The Cedarville Herald, Volume 76, Number 22

HWir*4or?ti ursduy, June 1.1 Page 2i KESR C-OI NTH I'WINTtNI* CO. fllnw Sprluga Amerlcnn fl*r»til irl Scouts ■trolled at amp -Greene Day Chbip la now In Houston at imp Oreime. /or fifth grade in- rmodiate Girl Scouts. 'Eighty-five els ar4T^registered for June 8th rough 2th, There are six house- •eping units with two loaders to e unlfcu®he staff for this week eludesv Mrs. Garnet Birch, Falr- rn director, Mrs, Faye Wilburn, darvitte assistant director, Mrs, ary Reape, Fairborn business manager, Mrs. Wendell C a r t e r , nurse. The week of June 8th through l|th the older intermediates will be at the camp. Ninety-five girls have registered for that w e p k. Their staff will ho: Mrs. Garnet Birch, director, Mrs, Mary Wise, assistant director, Mrs,Mary Hold- crmdn, business ma n a g e r , Mrs, Schtoss, nurse. The public Is invited to visit the camp on Fridays of each week from l to 3 o'clock In the after­ noon SET SCRAP DRIVE A Scrap Drive is to be held Sat­ urday, June 13 by the Westminister Fellowship of the CedarviUe Pres­ byterian Church. Scrap paper and scrap Iron will be collected. ON 30-DAY LEAVE Lieutenant and Mrs, Richard Al­ len and son are back from Florida where Lb Allen has been taking training as a jot pilot. After a 30- day leave here, he will be headed fbr overseas assignment Mrs. Allen Is the former Miss Alice Fink of Yellow Springs. GIRL. SCOUTS MEET Brownie Troop No. 30 held their Investiture ceremony last week at the shelter house. Fifteen girls took and received their Girl Scout pins, part in the "Fly Up" Ceremony After the Ceremony was completed, leaders of the troop, Mrs. Ralph Cummings, Mrs.'Walter Cummings and Mrs. Tom Harner served re­ freshments of punch and cookies to the troop, * Mrs, Raymond T. WUHanuaon of CedarviUe very graciously enter­ tained a group of guests to dessert bridge on Thursday evening. The party honored Mrs. O r o y Janssen of Florida, Who la Visiting relatives here. Mrs, Janssen is the sister of Mrs. J, C, Stokes. The guests enjoyed a delightful dessert c o u r s e after “which four tables of bridge Were played with high score prize going to Mrs. Rob­ ert MacGregor,. Mrs. Janssen also received a gift from Mrs. Williamson. Those present to -enjoy the eve­ ning were the honored guest, Mrs. Janssen; “Mrs, Joe Stokes I ''Mrs. ’ Lloyd Confarr; Mrs. Walter Cum- •, Vnings; Mrs, Frank CresWeIl;’<Mra. Harry Hammon; Mr3. Ralph 'Cum­ mings; Mrs. Fred DobMnkjMrSAA. B. CrcswelkfMrs.'Ralph ToWriAtey;1 !MrS. Nathan Elder; Mrs. F r e d ’ Townsley; Mrs, Paul Cummings; Mrs. Charles’ Stormont; ‘Mrn/sRay Carzoo fMrs* Ralph FergusonptMra. Robert MaeGregorriMrsmH art? o td Reinhard; Mrs.-John Davis;■Mies., Mrs.*Delmer "JObe;<AndAhe haiRess^, Mrs.- Williamson, The Williamson home was beau-^ tlfully decorated with spring flow- 3 ® J®- «v fW/jl M America is a land o l free peoples, where there is freedom of press and self expression; where we cars raise our children to live without fear and danger* May So d give us the foresight to recognize and the courage to destroy the foreign elements endangering this freedom* We, as an American family, serving the needs of people m Yeffew Springs and surrounding communities,, wish to congratu­ late the publisher and staff of the Yallow Springs "American"* We sincerely hope that the ideals of all Americans, for which this paper stands, may continue to be expressed, free o f personal opinions and Influence* bflngifng Its readers a complete news cov* erage as items of interest to our community. Our Very Best Wishes— ' EARL N. YO D ER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO