Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2014

26 | Cedarville Magazine Blessing and Being Blessed In Greek, makarios (mah-kar-ee-ose) means “blessed”, and the Makarios School in the Dominican Republic definitely blessed 10 Cedarville University students and staff who visited in October 2014. The Cedarville crew interacted with children who attend the school and also renovated the community basketball court in the village of Pancho Mateo. Makarios, founded in 2004 by Cedarville graduate Sharla Megilligan ’97, educates kindergarten through third grade Haitian andDominican students from three impoverished communities — Chichigua, Pancho Mateo, and Tamarindo. Besides a Christ-centered education, Makarios also offers its students clean drinking water, vitamins, two hot meals a day, and access to medical care. Makarios is the focus of the Student Government Assoc i at ion (SGA) Philanthropy Project this year. SGA and the student body are working together to raise $50,000 to build six new classrooms for Makarios. Megilligan, owner of Dominican Joe Coffee Shop in Austin, Texas, supports the school through store sales. Dominican Joe coffee is also available at Rinnova coffee shop in the Stevens Student Center at Cedarville. For more photos and the backstory to the trip, visit Cedarville photographer Scott Huck’s blog: cedarville.edu/makarios-trip . Campus News