleston and Cedarville helped Peggy Myers celebrate her 11th birthday Saturday, S ep t/23. She .received many lovely "gifts'. ; Refreshments were - served- to Judy and Sue Goeting, Carolyn Slagle, Joyce Hazlett, Elsie Lou Baird from South Charleston,- Sue Stover, Joy Evans, Lynn Cum­ mings, Carolyn Thordson, Mary Jane Ewry. Connie Engle, Mil­ dred McCallister, Jane Stewart, Jackie Boroff and Peggy Myer.i. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Morton and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Simmons of ■Louisville, Ky, were guests this week of Miss Ina and Mr, Ralph Murdock. They came to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dorothy Ogel- sbee Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creswell entertained a group of friends with a dinner-bridge party at their home Tuesday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hesler and family visited relatives in Cin­ cinnati this week. Mrs. J. S. West visited this week with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bredwell in Bethel. '' Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey and daughter are home after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner in Idaville, Ind. , slid Mr, and Mrs. RusselL.Gardner ift Camden, Ind; ' ' " Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Banks are announcing the birth- of a daughter Saturday in Springfield City hospital. Miss Mary Louise ' Stormont left last week to enter Musking­ um College in New Concord. The S, S. class. of the U. P. church taught by Mrs. Harold Cooley held a weiner roast, Sat­ urday evening at the home of Lamar Spracklin: Nine members were present. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman , had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Berger of Dayton. ' Mrs. Isadore Notz, Dayton spent Sunday with Mrs. Bertna Graham and Elmer Owens. Pearl Huffman has returned to work at Patterson field, after several weeks absence because of a knee injury. . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber -had as guests last week Mr, and Mrs. Gregory Dexter of Boston, Mass. Capt. Lawrence 'Williamson Arlington, Va, -spent ;two days -with his mother; Mrs; -R.‘ T. Wil­ liamson, last week. ■■ , • Mrs. J. W. Johnston and Mrs. \Aden^Barlow spent the weekend \ in Columbus with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Willard Barlow and son. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richards of Miami, Fla., visited this Week with the former’s father, J. R. Richards, and Mi\ and Mrs. A. E. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards and daughter of Colum­ bus were Sunday guests in the Richards home. ‘ Along Greene County, Farm Front By E. A. DRAKE Don’ t Pasture Or ' Clip New Seeding This is closed season foy new -legume seedings and plantings of alfalfa, clover and grass mix- tures made in wheat this spring should not be pastured or flip­ ped for the next five or six weeks. Clip New Seedings During September and Octb- ber, red clover and alfalfa plants are -storing in the . roots the re­ serve materials that are produc- od-in the leaves. This root stor­ age makes the plant more' able to. go through .the winter without injury. If the tops are cut dr pas­ tured o ff in; September or Octo- .pm1'this r°0fc storage Isfpreveht* *-c<b and additional new growth ‘^starts at the. expense of root re­ c a n t 3' l^ S ^“ ’ther weakens the I-?*”4’ u i A farmer was driving his cows ^•sross the road. A passing auto- <mabile hit a cow and tossed it* on “ Wh, It’s hard fo r a ’Cpw to find, /s a fe place to" be contented "is days. ; / Dayid Tayloif Called By De?ith David Taylor, 65, Main St., Ge- darville, died Wednesday at 11:45 p. m. in Springfield City Hospital. Bom in Jamestown-- on Jan. 22, 1885, he was the soil} of Charles! and Mary: M. Rinker [Taylor, and j was a member of the; local IQOF Lodge. > -* •//■ , I Surviving are his. widow, Mrs. .Goldie Ann Taylor; ;t\vo daugh­ ters, Mrs. Hester G. iiennehy and Mrs, Frances, G. Dennehy, both of Cedarville; three' sisters, Mrs| Russell Chaplin, Ceiiarville, and Misses Millie and Einnm Taylor, JamestoWn, and three brothers, Jesse, Jamestown; Lester, Day- ton,. and Robert, Cedarville. Services will be held st McMil­ lan Funeral Home; Gedarville, Saturday at 2 p. m., with Rev. W. B. Collier, pastor Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Clifton Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Fri­ day afternoon and evening. WRIGHT FUNERAL SERVICES Private funeral services will be •held*for John Wright at the Mc­ Millan funeral, home Saturday morning at 11 a- m« \i>, Friends may call at the fun-1 j£ eral home Friday afternoon and1 evening. x DEAD STOCK Horses $4.00 - Cows $4.00 Collect 454 Xenia XENIA FERTILIZER Div: of Inland Products Inc. ’Small stock removed promptly US&/lltfGM4tMWHEN C r e a t in g ! M A S T I T I S . .Tests Sf)ow, Proven Results ;->AT YOUR'DEALERS JAM ES DRUG CO . Cedarville, Ohio A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE ADAIR’ S E. L . R iten ou r, R . D . 1, Jam estow n , O . L. B . A rn e tt, 17 N ortli G rand A v e ., F a irborn , O . m - ,n" t i a u m . %% v y V • ■ ■ r - d t e - 1 ;•:> "Universal" V/orkmem’s L U N C H K I T with pint vac uum bottle '-Ek "Penn-Derby" f r o s t s la©@Ik !!)© & nVfj i f Attractive, strong, dull-brass m finish front door lock set S\made of wrought steel. Fits j-yall standard door thick- i!Cnesses. Easily installed. Now I $4.75 value t HH l rr53 ' . «__oil :/jy2g T R O U B L E & A M P 25 ft. cord $2.50 value Kai sted bulb y r o * __ _ tection guard and A Q reflector that cakes T l g y n up to 100 watt , size bulb. U/L ap* n proved. t lu e s i o n e I s a a m e l E o a s le x Now $ 1.50 value Self-basting design in easy-to-clcan porce-V lain enameled steel./ 9-lb. size— 15"x Il"xf 7". An exceptionally line value! Well-balanced n ^f6-o?/hsmmerj ."-with hickory i- “comfort-grip” handle. . . shap to prevent slipping. Beautiful ‘Chrome K i t c h e n l i g h t Distributes light. jtveniy through Icrysui glass pril- ijnatic bottom land sides . . . iSW ' kith. See it now! Easy-cutting, straight pattern/ gg| solid, forged- & steel snips. 1014/ long, 2yi*bite,; jUl-Aluminnm Snow ShoVel L igh t w eigh t, non*rusting shovel that every home needs. Aluminum tubular handle and w id e r ib b e d 18"xI5 blade for added strength. *t»*yr* -*-V Cedarville,: Ohio