The Cedarville Herald, Volume 73, Numbers 27-50

"W* ..?* m**•■ 'i . i PThe Cedarville, 0 . H era ld Friday,'June 16 , 1950 Personal Mrs. Lewis Lillick and daugh­ ter attended a shower honoring M ts . David Leslie at the home | o f Mrs. Jessie Gray,. Bowersville, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Colins Williams, attended the graduation exercises at OSU last Friday. Their daugh­ te r Mrs. Paul Strewing was in the class. Mr. and Mrs. Strewing and daughter are visiting at the Williamson home fo r several days. Mr. and Mrs. Collins William­ son are home after a trip through the south to Mississippi. Mrs. Theo Parker, Mrs. Colins Barber and Mr. David Mason o f Dayton spent the weekend with relatives o f Mrs. Parker in Etna Green, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. John W right spent the weekend with relatives “ in Idaville, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. V irg il Sticks have I returned from a visit with rela- | tives in Memphis, Tenn. Miss Mary Louise Stormont has taken a summer position at Wright-Patterson field. Mrs. C. W. Steel w ill be hos­ tess to the Home Culture chib Medicine King •*< . . - * * 5 ; ^ f a SENATOR DUDLEY J .L eK i a NC HADACOL sales or shipments |have reached the amazing total of “5.000 000 bottles since "January 1, [more of any one tonic than has ever been sold in so small an area [in so shorl a time Senator Dudlev J„ LeBlanc [Founder and President of The LeBlanc Corporation, Lafayette j Louisiana, makers of HADACOL. [said the sales and shipments 1would have been far greater if his [company could have obtained [enough material to meet the de- |mands "We have been several hundred [thousand bottles behind in ship intents since January 1,” said Sen- lator LeBlanc “ It looks like we [just cannot catch up because [every time we increase prcduc- ]tion the demand increases" Senator LeBlanc credited the |South’s heaviest n e w s p a p e r [schedule with much of the success |o f HADACOL. a t her home Tuesday, June 20. Mrs. Harold BoBbins is im­ proving at her home after sev­ eral days in Springfield City hos­ pital. Mrs. Fred Dobbins was guest speaker Wednesday, at a F lag Day luncheon given by the Sally De Forest chapter o f DAB in Noryalk, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wisecup had as guests last week the lat­ ter's grandmother, Mrs. Thomas o f Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. George Gordin has as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kemper, Mr. and Mrs. Fre(£ Omar and daughter and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Omar and daugh­ ter and Mr. Bill Kemper o f Day- ton and Miss Rose Harris of. M3- amisburg. Prof, and Mrs. Gilbert D odL spent several days last week with relatives in Bethlehem a n d Stroudsburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shoumacher of Cincinnati were Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wise­ cup. Prof. Edith Stangland has re­ turned after a week's visit in Rochester, N . Y . Mr. and Mrs. Lutellis McCarty spent the weekend with relatives in Rio Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guthrie and children are spending two weeks with relatives in Apollo, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wright spent the weekend in Lexington, Ky, Mr. and Mrs, John Blazer and son Tim visited relatives in Rio Grande last week Sunday guests at the Blazer home were Mr. and Mrs. Merriman Johnston o f Ga­ lena. Timmy returned to Galena with the Johnstons fo r a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Sexton and son Allan and Max Williamson spent last weekend fishing at Indian Lake. Mrs. Jane Mills, attended a luncheon Saturday at the home o f Mjs. Fern tSmith in Spring- field fo r the 1944 matrons o f District 18 o f 0. E. S. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P fie ffe r arc home after a weeks visit in Sarasota, Fla. They visited an aunt Mrs. Nora Pheiffer, who came home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Creswell and fam ily of San Antonio, Texas have arrived at the home o f the latterg parents, Rev. and Mrs. John Biekett of Clifton fo r a visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Hall and son Willard of Cambridge spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brewer; Rev. Ehvood Palmer leaves Sat­ urday fo r Anderson, Ind., to at­ tend the International Conven­ tion o f the Church o f God. The convention will last 10 days. Mrs. W. A Condon presided at the annual F lag Day luncheon meeting o f the Cedar C liff chap­ ter o f the DAR held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Howard Hadacol Helps W ife Keep Her Family Weil and Happy HADACOL HELPS FOLKS SUFFERING FROM DEFICIENCY OF VITAMINS Ba, B2, NIACIN AND IRON J&i* Mrs. Edward H. Newton, 4364 .leading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, feels that a wife’s chief responsi­ bility is attending to the welfare >f her fam ily at all times. HADAr- 201 * has been a big help to her keeping her husband and little phew well and happy. Mrs, Newton's family, like so y,_ were suffering deficiencies ntamins Bi, Ba, Niacin and Iron, trhich HADACOL contains. HADACOL brought such won jterful results to her husband, [dm had suffered from stomach stress that Mrs. Newton gave 3 ACOL to her three-year-old ephgWt Bobby Newton, with luaily gratifying results. Mrs. Newton’s Statement [ Here is Mrs. Newton’s stater at: “ I gave my little nephew J3ACOL because he was pale; had no appetite; he was run asm. and he caught colds repeat- 3 k A fte r taking HADACOL, he p t an appetite, has color in his -fes and he is healthier all the , M y husband has always been - w ith his stomach. A fte r „ _ v e large bottles and three _____ bottles o f HADACOL, he K § ; anything and Is not bothered ~ h ii stomach.” Mrs. Newton ^commended HADACOL to %£- her friends. •r Y en Fee l Wonderful! not have a similar happy happen to you? N ew fk e ep putting it o ff—don’t Bhaj; 'you’l l start taking tomorrow. START I T TOD A Y ! H only * t the:wonderful bene- __ frTi—*****'*-—— — » ■«. fits that people by the thousands are getting from HADACOL, you wouldn’t delay a single minute. Hundreds o f Doctors . . "h a v e prescribed HADACOL fo r their patients, have requested quantities o f HADACOL fo r their own clinical use and for .then; own families. The fact that HADACOL is scientifically for­ mulated, compounded so that it contains therapeutic quantities o f Vitamins B,, B», Niacra and Iron to supply deficiencies o f these vital elements and is enriched with, helpful amounts o f Manga­ nese, Calcium and Phosphorous (in liquid form ), help to account fo r its increasing acceptance by doctors. You’ll Feel G rea t. . . . . . with the first few bottles you take, or your money back. There is only one HADACOL and it is sold on a strict money-back guarantee. So give this remark­ able HADACOL formula a chance to help you i f you suffer from any sickness caused by deficiencies o f Vitamins BS| B», Niacin and Iron. Remember that HADACOL is amazingly different and amazing­ ly effective because it treats the real cause o f the conditions you suffer from by supplying the de­ ficient elements o f Vitamins Bi, B», Niacin and Iron. Make up your mind to take HADACOL regular­ ly. Refuse substitutes. Don’t be satisfied with temporary relief. Insist on the genuine. You can’t lose a cent, because it’s sold on a s t r i c t money-back guarantee. Only $1.25 fo r Trial size. Large Family or Hospital size, $3.50. Turnbull near ; New Carlisle, Twenty eight members a n d guests were seated at small tables decorated with flowers and flags. Mrs. Edwin Bull read a letter, “ What Our F lag Stands For” fram President General Margaret C. Patton- Mrs. Turnbull was as­ sisted by members o f the execu­ tive board in serving the lunch­ eon. There will be no September meeting as the District meeting w ill be held September 27 in Ur- bana. A11 members are urged to attend. Miss Ruth Ramsey who has been" teaching music in the Knox­ ville, Tenn., schools is spending her vacation a t the home o f her parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ram­ sey. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, Ruth and James attended' the wedding o f Miss Lois Lee Perry to Mr. Kenneth Kaylor in the New Hampsire, O., M e lo d is t Church. Miss Doris Ramsey teacher in the Bellefon- taine schools was maid o f honor fo r Miss Pefry. Tuesday after­ noon Miss Ruth played violin mu­ sic fo r the wedding o f Miss Mar­ garet Rife, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. J. Meryl R ife to Mr. Roy Blackburn in New Concord, 0. M is s Murdock I s H os t to Woman’s C lu b at H e r H om e Miss Ina Murdock, near Cedar­ ville, was hostess to members of the Cedarville Woman’s club and guests fo r their last meeting of the 1949-50 season at her home recently. Mrs. William Cherry, near Xen­ ia, as guest speaker, reviewed the hook, “ In Search o f South A frica ” by Henry Vollum Morton. This Is a study o f people near the Cape o f Good Hope, who cail themselves “Afrikanders.” In her review, Mrs. Cherry described native flowers o f Africa. Miss Murdock, assisted by her sister, Mrs. W. W . Morton of Louisville, Ky., served a dessert course. Club activities w ill be resumed in September when the following new officers w ill assume charge: Mrs. Robert Turnbull, president; Mrs. Charles Stormont, vice pres­ ident; Mrs. Miron Williamson, secretary, asd Mss Ina Mu/dock, treasurer. Robert Sterrett To W ed H a z e l W ill jo rd A t V an B u r on June 18 Of interest to friends and rela­ tives in Cedarville is the an­ nouncement made by Mr. and Mrs. Eari P. Willford. Van Buren, Ohio, o f the engagement o f their daughter, Hazel Elaine, to R od - ert G. Sterrett, son o f Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sterrett, Newman, Ga. The marriage w ill be solem­ nized June IS at the Presbyterian church, Van Buren. Mr. Sterrett graduated from Findlay college, Findlay, Ohio, on May 28 and will enter McCor­ mick seminary, Chicago, in Sep­ tember. Four the past two years Mr. Sterrett has been assisting the pastor o f four Presbyterian churches known as the Hancock County Presbyterian group, one o f these being the Presbyterian church in Van Buren. PATHF INDER CLUB PICNICS A T B R YAN The Girls Pathfinder club and the Boy Trail Blazers-club o f the Nazarene Church held a picnic and wiener roast Saturday at Bryan Farm. A ball game was en­ joyed by the group. Monday eve­ ning th ey . held their regular meeting in the church. Mrs. Sparks is the girls leader and Mr. Frank Breakall is leader o f the boys. HOT SHOT 4-H-ERS HAVE A PA R T Y The Cedarville Hot Shot 4-H club met Thursday evening at the home o f Jackie Lillick. Follow­ ing the business a social party and ball game was held. Present was the leader Mr. Albert Mott, Janet and John McMillan, Sue Cotter, Carylon Collins, Bill Stra- ley. Jameg Ison, Larry Connor, Max and Walker Williamson, Pete Mott and Jackie. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lillick. •4 COUNTY BRIEFS July 25 has been set fo r a meet­ ing fo r formation o f the sta ff of Greene county’s new hospital. S tiff fines are being meted out in the county fo r traffic viola­ tions. Crossing yellow lines is one o f the chief offenses. Dr. W . M. Tidwell is holding revival services ths week n the Nazarene church in Xenia. Fred Williamson & Son, Hamp­ shire sheep specialists, will show their flocks at the state fair. Jack Collier, ONU graduate this year," is the new assistant coach .at OSSO. Rev. Baker, Yellow Springs minister, attended Methodist con­ ference at Lakeside. . Silas Townsend, Gree'ne county lad, received a degree from Ober- lin. Mrs. John Shaw, Y e l l o w Springs, underwent surgery in Dayton last week. Donald Welch, Yellow Springs, and Joanne Cultice, near Xenia, represent 4-H clubs a t Camp Ohio, Utica, June 12-17. The four churches o f Yellow Springs joined to sponsor the va- catin Bible school, , ^ T inda ll-Ga rw ood W edd ing Set for Friday y June 16 Miss Mildred Garwood . of Farmersville, and Phil H. Tindall, Xenia, have completed plans for •their wedding which w ill taxe place Friday*at 8 p. m* in the Farmersville Lutheran ‘church. Miss GaTwood is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Dain Garwood o f Farmersville. Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Tindall o f Farmersville, formerly o f Cedarville,: are the .parents’ o f the bridegroom-elect. A t the service, to be read by Rev. Norman Wegmeyer, Miss Garwood w ill have as her only at­ tendant, Miss Clarabel Lefs, •Farmersville.. Miss Leis and Miss Garwood v&lre classmates at Ohio State university. Kathy L. Garwood, niece o f the bride- elect,- w ill be flower girl. She is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ ald Garwood, Farmersville. Ralph Tindall, OSSO4Home psychologist, w ill serve as best man fo r his brother. Ushers will be Donald Hileman, a fraternity brother of the bridegroom-elect, and Gerald Garwood, brother of the bride-elect. The bride-elect attended Ohio* State University^ where she ma­ jored in social administration. Mr, Tindall received his bachelor o f science degree in social admin­ istration from Ohio State. He was affiliated with Delta Sigma Ph i Fraternity at the university. Mr. Tindall now is a case worker fo r the Greene County Child Wel­ fare board.' M r . and M r s . I . C . D a v is Celebrate Golden W edd ing Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Davis, Ce­ darville, were honored at a din­ ner party at their home Monday evening in celebration o f their 50th wedding anniversary which occured Wednesday. There were covers fo r 12 guests at the dinner, including members o f Mr. and Mrs. Davis immediate fam ily and a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were mar­ ried June 14, 1900 by the late Rev. Q. Ross, then pastor o f the Cedarville United Presbyterian church, in the home where they now reside and which Hvas Mrs. Davis’ girlhood home. Mrs. Davis was Miss Minnie Owens before marriage. The couple has a daughter, Mrs..LaClede Markle (Eloise Da­ vis) o f New London, Conn., and a son, John Davis, near Cedarville-. They also have four granddaugh­ ters, Mrs. J. H. Cronander (Joan Markle) and Miss Marilyn Mar­ kle o f New London, and Misses Jane and Ann Davis, near Gedar- ville. Capt. Markle, chaplain of the U. S. coast guard Academy at New Concord, and Mrs, Mar­ kle and daughter, Marilyn, came to Cedarville fo r the anniversary dinner. Mr. Davis -was secretary o f the Cedarville Federal Savings and Loan Assin. fo r 20 years but re­ tired a few years ago. LOSERS FETE W INN ING SIDE As the climax to an attendl ance contest, conducted by t*he Westminister class of the Pres­ byterian church, the losing side entertained the winners with a covered dish dinner in the church Frday evening. Mrs. Herbert Powers was captain of the losevs. Social hour and games were en­ joyed. N EA LS OBSERVE ANN IVER SAR Y Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal en­ tertained members o f the Neal family, Sunday honoring their 34th wedding anniversary. Guests were present from Huntington, W. Va., Springfield and Cedar­ ville. ATTEND B IRTHDAY P A R T Y Mrs. Clayton MacMillan and Miss Annabelle Murdock spent the weekend in Mansfield with Miss Carrie H ill and Miss Gla’yds McDonald. Saturday after noon they attended a party honoring the 81st birtday o f Miss Hill. Miss H ill and Miss McDonald are formerly o f Cedarville. EN TER TA IN COUNCIL Mr. and Mrs. William Clevelle entertained 15 members of Farm Bureau Council No. 9 at their home Friday evening. Mr. Clev­ elle led the discussion on the sub­ ject “ Not by Bread Alone.” Re­ freshments were served by the hostess. GIVES LUNCHEON PA R T Y Miss Martha Cooley entertain­ ed the Xenia Branch Executive Board o f American Association of University Women with a luncheon at her home Frday. Miss Cooley was asisfc ed by Mrs. Ed­ win Bull. Twelve guests were pres­ ent. Raymond Bish'op, F a y e t t e , mobiles in WCH. <? county, reported the theft of 57 . Twins were born last week, by chickens. '*■ Caesarian operation, to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lynch, of WGH. • Mrs. Marvin Brown is at her Flares left at dangerous places along the roads are being stolen according to reports to the Fay­ ette county seriff. A_ class p f 17 candidates was initiated into Fayette Grange last week. Eddie Cobb, Fayette* county horseman, climbed0 to second place with bis stable at Santa Anita Park, Calif." Proclamation, -Belle-Air Farm horse, Fayette county, was in seventh .place at Roosevelt Race­ way, New York. Hitler’s priva t e automobile, seized in 1945, is being displayed by Legion posts about the .coun­ try. It will be in Chillicothe. Isaac Bennett and Ronny Hidy, Fayette county boys, represent the county at Boys State. Officers picked up three small boys who had been looting auto-; AUDREY LANE 2404 SIZES 12 • 48 home in Jeffersonville recovering- from* an appendectomy. Danny Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller, ha'd his ton­ sils removed at Memorial hospital, WCH. " ' W IN S JUDGING- HONORS Walter Bumgarner, Jr., Fayette county freshman i p OSU, was named champion livestock judge in the agricultural department o f the school. V T m ’g if \e txi v* y*T, ( No. 2404 fa cut in’slzes 12 to 20; 38 to 48. Size 18 requires 3% yds. 35-in. No. 2520 is cut in sizes 2. 4, G and B. Size 4 requires 1% yds. 35-in. fabric. Send 25c for EACH pattern with name, address, style number and size to AUD- R E Y LANE BUREAU. Box 229, Madi­ son Square Station, New York. New York. . The n o w SUMMER FASHION BOOK shows 150 other styles, 25c extra. 'B SPEEDCOOKING” at can’t-he-beat prices! h Just compare the G-E Leader with’ any other range in its price field! It’s packed with features that give you speed, economy, dura- P bility — plus all the wonders of clean, safe G-E “ Speed Cooking”] OA fly LEADER R ange • Hl-SPEED CALROD* UNITS! F ive cooking speeds with precise heat for every cooking job. One giant and two utility-size units. • OVERSI2E OVEN1 For a// types of oven cook­ ing. Open coil bake unit for baking and roasting. Waist-high Super Broiler. ®Trada-markReg. U.S. Paf, Off, , ■z&feA *>•- - • G-E THRIFT COOKER1-6 QT.— A real speed cooker for more than 45 cooking jobs! Makes economical meal-planning easyl • NO-STAIN OVEN VENT! Helps keep your, kitchen shiny and bright Removes easily—can be washed like a dish. SEE THE BUDGET-PRICED G-E LEADER TODAY AT Cedarville, Ohio , Authorized Dealer G E N E R A L $ ELECTRIC » RANGES You can haul more loads more miles. . . for less ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ 4 with Chevrolet The, Louis Jordans o f Painters ville spent a fortnight in tha Smoky Mountains. . The county WCTU visited the infirmary and childrens home Friday, observing flower mission day. Sheriff Henkel has a new 1950 Ford in road-patrol duty. ’ Judge Johnson, •chairman, ra ports bond sales lagging in th,e county. . 9. Take time ouf fo talk to some Chevrolet truck users. You’ll find if revealing.,You’ll discover that Chevrolet trucks pay their way by hauling more loads—-more miles— , for less! And you’ll find that this extra measure of value is even more apparent in the new Chevrolet models. Definitely, they’re America’s first-choice trucks.. Heavy-duty units feature a brand-new 105-h.p. Valve-in-Head engine with the power to pull heavy loads and conquer steep grades. They offer new Power-Jet carburefion for' smoother, quicker operation. They bring you the fast, safe shifting of Chevrolet’s 4-speed Synchro-Mesh transmission. But whatever your hauliqg requirements, Chevrolet trucks are your best bet. See them in our showroom. You’ ll agree. ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS CUMMINGS CHEVROLET SALES , ■ x ■Cedarville, Ohio * r/sj- 4- x V * ’sfV4ri: i , s * - < ■ . . . . . *