The Cedarville Herald, Volume 76, Number 22

UtXiiMfW £ AlJNhTVPIlftm&U <H»* *«lto«r»|>rlH£* AnWrlCm, »"» '■Jtovge-S TliuriidrtV. Juno J1 ' Jonestown Journal ‘ * h rs ay, .T ij l 'C«4nrville Herald ?n: 8 m A U TY SPOTMGBT GenialMow SwingsPolteeChiefSees DepartmentGrowinServiceinSevenYears J*y Jim Trocwtor Low enforcement, is;ess-mUa! to Hu lift .of any commtmil.v aiid'no-) whne Irt'Utfiro apyubeltei*‘group.of • law -enforcement dfficialsi tli>n in 'yelUy.e Springs! Rcsidon.U»;or •village caii indeed lie proud of the woi irtlif;a of their police depai'lnrmt ?*nd of the men who provide the ni^yywwpr to-jpfio'tcct aur hvjgswmd- npr property, A fsuuiliar figure abound A’oi- , jovr fdii'iuipi in.noniid Police Chief ,k . Bradley, or “Brad" a» tie J r hnowiiSito, iooi ,t J)uring„Uic fjUoui! .coypii -years (since <J|*IeC t Utix/il.-.VjpaH.lreon wilfii Uio depart- - piwit improvement; and fdrw.*rd- rttopping (l(‘veio|imefil,‘i in toe-pro­ tection of the town have been ■ ea-p-Pd Iy -iorUieoiniiig. •And no » 4IMPU part in due to too devo- Mpn io,(luty>,niid Uns inHiiired lead- ;-,i>jbip of Bradley, <8ut Uie modest, young' Che's 33} Miiliabaro, Kentucky native is the first; to empjirtsir.ejtliat .a chip'foof police is .no,.bettor than . tin mop r hi der .him. He cites Uicmliilily of )tjs iw;* assistdhi-s, Kslcl 'flpE'gs.and Ohiikv, Cantwell,, as being no-less iii.itiiuiiionLal 4n flKt ipuauvediijuje- tec,tioii of the village than himself, itjut since this (article, irmabout* (ha nphibei one. man in -the' d opart- niepUiet'fytaiuviaaiiorbfdW^fatitUe i*W»- -I'Brn'd” lias, a varied -baclcgroundl -vfolnbincludes worldpg»rtt Wright- •J^attefson Airdtorctf*jBaae iRndii the - rywtohigof a taxi; business hr Yei- .HaitartoKieal «,as ^it siiems, itiior tax1rbuiujioca. iSitwhat -t»toUgbt,,hJm to town *ln tlii-fUsl pjpcc.* )ie fopiitldd- what, ;Wd ■Ufyvp -foees told, was Uie first successful full-lime taxi company in Yellow --Hpaings aMtl shortly there-* * after, v/^pppdliitod hs A-d ‘poly. fit a the apartment while jsUil riiiijiing -the lari lnisIncMs. Whew apiiolnted of Rplfco in JtHF,.Bradley still -remind management' of Uie toil business, hut .devoted . fulhtimo ■to his polipejjdttHpS. From liHiJiuntil .lie,sold thebusi- tass > to, 'the s-N'lcboson ‘Brothers, In. 1088, •Chief vBSftdley's wife, Ruby hel)> of the cab,' which included driving dutiea.-The conple reside at-fiOkLivermore with their three children, Ollic Jay, 18, Barbara, 14 and Ronnie, 10, Much .of.fMj.-s. Bradley’s time at present is .taken up with a telephone an­ swering service in.their,,home. She also answers calls to the tpolicpjde- .partmont pvhen no one ,ja in. the department ‘office .through an ex­ tension in their home. . -At the'Present Lime the depart­ ment boasts of one radio-equipped cruiser .owned by the town,and two privately-owned cars which are also radio-equipped .and hence,. used in •emergencies. The v,ad i,o three-man committee was formed equipment in these cars also be- consisting of Bradley, Russ Stewart longs-to the town. and Paul Furay, Through the cf- Bohind the purelmse of the mo - torts of these men and the con- bile-radio sots lies'* story* typical tributions of many, many Yellow of ;tli.e qpijrit and determination, of Springs citizens, the,$1300 was rais- tlK>.m;iu. In 4»4fi the.only w»y to ed to buy the first two mobie re­ contact'a police official wart to dio-sets. An additional set was pur- oatt someone at the power plant, chased for the department later who dn him would see that the through a used gfoods auction sale,, emergency ligh t ,on., Uie Xeiiin. Bradley also being highly Instru- p i p ... „ UiriJii.ll<’ BK/iOhlKV in pictured here instructing safe -y parrul rioys in their duties. It is this sort- of per­ sonal contact with tbe youth of the comniunity by which be.hopes to install in them regard for the,safety of others and respect for law enforcement agencies. ' street .downtown .wan lighbyl. A ■p«sb.*ol,n)(ui weeing tin'n ligh t would then. »ltnow (hat dm was wanted. 1Brad, realizing ’. that this* wan , wlMrtniy.iiindtequato proteetfonrfor a itowii' of nearly SS00 residents ■weatSbefoore -mouncil, with foe jmjpumiaft-jjfott two mobile* (Kto ibo/,lMMKhasod./The ‘WiPoge’-imoyor ■.iMd itmviouniy. discussed the need • for inohlle'scbi with Bradfely. nnd Whito oiearly uveryone in aiftbor- jty in. Um-lmMn-agroed'.tiiat foe fieti were neodod^ ptopoy wah not o ’vailaWe.- *'Yt wHftoUmn tliat Chief Bradley ashed, perotisrtlbn of council If he could- get .the smonoy - hy .private Kolicitation. This was okeyed, - a ?ilf’ f‘ iSh&V IH IfWIMl. pictured with a. group of nifety pitro’ ltoyii hi itoiit of the X’ cnia court houno in ttHff while the fioyti were e»- loot- to t'iiicfniiaU to see n -idg league hh»e!iaXt g.i.'re. The other rt'lul plctored'ls WoudeH Orlmo'i fro.i-i tlw American Legion, PE@PLE-S BWty»IWPAp®«AWNOoo. itI G»ase>i.'St. Xen>.n( O. Smco-MMS mental in. 'the Tormation of this idea for added funds. Although each member of the department is theoretically set up on •a‘ 48-hoUr-Woohi -tho chief la .on Call at all times and does a double shift on Saturdays. He works from 8 until 4’ Saturday ‘ afternoon and thenibaok,again atl0;30 until dawn as does the 4 to 12 patrolman. This added .protection;* on *B,a tu r d a y nights and early Sundays is needed according to Bradley, because of .the number of people ;who are iti the town during those hours, Att- (Other little known fact about the (department Is that the town la (afforded cruiser protection on a 24- hour basis. The work of the local department is closely co-ordinated with th e -Sheriff's office In Xenia and the •Xenia Post 29 of tile Stole High­ way Patrol, just five miles north of Yellow Springs, The cruiser radio is .monitored with the Sheriff's offie • ,and the Wilmington post of the Patrol, calls then being relayed to the Xenia Patrol Post Another facet odf the work of the department concerns the sum­ mertime swimming project which Wart initiated three years ago and which is open to ail boys in the town under competent polite su­ pervision- The department fur­ nishes transportation to and from the Orton Pool at i o t a Bryan State Park and provides swim­ ming lesrtonH iiy a patrolman. Funds are provided to the boys unable to pay by excess funds from the local.goads exchange un- dkr the supervision of Mrs, Clyde Adams, Supervision .and instruction in proper traffic control and courtesy of the 19 boys in the school safety patrol is still another activity that Warrants a policeman's time. The boys, ranging In,age from 8-13 are elected from their class rooms and choose their owrt Lieutenant and Captain. 'These boys are an Integral part of the law-enforcement o f the oom- munity and the good that they do can . n e v e r be overemphasized," Chief Bradley declared. Through excess funds from the goods exchange run ,by Mrs. Clyde Adams the boys have been able to enjoy summer outings per year, which include trips to see the Cin­ cinnati Reds .play, trips to London Prison- Farm and airplane rides. They are also to receive certificates at the end of eftch year denoting their service to tile cause of traffic safety. * This safety patrol tactivlty by members c£ the department is owe type Of personal Contact with - the children and young people of Yel­ low Springs by which Bradley hop­ es to install in them Uie respect for the law and the police. It's also good assurance that in the future Yellow Springs Will hold on to its low crime rate, an honor any town has a right to be proud of. A most recent innovation In the control of traffic throughout Yel­ low Springs frt the portable electri­ cal speed control unit, which was recently purchased by Uie depart­ ment and put In use just in the T d t H B FKOM YO U R tO C A L APPL IANCE DEALER F B A T t m i N O ONLY NATIONALLY ADVElIfm & BRANDS "The Best Costs So L ittle More” GR I NN ELL A P P L I A N C E S A L E S 2&t -M&rifaAve,, YolfawSprirtgg, Ohio - tlwiw 77756 past ten days. This type of control device has been used with marked success in other towns, Bradley de­ clared, but added that it was no speed trap, but just an attempt on the part of the local department to allay complaints oof speeding on Xenia and other avenues through town, All in all, a policeman’s life la not an easy life and especially a police chief's life, hut personal {.sat­ isfaction in a jopnvell done can be a .great OPffirPfibefttSon in .p.oliae work. * " l a d ie s *AID MB ipS , Mrs. Warner* Cummings enter­ tained theiLadiCs Aid -of ttteBtgj* Grove Church of Oirls^nta her home T h u r s d a y afterntKm.rhfrrt. Oscar SmiUi conducted the busi­ ness meeting, appointing ,a .nomi­ nating committee to Select officers for next year and also a committee to plan the annual pienic to «bo held in August, Mrs. Cummings sorved .delight­ ful refreshments during Uie social hour. Saturday, /uite 13 Hit No. 1*MACAO data Russell Robert Kitcliuiii iif«o Hit No, 2 MONTANO BELLE tv«l> Jane Rtistail & George Brent H*t No, 3 MIDNIGHT SHOW “ T h e g h o s t o p FRANKENSTEIN” Saturday June 13 FIRST TEME IN KGNtA three tHmcdfilonifl “A DAY IN THE COUNTRY” Shn.f Mon. & Tues. 14*16-Id m No. 2 “ The TALL TEXAN” ' v/Kli Lloyd Bridgea H«? No, 3 ■ “ I’ LL GET YOU” v/Uli George Raft St .Sally Gray VVC'I- Tfrurn.. Fl-I. IV-tO-lrt ‘ Hit No. 1 “ RED RIVER” " " with Jcta Wayne Hit No. % ‘BECAUSE OF YOU” with Loaetta YoUng. A Jeff Chatidier ;rt., i ,.i...■■.i,■.-■■ ■iu.'nwl■•l■l^^, t